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S26.E10: Lovers In The Dark

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Good for Sarah for not ceding to her partner and making a decision for her team. It was the right one and even Bananas knows it, though he'll act like a victim. He said it himself, you don't want the strongest teams against you in the final. I'm team Jordan/Sarah all the way.

Glad Wes was okay, it made me sad to see everyone laughing at him. That more than anything showed these peoples true colors, and they aren't pretty. I thought most of these people did like each other somewhat outside of the game and would want to make sure he didn't have a serious problem.

Edited by Universalhunter
  • Love 5

"Sarah . . . ? Sarah . . . ?"

Screw you, Johnny. You and Nany should've been sent in last time. They lost, they should have remained out of the game. I don't know whose idea it was to send them in, and I don't care. Turnabout is fair play. I hope the end result makes Wes smile. He needs one.


Seriously, I don't really like Wes, but I felt bad for him. Anything that gives Johnny a chubby isn't a good thing, and he was practically whacking it on the sidelines. Seeing Teege not have a problem with Wes throwing in the towel wasn't fun, either. Leroy damn near killed him . . . though you have to wonder if Wes would have wrecked his neck if he tried to take on Leroy head-on, instead of going low.


Shut up, Nia. Once a psycho, always a psycho. Who takes her apologies seriously?


Man, next week is going to suck. Who do you root for in the Dome? Nia is an insufferable bitch, but Johnny is always going to be Johnny. Also should be interesting to see the first-ever rematch in an elimination round.

  • Love 3

I am beyond thrilled right now! How stupid would it be to throw in Jay and Jenna? Finally Sarah plays in a way that is beneficial to her, rather than one of the men that she wants to like her, and hooray for Jordan for respecting her decision. I'm sure she'll be berated in future, because on this show when a man makes a smart strategical decision it's respected, but when a woman does she's being a "dumb bitch". Good for her! As much as I've hated Jordan in the past, I now hope they win it all.

  • Love 9

OMG, Sarah, OMG! That was a ballsy move and I kind of love it. She's been playing lip service this whole season about playing to win. Well getting rid of Johnny, who has multiple wins under his belt is an excellent move. And hey, Johnny, you want to talk about callous moves, remember kicking Paula out of the boat? Sarah learned her shadiness from you. Go ahead Sarah. It's just a game. That's what everyone says when they screw over their friends. Playing clean and fair doesn't seem to work on this show so why bother?


Leroy needs to get his head out of Johnny's ass and also realize that whatever games he thinks he's playing with these contestants aren't working. They will keep screwing him over. You don't get to basically do a "bitches be crazy" when it comes to Nia who can clearly see they were being used when you're running after Johnny to get his approval.


Nany calling it karma when it looked like Wes might have had a head injury was stupid and childish. Really low. I hope someone laughs their head off the next time she gets hurt. Both her and Bananas needed a punch for that.

  • Love 9

Well done, Sarah.

I recognize that I'm not the target demographic for MTV. I don't understand these people. I don't understand the producers for setting up a Dome game like tonight's and allowing Wes to continue even after he indicated signs of concussion. I don't understand casting such broken people for our entertainment.

As much as Nia might be deemed "crazy", or Wes a insert-derogatory-adjective-here etc by so many, I would take either of those two any day over "it sucks to suck" Nany, "he's a pussy" Bananas and the grinning Jordan while another human being lies hurt on the ground.

It doesn't make an iota of difference to anyone but me - and I always roll my eyes when people on the internet proclaim that "I'm out!"as if anonymous people out there even care - but I will sleep better knowing I won't watch any more of this. Good luck to Leroy/Nia and Sarah although she is saddled with Jordan.

  • Love 7
I haven't been a fan of Sarah since halfway through RW Brooklyn, but that was awesome! Even though I like Bananas/Nany that is how you play the game!


I thought Nany/Bananas reaction to Wes getting hurt was really shitty.



Fuck yes. I've never been a fan of Sarah, especially on these challenges. In the beginning she was such a kiss ass to JEK. She has fucking won my heart on this challenge. Firstly, she isn't afraid to voice an unpopular opinion (regarding Zach's treatment of Jonna). It was absolutely ballsy to say Johnny and Nany's name, but it's absolutely the right choice. I guess all of Johnny's talk of playing with logic was bullshit. Apparently, that only counts when it benefits him. I loathe him and watching him continually say "Sarah, Sarah," brought a smile to my face and a tear to my eye. I also love that he mentioned how Jay and Jenna have yet to see an elimination. How many fucking challenges has Johnny done where he's breezed through without seeing an elimination, too? Fuck him and his hypocrisy.


Nany talking about karma is laughable. If anything, it bit her in the ass for laughing at Wes's injury. Fuck her smugness, her callousness, and her entitlement. 


OMG, Sarah, OMG! That was a ballsy move and I kind of love it. She's been playing lip service this whole season about playing to win. Well getting rid of Johnny, who has multiple wins under his belt is an excellent move. And hey, Johnny, you want to talk about callous moves, remember kicking Paula out of the boat? Sarah learned her shadiness from you. Go ahead Sarah. It's just a game. That's what everyone says when they screw over their friends. Playing clean and fair doesn't seem to work on this show so why bother?



So much yes. Paula was also his friend outside the show! They guaranteed her a spot and then fucking ditched her for Evelyn, the girl they tortured that entire season. Thing is, they probably would've won easily with her, too. He's the shadiest motherfucker on this show. Sucks when you're on the other side, huh, Johnny?

Edited by SophiaPehawkins
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My recording cut out just as Jay was making a little heart symbol in a talking head.  I take it Sarah insisted and Jordan agreed?  

I didn't have much respect for their human kindness anyway, but Nany and Johnny actually horrified me with their gleefulness at Wes' injury.  And Johnny always makes it so personal in his talking heads, "f'in' ginger" and the like.  

  • Love 3
My recording cut out just as Jay was making a little heart symbol in a talking head.  I take it Sarah insisted and Jordan agreed?



I don't think they came to an agreement, but TJ kept insisting they decide. I'm glad they made them choose right then and there, because otherwise I feared that Johnny would've found a way to talk Sarah out of it. Jordan kept saying no, but I think that's because he didn't want the blood on his hands. He came him off looking like the good guy to Johnny, even thought I think he secretly wanted the same thing.


I didn't have much respect for their human kindness anyway, but Nany and Johnny actually horrified me with their gleefulness at Wes' injury.  And Johnny always makes it so personal in his talking heads, "f'in' ginger" and the like.



Speaking of heads, Johnny has the weirdest fucking shaped head. Oddly shaped.


Sarah, I love you. I take back calling you a pathetic asskisser to JEK on the ruins. You throwing in Bananas was nothing short of amazing.



The whining that was coming from Johnny was the icing on the cake. I'm rooting hard for Sarah and Jordan now. Even though Nia is a terror, I'd much rather not see Johnny (along with Nany) in another final. Getting eliminated right before the final is what both of them deserve.

Edited by SophiaPehawkins
  • Love 5

I haven't been a fan of Sarah since halfway through RW Brooklyn, but that was awesome! Even though I like Bananas/Nany that is how you play the game!



I thought Nany/Bananas reaction to Wes getting hurt was really shitty.


Well done, Sarah.

I recognize that I'm not the target demographic for MTV. I don't understand these people. I don't understand the producers for setting up a Dome game like tonight's and allowing Wes to continue even after he indicated signs of concussion. I don't understand casting such broken people for our entertainment.

As much as Nia might be deemed "crazy", or Wes a insert-derogatory-adjective-here etc by so many, I would take either of those two any day over "it sucks to suck" Nany, "he's a pussy" Bananas and the grinning Jordan while another human being lies hurt on the ground.

I just couldn't with how gleeful Nany and Bananas were at the sight of Wes getting hurt. Dude is on the ground, they call the medics out, and even fucking TJ of all people was suggesting he bow out, and we all know how the Teej feels about quitters, and you assholes are laughing?!? Get the fuck out of here.

So glad they got voted in. Especially seeing the smug look on both Bananas and Nany's faces when they heard Sarah/Jordan were the power couple. In your face Johnny! Sarah was as "callous" as you were when you did all your shady shit in every challenge you've won. Fucker. I wholeheartedly believe that he would have thrown Sarah and Jordan in if he and Nany had won.

Sucks that Leroy and Nia came in last when Leroy was the ONLY one to make it to the end. I'm not saying they should have came in first, but that should have counted for something. Although, we couldn't have asked for a better final elimination round in the absence of Wes/Theresa. Leroy has the best chance of sending Johnny home....again.

Nia still sucks her thumb?

  • Love 7

I also love that he mentioned how Jay and Jenna have yet to see an elimination. How many fucking challenges has Johnny done where he's breezed through without seeing an elimination, too? Fuck him and his hypocrisy.


Actually, according to wikipedia, Bananas went into an elimination in every single one of his challenge wins.  On the one hand, three of those were in the very last elimination before the final, so you could argue that he breezed through most of those challenges.  On the other hand, every win he's got, he had to face going home at some point before the end.  I'm not saying he acted particularly classy this episode, but I actually wouldn't have been surprised if he threw in Jay and Jenna if he had won.  

Sucks that Leroy and Nia came in last when Leroy was the ONLY one to make it to the end. I'm not saying they should have came in first, but that should have counted for something.



The rules were weird. It would've counted (I think) if a player from all the teams fell off at the second rope. Sarah and Jordan and another team ( I obviously wasn't paying much attention) made it to the third rope.


Wes said that he and Theresa are smarter and in better shape than Leroy and Nia. I MIGHT give them smarter- at least politically- but definitely not in better shape. Did Leroy even hurt Wes? It looked like he just collapsed at his feet. You know what, maybe Wes isn't even smarter. Hasn't he seen Friday Night Lights? Keep your head up. Only hit what you can see. It's a good thing he didn't end up like Street.  


My dear, sweet Leroy. Once again.

Leroy: Look how happy everyone is. They might be happier than us.

Nia: Everyone is a pussy.


When he was talking about how he was letting Nia do whatever she wanted but eventually he'd had to put his foot down on some of her crazy I paraphrased Lisa Simpson. "This goes against every feminist bone in my body, but Leroy, can't you control your woman?"


Good for Jenna and her basic non-reaction to the height. "It's a little higher than I thought."


Damn, Sarah. Damn. Bananas and Nany were really the only option at the end. Good for her. Damn. Suck it Jordan. And Bananas and Nany.


My DVR cut off when Jay was doing the hand heart, which was perfect, so I'm assuming next week will be conflict in the house between everyone except Jay and Jenna who sit there quietly and respectfully, the elimination, and the start of the challenge.


Also for something to happen that I've read in the spoilers. Kind of looking forward to that.

Edited by Iboatedhere
  • Love 1

During the first run, Wes tried to take out Leroy's legs; during the second one, he definitely just collapsed, probably trying to prevent further injury. I was very impressed with Theresa holding Nia back during the second run. If I was her, I would have dragged Nia's thumb sacking as all the way back with me as I inched closer to my bell and her further from hers.

  • Love 1
Actually, according to wikipedia, Bananas went into an elimination in every single one of his challenge wins.  On the one hand, three of those were in the very last elimination before the final, so you could argue that he breezed through most of those challenges.  On the other hand, every win he's got, he had to face going home at some point before the end.  I'm not saying he acted particularly classy this episode, but I actually wouldn't have been surprised if he threw in Jay and Jenna if he had won.



I suppose that's my point. He would never see a dome if he didn't have to, which is obvious since it's something you want to avoid. What I'm getting at is that Johnny is always running the show, he's the one pulling the strings. It says a lot that he hasn't seen many eliminations until the end when the numbers are small and probability of going in are high. After he had a couple of challenges under his belt, he's never had to worry about facing an elimination after the daily challenges. It's a testament to how well he's played the games. He manipulates others into letting him do these things. My problem with him is this exchange that I stole from the MTV website:


Johnny Bananas: “What everyone wants to say is the heroic thing, like, ‘No, I want to get rid of all the weakest players so the strongest people are here at the end.’ It’s like: Bullsh**.”

Sarah: “I want to get rid of somebody who could beat me in a final.”

Johnny: “Yeah.”


Don't be angry that you're finally getting a taste of your own medicine. 

  • Love 4

Johnny Bananas: “What everyone wants to say is the heroic thing, like, ‘No, I want to get rid of all the weakest players so the strongest people are here at the end.’ It’s like: Bullsh**.”

Sarah: “I want to get rid of somebody who could beat me in a final.”

Johnny: “Yeah.”


Don't be angry that you're finally getting a taste of your own medicine. 


What I'm sure he meant was "Yeah...the strongest people. Those people. Over there. Far away from me. Not me. Anyone else but me. You got that, Sarah?"

  • Love 6

I wanted to hug Sarah when she said Bananas and Nany.  And Johnny's pleading and then the talking head about how callous Sarah was?  Bitch please.  You flat out told Sarah that getting rid of the strongest competitors was the way to ensure a win.  She took a page right from your book.  Jordan, however, is a dumbass.  Now you're BFF's with Bananas and so indignant at the thought of sending him in?  Shut the hell up.  Do you want to win or do you want to sit there in second or third place and slap Johnny on the back while he takes home another first?  Dumbass.  


I think I might officially hate Nany more than Johnny now.  That "sucks to suck" while Wes was laid out on the ground and nobody knew if he had a head or neck injury?  What a fucking bitch.  As Sarah pointed out numerous times last night, this is a game.  Are you that caught up in the game (and the complete gall Wes had to dare to send your ass into an elimination) that you would seriously celebrate someone being potentially seriously injured?  Head and neck injuries are no joke.  And when even "I hate quitters" TJ is saying "maybe you should pack it in, it's not worth it," then maybe something might really be wrong with the guy?  Seriously, fuck off, Nany.  During the show, Bananas tweeted (and Nany dutifully retweeted) that Wes was never hurt and it was just some strategy.  OK, two things - first, and you know this how?  Second, even if that did turn out to be true, you had zero way of knowing that at the time, and Nany clearly thought he was hurt when she was celebrating.  So, again, fuck off.  


After they won the dome, and Leroy was saying how great his partner is and thanking her, I was waiting for a pause and then "but, seriously, could you dial down the crazy?"  


I totally did not get the rules of the whole rope challenge or how they determined who was in what place.  It seemed like Bananas and Nany got credit for how far Nany got on her own after he fell, but Leroy and Nia didn't get any credit for Leroy actually getting farther than anyone else, because Nia fell early.  Of course, I wonder if the rules/scoring were intentionally vague to allow them wiggle room to declare whatever outcome they wanted.  

  • Love 7

Speaking of heads, Johnny has the weirdest fucking shaped head. Oddly shaped.



I think it was heather from Las Vegas 2 that say that he has a jimmy neutron head, never notice until she said and it's true.

That mentality of "I want to take the best to the finals" is so dumb, the point of the show is win money, Sarah made the smartest move there, anyone with a brain would have done that, why are u going to let the guy with the most wins make it to the end?, nia ranting on Sarah saying jay and Jenna deserve to go in, Sarah has been screwed plenty of times, she has every right to make a move that for once benefits her.

And Jordan Is an idiot, his ego wants Johnny on the finals so he can beat him there, what an idiot if he prefers to risk a win over beating Johnny.

  • Love 3

I totally did not get the rules of the whole rope challenge or how they determined who was in what place. It seemed like Bananas and Nany got credit for how far Nany got on her own after he fell, but Leroy and Nia didn't get any credit for Leroy actually getting farther than anyone else, because Nia fell early.

Everyone except Nia got onto the 3rd rope. If someone else from each team fell on the first or second, Leroy and Nia would have won. Bananas and Nany (and Jay, Jenna, Jordan, and Sarah) both fell on the third, so Nany didn't actually get any farther than Johnny did.

Edited by Universalhunter
  • Love 1

I just rewatched.  I was a little off in my initial impression of the results, but it's still a little shady.  TJ clearly says that they have to transfer ropes at the same time as their partner.  However, Johnny is on rope 3 and already moved at least partially down when Nany is still death gripping on to rope 2.  


Also, the rewatch gave me another "shut the hell up, Nany!" moment.  When they're getting ready to step out there and she says how they fought their way back and now if they do well, they'll be in the final "and I think we deserve that."  Seriously. Shut up.  

  • Love 2


My dear, sweet Leroy. Once again.

Leroy: Look how happy everyone is. They might be happier than us.

Nia: Everyone is a pussy.

That was an excellent moment. It cracked me up. Leroy was priding himself on being the garbage man and doing everyone's dirty work and dude, that's not something to be proud of. If Johnny wanted Wes out of the game so badly, he should have volunteered to go in. He and Nany loathe Wes and Theresa. Why have Leroy and Nia go into a fight that has nothing to do with them? If Johnny is so damn badass, why can't he go head to head with Wes? STFU Leroy and stop letting these people use you.

I don't believe for a minute that Leroy and Nia would have thrown the rookies into the dome if they had won the challenge. I think they would have thrown in Sarah and her partner and claim it was pay back instead of admitting they wanted to go against the rookies in the final. I don't think Nia even believes her own protests abt keeping the strongest teams in, she's just throwing that stuff out as rationale for acting like a child. Saw a bit of the preview for next week and Nia is yelling in Sarah's face. I'm Wondering why Nia isn't happy to compete in the final dome against the strongest team instead of the "scrubs"?

Edited by NeelyOh

Count me in on the really disgusted with Banany and their reaction to Wes potentially being injured. Unlike the rest of these yahoos Wes ( and Sarah) actually realizes that this is a GAME and not like the olympics or even a way to win an income. Nany I take back every defensive thing I said about you, lol. I can see how she has a mean streak


Also, Banany- sit down. You are there because of a fluke exile. You should have been sent home


I have no words for Nia. I am happy she is sent back into elimination and I hope she loses. Please MTV never bring her back. She is disgusting and trashy. If I wanted to see that I would watch Cops. 


Also- I think Jonny will be pissed for a little bit but not IRL. I think he knows that he plays just of a shitty game and he shouldn't be immune from elimination. You want to be safe- win

Edited by yogi2014L
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I love Leroy so much. After the elimination he said that he was feeling about Wes "some kind of way" and that was just perfect.

Wes can be such an ass and Theresa doesn't have many redeeming qualities but the ganging up was unseemly. I never root for anything that gives Johnny joy (well except for Leroy winning but that couldn't be helped).

Edited by mojoween
  • Love 1

Can Sarah and Leroy hook up so they can be a team in a future challenge? I totally agree that Bananas and Nany were so out of line during the dome. I can't give Nia a pass on her slut-shaming tirade on Nany; that was vile and below the belt.


That would be my ideal team at this point - Sarah/Leroy.  At this point, since I can't deal with Jordan or Nia, I'd cackle with glee if we ended up with a Jay/Jenna win.  

I totally did not get the rules of the whole rope challenge or how they determined who was in what place.  It seemed like Bananas and Nany got credit for how far Nany got on her own after he fell, but Leroy and Nia didn't get any credit for Leroy actually getting farther than anyone else, because Nia fell early.  Of course, I wonder if the rules/scoring were intentionally vague to allow them wiggle room to declare whatever outcome they wanted.


Basically this. I thought for sure TJ said something about continuing until you ring the bell if your Teammate falls.



Anyways, I am really disgusted with Johnny, Nany, and Jordan for just grinning like a maniacs during Wes's neck injury check up and saying "He is faking it". How do they know that? I am just glad Leroy, Nia, TJ and Theresa were concerned for Wes's wellbeing. Wes got screwed by production this season! 


As for Johnny…HAHAHA! I am glad Sara voted his ass in! Karma, bitch!!! 

  • Love 2

I totally did not get the rules of the whole rope challenge or how they determined who was in what place.  It seemed like Bananas and Nany got credit for how far Nany got on her own after he fell, but Leroy and Nia didn't get any credit for Leroy actually getting farther than anyone else, because Nia fell early.  Of course, I wonder if the rules/scoring were intentionally vague to allow them wiggle room to declare whatever outcome they wanted.


Basically this. I thought for sure TJ said something about continuing until you ring the bell if your Teammate falls.



Anyways, I am really disgusted with Johnny, Nany, and Jordan for just grinning like a maniacs during Wes's neck injury check up and saying "He is faking it". How do they know that? I am just glad Leroy, Nia, TJ and Theresa were concerned for Wes's wellbeing. Wes got screwed by production this season! 


As for Johnny…HAHAHA! I am glad Sara voted his ass in! Karma, bitch!!! 

The idea is the team that goes the farthest "together" wins.


How far Leroy got would only have mattered had Nia fallen where everyone else did (rope 3), because then they got the same place as a team, and then Leroy broke the tie with continuing down.



Stupid rule though.

  • Love 2

Awesome move on Sarah's part, but why is is it that Jordan has no say in the team they pick to go into the dome? He just stood by saying no, no, no. If he had wanted Jenna and Jay, couldn't he have said so? Why is her is her decision their decision? In past Challenges, there have been been power couples who disagree about who they send in and TJalways says they have to agree on who to send in or else they'll go in instead.

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