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S05.E14: Surprise!

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How is Kim deflecting? They asked if she's ok and she again admitted to taking a pain pill and was worried about her own self-isolation which has been a triggering behavior for her in the past. People are too desperate to get Kim to say the words "by taking a pain pill that was not prescribed to me, I relapsed." She needs to say it, don't get me wrong, but she needs to say it to herself...and that can't be forced. Jennifer Gimenez has her own issues, number 1 being that she not only does not call Brandi out for her own addiction but in the past has had her write articles for a sober living magazine. I hate that simplistic "if you spot it, you got it!" AA shit. She doesn't even know if Kim is in a 12 Step program. There are other methods of recovery.

Lisa R is taking this way too far. Why can't she call Kim and say "listen, I don't know if you remember but in the limo you repeatedly referred to me as being "a fucking disgusting person" and were generally erratic the whole night. You seemed high. Do you need help?" If she says no, walk away. No need to get validation from the entire cast.


Responded in Kim's thread.

Here's the whole quote...Brandi mentions both...so we are both correct. What upset Brandi however, was the best friend designation.That's what made her sad and put a lot of pressure on her shoulders...not that Kim does not have a lot of girlfriends. I'm the one who said I didn't think Brandi was her only friend.


Brandi-"It's hard, hard for me cause it's not something that I signed up for. Kim came to me and said she does not have a lot of girlfriends and she told me I'm her best friend and it makes me sad. That puts a lot of pressure on my shoulders. I am not the best person, I'm not a therapist, I'm not a sober companion. I am none of those things. It's hard for me, I can't change who I am to take care of Kim. But at the same time I can't just let go of her."

Read more: http://realitytvsmack.com/thread/500/transcript-sisterly-love-s5-e13#ixzz3S9AMEHJ6

Brandi has a lot of BFFs so why can't Kim have several BFFs as well? Nowhere does Kim say that Brandi is her BFF or that she is her only BFF. The only one making that claim is Brandi and you have to ask why she is doing that on camera. Funny, she keeps claiming that Kyle is using Kim's problems for camera time but the main one using Kim in that manner is Brandi!

  • Love 7

Here's the whole quote...Brandi mentions both...so we are both correct. What upset Brandi however, was the best friend designation.That's what made her sad and put a lot of pressure on her shoulders...not that Kim does not have a lot of girlfriends. I'm the one who said I didn't think Brandi was her only friend.


Brandi-"It's hard, hard for me cause it's not something that I signed up for. Kim came to me and said she does not have a lot of girlfriends and she told me I'm her best friend and it makes me sad. That puts a lot of pressure on my shoulders. I am not the best person, I'm not a therapist, I'm not a sober companion. I am none of those things. It's hard for me, I can't change who I am to take care of Kim. But at the same time I can't just let go of her."

Read more: http://realitytvsmack.com/thread/500/transcript-sisterly-love-s5-e13#ixzz3S9AMEHJ6

Here is the deal with Brandi as BFF-Kim said and upon reflection Kim makes sure to mention by name the people she has known for years she counts on for support.  I would find it frightening if after six months a 51 year old woman was calling me her best friend.  Coming from Kim I think it is something she passes around like soul mate.  It became Brandi's issue -if she is not up for the responsibility she should have defined some boundaries instead of blaming Kyle and questioning her level of commitment, or essentially talking about Kim publicly the way she has. 

  • Love 3

In all these transcripts you have done, no where in there has Kim said that Kyle refused to help her or refused to support her. She says that Kyle does not have enough time to always be there for her, no one has enough time to be there for Kim 24/7, not even Brandi.


And if Kim is choosing to turn to Brandi instead of Kyle, that is on Kim, it is not Kyle's fault/decision and should not be held against Kyle.


It is Kim who says her sister Kyle does not have time for her. It is Brandi who says when she called Kyle to help Kim out, that Kyle blew her off.  It is Kyle that says to Eileen that she doesn't have time for Kim.  Is Brandi there 24/7 not to my knowledge? Your absolutely right it is Kim's decision to confide in Brandi and it's none of Kyle's bees wax to know what those phone calls are about...especially on camera.  

Edited by RealityTVSmack1
  • Love 1

However, even Kim had to acknowledge in her blog that there are other people that she can turn to for support. She listed three or four girlfriends in addition to Monty so I sort of felt like she was putting it out there that Brandi is kind of putting extras on the situation by making it seem like she's feeling all of this pressure wrt being Kim's friend.

Total change of topic but regarding Lisa and Mohammed--did they ever date or know each other prior to Lisa meeting Ken? Just curious, not suggesting anything lol.

Also, what is with Brandi picking branches and flowers at Lisa's restaurant?

I noticed this, as well. She's like a six year old, see a "pretty" and tear it off.

Extremely odd behavior for a grown person; I'm glad that Lisa corrected that firmly. If you want to get along with folks, Brandi, bring it down a peg.

  • Love 5

It is Kim who says her sister Kyle does not have time for her. It is Brandi who says when she called Kyle to help Kim out, that Kyle blew her off.  It is Kyle that says to Eileen that she doesn't have time for Kyle.  Is Brandi there 24/7 not to my knowledge? Your absolutely right it is Kim's decision to confide in a Brandi and it's none of Kyle's bees wax to know what those phone calls are about...especially on camera.   


Except for the MASSIVE caveat that Brandi dragged Kyle into it ON CAMERA.  


She made it Kyle's business, and all of America's, IMO.  

Edited by Persnickety1
  • Love 14

FINALLY had the chance to watch this episode. I loved the surprise party. I also figured out why LisaR and Eileen have talked to the others so much about Kim's issues before being willing to address Kim. They were basically asking permission from Kim's enablers to approach Kim with their concerns. Putting aside the BH howives history, these are two women who have watched what addiction does to family. They are also big proponents of therapy - they know how it works and believe in that process. So, they are basically feeling out the other women - who have all colluded to cover for Kim's addictions in the past (season 1, everyone pretended that there was no problem, and that was just Kim). They had to get the permission of the enablers before they could even really broach the subject of sobriety with Kim directly.


I don't think that they are trying to save Kim. I think they are trying to save the others. They know that while what Kim has gone through is important in that it most likely encouraged her addictions, that Kim is always going to be going through something. And, what she is going through has to be second to her sobriety. They see her deflecting and I don't think that anyone who has witnessed addiction first hand can just be quiet and not say anything.


They most likely know that they can't help Kim. But, I'll bet they both think that if they can get the others to see just how serious this situation is, the others will at least stop enabling her. That is really the only battle that they can win.


Back to the party...I loved seeing a tipsy Lisa commanding Brandi to sing an apology song because it was her birthday. I loved seeing the other women be game to get up there and have a good time. And, I loved that Brandi only got pissed and felt isolated when she was no longer the center of attention. Brandi was having a great time until her song was done and she got a half hug for it. Then it was all about menopausal mamas - notice how she included her BFF in that description?


But, you see Brandi and LisaR trying to leave with the centerpieces, and suddenly, Brandi is back to having fun. 


I have noticed that Brandi, Kim, and Kyle all have one very important thing in common. They really want it to be all about them. Kyle gets up from the table when Brandi starts to sing because suddenly that bitch has a stage. Kim is almost gleeful when Brandi and Kyle are fighting over some shit that she started. Kyle flat out says that her fight with Brandi at the Gay Mixer was about her. I can't tell if Brandi sought out Kim because she saw an easy on camera alliance or if Kyle and Kim actually need Brandi to keep the focus on them and their story line.


One more thing, I loved Kim's story about Bette Davis. I wish I had heard the whole story. I wish Bravo would focus on that kind of stuff rather than this addiction story line. I deal with people with addiction enough just in my every day life. I want to see glimpses of the stuff I never see - like what is under Bette Davis' wig.

  • Love 8

Well, if everyone has to share their deep dark secrets, let's get this party started.  I am bored and annoyed they want to dissect Kim, but everyone else apparently is just living a wonderful happy life and hasn't got a problem in the world...except Kim.  Oh and Brandi.  The only damn thing they talk about!


Since every most private moment is out there on the table for coworkers, let's hear from the rest of you!


Lisa, does it shake your self confidence that Ken probably needs Viagra to get it up now?  Or does he just not bother anymore?  Do you even care, or has your sexual desire disappeared?  Tell us more about the bitter fight you had with Ken's son's wife (for year and years!)  How did your parents take you marrying an older party animal?  Were you rejected as an adoption couple at first, WHY? 


Eileen, lets here the juicy details about you and the husband that doesn't seem all that interested in you anymore broke up two marriages after cheating on your spouses?  You did mention that the kids took a while to warm up to their stepmother (I can believe that!)  What were your worst fights with the boys?  Do you believe the saying, "Once a cheater, always a cheater?"  Any worries about that, since you are gone working so much?  Oh and hubby sure seemed to be pushing for you to take this job!  You already have TWO, is he working you to death?  I guess his isn't paying much? 


Kyle, let's really talk about the many rumors of Maury's cheating!  The transvestite was the juiciest, so let's start there!  Oh, and that thing Lisa V said about you being sweet when there is a home for sale, and then becoming (basically) a bitch after the sales?  How often does that happen?  Oh, and what was the dildo joke, come on babe, get REAL for us.  Oh, and that first rich husband, were you pushed into that?  Do you think Maury might have dumped you if you weren't pregnant?  Did you trap him, the way your mom did most of her husbands? 




As long as Kim is supposed to lay her life and problems bare, lets share the love.  Because I'm bored as fuck listening to you women (the HWs) talk about nothing but Kim and Brandi's problems. 

Edited by Umbelina
  • Love 7

Brandi has a lot of BFFs so why can't Kim have several BFFs as well? Nowhere does Kim say that Brandi is her BFF or that she is her only BFF. The only one making that claim is Brandi and you have to ask why she is doing that on camera. Funny, she keeps claiming that Kyle is using Kim's problems for camera time but the main one using Kim in that manner is Brandi!



Here is the deal with Brandi as BFF-Kim said and upon reflection Kim makes sure to mention by name the people she has known for years she counts on for support.  I would find it frightening if after six months a 51 year old woman was calling me her best friend.  Coming from Kim I think it is something she passes around like soul mate.  It became Brandi's issue -if she is not up for the responsibility she should have defined some boundaries instead of blaming Kyle and questioning her level of commitment, or essentially talking about Kim publicly the way she has. 


Right...nowhere does Kim claim Brandi as a BFF.  Brandi never referred to Kim calling her a BFF...just best friend.


Brandi shared the info about Kim with LisaR over lunch. Should she have talked about Kim at all to LisaR?  It could have all been a deflection to keep LisaR from continuing the Brandi why are you a "mean girl" talk.  It seemed to work.

  • Love 1

Funny, she keeps claiming that Kyle is using Kim's problems for camera time but the main one using Kim in that manner is Brandi!

Yes!!! In one sentence you have revealed the whole truth. There is no way for Brandi to back away from the things she said in the press over the last few months. She said that Kyle doesn't care about her own family. That she is more concerned with camera-time than those she loves. She said that we would all see the truth. All I have seen is Brandi doing exactly what she has accused Kyle of doing. FFS, how many pages here have been dedicated to analyzing late night phone calls? Phone calls we only know about because of Brandi. How many people have been analyzing what kind of patch Kim is wearing, and where she might have procured it? How do we know anything about that? Because Brandi let us in on the secret.  Lisar met with Brandi with the intention of finding out what made her tick. What made her get so angry and react in ways that were hurtful. Brandi deflected it all and revealed that Kim called Brandi her best friend, which has caused how much more analysis?


Brandi is going to get her ass chewed up one side and down the other at the reunion and I am going to buy an extra special bottle of wine for the occasion. 

  • Love 14

It is Kim who says her sister Kyle does not have time for her. It is Brandi who says when she called Kyle to help Kim out, that Kyle blew her off.  It is Kyle that says to Eileen that she doesn't have time for Kyle.  Is Brandi there 24/7 not to my knowledge? Your absolutely right it is Kim's decision to confide in a Brandi and it's none of Kyle's bees wax to know what those phone calls are about...especially on camera.   

Not having enough time does not equate to refusing to be there for her. And Brandi is the bastion of truth in this, how? Brandi is the same person that says Kyle is using Kim for camera time when in fact the person doing that is Brandi herself, not Kyle! It was Brandi that called and told Kyle about that phone call, not Kim, and it is Brandi that keeps brining up that stupid phone call, not Kyle!


Right...nowhere does Kim claim Brandi as a BFF.  Brandi never referred to Kim calling her a BFF...just best friend.


Brandi shared the info about Kim with LisaR over lunch. Should she have talked about Kim at all to LisaR?  It could have all been a deflection to keep LisaR from continuing the Brandi why are you a "mean girl" talk.  It seemed to work.

Brandi has made that claim on twitter. Kim does not even refer to her as a BF, just a friend. LOL

  • Love 3

Well, if everyone has to share their deep dark secrets, let's get this party started.  I am bored and annoyed they want to dissect Kim, but everyone else apparently is just living a wonderful happy life and hasn't got a problem in the world...except Kim.  Oh and Brandi.  The only damn thing they talk about!


Since every most private moment is out there on the table for coworkers, let's hear from the rest of you!


Lisa, does it shake your self confidence that Ken probably needs Viagra to get it up now?  Or does he just not bother anymore?  Do you even care, or has your sexual desire disappeared?  Tell us more about the bitter fight you had with Ken's son's wife (for year and years!)  How did your parents take you marrying an older party animal?  Were you rejected as an adoption couple at first, WHY? 


Eileen, lets here the juicy details about you and the husband that doesn't seem all that interested in you anymore broke up two marriages after cheating on your spouses?  You did mention that the kids took a while to warm up to their stepmother (I can believe that!)  What were your worst fights with the boys?  Do you believe the saying, "Once a cheater, always a cheater?"  Any worries about that, since you are gone working so much?  Oh and hubby sure seemed to be pushing for you to take this job!  You already have TWO, is he working you to death?  I guess his isn't paying much? 


Kyle, let's really talk about the many rumors of Maury's cheating!  The transvestite was the juiciest, so let's start there!  Oh, and that thing Lisa V said about you being sweet when there is a home for sale, and then becoming (basically) a bitch after the sales?  How often does that happen?  Oh, and what was the dildo joke, come on babe, get REAL for us.  Oh, and that first rich husband, were you pushed into that?  Do you think Maury might have dumped you if you weren't pregnant?  Did you trap him, the way your mom did most of her husbands? 




As long as Kim is supposed to lay her life and problems bare, lets share the love.  Because I'm bored as fuck listening to you women (the HWs) talk about nothing but Kim and Brandi's problems. 


And the Villa Blanca lawsuits!!!!!!


I'd love to hear more about those and the subsequent settlement(s).  

  • Love 4

It is Kim who says her sister Kyle does not have time for her. It is Brandi who says when she called Kyle to help Kim out, that Kyle blew her off.  It is Kyle that says to Eileen that she doesn't have time for Kyle.  Is Brandi there 24/7 not to my knowledge? Your absolutely right it is Kim's decision to confide in a Brandi and it's none of Kyle's bees wax to know what those phone calls are about...especially on camera.   

Obviously Brandi told Kyle what the phone calls were about so that isn't a mystery.  Since then Kim has said all three of them knew.  So it is Brandi breaking Kim's confidence, once again, when she goes to Kyle. 

  • Love 3

Well, if everyone has to share their deep dark secrets, let's get this party started.  I am bored and annoyed they want to dissect Kim, but everyone else apparently is just living a wonderful happy life and hasn't got a problem in the world...except Kim.  Oh and Brandi.  The only damn thing they talk about!


Since every most private moment is out there on the table for coworkers, let's hear from the rest of you!


Lisa, does it shake your self confidence that Ken probably needs Viagra to get it up now?  Or does he just not bother anymore?  Do you even care, or has your sexual desire disappeared?  Tell us more about the bitter fight you had with Ken's son's wife (for year and years!)  How did your parents take you marrying an older party animal?  Were you rejected as an adoption couple at first, WHY? 


Eileen, lets here the juicy details about you and the husband that doesn't seem all that interested in you anymore broke up two marriages after cheating on your spouses?  You did mention that the kids took a while to warm up to their stepmother (I can believe that!)  What were your worst fights with the boys?  Do you believe the saying, "Once a cheater, always a cheater?"  Any worries about that, since you are gone working so much?  Oh and hubby sure seemed to be pushing for you to take this job!  You already have TWO, is he working you to death?  I guess his isn't paying much? 


Kyle, let's really talk about the many rumors of Maury's cheating!  The transvestite was the juiciest, so let's start there!  Oh, and that thing Lisa V said about you being sweet when there is a home for sale, and then becoming (basically) a bitch after the sales?  How often does that happen?  Oh, and what was the dildo joke, come on babe, get REAL for us.  Oh, and that first rich husband, were you pushed into that?  Do you think Maury might have dumped you if you weren't pregnant?  Did you trap him, the way your mom did most of her husbands? 




As long as Kim is supposed to lay her life and problems bare, lets share the love.  Because I'm bored as fuck listening to you women (the HWs) talk about nothing but Kim and Brandi's problems. 

I cannot speak for everyone else, but I am not of the belief that these women are not allowed to have any privacy simply because they are on a reality show. What I do believe is that things that happen on the show are all fair game for conversation. Kim cannot expect to have an episode like she did at the Poker Game and not have it addressed.  She knew she was filming and decided to take "one" pain pill anyway. This is entirely on Kim. She cannot expect for this to not be explored, anymore than Kyle could have expected to not have to face the music after the Limo reveal. 


The private stuff that gets kept off the show is fine by me. I didn't think that Lisa and Brandi should have brought up the Mauricio deal, but they did and it got discussed. You might not have been reading the forums last year, but trust me it was discussed to death, even though it wasn't part of the show and Kyle had no say in the fact that it got brought in. I certainly didn't think that the surrogacy should have been brought up by Brandi. Adrienne's kids weren't part of the show and it wasn't anyone's business. No one has brought up the legal hell that Lisa is involved in right now, or the fact that one of her restaurants is not doing that great financially and is up for sale.  I am fine with that. It didn't happen on the show. I am even OK with the fact that the tampon deal didn't get any conversation (although it would have been fun) because it happened away from the show. 


I don't think that these ladies should have to discuss their sex lives if they don't want to and don't introduce it. I don't think they should have to discuss personal health issues if they are not brought up on the show and don't become part of the narrative. If they are complicit in getting it on our TV, on the reality show that they are paid to participate in, then it is all fair game. 

  • Love 21

Obviously Brandi told Kyle what the phone calls were about so that isn't a mystery.  Since then Kim has said all three of them knew.  So it is Brandi breaking Kim's confidence, once again, when she goes to Kyle. 

Kyle tells Kim in her bedroom that Kim has never told her what the phone calls were about...because there were more than one  middle of the night phone calls.  Yes, Kyle does know what that 2 AM phone call was about, because she refused to help. No it it Kyle that talks about wanting to know the content of the calls twice. In the bedroom conversation with Kim and asking Brandi to embellish the details of the 2 AM call to her about Kim, at her gay mixer.


From Drama Queens:

Kyle-Is there something in the night your talking about, I don't know that? You haven't shared that with me.


Twice on camera it was Kyle betraying Kim's confidence. Kyle is just as guilty as Brandi...more so because Kyle is her sister.

Edited by RealityTVSmack1
  • Love 1

Well, if everyone has to share their deep dark secrets, let's get this party started.  I am bored and annoyed they want to dissect Kim, but everyone else apparently is just living a wonderful happy life and hasn't got a problem in the world...except Kim.  Oh and Brandi.  The only damn thing they talk about!


Since every most private moment is out there on the table for coworkers, let's hear from the rest of you!


Lisa, does it shake your self confidence that Ken probably needs Viagra to get it up now?  Or does he just not bother anymore?  Do you even care, or has your sexual desire disappeared?  Tell us more about the bitter fight you had with Ken's son's wife (for year and years!)  How did your parents take you marrying an older party animal?  Were you rejected as an adoption couple at first, WHY? 


Eileen, lets here the juicy details about you and the husband that doesn't seem all that interested in you anymore broke up two marriages after cheating on your spouses?  You did mention that the kids took a while to warm up to their stepmother (I can believe that!)  What were your worst fights with the boys?  Do you believe the saying, "Once a cheater, always a cheater?"  Any worries about that, since you are gone working so much?  Oh and hubby sure seemed to be pushing for you to take this job!  You already have TWO, is he working you to death?  I guess his isn't paying much? 


Kyle, let's really talk about the many rumors of Maury's cheating!  The transvestite was the juiciest, so let's start there!  Oh, and that thing Lisa V said about you being sweet when there is a home for sale, and then becoming (basically) a bitch after the sales?  How often does that happen?  Oh, and what was the dildo joke, come on babe, get REAL for us.  Oh, and that first rich husband, were you pushed into that?  Do you think Maury might have dumped you if you weren't pregnant?  Did you trap him, the way your mom did most of her husbands? 




As long as Kim is supposed to lay her life and problems bare, lets share the love.  Because I'm bored as fuck listening to you women (the HWs) talk about nothing but Kim and Brandi's problems. 

If any of the HWs bring up any other issues concerning the others, it becomes fodder for the show, no matter which HW it is. The same as Kim getting high, acting aggressive towards Lisa R out of the blue and then lying about it. The same as Brandi throwing Kim under the bus claiming she is the only one that has her back at the same time she drives that bus over and over and over Kim's broken back. The same as Lisa last season, as Adrienne before that............. No one is exempt from it, not even poor little Kim.

  • Love 6
Though she says she's a mother, with a husband and business and she doesn't have time for her sister Kim. So it appears Kim's only lifeline is Brandi as she slowly watches her ex-husband die in her home! What a f'd up sister Kyle is knowing her sister has NO support system and she still desperately tries to separate Kim from her only lifeline Brandi.  Maybe Kyle want's her sister to start drinking again!!!!

Brandi has no obligation to look after Kim and give her solace from her dying ex-husband.  Brandi does it out of love for Kim.  Where the hell is screechy voiced crying Kyle's love for her sister???????  It's as if no one can help my sister but me and I don't have the time...so let Kim roll up in a ball and die drinking alone in her bedroom watching TV.


With all due respect, is this post facetious? That is a gigantic leap and not at all what Kyle said. No one should have to cease living her life because she has a sister who is constantly shattering her own and expecting someone else to clean up the mess. Kyle's dealt with Kim her whole adult life; maybe she'd actually like to be involved with her family, i.e. the people who maybe don't tend to suck the life out of her.


Kyle knowing exactly nothing about Kim's support system or lack of it shows that Brandi was right in Eileen's driveway. For the past 6 months Kyle has been ignoring her sister and Brandi has filled the void.  Kim may be keeping her support system under ground...but no doubt Brandi would know about it before Kyle.

It appears Kathy has no problem with Kim and Brandi's friendship.  She drove with the two of them in the same limo. The only sister going bat shit crazy is Kyle.


What? How do you know all this? None of this "shows" anything, in or out of anyone's driveway. Is there footage of the last six months of Kyle actively ignoring Kim? And, for all I know, that was the first time Kathy Hilton ever set eyes on Brandi in person. Driving in a limo is proof of what exactly? I drive in the same limo with the guy who drives the limo; doesn't mean I know anything about him other than what he says on that particular limo ride. We rarely see Kathy anyway; we have even less of an inkling as to whether she goes crazy than we do about the other two sisters. And it seemed that Brandi knew nothing either about Kim's recovery process either. 

And, just because something "fills a void," it's not necessarily a hard, cold fact that it's a viable support system. Some people fill voids with booze, pills, indiscriminate sex, gambling, food, excess shopping..."void-filler" is not synonymous with "healthy." Sometimes I actually miss the "opinion as fact" rule from TWOP.


For the last 6 months only...that was the time mentioned by Brandi.


Then, by god, it must be true!

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 24

Well, if everyone has to share their deep dark secrets, let's get this party started.  I am bored and annoyed they want to dissect Kim, but everyone else apparently is just living a wonderful happy life and hasn't got a problem in the world...except Kim.  Oh and Brandi.  The only damn thing they talk about!


I don't think any of these women are asking Kim or Brandi to share their deepest darkest secrets. I think they are questioning their behavior based on their specific interactions with them. I also strongly doubt that Kim and Brandi are all they talk about. I think that Bravo focused on their discussions about the two of them because that is the story line they wanted to go with. 


With the hours upon hours of footage filmed, including the Bette Davis story of any other stories that Kim may have told along with any stories that Vince, Eileen, or Kyle may have told about the famous people they worked with, we get a smidge of a story about what was under Bette Davis' wig and Kim pretending that she didn't relapse. To me, that doesn't say that Kim and Brandi are all these women have to discuss. To me, this says that Bravo decided to revisit the "Is Kim sober" story line and Brandi was willing to play along. 


I will say that I don't think that Brandi is willingly outing Kim. I think Brandi has problems with impulse control. She can't deal with someone calling her on anything regardless of how willing she is to be inappropriate herself. So, the second she feels defensive she either attacks or deflects. But, I don't think that her issues with impulse control gives her an excuse. I just think that she is a reactive personality.


In the end, this is going to end badly for Kim, Kyle, and Brandi. 

  • Love 7

If any of the HWs bring up any other issues concerning the others, it becomes fodder for the show, no matter which HW it is. The same as Kim getting high, acting aggressive towards Lisa R out of the blue and then lying about it. The same as Brandi throwing Kim under the bus claiming she is the only one that has her back at the same time she drives that bus over and over and over Kim's broken back. The same as Lisa last season, as Adrienne before that............. No one is exempt from it, not even poor little Kim


No one was dragged through the mud more than LisaV last season.  All the cast skewered her even Ken was involved.  I'll never forget Lisa crying to Ken saying..."Even Brandi."  Wait the one person who kept the friendship was fired.  After that Lisa worked her way back to a cordial cast relationship.  But knowing her she'll never forgive that stabbing in the back from Kyle and Brandi.


They are a bunch of vicious barracuda and editing even makes it more so.

Edited by RealityTVSmack1



Though she says she's a mother, with a husband and business and she doesn't have time for her sister Kim. So it appears Kim's only lifeline is Brandi as she slowly watches her ex-husband die in her home! What a f'd up sister Kyle is knowing her sister has NO support system and she still desperately tries to separate Kim from her only lifeline Brandi.  Maybe Kyle want's her sister to start drinking again!!!!

Brandi has no obligation to look after Kim and give her solace from her dying ex-husband.  Brandi does it out of love for Kim.  Where the hell is screechy voiced crying Kyle's love for her sister???????  It's as if no one can help my sister but me and I don't have the time...so let Kim roll up in a ball and die drinking alone in her bedroom watching TV.

I'm sorry, I also have to ask if this post is facetious. Kyle was fine with Brandi until what happened at poker night. There was nothing, absolutely nothing to indicate that Kyle had an issue with Brandi and Kim being friends. If anything, it was like two war buddies dealing with a wounded friend in the limo ride. Kyle had her moment of talking about what it was like to have to hide Kim's issues and Brandi was talking about how difficult it had been dealing with the Kim's issues. 


Where does that constitute that Kyle wanted Kim to fail at sobriety? 

Kyle broke Kim's confidence concerning phone calls. First during the bedroom talk with Kim when she says, "Is there something in the night your talking about, I don't know that? You haven't shared that with me."  Those calls were a mystery to Kyle...she wants Kim to tell her the content.


The second time was during the mixer when she asked Brandi to embellish, before the cameras, what the 2AM phone call was about. Yes she knew what that phone call was about because she didn't help.


It appears Kyle has also broke Kim's confidence along with Brandi. Only difference is Kyle is Kim's sister.

Kyle didn't break Kim's confidence, she broke Brandi's. Brandi swore Kyle to secrecy, only to bring the calls up on camera. If Brandi was just bringing up Kim's calls to illustrate a point, Kyle should at least be given the benefit of the doubt when trying to clarify what the hell Brandi was ranting about.

Whether or not Brandi was reaching out to Kyle for help and whether or not Kyle said "that's just Kim" which I strongly doubt, we wouldn't know about those confidential calls if it weren't for Brandi.


I HATE Kim and Brandi now because I am now defending Kyle. 

  • Love 9

Oh for Fucks sake, 8 pages in and we are still talking about Kim. And nothing new has been said which goes to show this season would be NOTHING without krazy Kim and her endless empty hole of dysfunction. Well, I have several other things to say:


1.Sister Kathy looked old and frumpy next to all the other ladies. For some reason I just don't like that woman. She is cold.  


2. Lisa V has only one dress. In at least 50 different colors. 


3. Can't wait for the Amsterdam trip, and seeing Lisa R. lose her shit. Then finally all her concern and misguided will to help Kim will fly out the window which will give us all something else to talk about.  Yay.

Edited by bichonblitz
  • Love 10

I'm sorry, I also have to ask if this post is facetious. Kyle was fine with Brandi until what happened at poker night. There was nothing, absolutely nothing to indicate that Kyle had an issue with Brandi and Kim being friends. If anything, it was like two war buddies dealing with a wounded friend in the limo ride. Kyle had her moment of talking about what it was like to have to hide Kim's issues and Brandi was talking about how difficult it had been dealing with the Kim's issues. 


Where does that constitute that Kyle wanted Kim to fail at sobriety? 

Kyle didn't break Kim's confidence, she broke Brandi's. Brandi swore Kyle to secrecy, only to bring the calls up on camera. If Brandi was just bringing up Kim's calls to illustrate a point, Kyle should at least be given the benefit of the doubt when trying to clarify what the hell Brandi was ranting about.

Whether or not Brandi was reaching out to Kyle for help and whether or not Kyle said "that's just Kim" which I strongly doubt, we wouldn't know about those confidential calls if it weren't for Brandi.


I HATE Kim and Brandi now because I am now defending Kyle. 


This is my opinion...I agreed with the Previously TV recap:


Everybody Loves (Talking About) Kim

And whether they do or not, everybody should hate Kyle.

by Alex Zeidel

February 18th, 2015

Previously TV 


This Shit Again, Part 4

At the end of the episode, Eileen sneaks away to touch up her makeup and you'll never believe who she runs into! It's Kyle! What are the chances? Eileen updates Kyle on the word going around about her sister. Since they can't prove that Kim is drinking again, they've decided to now be concerned that Kim might start drinking again. When she asks Kyle whether Kim is attending AA meetings or has a sponsor, Kyle is completely clueless. Huh. That seems like basic information someone who cares about her alcoholic sister should know. Kyle claims that because she has a husband and four kids (two of whom don't live with you anymore, lady) she just doesn't have the time to look after Kim all the time. Wouldn't it be nice if Kim had someone not related to her whom she could call in troubled times?


  • Love 1

I cannot speak for everyone else, but I am not of the belief that these women are not allowed to have any privacy simply because they are on a reality show. What I do believe is that things that happen on the show are all fair game for conversation. Kim cannot expect to have an episode like she did at the Poker Game and not have it addressed.  She knew she was filming and decided to take "one" pain pill anyway. This is entirely on Kim. She cannot expect for this to not be explored, anymore than Kyle could have expected to not have to face the music after the Limo reveal. 


The private stuff that gets kept off the show is fine by me. I didn't think that Lisa and Brandi should have brought up the Mauricio deal, but they did and it got discussed. You might not have been reading the forums last year, but trust me it was discussed to death, even though it wasn't part of the show and Kyle had no say in the fact that it got brought in. I certainly didn't think that the surrogacy should have been brought up by Brandi. Adrienne's kids weren't part of the show and it wasn't anyone's business. No one has brought up the legal hell that Lisa is involved in right now, or the fact that one of her restaurants is not doing that great financially and is up for sale.  I am fine with that. It didn't happen on the show. I am even OK with the fact that the tampon deal didn't get any conversation (although it would have been fun) because it happened away from the show. 


I don't think that these ladies should have to discuss their sex lives if they don't want to and don't introduce it. I don't think they should have to discuss personal health issues if they are not brought up on the show and don't become part of the narrative. If they are complicit in getting it on our TV, on the reality show that they are paid to participate in, then it is all fair game. 

Kim brought her addiction to the table when she showed up high out of her mind. She has no one to blame but herself.

  • Love 12

No one was dragged through the mud more than LisaV last season.  All the cast skewered her even Ken was involved.  I'll never forget Lisa crying to Ken saying..."Even Brandi."  Wait the one person who kept the friendship was fired.  After that Lisa worked her way back to a cordial cast relationship.  But knowing her she'll never forgive that stabbing in the back from Kyle and Brandi.


They are a bunch of vicious barracuda and editing even makes it more so.

Lisa made her peace with all involved and as an adult, grown ass woman, she is willing to move on. Friendships changed/ended but that does not mean you can not move forward, which is what she is doing.

  • Love 3

As long as Kim is supposed to lay her life and problems bare, lets share the love.  Because I'm bored as fuck listening to you women (the HWs) talk about nothing but Kim and Brandi's problems.

Ironically, most of the personal details in your post were disclosed and discussed on the show - that's how you know about them. So much for them being private and off-limits.

But more importantly, there's a big difference between going on a reality show and lying about something vs. not disclosing or sharing something personal. Kim lies - to everyone around her, as well as to the viewers. That's why it's such fodder for the mill.

  • Love 12

Oh for Fucks sake, 8 pages in and we are still talking about Kim. And nothing new has been said which goes to show this season would be NOTHING without krazy Kim and her endless empty hole of dysfunction. Well, I have several other things to say:


1.Sister Kathy looked old and frumpy next to all the other ladies. For some reason I just don't like that woman. She is cold.  


2. Lisa V has only one dress. In at least 50 different colors. 


3. Can't wait for the Amsterdam trip, and seeing Lisa R. lose her shit. Then finally all her concern and misguided will to help Kim will fly out the window which will give us all something else to talk about.  Yay.

Kathy H looked like a fish out of water. Oh, and IMO, she always looks old/frumpy which is funny because she is always critiquing someone else's clothing choice! LOL


I loved Lisa V's dress at her BD party, the waist band was very pretty and very flattering IMO. Oh, and it was a nice change from her normal shirt/blouse and skirt.

  • Love 6

No, I think the constant talking about to the others is just too much. I think Brandi is also doing it. Kyle and Lisa V. have been much better at least on screen. I was fine with Eileen until last night and it just seemed so fake. I think KIm knows Lisa V, doesn't like her and it does sound like blah, blah, blah when people are showing fake concern. Kim has been a total asshole, they all have except Eileen as of yet at some time or other. Bravo is never going to tell any of them to not show up unless they are sober. That is exactly what they hope for. Incapacitation is the whole point. Who can be out of control and say something or do something the rest of the ladies can hone in on and exploit. Just drop it, most of them become inebriated and make fools of themselves at one point or another.

I didn't see Lisar's concern as fake, but I realize my view is subjective, and Kim likely sees things entirely differently. Even so, her behavior was so incredibly rude there that I wondered if she was on something again or just feeling an edge from not being on something.

Kim's issues and the dramatic confabs about them are eating the show, but I guess I don't yet see it as too much in the real life sense, just too much in the what makes for pleasant viewing sense. If someone in my family had taken a splashy, public break from their sobriety resulting in public screaming matches and physical confrontations, the talking about it would go on and on and on and there'd be a fair chance that the highlights reel might make an appearance at every family event forevermore. But maybe we're just really dramatic people. So, Kim's coworkers seemingly endless discussions don't yet strike me as all that endless, though, more events like the film festival would be far and away my preference.

  • Love 6

Then, in the one on one discussion by the kitchen island, Lisar was just quietly talking to Kim about getting to a meeting or - paraphrase here - "doing whatever we need to do so that you don't feel so alone." For her trouble that time, what Lisa got in return was Kim making faces and saying "Blah, blah, blah." I don't know. That just seemed outrageously rude to me on Kim's part. She was a total asshole there to a woman she flat out owed an apology to in the first place. And Lisa, unlike most of these women, has not at all been kvetching about the apology she's owed. Did those conversations read very differently to you?



OMG. This.


That smirking, snotty "Blah blah blah..." in response to Lisar's gentle concern said it all wrt Kim. 


She's a horrible person, drunk or sober.

  • Love 13

If any of the HWs bring up any other issues concerning the others, it becomes fodder for the show, no matter which HW it is. The same as Kim getting high, acting aggressive towards Lisa R out of the blue and then lying about it. The same as Brandi throwing Kim under the bus claiming she is the only one that has her back at the same time she drives that bus over and over and over Kim's broken back. The same as Lisa last season, as Adrienne before that............. No one is exempt from it, not even poor little Kim.

Kim is an addict; she went to rehab. She acknowledged at that time that her erratic behavior as seen on the show was a result of her illness.

She is now behaving erratically now. Everyone is a witness and agrees about what they are seeing.

What "secret" has been revealed? A truth is being addressed.

  • Love 17

Kyle tells Kim in her bedroom that Kim has never told her what the phone calls were about...because there were more than one  middle of the night phone calls.  Yes, Kyle does know what that 2 AM phone call was about, because she refused to help. No it it Kyle that talks about wanting to know the content of the calls twice. In the bedroom conversation with Kim and asking Brandi to embellish the details of the 2 AM call to her about Kim, at her gay mixer.


From Drama Queens:

Kyle-Is there something in the night your talking about, I don't know that? You haven't shared that with me.


Twice on camera it was Kyle betraying Kim's confidence. Kyle is just as guilty as Brandi...more so because Kyle is her sister.


I love ya, Smack, I love all of us PTV'ers like a fat kid loves cake.


Please, no snark intended and I'm just trying to clarify my viewpoint of this, as we're all individuals and all have different viewpoints of things we see unfold (which is what makes the world go 'round and what makes debating so goddamned entertaining).


I have always interpreted Kyle's pointing at Brandi and saying to Kim, "See?  See what she's doing?" (paraphrased), followed to Brandi a question of whether she wanted to "share" what that call was about as being rhetorical on Kyle's part.


From my viewpoint, it never seemed that Kyle actually wanted Brandi to reveal the contents of that call but was insinuating that Brandi was bringing up the call so that she could use it as leverage to get in the contents of the call.  And I think that's precisely what Brandi was doing and why she kept bringing it up, too.  Brandi is always looking for a bullseye towards which to sling her mud, so I immediately drew the same conclusion Kyle did.


And Kyle discussing the calls with Kim in Kim's bedroom occurred after the driveway incident, so it seems reasonable that Kyle would have addressed these other alleged with Kim at the first opportunity.  I didn't get any nefarious or harmful intentions from Kyle's questioning Kim about these calls.  Kim's buddy Brandi made them fodder for everyone's speculation.  


Now, in all fairness, maybe I'm perceiving it incorrectly and you're perceiving it correctly.


That's the beauty of these shows and Bravo knows that...To create controversy and conversation and debate amongst viewers.


I really wish Bravo/Andy would release "extended additional footage" DVD's of these franchises so maybe some of these incidents would be a little easier explained.


Or at least do a big "reveal," as they did with the yet-before-unseen footage of Adrienne politely but firmly refusing to be Taylor's kid's godparent.  I think the truth behind who was saying what with that was bandied about for a season or two before Bravo finally showed us what they'd known all along...That Taylor was a liar.  

  • Love 12

Discount Fabelini or VP Sangria?

Huh, I hadn't even considered the VP Sangria, and I do love Sangria. I was thinking about a Malbec.  You have given me reason to think hard about something I take almost as seriously as Brandi - my booze.  I am liking Lisa V again after being irritated with her for a time, so I think I will give her Sangria a shot. I will report back to the group because I love you all enough to do this type of research for you. 

Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 18

I love ya, Smack, I love all of us PTV'ers like a fat kid loves cake.


Please, no snark intended and I'm just trying to clarify my viewpoint of this, as we're all individuals and all have different viewpoints of things we see unfold (which is what makes the world go 'round and what makes debating so goddamned entertaining).


I have always interpreted Kyle's pointing at Brandi and saying to Kim, "See?  See what she's doing?" (paraphrased), followed to Brandi a question of whether she wanted to "share" what that call was about as being rhetorical on Kyle's part.


From my viewpoint, it never seemed that Kyle actually wanted Brandi to reveal the contents of that call but was insinuating that Brandi was bringing up the call so that she could use it as leverage to get in the contents of the call.  And I think that's precisely what Brandi was doing and why she kept bringing it up, too.  Brandi is always looking for a bullseye towards which to sling her mud, so I immediately drew the same conclusion Kyle did.


And Kyle discussing the calls with Kim in Kim's bedroom occurred after the driveway incident, so it seems reasonable that Kyle would have addressed these other alleged with Kim at the first opportunity.  I didn't get any nefarious or harmful intentions from Kyle's questioning Kim about these calls.  Kim's buddy Brandi made them fodder for everyone's speculation.  


Now, in all fairness, maybe I'm perceiving it incorrectly and you're perceiving it correctly.


That's the beauty of these shows and Bravo knows that...To create controversy and conversation and debate amongst viewers.


I really wish Bravo/Andy would release "extended additional footage" DVD's of these franchises so maybe some of these incidents would be a little easier explained.


Or at least do a big "reveal," as they did with the yet-before-unseen footage of Adrienne politely but firmly refusing to be Taylor's kid's godparent.  I think the truth behind who was saying what with that was bandied about for a season or two before Bravo finally showed us what they'd known all along...That Taylor was a liar.


I agree we are all entitled to our own opinions.  I was inspired by the Previously TV  "Everybody Loves (Talking About) Kim...And whether they do or not, everybody should hate Kyle" recap artcle by Alex Zeidel dated February 18, 2015.



This Shit Again, Part 4


At the end of the episode, Eileen sneaks away to touch up her makeup and you'll never believe who she runs into! It's Kyle! What are the chances? Eileen updates Kyle on the word going around about her sister. Since they can't prove that Kim is drinking again, they've decided to now be concerned that Kim might start drinking again. When she asks Kyle whether Kim is attending AA meetings or has a sponsor, Kyle is completely clueless. Huh. That seems like basic information someone who cares about her alcoholic sister should know. Kyle claims that because she has a husband and four kids (two of whom don't live with you anymore, lady) she just doesn't have the time to look after Kim all the time. Wouldn't it be nice if Kim had someone not related to her whom she could call in troubled times?




ITA...with your statement: "That's the beauty of these shows and Bravo knows that...To create controversy and conversation and debate amongst viewers.  I really wish Bravo/Andy would release "extended additional footage" DVD's of these franchises so maybe some of these incidents would be a little easier explained."


I made a few transcripts from the last two episodes which changed my mind about a few things. 

Edited by RealityTVSmack1
  • Love 1

Kathy H looked like a fish out of water. Oh, and IMO, she always looks old/frumpy which is funny because she is always critiquing someone else's clothing choice! LOL


I loved Lisa V's dress at her BD party, the waist band was very pretty and very flattering IMO. Oh, and it was a nice change from her normal shirt/blouse and skirt.


Lisa V and Yolanda have always dressed well, better than the rest. I'm also liking Lisa R's choices.

  • Love 4

Kathy H looked like a fish out of water. Oh, and IMO, she always looks old/frumpy which is funny because she is always critiquing someone else's clothing choice! LOL


I loved Lisa V's dress at her BD party, the waist band was very pretty and very flattering IMO. Oh, and it was a nice change from her normal shirt/blouse and skirt.

I don't want to be a hater, what with being a fat chick myself, but I honestly saw Little Kathy and thought, "When did she turn into a late stage Zsa Zsa Gabor?" How the mighty have fallen. I genuinely feel sorry for her which I'm sure would sting her coming from a peasant such as myself. The way the ghost of Big Kathy haunts all her girls, there's no way Kathy Hilton could sit back on her social-climbing laurels and just be fat and happy. Big Kathy does not approve!

Anybody else catch Kyle during the limo ride with Kim talking about being, basically, not a cute kid back in the day because she was chubby and had braces? It was not a fond reminiscence. Momager supreme Kris Jenner could only dream of ruling over her brood's souls the way Big Kathy does hers even after death.

  • Love 13
According to virtually every religious and ethical tradition, meaningful charity does not draw attention to the giver, and dignified charity does not draw attention to the recipient.



From an blog about something else, but well sums up the "do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing" when doing good works, helping people, etc.


This is the problem I have with all of these bitches talking about Kim's issues, and yes, that includes Brandi.  If you want to help, HELP, but stop drawing attention to yourself helping if you are sincere.  Do it off camera, be there for her, convince her to go to a meeting away from the cameras.  You are not entitled to praise for pointing out just how YOU are helping someone.  That means all of them, except Yolanda.

  • Love 5

Huh, I hadn't even considered the VP Sangria, and I do love Sangria. I was thinking about a Malbec.  You have given me reason to think hard about something I take almost as seriously as Brandi - my booze.  I am liking Lisa V again after being irritated with her for a time, so I think I will give her Sangria a shot. I will report back to the group because I love you all enough to do this type of research for you.

Forgive my ignorance if this is a dumb question: but isn't sangria less a wine than a wine drink? A sweet wine (usually red), plus fruit slices, etc. that you mix it with in the pitcher or glass? I've wanted to ask this question since Bethenny marketed a sangria as well! Aren't they essentially just selling a wine, and telling folks to mix in some stuff if they want a sangria? At least dum dum Teresa did the same thing, but called it something new! (And yet she's the one in prison for fraud! :) ).

  • Love 1

I don't want to be a hater, what with being a fat chick myself, but I honestly saw Little Kathy and thought, "When did she turn into a late stage Zsa Zsa Gabor?" How the mighty have fallen. I genuinely feel sorry for her which I'm sure would sting her coming from a peasant such as myself. The way the ghost of Big Kathy haunts all her girls, there's no way Kathy Hilton could sit back on her social-climbing laurels and just be fat and happy. Big Kathy does not approve!

Anybody else catch Kyle during the limo ride with Kim talking about being, basically, not a cute kid back in the day because she was chubby and had braces? It was not a fond reminiscence. Momager supreme Kris Jenner could only dream of ruling over her brood's souls the way Big Kathy does hers even after death.

KJ is reading HH and is taking notes on how to screw up your kids for life, even after you die!


Big Kathy was no small woman in her later years either from photos of her. Little Kathy looks a lot like her mom, a lot!!!

  • Love 5


Hell, Eileen's out at dinner with her husband.  Do they talk about jobs, their children, how hot their spouses look, a vacation they might take, families?  Nope!  Kim and Brandi!  WTF


I'd bet about a million dollars they did in fact talk about lots of other things. The producers of this show don't care about those other things and thus we were treated to more Kim conversation.



Your sister is in crises, and if can't, or won't, help her anymore, then back the fuck off, because public humiliation for a Bravo story is simply repulsive to me.


I'm not sure I understand how this can be put at Kyle's feet. Kim chose to be on this show, she has chosen to have her life filmed, she chose to take pills and make a complete ass of herself at Eileen's, And Kyle is somehow causing public humiliation? Kim did that all by herself during the limo ride to Eileen's and Kyle wasn't anywhere near that.



I think Kyle has been there for Kim sometimes in the last 30 years, but that doesn't mean she's been there for Kyle since they wrapped last season of RHBH.


ZOMG, she hasn't been at Kim's beck and call for about a year?!? Compared to putting up with this nonsense for roughly 29 years? Yeah that Kyle is evul!



I suspect that Kyle does know the answers to those questions - she's just not willing to answer it on camera.  Any time someone brings up Kim's sobriety in front of Kyle, she gets a full on "deer in the headlights" look - I think she was pilloried not just by the Internet, but also by her own family, for "outing" Kim in the limo in season one, and she lives in fear of doing it again.


Agree completely. Kyle knows the answers to these questions. It's not just Kyle who gets that 'deer in headlights' look. I noticed Lisa V tends to do the same thing the minute Lisa R brings up Kim's issues. Last week and this week, you can see both Kyle and Lisa V start doing that. Kyle will engage in these convos only so far and then she shuts down completely.



So it appears Kim's only lifeline is Brandi as she slowly watches her ex-husband die in her home! What a f'd up sister Kyle is knowing her sister has NO support system and she still desperately tries to separate Kim from her only lifeline Brandi.  Maybe Kyle want's her sister to start drinking again!!!!


So let me just see if I have this correct: Kyle is a bitch for allegedly not knowing if Kim has a sponsor and so forth, but Brandi also admits to not having a clue ... and that's cool because she is super supportive? Huh? Brandi has tossed Kim under the bus a couple of times this season and yet she's supposed to be a great lifeline for Kim? Pffft. Please.


If Brandi were truly worried and concerned about Kim she would put on her big girl panties and have a conversation with Kyle. She would stop telling Kim how mean Kyle is and how she's the only one there for Kim and start acting like she knows what the word concerned means. Plus, she tells Lisa R and her counselor friend that she's isn't equipped to handle Kim's issues but then tells Kim she's the only one there for her. Really? She couldn't be more two faced if she tried.


I didn't feel at all sorry for Brandi this week.

  • Love 22

Forgive my ignorance if this is a dumb question: but isn't sangria less a wine than a wine drink? A sweet wine (usually red), plus fruit slices, etc. that you mix it with in the pitcher or glass? I've wanted to ask this question since Bethenny marketed a sangria as well! Aren't they essentially just selling a wine, and telling folks to mix in some stuff if they want a sangria? At least dum dum Teresa did the same thing, but called it something new! (And yet she's the one in prison for fraud! :) ).

Yep, it basically uses wine as a base.  I make mine (which I am sure is better than Lisa V's, but I want to do some research) with wine, Brandy, Triple Sec, and lots of fruit. I am not sure what she puts in hers, but I will have to add my own fruit to be sure. 

  • Love 1

I don't want to be a hater, what with being a fat chick myself, but I honestly saw Little Kathy and thought, "When did she turn into a late stage Zsa Zsa Gabor?" How the mighty have fallen. I genuinely feel sorry for her which I'm sure would sting her coming from a peasant such as myself. The way the ghost of Big Kathy haunts all her girls, there's no way Kathy Hilton could sit back on her social-climbing laurels and just be fat and happy. Big Kathy does not approve!

Anybody else catch Kyle during the limo ride with Kim talking about being, basically, not a cute kid back in the day because she was chubby and had braces? It was not a fond reminiscence. Momager supreme Kris Jenner could only dream of ruling over her brood's souls the way Big Kathy does hers even after death.

Ok.  Have I missed something?  What does being chubby and wearing braces have to do with a mother screwing up her kids forever?  I had braces and was a bit chubby during my early teens.  No matter how many times my mother would tell me I'm pretty, I 'knew' I was chubby and wearing braces.  And I can still talk about being chubby and wearing braces at that time with some insecurity.  My mother had nothing do with it.

  • Love 1


If Brandi were truly worried and concerned about Kim she would put on her big girl panties and have a conversation with Kyle. She would stop telling Kim how mean Kyle is and how she's the only one there for Kim and start acting like she knows what the word concerned means. Plus, she tells Lisa R and her counselor friend that she's isn't equipped to handle Kim's issues but then tells Kim she's the only one there for her. Really? She couldn't be more two faced if she tried.


I didn't feel at all sorry for Brandi this week.

Perfectly said. I could get behind Brandi being very worried about Kim. I could buy that she doesn't mean to reveal this information about her, but that her lack of impulse control allows her to say things she shouldn't.  The thing that is so jarring is the way she keeps telling Kim that Kyle isn't there for her. That she wants her to fail. In the extended footage on Bravo's site, Brandi talks about how Kyle never protects Kim. Kim actually protests, which is the first time I have seen Kim do this with Brandi. She starts to say "well, that is not true, she has protected me", but Brandi stops her short by saying "see, there you go making excuses for her". I am paraphrasing a bit because I don't remember the exact words, but Kim was for once trying to defend Kyle just a little bit, and Brandi was having none of it. This is what I don't get. Why would you want to make someone who you believe is in pain and doesn't have a support system question the people who she is saying she loves? This is the sinister part. I have yet to hear anyone who is defending Brandi explain the things that Brandi is saying to Kim about Kyle and would love to hear some thoughts about this. 

  • Love 13

Oh for Fucks sake, 8 pages in and we are still talking about Kim. And nothing new has been said which goes to show this season would be NOTHING without krazy Kim and her endless empty hole of dysfunction. Well, I have several other things to say:


1.Sister Kathy looked old and frumpy next to all the other ladies. For some reason I just don't like that woman. She is cold.  


2. Lisa V has only one dress. In at least 50 different colors. 


3. Can't wait for the Amsterdam trip, and seeing Lisa R. lose her shit. Then finally all her concern and misguided will to help Kim will fly out the window which will give us all something else to talk about.  Yay.


Yes, 50 different shades of pink

  • Love 8

Yep, it basically uses wine as a base.  I make mine (which I am sure is better than Lisa V's, but I want to do some research) with wine, Brandy, Triple Sec, and lots of fruit. I am not sure what she puts in hers, but I will have to add my own fruit to be sure.

Oh ok. Thanks. So the addition of brandy and triple sec to the wine make it similar to Bethenny's bottled margarita - tequila and triple sec (or orange flavoring). Can you tell I don't make my own? (But love 'em and order plenty out. Except when I preeminently choose to abstain...)

  • Love 6

KJ is reading HH and is taking notes on how to screw up your kids for life, even after you die!


Big Kathy was no small woman in her later years either from photos of her. Little Kathy looks a lot like her mom, a lot!!!

Jenner is a worthy contender, certainly, but it looks like a couple of hers might escape the noose, so I think Big Kathy's record of screwing up and controlling every one her kids for life will stand. Besides, Big Kathy should get at least partial credit for some of her grands.

I've never known a few extra pounds of their own to slow down a dedicated fat shamer, and I have zero doubt about that with Big Kathy. Zero. I'd bet my peasant farthings on it. Her girls' bodies were her business.

  • Love 3

Discount Fabelini or VP Sangria?

I want the VP Sangria, my husband and I love sangria, I mix/make it for him throughout the summer! Also, I am not inclined to drink the cheap stuff like Fabawannabe is. LOL


From an blog about something else, but well sums up the "do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing" when doing good works, helping people, etc.


This is the problem I have with all of these bitches talking about Kim's issues, and yes, that includes Brandi.  If you want to help, HELP, but stop drawing attention to yourself helping if you are sincere.  Do it off camera, be there for her, convince her to go to a meeting away from the cameras.  You are not entitled to praise for pointing out just how YOU are helping someone.  That means all of them, except Yolanda.

Ummmm, Yolanda made sure she talked to Kim on camera so she is just a guilty even if she was gentle and she was not present on either occasion when Kim was high, poker night or the mixer. She only knows about it because Brandi once again put Kim's business out there on camera and if she had witnessed Kim's behavior first hand her approach might have been far different.


Most of the "talk" Lisa R and Eileen have done about Kim's addiction has happened in their TH and that is in direct response to a producer questioning them on their opinions.


Forgive my ignorance if this is a dumb question: but isn't sangria less a wine than a wine drink? A sweet wine (usually red), plus fruit slices, etc. that you mix it with in the pitcher or glass? I've wanted to ask this question since Bethenny marketed a sangria as well! Aren't they essentially just selling a wine, and telling folks to mix in some stuff if they want a sangria? At least dum dum Teresa did the same thing, but called it something new! (And yet she's the one in prison for fraud! :) ).

Yes, it is wine mixed with fruit and some add gingerale as well! It is wonderful but it is a drink you need to be mindful  of, it can sneak up on you! LOL 1 glass, small glass at that, is all I have.

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