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S05.E16: Amster-Damn

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IIRC Brandi was asked to join the other women on the dance floor at the White Party but refused.


The funny thing is that this is not the first time we've seen such a scene with Brandi.  She has attended numerous events where she is filled with anxiety or feels iced out but the difference is that in previous seasons she had a wealthy patron whom she would whine to, the patron would then comfort her and make a point of looking out for her - first it was Adrienne, then Lisa then Yolanda.  Brandi, having run out of wealthy patrons, has gone completely downmarket and it's now her hairdresser/house guest that she does her bitching and whining to.


Agree this isn't the first we've seen of this from Brandi. I think it's because she doesn't really like these women or at least doesn't feel accepted by them - which, she's not so she's reading that correctly. But it's a job and she needs it and is trying to fulfil her role. 


It's hard to hang and let loose with people who you know don't like you. I think this is at root of both Kim and Brandi's behaviour this season to some extent at least. 

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LOL, Kim drives me nuts for sure, I have little patience with addicts that refuse to look in the mirror and get honest. If she wants to get high/self medicate, then just say it, don't keep lying then get all self righteous when you get called out.


Oh, did Kim/LisaR also talk off camera because we saw them talking on camera the morning after the dinner fight?

I think a lot of their talking is off camera. There's just no way I can believe that a cameraman was just waiting around in Lisa's room doing nothing. The cameraman was there waiting for the cue of the door knock by Kim. LisaR wasn't surprised, she knew in advance that Kim would be knocking, this was all arranged ahead of time. Yes, it's scripted, and yes they do go off script also. But in the end, they're all contracted actors. It's Bravo's way of saying......


Edited by HumblePi
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Please accept my apology. I was not saying *you* were twisting words. I was referring to the cast on RHOBH in each episode this season and how they communicate between each other and then relay convos to others later. 


I didn't read any of that as saying Lisa intentionally threw glass in their faces. I read it as Lisa breaking the glass *caused* glass to go everywhere, including on them to some extent. Just difference in understanding of what was written I think. In any case, you used the word intentionally and I didn't read intent in that, just facts actually that glass was broken - as to where it landed I can't be sure and only have her word for it.

It's ok, no apology needed, really! It does read that way to me but I am so tired of Brandi always crying victim! LOL She calls out Kyle for making it all about her and this blog shows that she is guilty of that very same thing. She made herself a victim of the fight between LisaR/Kim, no one spoke to her and she spoke to no one other than Kim but according to her she is also a victim. LOL

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God help me, I can't help feeling badly for Kim.  If she truly does suffer from some type of chemical imbalance and/or mental illness then she likely has a long history of self-medicating and trying different prescriptions.  I remember someone saying that one's perception is his/her reality and, for Kim, that is especially true IMO.  In Kim's mind she is sober because she isn't drinking alcohol...and that's okay.  I mean, are all the people who are on Xanax, Klonopin, etc., necessarily considered not sober?


I also really don't see how Lisar thought she was helping Kim (other than sharing a storyline), especially when I think in a flashback she says to other HWs "I think she's an addict."  Lisar has been watching the show forever and knows that Kim is an addict - I mean doesn't everybody lol?  BTW I like Lisar and don't hate any of them.


If Kim had any savvy at all, she could have totally come out of this smelling like a rose...


Also, I think it was Lisa V who asked Kim if she was okay and put her arm around her?  The morning after RR (Restaurant Rumble).

Edited by SoCal4Us
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It's hard to hang and let loose with people who you know don't like you. I think this is at root of both Kim and Brandi's behaviour this season to some extent at least. 


There's quite a bit of "Manifest Destiny" going on with those two.  They act in ways that cause others not to like them, then pout, point fingers and talk smack because they say that they are not liked.

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Oh, and Brandi claims she cut her fingers picking glass out of her hair, face, ears and clothes but I didn't see any band aids on her fingers or that she had trouble holding the handle bars of her bicycle.

I hope Eileen told her to get some Neosporin and a band aid and to Shut The Fuck Up!!
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It's ok, no apology needed, really! It does read that way to me but I am so tired of Brandi always crying victim! LOL She calls out Kyle for making it all about her and this blog shows that she is guilty of that very same thing. She made herself a victim of the fight between LisaR/Kim, no one spoke to her and she spoke to no one other than Kim but according to her she is also a victim. LOL

Yeah I hear you, I've a hellish time trying to make sense of what I'm seeing and hearing this season. This show is doing my head in. 


The victim thing, I'm not seeing her saying that either but I get what you're saying so I'm going to just give up and say they are all alike! lol  I see them all doing this to each other and they're all the same - at different times they all do the same stunts, say similar things. I wish they would all just stop and get along. But as someone upthread said I also totally think this show is scripted and a lot of this is contrived. But it's freaking painful to watch, for me at least. I just need the reunion for some closure.

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What I find ridiculous, however, is Brandi (of all people) declaring how wrong it is to throw things! Does she have amnesia? Did she conveniently forget that SHE threw wine at Eileen just a few weeks back? For no reason whatsoever???


Please remember, that wine accidentally flew into Eileen's face as per Brandi to Kathy Hilton.



I wonder if Kim called her sponsor after all that mess and the sponsor told her to apologize.


Since Kim didn't apologize, I'd guess not.



I probably would have acted exactly like Lisa V and Kyle at that coffee shop. A whole menu with various Pot options? Sorry, I guess I am naive, but that would be something to see. They were laughing and having a good time. I will imagine that the locals are use to seeing this by now. I didn't see them embarrass themselves at all. Brandi was just jealous because she was out with the cool gals that all get along, while her new BFF was no doubt getting high up in her room. Without Brandi.


I'm 50 and have certainly tried pot before. However, if I was in Amsterdam with some of my friends reading that menu? We would be laughing and cutting up too. I enjoyed that scene. It looked like everyone save Brandi was having fun.



Get away from me, I'm not talking to you anymore, not riding in any more limos, planes, boats or trains with you, not caring if you end up in the hospital for 1, 5, 7 or 9 days, not caring about how Kyle isn't "there" for you, not caring if you're late, just have no fucks left to give


Lisa V has the right idea with Brandi and I noticed she employed the same tactic with Kim the day after the big fight: she was civil and that's it. I'd love to see the rest follow her lead and basically freeze Brandi and Kim out. Just make it stop.



OK, so one we know why Kim is so passionate about maintaining the the appearance of sobriety; her kids will walk away from her if she falls off the wagon


Amazing how that never came up until Yolanda mentioned Lisa R's kids and then suddenly Kim's big deal is her kids. Give me a break.



Eileen is a good actress. I am never quite sure when she is being the real Eileen and when she is being the actress Eileen on the RHOBH.


I don't think you can know that about anyone on these alleged reality shows. Shoot, you don't know that about most of the people in your real life! People don't often show their real selves to anyone other than family or those closest to them.

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Who the hell is writing Brandi's blogs!  It reads like a badly written and put together term paper. 


The only thing I got from it Kyle has a narcissism issue.  Eileen is high and mighty.  Kim is an cold-steel assassin.  Lisa R is lying cause she's been more than open about her personal life including Harry's.  And she's still whining some more about hypocrisy.


My head hurts.  Bravo needs to get better editors for these blogs.  It's really inexcusable for these blogs to not be proofread before posting.  Yikes!

Edited by BlackMamba
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BlackMamba, they all look lovely.  And I'm totally jelly at how they can all look that good whilst biking. 


OMG, Wirewrap, did Brandi once again throw shade on the other HW for their age?!  Isn't Brandi over 40, herself?  What a shit pig. 



beaker73, Prostitution Whore is one of my favorite phrases ever.  Redundant, but that just makes it doubly as awesome. 

Yes, Brandi brings up age once again! "You women are over half a century old. Own your behavior.". She included Kyle in that group as well! Brandi also goes from saying "trying to grab someone's throat in anger" to saying "Reaching across a table to rip someone’s throat out with your nails" LOL

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If I could compile just one single woman of substance by taking the better parts of each one, I'd take Yolanda's sensibility, articulation skills and wealth, Eileen's graciousness, Lisa Vanderpump's body and hair (but not her knock-knees), Kyle's husband, Lisa R's humor, Brandi's youth and Kim's....well nothing of Kims.


(yeah, I know mods, this isn't in keeping with the topic. oh well)

Edited by HumblePi
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Brandi is a parent - how does she not understand that sometimes a parent does something (like smoke pot), but doesn't want their kids to know? Stupid question - this is Brandi we're talking about. To be technical about it - sure it can be considered hipocritical, but come on. Kyle realizes the cameras are turned on, and she doesn't want her kids to see her light up when she tries hard to give them the opposite message.


This is what got Brandi so upset. She was happy to out Kyle as a hypocrite, but then when she heard Kyle explain how she didn't want her kids to know she sometimes smoked because she wanted to be a responsible parent, Brandi took it as an insult to her own parenting. She hadn't even considered keeping her smoking private for her kids sake. Then she started brooding about how Kyle painted her as a bad parent, and hey even insulted her!! So she had a stupid little breakdown in the street. She's insecure (I personally think she sees herself as a bad parent, which is her darkest secret).


Sorry if this was already put out there...I can't catch up on all these posts!

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The post I replied to was all about this, so yea, I agree. Her reaction to Kim not partaking in a jaunt to eat space cakes was bizarre. Who knows - maybe Kim is not sober 100% of the time, and Kyle knows this, so not going out was a why not? moment...




Someone up thread a ways (I think maybe Trooper?) suggested that production probably had a talk with the women and put down some hard and fast rules about the trip.


Maybe they were all ordered to continue engaging in all activities, so Kyle just assumed Kim would be there as the others were ordered to be?


Maybe initially she thought Kim had bounced and was going back to the States?  


Well, combined with Kim's vehement assertion about the strength of her sobriety.  Cough, cough.  


Other than that possibility, I got nothin'.  

Edited by Persnickety1
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Short and sweet.  How many of us would start a dinner conversation with the request that Yo made?  I actually laughed outloud and said, "Here come da fight!"  Fights almost always interrupt meals on this show.  Does Bravo take us for dummies?


On this subject, I'm perfectly serious:  IMHO, Lisa R. and Kim have taken this show to an all-time, new low.  The rest of you have filled in all of my reasons.  Furthermore, the scene in the restaurant was embarrassing (or should have been) for all Americans.  I've been to Amsterdam and the rest of Holland, and those people take pride in good manners and minding your own business.  Those were the worst manners to offend Hollanders, and I'd have been furious if I'd been Yolanda.  At least, she told them that they couldn't behave that way at her mother's house.


I am angry with Lisa R., Kim, Kyle (for her loud, dramatic dash from the table) and even Yolanda for bringing up such a lame conversation topic.  I'm up on Yolanda (in other scenes), the incomparable Eileen, and Lisa V.





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God help me, I can't help feeling badly for Kim.  If she truly does suffer from some type of chemical imbalance and/or mental illness then she likely has a long history of self-medicating and trying different prescriptions.  I remember someone saying that one's perception is his/her reality and, for Kim, that is especially true IMO.  In Kim's mind she is sober because she isn't drinking alcohol...and that's okay.  I mean, are all the people who are on Xanax, Klonopin, etc., necessarily considered not sober?



Do you mean someone taking those medications as prescribed?  Or abusing them?  There's a difference between the two but technically anyone under the influence of mind altering substances isn't "sober", although I think that term (sober) isn't used to reference anyone outside of addiction.  Like anyone can be sober if they haven't taken medications, illegal drugs or alcohol but I've never heard anyone refer to themselves that way unless they had an abuse problem. 


I have empathy for most people with mental illnesses and addiction issues because I know how it goes, myself.  However, some people are just assholes and it has nothing to do with their illnesses.  I can't feel for someone when they not only refuse to acknowledge and accept responsibility, but also take their issues out on other people.  There's only so much I can hand wave in the name of empathy/sympathy.  Kim may very well be self-medicating, most addicts are.  But she still seems to be a terrible person at her core, to me, from what I've seen on this show.  She may have redeeming qualities, but I don't have the energy nor the desire to find them.  I don't wish her ill, just want her gone from the show.

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God help me, I can't help feeling badly for Kim.  If she truly does suffer from some type of chemical imbalance and/or mental illness then she likely has a long history of self-medicating and trying different prescriptions.  I remember someone saying that one's perception is his/her reality and, for Kim, that is especially true IMO.  In Kim's mind she is sober because she isn't drinking alcohol...and that's okay.  I mean, are all the people who are on Xanax, Klonopin, etc., necessarily considered not sober?


In this episode Kim addresses both drinking and "using" so according to Kim isn't just about not drinking alcohol for her and she has acknowledged this on multiple occasions. What she won't acknowledge is that she hasn't been sober for three years.

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From Lisa's Blog



I do understand to some extent what Brandi is saying regarding hypocrisy. If you do it, own it, but in all the years I have known Kyle, I don't ever recall seeing her smoking. Brandi persisted, but the caveat here is we are all too often the victims of her behavior. When she drinks, things often become aggressive...as you will see next week.


Yeah Brandi is calling hypocrisy but watch how she is once again her own worst enemy.  Once again with this smoking thing, Kyle admitted to Andy she's done it on last night's WWHL.  And even in the episode Kyle said it was a bad idea if she tried it because it wouldn't be good for anyone because she would be paranoid and weird.  Kyle might have not done around Lisa VP or maybe this is her new thing.  Who knows and who cares.  Again dealing with Kim and being the Hilton's spokeswoman for damage control I might be more inclined to smoke every once in awhile.  I could see if Brandi said, "Kyle and I did some coke." That would had been more juicy and worth talking about on the blogs/boards.  But weed, YAWN, Brandi.

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Did Eileen call Kim a beast?


Sorry if this was already answered, but Kim called Eileen a beast first. I think it was something along the lines of "STFU, you beast," after Eileen told her she was behaving abominably (not in those words, but some really great ones which escape me at the moment.) Then Eileen told Kim SHE was the beast.


ETA:  Eileen called Kim "a scary, vicious human being."

Edited by renatae
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This is what got Brandi so upset. She was happy to out Kyle as a hypocrite, but then when she heard Kyle explain how she didn't want her kids to know she sometimes smoked because she wanted to be a responsible parent, Brandi took it as an insult to her own parenting. She hadn't even considered keeping her smoking private for her kids sake. Then she started brooding about how Kyle painted her as a bad parent, and hey even insulted her!! So she had a stupid little breakdown in the street. She's insecure (I personally think she sees herself as a bad parent, which is her darkest secret).


Sorry if this was already put out there...I can't catch up on all these posts!

I needed this! Thank you! lol  Man... I just don't understand half this show.

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God help me, I can't help feeling badly for Kim.  If she truly does suffer from some type of chemical imbalance and/or mental illness then she likely has a long history of self-medicating and trying different prescriptions.  I remember someone saying that one's perception is his/her reality and, for Kim, that is especially true IMO.  In Kim's mind she is sober because she isn't drinking alcohol...and that's okay.  I mean, are all the people who are on Xanax, Klonopin, etc., necessarily considered not sober?





The term "sober" is typically used in reference to alcohol.  Alcoholics use the term all the time but you can be sober and not be an alcoholic, meaning you're not drunk.  The term "clean" is used in association with drugs whether they are street drugs or misused prescription drugs.  Some people in recovery abused both drugs and alcohol and you'll hear them use the term "clean and sober."   


People who are on Xanaz and other prescription drugs usually consider them necessary doctor prescribed "medication."  For some that's true, but prescription drug abuse is all too common and some get their drugs from a Dr. Feelgood or on the street.  They are drug addicts.

Edited by AnnA
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This is what got Brandi so upset. She was happy to out Kyle as a hypocrite, but then when she heard Kyle explain how she didn't want her kids to know she sometimes smoked because she wanted to be a responsible parent, Brandi took it as an insult to her own parenting. She hadn't even considered keeping her smoking private for her kids sake. Then she started brooding about how Kyle painted her as a bad parent, and hey even insulted her!! So she had a stupid little breakdown in the street. She's insecure (I personally think she sees herself as a bad parent, which is her darkest secret).

Sorry if this was already put out there...I can't catch up on all these posts!

I can't speak to the crazy island of misfit toys that live in Brandi's head, but I found Kyle to be obnoxious at the pot shop and I might have hit a point of being tempted to scream "You smoke all the fucking time! Just shut up already!" It wasn't that Kyle was or wasn't going to partake, it's that its another example of Kyle's "getting the vapors" tendency. I get that it's probably not the worst personality trait that these women have, but she make such a damn production out of everything. And her "innocent housewife who doesn't even know what pot is" is so grating. Don't have any if you don't want to, but it's like Kyle wants applause over it or something. Of course then Brandi continues to rant about it outside....I hate all of them.

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God help me, I can't help feeling badly for Kim.  If she truly does suffer from some type of chemical imbalance and/or mental illness then she likely has a long history of self-medicating and trying different prescriptions.  I remember someone saying that one's perception is his/her reality and, for Kim, that is especially true IMO.  In Kim's mind she is sober because she isn't drinking alcohol...and that's okay.  I mean, are all the people who are on Xanax, Klonopin, etc., necessarily considered not sober?


I also really don't see how Lisar thought she was helping Kim (other than sharing a storyline), especially when I think in a flashback she says to other HWs "I think she's an addict."  Lisar has been watching the show forever and knows that Kim is an addict - I mean doesn't everybody lol?  BTW I like Lisar and don't hate any of them.


If Kim had any savvy at all, she could have totally come out of this smelling like a rose...


Also, I think it was Lisa V who asked Kim if she was okay and put her arm around her?  The morning after RR (Restaurant Rumble).


One more thing regarding the #1 spot going to the wineglass toss in Amsterdamn.  T

Most of the medications used/prescribed for anxiety, bi-polar, depression and other mental illnesses have a myriad of side effect that can mimic drunken/high behavior but most Mental Health Professionals will adjust dosages or even change meds to minimize these side effects, if not completely eliminate them. Also, the person adapts to the medication and these symptoms/side effects greatly decrease or disappear altogether. The 1 condition where medication side effects lead many to self medicate over taking meds is Schizophrenia and I don't think Kim has that, at least I hope not.


Kim taking a pain pill prescribed for an adult man twice her size/weight dying of cancer on top of any psych meds is a gigantic NO NO and I am sure both Kim and Monty know this, didn't Monty deny giving Kim the pill anyway on his instagram account? IMO, Kim is using drugs that she was not prescribed or taking the ones she is supposed to take incorrectly in order to get high! JMO though

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So Lisa R AGAIN finds a way to bring up Kim's. And I think what stands out the most about your post (and I would bold it but the last few times I tried my computer went coo coo for cocoa cocoa puffs) is "because Lisa R didn't get the response she wanted..." I think my problem with all of this is that these women aren't that mature either or proper in their parts of it. Lisa isn't getting the response she wants. Um okay, too bad so sad. Lisa R didn't like the blah blah blah response she got from Kim. She wasn't satisfied with how the conversation ended with Kim on the plane, how her talks with Kyle produced no real results meaning Kyle didn't really get into the meat and potatoes... It's like Lisa R wants to have the reigns with this whole situation and its killing her that Kim continues to be evade her attempts at getting Kim to do whatever it is she wants Kim to do. It ain't happening as we saw cause when all was said and done Lisa R was the one who ended up apologizing. I hope she is be completely honest when she says that she has finally backed off.

Today I was reminded of 100 years ago when I was young (I kid, I kid) and got my first hospital job. There was an old time Dr. there that was older then dirt and had seen and done it all. He told me about reconstructing someone shoulder with a coat hanger once, crazy stuff. At the time I had a mole on my arm and every time he saw me he would say " you should get that checked". I was young and stupid and ignored him. Well after a few weeks he had ,had enough and dropped a truth bomb on me. He candidly told me " girl you have cancer, that is a melanoma and it's going to kill you". Well sure enough he was right. I see Lisa R the same way, she sees someone dying in front of her and she just can't stop herself from addressing it. I doubt she will get any satisfaction or vindication when Kim ODs, which unfortunately will eventually happy.

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My problem with Kyle was that she acted so innocent! I can't remember verbatim what she said, but it was like, " What do they call this? A reefer, blunt, joint, I dunno?" I'm sure she's had the talk with her older girls and is very knowledgeable about it. She wouldn't want to appear lame to them.

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I needed this! Thank you! lol  Man... I just don't understand half this show.


HAHA  I tried to like this but apparently, I have reached my quota.  Any more likes would just be going TOO FAR. 


But, anyway... I laughed at this because I agree.   LIKE!

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I can't speak to the crazy island of misfit toys that live in Brandi's head, but I found Kyle to be obnoxious at the pot shop and I might have hit a point of being tempted to scream "You smoke all the fucking time! Just shut up already!" It wasn't that Kyle was or wasn't going to partake, it's that its another example of Kyle's "getting the vapors" tendency. I get that it's probably not the worst personality trait that these women have, but she make such a damn production out of everything. And her "innocent housewife who doesn't even know what pot is" is so grating. Don't have any if you don't want to, but it's like Kyle wants applause over it or something. Of course then Brandi continues to rant about it outside....I hate all of them.

I think you said it better than I.

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Holy crap!   How did that happen?  My artwork was hijacked!  


Does anyone have Adrienne's lawyer's phone number?  I want him to send her a letter.  :)






I love it.


I think quite a few reality TV personalities probably peruse the boards here.  Pretty sure a few did over at TWOP, too.


They may not post but they're probably here.








Making mental notes...  

Edited by Persnickety1
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One of the nastier little moments that's getting overlooked is when Kim tells Lisa R. to have a piece of bread so she can calm down.  I think that at this point we hear Eileen say off to the side "What a a nasty, evil person you are, Kim" or some such.  Typical Kimmie low blow.  One can argue that Rinna has been self-serving in putting a big old spotlight on Kim's nuttiness, but at least she put it out there plainly and clearly.  Her asking Kim in the limo before they set out for poker night if she had been drinking was pretty brave and totally upfront. Anyway, I thought that was a telling mini moment.  Doesn't speak highly of Kim's capacity to feel compassion for another form of suffering if she truly believes Rinna has an eating disorder.  She likes a good sucker punch.


I liken Rinna losing it in this situation to Porscha doing the same on Kenya's ass.  They both just snapped. Better not to have done so, for sure, but the levels of provocation were off the chain.  The aggressive fingerpointing that Kim does would have me sitting on my hands.  Hard not to forget, too, that all this hostility came pouring out of her after the woman had told them about the death of her sister -- She's all heart, that Kim Richards. 


I don't think that fight was scripted. I think they do get a broad outline and are then left to fill in the blanks with their own material.  I think that Eileen genuinely despises Kim and Brandi both.  Certainly Kim -- I don't think she's acting.  Also don't think that Kim is acting her disdain and contempt for Kyle -- that's getting more and more real by the episode. 


Vanderpump has been veering into insufferable bitch mode all season, but I would definitely be following her example in dealing with Kim and Brandi.  She's got it figured out.  


On a happier note, if anyone called me a beast, I'd be tempted to say "thank you!"  In this day and age, sounds like it could be a big compliment. 


Also, OT, but Kyle Richards, "actor/director!"  Huh, am I missing something?  What the blazes?

Edited by copacabana
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I love it.

I think quite a few reality TV personalities probably peruse the boards here. Pretty sure a few did over at TWOP, too.

They may not post but they're probably here.




Making mental notes...

Damned if I wouldn't sue! Aviva would!

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Fuckin' Americans, dude. The Netherlands did nothing to deserve this spectacle.



Has any restaurant in any country? I can't imagine how much production must have to pay restaurants to let these mobile clusterF's onto their premises!

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From Lisa's Blog



Yeah Brandi is calling hypocrisy but watch how she is once again her own worst enemy.  Once again with this smoking thing, Kyle admitted to Andy she's done it on last night's WWHL.  And even in the episode Kyle said it was a bad idea if she tried it because it wouldn't be good for anyone because she would be paranoid and weird.  Kyle might have not done around Lisa VP or maybe this is her new thing.  Who knows and who cares.  Again dealing with Kim and being the Hilton's spokeswoman for damage control I might be more inclined to smoke every once in awhile.  I could see if Brandi said, "Kyle and I did some coke." That would had been more juicy and worth talking about on the blogs/boards.  But weed, YAWN, Brandi.

If the worst thing Brandi could say about Kyle is that she smoked weed, then Brandi is hitting the skids. lol 


I am shocked Kyle is not an alcoholic with all the crazies in the Hilton family.


What Brandi fails to get is, there is a time and a place to do things and to talk about them. If Kyle feels more comfortable at home to smoke weed, then that is her choice. Some people would rather do things in the comfort of their home.  I know two people who smoke weed, but they would never smoke it anywhere else. Brandi mentioned that as if it was some huge secret that Kyle was trying to keep under wraps. Stupid Brandi. If Kyle was trying to keep it a secret, do you really think she would smoke it in front of you? You, the person who cannot keep anything private.  Brandi has rocks for brains, I swear.



My problem with Kyle was that she acted so innocent! I can't remember verbatim what she said, but it was like, " What do they call this? A reefer, blunt, joint, I dunno?"

I may be remembering wrong, but I thought Kyle was asking what is it they call it in Amsterdam since different places call it different things. She mentioned "doobie" too.


Edited because I posted "Amsterdamn". lol 

Edited by GreatKazu
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My problem with Kyle was that she acted so innocent! I can't remember verbatim what she said, but it was like, " What do they call this? A reefer, blunt, joint, I dunno?" I'm sure she's had the talk with her older girls and is very knowledgeable about it. She wouldn't want to appear lame to them.

Kind if like Game Night when Brandi accused Kim of doing meth. Kyle was all like, "Meth? What is this meth of which you speak?" Please. That being said, I get her not wanting to partake in the space cakes on camera.

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Yes, Brandi brings up age once again! "You women are over half a century old. Own your behavior.". She included Kyle in that group as well! Brandi also goes from saying "trying to grab someone's throat in anger" to saying "Reaching across a table to rip someone’s throat out with your nails" LOL

I do see where Brandi is coming from regarding the hypocrisy among the group but I hate the age shaming on these shows, especially coming from her or Kenya. Brandi is 44 or 45. She acted like a sullen teen the other week when she said if someone told her not to do something she'd do it more...and even if she were more mature, big deal that Lisa R is 5 years older. Everyone is aging all the time! Otherwise you're dead or have the Benjamin Button disease so you better fucking hope you're aging. I say this as someone who is younger than Brandi, for whatever that's worth. I see all the age shaming on these franchises as "lololol you're slightly closer to death and less vital and less guys wanna fuck you, unlike meeee." Being born later than somebody else is not an accomplishment! Hate it.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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I love it.


I think quite a few reality TV personalities probably peruse the boards here.  Pretty sure a few did over at TWOP, too.


They may not post but they're probably here.








Making mental notes...

I'll be honest -- the past few weeks I've been almost convinced Brandi was posting here.

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Today I was reminded of 100 years ago when I was young (I kid, I kid) and got my first hospital job. There was an old time Dr. there that was older then dirt and had seen and done it all. He told me about reconstructing someone shoulder with a coat hanger once, crazy stuff. At the time I had a mole on my arm and every time he saw me he would say " you should get that checked". I was young and stupid and ignored him. Well after a few weeks he had ,had enough and dropped a truth bomb on me. He candidly told me " girl you have cancer, that is a melanoma and it's going to kill you". Well sure enough he was right. I see Lisa R the same way, she sees someone dying in front of her and she just can't stop herself from addressing it. I doubt she will get any satisfaction or vindication when Kim ODs, which unfortunately will eventually happy.


Wow, that's a crazy story.  I'm glad you're okay and still with us! 


I agree with you on the motivation and intensity behind Lisa's reaction.  While telling the story of her sister dying from a drug overdose, it seemed to really hit home for her, just how much the deaths of her sister and brothers-in-law have affected her.  Another reason I hate that Kim was such a spiteful bitch at dinner was because I thought it was a touching moment and something that Lisa needed to get out of her system and process.  Sometimes what drives us to do the things we do aren't always obvious to us while we're doing them.  If Kim had just accepted the apology, that dinner could have been a huge cathartic bonding moment for all of them.    

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I love it.


I think quite a few reality TV personalities probably peruse the boards here.  Pretty sure a few did over at TWOP, too.


They may not post but they're probably here.








Making mental notes...  

We use to catch HW's and even Andy repeating something said on the old Bravo message boards verbatim! LOL Most, if not all of the HWs do check out multiple message boards and the Bravo FB page for each show to see how viewers are reacting to them. If they do not do it themselves, they have their PR people do it for them. I can see Brandi's team doing just that after the first look aired and trying to mold her blog to fit/explain away her own behavior on the show last night in her blog today. I am also sure she is not the only one to do that. ...........sorry this was OT.

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Well, I hope someone had the good sense to roll a joint or two and slip it into her purse for private consumption back at the hotel of ho horrors!  Yolanda's super blue bedroom suite looked like the perfect place to kick back, relax, and get totally stoned.  All alone and at peace.  Order up some of that hazelnut business and lock the damn door to the coven. 

Edited by copacabana
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This is what got Brandi so upset. She was happy to out Kyle as a hypocrite, but then when she heard Kyle explain how she didn't want her kids to know she sometimes smoked because she wanted to be a responsible parent, Brandi took it as an insult to her own parenting. She hadn't even considered keeping her smoking private for her kids sake. Then she started brooding about how Kyle painted her as a bad parent, and hey even insulted her!! So she had a stupid little breakdown in the street. She's insecure (I personally think she sees herself as a bad parent, which is her darkest secret).


Sorry if this was already put out there...I can't catch up on all these posts!


You said that perfectly. And why do I get the strange feeling this isn't the last we've hear of WeedGate!  Me thinks this will be brought up in front of Kim and notice Kim she will use this as an "Aha!" moment against her sister.



I'll be honest -- the past few weeks I've been almost convinced Brandi was posting here.


Edited by BlackMamba
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I do see where Brandi is coming from regarding the hypocrisy among the group but I hate the age shaming on these shows, especially coming from her or Kenya. Brandi is 44 or 45. She acted like a sullen teen the other week when she said if someone told her not to do something she'd do it more...and even if she were more mature, big deal that Lisa R is 5 years older. Everyone is aging all the time! Otherwise you're dead or have the Benjamin Button disease so you better fucking hope you're aging. I say this as someone who is younger than Brandi, for whatever that's worth. I see all the age shaming on these franchises as "lololol you're slightly closer to death and less vital and less guys wanna fuck you, unlike meeee." Being born earlier than somebody else is not an accomplishment! Hate it.

 Aging is the preferred choice for most people! LOL Brandi likes to point out others hypocrisy but fails to admit to her own, which happen far more often IMO.

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If the worst thing Brandi could say about Kyle is that she smoked weed, then Brandi is hitting the skids. lol

I am shocked Kyle is not an alcoholic with all the crazies in the Hilton family.

What Brandi fails to get is, there is a time and a place to do things and to talk about them. If Kyle feels more comfortable at home to smoke weed, then that is her choice. Some people would rather do things in the comfort of their home. I know two people who smoke weed, but they would never smoke it anywhere else. Brandi mentioned that as if it was some huge secret that Kyle was trying to keep under wraps. Stupid Brandi. If Kyle was trying to keep it a secret, do you really think she would smoke it in front of you? You, the person who cannot keep anything private. Brandi has rocks for brains, I swear.

I may be remembering wrong, but I thought Kyle was asking what is it they call it in Amsterdamn since different places call it different things. She mentioned "doobie" too.

You may be entirely correct. I would never claim my memory is good...

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LOL, Kim drives me nuts for sure, I have little patience with addicts that refuse to look in the mirror and get honest. If she wants to get high/self medicate, then just say it, don't keep lying then get all self righteous when you get called out.


Oh, did Kim/LisaR also talk off camera because we saw them talking on camera the morning after the dinner fight?

I think I missed it...call of nature...when I came back LisaR then Kim came into the hallway...I figured they were left alone to make up. Heavens it's Lisa's story arc, why wouldn't her apology to Kim be filmed? Can't wait to catch it...thanks WW for the info.

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Brandi realized as I had also that the women sitting in the pot shop were all transparently disingenuous in their reluctance to taste a tiny piece of hash-cake. I mean really, they know their kids will watch the episode so I'm sure they didn't want to sit there and say "hey yah, give me five pieces, I like that shit". Comon' now, which of them that has teenage or older kids believes their kid hasn't tried smoking a joint at least once? And how many of their almost-adult children actually believe their mothers are sainted beings that have done no wrong in their lives? (cough-cough)

Sainted beings or not, it's their choice how to model as parents...and, no, not everyone experimented with all that is illegal. You also learn as an adult, that what you thought was a good idea as a teenager is not necessarily a good idea when you are a mature adult.

This is getting into Brandis old tricks of "outing" information that isn't up to Brandi. She can be embarrassed all she wants, but the women who actually concern themselves with how this would look on film have a right to refrain without ridicule from the likes of Brandi. Brandi has embarrassed the other ladies enough, so who cares what she thinks? I know I don't care what the Queen of drinking, tweeting and all things over the top thinks is cool or would think of me if I was one of the others sitting there.

Brandi was obnoxious with her temper tantrum on the street. All of these ladies have said/acted poorly on this show at some point, but Brandi is the winner of making the most questionable decisions, IMHO.

Edited by IKnowRight
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There are lessons to be learned here: all Bravo Housewives should be served only with plastic dishes.

Well...that didn't work out so well for Kristen Taekman....apparently non-glass wine "vessels" can cut your lip, LOL!!!  :-)

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Can you imagine how insufferable Brandi must have been as a teen or 20-something?  Ugh.  She's such a brat.  A brat who doesn't have the wit or vocabulary to battle anyone beyond mocking the aesthetic or using some misunderstood concept of "hypocrisy".   If she's 44/45 then she's not much older than they are.  She hammers on about that subject, and on the other HW's marriages, because she's so insecure about being cheated on and dumped and can't comprehend how anyone she deems older/less attractive than she being desired by their loyal spouse.  Bitter, table for one. 

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God help me, I can't help feeling badly for Kim.  If she truly does suffer from some type of chemical imbalance and/or mental illness then she likely has a long history of self-medicating and trying different prescriptions.  I remember someone saying that one's perception is his/her reality and, for Kim, that is especially true IMO.  In Kim's mind she is sober because she isn't drinking alcohol...and that's okay.  I mean, are all the people who are on Xanax, Klonopin, etc., necessarily considered not sober?


I also really don't see how Lisar thought she was helping Kim (other than sharing a storyline), especially when I think in a flashback she says to other HWs "I think she's an addict."  Lisar has been watching the show forever and knows that Kim is an addict - I mean doesn't everybody lol?  BTW I like Lisar and don't hate any of them.


If Kim had any savvy at all, she could have totally come out of this smelling like a rose...


Also, I think it was Lisa V who asked Kim if she was okay and put her arm around her?  The morning after RR (Restaurant Rumble).


One more thing regarding the #1 spot going to the wineglass toss in Amsterdamn.  T


Oh, don't feel too badly for her.


There are many other anti-anxiety medications on the market that do not have the mind-altering and addictive effects of Valium, Xanax, Klonopin, or Ativan.  Ones that don't make the user look and act a fool as Kim does.  


This may sound harsh, but, yes if you are under long-term use of any of the above-mentioned anxiolytics, they are highly addictive and the user must wean off of them slowly, usually under a physician's supervision.  Seizures and other nastiness can occur with an immediate withholding of the medication.


So, speaking completely technically, yes, one using these long-term is indeed addicted to the properties of the drugs and, in pure layman's terms, for all intents and purposes a "drug addict."  


Sounds harsh but addiction doesn't separate a prescription from a street drug.  It's an equal opportunity destroyer.  

Edited by Persnickety1
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I still haven't caught up, so apologies if this has already been mentioned... but I can't get over how controlled Kim seemed at the table, after the incident, and during the non-apology meeting with Lisa. For someone who doesn't like confrontations, she sure seemed to be holding her own during that confrontation. Putting aside the fact that she had to try and use blackmail to win an argument, Kim's voice was firm, she wasn't at a loss for words (though the words she chose weren't particularly powerful, I mean eat some bread, come on), she didn't sputter, she kept eye contact, her body language looked aggressive, and she didn't backdown even when Lisa went for her. 

When the other women left, they all seemed so overwhelmed and shocked by what had transpired. They were hugging and trying to make sense of it. They broke down in tears. Kim looked triumphant. She didn't second guess herself. She didn't seem the least bit phased by any of it. Just offended by how rude Lisa was and surprised at how she went there.

The next day she just walked into Lisa's room and stuck by everything. Again she made eye contact, didn't take any blame for anything that went down, calmly told Lisa why she was wrong, and smugly accepted Lisa's apology.

The Kim that has always been described as a kind of broken bird was nowhere in sight. The Kim we saw did not seem the least bit weary of confrontation. In fact she seemed quite pleased. 


This is spot on.  I'm convinced now more than ever that Kim totally gets off on this sort of thing--and loves to set the scene for this kind of encounter.  It's another one of her drugs of choice-- creating massive confusion and tension, fighting, release. Barracuda.  There's one moment where we see her sitting in the restaurant chair after the place has been cleared by most of the women and she's stroking her hair, looking triumphant -- like she just slayed in the gladiator ring. It's Kim's world.  Kyle gives me the blues and sometimes the willies but I simply cannot IMAGINE having Kim as my sister. 

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I didn't care for Kyle's black feathery furry jacket. She's too short for that.


Kim alleging an eating disorder with Lisa R is on the same level as Lisa R talking about Kim's sobriety imo.  Kim going after Lisa R's husband is not.  It's like when Lisa V decided to smear Mauricio's name when angry at Kyle.  Almost all of these ladies play dirty when it suits them.


Brandi throwing wine at Eileen was unprovoked and inexcusable.  Brandi was drunk and it was preplanned.  She wanted to be able to 'hurt' Eileen under the guise of joking.  The other HWs criticized Brandi for it because it was another nasty drunken episode from Brandi.


Lisa R throwing wine at Kim was provoked and was inexcusable.  I don't believe Lisa R was drunk nor was it preplanned.  Lisa R wanted Kim to shut up and she knew words wouldn't work.  Breaking the glass was also inexcusable and dangerous.  We didn't see the other HWs (besides Kim & Brandi) talk about this because Kyle steered the conversation to herself so she could play martyr.  But because the target was Kim, and Lisa R didn't have a history of attack, Lisa R will probably not face as much criticism.

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