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"An egg beater, what's that??" Lol.

I guess Kim wants Lisa Rinna to mind her own biz wax.

I think LisaR wants to throttle Kim.

I want LisaR to air it out on Kim bc she can do it so well. So deftly. Without tears. Exactly the way I would want to do it if I had the chance.

See, if I was Kyle I would not have brought up Kim's kids -- she lost her composure and she starts down a road that is hard to come back from and meanwhile Kim gains momentum and becomes calm. Stop it Kyle with the "You're so mean!!" You sound like a child.

  • Love 7

See, if I was Kyle I would not have brought up Kim's kids -- she lost her composure and she starts down a road that is hard to come back from and meanwhile Kim gains momentum and becomes calm.


I don't see the big deal in what Kyle implied.  When Kim is mad at Kyle it seems like Kim uses her children as a way of emotional revenge towards Kyle.  Just like the rumor that went around with her son recently how she didn't talk to Kyle about Chad's issue.  She knows Kyle loves her children and will be there for them, especially when she's in her high/drunken state and she checks out being a mom.

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 8

Maybe an egg beater is a shit stirrer.

I don't see the big deal in what Kyle implied.  When Kim is mad at Kyle it seems like Kim uses her children as a way of revenge towards Kyle.  Just like the rumor that went around with her son recently how she didn't talk to Kyle about Chad's issue.  She knows Kyle loves her children and will be there for them, especially when she's in her high/drunken state.

Right. Kim's an emotional vampire - she knows how to get to Kyle, what means the most to her. Evil.
  • Love 12

So last summer they moved up Brooke's wedding to accommodate Monty and Kyle and her family cut their European yacht vacation short to attend the wedding.  It wasn't terribly important to Nicki, Paris or Farrah as they stayed on to party in Spain.  So now another daughter is getting married and Kim's revenge is to disinvite Kyle from the wedding? These are things you cannot go back and fix once done.  I hope Whitney (if she is the bride) exercises her veto over her ignorant mother.  If it is a decision Whitney has made Kyle needs to respect it and move on and never let Kim (or Kingsley) anywhere near any of her children ever again. 


BTW Monty posted his latest vacation photo:  https://instagram.com/p/056wN8QfHb/?taken-by=montybrinson  The guy seems to be hanging in there.

  • Love 4

I don't see the big deal in what Kyle implied.  When Kim is mad at Kyle it seems like Kim uses her children as a way of emotional revenge towards Kyle.  Just like the rumor that went around with her son recently how she didn't talk to Kyle about Chad's issue.  She knows Kyle loves her children and will be there for them, especially when she's in her high/drunken state and she checks out being a mom.


Maybe an egg beater is a shit stirrer.

Right. Kim's an emotional vampire - she knows how to get to Kyle, what means the most to her. Evil.

If I'm Kyle, I'm not going to give Kim the satisfaction of high jacking my emotions. The calmer Kyle is, the worse Kim looks. And I'm not going to let her pull my strings, but that's me. YMMV

  • Love 8

I agree with you guys about Kim, but I think I get what msblossom was saying.  Kim feeds off of other people's emotions (emotional vampire), to gain power and that's also how she wounds people.  Emotions make us vulnerable.  So the only way to deal with a Narcissist or anyone else who is incapable of empathy and emotion is not to give them your own.  Kyle's nieces and nephews are a source of emotion for her and bringing them up to Kim, who has no emotion, only makes Kyle vulnerable to Kim's attacks.  Because while Kyle is overflowing with feeling and trying to get Kim to register some humanity, Kim is stone-hearted and cold and will just suck in all of that emotion and give nothing back.  Kyle will just become even more emotional and frenzied until she burns out.  Kim then triumphs.  Easy in theory, harder in practice, I know, especially when you're an already sensitive, emotive person. 

  • Love 18

But this is a reunion emotions will come out good, bad or indifferent. If Kyle sits there and takes Kim's nonsense then people, like me, will ask why Kyle let her dog her out. Kyle is in a bad position anyhow. She defends herself against a junkie shes not sympathetic. She sits there and takes abuses from Kim shes viewed as weak or unwilling to fight back. Id hate to be in Kyle's position because she wont be able to win either way.

  • Love 18

I agree with you guys about Kim, but I think I get what msblossom was saying.  Kim feeds off of other people's emotions (emotional vampire), to gain power and that's also how she wounds people.  Emotions make us vulnerable.  So the only way to deal with a Narcissist or anyone else who is incapable of empathy and emotion is not to give them your own.  Kyle's nieces and nephews are a source of emotion for her and bringing them up to Kim, who has no emotion, only makes Kyle vulnerable to Kim's attacks.  Because while Kyle is overflowing with feeling and trying to get Kim to register some humanity, Kim is stone-hearted and cold and will just suck in all of that emotion and give nothing back.  Kyle will just become even more emotional and frenzied until she burns out.  Kim then triumphs.  Easy in theory, harder in practice, I know, especially when you're an already sensitive, emotive person.

Kyle needs some books or a good therapist to help her see what she's up against.
  • Love 7

Kim is mean. You'd think Kyle would know that by now and stop taking it personally.


They're sisters so they know each other forever.  Kyle likes the attention she gets from playing the martyr.

I dont think Kyle plays the martyr. She has an abusive sister who has a history of addiction. That is what it looks like. Because Kyle does love Kims kids she had no choice but to engage with Kim. I think (and hope) she is getting to the point of walking away.

  • Love 19

I agree with you guys about Kim, but I think I get what msblossom was saying. Kim feeds off of other people's emotions (emotional vampire), to gain power and that's also how she wounds people. Emotions make us vulnerable. So the only way to deal with a Narcissist or anyone else who is incapable of empathy and emotion is not to give them your own. Kyle's nieces and nephews are a source of emotion for her and bringing them up to Kim, who has no emotion, only makes Kyle vulnerable to Kim's attacks. Because while Kyle is overflowing with feeling and trying to get Kim to register some humanity, Kim is stone-hearted and cold and will just suck in all of that emotion and give nothing back. Kyle will just become even more emotional and frenzied until she burns out. Kim then triumphs. Easy in theory, harder in practice, I know, especially when you're an already sensitive, emotive person.

Thanks, Sword, that's what I meant. The more upset Kyle gets the more satiated Kim becomes and she feels empowered, and my point was if I'm Kyle I am not going to reach my sister by empowering her with my pleas to look outside her damn self for a change. Hell, Kyle isn't going to be the one to reach Kim anyway; it will have to come through her kids. She wants to punish Kyle and she's not finished yet and she wants Kyle to grovel and cry some more. Edited by msblossom
  • Love 9

I do find it funny Kim is trying to blame all this on Lisa R. Lisa R didnt tell her to get high and show her ass on poker night! Lisa R didnt tell her to be a passive aggressive shit starter bringing her so-called best friend into her sister problems! Lisa R didnt tell her to stop talking to her sister for 3 months at the time. Kim is trying to deflect and place on anyone that isnt herself. Typical addict.

  • Love 15

If Kathy Hilton was appalled by Kyle I am astounded.  This is the same Kathy Hilton who thinks it appropriate to have Brandi at her holiday party.  I guess people like Lisa Rinna and Eileen Davidson are to classy for her and she needs to feel good by hanging out with Brandi.  What has Kim ever done for Kathy's kids?  Kyle needs to be let Kim have Kathy.

  • Love 17

I agree with you guys about Kim, but I think I get what msblossom was saying. Kim feeds off of other people's emotions (emotional vampire), to gain power and that's also how she wounds people. Emotions make us vulnerable. So the only way to deal with a Narcissist or anyone else who is incapable of empathy and emotion is not to give them your own. Kyle's nieces and nephews are a source of emotion for her and bringing them up to Kim, who has no emotion, only makes Kyle vulnerable to Kim's attacks. Because while Kyle is overflowing with feeling and trying to get Kim to register some humanity, Kim is stone-hearted and cold and will just suck in all of that emotion and give nothing back. Kyle will just become even more emotional and frenzied until she burns out. Kim then triumphs. Easy in theory, harder in practice, I know, especially when you're an already sensitive, emotive person.

Ever been in one of those relationships where you always feel like you're one conversation, even one sentence, away from getting the other person to finally understand? If you can just find exactly the right words, this time every thing will click into place like the key you've been struggling with finally turning in the lock. Not being able to stop trying to open that lock is what it is to be codependent.

I'm hoping what has happened with Alexia is it for Kyle. Sometimes people can do for their kids what they could never do for themselves. Kim's kids, though... I couldn't get that video to play through beyond the invocation of Kathy Hilton, Grand Arbiter. Did Kim disinvite Kyle from Whitney's wedding for reals? Kim really knows how to scorch the earth, if so.

Edited by Found A Peanut
  • Love 12

If Kathy Hilton was appalled by Kyle I am astounded.  This is the same Kathy Hilton who thinks it appropriate to have Brandi at her holiday party.  I guess people like Lisa Rinna and Eileen Davidson are to classy for her and she needs to feel good by hanging out with Brandi.  What has Kim ever done for Kathy's kids?  Kyle needs to be let Kim have Kathy.

Precisely.  Wonder how long it will take for KH to fob her care and feeding responsibility off on some unsuspecting chump.



The 30 seconds of tonight's first look have cemented my Rinna love like nothing else.



Eileen wasn't a slouch, either.  I couldn't help but notice Kim's scowl as Andy waxed eloquent on Eileen's career.


Another funny moment for me was Kim saying how wonderful Brandi's parents were.......if I recall correctly, her father's career was selling pot and her mother was the long suffering wife.  Right down Kim's alley.

  • Love 12

Kyle does not need to waste her time on therapy. Just read this forum & follow our advice....run Kyle run! And if Kathy has sided with Kim, I think that has more to do with the fact that Mauricio left Rick Hilton's firm and is clearly doing very well on his own. Kyle, you have a hot husband, four beautiful daughters, a wealth of unflattering caftans and LVP back on your side.

  • Love 24

I think the "smoking gun" most definitely refers to Lisa Rinna. Part 3 description is up on my Tivo guide and it says (amongst other things): Kim reveals threatening texts messages she received from Lisa Rinna after Adrienne's party.

Thanks........can't wait for the texts to be revealed....I wouldn't think LR would be that careless to send a threatening text that she knew would come back to bite her......

  • Love 3


.I wouldn't think LR would be that careless to send a threatening text that she knew would come back to bite her......


She was in 100% pain the night she sent them and either A. doesn't remember the messages or B. was just joking.


I love how everything always comes back to BG's kids or Kim's kids. If either get called out about something they fall back on that whole 'you'll hurt my kids' stuff. And yet somehow it's okay to call Eileen a homewrecker on national tv when her kid (especially the young one) might hear about it! Then when Eileen says that BG should have a better relationship with LeeAnn - Brandi says you don't know anything about it. Umm what did BG know about the ins and outs of Eileen's situation when she decided to pass judgement?


Cannot stand much more of BG and her screeching. She is insane (in general) and insane with jealousy over Lisa V and Kyle being pals again.

Edited by hypnotoad
  • Love 9

I love Kyles honesty, she basically laid it out that the reason she put up with this shit for so long is because of the kids.

Yes. And that was heartbreaking. Those kids are lucky to have her as an aunt, and more evidence of Kim being despicable if she did indeed disinvite Kyle from daughter number two's wedding. More abusive and cruel manipulation. (Btw, another daughter's getting married? Maybe there's a pattern here - they grew up in a broken home with an awful mother, and they're anxious to create their own families).

P.S. Is that a new profile pic, or am I just now noticing it? Because those dogs -- dying!

  • Love 5

Why does Andy keep directing questions at Brandi? It's annoying. I'm interested in hearing from Eileen. That said, Eileen certainly has Brandi's number and is the best at succinctly expressing herself. I hope she gets a chance to talk about something other than Brandi at some point.

Good question - Andy is way more interested in Brandi than I am.
  • Love 7

Why does Andy keep directing questions at Brandi? It's annoying. I'm interested in hearing from Eileen. That said, Eileen certainly has Brandi's number and is the best at succinctly expressing herself. I hope she gets a chance to talk about something other than Brandi at some point.

I am hoping that Andy is letting Brandi dig her own grave as this is, fingers/toes/arms/legs/eyes crossed, her last season. He is also allowing the others to slay her with the reality of her behavior like never before and seems to be enjoying it.

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 14

Yes. And that was heartbreaking. Those kids are lucky to have her as an aunt, and more evidence of Kim being despicable if she did indeed disinvite Kyle from daughter number two's wedding. More abusive and cruel manipulation. (Btw, another daughter's getting married? Maybe there's a pattern here - they grew up in a broken home with an awful mother, and they're anxious to create their own families).

P.S. Is that a new profile pic, or am I just now noticing it? Because those dogs -- dying!

Yes. And that was heartbreaking. Those kids are lucky to have her as an aunt, and more evidence of Kim being despicable if she did indeed disinvite Kyle from daughter number two's wedding. More abusive and cruel manipulation. (Btw, another daughter's getting married? Maybe there's a pattern here - they grew up in a broken home with an awful mother, and they're anxious to create their own families).

P.S. Is that a new profile pic, or am I just now noticing it? Because those dogs -- dying!

It's new, I just figured out how to make it thanks to Lisins great instructions on the cabana thread. They are my babies. Both rescue goldens who have not had an easy life.....until now that is.
  • Love 18



The last 30 seconds of tonight's first look have cemented my Rinna love like nothing else.



I have replayed those last 30 seconds multiple times and I'm going to continue replaying. Even my husband was applauding and he pretends he's not watching 90% of the time. LisaV's reaction and Kyle trying to stifle her laughter was priceless. Oh and let me not forget the honorable mention goes to Eileen for cracking up on the other couch. Those two LisaR and Eileen just dont give a damn when it comes to placating Brandi. Hey Brandi! where's your tampon endorsement?

Edited by bagger
  • Love 11

Precisely.  Wonder how long it will take for KH to fob her care and feeding responsibility off on some unsuspecting chump.

Eileen wasn't a slouch, either.  I couldn't help but notice Kim's scowl as Andy waxed eloquent on Eileen's career.


Another funny moment for me was Kim saying how wonderful Brandi's parents were.......if I recall correctly, her father's career was selling pot and her mother was the long suffering wife.  Right down Kim's alley.

Maybe Brandi's father is supplying her with her medicinal marijuana?

  • Love 2

I dont think Kyle plays the martyr. She has an abusive sister who has a history of addiction. That is what it looks like. Because Kyle does love Kims kids she had no choice but to engage with Kim. I think (and hope) she is getting to the point of walking away.


I don't think she consciously plays the martyr.  But I think it kind of comes part and parcel with being codependent.  Because she really doesn't have to put up with Kim and her special brand of bullshit.  She isn't being forced to, especially now that Kim's kids are adults, themselves and they can maintain their own relationship with their aunt.  But she is compelled to and that's what makes her codependent.  I'm so glad to hear that she might be done with it all, finally. 


Ever been in one of those relationships where you always feel like you're one conversation, even one sentence, away from getting the other person to finally understand? If you can just find exactly the right words, this time every thing will click into place like the key you've been struggling with finally turning in the lock. Not being able to stop trying to open that lock is what it is to be codependent.



LOL Yep!   I was engaged to a mostly manic, Bi-polar, Narcissist with delusions and paranoia, so l was trying to break through that mask all the fucking time.  Have known him and have been having those conversations for 16 years now.  Hell, I still am since I see him every day, still.   This is why I get Kyle's struggle so much.  I still can't walk away fully and I still allow him to manipulate and guilt me.  Love really sucks, sometimes, especially when it's mixed with hate and wrapped in codependency.  lol 



Ohhhh, I missed 100% of the First Goddam Look!  I was so going to watch that tonight, too!  Sounds like Part 2 is going to be both awesome and awful.

  • Love 8

Kim looked soooo salty when they showed Eileen getting her Emmy.  Jealous much, Kim!


Andy: What do you think of Eileen without a script?

BG: I dont think of her.

AC: What did you think of Brandi, Eileen?

ED: I thought Brandi was funny until the wine thing happened.

AC: What made you want to throw the glass of wine in her face?

BG: I guess I wasnt thinking.  Caught in a moment.


Eileen said the tabloids called about Brandi's bs and she had a convo with her children about it.

LR: What makes you do the things anD say the things you do?  What happened to you as a child?

BG: I had a great childhood so Dont go there.

Eileen said her husband ex wife said they have a good relationship and she hang up and Brandi needs to work on relationship with Leann.  BOOM!

The Kim funky ass "This why it's best to stay out of others people's business."  (ME: Bitch, hush!  You been exploiting your drug addiction for a check for a paycheck for 5 seasons now.  Why dont you get off TV!!)


Brandi then claims she had a friend who was having an affair and she dropped her.  Eileen cuts her off and says "Oh so your the moral compass of the show?  So your not judgmental?" (Kyle is grinning.)

BG: We're all judgmental.

Eileen (finish her!!!): So stfu.  (Yaaaas Eileen)  Eileen continues:You talk too much thats your fuckin problem.  (YAAAASSS)


American Psycho house:

Eileen to Brandi: Im not a homewrecker Im a homemaker. Because I got a great family thank you very much.

AC: What creeped you out about Eileen home?

BG: She has antiques and figurines everywhere..

ED: I dont have figurines.

AC: Who would you fire from HW? And why?

BG: Eileen.  Because I thought she brought nothing to the table.

ED:What do you bring to the table?

BG: Conflict I guess.  (ME: DING DING)


Brandi still saying because she thought she apologized to Eileen everyone should move fwd.  LVP says," I dont understand this.  You keep doing it,apologize and think life suppose to go on.  Life doesn't work that way.  Brandi does what she wants and it suppose to go away."  (Yes preach LVP)

BG: You forgave her (Kyle). You must be selling your house to be friends with her again.

(Kyle and LVP are laughing hard because she sounds dumb as hell).

AC: You think Mauricio wants the listing?

BG: Kyle is only your friend because shes selling your house.

LVP: Ive said flippant remarks.  Shes said flippant remarks.  And that didn't kill a friendship after 7 yrs.


Then Lisa R and Brandi have at it about Rinna calling Brandi a trashy mom and Brandi said on her podcast LisaR was a porn star.  And how both things hurt each other's kids.

Then Brandi throws her shade at LisaR's hair.  Everyone laughs because it's true.  Lisa R tells Brandi she needs to gets a sense humor and (gets up to dance) you got a double standard like shes never seen her fucking life and Brandi needs to be shut down. (ME: BOOM LISA R!) Then they throw each other the bird at one another.

More shade throwing:

BG: Go change your Depends because your such full of shit.

LR: Wheres you tampon endorsement, baby?

BG:Trust me Im working on it.

LR: Do it.


The new girls ripped Brandi apart.  I live!!!!

This was so satisfying like an itch you've had that finally gets scratched.

I've been waiting for somebody to say the things Lisa r and Eileen said to Brandi for 3 years and here it is wrapped up in a juicy 10 minute package. I loved every glorious moment.

  • Love 12


The last 30 seconds of tonight's first look have cemented my Rinna love like nothing else


BG doesn't belong on this show for a lot of reasons: she has no money, she has no house porn, she has no connections and she has no talent/business to offer.


But these exchanges on the First Look also show that she also doesn't belong because she simply can't keep up with these women verbally. Lisa R isn't some brain trust and easily talks her way around BG. Eileen completely has BG's number and BG knows it. Lisa V is so over BG it isn't even funny and just keeps going after her. Kyle is holding her own just fine.


Kim barely speaks and BG is like a little kid coming up with lame comebacks that she thinks are super clever. Like that whole thing about Lisa V selling her house and that's why she's pals with Kyle. Dumb so dumb. What makes it better is pretty much all of them laughing in BG's face.


Andy stop coddling BG and just fire her already.

  • Love 20

Ever been in one of those relationships where you always feel like you're one conversation, even one sentence, away from getting the other person to finally understand? If you can just find exactly the right words, this time every thing will click into place like the key you've been struggling with finally turning in the lock. Not being able to stop trying to open that lock is what it is to be codependent.

Well said!

  • Love 4

I have replayed those last 30 seconds multiple times and I'm going to continue replaying. Even my husband was applauding and he pretends he's not watching 90% of the time. LisaV's reaction and Kyle trying to stifle her laughter was priceless. Oh and let me now forget the honorable mention goes to Eileen for cracking up on the other couch. Those two LisaR and Eileen just dont give a damn when it comes to placating Brandi. Hey Brandi! where's your tampon endorsement?


Oh lawdy, Mr. Persnickety and I were high-fiving each other and cheering Lisa R and Eileen on.


I think we had more whooping it up during this clip than any other household in America does during the Superbowl.




And the best part?'


Hell, we're not even halfway through it!!!


Thank you, Bravo, thank you!!!!!!

Edited by Persnickety1
  • Love 10

AC: What creeped you out about Eileen home?

BG: She has antiques and figurines everywhere..



OMG she really is afraid of all things OLD!!!


That old velvet sofa's gonna make your pussy wrinkle, Brandi, don't sit on it!!



Lucky for you Blackmamba transcribed it! With commentary!


Hee, that was great.  I was clapping my hands together like an idiot while reading that!

  • Love 10

How does Brandi have the nerve to say "don't talk about my children," or "don't touch my family"? (parents). Brandi - the truth cannon who outed Adrienne's surrogacy secret. The one who called Yolanda's daughter an alcoholic? The one who called Eileen a home wrecker?*. Honestly - the nerve?

* How great was that when Eileen brought out Leann Rimes to the conversation, and told her to fix her rotten relationship with her ex?

  • Love 18

Oh lawdy, Mr. Persnickety and I were high-fiving each other and cheering Lisa R and Eileen on.


I think we had more whooping it up during this clip than any other household in America does during the Superbowl.




And the best part?'


Hell, we're not even halfway through it!!!


Thank you, Bravo, thank you!!!!!!

Brandi had nothing, she sat there dumbfounded while everyone else minus sour puss Kim were having a good old time.


I can't watch those 30 seconds enough. Anyone know how to replay it non stop on a loop?

  • Love 4

I didn't want to believe it last week, but on the first look I paid attention. Every single "viewer" "question" was phrased to be pro Brandi. Not one called her out in any way. I knew I was screwed when Brandi was asked which Housewife should be fired. Why that question? Why to Brandi? Why right after a segment where Eileen shut Brandi's ass down despite the other pro-Brandi questions? Yeah, Brandi will be back next season, there is zero doubt in my mind. And Andy will be laughing all the way to the bank.

But damn, Eileen seriously just shut her ass down. It was beautiful to watch, even though Brandi will never, ever get it.

  • Love 8


It was a job Brandi! So the fuck what?


I get it. It's just that BG doesn't remember what it means to have a job.


I don't see why BG thinks it's a cut to say something about Depends diapers to Lisa R. Lisa R has not shied away from talking about that particular job and she made a TON of money.


BFF's BG and Kim: Dumb and Dumber.

  • Love 5

The really stupid thing about Brandi throwing the diaper commercial in Lisar's face is that LisaR is laughing all the way to the bank. LisaR has said many times she'll take almost any job. It was a job Brandi! So the fuck what?


Brandi is so soul shatteringly insecure that she can't handle anything that doesn't relate to youth and beauty.  So a job that requires one to admit to an typically age-related bodily issue is probably more reality than she can handle.   


eta:  Even though it is just a job, and not necessarily a reality for those who promote it, like Lisa. 

Edited by SwordQueen
  • Love 7

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