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Michelle and JimBob aka J'Chelle and Boob

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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8 hours ago, Whyyouneedaname said:

in reference to the term Nike, I have heard the Bates mention on a couple of occasions that they go to the beach when it is less crowded so as not to be around a lot of half naked women....they just don't seem to make it such an issue as the Duggars, or have I missed something there?

I just saw the Bates vacation mashup special that UP put together a few days ago. They confessed that they also look down when scantily clad women walk by. They even blurred out some woman in a bikini, but didn't blur out a 60 year old woman in a one-piece who wandered past. 

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19 hours ago, Whyyouneedaname said:

in reference to the term Nike, I have heard the Bates mention on a couple of occasions that they go to the beach when it is less crowded so as not to be around a lot of half naked women....they just don't seem to make it such an issue as the Duggars, or have I missed something there?

Like the Duggars they have relaxed their dress code too. In United Bates of America, like Sew Sumi mentioned, they spoke more about modesty and averting their eyes. I remember an episode where they tried to seclude themselves on a hot beach and either Lawson or Zach discussed modesty and how people must look at him weird because he was swimming fully clothed, jeans and all.

In the new show, when they were shown swimming at a lake, they were all dressed in summer attire, modest attire, but not dressed in long pants and ankle length jean skirts.

I find it hard to understand, when they speak of all these things with such conviction, then are shown doing different things with no explanation. I would just like to hear why, when they felt something so strongly, how they came to believing something different.

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I think this is the direct result of being on Telly and being famous. It does change you. No matter how nice you are, how humble, how modest - once you've spent some time being on a TV Screen and taste "fame", you change. It may not be a huge change, but still.

It's basically impossible to not be influenced by your surroundings, and taste is addictive for some reason, for some people at least. I've a friend who was (the show is now cancelled) in a pretty popular TV show over here and see what it does to people. Because I run his Facebook page, I too have experienced a bit of the "fame" on a very slight scale for myself, but even then I notice that I too have changed during the last few years. Even when you don't mean to.

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5 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

Like the Duggars they have relaxed their dress code too. In United Bates of America, like Sew Sumi mentioned, they spoke more about modesty and averting their eyes. I remember an episode where they tried to seclude themselves on a hot beach and either Lawson or Zach discussed modesty and how people must look at him weird because he was swimming fully clothed, jeans and all.

In the new show, when they were shown swimming at a lake, they were all dressed in summer attire, modest attire, but not dressed in long pants and ankle length jean skirts.

I find it hard to understand, when they speak of all these things with such conviction, then are shown doing different things with no explanation. I would just like to hear why, when they felt something so strongly, how they came to believing something different.

I think it's the difference between "in theory" vs "in practice".  In theory, being modest is great, but in practice, playing some sports or swimming in jeans could be a safety hazard or climbing a ladder in a long skirt is far less modest than doing so in pants. 

Perhaps the Bateses inject some common sense into their rules. As long as the body is covered and allows for comfort and permits freedom of movement, where's the harm?  They also have found a way to live their beliefs without sticking out like sore thumbs or objects of ridicule, at least in the way they dress now.

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On June 3, 2016 at 10:44 AM, Aja said:

Sigh. These peoples' terror, hatred and contempt for the female body really drives me nuts.

Or is it fear? Seems like they're all afraid that looking at a woman's body will drive them to do sinful things.

Imho that thinking is uncomfortably close to blaming a woman for being attacked. "I couldn't help myself! Look what she made me do!"

  • Love 8

When really, if they got used to seeing, it would actually desensitize them. The fact that they look away, or keep it covered is what makes it enticing. It reminds me of something I read about 1700s fashion in Paris, where dresses were so low cut, nipples were sometimes on display, and no-one cared, but they were still scandalized by an exposed shoulder or ankle, because they were seeing something that was usually hidden.

  • Love 10

Does anyone else think that Michelle seems really crazy when she starts singing in that video dedicated to Marcus? I mean, I know she's crazy, but there are times when she just demonstrates it so well. It's almost like you can see her straining to put on this big act (I think she is basically acting all the time, and we never get to see the "real" her, if that person even exists anymore). Pretty disturbing.

  • Love 2
16 hours ago, NewDigs said:

Or is it fear? Seems like they're all afraid that looking at a woman's body will drive them to do sinful things.

Imho that thinking is uncomfortably close to blaming a woman for being attacked. "I couldn't help myself! Look what she made me do!"

I think it is that fear, but I also think the fear's about more than just women. I think they fear all bodily and even emotional instincts -- stuff we might call animal instincts -- maybe because they unconsciously fear that their own reason and self-control are so lacking that they simply couldn't control themselves in a lot of situations? Of course, since they're stupid, ignorant, cowardly and lazy as all get out, they probably have a darned good reason to fear that.

  • Love 4

M & JB, Gothard and all their modesty & wisdom BS is down right silly. I think Gothard has some twisted thought processes and based some of his teachings on that.

It takes just one wacko with charisma or intelligence or both, sprinkled with some narcissism, to get a whole lot of people to go along with his effed-up shtick.

M & JB have commented that their beliefs changed around the time of the first miscarriage, a vulnerable time I assume. An unfortunate thing about cults is that they pounce at the first sight of a vulnerable person, then they cultivate more vulnerability to keep you in.

I bet if we dissected these Wisdom Booklets we would find some subtle message of fear in each of them. Or maybe the fear is stated clearly, as I haven't read them. I think M & JB fear a lot more than boobs and knees.

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3 hours ago, graefin said:

Does anyone else think that Michelle seems really crazy when she starts singing in that video dedicated to Marcus? I mean, I know she's crazy, but there are times when she just demonstrates it so well. It's almost like you can see her straining to put on this big act (I think she is basically acting all the time, and we never get to see the "real" her, if that person even exists anymore). Pretty disturbing.

That clip really highlighted her mental health problems.   She truly looked very unwell and emotionally disconnected while struggling to maintain normalacy on camera, something she was familiar with and comfortable with in the past. Her mannerisms, voice etc were very off...even for her. 

Michelle has always been a strange woman and we have always suspected that she was dealing with mental health issues but that video clip wasn't even the typical  Michelle that we have seen over the years. She looked much much worse. 

I suspect the loss of Jubilee with no more pregnancies really affected her. Then the Josh molestation story exploded and then the cheating/prostitute scandal...i think michelle has essentially cracked at this point. 

Jim Bob is cockier and might just be a more resiliant person in general...he seems to be withstanding the Josh scandals better than I thought.  I do think the Josh mess has broken Michelle. 

Mental health issues are often viewed as sin and able to be overcome with prayer and deeper dedication to God. Michelle is left with no therapy, no medication and no support system either.  Every problem gets the same answer  "Sin. Prayer. Read the Bible". 

One of the main reasons I left the IFB. I couldn't take their "it's because of sin" views on every single thing bad thing that happens to you. I also work with a lot of people who have mental health issues and their denial of mental health services is disgusting. 

  • Love 11

Morning all, I caved in and watched the video. Must say though, I didn't think that Meeeeechelle was any worse than normal. Rather hyper certainly. What was that red mark on Marcus' face? He looked very weird though, kind of disinterested to slightly "what the hell, please put me down NOW!". Meeeeechelle dancing around is a little strange, but well.

Having said that, it is my firm belief that Meeeechelle checked out many many moons ago, when she had that breakdown aroudn 7, 8 kids. Nobody who is even halfway sane could ever think her normal and ordinary.

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Me-Chelle is definitely meshuggeneh! The sad thing is that her mental health needs are likely being ignored because of the Gothardly wisdom that says she's weak and sinful. It's obvious to anyone as MN posted just now that she checked out ages ago and she's being medicated anyway. Her eyes have that pharma glaze about them

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On 6/4/2016 at 8:42 PM, kalamac said:

It reminds me of something I read about 1700s fashion in Paris, where dresses were so low cut, nipples were sometimes on display, and no-one cared, but they were still scandalized by an exposed shoulder or ankle, because they were seeing something that was usually hidden.

True. this was also the main theory for the costume designer of Star Trek: Original Series. Show something that's not really shown, such as the inner portion of the leg. Of course he also was of the theory, if it looks like it could fall open/off it was then sexy. Didn't matter that those costumes were very secure, if it looked like something could happen the anticipation would make it sexy.  Duggars/Bates would have been scandalized by the fashions on Star Trek we now see as tame. Guess we are desensitized.

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8 hours ago, LocalGovt said:

Has it been medically documented that she has been without periods for over a year, or no longer has a uterus?

I don't know, privacy laws prevent us from knowing that. She did have a type of c-section with Josie that makes it difficult to get pregnant again. Face it, if it could happen it already would've. I don't think even a 20th kid would save the empire. No one wants to see Michelle or Jim Bob on tv.

Edited by JoanArc
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16 hours ago, MunichNark said:

Meschugge:-))))))))))) Haven't heard that expression ever so long.

Definitely something's not right with her. How can you stand that voice alone? Nobody, except perhaps a Zen Buddhist Monk is THAT serene. Not with 19 very rowdy children in tow.

Meechelle suffers from BVAS...Baby Voice Affectation Syndrome...between that and the adoring headship gaze, where she has the facial expression of a Cocker Spaniel that just peed on the carpet.

  • Love 8
11 minutes ago, tabloidlover said:

If we go with the theory that clown car is done having blessings, does this mean dimbob no longer gets sex? I read somewhere that they believe sex is for procreation purposes only. Very curious indeed 

Hmmm,..maybe THAT'S why Jim Boob's face looks like he hasn't had a shit in a month.  Wonder if he'll trade Mattress in for a younger, fertile woman who never mowed the lawn in her bikini.

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22 minutes ago, tabloidlover said:

If we go with the theory that clown car is done having blessings, does this mean dimbob no longer gets sex? I read somewhere that they believe sex is for procreation purposes only. Very curious indeed 

He still gets to peck her face in front of his non-breeding stock. 

9 minutes ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

Hmmm,..maybe THAT'S why Jim Boob's face looks like he hasn't had a shit in a month.  Wonder if he'll trade Mattress in for a younger, fertile woman who never mowed the lawn in her bikini.

TLC presents "one wife and counting."

  • Love 2

I read somewhere that they believe sex is for procreation purposes only.

This seems to be one of the most persistent myths in existence about JimBoob and Mechelle and Gothardism in general. These people do not believe sex is for procreation only, they believe the exact opposite. Marital sex is always good and godly. Wives are to be joyfully available at all times; pregnant or not, menopausal or not (exhausted or not, feeling unwell or not...). Sex on demand is a husband's absolute right. Remember Mechelle's sickening "advice" to Jessa about Duggar women never saying no? And that weird sandwich anology she made at some point? The Gothard ideology teaches that Mechelle can't stop having sex with Boob for any reason as long as he's still interested because that will cause him to stray and sin and go to hell and it will be all her fault.


ETA: I did forget: there is of course that time of the month when women have girl cooties and can't be touched because of reasons. And of course we're all horribly dirty after giving birth and thus untouchable, so Mechelle would've gotten a reprieve for X number of days after each birth; twice the number of days when it was a girl because girls are twice as dirty. But Mechelle likely doesn't have any of those excuses anymore.

Edited by Vaysh
  • Love 7
26 minutes ago, Absolom said:

Their room isn't very large and it has the window and window seat that look like their room.  I'm having trouble seeing if there is an alcove.  I don't think the door/window placement matches the guest room.  With the TV that high it would be easy to avoid filming it. 

Imagine the romantic evenings boinking and watching FOX News...

  • Love 8

It looks like their room because they have that little shelf thing by the window. It's just so small.  Looks like the door is going to hit the bed. That's a really narrow room! 

I'm supposed to be working...maybe I will try to google. ;) 

I LOVE the TV.  Just love it. 

Ok, well that only took 3 minutes. 



Scroll down to almost the bottom.  It looks identical to Michelle and Jim Bob's room but why is the bed so close to the door like that? 

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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