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Spoilers & Speculation: Running Hot & Cold

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I love Stein's team descriptions. A girl with wings and a past lives complex, a deceased assassin, a pair of criminals, a billionaire with more tech then he knows what to do with it and half a hero. 


It's the island of misfit toys. Hey, that should've been the name. haha

Edited by Sakura12
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Sara:   I liked her old outfit better.  But I'm very glad she's back.


It looks like fun, and I really want to see a Palmer vs Stein brain-off.  Ray seems much better here.


It feels overwhelmingly male to me though. The Atom, Stein, Cold, Heatwave, Hunter (Darvill looks really hot here) plus Oliver and Barry in the trailer vs Sara and Hawkgirl. I hope they bring in some more female characters.

It feels much less male to me than The Flash. Yeah, it's the same awful disparity (6 men, 2 women) but at least both women here are kicking ass and are real parts of the team. No idiotic "never tell her" storylines, no dumb "protecting". They also got quite a bit of screentime here. Hope it translates to the actual show.

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I'm Asian. I don't give a flip about the White Canary not being Asian on this show. Caity Lotz is awesomeness incarnate and basically the closest thing we have to a real life superhero. I want her getting as much work as possible.


I have no real beef with Brandon Routh, and Ray Palmer has turned out ok once they stopped writing him as a creepy stalker. And I'm glad he's started shrinking so that he doesn't just look like a second-rate Iron Man. But man, the animation on his small form was horrible. I don't know why they couldn't just stick Brandon in front of a green screen so that at least the running animation wouldn't look so stupid.


The time traveling aspect is an awesome twist that I didn't see coming. They can use this show to introduce all kinds of other characters from the DC universe since they can literally travel anywhere and any time. They could go to the American western frontier and meet Jonah Hex, for example.


So yeah, I was really dubious about this show when I heard about it, but that featurette sold me. I'm in.

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The travel through time gave me tingles, I'm not afraid to admit that. That's a premise I could get behind. Also that "You're not heroes, you're Legends"  was so cheesy but I still felt my heartbeat speed up.


I feel I'm too excited for this show and should be wary because it's from the same people that made Arrow and The Flash and I don't want to watch those shows anymore. 

Edited by Sakura12
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From the Mind Your Surroundings thread on the Arrow forum:


Is the guy at 2:10 (during Rip Hunter's speech) RF?  That kind of looks like Tom Cavanaugh's hair as well as the RF suit he's wearing. 


Yeah, I think that's good ol'e Eobard/RF. BUT, it's probably a shot from a scene in next week's Flash finale rather than something for the spinoff. The LoT teaser used, well, a lot of shots from old episodes of Arrow and the Flash interspersed with the new ones for the spinoff.

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That trailer was fan-freaking-tastic.


Marvel may own the big screen, but television is DC's house.

I agree with you about the trailer, but not about Marvel. They have shows that are much better than DC's and, TBH, feel much more grown up and complicated. DC is overrated.

Edited by FurryFury
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This looks amazing! I thought this would look terrible, but I was pleasantly surprised.



1. The use of Ray. He should be much more tolerable now that he's not hogging screentime or being creepy over Felicity. I actually liked the use of humor around him in this trailer.

2. Sara is back. Enough said. They should never have killed her off in the first place.

3. Cold's reaction to everything. I love this guy. 

4. Rip seems like an interesting character.

5. Vandal Savage!

6. They are going to time travel!


Didn't like:

1.The opening with Oliver and Barry. It was forced and not needed.

2. We have to wait until 2016 to see it.

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Eeee Sarah!  White Canary! Yeah I'm sucked in to this and all I could think of when Rip was talking about Time Travel?




My only questions are really about Ronnie/Robbie/Firestorm, and I kind of wish Peyton as Golden Glider was there with Captain Cold, she and Wentworth are more fun than Wentworth and Dominic. Ha, okay just read her character wiki that explains things.

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Yeah I'd definitely prefer Golden Glider over Heatwave. 2 girls isn't nearly enough, plus brother/sister villain team dynamic is something that at least hasn't been explored too often.


No idea about Firestorm other than I'm thrilled we won't be stuck with Robbie Amell's "acting".

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This show had me at the announcement of Hawkgirl and the promise of Sara - but that trailer was all kinds of awesome.  I can't wait.


I do wish they had used Golden Glider over Heatwave, but maybe she will appear.  I so hope Nyssa appears!


And to rather or not we should trust the showrunners - I almost believe the 13 episode setup is going to help them.  I kind of hope they keep it that way.  It will let them tell a tighter story and hopefully not get repetitive. 

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prismtattoo asked:

why did you decide to make Legends of Tomorrow a mid-season premiere? was it to facilitate reintroduction of Sara and Ray, while introducing Rip Hunter and Hawkgirl? or was that decision not up to you?

Legends had to be mid-season because that’s the soonest we could have it ready by.

soletsthinkaboutit asked:

Hi! Just watched the Legends of Tomorrow's trailer and WOW, I'm so excited! My question is: will we learn why Sara was resurrected? The background of her resurrection or anything like that? Will her family (and everyone else) know she is alive? Really curious to see how all of this will play out! Keep up the good work. Everything you, Andrew and Greg do, together or not, is pure gold. Cheers from Brazil!

All will be revealed.  Thanks for your support!

prismtattoo asked:

Small question about Legends of Tomorrow! I'm a big fan of Arthur Darvill from his Doctor Who days, so I'm really excited to see him back on my TV! Will he be keeping his accent in the series?





Posted: 1 hour ago


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If he is anything like he was in The Flash, might guess is Heatwave is mainly there to be the crazy, violent guy in the group, that everyone else has to tell to quit screwing stuff up.  True, Cold/Snart is also a sociopath, but he tends to be a bit more logical about his nefarious acts.  But Heatwave is someone who can go off on someone, and I can see that causing friction with the team.  Have no idea if will work here or not though.  I do think this is case of having too much of him could be very tiring.  I think I would have preferred Golden Glider also.


Sara and the Lazarus Pit: I noticed that, unlike with Thea, it seems whoever puts her in there, is just going to dump her in naked, and not do a whole ceremony thing, with the white dress and everything.  Now, I'm sure the main reason is because TPTB want to show off as much of Caity Lotz' fit body as possible on network TV, but I definitely think that it is likely her resurrection wasn't approved or known by Ra's.

Edited by thuganomics85
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Since Legends has time travel, through Rip Hunter and Barry, and we know that Sara gets revived through the Lazarus Pit, I wonder if someone will go back in time to get her shortly after she's been killed, and before she starts decomposing, and put in in the LP now that Malcolm is Ra's.  Because he owes her, big time.


I also wonder if she'll have her real memories or be a bit crazy.  Darn that trailer, it's got me wanting the show.


ETA:  Sara may be naked in the Lazarus Pit, but her makeup is perfect.

Edited by statsgirl
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Speaking about Heatwave, it's interesting that when CL was asked about which actors she knew, she only mentioned Wentworth in connection to Prison Break, but not Purcell. I wonder if it's just because he was the lead or Heatwave is not going to be such a big part of the show (could they kill him off in ep 1 to show the enemy's power and to motivate Cold?)

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Well Rip did say "those of you who survive". I guess someone dies at some point. I'm good with it being Heatwave, then they can bring in Vixen or I suppose Golden Glider. 


I can't wait to see Sara interacting with her new team. I have a feeling she'll butt heads with Stein but respect him and he will do the same with her. (I wonder if they'll use Sara's chemistry and forensics background?) I can see her making fun of Ray while also helping become a better hero. I hope she becomes friends with Kendra, they need female friendships in this verse where we actually see them being friends. Then I can see her getting along with Cold, him being a criminal and her an assassin. 

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I'd prefer Golden Glider, too.  However, I can not manage to not have dirty thoughts every time Golden Glider is mentioned.  It's like some weird version of Golden Shower in my head.  It would probably be really inappropriate to actually admit to the image that pops up in my head.  



And now that I've embarrassed myself, changing the topic.  What's the point of Atom shrinking.  I figure there can be practical things like getting into places unnoticed.  But in a world where computer hacking is so advanced that Felicity can basically create a camera and microphone in a shower out of thin air just so they can find out the info they need, an Atom might be redundant.  Unless being small (and slow and weaker) means he does something else that's more relevant.  

Edited by bluebonnet
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And now that I've embarrassed myself, changing the topic.  What's the point of Atom shrinking.  I figure there can be practical things like getting into places unnoticed.  But in a world where computer hacking is so advanced that Felicity can basically create a camera and microphone in a shower out of thin air just so they can find out the info they need, an Atom might be redundant.  Unless being small (and slow and weaker) means he does something else that's more relevant.  


It would depend on how creative the writers are. However, the comics have found some pretty good uses for the Atom's powers besides sneaking into places. They've also depicted him jumping into an enemy's ear canal to disturb their balance or shrinking down so small that he can ride an electric current in a wire (note: do not learn physics from comic books). 

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Ok, so maybe Iron Man, ahem, I mean Atom has a lot more potential than I thought!


Another thing that I'm eagerly anticipating is that there appears to be a total lack of love triangle drama.  Does anyone think it's possible that this show will be super light on the shipping, at least to start, so that the plot and characters have a chance to breathe and grow organically?  

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Well Stein has a wife and while I don't think we ever got confirmation that Sara and Nyssa got back together - many people will want to think of Sara with Nyssa.  However, I don't think that means Sara can't be shipped with the other guys. 


The show should be careful when it comes to Ray because we know he loved his fiancé and he believably fell for Felicity, but he doesn't seem like the type to have "casual" relationships so if they want to make him half of a ship, it will need to happen slowly (and if its with Sara, it will need to happen really slowly or people will wanting Nyssa to cut off his head).


I think flirtation is the way they should go for season one and letting intimate friendships form.  Let people ship whoever they want, but don't move any couples together until at least the second or third seasons would be the best bet in my opinion.

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I'm more concerned about the show relying on relationship angst to form a significant backbone of the drama.  I'm much prefer the backbone to be about saving people, hunting things, the hero business rather than who is going to break up and make up or pine week to week.  I mean, sure, maybe Stein will discuss missing his wife but it can be framed as character development rather than "OMG MY WIFE IS CHEATING ON ME WITH CAPTAIN COLD LET'S DO 10 EPISODES WITH THIS PLOT".  And now that Nyssa is friends with the Lance family, there should be no need for kidnapping the Lance family in order to get Sara to  come back to the LoA.


In short, I hope the relationships are built as part of the characters rather than the focus of drama.  

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Since Legends has time travel, through Rip Hunter and Barry, and we know that Sara gets revived through the Lazarus Pit, I wonder if someone will go back in time to get her shortly after she's been killed, and before she starts decomposing, and put in in the LP now that Malcolm is Ra's.  Because he owes her, big time.


I also wonder if she'll have her real memories or be a bit crazy.  Darn that trailer, it's got me wanting the show.


ETA:  Sara may be naked in the Lazarus Pit, but her makeup is perfect.

I was actually thinking that the whole reason Nyssa went back to the LoA at the end of Arrow was to use the pit to revive Sara. Maybe she didn't do it because her father refused but now he's dead and Nyssa is more defiant so she sneaks Sara in to the pit?

Of course your idea could work too, but I get the feeling from the trailer that the roof scene is the first time the team had any real interaction with Rip Hunter.

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This looks amazing! I thought this would look terrible, but I was pleasantly surprised.



1. The use of Ray. He should be much more tolerable now that he's not hogging screentime or being creepy over Felicity. I actually liked the use of humor around him in this trailer.

Routh works best when they let Ray embrace being a geek.  When Ray's completely serious, it doesn't work.  When they let Ray's love of science come out, and his loving being a superhero come out, it's awesome.


The best thing about it is that it looks to be more like The Flash than Arrow.  The team's going to enjoy being superheroes, and not brood.  Also we know Wentworth Miller and Routh are going to have a blast, but man so is Victor Garber.  He's going to be the straight man to all of it, and the mentor, but with the voiceover, his talking to Ray, and his work on The Flash, there's a great chance his fun with this role is going to show.

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"You're not heroes, you're Legends"  was so cheesy but I still felt my heartbeat speed up


Me too.  I think Arthur's delivery and the pacing of the trailer combined to make it really work. 


I'm not gonna lie, when I saw Sara's new outfit I immediately thought, "why is Sara dressed like Luke Skywalker?"  Anything that makes me think of the original trilogy is always welcome and it being in connection with my girl Sara just makes me want to watch even more.

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Me too.  I think Arthur's delivery and the pacing of the trailer combined to make it really work. 


I'm not gonna lie, when I saw Sara's new outfit I immediately thought, "why is Sara dressed like Luke Skywalker?"  Anything that makes me think of the original trilogy is always welcome and it being in connection with my girl Sara just makes me want to watch even more.

i thought she looked like Leia on Hoth


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The time travel angle is the one thing that has me a bit not so much worried but thoughtful of what and how they are going to try to pull off.  And it's not that I have a thing against time travel.  I was watching Dr. Who before I could ride a bike and I loved Quantum Leap, which I have to admit is what sorta came to mind when they started talking about that Vandal Savage has caused harm throughout history. Is this supposed to be him also having access to time travel or is the time travel thing only for the team so they can go back and fix what went wrong in the past to weaken him...which doesn't really work because that would mean we'd always be in the past because fighting him in the future would be a waste of energy - so yeah, it feels like they are going to be chasing VS through time.


Which brings up more questions.  WHEN does the team exist?  Do they have a home base in our current year?  Will they just pop from mission to mission not able to go home?  IF they do get to go back to our time, do they just go about their business waiting to be plucked out of time when they are needed and then dropped back so say Captain Cold can go back to robbing Central City?


The action looks fun but I don't give a hoot about the action if I don't get to know and care about the characters so I do worry a bit about keeping them always on mission.  Arrow I think suffered a lot this year because it abandoned an life for Oliver outside of the mission.  (That and a host of other problems)


The other thing that has me concerned is what happens when the first 13 episodes are up?  Do they move on to Darkseide?  Vandal Savage is pretty big foe, rather hard to top and either they do live up to their "legend" and defeat him or they drag it out forever getting victories that don't amount to much so they can keep their big bad.   Which is really rough on morale of the team and audience. 


I'm also very curious about how crossovers will happen.  Makes me wonder if they will be limited just to masks which if is true, is rather disappointing.  I suppose that problem can be solved by establishing a base in the current time but my hopes of Diggle hopping over for some casual bad ass moves is greatly diminished.  Same with getting some emotional resolution to our Sara issues.  I just have this feeling that we are not going to get flashbacks about her backstory after all and that the show will focus on meshing the team rather than letting the individual characters the chance to breath.


Likely they will take all the needed time to set up backstory on Flash and Arrow which is a 50/50 proposition for any new characters.  We might get  a great intro like Barry or a burden like Ray floating on his island almost the whole series.  Again, hopefully they've learned from their mistakes but I have some trepidation.  I adore Sara but if she comes back on Arrow, I want it also have meaning for Arrow, not just be the hand wave that brings her back.  If she's on Arrow I want Nyssa and Quentin and the Laurel stuff to be dealt with but there is so little time for such a big storyline and whatever they will plan for next season with Damian Dhark and HIVE.  I'm already worried about rushed storylines on all three shows. 


The comment about it being a 13 hour movies makes me also worry about bombast and plot trumping characterization and it's the characterization that will let me believe in the team when they go visit some evil dark age druids or something.  This show could be spectacular ...or be spectacularly ridiculous.  I'm watching, make no mistake, but right now I feel the need to also plan on crossing my fingers and hoping for the best.

Edited by BkWurm1
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It looked like they were at some kind of base with a bunch of computers when Ray was showing Sara and Stein he can change from Iron Man to Ant-Man. They also showed a shot of a computer saying the wormhole was stable or something. I would think they would need a place to leave from and return to. If they go with what I heard about Vandal Savage then he has taken the roles of Conquerors or was an adviser of Conquerors throughout history and has been defeated. Team Legend could be the team that helped stop him every time.


Legends are stories passed down through the ages, no one knows whether they are true or not. 


I am kind of interested in seeing what they do with this, it already sounds more interesting the Arrow and Flash. I'll have to wait until filming starts to see if we seem them building historic sets. I would love it if I saw some old Stargate sets pieces being used. And how can they pass up putting Rip in a Roman Centurion outfit?

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it already sounds more interesting the Arrow and Flash


Yeah, it doesn't feel like the same old, same old - more like a real sci-fi show that just happens to have superheroes. I'm not a superhero fan in the first place so I'm really excited.

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I thought of Quantum Leap for this show as well.  And while I can't find anything in the comics summaries, Vandall Savage has been connected to time travel on the cartoons.  I think there is a story where the Justice League has to follow him back to WW2 to stop him from helping the Nazi's win with advanced technology. Ok, I Goggled it and the plot on the cartoons is a trilogy called "The Savage Time."


Anyway, I thought about what they would do if they defeated Vandall in the first season and came to the conclusion that they shouldn't beat him.  With it only being a 13-episode run (if they keep to that formula), I think they could get a couple of seasons out of this story without it getting repetitive.  The team should go their separate ways at the end of season one thinking they have won only to slowly figure out that they didn't and come back together for season two to defeat him again.  By that point, maybe Vandall could have setup a version of the Legion of Doom that the team has to fight in season three.  They have a lot of material to mine here without going full on Darkseid type big (which I really think you can't do without at least one of the supes).

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I was looking up stuff on Vandal Savage and came across this quote from him 

"I am not a caveman. I am a visionary. A veteran and orchestrator of every significant war mankind has ever had. And I will continue to shape the world for the war of tomorrow. My tomorrow"


I wonder if that's why they choose the name the Legends of Tomorrow?

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Why did I watch that trailer?  Why?!  I was out, done over it.  No more stupid/nonsensical Arrow plot lines, no more grimdark, no more Flash and now they had to go and pull me back in with LP Sara, Time Travel, a kick ass/fun team of misfits and cocky Rory the Roman...screw you show!


Same here.  FUCK.


I am also more invested in Sara/Caity Lotz than I had ever imagined.  She looks AWESOME, ready to kick some major ass.  I am done w/ Arrow, but I will definitely give LOT a look when it premieres.

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I was actually thinking that the whole reason Nyssa went back to the LoA at the end of Arrow was to use the pit to revive Sara. Maybe she didn't do it because her father refused but now he's dead and Nyssa is more defiant so she sneaks Sara in to the pit?

Of course your idea could work too, but I get the feeling from the trailer that the roof scene is the first time the team had any real interaction with Rip Hunter.

I dunno.  On some level it might just make more sense if Rip was the one to dip her in the Lazarus Pit, because a Time Traveler could arrange things so that it happened really quickly after death--thus minimizing the damage/how much it drives the person to insanity.


Really we gotta see if the show decides to make Sara nuts.  It might hurt people's love of the character if they do.

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She didn't look nuts in the teaser trailer. She was her usual I'm not a hero self, and even joked around with Ray. That's why I'm wondering what these side effects are. Thea seems fine as well. 

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See that might argue Rip used some time travel magic, because as fast and loose as the show plays with things, would they really want to uncork the genie that anyone could be dragged to a Lazarus pit, no matter how long dead, and revived?  Using a time traveler's advantage even still gets dangerous close to that, but at least you could use the excuse that he was able to do so because the future timeline TOLD him it already HAD been done and he was just fitting it into fate (whereas trying it with other people, Tommy Merlin, for example, would just cause a paradox).

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I could go with that. If he's from the future than he knows Sara came back to be one of the Legends. It would be better for him to take her after Team Arrow buried her and placed her in the LP. 


Some info from an Reddit Q&A with Danielle Panabaker.


-The possibility of Caitlin crossing over to Legends Of Tomorrow has been discussed but is not official yet.


Is she going to be the floater? 

Edited by Sakura12
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It looked like they were at some kind of base with a bunch of computers when Ray was showing Sara and Stein he can change from Iron Man to Ant-Man.

I thought that was the Flash set. Was it not?

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I could go with that. If he's from the future than he knows Sara came back to be one of the Legends. It would be better for him to take her after Team Arrow buried her and placed her in the LP. 


Some info from an Reddit Q&A with Danielle Panabaker.





Is she going to be the floater? 


I'd be fine with that. A medical doctor is definitely useful, and she has history with Scofield and Burrows. Since she knows exactly what they are capable of there could be some good interactions.


I'd also like Cisco and LIsa to pop up too for the same reasons. Lisa could even be a regular given her connections to CC and HW.

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I could go with that. If he's from the future than he knows Sara came back to be one of the Legends. It would be better for him to take her after Team Arrow buried her and placed her in the LP. 


Some info from an Reddit Q&A with Danielle Panabaker.





Is she going to be the floater? 

Given the amount of times Lyla's been named dropped on Flash recently I think she's going to be the Floater.  If not Lyla then I think Cisco makes the most sense, he's bonded with Ray, knows Stein and has a frinemy (enemy?) relationship with Cold. Plus he's the tech guy, he made Cold/Heatwave's guns and improved the ATOM suit.

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