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S05.E15: Welcome To Amsterdam?

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Regardless of who did what to whom and why, the one unfortunately who benefits the most from all the hurly burly around whatever on earth she's doing off camera to propel herself into the behavior we see on camera is none other than .... drum roll ... Kim Richards!  Who has next to nothing to offer this show beyond the drama of her drama.  The rest of the cast definitely feed off it but the one getting the most bang for their buck in all this is still Kim.  Season after season we get to drive ourselves bonkers over her and season after season she's back. 


That said, I hope and pray that Rinna backs off of the excessive concern.  It's going to make zero difference to Kim and she risks being perceived as a user and an obsessive.  I'd be tapping old Harry to throw a party of some kind at my place -- or come up with some evening event that involves the other husbands.  She's made her point about Kim -- we get it even if Kim pretends not to--and best to keep it moving. 


Even the throw down fight will be a relief from all this.  Losing her temper will be something I'm sure LisaR will apologize for and it'll be good for Kim to be told, Enough! And to have that contrast on view will be good -- I'd be stunned if Rinna didn't apologize to Kim and I trust that Kim will continue to pretend that limo hell didn't occur. 

At this point, I feel like Kim is a wash.  She strikes me as way too insulated to properly challenge whatever allows her to lie to herself.  And the result is an intractable and pathological narcissism that extends beyond addiction.  


which means I hold out little to no hope for Kim.

And so my attention veers toward the others, if only because I am silly enough to think they are still human. I guess?


Whatever. Kyle Richards reminds me of my mother.  It's that fake helpless thing. And if I'm being really honest, I pounce on my mother in a Kim fashion when she makes a mistake.  Kim assumes everything Kyle does is deliberate and aggressive.  Kim is right but her presentation sucks.  SORRY MOM! 

  • Love 7

We have no idea if Lisa R tried to contact Kim off camera, none. It is possible that she did just as it is possible she did not. She kept her comments about Kim confined to what happened on poker night until Kim's BF spilled the beans about Kim. That is when Lisa R got more concerned about Kim and it was Brandi that pushed an "intervention", NOT Lisa R, so blame Brandi, not Lisa. Call Brandi out on her betrayal of Kim, had it not been for Brandi's big mouth we would never have known about the 2 am phone call, the "patch" Kim uses for her hernia, suicide talk, that Kim is so overwhelmed that she is on the edge....all of this came directly from Brandi, no one else. Lisa's response/concern was/is genuine IMO. 

So are we supposed to assume Lisa R tried? Sounds like a plot convenient way to give Lisa R a pass for her missteps.


Also by that same logic we don't know for sure that Kim didn't offer up an apology off camera. Just saying.


Funny thing aside from how she's handling such a sensitive subject I'm actually having a blast with the addition of Lisa R.

Edited by Sincerely Yours
  • Love 2

Well, Brandi warned Lisa R to not talk to Kim 1 on 1, that it should be done as a group thing where Kim would not feel singled out because Kim might just kill herself!

 Seems to me someone willing to tackle that should have been more mindful and very sure of their approach. She was still mulling it over in the car over there with Lisa V. Respect for the subject matter and all that. Just saying.

Well, anyway, that plane the Fosters make use of is still awesome and there were some good-looking snacks, right?  My Yolanda love is starting to creep back up on me.  She's putting some effort in.  And this chapter did rearrange my feelings towards King David.  Still floored by the one night ability to raise that kind of serious cash.  Hope the donors really did come through. 


I think one thing the episode shows pretty clearly is that folks who live at this level of comfort and luxury just get so used to it that it becomes ho-hum.  They've time and energy to start getting into arguments because they're not totally overwhelmed, as I would surely be, by the opportunity to be jet setting around like this.  I did my travelling when I was young and stopped a few years ago.  It's so awesome to be able to see the world in the ways they do, with all the perks available to them.  


I felt like this was maybe a subliminal message in this last installment.  Wealth, ease, travel, clothes, music, rock stars, lost bags of jewelry, private planes.  And then the Hamlin girls who, I believe, are being shown in a less than flattering light most all the time -- I doubt they're that bad 24/7.  They're both really young, their hot mama is on a show -- They're going through that awkward stage and are definitely not the Hadid girls.  I give them a break.  Might make me cranky too. And they're growing up in the environment they got plunked down into.  My heart doesn't bleed for them but I do give them a wee bit of leeway. 


PS -- Small voice ... Folks get passionate up in here and Kim is like kryptonite.  I don't see lectures, really, and sure as hell hope I'm not providing any.  I just see people who feel really strongly about whatever.  The show puts out a poisonous, toxic product much of the time and folks can surrender to that vibe.  I'll say it again just for the hell of it -- The postings on any side of any situation here are way way better than this show has ever deserved -- ever. And our respect and devotion to the program far outweigh what we get back in return.  Kim, regrettably, has also become the show, no matter where they are and what they do. 

Edited by copacabana
  • Love 10

Y'all know I liked and defended Kim for the first 3 1/2 seasons and I had hoped that Bravo would put a stop to her participation on the show either completely or downgrade her status bc she really had no storyline and was dull as dirt to watch. Now, bc we are seeing her unravel I just want her off entirely for her own well being and bc, as a viewer, I find Bravo abhorrent for exploiting her addiction and her probable mental health issues.

For me, Kim is still an ass and I'm inclined to believe that at least part of LisaR's concern comes from a good place. However, unlike last week, I can no longer put each character on the show in a rigid box. I can still dislike some of the women and be disgusted by what I'm seeng and yet have some compassion and find their humanity (manipulations and all) as something that doesn't entirely define them as people. People are messy and complicated and it doesn't excuse their behavior but rather shows their weakness that won't get resolved on a reality show or by the pack mentality of the majority on or off the show. I can't even blame Brandi for that (though I'd like to at times).

  • Love 11

 Seems to me someone willing to tackle that should have been more mindful and very sure of their approach. She was still mulling it over in the car over there with Lisa V. Respect for the subject matter and all that. Just saying.

She was actually following Brandi's advice, the guise of a "group" intervention and by getting other HW's opinions on the subject is a good idea, not a bad one. Talking to Lisa made sense as she, Kyle and Kim have been on the show the longest and Lisa's insight might be helpful.


I would seem to me that the person that got this intervention crap started, Brandi, would be held accountable for doing that instead of shooting the messenger, Lisa R. JUST SAYING! lol

  • Love 7

She was actually following Brandi's advice, the guise of a "group" intervention and by getting other HW's opinions on the subject is a good idea, not a bad one. Talking to Lisa made sense as she, Kyle and Kim have been on the show the longest and Lisa's insight might be helpful.


I would seem to me that the person that got this intervention crap started, Brandi, would be held accountable for doing that instead of shooting the messenger, Lisa R. JUST SAYING! lol

Still responsible for her own missteps. Looked to me, from what I saw on camera Lisa fumbled stupidly through that whole situation from start (Poker night) to finish (Plane ride). Bad information gathered, bad research, haphazard, rushed discussion in car bad timing and bad approach. Kind of the poster child for the slogan "Mind your bizwax or risk being this guy" (Poster with Lisa R TH in frame). LOL.


In this instance not feeling too bad putting the messenger in front of the firing squad.

Edited by Sincerely Yours
  • Love 1
Fair enough but to use words like "whack a doodle", "crazy", off her rocker and the other stuff Lisar had said over and over again in her THs?  She knows perfectly well that Kim is a supposedly recovering addict and that Kim's behavior was almost certainly because she was under the influence of some substance.  So I just wonder why Lisar has to be so unkind.



I'm not motivated enough to go through and spot the different clothes/hair for different sessions of talking heads, but I'm guessing after what happens next week, gloves were off where Kim was concerned.  Any talking head done before that point might have been reasonably gentle/understanding, but afterwards?  Venom.  Indeed, I'm sure they haul everybody back after such an altercation specifically to re-ask for narration of all the previous encounters with the new bitterness.

  • Love 6

At this point, I feel like Kim is a wash. She strikes me as way too insulated to properly challenge whatever allows her to lie to herself. And the result is an intractable and pathological narcissism that extends beyond addiction.

which means I hold out little to no hope for Kim.

And so my attention veers toward the others, if only because I am silly enough to think they are still human. I guess?

Whatever. Kyle Richards reminds me of my mother. It's that fake helpless thing. And if I'm being really honest, I pounce on my mother in a Kim fashion when she makes a mistake. Kim assumes everything Kyle does is deliberate and aggressive. Kim is right but her presentation sucks. SORRY MOM!

Ha! Kyle wasn't particularly bugging me in the airport, but I've know exact what you mean and I've ranted about it here too. Kyle has this tendency to get the vapors and it's kind of annoying.

  • Love 10
Well, anyway, that plane the Fosters make use of is still awesome and there were some good-looking snacks, right?


I'm pretty sure I heard Yo tell us that it was Babyface's plane they used.  Did anyone else hear that?


And yes, Yo really brought it this season...private planes, Babyface (like him or not, he's a 'star'), multi-million dollar charity fundraiser complete with Steven Tyler (again, star!), Amsterdam, milkshake drinking, slightly scandalous daughter DUI, Bella's beautiful apartment, yoga instructor, and as always, her gorgeous pool area.  I do not love Yo, but she's bringing something to the party, so go Yo!

  • Love 16

So are we supposed to assume Lisa R tried? Sounds like a plot convenient way to give Lisa R a pass for her missteps.


Also by that same logic we don't know for sure that Kim didn't offer up an apology off camera. Just saying.


Funny thing aside from how she's handling such a sensitive subject I'm actually having a blast with the addition of Lisa R.

You're not supposed to assume anything about what happened off camera.  That's one of the things that I hate about "reality tv" and the fact that so much happens off camera.


ANYTHING could be left off the editing floor, or be left to "playing a role" or be left to, "Oh we talked about it off camera".


It's bullshit, and then that means essentially nothing we're looking at can be any shade of the truth, because why believe scene A and not scene B.

  • Love 1

Thank you, izabella!  I missed that part.  Babyface didn't look too happy with Le Drame although I'm sure he's seen worse and more interesting.  The food looked amazing. I would have thought I'd died and gone to heaven, even though, like Kyle, I don't enjoy flying.  Flying when you're afraid of it and having people argue right in front of you = give me my Linus blankie!  And pretend you don't see me sucking my thumb ... 


I have to laugh because, really and truly, what we get up into here would be a fraction of the reaction were we to be actually living and working with these people having to deal with this stuff, on camera or off.  I know I've felt really yucky this season after many a chapter because I don't like being any part of it really.  If I were working with someone experiencing this kind of thing, I'd feel much much worse, and would, I know, get to that point where I wouldn't care how it was perceived and would be more than OK with having my motivation questioned ... I'd simply have to say something.  The thing just really sucks and the inability to be straight with us and/or bring it to a conclusion is just, well, yucky.  It's like meta levels of dishonesty every single epi now.  No good.


I want to watch again and fast forward to a more leisurely perusal of Eileen and Vince's enormous bedroom.  It can't be said too often -- Their house is really, really Scooby Doo. 

Edited by copacabana
  • Love 4
We have no idea if Lisa R tried to contact Kim off camera, none. It is possible that she did just as it is possible she did not. She kept her comments about Kim confined to what happened on poker night until Kim's BF spilled the beans about Kim. That is when Lisa R got more concerned about Kim and it was Brandi that pushed an "intervention", NOT Lisa R, so blame Brandi, not Lisa. Call Brandi out on her betrayal of Kim, had it not been for Brandi's big mouth we would never have known about the 2 am phone call, the "patch" Kim uses for her hernia, suicide talk, that Kim is so overwhelmed that she is on the edge....all of this came directly from Brandi, no one else. Lisa's response/concern was/is genuine IMO.



You're right, WireWrap, we don't know if any (or all) of the ladies have talked to Kim one-on-one (without cameras) or not.  I'm not going to assume that they haven't, because they all do have some measure of concern about her behavior.  And, YES, Brandi is the one with the big mouth; however, the personal stuff she has already shared about Kim is nothing compared to what we'll be hearing from her when her alliance with Kim turns to shit, which will happen.  Its just a matter of time.

Edited by parisprincess
  • Love 5

You're right, WireWrap, we don't know if any (or all) of the ladies have talked to Kim one-on-one (without cameras) or not.  I'm not going to assume that they haven't, because they all do have some measure of concern about her behavior.  And, YES, Brandi is the one with the big mouth; however, the personal stuff she has already shared about Kim is nothing compared to what we'll be hearing from her when her alliance with Kim turns to shit, which will happen.  Its just a matter of time.

I agree, it will happen. Kim is already not speaking to her according to Brandi, so it is just a matter of time. lol

  • Love 2

So many random thoughts, feels, and replies.


Yes, but the world doesn't work like that. It's like asking if a person who is perpetually late in paying their electric bill is viewed the same as the person who is never late and then suddenly misses a payment. They are not. Folks are judged not by what just happens in the minute, but based on a history of behavior. In S3 Brandi was cut all kinds of slack for the Adrienne reveal because folks saw her as someone who was very honest. She was given a pass for the most part because it seemed like she had many other redeeming qualities and therefore she could be forgiven for her mistake. She would never be able to get away with this now because she has been revealed as a horrible person. People are generally willing to give most folks a break for saying or doing something stupid, mean, or hurtful in the moment because most of us have done this at one time or the other. Once you start making a habit of it things change.


Thank you, forever.  I wanted to say the same thing and I'm glad you said it so well for the both of us!



I'm just glad I'm not a mean ole drunk like Kim. I don't get drunk often but when I do, I'm a delight!


Kim is a mean sober, too.  Almost meaner than when she's a mean drunk.  


I'm a delight too!  Well, maybe I get a little too giggly.  A little too silly.  A little too "overly friendly".   But I've never had any complaints!  lol 


Funny thing aside from how she's handling such a sensitive subject I'm actually having a blast with the addition of Lisa R.


I’m loving the addition of Lisa R, too!  I’m a biased viewer though, because I’ve been watching her on soaps for as long as I can remember.  Her Billie and RKK’s Bo were my first “ship”. lol  But, since I’ve seen here on different soap shows, her personality seems genuinely hers, here.  She’s always been bubbly, energetic, scrappy and possibly a bit too blunt for her own good.  Her appearance hasn’t fluctuated very much either, I don’t think.  I wouldn’t be able to say if Lisa has an ED or just disordered eating habits (which a large portion of people in the US have) because it’s not that easy from the little we know of her.  She looks good to me -- visible muscle, a full head of hair, and has so much energy -- which I am so jealous of.


As far as her solo shots with her kids, here’s what I’m thinking.  Although she’s mostly real, she seems to be trying to be “the cool mom” with her kids, which a lot of parents try to do.  It’s just being filmed so it looks really bad and obvious.  Her kids seem very adverse to the cameras.  I’m almost thinking that Lisa is trying to recreate the real atmosphere of her day-to-day home life and the relationship interplay she naturally has with her girls and they are having none of it.  lol    I can almost hear their eyes rolling in that “God mom, you’re so embarrassing!” way that only teenagers can do.  If her girls are friends with a lot of the other rich Hollywood kids, then maybe they are just trying to save face by not appearing too into their parents.  I hope they stop filming with them because it’s not going well. MOAR Harry Hamlin. 


Ha! Kyle wasn't particularly bugging me in the airport, but I've know exact what you mean and I've ranted about it here too. Kyle has this tendency to get the vapors and it's kind of annoying.


I love describing it as Kyle "getting the vapors"!   Someone get her a poison ring, with smelling salts inside, so she can be easily revived.


You're not supposed to assume anything about what happened off camera.  That's one of the things that I hate about "reality tv" and the fact that so much happens off camera.


ANYTHING could be left off the editing floor, or be left to "playing a role" or be left to, "Oh we talked about it off camera".


It's bullshit, and then that means essentially nothing we're looking at can be any shade of the truth, because why believe scene A and not scene B.


The 4th Wall is a bitch.  It's there and then it's not, and then it's there again.  The issue with reality TV is that they are using non-actors playing (mostly) themselves.  They go on about their lives as usual after and in between filming, so how are we not supposed to take that into consideration if what we see ON camera is often the result of off camera shenanigans. I never know if I should care about what happens off camera or just focus on what's shown. 



As far as the whole Kim vs. Lisa on the plane deal, Lisa was far more polite than I would have been.  She asked if Kim, who was staring daggers at her all day, was okay.  Kim was rude.  Lisa then asked if Kim was angry with her, because Kim was being rude.  Kim was rude.  Kim can glare and point her fingers all she wants to, but people do not have to cow tow to her or only speak to Her Majesty using pleasant tones.  You stare at me, I'm going to ask you what your problem is. 


And I’d love to say that had it been me in Lisa’s shoes, I would not even bother.  Not on the plane and not at the upcoming dinner.  But you know what?  Fuck that.  They have to share space with Kim.  It’s a hazard of their job. There is only so much a person can take of another’s complete and utter asshole selfishness, before they crack.  I don’t blame any of the ladies for being so sick of Kim that they just explode in a fit of expletives and jazz hands.  Sometimes being the bigger person means telling someone to “STFU, child, and sit down.”, rather than engaging and trying to have a one-sided conversation that just ends with Kim feeling persecuted, because enough already.  Kim should be glad that these women *are* being so delicate with her.  Many people would not be.  I would not be.  lol 

  • Love 21

Brandi wanted to hash stuff out with Lisa V and they went to lunch and had a one on one. Brandi want to squash issues with Adrienne and they went to lunch and had a one on one.  Lisa R wanted to discuss Brandi's behaviors and he sat down with her to have a one on one. Brandi wanted to apologize to Eileen for the wine throwing and she took her aside for a one on one.


See, even Brandi is aware that she needs to apologize at times, but Kim?  Nope, the thought never crosses her mind because. in her eyes, she is ALWAYS the victim.


I'm tired of hearing Kim whine about Kyle not having her back.  At both Eileen's get-together and at Kyle's party, she was witness to everything Brandi was saying to Kyle, including the bit about her husband not wanting her, and did Kim even as much as ask Brandi to stop or back her sister at all?  NO!  But Kyle is supposed to be at her beck and call?  Bullshit! 

  • Love 9

  In that Bravo clip of the after party (Kyle's white party I think) up in extras, where Brandi was obviously drunk?  Well, so was Lipsa, she was slurring her words and trying to work her fake lips to make words.  Brandi got the attention because she was all loving drunker, but Lipsa was pretty drunk herself.



 Actually, in that clip, I think all 3 of them (Brandi, Lisa R and Eileen) were tipsy for sure. I wish they had shown that clip on Tv because I thought it was a fun and real party conversation, lol. 

  • Love 4

That's right, SwordQueen, at 8 minutes ago.   Especially last two paragraphs. 


Here's the deal too -- This is where the blogs come in.  There is the opportunity to set things straight if they've been misrepresented on air or if things have been left on the cutting room floor. Kim has had some weeks now to apologize to Lisa R and Eileen and Vince for the poker night fiascos--in writing.  Nada -- unless I missed it. 


No one, after all these years, is under any obligation to be her secret-keeping, Kim-protecting Mama at this stage.  She's like the old school Hollywood Diva under the Golden Age studio system, relying on the fixers to clean up her mess and her image.  Maybe she should hire her own private Ray Donovan. 

  • Love 9

Sword Queen, "Kim is a mean sober, too.  Almost meaner than when she's a mean drunk."

Yeah, I don't agree with the theory that alcohol changes your personality. I think it magnifies it. Hence, you & I are lovable and fun and Kim is an even bigger Asshole.


LOL  I feel similarly.  Alcohol can break down that wall of restraint most of us have called a conscience, so all that you want to do and say sober, comes spilling out of you.  When you're filled with hate and misery, it'll come out.  If you are like me (and probably you), there's so much silliness, affection and wild abandon that needs to be released.  The important thing with drinking is to know yourself this way.  How you behave under the influence.  If I am somewhere where maintaining my decorum is important, I don't drink or I have one drink and sip it slowly, so as not to start dancing on a table.  lol 


This is what concerns me about Brandi, too.  She has said many times that she's aware that alcohol causes her to behave inappropriately.  However, she does little to control that and I think I feel less sympathetic towards her when the other women throw shade her way, because she chooses to put herself there, time and time again.  I would have buckets (well, maybe a solo cup) of respect towards Brandi if she would not just acknowledge, jokingly, that she has issues with drinking, but actually do something about it.  She doesn't have to not drink, ever, just control it instead of letting it control her. 


Oh, so that was a tangent I didn't mean to have. 

  • Love 8

They flew commercial to Amsterdam-if you fly private you don' deal with a luggage carousel, the flight crew unloads and escorts your baggage to customs or if it is domestic to your awaiting limo.  Foster don't own or lease a plane they use a fractional ownership service like NetJet or one of David's many friends sends their private jet.  I only know this because Yolanda's dream is to buy David his own Gulfstream.  Here is a sample of some previously owned G550s http://www.gulfstream.com/preowned .  For the most part I think Yolanda and David take commercial flights internationally unless someone else is picking up the tab.  Just for an example at $10,000.00 an hour a flight from Calgary to Amsterdam would be about  $100,000.00.  Yeah they are rich but not $200,000.00 rich.


I would venture to say that they are $200,000 rich and then some.  BUT - I have a sneaking suspicion that the jet was paid for by the charity.  When a charity has an event - they pay for things out of the overall gross.  So, I bet they paid for the "talent" like Steven Tyler (who knows, maybe he donated his time) and they usually pay to fly everyone in - Foster and guests included.  They deduct all of that from the 8 million or whatever they get.  It is common practice and I believe you can look all of this up to see how much of that 8 million ended up going to the families.  I am sure a LOT of it did. 


Actually it is interesting to look up charities - some of my favorites were actually ending up donating like .01% of total funds received to the actual causes. 


ETA Just looked up David Foster Foundation - very interesting.  They are not rated because they only list about $250,000 income from 2013.  I believe this charity event was 2014, would be interested to see how much was actually received.

Edited by heatherchandler
  • Love 3

Someone upthread posted this pic of Kyle dancing with Steven Tyler at David's fundraiser:




Anyway, it reminded me of this picture of Kyle dancing with Snoop.  I wonder if Snoop got his bling at Kyle by Alene Too.




And here she is dancing for Lenny Kravitz:




J/K.  I know that's Demi but isn't the resemblance striking? 

  • Love 4

I hate Kyle's "vapors" too.


She's just such a manipulative fake, as she pretends to carry the Kim cross.  She's either screaming and flipping bird, or physically attacking (Kim/limo, lady at white party, Brandi grabs, etc.) or shrinking back, hiding under a blanket, and letting someone else attack Kim on camera.  I can't stand her.  Fakest fake that ever faked. 


The best thing for Kyle, and for Kim would be if Kyle, for once in her shallow, fake, mean girl life, was just HONEST.  Instead of going for the mass sympathy of all she's had to do (and yeah, I believe about a third of what she's said there) just own it.  Tell the damn truth.


KYLE:  "Kim, I love you.  Even though I love you and always will, I just can't have you in my life until you get real help.  Your addictions are a disease, and I sympathize with that.  At this point though, I am not helping you, and I have my own life that I want to lead, without the stress.  I need to take a break from this, for ME.  I really hope you can get real help, and find real peace.  Here are some numbers of people that I think you would like, and who could help you.  I can't."


She won't though, because she is stupid, and Kim is her main (only?) storyline on Bravo.  It would interfere with her martyr routine, and it's working!  Kyle, one of the most disliked housewives ever, this year?  Won her very first Bravo poll!  People are on her side!  No way in hell will Kyle not ride that pony until it drops into a grave.  The problem is?  The headstone on that grave will probably say "Kim Richards."

  • Love 2

I'm done with having any concerns about Kim's 'privacy' or 'feelings' or 'sobriety'....she chose to come on this show and, MUCH MORE importantly, to STAY on it....she's nothing but a nasty, entitled hasbeen who never had the talent to make it in the long run. Instead of being grateful for what she did have, she seems intent on punishing everyone around her for her own shortcomings. Kim, most of all, and brandi, are the two best reasons for NOT watching this show any longer. I am very hopeful that during the reunion, or shortly thereafter, there will be an announcement of one or, please goddess!, both of them leaving the show.  I would absolutely tune in for another season of Lisar and/or Eileen (preferably BOTH of them), but have no use whatever to be subjected to any more of Kim's nastiness, avoidance & thinly veiled ongoing substance abuse....Kim and Brandi (as much as I cringe to think I was once a brandi supporter) are killing the show, not helping it! Kyle, mean, nasty creature that she is, I can take or leave & can easily avoid the times she is on my TV, but Kim is simply not to be tolerated.

  • Love 14

As I recall, Brandi was not the one who mentioned having an intervention. It was LisaR. Didn't she say something like "we can't really have an intervention". To which Brandi replied " we all need an intervention" and LisaR agreed.

ETA: I could be wrong but I don't think so. I'm pretty sure LisaR said it first but I will check on that and let you all know.

Edited by AnnA
  • Love 1


ETA Just looked up David Foster Foundation - very interesting.  They are not rated because they only list about $250,000 income from 2013.  I believe this charity event was 2014, would be interested to see how much was actually received.

It is interesting because DF said they have collected $50 million over the years, I am not sure how many years he has had this foundation though, and that the $8.2 million raised that night was the largest raised at an event. I took that to mean that they have had other or similar fundraising events and that this foundation has been around for more than 1-2 years.

  • Love 1

I hate Kyle's "vapors" too.


She's just such a manipulative fake, as she pretends to carry the Kim cross.  She's either screaming and flipping bird, or physically attacking (Kim/limo, lady at white party, Brandi grabs, etc.) or shrinking back, hiding under a blanket, and letting someone else attack Kim on camera.  I can't stand her.  Fakest fake that ever faked. 


The best thing for Kyle, and for Kim would be if Kyle, for once in her shallow, fake, mean girl life, was just HONEST.  Instead of going for the mass sympathy of all she's had to do (and yeah, I believe about a third of what she's said there) just own it.  Tell the damn truth.


KYLE:  "Kim, I love you.  Even though I love you and always will, I just can't have you in my life until you get real help.  Your addictions are a disease, and I sympathize with that.  At this point though, I am not helping you, and I have my own life that I want to lead, without the stress.  I need to take a break from this, for ME.  I really hope you can get real help, and find real peace.  Here are some numbers of people that I think you would like, and who could help you.  I can't."


She won't though, because she is stupid, and Kim is her main (only?) storyline on Bravo.  It would interfere with her martyr routine, and it's working!  Kyle, one of the most disliked housewives ever, this year?  Won her very first Bravo poll!  People are on her side!  No way in hell will Kyle not ride that pony until it drops into a grave.  The problem is?  The headstone on that grave will probably say "Kim Richards."

LOL, If Kyle ever said that on camera, she would get called out on being so callous about Kim's privacy, about not being there at all for Kim (oh, that's right, that is happening now lol). How do you or any of us know that she has not already talked to Kim about stepping back? She has said that she can not be there 24/7 and Kim acknowledges that, but then states she, Kim, wants/needs her, Kyle, there more and Kyle gets in trouble. Kim needs to be held responsible for Kim. Kyle has no control over Kim and never has.

  • Love 7

I have noticed something in watching these episodes that really speaks to how well and truly fucked up the Richards Sisters are. Kyle is being blamed for what are ultimately Kim's choices by both Kim and Brandi. And, the really truly awful thing here is that as Kyle's older sister, Kim doesn't see how ridiculous it is to make Kyle responsible for supporting her. 


I am the oldest of three girls and I would never expect my younger sisters to be responsible for cleaning up my messes or hiding my secrets. It goes against everything in me as a big sister. And yet both Kyle and Kim see nothing amiss with this dynamic. Kyle is tasked with keeping Kim's addiction issues a secret and pretending that everything is fine. Kyle is tasked with standing up to the people that Kim is angry with or she will be accused of not being a good sister. 


Kyle is tasked with worrying about whether or not her older sister is going to overdose or be killed by her own pit bull or being there to take calls from what I can only assume is a hammered Kim at 2am. When does Kim give the support that she demands wholeheartedly from Kyle? I would just once like to see Kim take the Big Sister role to heart and actually be there for Kyle in any of the ways that she expects Kyle's unwavering support. 


I don't even like Kyle and even I can admit that she is just getting a totally raw deal in the big sister department. 

  • Love 17

Funny, I had forgotten about this but you see how quick Kyle is to jump on Kim when Kim isn't automatically defending her from Brandi so you know what? Kim's fighting with Kyle about her not being as animated when it was Brandi treating Kim badly but Kyle wants to go HAM when defending someone else FROM Brandi confirms to me that there are double standards and Kim can never win because well Kim's an addict and should always be grateful to Kyle even when she's raked over the coals for not defending Kyle, for pointing out to Kyle how quick she is to be all about Brandi slighting Adrienne but not so much when Kim was on the receiving end but is now in the hot seat because Kim isn't on Kyle's side.... Kyle can be outraged at Kim and no one raises an eyebrow about Kyle's reasoning. Kim makes very valid attempts at pointing out the double standard and gasps at her audacity to do so considering what "Kyle has done for her" can be heard across the globe.


This is what really irritates me because I catch ALL of these little tidbits when I'm watching but so much of it falls to the wayside because bigger, louder, and simple reasoning wins out each and every time with these women.

The difference is Adrienne was on the present season and the Kim/Brandi slight was the year before and Kim and Brandi had made up in France.  Kyle did acknowledge Kim's hurt the first time when Kim was interrupting her saying Brandi did hurt Kim.  Then Kyle said it was just as bad and Kim kept interrupting and making the conversation all about her.  Kyle was on Kim's side in the Brandi/Kim slight, it just wasn't the appropriate place to bring it up again.  It was about Adrienne not Kim.


Kim can win and the way to go about it is not to be so damned self-centered.  If Kim wants to play the goofy fool and take meds and blame her outrageous and hurtful behavior on the meds then she is going to subject to isolation and suspicion.  Kyle has made it fairly cleat that this cycle of make up and break up may end on the permanent break up cycle if she doesn't get some support from Kim.  This episode was just more of the ridiculousness that is Kim.  Whining to Yolanda about Kyle not be supportive.  It just seems every time Kyle gets in a good place with someone there is Kim shooting her down.

  • Love 2

Thank you! This has been bothering me as well. I am not defending Brandi's behavior this season, because she is a toxic nightmare, but I really didn't see her purposefully redirecting that conversation. Lisa R was all, "Why are you so mean?" and Brandi, whether full of shit or not, was all, "I don't have problems with everyone in this group - I have no problems with Yolanda and I am also really close with Kim now..." And Lisa R ran with it. Do I think Brandi was getting a not-so-subtle dig in there (once again) about her closeness to Kim (as opposed to Kyle)? Absolutely. But I didn't think it was some Machiavellian redirect of the conversation. I like Lisa R, and I don't like Brandi, but I really saw Lisa steering that whole conversation from beginning to end. In some ways, it was kind of presumptuous of Lisa to be like, "Why are you so mean? Were you abused?" This is not a woman who seems like she is easily taken down conversational roads she does not want to go down.

Here's the transcript I made of the conversation between Brandi and LisaR:


LisaR-I bring all this up because I go is she mean, they say your mean. I've seen the aftermath of what has gone down with the Richards sisters.


Brandi-Right, am I tempermental, yes I am. Am I a mama bear, do I want to protect people, yes. And when you hit me I go lower, unfortunately.


LisaR-You can really go there to hurt.


Brandi-Right, I've never had any issues with Yolanda or you know the stuff with Kim from years ago was because she wasn't well. I mean we get along lovely now. I feel she's perfect now to the point where I feel like I'm her big sister now and she's older than me.


LisaR- That's an interesting dynamic.


Brandi-It's hard, hard for me cause it's not something that I signed up for. Kim came to me and said she does not have a lot of girlfriends and she told me I'm her best friend and it makes me sad. That puts a lot of pressure on my shoulders. I am not the best person, I'm not a therapist, I'm not a sober companion. I am none of those things. It's hard for me, I can't change who I am to take care of Kim. But at the same time I can't just let go of her.


LisaR-She's taking pain pills, she's on something.

Read more: http://realitytvsmack.com/thread/500/transcript-sisterly-love-s5-e13#ixzz3StImzVPP

  • Love 1

I would venture to say that they are $200,000 rich and then some.  BUT - I have a sneaking suspicion that the jet was paid for by the charity.  When a charity has an event - they pay for things out of the overall gross.  So, I bet they paid for the "talent" like Steven Tyler (who knows, maybe he donated his time) and they usually pay to fly everyone in - Foster and guests included.  They deduct all of that from the 8 million or whatever they get.  It is common practice and I believe you can look all of this up to see how much of that 8 million ended up going to the families.  I am sure a LOT of it did. 


Actually it is interesting to look up charities - some of my favorites were actually ending up donating like .01% of total funds received to the actual causes. 


ETA Just looked up David Foster Foundation - very interesting.  They are not rated because they only list about $250,000 income from 2013.  I believe this charity event was 2014, would be interested to see how much was actually received.

The Davis Foster Foundation would not have been involved in the flight from Calgary to Amsterdam.  I am sure the Fosters are very wealthy and if Yolanda complains about an extra horse costing $400,000.00, it just seems dropping $200,000.00 on a flight to Amsterdam would not be on the menu.  That is what I mean by $200,000.00 rich-it is a big drop in the bucket for Yolanda to shell out to take four friends to Amsterdam for the weekend.  In reality Bravo paid for the travel to Amsterdam.

It is interesting because DF said they have collected $50 million over the years, I am not sure how many years he has had this foundation though, and that the $8.2 million raised that night was the largest raised at an event. I took that to mean that they have had other or similar fundraising events and that this foundation has been around for more than 1-2 years.

25 plus years. 

  • Love 2

The best thing for Kyle, and for Kim would be if Kyle, for once in her shallow, fake, mean girl life, was just HONEST.  Instead of going for the mass sympathy of all she's had to do (and yeah, I believe about a third of what she's said there) just own it.  Tell the damn truth.


KYLE:  "Kim, I love you.  Even though I love you and always will, I just can't have you in my life until you get real help.  Your addictions are a disease, and I sympathize with that.  At this point though, I am not helping you, and I have my own life that I want to lead, without the stress.  I need to take a break from this, for ME.  I really hope you can get real help, and find real peace.  Here are some numbers of people that I think you would like, and who could help you.  I can't."


She won't though, because she is stupid, and Kim is her main (only?) storyline on Bravo.  It would interfere with her martyr routine, and it's working!  Kyle, one of the most disliked housewives ever, this year?  Won her very first Bravo poll!  People are on her side!  No way in hell will Kyle not ride that pony until it drops into a grave.  The problem is?  The headstone on that grave will probably say "Kim Richards."

I know you have stated before that you wish Kyle would just come clean and shout this out, but what makes you so sure that she feels this way? I know you have said you would respect her if she would do this, but what makes you think that she wants Kim out of her life?  Kim made the choice to walk out of Kyle's life after the limo reveal. They were estranged for a long time. By all accounts Kim was in far worse shape at that time, which we know because we saw Kim in S2. Yet Kyle didn't want to be separated from her. She wanted her back in her life. I am not saying that it wouldn't be better for Kyle to have some distance, by I don't get judging her for not being honest when we have no idea that she is not being honest. 


I also don't get how the fact that Kim is her storyline is her fault. At the beginning of the year folks didn't like what I think was supposed to be her actual storyline, which was the incredible change in fortune of the Umansky family. Or the fact that her daughter was going away to college. We had the fact that she was getting along with Lisa V which could be an interesting and fun story. If you followed them on Twitter at the time, they were each posting away pictures of themselves out on the town having dinner together and apparently having a ball with each other.  There is probably all kinds of stuff with Kyle and Lisar, who are actual friends off camera and have been for a long time.  It cannot be said enough that Kyle didn't start any of this shit with Kim. She came into the season thinking they were in a good place. How is it her fault that Kim is a huge asshole and Brandi wants to exploit that? 

  • Love 20

I was intrigued by Yolanda mentioning to her mother, who looked to be pretty lively, that she wanted to serve the ladies hazelnut cake or hazelnut torte -- and cheese(s).  So I looked up Dutch hazelnut cake -- "Every Dutch baker worth his/her salt (or some such) knows a version of this cake ..." per one site.  The cake on display -- be still my heart -- looks absolutely amazing.  Let's hope that if this delicacy is served our heroines will be in a good place and able to enjoy it so that I can savour it vicariously.  No drama, fighting, tears or accusations during presentation of the hazelnut cake, ladies -- And here's to hoping we get to see it.  And that Yolanda tucks in!

  • Love 7

Kim Richards has always come off as a very mean person to me. So I agree that she's a mean drunk and a mean sober person.


I was really surprised by how annoying all of the housewives were during Yolanda's race. Wow! Maybe they (not Eileen and Yolanda) do just lie around drinking cocktails. That's how they acted.


I thought Kim was an absolute nightmare and I "love" how she was so cranky at the candy shop, forcing them to leave, and then blamed Eileen when they had to return. 


Kim was just plain awful in this episode. I'm shocked she has friends. I don't write that to be petty. She just seems so unpleasant and whiny and hypocritical and mean. Who would want to be around her?

  • Love 14
You know, it's totally unfair that Yo's fridge gets its own Twitter account, but Kyle's hair doesn't.

It should be Kyle's hair, Kim's bowtie blouse (from those THs), Lisa V's um, pink cat, Lisa R's lips, and Brandi's...tampon?  What would it be for Eileen?

They all need their own Twitter accounts.  And a PR rep.



Maybe Eileen's should be the slice of pizza that was left on her floor during the crazy Poker Night.

  • Love 10

I also don't get how the fact that Kim is her storyline is her fault. At the beginning of the year folks didn't like what I think was supposed to be her actual storyline, which was the incredible change in fortune of the Umansky family. Or the fact that her daughter was going away to college. We had the fact that she was getting along with Lisa V which could be an interesting and fun story. If you followed them on Twitter at the time, they were each posting away pictures of themselves out on the town having dinner together and apparently having a ball with each other.  There is probably all kinds of stuff with Kyle and Lisar, who are actual friends off camera and have been for a long time.  It cannot be said enough that Kyle didn't start any of this shit with Kim. She came into the season thinking they were in a good place. How is it her fault that Kim is a huge asshole and Brandi wants to exploit that? 


Again, you said just what I wanted to say.  Kyle cannot control which storylines will be highlight as the A storyline.  Kyle cannot turn a sober Kim into a hot mess Kim in the time-frame of when they film the show.  Kyle doesn't need Kim for her storyline.  There are so many other things that Bravo could focus on, like her other friendships, her businesses, more time with her and Mauricio, etc.  She brings her own kind of drama.  Kim would not be missed in Kyle's storyline.  


Yes, Kyle engages with Kim way too much, but they are on the show together so they are forced to be in the same space with all of their baggage.  It's not that surprising that they are driving each other crazy, but it's also not all Kyle's fault (it's just somewhat her fault).  They seem to be able to keep their distance from each other off camera when they need to, but on the show, they are forced to acknowledge each other.  Also, Kyle has the extra pressure of having Kim's behaviors impacting her relationships and reputation with the other women.  Right or wrong, people automatically look to Kyle when Kim goes off her rocker.  Kyle is expected to react, to do, to explain, to apologize, to clean up, and to monitor.  When she doesn't, all hell breaks loose, and she is blamed, and when she does, all hell breaks loose, and she is blamed.  This happens in real life, too, which is why so many of us are so fed up with this dynamic.  People often look to the relatives and loved ones of messy people to shoulder the responsibility.  It's not fair and it's not right, but it happens.  Kyle cannot win, here, because unless she's able to fix Kim, she's always going to be scrutinized for the biological fact of being the sister of an addict. 


Nevermind the "Thanks, Obama" trope.  It's "Thanks, Kyle", here.  lol

  • Love 15

I don't take such pointed view of Kyle, Umbelina, but I certainly get your point and don't doubt that you'd be happy to see some form of resolution.  You may be getting your wish too -- and it would def. be mine -- because we see signs of Kyle inching ever so slowly towards greater detachment.  Part of being able to make that break could very well involve additional bitching about her sister and how miserable she's been in the arrangement.  Honestly, if I were Kyle and Mo, I'd be looking to set up some kind of trust arrangement for Kim on the money front -- under supervision of a third party -- so that, if she doesn't have enough to live in reasonable comfort, she would not have to rely on this show.  And then push Kim hard to get off the Bravo train.  


I keep harping on Kyle's fear of flying and the argument going on right in front of her while she hugs her gear.  It would've been great if Kim had recognized that was not the moment to precipitate more tension.  Now, it could be Kyle for once was okay being on a smaller airplane, but then again, who knows?  I'd want my sister to be mindful of such things and maybe cut me a little break. 


And, of course, Brandi just had to get the ball rolling just before they boarded.  Don't get addicts flaming mad and then lock them into a flying container for hours on end.  Brandi really is just such a troublemaker.  I've had so-called friends come to me telling tales of what's been said behind my back by other friends.  It's really a dick move and Kim, if she were smart, which of course she ain't, would be much more suspicious of it than she seems to be. 


That said, I do agree that Kyle has made use of Kim being Kim to garner sympathy for herself on more than one occasion.  Mainly because she seems to have no real clue as to how to deal with big sis. 

Edited by copacabana
  • Love 9
Big news story back in the day, and I think Jodie might have gotten an AA for her performance in the movie based on the crime and the court case that followed.  So yeah, sure,  Lisa wasn't riffing on THAT. Nope. Not at all.  I mean, who would joke about something like that?  Who would be that horribly vulgar?  Who, indeed...



  • Love 8

I feel for Kyle because the other women have the good fortune of being able to completely cut ties with Kim if they should ever want to do so. When dealing with the addiction of a family member, it's a whole different ballgame. You're bound by blood, family relations which ensure you'll always be crossing paths at various milestones, and the love you have for one another (in spite of the destruction that addiction can cause). This episode and pretty much all season, it seems like Kyle has done her best to keep Kim's addiction a non-story -- it's Kim and Brandi who are putting it front and center, the former because she's failed to maintain sobriety and the latter because she's a drama queen who is using it as a weapon to hurt others. Kyle was sitting quietly on the plane while Kim went off on Lisa. Kyle gave limited response to Kim's crazy attack when they arrived in Amsterdam. Kyle is in Harry's shoes. It's terrible to be an addict, but it's even worse to be the one watching your loved one dying from it. When Kim is drunk or high on pills, she likely won't even recall most of these moments but Kyle has to live with it forever.

  • Love 9

Actually, I'm pretty sure Lisa Rinna has made damn sure Kim's story is front and center, along with Eileen, Kyle with her whining about how hard it is for her, and Brandi since that's all any of the other women talk to her about.


If we counted how many times Kim's name came out of their mouths (actually even better, if we also computed screen time) I'm pretty sure Lipsa would win that one.


For example.

Lipsa screen time :  156 minutes total.  Minutes on screen when she didn't say Kim's name?  14.


Edited by Umbelina
  • Love 3

I googled that torte too!  There are several different kinds, but they all look good.  Imagine doing the pot thing there, and then being able to have any of those tortes?  Hee.


I hope they can make this trip about Yo, about Holland, about anything other than Kim.  I'm so bored with that story, and that's all Bravo has given us all season really. 


Yes, a few little stories, but that's been the never ending Kyle redemption arc.


Lipsa manages to visit her ailing parents for the first time in many years, and she and her bratty daughters bitch about Medford.

Lisa V's son goes to Ancestry.com, which was actually not bad.  Gets a new dog.

Eileen makes a bad movie and stands on a worse red carpet.  Woo.

Brandi gets a small bit about her radio show.  yawn.

Kim's daughter's wedding, and taking Monty in was actually kind of touching.

Kyle weeps crocodile tears and guilt trips her daughter during college visit.  Boat trip, which was nice.

Yolanda does another apartment for another daughter, and now Holland trip.  She wins.

  • Love 1

I googled that torte too!  There are several different kinds, but they all look good.  Imagine doing the pot thing there, and then being able to have any of those tortes?  Hee.

Did you see the one with the layers of meringue?  Yum. 


I agree Yolanda wins this season.  And will add that I'll be really disappointed if we don't see these Hos tiptoeing through some tulips.  You can't have a trip to Holland without tulips.

  • Love 3

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