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Sweet Fellowship: Duggars and Friends (aka the Bates Family and Other Featured Families Thread)

Message added by Scarlett45

If a person/family was never featured on any of the Duggar shows, and is not related to the Duggar family by blood or marriage, they do not need to be discussed here..

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I'm wondering if the Maxwells will allow Ellie to be spayed....what occurred to me is one has to wonder what sort of drastic measures they'll take to keep the dog from sniffing crotches and licking its own parts....

She's a lovely dog for sure.

From the blog:

"Honey slept in Dad and Mom’s room for several years, until we got new carpet, and then she wasn’t allowed on the carpet. For the last five or six years, she’s slept in the boys’ room. Now that we have tile in the main part of the house she can go wherever she wants. The first night, she was in Dad and Mom’s room. The second night, the boys wanted to see if she would stay in theirs. No, it didn’t work. Why? the girls wondered. How did you know she didn’t want to? —- Because, they said, she panted and stood at the door."

Oh dear. I was hoping that Honey was the dog...

Santa Fe. The mind. It boggles.

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They make their children afraid to be alone. The dude probably didn't want to live in his own house alone. How could he possibly trust himself?! God forbid he woke up sporting a chubby and had the opportunity to finish the dance.

Gee Golly, GeeGolly....glad I wasn't eating or drinking anything when I read that....exactly what I thought.

Probably why Psycho Stevo makes the kids scrub out the shower every day....be hell to pay if there's any spunk on the shower stall walls.... I can only imagine how natural bodily curiosity is viewed by those folk...

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I tried to muster through the sample chapter of the moody book on their website. I almost died of boredom.

Sarah writes like a talented 10 year old - not like an adult writing for 10 year olds, but like an actual 10 year old child writing. There were a lot of weird punctuation styles (lots of colons, for example), and the subject matter was dead boring. More like a narrative of a homeschool child's day, than any sort of story arc or plot, but scattered with Gothard speak (everyone always praising dad, mom keeping sweet even when things went bad, lots of quiet time and homeschool study references, etc.). It's downright fundie propaganda.

Laura Ingalls, J K Rowling, Lewis Carroll, A A Milne, all wrote for children, but their writings are not childlike. They have actual plots, good grammar, correct spellings, and are entertaining. I have no idea who would buy the Moody books and think kids would actually enjoy them.

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i met the Maxwells at a homeschool convention. I can't remember when it was.  I vaguely knew who they were. 

I talked to Sarah for a long time and she was very nice but had a very serious personality. She hadn't been to my area (greater NYC area) and was asking me what it was like living here etc. She told me her age and I remember being STUNNED. I thought she was about 16 or so.  She was 25 or something. 


The entire family was actually very nice. Teri spent a lot of time helping customers and was personable. She appears on the internet to be all stiff and tense but she was actually very warm and friendly. Laughed a lot. 


Small world. 


I had forgotten about it until now for some reason. 

Edited by Marigold
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From the blog:

"Honey slept in Dad and Mom’s room for several years, until we got new carpet, and then she wasn’t allowed on the carpet. For the last five or six years, she’s slept in the boys’ room. Now that we have tile in the main part of the house she can go wherever she wants. The first night, she was in Dad and Mom’s room. The second night, the boys wanted to see if she would stay in theirs. No, it didn’t work. Why? the girls wondered. How did you know she didn’t want to? —- Because, they said, she panted and stood at the door."

Oh dear. I was hoping that Honey was the dog...

Santa Fe. The mind. It boggles.

Honey confined to 'Dad and Mom's' room for several years.  Poor dog.  Apparently not one to be taken out much so accidents were common.  Suddenly having freedom to roam the house she couldn't take it, not unlike the children who can't live in their own houses until marriage.  Freedom is fear.


Santa Fe and the millions of ways the Maxwells could pronounce it.  Helpful brother couldn't figure it out.  No one understood their language. 

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So what's their point with the dog? Was there some sort of moral lesson about obedience explained? Is the narrative of getting new carpet and the dog being confused the most interesting thing they had going on? These people have zero personality. They're like watching lobotomized rocks.

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This pretty much sums up the whole psychology and lifestyle of not just the Maxwells but the Duggars are well, seems to me.

Freedom = opening up Ashley Madison accounts, watching football or meeting a potential mate outside of the father's radar. Oh my. To them it's all the same.  Freedom to sin and the only way they feel safe from sinning  is by never being alone lest they get tempted and their entire life's training to not sin goes down the drain.  Normal people just know better or learn by being able to be a moral person by standing on their own two feet.

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The 'problem' they encountered that perplexes me the most is finding that the doorknobs were on the opposite side of the doors.  Is it just me or is that just way too weird?  I think they hung the doors themselves.  No surprise the shower door fell off. 

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The 'problem' they encountered that perplexes me the most is finding that the doorknobs were on the opposite side of the doors. Is it just me or is that just way too weird? I think they hung the doors themselves. No surprise the shower door fell off.

Unless a person has some neuro or cognitive issue, door knobs are not difficult to figure out. We've had dogs and cats who can figure out door knobs.

Even the raptors on Jurassic Park could figure out door handles, and they had brains the size of walnuts.

Makes me wonder how this family interprets the whole 'open the door and knock' verse in the Bible. Do they spend time contemplating different means to open doors, or actually what Christ meant? I bet that bible school song really confused them.

"Behold, behold, I stand at the door and knock, knock, knock, if anyone hears my voice, they may open, open, open the door, and I will come in." I t

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I've heard of a pet pig who rings a bell on the doorknob when he needs to go outside and use the bathroom. I wonder where the Duggars and Maxwells thinking skills would fall in relation to dogs, cats and livestock?

That swine is clearly possessed.

What about those chickens who can peck tunes on the piano?

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This is the entry on the Maxwell blog that makes me want to throw my phone across the room. One of the daughters explaining why she's not going to college.


Ooooh, shame on those sinful Jezebels who chose to go to school and *gasp* work before they got married. Hell is going to be an awfully crowded place.....

I seriously just can't with these people. You'd think Anna would take one look at her spinster sister and figure out the Maxhell way of doing things ain't working. To say these girls are facially challenged is generous, they need every spare attribute they can get.

Edited by BitterApple
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Bless her little brainwashed hearts

I could cut her some naive slack if she'd started off with 'why waste money when I never want to work outside the family biz or do anything but sew'. But, 1) How's that SAHW career plan working out for your 35 year old sister? 2) if you plan to homeschool, wouldn't you want to have some education so you can teach your kids? 3) must be nice to have a family biz that will employ you. Try asking for wages and see what happens.

4) Saving my fave for last - sorry your faith is so weak and you are so stupid they the second you leave your family bubble, you'll start worshipping Satan. Than lack of discernment and physical restraint must be hard for you. So much for Christ's final command to go out into the world and preach the gospel. I guess you think your blog serves that purpose, but no - you're just hiding behind a computer and being really stingy by withholding the Greatest Gift ever given from anyone who you think will make you worship satan. Just think of all those lost souls you could've influenced in college.

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Dear Sweet baby Jesus, please forgive my friends who were deluded by Satan into studying Latin, Dante and St Augustin. Jezebels and harlots all. Thank you Maxwell girl #34 for revealing the Lord's truth unto us. 


I'd ask for prayers, sisters and brothers, but since I'm a working non-wife, non-mom liberal Christian with two degrees it's clearly too late for me. Save yourselves. I'm doooooooooooomed!

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This is the entry on the Maxwell blog that makes me want to throw my phone across the room. One of the daughters explaining why she's not going to college.


This is so wrong. At first I thought she was mostly referring to the environment of college, but then she wrote this:


"In colleges – even Christian colleges – so much of what is being taught is ungodly. It may seem harmless to read something that is unbiblical, thinking that I will just let it slide out of my mind. However it seems to me that in reality this is sowing bad seed with equally bad fruit. I don’t want to learn the things that are being taught in colleges. At home, I can learn what will profit me for my future and what will lead to my spiritual growth."


As we've discussed many times these parents mess these kids up. If what they're selling, I mean preaching, er, raising their kids with, is so wonderful why would they even think there is a chance their kids could be so easily deprogrammed, I mean led astray.

Edited by GeeGolly
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"Insatiable learners", "wonderful (homeschool) education", PURE ENVIRONMENT"???

Means there are no evil boys that might be staring at their beauty! UGH WTF did I just read? These girls will never marry. Will be home forever and be prisioners.

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Oh and door knobs. There is no rule which side of a door the knob will be on. Doors are hung to swing in to a room in the most practical way and that determines which side the door knob will be on. 


Shit, maybe I learned that in school, or in college. Or maybe by using all the many door knobs that I have had the opportunity to use in the big bad world.

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For those of you who are unfamiliar with The Pecan Story: 



It has not yet been laid upon my heart in this season of life to discern my favorite line, but I've narrowed it down to:

1) I saw a few pecans pressed into the mud. I dug one out, brushed it off and cracked it open, only to find the most delicious, lush, buttery pecan I think I had ever tasted. (MY NOTE: HOW DID HE CRACK THE DIRTY, UNROASTED PECAN?)

2) Finally, the deputy for the area arrived. God so ordained him to be a large jolly officer.

3) I looked the man square in the eye and said, “Sir, I am a born again Christian and I do have a Bible in that car and this is no way for a Christian to act. I have been a horrible witness of what a Christian ought to be because no Christian ought to steal. I just came from helping out at the National Bible Bee. I have taught character in the public schools of Oklahoma for years. I am headed down right now to do some ministry in a prison. God and I have a great relationship and when He tells me not to do something, I know better, but I disobeyed His prompting. I want you to know that I am very sorry. Here is a token of my apology.” I stuffed the hundred dollars in the top of the bag and began to back away. ($100 CASH FOR A BAG OF PECANS - LOOKS TO ME LIKE THE LORD BLESSED THAT FARMER, AND THAT DAVID MAY HAVE TRIED TO BRIBE AN OFFICER).

4) As we drove down the road, I asked God, “Father, why did you allow that to happen?” The answer came just two days later when we went to the Prison and shared this story. It was the day before Thanksgiving and many of the ladies were really missing their families. This story really hit home....(I CANNOT FATHOM THE LOOKS OF THE WOMEN IN PRISON DURING THIS TESTIMONY - HOW MANY HAD TO GO TO THE ER BC THEIR EYES ROLLED UP IN THEIR HEADS AND HOW MANY TRIED TO SHIV TFDW WHILE PRIS SOBBED AND NODDED IN THE BACKGROUND).

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Let the record show that the "large, jolly officer" was originally also "black." He rightfully got a lot of shit for perpetuating a stereotype of the plantation and edited his post.

Edited by Sew Sumi
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Let the record show that the "large, jolly officer" was originally also "black." He rightfully got a lot of shit for perpetuating a stereotype of the plantation and edited his post.

Nice. I had no idea. So God just so happens to 'ordain' people black, large, and/or jolly? Wait - I thought Santa was Satan spelled funky or whatever. Did God ordain Santa? Is funky one of those unrighteous, unwholesome, bad fruit college words? 

These people struggle to master doorknobs yet want to decide for other women how many children they should have and who can legally marry?

Maybe Waiting on Prince Charming is just weeding out the weak antelopes. 

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Lol, why was it necessary to mention the race of the officer?

David knew damn well what he was doing. If I'm not mistaken, wasn't there a No Trespassing sign posted? Usually when you see fruit or nut trees in evenly spaced rows, that's a pretty good indication it's a commercial enterprise, not just some random bush by the side of the road.

I also like how he conveniently deflected blame to God. David got caught stealing, that's not God's fault.

Edited by BitterApple
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I kind of wish that old farmer who was quick to anger or whatever had popped TFDW in the nose. I can't even begin to describe how condescending David sounded when I read that, so it has to be extra special when he actually spoke the words.

No less than SIX mentions of his godliness and godly 'work'.

How else would we know he's a humble servant.

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Between that blog post and the stupid pecan story I think my brain frtized out.

These idiots are so sure that Jesus/God will shoulder their burdens that they seem to have neglected the reality that at the end of the day society in general will be shouldering their burdens.

Just when I think these losers can't be any bigger losers...

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This is the entry on the Maxwell blog that makes me want to throw my phone across the room. One of the daughters explaining why she's not going to college.



She's just parroting words, poor thing.  Or dancing around the issue.  I mean, heaven forfend that a Christian college's curriculum contain worldly items.  (Note:  I bet they're all completely appropriate texts that have been approved with an eye to avoiding anything but an occasional hell and damn in the likes of a war novel.  Christian schools don't want to lose the donation dollars of the students' parents.)  I mean, what happens, Wheaton or Wesleyan insists upon the horror of someone reading Madame Bovary?  She can stumble across its like by accident just browsing around Amazon or the local library for "appropriate" reading.  (Besides, we've seen the prose level of the spinster sister.  We know how wide and broad the depth and heights to which Maxwell education helps you attain.  Do not dive if you cannot swim!!!1111!)


Nope, she's scared of behavioralism.  Those pervy boys who can't keep their hands to themselves, and all the two-faced, profane, fornicating, smokin' and drinkin' heathen girls whose poor devout parents are forcing them to go to Christian schools.


She might as well be sticking her head under the covers singing "lalalalalalalalala!"

Edited by queenanne
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This is the entry on the Maxwell blog that makes me want to throw my phone across the room. One of the daughters explaining why she's not going to college.


Oh. And, Titus? Really? Heathen that I am I either forgot or didn't even know there was a Titus. And he's New Testament. I thought these idiots were all hellfire and damnation OTers.

They probably just cherrypick to suit the occassion.

Ew. Cherrypick. Sorry.

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"Insatiable learners", "wonderful (homeschool) education",


Well, I think we have to do them the justice (as a Jane Austen character would say) of admitting that their homeschool education is probably infinitely superior to that supplied by MEEEEEchelle and her minion daughters. Beyond that, though ....

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Both Maxwell parents are college educated. IIRC, wasn't Steve an engineer for Boeing (or another major aircraft company out of Seattle) with a military history? He quit because those pesky women in well-tailored clothes kept defrauding him. He threw away a career even better than Gil Bates to shill his isolationist brand of "Christianity." 


It's not going to matter if Anna ever goes to college. What man is going to marry into that mess and have to submit to Steve in all things? I don't see the lives of any of the daughters changing much, if at all, in the next 50 years.

Edited by Sew Sumi
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I'm thankful that the Lord laid it on my parents heart to guide me when I was sixteen to get a job. My servants heart lead me to retail and then my family's headship err my father allowed me to attend college and my mother (the heathen woman she is) encouraged me to live on campus! The Maxwells would have prayed for my soul.

Edited by TotalHellion
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Both Maxwell parents are college educated. IIRC, wasn't Steve an engineer for Boeing (or another major aircraft company out of Seattle) with a military history? He quit because those pesky women in well-tailored clothes kept defrauding him. He threw away a career even better than Gil Bates to shill his isolationist brand of "Christianity." 


It's not going to matter if Anna ever goes to college. What man is going to marry into that mess and have to submit to Steve in all things? I don't see the lives of any of the daughters changing much, if at all, in the next 50 years.

What is Terry's degree in?

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I hate the way the Maxwell's take a random bible verse, totally out of context, and plan their lives around it! They are really into exercising as a whole family, all together. But then they saw some verse that stated physical exercise has little benefits! So now they make sure to only do their push-ups AFTER bible time!

This whole not attending college, or tech school, is total crap. Of course it will open up your mind! Of course it will expose you to other peoples, personalities, places, and thoughts. It's called growing up and these types of SAHD's never grow up or develop their own ideas. I just cannot fathom how entire families can remain so brainwashed.

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I hate the way the Maxwell's take a random bible verse, totally out of context, and plan their lives around it! They are really into exercising as a whole family, all together. But then they saw some verse that stated physical exercise has little benefits! So now they make sure to only do their push-ups AFTER bible time!

This whole not attending college, or tech school, is total crap. Of course it will open up your mind! Of course it will expose you to other peoples, personalities, places, and thoughts. It's called growing up and these types of SAHD's never grow up or develop their own ideas. I just cannot fathom how entire families can remain so brainwashed.

Exactly it boggles all our minds. Free thinking is not allowed. SMH everytime I read about a family because it always leaves me wondering how the hell they function?


Why would Steve give up what was probably a really good high paying job to sit home and dole out commands? So strange. 

Edited by Fuzzysox
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What was the 'exercise verse' they used? Seriously, everyday life was so physical drying biblical times, of course they didn't skip their daily prayers to go to Zumba or spend hours on the elliptical.

Farmers, carpenters, fishermen, soldiers, etc didn't need the exercise all of us modern day desk workers and car drivers require. They also didn't eat a bunch of processed fast food then. If you didn't die of an infection, childbirth or malnutrition, you were probably in decent physical shape. So, not a lot of need for family exercise time. Just fetch jugs of water from a well and build your own everything without power tools. The weight just drops off, especially during famines.

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First, balance. Scripture says that “bodily exercise profiteth little.” We see that there is benefit in exercise, but according to Scripture it is minimal. Our bodies are Christ’s temple; they are what He indwells. But, our spirit is what will live forever. Therefore, to neglect what is important for that which isn’t would not be a good thing. For someone to get their pushups in for the day, but miss their time with the Lord would show misplaced priorities.

Secondly, we are not wanting this to be a catalyst that encourages joining of gyms. We’re sure some will disagree with this, but we don’t see gyms as a wholesome environment for Christians. Between the “modestyâ€, music, and TV’s–they aren’t edifying. Therefore, our challenge is to encourage physical fitness that can be accomplished at home.

That is from the Maxwell blog, I think, 2011


Teri Maxwell schedules everything! A cake with the schedule!!!

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Confusion over reversed doorknobs, the stealing of the pecans story and attempted bribery of the jolly black officer, avoiding the potential evils of Christian colleges. This page of comments goes into the top ten list of the best, most brilliantly funny, comments of all time on the world of fundy life. 

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Wait, is he actually confessing to stealing pecans and then he asks God why God let it happen????? Holy jumping fuck. Really???

Yeah instead of the devil made him do it, God let him do it. Talk about cherry picking the bible it's now pecan picking the bible. Why God, why did you let him steal the pecans?

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Confusion over reversed doorknobs, the stealing of the pecans story and attempted bribery of the jolly black officer, avoiding the potential evils of Christian colleges. This page of comments goes into the top ten list of the best, most brilliantly funny, comments of all time on the world of fundy life.

Ok the Lord has laid it upon my heart - seriously - to clarify - David said he offered to pay the farmer for the pecans, then there's a page of farmer wrath and David explainIng, followed by David saying he put that $100 in the top of the bag and handed it to officer to give to the farmer.

To the best of my knowledge I do not recall him exactly staying the words 'Jolly Black Officer, here is a bribe.' But that's sure what it sounded like.

Btw I mentally picture the dad from Family Matters (he was a pretty much a large cop, and he was black, for you youngins who have never seen the show) dressed like the Jolly Green Giant (he is jolly and green, for you Maxwells who don't have TV and Duggars who don't eat vegetables).

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So Anna Maxwell is working in the family business doing order fulfillment, her "career" of choice. How many orders do these people get? A book here & there? She acts like she works at Amazon processing orders.

I would love to question the Maxwells about their health plan & most importantly, their retirement plan.

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Ok the Lord has laid it upon my heart - seriously - to clarify - David said he offered to pay the farmer for the pecans, then there's a page of farmer wrath and David explainIng, followed by David saying he put that $100 in the top of the bag and handed it to officer to give to the farmer.

To the best of my knowledge I do not recall him exactly staying the words 'Jolly Black Officer, here is a bribe.' But that's sure what it sounded like.

Btw I mentally picture the dad from Family Matters (he was a pretty much a large cop, and he was black, for you youngins who have never seen the show) dressed like the Jolly Green Giant (he is jolly and green, for you Maxwells who don't have TV and Duggars who don't eat vegetables).

To be fair I don't think that one who bribes clarifies that in a bold statement - here is a bribe.  I honestly think that he figured he could just pay the pecan grove owner $100 for the stolen pecans so he wouldn't press charges.  Then after explaining ever so humbly how he was just a Christian on his way to a Bible Bee and how very sorry he was the owner let him go.  Have nut-cracker will travel.  On the other hand I don't think that he just pulled some fallen pecans out of the mud.  Nope he had a whole bible bee bag filled with them.  Blamed God for letting him do it. Clever nut.

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Why would Steve give up what was probably a really good high paying job to sit home and dole out commands? So strange. 


Some people are just this obsessed with total control.


He couldn't control his workplace. But when you start with a woman who's in love with you (why is another question...) and you pop out babies that you can mold every second of the day from birth to believe that your ways are the be-all and end-all of the universe, you clearly have a very good shot at being able to control at least most of those people for life. For some people that's obviously the most valuable thing they can imagine.


I've seen this happen. To intelligent people. It's brainwashing. The world's Steves (of whom there are clearly a surprising number) implant little versions of themselves into babies' brains that quickly learn to do the work of the controller. The kids adapt from infancy to the rules of his house, which are completely internalized in their brains. Few of them can apparently even imagine that anything else is acceptable and he mostly doesn't even have to say anything after a while because their own brains have adapted to survive in his environment -- and that means following his rules without even thinking about it.


As we've seen with these families, very very few people manage to see what's really going on and escape. Those that do just got a lucky break somewhere -- their minds work a bit differently or some experiences planted another seed that makes them skeptical. For most people, though, if a control freak gets you at birth and works on you every day, you're probably going to be that person's hand puppet for life, even if he or she dies or you live somewhere else, really.

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So Anna Maxwell is working in the family business doing order fulfillment, her "career" of choice. How many orders do these people get? A book here & there? She acts like she works at Amazon processing orders.

I would love to question the Maxwells about their health plan & most importantly, their retirement plan.

They just pray the sickness away.


ITA what do these people do for money? I looked at their blog this morning. I didn't realize they had 8 kids. I thought they only had 5. One of the sons seems to have a real job as a real estate agent. The rest work for Steve? IDK how they live debt free with no real jobs. Do they have an Ebay or Amazon store we don't know about? (besides selling their books)

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