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S05.E12: Remember

Tara Ariano

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I saw this on tumblr and I thought it was a nice touch, even if likely wasn't intentional. I don't really watch just for "the originals," but I do like when they get those moments (like the originals being the ones we saw being interviewed - along with Michonne, which speaks volumes on her importance).



  • Love 4
but I could see her just wanting a safe place for her extended family.


Perhaps but I hope that isn't the case.  It's one thing to desexualize Michonne, and now it seems people don't even want her to be Rick's friend (because Rick can't have two friends), but to make her lose her mind over somebody else's children?  I can't deal with that trope.  Rick didn't ask her to adopt his kids so it doesn't make sense to have her turn the world upside down for them.  I'm hoping that she's just having a garden variety nervous breakdown.  Perhaps this, now that the show seems to be bringing in a love/sex interest for Rick, will be the start of sexyMichonne as a means to help her through her pain.  For some reason I'm hoping she'll make a man out of PP.


Unfair Wolves.  It's always funny.

Edited by Timetoread
  • Love 2

I like the detail of Rick having a scar on his left shoulder where Morgan stabbed him. Thanks for that continuity, show.


I think Rick and Daryl have an intrinsic bond built from the days on the farm, when Daryl was rock-solid support at a time when Rick was losing all the people he thought he could count on, in one way or another. 


It's not something that tends to pop up on a frequent basis, but more when the chips are down. Rick has never let Daryl down, and Daryl won't forget it. That's one of the reasons why he seemed stung when Rick took the constable job, until he realized that Rick was running a con.


Rick and Michonne also have a very close bond. I'm never sure where the show is going with it, as there are romantic/sexual aspects that are played up at times (like her reaction to him sans beard), but if I try to put that away (which isn't easy for me), I take their relationship at the moment to be what Shane and Rick might have been if Shane hadn't been obsessed with Lori and the perfect family, and taken his anger out on Rick. 


Shane, at his best, wanted what was best for the group and for Rick, and cared deeply about Rick. He wasn't afraid of voicing his opinion, whatever anyone else might have said. His instincts guided him.


Seeing Michonne named a constable alongside Rick brought it back to me, because that's the role Shane would have had if they'd found Alexandria in season 1. 


Michonne now having that role tells you how much Rick's life has changed and just how much the show itself has changed. 

I loved this post, especially the last line. To think of how far these people/this show has come. The changes, people they've lost, who they were, and who they are. That's why I love it.


I saw this on tumblr and I thought it was a nice touch, even if likely wasn't intentional. I don't really watch just for "the originals," but I do like when they get those moments (like the originals being the ones we saw being interviewed - along with Michonne, which speaks volumes on her importance).




  • Love 5
I believe that this Alexandria thing is a straight up bluff. No way that they are this green and this weak.  They couldn't be.  Aaron said in the previous episode that they have to "audition".  Deanna called herself a poker player and I found myself saying out loud "She's VERY smart."  My spidey sense is telling me that they want to see not only how tough this group is but what they do when they sniff out weakness.  Note how interested she was that they stayed together - meaning that the offer of comfort isn't what motivates them to let down their guard.  Where are all the other people?  What happened to Aaron and his friend?   To me what we are seeing is the "audition" but I think if Rick really did try to "take" the place, he'd find REAL resistance.  My guess is that this place has cops, soldiers, and many many tough types.  Even that run with Members Only seemed fake to me.  Those two wouldn't make it to the mailbox let alone clear 59 miles of walkers.  Notice how he pushed that walker toward Tara, my guess to see how she'd react to it, how the others would react to her in trouble, and how all three would react to Member's Only piss poor leadership.  Would they take over?  Would they leave?  Also, my spidey sense tells me that her interest isn't in Rick but in Carl.  I don't know why I feel that but I do. 


The video taping, electricity, plumbing, hi-tech surveillance - that's quite an infrastructure for a gay couple, a congresswoman, a hair dresser and four punk kids to uphold.  Nope this is not the REAL Alexandria.  Not yet.  I'm not saying that they are bad per se but they are not what this group thinks initially and they may not be what this group can accept in the long run.

For the most part I agree. I don't know that they necessarily have a force of armed soldiers hidden away or anything, but if Aaron and his hubby were able to operate out in the wild alone and stalk CDB unseen until they decided to reveal themselves, there are definitely people more competent than Not Adam Scott in Alexandria. I'm still not sure if the latter is playing a role and the whole excursion was a test, or if he's Exhibit A of why nepotism is a bad idea and Deanna is happy to have more capable people show up so her harebrained son won't get himself and others eaten while playing Call of Duty: Zombie Edition in real life.


Why do they insist on shaving Andrew Lincoln's chest? We saw his little pelt in "Days Gone Bye" and it's been absent since. Maybe all the hair fell off in despair.

You know how a lot of the hair on your ankles gets worn down by having socks tight against your skin? Maybe that funky shirt that was plastered to Rick's chest 24/7 for a couple of months had the same effect.

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I think this 5B may turn out to be my favourite arc on the show.  I just love how the writers are digging into the characters, showing the damage done by the past misadventures, and how the actors are living it.  Rick, all twitchy and paranoid, edging into a new home like he knows there's something or somebody lurking behind a door.  His assessment of the situation was awesome: 'yeah, they look away our weapons and now they're splitting us up''; not, this is a peaceful place and they're offering us our choice of buildings.  Paranoia for the win.  Carl, pulling out his knife to go investigate a sudden noise, again knowing anything behind a closed door can be deadly.  Carol, drawing a pretty curtain over her darkness, letting everyone think her survival was a favour from others, not hard-won growth in response to unthinkable losses and challenges.  Glenn, trying to be a grown-up, while dealing with a tedious ass.  Aiden, when Tara's rolling her eyes at your incompetence, it is time to sit down and learn something.  She went from a young woman who couldn't run without twisting her ankle to a survivor who can capably handle a gun and a knife.


I have zero problems with Rick thinking this is the kind of defensible sanctuary that is too good to waste.  It has reinforced walls, where the prison only had wire.  It has incredible potential.  It also has people who have been sheltered from the worst of what is out there.  The gates closed at the very start of the ZA so the Alexandrians have only glimpsed the ugliness that is the new world.  I'm assuming they've learned through experience that "we're all infected" and that head shots are the only way to be sure.  Yes, they've survived but if Jessie thinks she can handle herself she's sadly mistaken.  She's trimming the hair of a man who chewed out Joe's jugular to save his people.  Glenn killed a zombie while still partially-taped to a chair; Aiden and his buddy can't contain one that's falling apart on its own.  Even Father Gabriel stiffened his spine enough to be last man through a hole in the floor so Michonne could get away with the Grimes kids; Erik broke his ankle hiding from zombies.  Aaron approaches complete strangers, thinking he's given them a thorough vetting.  He might know enough to avoid a Joe, but a Governor?  A Gareth?  A Dawn?  They all seem perfectly reasonable until you get too close and the crazy starts to shine through.  They're living on borrowed time.  Rick and most of his group thought going to Washington was a bad idea because of the large population that had likely zombified; other groups likely thought along similar lines and stuck to more remote areas.  With supplies becoming an issue, more people are likely to risk populated areas and Alexandria will be a target.  Unless the town is full of stealth badasses, I can see why Rick, Carl, Carol and Daryl are concerned.  Aiden doesn't want to learn from somebody as experienced as Glenn; if the rest of them are the same, then Alexandria is screwed and I like that Rick and the others are ready.


Enid is probably not as messed up as Lizzie was, but she's trouble.  I think she took Rick's gun and is connected with one or more of the exiles.  There has to be a reason to draw her outside the walls and I refuse to believe she's keeping a pet zombie somewhere.  The exile/s clearly can't attack the compound directly but they might be picking the teams off outside the walls.  They might find that a little more challenging now.


I can't wait to see what happens next.

Edited by Irishmaple
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Thank God almighty Rick FINALLY SHAVED THE BEARD!  I loved how Michonne was giving him the old eyeball at his new clean face.  My God, these two are worse than Daryl and Carol.

Yeah like they said on Talking Dead, Rick was starting to look like Crazy Homeless Guy.  I don't know what to make of this situation yet.  It's possible that with Rick's final comment last night, they are setting up for a reversal, where Alexandria is actually run by someone good, and where Rick takes on the roll of Gareth or The Governor, becoming what his group has always fought against.  All that time roaming from place to place has turned him feral, it's about his group surviving at the expense of others.  But at some point you have to move beyond that phase and into settling and civilization-building.

  • Love 1

Perhaps but I hope that isn't the case. It's one thing to desexualize Michonne, and now it seems people don't even want her to be Rick's friend (because Rick can't have two friends), but to make her lose her mind over somebody else's children? I can't deal with that trope. Rick didn't ask her to adopt his kids so it doesn't make sense to have her turn the world upside down for them. I'm hoping that she's just having a garden variety nervous breakdown. Perhaps this, now that the show seems to be bringing in a love/sex interest for Rick, will be the start of sexyMichonne as a means to help her through her pain. For some reason I'm hoping she'll make a man out of PP.

Unfair Wolves. It's always funny.

The way Michonne is dressed, all else aside, proves that she is not seen as asexual or desexualized. There's the fact she's had a partner and had a kid with him that also really makes a claim of desexualization kind of out there. Is there a time frame during which, if we see a character not knocking boots, we should automatically write them off as being actively desexualized?

But what I'm really confused about is what tired old trope is being dragged out by suggesting Michonne might have motives that are due to her love for her best friend forever's kids? (I don't recall anyone suggesting she's losing her mind, but I may have missed it.)

There are kids in my extended family and circle of friends whose parents I'm not sleeping with, whom I haven't been asked to adopt, whom you can bet I would do anything to protect if the world came to an end and whose welfare would be my main motive. Even if their parents were there with me. Because I love them. If that's horrible, I'm really a trope myself and crazy to boot.

Edited by BrokenRemote
  • Love 15

Glad people are noticing that Carol kinda blew an otherwise great ruse by going in there with the heavy gun; they should have switched around before entering but as has been pointed out, Aaron probably knows already.


I don't think Deanna is a shitty poker player who showed her hand; a great poker player likes to give opponents the idea they have learned what cards they are holding so they get overconfident.


We haven't seen many Alexandrians yet; we certainly saw more Vatos and I wasn't bothered that they were exclusively Latino.


Would someone please explain Deana's architecture professor husband bullshit?

I think she feeds stories to see if anyone picks up on it.

But as far as I saw, those "walls" were just steel posts and steel panels. Not really a wall. A metal panel fence. Metal is nice and strong and fireproof, but any idiot can guess how to surround something by setting posts and putting panels between.

An architect designs buildings, an architecture professor talks about designing.

I thought that was weird.



Rick and Daryl went through the Tombs with Tomas and Andrew etc. and Daryl told Rick just gimme a signal.

Daryl told Rick it's always you with a shovel in your hand, always doing something for the group.

When Daryl was complimented for bringing in refugees he gave Rick credit for bringing in most of them.

It was Rick and Daryl that found the prison in the first place.

Daryl wouldn't leave at the waterfall when Carol wanted to and Maggie told Glenn let's take our chances because he thought Rick's  done alright by me.

Rick didn't hold anything against Daryl for being with the Claimers temporarily because he said you're my brother.

And that doesn't go for anyone else; he didn't trust Andrea after she'd been at Woodbury,

Daryl saved his baby by getting the first formula.


They have been such best friends that the meme sites are full of Bromance memes for Daryl and Rick.

There are no memes for Michonne and RIck as besties;

what they do become now as police partners we'll see and I'm so glad they aren't partnered with strangers, but I think many people see Michonne as Rick's sounding board on decisions. As if she was his administrative assistant. But it may change.

  • Love 3

Is it just me or there are no ther POC aside from those in Our Group in Jonestown Safe Zone?

I didn't get the idea we'd seen everyone yet. For example, they alluded to enough kids to have two sessions of school. Carol was cooking for old people, moms who need a break and anyone else who needed it. We didn't even get close enough to the cheek-pinching grandparents to see what color they were. I think it's too early to know.

  • Love 3

It took three weeks before she spoke.


Gotcha.  Thanks.


I am not even sure what that means, that she acts "pregnant.", but a lot of you have said that. 


It's just that she seems to be into extreme nesting!


I thought it was interesting that they chose Tara and Noah to go with Glenn. They're no use useless as Eugene and FPP, but not necessarily first choice run material either. I wondered what that was about. I am a highly cynical person, so I'm probably way off base, but I almost wondered if they weren't trying to thin Rick's herd. 


I completely agree.  Oh, sure, they were *saying* to Glenn that "we heard you're good at making runs", but you know they were looking at him and thinking, "Yeah, we can take him.  Same with the girl and the gimp kid."


Speaking if poker, what card game was Eugene leading in the RV?



Nice catch.


Aside from Daryl gutting dinner, I love how no one seems to think it's odd (Rick, Carol, or Carl). Like it's perfectly normal to be doing that on the front porch.


I like that, too.  But also, considering how many times Daryl has probably fed them, they'd be ungrateful asses to start complaining about where he's eviscerating the meat.  It's not like he was inside on the hardwood.  <g>

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I thought it was a toy for Judith.

A way to get on Rick's good side, give him a haircut and an o-ball; one of the greatest baby toys ever.


I found this episode pretty fascinating. There’s more to Deanna, and the men she exiled to “certain” (not so certain!) death will somehow bite them in the ass. But watching our group individually react to this place is cool to watch. Glenn punching that douche was 10 kinds of awesome.


I’ve heard stories of soldiers in the military coming home from war and then it’s incredibly difficult for them to adjust to normal life, their old reality, after what they’ve been through and what they’ve seen. So it’ll be interesting to see how everyone individually handles this, given their backgrounds, personalities, and the way they internalize the past couple of years on the run. I think they’re all pretty shell-shocked on some level, and it’s odd to see Michonne being the most hopeful one but I understand it too.


Daryl: Back when S4 began, and they had invited outsiders into the prison and had a seemingly safe, functional, civilized location, Daryl was important. He was on the council, newbies were shaking his hand and trying to figure him out, all while being impressed by him. Did he enjoy this role? I recall some awkwardness but really can’t remember past that. Of course it was prison cells vs. mansions, and he was still frequently going out on runs. But it was organized and he was at the top of the hierarchy and this seemed to work for him (again, unless I’m remembering wrong). He just doesn’t have a damn clue what to do with Alexandria so far. He’s skeptical, but it’s also too big, too pretty, too many changes at once.


This Enid girl…I actually think her relationship with Carl could potentially be the most interesting. She started off ignoring him aside from “Pull it together, sport”, tired herself of being around the weak, and I imagine constantly being told that now she’s safe, chin up, be happy, let’s play videogames, go to school, etc. I would guess it all feels amazingly artificial after being on the outside for so long. She’ll likely get competitive with Carl at some point, some sort of “I’ve-been-through-worse-than you” game. He’ll rightfully put her in her place, and they’ll become friends, allies, gf/bf, until he realizes that she’s hiding something. She comes and goes as she wants, and I agree that she saw Carl and his group enter, AND saw Rick hide his gun in the blender. She may have initially had a weapon when she joined, but if she has to give it over every time she enters, she may just not want anyone realizing she’s heading in/out, and now she has Rick’s gun.

Edited by dannymoon
  • Love 5

Gotcha. Thanks.

It's just that she seems to be into extreme nesting!

I completely agree. Oh, sure, they were *saying* to Glenn that "we heard you're good at making runs", but you know they were looking at him and thinking, "Yeah, we can take him. Same with the girl and the gimp kid."

Nice catch.

I like that, too. But also, considering how many times Daryl has probably fed them, they'd be ungrateful asses to start complaining about where he's eviscerating the meat. It's not like he was inside on the hardwood. <g>

I wanna see him gutting critters on that one guy's pool table.

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The one thing they need, I think, is a fence like at the prison where they can dispatch of walkers that come sniffing around without the noise of a gun. (Unless they all get real good at making and shooting arrows.)

God no That was how the fence came down, living like a goldfish bowl in a world full of alley cats?! The only reason they had to keep dispatching walkers at the prison because that fence was like the humans were on display at the zoo.

Be surrounded by something that walkers can't see you through from a mile away. (and that human enemies can't watch your every move.) As long as they don't fire guns or set off roman candles there won't be walkers piling up outside the wall. A couple followed Rick and his traveling parade but they were very attention getting.

  • Love 2

God no That was how the fence came down, living like a goldfish bowl in a world full of alley cats?! The only reason they had to keep dispatching walkers at the prison because that fence was like the humans were on display at the zoo.

Be surrounded by something that walkers can't see you through from a mile away. (and that human enemies can't watch your every move.) As long as they don't fire guns or set off roman candles there won't be walkers piling up outside the wall. A couple followed Rick and his traveling parade but they were very attention getting.

It kind of makes you wonder how much the government knew at the beginning if they had the foresight to use steal....and at the very beginning too...

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I wonder if these rich "sustainable energy" folks knew something the rest of the world didn't about this virus. What else would be the point of building an exclusive community that could sustain itself from such as powerful force as this virus. Reminds me of the movie The Purge (SPOILER ALERT) where the rich were able to afford to put barriers and iron gates around their houses for protection

  • Love 1

I thought this was a great episode, for a variety of reasons.  I do get bored when the gang hunkers down in one location for too long (the farm, the prison, etc.) and also when they aimlessly wander empty paths and forests for too long.  I think it's good -- just from a viewer's perspective -- to mix it up.  I think they need to occasionally settle somewhere -- and then ultimately get dislodged from or disrupted at the location, forcing them to hit the road again.  Imagine how jarring it would be if, after being at this new, comfy location for a while and getting used to feeling almost normal, they suddenly have to uproot and eat dogs and worms again.


I know that the current set-up is way too good to be true, and there may be a diabolical undercurrent to it -- either that, or a new, horrible outside force/villain will invade the community.  Whatever the case, this Utopia won't last long as it is.  I actually wonder if Daryl might be exiled and end up having his own adventures out in the forest.


I couldn't help but wonder what was going through Michonne's mind when she commented on Rick's clean shaven face: 


Was she thinking, "OMG.  You look like you're 12"?


Or, "Damn!  Hey, there, Sexy Pants.  I had no idea you were hot!"


Or maybe, "I never noticed it before, but Rick looks a lot like the guy with the cue cards in 'Love Actually.'"

Edited by Sherry67
  • Love 5

Poker players know if you look to the left or the right when you lie, if you kick your leg, what is known as a "tell".

Which would be nice to have on videotape and keep rewinding and freeze-framing...wouldn't it?

I would add to my own post that when mom worked at the sheriff's office they would question someone and tape it of course; but the tape was also used to play at fast-forward and you could see more clearly when someone would scratch their ear or something 17 times during questioning. Ask him a question you already know the answer to to see if he lies and scratches when he does. then go over the rest of the tape with the scratching time-stamped and match to his statements. Then they realize they are doing it and stop...but the tension has to come out and they just start blinking or kicking instead but it's the same thing. She thinks Deanna is doing that.

Edited by kikismom
  • Love 2

I want to see more of the town's infrastrusture. What crops are they growing? Do they have any domestic food animals? Is there still any semblance of an economic system?

How have they been policing the place before Rick? Please tell me it wasn't the Douchey Boys.

What about religion? Is FPP the only minister in town? Is he going to unite them all under the First Church of Urinology?

Dawn's group will either be bad and get killed by Rick, or bad and get killed by zombies, or good and get killed by zombies. No big surprises there.

But while they're around, I want to see some details about them.

ETA: I meant "Deanne's" group. Thanks to kikismom for catching that one.

Edited by CletusMusashi
  • Love 3

When Rick sees that lady walking a large dog, I felt that it was supposed to convey normalcy; American suburbia.

But all I could think was what are they feeding the dog? They have so much meat they can keep large pet dogs?

Dogs don't do well on acorns.

If there's not a large zombie population around, meat could be very plentiful. Especially if they're using a lot of small game traps.

Or maybe the town rat-catcher is also the town dog food manufacturer.

Wait, dogs don't eat acorns? Not even baby dogs?

  • Love 2

I want to see more of the town's infrastrusture. What crops are they growing? Do they have any domestic food animals? Is there still any semblance of an economic system?

How have they been policing the place before Rick? Please tell me it wasn't the Douchey Boys.

What about religion? Is FPP the only minister in town? Is he going to unite them all under the First Church of Urinology?

Dawn's group will either be bad and get killed by Rick, or bad and get killed by zombies, or good and get killed by zombies. No big surprises there.

But while they're around, I want to see some details about them.

Hey, come on! Those guys were in the ROTC!

  • Love 3

Why dont the walls have support beams on the inside? Zombies will be pushing from the outside and the supports are on teh outside so thats as dumb as the stupid gate! I dont believe for one second people who could afford a house "starting at $800k" would put up with "off the grid" living. We're not anywhere near peak efficiency with solar power so people in the community would have to either also be very much on the grid OR be the richest hippies to have ever lived and be wiling to go without electricity for large parts of the year.

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I’ve been wondering what Tara, Noah or Gabriel told Deanne in their interviews.  Rick, Darryl, Michonne, Carol, etc., know to be careful.


I could see Gabriel being like, “I went outside my church, was attacked by zombies, these people came and saved me, then this group of people Rick said were cannibals came along, and Rick and Company killed them all.  They didn’t shoot them though.  They didn’t want to waste the bullets.”


Noah, “This girl Beth helped me escape from the crazy cops who were holding us prisoner in a hospital while pretending they were doing us a favor.  I went back with Rick and Company to save Beth, Beth was killed, but they took me back to where I was originally from.  Everyone was dead or gone, so I stayed with this group.  Tyrese got bit while we were there and died.”


Tara, “These people were living at a prison.  This group I was with attacked it because we were following this crazy guy we at first thought would help us.  I helped Glenn find his wife Maggie, and the group let me stay with them.  We all almost got eaten by the cannibals at Terminus, but Carol, the lady in the cardigan, came along and saved us.”

Edited by TigerLynx
  • Love 10

Woodberry had to have sentinels on the walls to dispatch of walkers, and you couldn't see inside their walls.

Woodbury had sentinals to pick off what were random walkers...or human strangers. But you never saw daily piles of walkers having to be hauled off to be burned.

I'm sure walkers can still show up anywhere. But when heaps of them are making a prison fence collapse, you're doing something wrong. The daily man-hours and effort to poke walkers through the fence in the head was much more than what would have been needed to just camouflage people and pigs etc.

Woodbury only needed a couple people on the wall, as seen with Sasha and Tyreese, or Andrea and Bowgirl. But any time they showed the prison it was a whole crew and they weren't sitting in beach chairs looking through binocs, or having to wear aprons.


Dawn's group will either be bad and get killed by Rick, or bad and get killed by zombies, or good and get killed by zombies. No big surprises there.

But while they're around, I want to see some details about them.

Dawn is back?! Holy shit! She must have a bigger fangirl base than Beth!

Edited by kikismom
  • Love 3
But what I'm really confused about is what tired old trope is being dragged out by suggesting Michonne might have motives that are due to her love for her best friend forever's kids?


The trope(s) I am referring to are: Black female = friend (aka The Best Friend or The Sidekick) = takes care of the kids (aka The Mammy).  This person's existence and importance lies only in what service they provide to the main character - including take the bullet for the main character and NEVER, EVER EVER as a love interest - they are too tough or serious or special or noble or spiritual for anybody to want to have sex with them.  I willing to bet that the word platonic was invented to use in context with this trope.  But what gives this trope maximum impact is that for most people the thought of this person's role being something else or bigger is considered utterly ridiculous and even downright distasteful.  Case in point...


They have been such best friends that the meme sites are full of Bromance memes for Daryl and Rick.

There are no memes for Michonne and RIck as besties;

what they do become now as police partners we'll see and I'm so glad they aren't partnered with strangers, but I think many people see Michonne as Rick's sounding board on decisions. As if she was his administrative assistant. But it may change.

  • Love 2

Woodbury had sentinals to pick off what were random walkers...or human strangers. But you never saw daily piles of walkers having to be hauled off to be burned.

I'm sure walkers can still show up anywhere. But when heaps of them are making a prison fence collapse, you're doing something wrong. The daily man-hours and effort to poke walkers through the fence in the head was much more than what would have been needed to just camouflage people and pigs etc.

Woodbury only needed a couple people on the wall, as seen with Sasha and Tyreese, or Andrea and Bowgirl. But any time they showed the prison it was a whole crew and they weren't sitting in beach chairs looking through binocs, or having to wear aprons.


Dawn is back?! Holy shit! She must have a bigger fangirl base than Beth!

Agreed about the fences. Their top priority should have been covering those suckers.  It wouldn't have been easy, but think of the manpower they wasted stabbing walkers day after day.  Blankets, pallets, old mattresses, anything would have worked.  They had a lot of territory to cover, so maybe even building an inner fence that was more for camouflage than for holding walkers off. 


That could be good for Alexandria, that they have fences you can't see through.  And I thought the main entrance was a double fence, like come in the first fence and shut it, now come in the second, but now I'm going to have to go back and see for sure.

If that were so, why did Rick and the gang almost starve...till they were lucky enough to eat dogs? They were not that far from Alexandria.


I thought one of them said it was 50 some miles when they stopped for the storm.  Someone said "not much longer" and someone else said "50 miles" (or 54 or whatever), and the first person said, that's not what I meant. 

  • Love 1

I didn't get the idea we'd seen everyone yet. For example, they alluded to enough kids to have two sessions of school. Carol was cooking for old people, moms who need a break and anyone else who needed it. We didn't even get close enough to the cheek-pinching grandparents to see what color they were. I think it's too early to know.


It's Virginia so I doubt it.  Now they have three.

Rick and Daryl went through the Tombs with Tomas and Andrew etc. and Daryl told Rick just gimme a signal.

Daryl told Rick it's always you with a shovel in your hand, always doing something for the group.

When Daryl was complimented for bringing in refugees he gave Rick credit for bringing in most of them.

It was Rick and Daryl that found the prison in the first place.

Daryl wouldn't leave at the waterfall when Carol wanted to and Maggie told Glenn let's take our chances because he thought Rick's  done alright by me.

Rick didn't hold anything against Daryl for being with the Claimers temporarily because he said you're my brother.

And that doesn't go for anyone else; he didn't trust Andrea after she'd been at Woodbury,

Daryl saved his baby by getting the first formula.


They have been such best friends that the meme sites are full of Bromance memes for Daryl and Rick.

There are no memes for Michonne and RIck as besties;

what they do become now as police partners we'll see and I'm so glad they aren't partnered with strangers, but I think many people see Michonne as Rick's sounding board on decisions. As if she was his administrative assistant. But it may change.


No doubt that Rick and Daryl have a close bond. However, since the fall of the prison, we have been shown that their relationship isn't what it used to be. Part of it could be Daryl's emotional spiral. Remember, he partially blamed himself for the Governor's return, then he lost Beth, then he lost Carol, then Beth died. While all of this has been going on, Rick, Michonne and Carl had formed their own little family pod on the road. After Terminus, Rick and Michonne are seen making decisions together. She's the one who made the call to check out Aaron's car and she made the call to head to ASZ. That's way more than administrative assistant duties. Rick and Michonne seem to be clear leaders of the group with Glenn being more of a second in command than Daryl.


In terms of Michonne's desire to make ASZ work. I think this speaks to how fearful she is that they will all become feral and never be able to maintain humanity. I'm reminded of the conversation she overheard Carl and FPP having in the church about no place being safe. Deep down she knows that it is true, but hearing this kid tell a grown man that truth definitely got to her. Plus who wouldn't want some creature comforts after starving and roughing it for so long. I also wonder how much she thinks about how Woodbury could have been different. I think her guard is still up, but she's more hopeful this time around. 


Boofish, I'm doubtful about that. Planned communities down side roads aren't novelty, the sustainability is just an added perk for the wealthy eco-conscience. I do think finding and building a fortress around a community like ASZ is very smart.

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The trope(s) I am referring to are: Black female = friend (aka The Best Friend or The Sidekick) = takes care of the kids (aka The Mammy).  This person's existence and importance lies only in what service they provide to the main character - including take the bullet for the main character and NEVER, EVER EVER as a love interest - they are too tough or serious or special or noble or spiritual for anybody to want to have sex with them.  I willing to bet that the word platonic was invented to use in context with this trope.  But what gives this trope maximum impact is that for most people the thought of this person's role being something else or bigger is considered utterly ridiculous and even downright distasteful.  Case in point...


So if any of us don't see the Rick and Michonne relationship the same way you read it, then we automatically see it as distasteful?    And if we think she loves Rick's kids, we are only capable of seeing her as the Mammy?  I can't even with that.... 

  • Love 13

What was up with the very beginning of the episode where  Carl saw the reflection of a woman in the window, that then disappeared?

I think others probably responded to this one already but I didn't think it was a reflection, I thought it was Enid he saw peaking out the window, and figured she ducked aside as soon as she saw Carl looking back at her.  But I cold be wrong about that, we'll see.


Charles Whitman?

You're a bad bad person kikimom and you're extremely going to hell.  As am I for laughing hysterically at that.


I'm not sure what he meant by "Easter egg". Is that like a red herring?




Generally an easter egg is like a hidden feature, or short little epilogue tacked on after the credits.  The world's person least likey to misuse that term would be TD's Chris Hardwick, but if he did show or discuss the easter egg, I somehow missed it. Or maybe they had to drop it due to time constraints. 

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