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"The View": Week of 02/23/15


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Oh FFS, Samantha Ponder is a dumbass. STFU, and take it easy with the hair pieces, girl. Is she auditioning for Faux News? I get that she's employed by ESPN (she's marginally better as a sideline reporter) but I'd rather Sage Steele co-host, as she's not a complete dumbass.

I liked her better yesterday when she didn't have anything to say.

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She didn't look like this back when she first started and was Guiliana de Panda.  She started to think that she needed to be very thin to look good on camera, and instead she looks skeletal.



Thanks for that info, Morgalisa.   I wondered if that emaciated look is in her plan.  When I heard that she had difficulty (guess it was impossible) getting pregnant, I thought that her low weight must have a lot to do with that.   Her teeth and alignment of her teeth emphasizes the skeletal look.

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Rivers made horrible, disgusting comments about people all the time, yet she is revered by some because she's so "funny".



I think Joan Rivers' schtick took some kind of turn for the worse (cruel/mean) when her career wasn't going so well.  In her early days...early decades, she was always very quick and funny...and mostly (IIRC) self-deprecating.  Somehow the meanness was determined to be funny.  The more outlandish she got, the more jobs she seemed to get.  I don't get it.    I don't give comics a pass just because "we're comedians."   Even though friends have always thought I was funny, I'd be punched out if I sad some of the things "comics" try to get away with.

Edited by Former Nun
  • Love 11

So, as I'm sitting home today, sick, reading all of everyone's comments, not to mention scrolling the articles about what Rancid Rancic said, and what Nicolle said in response by way of "You are no Joan Rivers" or whatever, the take away I got (and understand I'm all doped up on my meds so forgive me if am misunderstanding), is that ONLY Joan can get away with racisty remarks because she was Joan Rivers!!!!!! Fuck that nonsense.


In my opinion.


And if I'm wrong, please feel free to correct me; like I said, I'm presently doped up on drugs.  And not the good kind, unfortunately.

I do not think you are wrong. I kept hearing that because Joan was a comedian, she could say and do whatever she wanted to, no matter how racist, homophobic or plain cruel her "jokes" were.


Lately, I couldn't even watch Fashion Police with Joan.    She was just plain mean, nothing funny.  


But somehow now that Joan is gone, people forget how mean she was.   She made a joke last year that the women held captive for years in Ohio "at least had free room and board". Huh?  That is funny? They were kidnapped, held hostage, raped and ruined forever.   Her only saving grace was that in the past she was very self-depricating, but lately she was just nasty.   And  I am sorry but Joan's daughter, even with plastic surgery would have been the butt of her jokes if she wasn't her daugther.  


Whoopi of course gives anyone who is Hollywood or a comedian free reign to do whatever they feel, even if it hurts others, or if it was a crime.

  • Love 14

Thanks for that info, Morgalisa.   I wondered if that emaciated look is in her plan.  When I heard that she had difficulty (guess it was impossible) getting pregnant, I thought that her low weight must have a lot to do with that.   Her teeth and alignment of her teeth emphasizes the skeletal look.

On her reality show, there is a scene where her physician advises her to gain 5-10 lbs. in order to help her chances to conceive.  She says she can't do it because she has to be thin for her job.  No, I did not/ do not watch her show but have seen this particular episode being talked about many times over the years.  I think I even saw a clip of it on youtube. 


As far as The View goes, I think this is the 1st time in 10+ years that I have been at home at 11am and forgot that it was even on.  I haven't been watching it since Rosie left.  I did tune in on Monday to listen to them talk about The Oscars and came to the conclusion that the show/mainly Whoopi makes me too angry.  And I have enough shit going on in my life to be angry about.  It was the day that she spit out her venomous tirade about not tweeting her about something because she doesn't care about any of us and what we think.  Between that and her just being so loud and sitting there so smugly and so effing pleased as punch, I just got too angry to watch. 


It is most definitely 100% The Whoopi Goldberg Show now.  She knows it, we know it and all those cowards sitting at the table with her know it.  She owns that hour.

Edited by Cementhead
  • Love 10

I have watched a few minutes here and there since RO left. However, today I turned over to see what was going on and boy did I choose an interesting time.

They were discussing the James Bond franchise and Bond girls. I didn't hear the beginning of the discussion but I did hear the sporty blonde talking about women over 50 in the fly-over states. She alluded to those women as not looking so good for their "advanced" age. She even drug her mother into her remarks. Girl didn't know when to stop talking, she just kept digging that hole deeper and deeper.

Whoopi looked a little pissed when they went to commercial.


ETA: The talk turned to immigration and Nicole opened her mouth to spew and I turned over the Andy Griffith.

Edited by Dissy
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Nicole doesn't know about lymph nodes and starts feeling her neck to check herself in a middle of a serious interview with a young woman who has cancer. Stacy London tried to smooth that over.  Is Nicolle seriously this stupid or is it more of her I'm a naive, simple person schtick?

I saw that too & thought that it was so childish & unprofessional.  Nicolle has "lost" me, that's for sure!!

  • Love 9

Nicole doesn't know about lymph nodes and starts feeling her neck to check herself in a middle of a serious interview with a young woman who has cancer. Stacy London tried to smooth that over.  Is Nicolle seriously this stupid or is it more of her I'm a naive, simple person schtick?


That was so rude and ungracious!  She was shrill the whole show again and I have to think no wonder you are no longer WH staff if you carried on like this in meetings, talking over others, louder than others and so much dumber than others?!  Good for the WH losing her bad for the public!  

  • Love 2
They were discussing the James Bond franchise and Bond girls. I didn't hear the beginning of the discussion but I did hear the sporty blonde talking about women over 50 in the fly-over states. She alluded to those women as not looking so good for their "advanced" age. She even drug her mother into her remarks. Girl didn't know when to stop talking, she just kept digging that hole deeper and deeper.


REALLY?   I will have to watch that when I get home.  Does she realize that "women over 50 in the flyover states'  is pretty much The View's audience?  


and yeah, women in middle-America (as opposed to NYC and Hollywood)  are not  obsessed with fake boobs , botox injections, collagen shots, fake tans, etc.  We use Clairol to cover up the grey and oil of olay to prevent wrinkles from the sun.  We realize that 50 is 50, not 30, and we have better things to spend our time and energy on than chasing some ideal of what we're supposed to look like.

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To try to dig herself out of a hole she inserted "my mom is in her 50's!" like that made her an expert on age??  It was laughable and shows once again if you haven't lived it yourself you don't have a clue!  So the time she chose to join in was precisely the wrong time!  WG didn't look any madder than she normally does!  LOL  But she is no stupider than the one they have already gracing their panel as HIRED....NW!

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Is she auditioning for Faux News?


Nothing against her, she seems nice I guess, but yeah that's all I can think about every day that she's on.


Catching up on shows... Stacey London, please please go away. Nothing about you is appealing or attractive. When Susan Rice is on the show, we want to hear her answers to the serious topics going on in the world that will affect us. I really don't care whether or not Susan Rice sleeps at night and how she relaxes! That is the question you chose?

What's wrong with the executives of this show? It's really not that hard to find decent people as cohosts!! I swear it's like they are purposely picking the worst people to see how they would do on the show and piss off us viewers.

  • Love 8


From big lips to big butts and now the hair

THAT is why a lot of people were up at arms about the comment - it seems there are certain standards for one and not the other.

As stated with Kylie Jenner; Rancic switched her opinion and comment on the hair when it came to Zendara. Seemed a bit hypocritical

I thought Zendara looked absolutely beautiful when I saw her picture and could not believe she was dragged for it. 

I saw Rancic's apology and thought it was sincere and came from the heart. It wasn't some canned "..if I offended anyone...', it seemed like she got why her comment was hurtful. I was a bit disappointed when I heard what she initially said and how it was different from Kylie; I really like her because she does seem nice, hardworking and knows her stuff. I like her husband too, I think they make a great couple. But after that apology, she gained my respect. I think both parties involved took the high road here, and handled the uproar appropriately and am glad they didn't let it go.


Thank you Stacee, Ladybugnine, and dr. gailey for your posts explaining the Fashion Police comments about the dreadlocs and why they were so offensive.  I also saw a co-host on The Talk explain it in even greater detail and along with your explanations it finally made sense to me.


Too bad The Great Whoopi Goldberg, who actually is Black and wears locs couldn't manage to explain anything and instead chose to let us know she's worn dreads for 40 years and while they have smelled like weed, they have never smelled like patchouli.   Geezus she's awful at this.  


edited to correct damn autocorrect 

Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 11


REALLY?   I will have to watch that when I get home.  Does she realize that "women over 50 in the flyover states'  is pretty much The View's audience? 


and yeah, women in middle-America (as opposed to NYC and Hollywood)  are not  obsessed with fake boobs , botox injections, collagen shots, fake tans, etc.  We use Clairol to cover up the grey and oil of olay to prevent wrinkles from the sun.  We realize that 50 is 50, not 30, and we have better things to spend our time and energy on than chasing some ideal of what we're supposed to look like


AND when we are finally going through stuff to get ready to sell the house (and get out from under the dreaded maintenance) and we find pics of our glorious 20/30/40 selves and realize we were damn good looking - at least in our own eyes :) - we smile fondly, make sure to save a few of the best so the youngsters in the family see us as were meant to be - AND MOVE ON!


Life is meant to be a journey.  Do I resent my jowels, you bet.  Do I do anything about them - of course not.  There is so much else that would have to be done, I would be retiring to the fainting couch for a break!  LOL  


Most of us learn to look back fondly and then, appreciate what we have now and try to look forward to the whatever the future brings.


As Frank Sinatra so loudly sang -- -- "That's life..."

  • Love 15

Building on the comments about the show being cancelled...


Upon further review/reflection, I think TPTB WANT the show gone and they are facilitating the circling the drain syndrome by not getting great guests and really lowering the bar for guest hosts.


My belief (95%) is that they will retool/cancel the show and bring the hour back as an extension of GMA.  They are the leaders in daytime and my guess would be that they want to go head to head with NBC right up until noon - eventually anyway.


I don't think they want the show to succeed.  With Geddi and Babs gone, they have some savy folks in charge whose sole goal is to make the entire morning a success.


Just my opinion of course, but I can't find any other reason for the extraordinarily low quality of guest hosts and guests in general.


I don't mean to sound like I am trashing anyone on the show, but as a general rule they are not A or B listers - or even interesting for the most part.  I guess the interesting could be the fault of Whoopi et. al, as they certainly don't do anything to showcase the guests or ask quality questions or have quality conversations.  All anyone has to do to see the contrast is to watch any other daytime talk show - LITERALLY any other daytime talk show.


The network wants to retool the show as part of GMA and this is an easy way to do that - make it a ratings fail.

  • Love 7

That's an intersting take Kay, and it makes sense. There's just no other reason that they would let Whoopi run roughshod over the show as she has. My guess is, Rosie O's team either had a heads-up or simply saw the writing on the wall and jumped ship so Rosie wouldn't be blamed for the final demise of this mess. And I can't imagine that Whoopi's handlers have not been aware of the damage her performance has done to her image and legacy!

  • Love 9

Building on the comments about the show being cancelled...


Upon further review/reflection, I think TPTB WANT the show gone and they are facilitating the circling the drain syndrome by not getting great guests and really lowering the bar for guest hosts.


My belief (95%) is that they will retool/cancel the show and bring the hour back as an extension of GMA.  They are the leaders in daytime and my guess would be that they want to go head to head with NBC right up until noon - eventually anyway.


I don't think they want the show to succeed.  With Geddi and Babs gone, they have some savy folks in charge whose sole goal is to make the entire morning a success.


Just my opinion of course, but I can't find any other reason for the extraordinarily low quality of guest hosts and guests in general.



Interesting theory kay; kind of like when a business fails on purpose as a tax write off?  So if there is a plan to just let the show die (rather than kill it) I'm hoping the news breaks right after Stacy London gets hired, lol.  That's because she seems super desperate to be on this show and because I'm bitchy like that when it comes to The Spew.   

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Yeah, I think it is very much like having a business fail for tax reasons.  That is a really good point!


This way there is no 'angst' about contracts and payouts etc.  Just let the hosts know that the ratings have gone below acceptable, the show is cancelled and we are all done.  Thanks for signing on and don't let the door hit you on the way out - - -we will always speak fondly of you!!!   :)


Nice and neat and no lawsuits or bad mouthing the way Sherri and Bitsy are doing.


I have now convinced myself it is 98% certain.

Edited by kaygeeret
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Very interesting....and I am coming around to that opinion as well.


The View is under the news division rather than entertainment division now. And as such they sure aren't even working on presenting factual topics let alone allowing so much incorrect information that is so obviously not based on the facts. The panelist's views of course doesn't enter here.....but when they are based on incorrect facts presented they need to be addressed.


All of the other talk shows (Kelly and Michael (although syndicated) and The Chew, ie get the A and B listers as guests.


Although I don't regularly watch The Talk on CBS  they do know how to do a talk show with differing opinions and a little fun too. 


And I will throw in one EP has already left, and I am surprised the other (Wolf) is still there. Perhaps he has been promised better things in the future by ABC. Afterall he was EP of the Rachel Maddow show. 


TV does love to promote ABC shows and "stars" so perhaps that is one reason to keep the show on this season......plus they need time to revamp that hour for an extended GMA or new show.


ETA - The View rather than GMA, and Kelly and Michael rather than Regis.


Thanks MedicineCrow and Kaygeeret for reading between the lines.....I'm currently suffering from CRS (can't remember shit).

Edited by maggiemae
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And I can't imagine that Whoopi's handlers have not been aware of the damage her performance has done to her image and legacy




Does Whoopi even have  handlers?  Oh I know she has agents and probably managers but I honestly do not believe she has a PR person.  Because if she does they are doing a horrible job.  As far as I can tell the only thing Team Whoopi has done is leak Rosie stories to the press.  And that is just my opinion. 


And I 100% agree ABC is letting this show die a slow painful death.  How else do explain this season?   It's been one misstep after another.

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OMG watching Christie Brinkley..paused my tv...she is absolutley beautiful but puhlease no work done?  her forehead doesn't move and the rest of her face all slants upwards not downwards???  ok ok I will buy that product...NOT!



She has a sort of now-and-then underbite.  I found it fascinating.


Christie Brinkley was on to hawk her skincare but there was no mention of where to go to get it, if it would be in stores or even a site to go to for more information.



Let me help (once again) The View's production staff.  Coincidentally, I was channel-surfing and came across an HSN notice that Christie Brinkley will premiere her skin care line on March 5.   

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I still have this on my DVR, but I have not watched The View since last Thursday, a week ago. I find that my mood is a tad bit better, in that I don't get aggravated by Whoopi, et al. I do like to read this thread, though, and it appears as if I have missed nothing. I congratulate all of you who are "taking it for the team."

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So why didn't Samantha Ponder question Christie about how she manages to succeed in the beauty industry at her ripe old age?  After all, she's over 50 and those middle aged women in the fly over states can't relate.



She decided NOT to ask, Haleth, because she read that Christie is over sixty (over SIXTY!) and therefore would not be able to hear or understand the question.

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I think at this point we just have to accept that this is the show - Whoopi and 4 minor-leaguers who just want to talk about light topics. It's never going to be anything more scandalous than the show, "Scandal" and if one wants more, than there are other talk shows and news shows that cover politics and world affairs. 


I was fascinated by Whoopi's story about her child-self trying to get away with telling her mom a big lie. It was funny and human and revealing. I don't bother with the guests anymore, because they don't interest me. But her stories, the ones that made her appealing when she first hit it big, about being a little black girl in the projects, are worth the show to me. 


I can't stand The Talk - if I'm home I'd rather be scrubbing toilets than listening to Sheryl (?) acting like a buffoon. I like Aisha Tyler and would love to see her take over The Daily Show (ain't gonna happen) but I can do without the others. 

  • Love 1

I think at this point we just have to accept that this is the show - Whoopi and 4 minor-leaguers who just want to talk about light topics. It's never going to be anything more scandalous than the show, "Scandal" and if one wants more, than there are other talk shows and news shows that cover politics and world affairs. 


I was fascinated by Whoopi's story about her child-self trying to get away with telling her mom a big lie. It was funny and human and revealing. I don't bother with the guests anymore, because they don't interest me. But her stories, the ones that made her appealing when she first hit it big, about being a little black girl in the projects, are worth the show to me. 


I can't stand The Talk - if I'm home I'd rather be scrubbing toilets than listening to Sheryl (?) acting like a buffoon. I like Aisha Tyler and would love to see her take over The Daily Show (ain't gonna happen) but I can do without the others. 

That whole story didn't ring true to me.  From what she's said about her Mother, to try & blow that one by her was just ridiculous.  I think Whoops is drinking her own bath water.

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That whole story didn't ring true to me.  From what she's said about her Mother, to try & blow that one by her was just ridiculous.  I think Whoops is drinking her own bath water.


I've heard that story (sort of) before.  I think Whoopi has some memories and then makes them up for attention or for something she plans to do onstage.  This was just another exaggeration.

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Whoopi exaggerate???!!  You mean like Brian Williams did and she defended up the ying yang!  Oh yeah, I don't believe a word out of WG's big mouth!  Which reminds me!  She was born in New York yet talks with a southern drawl and uses the lingo of the south like she was born and raised there child, don't y'all know?

  • Love 6

I think at this point we just have to accept that this is the show - Whoopi and 4 minor-leaguers who just want to talk about light topics. It's never going to be anything more scandalous than the show, "Scandal" and if one wants more, than there are other talk shows and news shows that cover politics and world affairs. 


I was fascinated by Whoopi's story about her child-self trying to get away with telling her mom a big lie. It was funny and human and revealing. I don't bother with the guests anymore, because they don't interest me. But her stories, the ones that made her appealing when she first hit it big, about being a little black girl in the projects, are worth the show to me. 


I can't stand The Talk - if I'm home I'd rather be scrubbing toilets than listening to Sheryl (?) acting like a buffoon. I like Aisha Tyler and would love to see her take over The Daily Show (ain't gonna happen) but I can do without the others. 



The flaw in that story was her age.  She said she was 8 years old.  No way would she be allowed to take public transportation to a theater to see the Nutcracker alone clean room or not.  

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The flaw in that story was her age.  She said she was 8 years old.  No way would she be allowed to take public transportation to a theater to see the Nutcracker alone clean room or not.  

Why not?  Times were different then.  We took buses and trains to get where we wanted to go all the time as children alone...never thought much about it.  Downtown? Park? Movie?...Take the bus.  I went to the closest parochial school, which was 2 towns away - had to depend on public transportation to get home.  AND, both parents worked so I was a "latchkey kid"...let myself in, did my homework, set the table and started dinner from age 6 onward.


My dad was a NYC kid, and the trains and subways were like his backyard to him.  It's possible!

Edited by Tunia
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As much as I don't want to believe Whoopi, I grew up in a big city (Ottawa) & had a lot of autonomy as a young kid.  Taking a streetcar downtown to a movie when I was no more than eight & spending the whole day by myself at the Exhibition Grounds (with all those "bad" carnies) from the age of six, just a small example of the privileges that I took for granted.  Mind you, if I had a child now, no way!!!

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So I ventured over to The Talk forum thinking it would be lively!  Most recent updates to the threads were a few weeks ago!  

I think most of us, not to mention our dearly beloved Xingu from TwoP, have all expressed our feelings over & over about the The Talk hosts.  I couldn't get over how Holly Robinson-Peete & Leah Remini were unceremoniously dumped for Sheryl Underwood & another woman I didn't know.  I hate Sharon with the heat of a thousand suns; kind of like Aisha, neutral with respect to Sara, Julie does her job (as far as I can see), but I hate how everyone looks to her for approval.  Sheryl is multi-faceted & I really like her when she's the smart woman (that she is) & disgusted when she goes all ignert.  Yes, I watch The Talk because it's a smart show & easy to take, even with its shortcomings.

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I watch The Talk and would post more over there if that section was more active. I get annoyed by Sheryl sometimes but also try to remember she's a comedian and it seems like she turns to the comedy stuff sometimes as a way to deflect from giving an answer which I can relate to at times. I didn't watch the 2nd season and some of the 3rd because of being not so happy at the treatment of Holly and Leah but I tried watching again one day and found myself wanting to watch again and again. They do better at the "Hot Topic" segment that starts off the show then The View has in quite a few years and I find myself really missing when The View had hosts that got along and were respectful of one another when giving their opinions and such.

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I don't watch The Talk because I don't like how they just love love love each other..I find that too much and would like a little more realism like on The View.  I tune in on occasion but have to mute or switch channels the minute the Sheryl's gums take over my screen!  I can't understand a word she says and she and WG both put on southern drawl and do a po boy routine.  If it were once in a while to finalize a point I could live with it but not every day and almost every moment of their parts of the show.  They all look to Julie there like they do to WG.  


Why haven't they brought Holly or Leah to The View as guest co hosts I wonder?

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