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S02.E18: Tempus Fugit

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Does anyone know what Abbie was looking at when she told Franklin "we still use that" or something to that effect?


It looked like Franklin was in the process of creating a Kindred creature, and Abbie remembered the one she and Ichabod made.

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I am so bloody happy right now. They decapitated Benjamin Franklin! Holy shit! Crane - even though you would think he would not - still listened to Abbie and got it. Grace Dixon - OMG!! She was so lovely and her magic - slamming. Ichabod looking at the selfies - damn this bloody show. Again, season 3 I and we NEED!

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Abbie Mills is the American Dream! So says Ben freaking Franklin!


Ding Dong the witch is dead! You can just hear the writers going "fine fine, you win! No more Katrina, no more Crane drama, just the main characters that people actually like, fighting evil, and having National Treasure hi-jinks. Lets just pretend this little misstep of a season never happened, ok? Then you'll all come back, and say nice things about us again?" 


So so good! THAT'S my show! All that was wrong has been righted! I know that when I think more about it, I`ll be more critical and skeptical of the next season, but for now, I am riding the high. YES!  


Please let us see Ben Franklin again! I love how his reaction to meeting a woman from 2015 is just like "your a time traveler? Awesome! Hows the future? Which one of my inventions are still around? This is so cool!" like, instantly. 

Edited by tennisgurl
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That carriage scene was SO steamy.  And when Crane got all up in Abbie's face...  Whew!   I hope it was as good for Ichabbie as it was for me.  lol


And all that bumping around in the carriage probably didn't help.  That was a long three miles.



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That carriage scene was SO steamy.  And when Crane got all up in Abbie's face...  Whew!   I hope it was as good for Ichabbie as it was for me.  lol

That was steamy... Oooh I'm watching that right now!!

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Wow, they did it!  Even after the knife, I was still worried there would be another twist, but as soon as the body disappeared, I cheered.  They got rid of Katrina!  I feel no guilt over celebrating this.  The Katrina Show was a disaster, and I'm glad it's done with.  And, it was fitting that it was not only at the hands of Ichabod, but in order to save Abbie.  In other words, he picked Abbie over Katrina.  Ha!  And, I'm pretty sure this is why some of Katia Winter recent interviews sounded bitter.  I bare her no ill will, but I certainly don't think she's ready for a lead role any time soon.


Besides that, the episode itself was pretty damn great.  Loved Abbie back in the Colonial times, kicking ass and taking names.  In a lot of ways, she really was the lead in this episode, and it was awesome to watch.  Loved the bits where she kept bringing up stuff from the future and Ichabod's disbelieve over it (especially Washington becoming President.)  Great seeing Franklin again, and I loved how happy he was that his face was on the $100 bill, and his snark that Jefferson was only on the $2. Kind of wish I could have saw some Franklin/Jefferson scene.  I bet they had some epic snarkfests.


Only minor issue was little Frank and Jenny, but I loved them at least showing up at the end, and seeing the gang again.  Once again, props to Orlando Jones and Lyndie Greenwood for putting up with the majority of this season.  What troopers.  If we get a next season, I hope this is rectified.


I do hope Headless is still around, because he's still cool as long as he isn't Abraham, but, well, Headless.


I liked the brief shot of Corbin on Abbie's phone (that whole scene was awesome!), and the shot of Andy during the recaps.  Now, there is a guy I wouldn't be against a return.


Well, this episode didn't redeem the season, but it certainly made me more optimistic for it's future.  That said, if they do get another season, I hope they really go with a new change in leadership.  Usually hate to wish someone to lose their job, but Goffman almost killed this show.  Can't believe I'm saying this, but thank you, FOX, for the meddling.

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Okay - if they write crazy like this in S3? The show will totally be great again!

I feel like Goffman sacrificed KW to save his job though - I actually almost feel sorry for her - because I know Goffman was the larger problem.

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All I have to say - is my Original Four are intact. Abbie, Ichabod, Jenny and Frank. Those are the four that I want on my screen. I love the interactions and dynamic. At least the show ended (hopefully not permanently) on this. These four need to do their thing....


Also, Abbie is the American Dream - hell yeah.


And Crane's birthday is August 18th. That makes him a LEO. Because I am insane, this appeals to me. Mison is a Leo, Crane is a Leo, and I just happen to be a Leo. My heart just exploded.

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So was that episode something they just rattled off while under severe time pressure and network dictates necessitating reshoots? Because it was remarkably good. It had wonderful momentum and tension throughout, it kept surprising me and even made my jaw drop a few times. It wasn't just that it hit on some points that I very much wanted to see, it also hung together wonderfully well and it has me very excited about next season. (*ahem*) I feel sorry for Katia and some of her fans that the character is gone, especially since her work in these final two episodes was much livelier than the prevalence of ponderous intoning and moony looks she had been expected to produce for most of her run. She actually did do soulful, adoring gazes very well, but it's nothing to hang an entire show on. There really wasn't much of anything left to be done with the character beyond recurring villain,  popping up like an eternally damned whack-a-mole and lingering like a bad smell.

Edited by yuggapukka
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I was actually tearing up at the end for Ichabod. I felt like Abbie should have hugged him--no matter what Katrina was, he'd loved her once and he'd had to kill her. I'd have liked to have seen her giving him some comfort. He's such a good actor--I could almost physically feel his pain.

If ever he'd needed to know that Katrina was a supernatural creature out of time, her turning gold and disintegrating should do the trick.


Yeah, his pain was pretty palpable. Mison did really great work there. I am kind of glad Abbie and Ichabod didn't embrace here. Because as much he's right about everyone having a choice and Katrina's/Jeremy's deaths being consequences of that, there is no way there isn't going to be fall out from the fact that he chose to save Abbie over his wife. I expect that there will be an internal conflict over that.


Now, I'm just going to be twiddling my thumbs anxiously awaiting renewal news. 

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This is the show I signed on for. This is the show I want to see in season 3.

Hiw ive missed the crazy, action packed ass kicking. Abbie being a being a bad ass was glorious as usual.

I sang and clapped like a loon when Katrina was killed and eventually turned to dust and floated away.

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I was cracking up over Past Crane trying to use Abbie's cell phone. "Slide to open"... so he slides the entire phone across the desk. HAAAAA. Awesome. And when it pops on in the first place, he practically threw it away from himself, it startled him so. And I loved the expressions crossing his face as he watched himself on the video screen, clearly him but in the future with Abbie, and his marvel at her telling the truth, and all the fear and sorrow and everything that goes with finding out that Katrina has betrayed him. 


This was a terrific episode, with all the action and humor and quirkiness and Ichabod-Abbie partner bond that I loved from the pilot and throughout the first season. More, please. More, more, more.


(And I will say that though I was very glad to see the last of Katrina, I still felt such sadness for Crane in that moment. It's not been that long since she changed alliances; his head must be spinning with stunned confusion, anger and devastation. This was not the woman he loved so deeply.)

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Also you guys - did you catch the Corbin/Franklin parallel between this and the pilot? So many parallel gems in this episode... so so many... I just loved it.

Yup!  And Ichabod negotiating to transport Abbie so that he could get more information from her, right down to Abbie playing with the windowshade.  Loved it!  Also hilarious:  the whole bit with the cell phone ("Slide to unlock" indeed!)*


And, yes, that carriage ride was something.  Apparently, antagonistic Ichabbie chemistry is still off the charts.  Man-out-of-time Crane is adorable, but there's something to be said for Man-in-his-time Crane as well.  Actually, you could argue that historical Ichabod was way smarter; it only took like five seconds for him to believe that Katrina was (a) shady and then (b) evil.  Even when Abbie was trying the whole "She did truly love you before she went bad," (BTW, I saw you couldn't resist getting one more of those in, Goffman), past-Ichabod was like, "Nope, she's evil, end of story."


* Ha!  I see you sinkwriter.  Great minds and all . . .

Edited by netlyon2
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You know, everyone`s talking about the hug. Screw the hug (seriously). Focus on Abbie taking down that sleazy guy who was going to hurt her. Hell friggin yeah! That was a thing of beauty!!


The selfies on her phone - OMG, beautiful.


This was a FANTASTIC episode. It kept me engaged, had action, suspense, a great story. And I'll say it - evil Katrina was awesome. This stupid show should have done this way before - how awesome and tense this show would have been.


Ben Franklin - decaptiated! Damn show! The bond! GRACE DIXON!


You know, I really don't want to gloat over Katrina's death, but at the same time, I really do. THIS is the best death ever. I do not care. This focus on a pathetic Katrina destroyed my show to the point that renewal is a question mark. Kat should have been evil from day five, since it's the only thing that made her interesting.


The lot of us didn't want her dead because of Ichabbie.


The lot of us wanted her dead because we knew that the show was being poisoned because of the unfortunate storylines.


But right now, all is right in the Sleepy Hollow world. It is good, and goddammit it, season 3 better happen, because the potential is so bloody great, I cannot.....

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Eeee this reminded me of Ever After when the Prince arrives after Danielle has saved herself, I'm sure that allusion isn't saying something. 


More like Luke to Princess Leia in the original first Star Wars I'd say.  Leia had to finally grab the gun and cover him as she pushed him down  garbage shoot.

Edited by green
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You know, everyone`s talking about the hug. Screw the hug (seriously). Focus on Abbie taking down that sleazy guy who was going to hurt her. Hell friggin yeah! That was a thing of beauty!!


As soon as she said, "There have been a lot of developments in close quarter combat," I smiled and thought, "Dude, you are about to get your ass kicked and you don't even know it." Heeeeee.

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More like Luke to Princess Leia in the original first Star Wars I'd say.


No I feel pretty comfortable saying it's more like Ever After, because of the threat of sexualized violence, and the lack of blaster guns, or trash compactors, and that Abbie is not Ichabod's sister.

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YAAAASSS! THAT is the Sleepy Hollow, I knew and loved.


I'm surprised they killed off Katrina.  But I'm also not convinced she is really most sincerely dead. 


Gods the "Slide to Unlock' gag mad me laugh a stupid amount.


I cannot believe this was actually written by Goffman.


I actually applauded at the end.  If the show doesn't get renewed, I can live with this being the series finale. 

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More like Luke to Princess Leia in the original first Star Wars I'd say.  Leia had to finally grab the gun and cover him as she pushed him down  garbage shoot.

Well, given that Ichabod said the exact same words to Abbie that Henry said to Danielle: "I came to rescue you..." I think the Ever After parallel is a good one...

Oh now I remember the Luke/Leia part - but I still like Ever After parallel better... Past Ichabod was much more badass, imo, than current Ichabod seems to be... he had mad fighting skills...

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Well I am going to be that person and say even in her evil incarnation, Katrina was not interesting.  All she did was basically kill people.  Oh random stranger bystander, here, let my eyes go white and "whoomp' you're dead. 


I love how Grace and Ben Franklin were so thrilled to see Abbie and were completely convinced right away!


And I liked the juxtaposition of Abbie working on removing an old-fashioned nail out o a bench with no modern tools to jimmy a lock, while Ichabod was figuring out her smart phone.  And of course the little glimpse of the old Ichabbie magic when Ichabod comes to "save' her after she's already kicked that guy's ass.  

Edited by DearEvette
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I also loved Grace Dixon. She was so lovely and smart and her magic was beautiful to behold, and dare I say, fitting because it seemed powerful yet graceful. (No pun intended.) The way she blew that dust and it swirled all around Abbie, it was really cool.


And I loved how rattled Abbie was to meet her. It was so sweet, and I wish they'd had more time together.

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As soon as she said, "There have been a lot of developments in close quarter combat," I smiled and thought, "Dude, you are about to get your ass kicked and you don't even know it." Heeeeee.

When she stood up and did that Wing Chun mess on him and then said, "Now that's true American strength" and slammed his head into the cell and Crane showed up (who looked completely and utterly impressed).

I did like that even though Abbie seemed to be willing to give Katrina the benefit of the doubt and claim she saved them (when, show?), Ichabod said that "the seeds were always there" and wasn't willing to give her a pass for her actions.


I hope there is a time jump at the end of the episode - please show no CranePain.

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Even knowing that it would eventually work out, Ben Franklin getting decapitated was shocking to me. I just sat there thinking, "You just decapitated a Founding Father." And they gave time for that to sink in even with all the chaos in the scene, with Crane just staring at Franklin's body.

He was delightful during that short period Abbie had with him.

I laughed when Crane was like, "That's a relief to hear" when Abbie told him they were more than partners, they were friends...all while Crane stared at the knocked-out soldier on the cell floor.

Edited by Luciano
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Oh and Goffman was totally writing for his life (if he wrote the whole episode)...

If he DID write this episode - I'm really mad that he wasted his talents all year trying to force SheWhoShallNotBeNamed onto us.

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Also, every minute between Ichabod and Abbie was so wonderful. And Mison really brought his range of talents to the fore as did Nicole. 


I was surprised to feel I was a little bit sad but I think that was because Mison sold his loss and sadness that it had to end that way. And yes he clearly put Abbie first because he was willing go against Katrina to save Abbie. 

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Well, given that Ichabod said the exact same words to Abbie that Henry said to Danielle: "I came to rescue you..." I think the Ever After parallel is a good one...

Oh now I remember the Luke/Leia part - but I still like Ever After parallel better... Past Ichabod was much more badass, imo, than current Ichabod seems to be... he had mad fighting skills...


I just meant the original quote and funny irony scene thereof originated back in 1977 in Star Wars.  Like to give the creator, George Lucas, his due.

Edited by green
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Even knowing that it would eventually work out, Ben Franklin getting decapitated was shocking to me. I just sat there thinking, "You just decapitated a Founding Father." And they gave time for that to sink in even with all the chaos in the scene, with Crane just staring at Franklin's body.

He was delightful during that short period Abbie had with him.

Yes - oh my gosh I was so seriously messed up about that... thinking about what that would do to the future... and weeping... I was ridiculously upset over the fictional loss of a founding father...

But THAT is the crazy that made this show what it is... Zombie George Washington? Decapitated Ben Franklin!!

That messed me up worse than that scene with Fish in Gotham.

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I was cracking up over Past Crane trying to use Abbie's cell phone. "Slide to open"... so he slides the entire phone across the desk. HAAAAA. Awesome. And when it pops on in the first place, he practically threw it away from himself, it startled him so. And I loved the expressions crossing his face as he watched himself on the video screen, clearly him but in the future with Abbie, and his marvel at her telling the truth, and all the fear and sorrow and everything that goes with finding out that Katrina has betrayed him. 




I absolutely adored the cell phone scene and actually laughed aloud when watching it. This was the first time in a while that I've genuinely laughed (because of the good of a scene) when watching Sleepy Hollow.


Also, something else I enjoyed about the episode was that it hit pretty much all the character beats, which is something that has been missing throughout the season. We saw Crane's doubt about Abbie's claims; we saw his horror at Benjamin Franklin's death and shock over Katrina's deceit. Then we saw him coming to believe what Abbie was saying but still struggling to process all that was happening. With Abbie, we saw her working the 18th century system for her benefit and each time upping the ante to convince Crane of her truth. I loved seeing Grace Dixon again. Abbie's awe, joy and appreciation for meeting this incredible woman, her ancestor, in the flesh was right on point.  They really did do a great job with the character's emotions and motivations evolving throughout the episode. It was all very organic, which gave the episode a flow that we haven't seen much of this season.

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Yeah, I have to agree that, out of all the things this show has done before (both good and bad), even I was flabbergasted when they decapitated Franklin.  For some reason, it just was something I never thought they would.  Obviously, they take a ton of liberties with the "Founding Fathers", but that was still crazy.

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So, wait, if they reset time with the spell, then Franklin is actually alive right?


Well, alive in the past...because if he's dead in the past, he won't be the currency would he? 


Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey....stuff

Edited by catrox14
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Ichabod and I share a birthday! When he typed it in, I was like, "Shut up!"

Abby had two separate ways to save herself. First trying to pick the lock, then beating the hell out of that guy. She is so fierce.

I appreciate that they didn't end the episode before Grace's spell worked. I feared a cliffhanger.

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I just meant the original quote and funny irony thereof originated back in 1977 in Star Wars.I just meant the original quote and funny irony thereof originated back in 1977 in Star Wars.


Right I think Ever After was tipping it's hat to the Princess can save herself better than the dude scene from A New Hope, but the actual structure of the scene in this episode was much more similar to the one in EA. A New Hope is dude shows up to save her and kinda fails, EA is girl saves self entirely by herself, dude shows up after the fact of self saving.


I also loved that before he walked in the cell Abbie was already getting shit done, finding a way to break herself out with the screw in the bench.

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I don't fell sorry for Katrina or Katia. It was an ill conceived character and if Katia had shown any of the passion as the good witch that she did in the last two episodes it might have been salvageable. I realize the writing she got was subpar and perhaps the director came up with the whispery, bland persona but . . . I'm not sure that those weren't acting decisions. I never got the idea she was invested in the witness story which caused some of the jarring aspects of her performance and the change in momentum every time she was in a scene. I cannot change my mind just because she is gone. It sucks to lose a job and I truly hope she finds many projects that better match her style. However, I am glad the character is gone.

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Quick thoughts….



ICHABOD killed Katrina! Yes! Last week Abbie killed Henry so I wasn't totally convinced Ichabod was on board.


Final scene---the Fearsome Foursome. Abbie, Ichabod, Jenny and Irving.  SOMEONE at FOX understands…. ;)

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Would it have killed Abbie to hug Ichabod?!?! He just killed his wife for cripes sakes. And they were just talking about hugging it out right before. An excellent episode and nice set up to next year. I think the writers knew all along what they were doing. They just didn't count on the impatient audience with an attention span of half an hour. They planned on evil Katrina all along but her storyline went on WAY too long. A shorter season may have helped.

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All I have to say - is my Original Four are intact. Abbie, Ichabod, Jenny and Frank. Those are the four that I want on my screen. I love the interactions and dynamic. At least the show ended (hopefully not permanently) on this. These four need to do their thing....

Also, Abbie is the American Dream - hell yeah.

And Crane's birthday is August 18th. That makes him a LEO. Because I am insane, this appeals to me. Mison is a Leo, Crane is a Leo, and I just happen to be a Leo. My heart just exploded.

It hit me in that last scene that they literally gave us the four of them. Like, here they are, this is what you all wanted. The original team of four, heading out the door to face the future.

(On a shallow note, Orlando Jones looked hot in that black outfit. Don't know what it was exactly, but it was really working for me.)

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2 things gave me the feels:

1) Abigail finally using her real name Grace with real Grace and Grace knowing she was kin immediately.


2)Abigail, for no real reason but to give me feels, having Crane's birthday as her password.


Also, Pre-Hessian Crane is sexy. 

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I've never hated Katrina or really felt anything about her one way or the other, but that finale was awesome. I loved how neatly it wrapped up while still remaining relatively logical and leaving things open for the future. My only concern is that it might leading to Crane resenting Abbie and I wouldn't want to see their friendship hurt by all this. It's the best part of the show.

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Would it have killed Abbie to hug Ichabod?!?! He just killed his wife for cripes sakes. And they were just talking about hugging it out right before. An excellent episode and nice set up to next year. I think the writers knew all along what they were doing. They just didn't count on the impatient audience with an attention span of half an hour. They planned on evil Katrina all along but her storyline went on WAY too long. A shorter season may have helped.


He just killed his wife and I don't think he would have responded well in that moment to a hug.

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