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S05.E14: Surprise!

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Yet, every time I see her she has a glass of wine in her hand. Lead by example.


I see nothing wrong with her having a social glass of wine.  


To compare Lisa Rinna (or any of the other housewives) having a glass of wine to Brandi's self-admitted out-of-control drinking is the epitome of apples and oranges.


Harry obviously had a real concern in that 2 of his siblings struggled with addictions.  He reacted as he should have if he felt he could have a potential problem down the road.  


When Lisa R starts showing her tampon string whilst being held up so she can stumble to her car or has drunk to such a degree that her face is in danger of meeting her dinner plate as Brandi's was in Palm Springs, then I'll agree that she should lead by example.

Edited by Persnickety1
  • Love 18

Kim could flat out say she was mistaken in thinking she could handle the temptation of heavy duty painkillers in her household and that while she had a legitimate medical condition her first course of action should have been to go to the ER. She could tell them she did in fact relapse and was profoundly sorry her actions caused others distress and that she was pursuing a traditional 12 step recovery program, attending daily meetings, and speaking regularly to a sponsor.

IMO the only way this would be received well is if it was part of a season finale redemption arc. Otherwise, it will be convoluted into another tool from the kitte most eville that addicts use when they attend treatment as a further shield to hide their drug use. Kim can't win.

No she couldn't say she made a mistake. Kim doesn't make mistakes. Nothing is ever her fault, you know. You just don't realize how difficult her life is. You just don't understand the pressures she is under. It's all Kyle's fault and everyone should just mind their own business, unless, of  course, they want to feel sorry for her, Then it is permitted to be involved in her life.


The woman is exhuasting.   

  • Love 14

I wonder too if Kyle is professing not to know if Kim goes to meetings, has a sponsor, receives therapy of any kind, etc, because she doesn't want to be the one to say, HELL, NO!  Easier and slightly less damaging to say, I dunno ...   Bet Kyle knows all too well that Kim has been white-knuckling it for some time now.  Whatever Kyle knows, she ain't saying anymore. 


I can see that living in her house without cameras and a lot of interaction would be what Kim prefers.  Like many others have said, I think that she suffers from social anxiety and that sometimes it overwhelms her and she self-medicates.  This last time she took it to an extreme and her illness was forced, front and center, into everyone's line of vision.  That she still hasn't been able to apologize for any part of her behavior that night is really something -- Instead, she feels obliged to lecture the others about her need for privacy!  And, by extension, without a doubt, she is opting to lecture those members of the audience who don't believe her version of events. Really?  I am definitely reminded here of the Taylor-Russell-Camille mess.  None of that worked well for Camille -- and definitely not for Russell.  If I were working with Kim, as these women are, I'd be super uncomfortable having to pretend over and and over again that she's not higher than a kite when she shows up slurry, nutty, and hostile. 


One thing we've learned is that ANYONE who dares to call Kim out on her massive dysfunction and never-ending BS ends up having it bite them in the ass and sooner rather than later.  And this may well include LisaR by the time this is all over.  Kim is radioactive. 


If they're going to continue to gaslight me with this crap, I'm out.  Forensic Files is what I turn to when I want dangerous and confusing mysteries -- They're responsible in offering something more than inconclusive hours of crappy TV.

  • Love 7

I agree with this recap especially as it relates to "everybody should hate Kyle"...above quote.


The beach scene between Brandi and her friend Jennifer also proved enlightening. We're told that if a recovering alcoholic takes another person's pill they have fallen off the wagon.  Then the questions came up as Jennifer asks Brandi if Kim is in a program, has a sponsor and attends meetings.  Brandi doesn't have an answer. She doesn't think Kim has any support system except her. 


Later at Eileen's home Kim tells the ladies how helpful it's been for her to escape Monty dying in front of her by having somewhere else to go.  Her friendship with Brandi afforded her he opportunity to get away. 


Eileen asks Kyle at a party for LisaV if Kim is enrolled in a addiction program, does she have a sponsor and attend meetings...sister Kyle has no idea.  Though she says she's a mother, with a husband and business and she doesn't have time for her sister Kim. So it appears Kim's only lifeline is Brandi as she slowly watches her ex-husband die in her home! What a f'd up sister Kyle is knowing her sister has NO support system and she still desperately tries to separate Kim from her only lifeline Brandi.  Maybe Kyle want's her sister to start drinking again!!!!


Brandi has no obligation to look after Kim and give her solace from her dying ex-husband.  Brandi does it out of love for Kim.  Where the hell is screechy voiced crying Kyle's love for her sister???????  It's as if no one can help my sister but me and I don't have the time...so let Kim roll up in a ball and die drinking alone in her bedroom watching TV. 

It is not Kyle's story to tell about what tools Kim uses (if any) in recovery. Even Kim says she has a support system and does not rely solely on Kyle and Brandi.  How come Kathy Hilton never gets any of the brunt of this situation? Or Kim's children or Monty who apparently is well enough to drive her to the hospital and hang out with her.  As Jennifer said only Kim can get and keep Kim sober.  Time to lighten up on Kyle.  How is it one day and one scene Kim says Kyle is there for her and then it always goes to this Kyle isn't there for her sister?  The bad idea of an intervention with Kim probably would not have come up if Kim would just once say what she says to Kyle one on one (on camera) and say the same to the other women.  Kim wants people on her own terms and sometimes that just doesn't work out.  Sounds like Yolanda is going to get stuck with Kim and Brandi in Amsterdam.

  • Love 13

No she couldn't say she made a mistake. Kim doesn't make mistakes. Nothing is ever her fault, you know. You just don't realize how difficult her life is. You just don't understand the pressures she is under. It's all Kyle's fault and everyone should just mind their own business, unless, of  course, they want to feel sorry for her, Then it is permitted to be involved in her life.


The woman is exhuasting.   


It's funny how it's always Kyle's fault, and never Kathy's fault as far as Kim is concerned.  Why is Kyle supposed to be there for Kim instead of Kathy?


And no, Kim never apologizes.  I think she owes LisaR a HUGE apology for putting her through the psycho crapfest in the limo on the way to Eileen's.  Ok, she was way high and had no idea how she came across (which she pretty much admitted to Brandi in the car on the way home).  However, she had a good look at herself and her behavior with LIsaR when that episode aired, so she should have at least acknowledge that she was an ass to LisaR and apologized for putting her in that position where she was trapped in a car with her incoherent self.

  • Love 10

Kim took this RH gig for two reasons.  The first, to have some money coming in.  The second, and seemingly most important one to her?  To get her name and face back out there, because she's wanted to resume acting, and get role offers.


Discussing her addiction issues won't help with that second one.  We don't know if she discusses them OFF the show, with anyone else. 


It's a disconnect to me that anyone watching thinks Kim is obligated to share with the world about her demons, it is called Alcoholics Anonymous after all.  Yes, they share parts of their lives, and the others are sharing the parts they want you to see, so Kim doing the same seems her right.  I can't imagine knowing "fans" are screaming "she's still an addict!" is going to reduce any stress in her life, and stress is often a trigger for using.

  • Love 6

Kyle knowing exactly nothing about Kim's support system or lack of it shows that Brandi was right in Eileen's driveway. For the past 6 months Kyle has been ignoring her sister and Brandi has filled the void.  Kim may be keeping her support system under ground...but no doubt Brandi would know about it before Kyle.


It appears Kathy has no problem with Kim and Brandi's friendship.  She drove with the two of them in the same limo. The only sister going bat shit crazy is Kyle.  

Edited by RealityTVSmack1

Kyle knowing exactly nothing about Kim's support system or lack of it shows that Brandi was right in Eileen's driveway. For the past 6 months Kyle has been ignoring her sister and Brandi has filled the void.  Kim may be keeping her support system under ground...but no doubt Brandi would know about it before Kyle.

Maybe I missed it. What did Brandi seem to know about Kim's support system when Jennifer asked that Kyle didn't know when Eileen asked.


They both know good and damn well Kim's not in any recovery plan and has no support system.  

  • Love 15

One thing about these women, it doesn't take much before the nuisance of an addiction turns into a free pass to say whatever the hell is on your mind about a situation. These blunt approaches are still making my head spin. Eileen just cozying up to Kyle and speaking on the Kim's addiction? I couldn't bring myself to do that with a co-worker and her family. And lets not get it twisted they do socialize BUT these women did not start the season as close friends of Kims. And as a co-worker I would assess which would be the most appropriate approach in order to fulfill my moral obligation and quite honestly, hands down, I think Yolanda's approach hits the mark. I like Eileen for the most part but her need to use Brandi's name as often as she does doesn't sit well with me. I get it Eileen has an ax to grind with Brandi but I find it in real bad taste for her to let her issues with Brandi influence her opinion about Brandi's involvement. I really do think that their bad blood has lead to a few heavy handed observations about Brandi and Kims relationship that I think would have been a little more insightful, less catty had Eileen not had those "hiccups'' with Brandi. Hey Eileen I get it and it's your right but I get the feeling that Eileen is kind of being a bit underhanded by lumping in her jabs at Brandi while trying to show "concerning" for Kim. Just seems a little slimly to even a score while trying to being altruistic ya know?

  • Love 4

Kim took this RH gig for two reasons.  The first, to have some money coming in.  The second, and seemingly most important one to her?  To get her name and face back out there, because she's wanted to resume acting, and get role offers.


Discussing her addiction issues won't help with that second one.  We don't know if she discusses them OFF the show, with anyone else. 


It's a disconnect to me that anyone watching thinks Kim is obligated to share with the world about her demons, it is called Alcoholics Anonymous after all.  Yes, they share parts of their lives, and the others are sharing the parts they want you to see, so Kim doing the same seems her right.  I can't imagine knowing "fans" are screaming "she's still an addict!" is going to reduce any stress in her life, and stress is often a trigger for using.



How about getting real about her addictions and stop popping pills that had not been prescribed to her just moments before filming for Bravo?


When will the blame be put where it belongs? on Kim's lap. She made the decision to take that pill and as a result she acted like a loon, why should the rest of the cast pretend that everything is normal when it was not? They didn't shove the pill on Kim's mouth but yet they had to suffer her horrid behavior.


Kim was high as a kite and Brandi was drunk as a skunk, they both decided to consume substances that altered their behavior so why shouldn't they be held accountable for that?


You are helding everyone else accountable for what they do, say or even an eye flinch but you are trying for every one to stop commenting on the obvious thing that is in front of them? It is like watching a train wreck, pretending it never happened and on top try to pretend to talk about the status of the weather.


Maybe I live in an alternative universe where everyone is accountable for the result of their decisions, right or wrong, isn't that what we try to teach our kids?


You choose the behavior, you choose the consequence.

  • Love 13

Maybe I missed it. What did Brandi seem to know about Kim's support system when Jennifer asked that Kyle didn't know when Eileen asked.


They both know good and damn well Kim's not in any recovery plan and has no support system.  

Brandi knows she's part of Kim's support system.  If Kim is keeping the rest of her system under ground that's her prerogative. But Brandi knows that Kyle has rejected being supportive of Kim's middle of the night calls because she has had first hand experience with Kyle's rejection..   

  • Love 1

My mind was blown when Kim of all people started saying that Eileen's behavior was "inappropriate". I think that comment actually made my blood pressure go up or something because I had to take a break from watching the episode. 


Ugh, and the whole business of Kim saying that Brandi doesn't know the history between Kim and Kyle--as others have already said, FFS Kim, buy a freaking clue and tell Brandi that Kyle is there for you and that it isn't right or fair of Brandi to make the claim that Kyle is never there for Kim.  

I watched the first few minutes of that- through when they got her to reveal her name.  That was gross.  Not Kim, but the idea that someone would film it on a cellphone or whatever and sell it to TMZ...I think that's straight fucked up.  

I thought Kim was pretty awful in that clip. I'm supposed to feel sorry for her because she got her ass recorded when airports are full of surveillance cameras anyway? If you go to an airport, you know you're going to be on camera period. When you go to an airport completely fucked up and try to pull the "Do you know who I am card?" You can guaran-damn-tee in this day and age that you're going to be recorded. Kim needs to pull her head out of her ass and realize that there are consequences for things like showing up to places so loaded that she ends up making other people uncomfortable and in general is a pain in the ass that nobody wants to deal with. 


Or maybe "Kim you're acting inappropriately, you need to leave". Seems like a perfectly good way to handle a situation as well. No need to continue aggressively confronting each and every episode by referring to addictions unless of course its appealing to some. 

It would be different if this show wasn't a job for these women. It's Kim's job to show up to events so the women have to interact with her. If Kim is told to leave events then the other ladies know that this is going to end up hurting her place in the RHBH lineup. To me it's obvious that all of these women, even Brandi, feel sorry for Kim on some level. LisaR definitely seems to feel sorry for Kim she just isn't the type of person to coddle a person who is in full on denial the way that Kim is. If Kim could bring herself to be real and apologetic with these women I have no doubt that this would make all the difference in terms of them harping on the issue. 


The women are all expected to travel with Kim to Amsterdam shortly so I don't think it's out of line at all for them to be concerned about Kim's issues at a time like this. Kim couldn't even handle the hike up to Malibu and the other women are supposed to think that it's going to be fine traveling international with Kim? That would be the first thing on my mind if I were LisaR and Eileen. I have to imagine that there was some sort of omg discussion of 'did you consider that we're going to have to travel with this crazy woman soon?'

  • Love 6

Kyle knowing exactly nothing about Kim's support system or lack of it shows that Brandi was right in Eileen's driveway. For the past 6 months Kyle has been ignoring her sister and Brandi has filled the void.  Kim may be keeping her support system under ground...but no doubt Brandi would know about it before Kyle.


It appears Kathy has no problem with Kim and Brandi's friendship.  She drove with the two of them in the same limo. The only sister going bat shit crazy is Kyle.  

First off Kyle knows the number one support system Kim has is the Betty Ford Clinic, and we all know Kim has a life coach. Why would Kyle know Kim's post treatment regiment?  I know several alcoholics and I couldn't tell you who their sponsor is or if and when they go to meetings. Even BFF Brandi has said Kim would kill her and then kill herself if anyone were to ask about her sobriety. I am thinking Kim doesn't talk about her sobriety with people she just is sober. How has Kyle ignored her sister?  She was there when they went dress shopping, she was there right before she left for Europe and she cut her vacation short to attend Brooke's wedding.  Just because Brandi says it doesn't make it true.  They are talking about one night and one particular third party Kim was having issues with and Kyle has denied saying she it was Kim's problem.  If Kyle doesn't know about the problem how can she address it? Who cares who knows about Kim's underground support system-Kim needs to be using it not Brandi or Kyle.


Most importantly and probably the catalyst to this whole accusation from Brandi is when they were in Santa Barbara and Kim left the wine tasting Kyle followed her -the look on Brandi's face.  The next day Kim and Kyle have lunch and talk about the wine tasting and have a good time.  It wasn't until they were in the limo and Kyle started talking about how now Kim talks about things with Kyle  that Brandi decided to throw that in Kyle's face.  I can honestly see Brandi's point-her sister is back from a month of vacationing and now Kyle's available.    


Oh I am quite certain if Brandi publicly attacked her and threatened to knock her teeth out Kathy would not be sitting in a limo with Kim.  Kathy is showing support for Kim and supposedly is a good friend of Lisav. 

  • Love 3

No she couldn't say she made a mistake. Kim doesn't make mistakes. Nothing is ever her fault, you know. You just don't realize how difficult her life is. You just don't understand the pressures she is under. It's all Kyle's fault and everyone should just mind their own business, unless, of course, they want to feel sorry for her.

Lisa Vanderpump hasn't taken accountability for a mistake since 1976. She has spent three years holding a grudge about being accused of being someone who holds grudges. She has never once told Kyle -- according to Kyle -- that she was wrong for talking about infidelity rumors around Portia. She maintains that PR was a deeply traumatizing event for which she is blameless. She, unlike Kim, has a normally functioning cerebral cortex. I just think it's a double standard Kim is being held to.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
  • Love 3

I think it's a stretch to say that Kim's behavior dominants social outings. I mean the ONE incident keeps being brought up at different social gatherings so that's how it's dominating it but so far it seems that Kim's altered state behavior affected ONE social gathering SO FAR as we have seen SINCE her sobriety (so no I don't believe in bringing up past seasons because I consider that crucifying her over and over again) and the rest of these awkward social moments are because of this overbearing need to "get a handle on it". I mean come on ladies this was ONE display that they have personally been privy to. This level of involvement just seems so counterproductive. Even if there seems to be an overwhelming sense of what's really going on that's not enough to go to an apprehensive addict and get them to live life accordingly. To speak on things that the addict knows isn't coming from a first hand experience (because one incident that he has already explained isn't really enough) is the perfect excuse to give an addict to retreat and dismiss what you have to say because quite frankly you don't know what you're talking about and in essence it's the truth. You can't go with assumptions, gut feelings, recognizing behavior and ONE witnessed episode. Doesn't hold  water with the reluctant addict. Even I know that so this approach is just so futile and the lack of common sense is what tells me these women are DEFINITELY not equipped to even approach it so it just seems insulting to me. No matter how much they throw around the phrase "social responsibility". They mean social MEDIA responsibility. LOL!

Kim was high at Kyle's mixer! The idea that she only slipped up once is ignoring her behavior at the mixer, slurred speech, glassy eyes and the inability to remember what happened 1 - 2 days prior.


Kim took this RH gig for two reasons.  The first, to have some money coming in.  The second, and seemingly most important one to her?  To get her name and face back out there, because she's wanted to resume acting, and get role offers.


Discussing her addiction issues won't help with that second one.  We don't know if she discusses them OFF the show, with anyone else. 


It's a disconnect to me that anyone watching thinks Kim is obligated to share with the world about her demons, it is called Alcoholics Anonymous after all.  Yes, they share parts of their lives, and the others are sharing the parts they want you to see, so Kim doing the same seems her right.  I can't imagine knowing "fans" are screaming "she's still an addict!" is going to reduce any stress in her life, and stress is often a trigger for using.

Any producer/director would look at her behavior on the show and realize she is still getting high, Kim is doing the damage to her "career", not Lisa R/Eileen or any of the other HW's, including Brandi who is the one that put her secrets on blast on camera, by getting high when they are filming !


Kyle knowing exactly nothing about Kim's support system or lack of it shows that Brandi was right in Eileen's driveway. For the past 6 months Kyle has been ignoring her sister and Brandi has filled the void.  Kim may be keeping her support system under ground...but no doubt Brandi would know about it before Kyle.


It appears Kathy has no problem with Kim and Brandi's friendship.  She drove with the two of them in the same limo. The only sister going bat shit crazy is Kyle.  

Just because Kyle did not reveal what is going on in Kim's life on camera, does not mean she doesn't know. Her, Kim, BFF Brandi, did not know about any support system, sponsor, or any program/meetings either even though she claims to know Kim better than Kyle.

  • Love 11

When will the blame be put where it belongs? 

I can never wrap my head around this idea that Kim is somehow escaping blame. The world screams she's an addict. Demands she share her demons in the AA text book way (the irony being what AA actually stands for) before her commitment to her sobriety could ever be taken seriously. She's questioned, imposed on and isn't given the same sort of appropriate arms length respect of privacy because she's apparently burns that bridge with anyone she has AN episode in front of.  I mean I don't understand how living the life she lives is somehow her escaping blame for anything honestly. Just because she isn't standing in front of an audience begging forgiveness and promising to atone for her sins. Yeah, I'm thinking she's not walking away from these situations laughing about what she's gotten away with. It' more like she's slithering away in shame hoping the attention would go away. Not for nothing other people can walk away from Kim Richards addiction even Kyle, hard but still true. The only person who can't just walk away from Kim's addiction is Kim so all of this..... "what kim inflicts to those around her, she never takes blame" business just leaves me gobsmacked as if that's worst of her problems. She can't even get the more dire of her life's problems under control but that social etiquette booooyyyyy and family loyalty??! Hmmmppphhhhh!! Kim needs to get a hold of that and STAT!! Priorities Kim, Priorites..

Edited by Sincerely Yours
  • Love 3

Brandi knows she's part of Kim's support system.  If Kim is keeping the rest of her system under ground that's her prerogative. But Brandi knows that Kyle has rejected being supportive of Kim's middle of the night calls because she has had first hand experience with Kyle's rejection..   


You are right about that. Brandi is the kind of support system that Kim wants, someone who tells her that she is perfect and who excuses her pain killer popping because the "stress" she is under. Of course Brandi is part of Kim's team, the team of denial


Kyle is not part of that team because Kyle would get mad at Kim and hold her accountable behind cameras . In fornt of the cameras though If Kyle even dares to mention anything about kim's addictions or her support team she will be blasted by Kim. Between saying "Kim doesn't have a support system because she doesn't think she needs one and she has told me to just be her sister and not to worry about her addiction because she is sober and anytime I even look at her in a funny way she tells me "how could you do this to me? why are you not supporting my sobriety?" so instead of saying that she says "I don't know"


Little does Kyle knows that when it comes to Kim she will be blamed for knowing and saying or for knowing and pretending not to know. The only winner (in her mind anyway) is KIm, she knows that in order for Kyle to clear the nature of her involvement she will have to reveal information that her sister doesn't want out and she won't make that mistake again. The only other choice is to say "I don't know"


I do hope that by the time reunion comes Kyle is very clear about the fact that she owes her sister no loyalty at all and is willing to stop pretending that there is nothing going on with Kim, I hope but I am not holding my breath, Kyle will conitnue to play deaf and mute. That is the way Kim wants it and she will have her way.

  • Love 13

Brandi knows she's part of Kim's support system.  If Kim is keeping the rest of her system under ground that's her prerogative. But Brandi knows that Kyle has rejected being supportive of Kim's middle of the night calls because she has had first hand experience with Kyle's rejection..   

Never once has anyone said that Kyle refused Kim's middle of the night calls.  I don't think Kyle refused a call from Brandi in the middle of the night.  Not wanting to speak to Brandi about Kim isn't a sign of rejection and honoring Brandi's request that she not mention her call to Kyle doesn't mean she isn't supportive it just means she didn't betray Brandi's confidence.

  • Love 13

Kim was high at Kyle's mixer! The idea that she only slipped up once is ignoring her behavior at the mixer, slurred speech, glassy eyes and the inability to remember what happened 1 - 2 days prior.


Any producer/director would look at her behavior on the show and realize she is still getting high, Kim is doing the damage to her "career", not Lisa R/Eileen or any of the other HW's, including Brandi who is the one that put her secrets on blast on camera, by getting high when they are filming !


Just because Kyle did not reveal what is going on in Kim's life on camera, does not mean she doesn't know. Her, Kim, BFF Brandi, did not know about any support system, sponsor, or any program/meetings either even though she claims to know Kim better than Kyle.

Brandi is part of Kim's support system and Kyle's not...that's the plain as the nose on Bravo's face fact.

Kyle knowing exactly nothing about Kim's support system or lack of it shows that Brandi was right in Eileen's driveway. For the past 6 months Kyle has been ignoring her sister and Brandi has filled the void.  Kim may be keeping her support system under ground...but no doubt Brandi would know about it before Kyle.


It appears Kathy has no problem with Kim and Brandi's friendship.  She drove with the two of them in the same limo. The only sister going bat shit crazy is Kyle.  


I actually thought that even if Kyle does know whether or not Kim is in a program or having an outside support system, she was not going to blab it all over for the world to see on TV, given that she has gotten slammed for telling "secrets" in past seasons.  First of all, isn't AA and other twelve step programs supposed to be anonymous and those who attend are supposed to keep it confidential?  I guess if Kim wants to make that information public, that is her news to tell, and I felt that Kyle did the right thing by not answering the questions directly.  The Richards sisters both only reveal so much to the public, always have and always will, until one or the other reacts and lashes out in anger or frustration.


Maybe I missed it. What did Brandi seem to know about Kim's support system when Jennifer asked that Kyle didn't know when Eileen asked.


They both know good and damn well Kim's not in any recovery plan and has no support system.  


Again - this goes to what I said above - the Richards sisters only reveal as much of themselves as they want anyone who is not in the family to see.  If (and that is a mountain-high IF) Kim is in any kind of program, or support system, Brandi more than likely does not know.

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 6

Brandi knows she's part of Kim's support system.  If Kim is keeping the rest of her system under ground that's her prerogative. But Brandi knows that Kyle has rejected being supportive of Kim's middle of the night calls because she has had first hand experience with Kyle's rejection..   

Brandi knows shit. She doesn't even know about Kim's sponsor, what program she is following (or not), she has none of the important information. As for that 2 am phone call, Brandi told Kyle to not talk about it to anyone including Kim, Kyle did as asked and now Brandi is using that as a weapon against her. Kyle has not rejected Kim.

  • Love 11

I can never wrap my head around this idea that Kim is somehow escaping blame. The world screams she's an addict. Demands she share her demons in the AA text book way (the irony being what AA actually stands for) before her commitment to her sobriety could ever be taken seriously. She's questioned, imposed on and isn't given the same sort of appropriate arms length respect of privacy because she's apparently burns that bridge with anyone she has AN episode in front of.  I mean I don't understand how living the life she lives is somehow her escaping blame for anything honestly. Just because she isn't standing in front of an audience begging forgiveness and promising to atone for her sins. Yeah, I'm thinking she's not walking away from these situations laughing about what she's gotten away with. It' more like she's slithering away in shame hoping the attention would go away. Not for nothing other people can walk away from Kim Richards addiction even Kyle, hard but still true. The only person who can't just walk away from Kim's addiction is Kim so all of this..... "what kim inflicts to those around her, she never takes blame" business just leaves me gobsmacked as if that's worst of her problems. She can't even get the more dire of her life's problems under control but that social etiquette booooyyyyy! Kim needs to get a hold of that and STAT!!


Privacy ? on a reality TV show? uhmmm if Kim values her privacy so much then she beter not sign for another season of this show.


I still remember a couple of 5 year old boys who did deserve privacy about the origin of their birth but were given none.

I still remember how privavcy was not a concern when a surrogacy was outed and everyone seemed to go along with it.

Privacy is not a concern for Kim when she has cameras in front of her and she talks to us viewers about her sobriety , when she let us know how she is taking care of her terminally ill ex-husband. Privavcy surely is not a concern for Kim when she is popping a pain pill just before going to be filmed to an event. Privacy flew out the window when she decided to bring her BFF to a party her sister is hosting knowing that there will be words as such BFF is telling her in the limo the things she would like to do to her sister.


Where was Taylor's privacy two season's ago when Kim decided that it was her mission to talk to her about her alcohol problem? remember that scene where Kim is talking to Taylor about her drinking? I do remember that scene.


You can't just pick and choose what part of your life you keep private and which one you highlight, if you are going to talk on cameras about how sober you are and then show up at an event high as a kite, then you have invited your castmates and viewers to speculate about the nature of your sobriety. Keep put the story line of her sobriety out there for public consumption so privacy went out the door. IMO

  • Love 20

Never once has anyone said that Kyle refused Kim's middle of the night calls.  I don't think Kyle refused a call from Brandi in the middle of the night.  Not wanting to speak to Brandi about Kim isn't a sign of rejection and honoring Brandi's request that she not mention her call to Kyle doesn't mean she isn't supportive it just means she didn't betray Brandi's confidence.


Kim acknowledged her middle of the night calls to Brandi but not once to Kyle's face did she acknowledge Kyle accepting her middle of the night calls.  Just like the way Kyle cold dissed Kim in the bathroom many years ago.  There's Kim complaining her hearts beating out of her skin, she hasn't eaten or slept for days and all Kyle is worried about is looking "rude to the other cast members" on game night.  Kim actually refers to not wanting fake concern for her...fake concern from Kyle.

  • Love 1

I can never wrap my head around this idea that Kim is somehow escaping blame. The world screams she's an addict. Demands she share her demons in the AA text book way (the irony being what AA actually stands for) before her commitment to her sobriety could ever be taken seriously. She's questioned, imposed on and isn't given the same sort of appropriate arms length respect of privacy because she's apparently burns that bridge with anyone she has AN episode in front of.  I mean I don't understand how living the life she lives is somehow her escaping blame for anything honestly. Just because she isn't standing in front of an audience begging forgiveness and promising to atone for her sins. Yeah, I'm thinking she's not walking away from these situations laughing about what she's gotten away with. It' more like she's slithering away in shame hoping the attention would go away. Not for nothing other people can walk away from Kim Richards addiction even Kyle, hard but still true. The only person who can't just walk away from Kim's addiction is Kim so all of this..... "what kim inflicts to those around her, she never takes blame" business just leaves me gobsmacked as if that's worst of her problems. She can't even get the more dire of her life's problems under control but that social etiquette booooyyyyy and family loyalty??! Hmmmppphhhhh!! Kim needs to get a hold of that and STAT!! Priorities Kim, Priorites..

 This is the first season that the majority of viewers are holding Kim's feet to the frying pan, calling her out on her BS excuses/lies. Until this season, viewers pitied Kim and got angry at Kyle for outing her. The reality is, Kim outs herself and needs to be held accountable for her behavior. It is long overdue IMO.

  • Love 14

If by support system you mean enabler....then yes, I agree.  

Kim's long time enabler is her sister Kyle.  Brandi...6 months.

Brandi knows shit. She doesn't even know about Kim's sponsor, what program she is following (or not), she has none of the important information. As for that 2 am phone call, Brandi told Kyle to not talk about it to anyone including Kim, Kyle did as asked and now Brandi is using that as a weapon against her. Kyle has not rejected Kim.

Kyle knows shit also in that case. According to Kim there were middle of the night calls to Brandi besides the 2 AM call.

  • Love 1

I started reading comments here before I saw the actual episode and so somehow I actually thought that Brandi was going to be singing Brenda Lee's "I'm Sorry" for Lisa. I was looking forward to hearing her say/sing 'I'm sorry that I was such a fool' so that was a bit of a letdown. ;-)


I can never wrap my head around this idea that Kim is somehow escaping blame. The world screams she's an addict. Demands she share her demons in the AA text book way (the irony being what AA actually stands for) before her commitment to her sobriety could ever be taken seriously. She's questioned, imposed on and isn't given the same sort of appropriate arms length respect of privacy because she's apparently burns that bridge with anyone she has AN episode in front of.  I mean I don't understand how living the life she lives is somehow her escaping blame for anything honestly. Just because she isn't standing in front of an audience begging forgiveness and promising to atone for her sins. Yeah, I'm thinking she's not walking away from these situations laughing about what she's gotten away with. It' more like she's slithering away in shame hoping the attention would go away. Not for nothing other people can walk away from Kim Richards addiction even Kyle, hard but still true. The only person who can't just walk away from Kim's addiction is Kim so all of this..... "what kim inflicts to those around her, she never takes blame" business just leaves me gobsmacked.

I think if you put yourself in the position of the other women it's easier to see how Kim doesn't take blame or responsibility for her behavior and addictions.


Kim doesn't make apologies. This is a big one. I can definitely see how it would be frustrating for Eileen to have Kim come into her house and be rude and make it seem like her behavior is okay because she took a pain pill and had no idea how she would react to it. Kim feels like her slate is wiped clean because she owned up to taking a pain pill so that should give her a pass for all of the weird behavior. LisaR doesn't get an apology for the same reason. Here we have Kim not taking responsibility for her behavior in both of these instances.


Kim can comment about Monty wrt why she has the pill/patch and there are no consequences. Kim can show up to Kyle's event not even knowing what day of the week it is and there are loads of excuses made for her.   


Kim can *repeatedly* show up high while she's "working' and there are no consequences. Honestly, in what other world would she be able to get away with this shit?


Brandi is part of Kim's support system and Kyle's not...that's the plain as the nose on Bravo's face fact.

Not according to Kim in this episode... Kim specifically said that Brandi doesn't realize or know the history between the sisters in terms of Kyle being a super supportive presence.

Edited by Avaleigh
  • Love 14

 Exactly! And I get it's frustrating but honestly I can't get behind the intensity surrounding it. Yes it's a serious issue. Yes Poker night was no Bueno. But Jeez Louise, speak on it, state your peace and leave it at that. The need to start crucifying Kim because she's not following the "recovering addict" script to the T is what's disturbing me. And if you notice (and I think Lisa R is funny as hell and a great addition) Lisa is a bit inappropriate in her talking heads sometimes when addressing Kim and the addiction storyline. I mean hey it's cool to try and be lighthearted about something to lighten up the topic but get a hint of insensitivity coming from her sometimes when she make her little quips and facial expressions. For the most part she discusses it in a serious manner but then she throws me off by being a bit jokety mean spirited. I never think its okay to throw shade when it comes to addiction but its definitely understandable when it's be dealt with over and over again sure. But Lisa just got there and already she feels justified in throwing out little quips about Kims sobriety/non sobriety. Not cool. I really, really love the addition of Lisa R except for this and I hope she reels it in cause I'm still liking her in spite of this but if she keeps it up or it intensifies then it'll start to seriously bug. I also love how level headed she is with it all and I hope she's just as level headed when it becomes obvious that it's time to stop because as stated in the quote above. How many times are you going to keep bringing up the grass is green?


Also have to agree with the part about these women thinking that Kim hasn't stumbled around for 30 years and Kim hasn't heard this before. Kyle admitted that the family wouldn't speak on it but that doesn't mean that other people in Kim's' life have never spoken up about it. I think that's the other thing that bugs about these women. They seem to think like they are the first ones to "really" broach this subject with Kim. I mean really? Seriously? They're kidding right?

To give Kim some slack, actually - the only thing more disorienting than her recovery/relapse narrative are the assholes surrounding her who use that narrative as a platform for for their own bullshit.  It's really disgusting, actually.  There are all these concentric circles of fake-care, including my own, I wonder how much longer I can hang in.  UNTIL IT'S CANCELLED.  This is the only thing I'm pretty sure I share with any of these women.  And, JEN, GENN, VhyjenG, is gross.  Please, TV, give me ten minutes of recovery time before this shameless charlatan gets her own cancelled-by-episode-three show. We should come up with ways she could spin this and pitch them because we are all implicated now.  Or I am.  


LisaVeeno, whom I have loved so deeply, so sincerely, one could accuse me of Brandi levels of transference,  will periodically pierce the ether with her self-absorption and I wake from my sleep...pump-pump....pump-pump...

Edited by runforcover
  • Love 1


Kim can comment about Monty wrt why she has the pill/patch and there are no consequences. Kim can show up to Kyle's event not even knowing what day of the week it is and there are loads of excuses made for her.   


Kim can *repeatedly* show up high while she's "working' and there are no consequences. Honestly, in what other world would she be able to get away with this shit?


Not according to Kim in this episode... Kim specifically said that Brandi doesn't realize or know the history between the sisters in terms of Kyle being a super supportive presence.

For the last 6 months only...that was the time mentioned by Brandi.

  • Love 1

I'm not sure I understand why LisaR should abstain from alcohol.  She is not an alcoholic; Harry's brothers were.  I think teaching how to drink responsibly is a good idea, but I don't see why she has to abstain.  I don't think we've ever seen her even close to drunk on the show.

I'll tell you why, for many there is no way to drink responsibly for people who have inherited a lack of adequate beta endorphin. So, for some it starts with the idea it is acceptable to drink at all and then they can't control it because the brain chemistry they are born with takes over. Alcohol is our most dangerous drug it kills more people than tobacco, heroin and crack cocaine. Just two drinks is enough to greatly increase your risk of becoming a victim of violent crime or of committing a violent crime.

Edited by Higgins
  • Love 2

Brandi is part of Kim's support system and Kyle's not...that's the plain as the nose on Bravo's face fact.


However, Kim has said quite the opposite. We've been treated to Kim crying in the driveway at Eileen's about Kyle being there for her, and how Kyle loves her. We were treated last week to the overlay of Kim and Kyle talking while Brandi and Kim spoke. In those scenes, Kim was very clear with Kyle that Kyle has been supportive and has been there for her. In last night's episode, Kim said the same thing--that Kyle has been there and is supportive.


What's in contention, I think, is that Brandi refuses to believe any of that.* I have to wonder what she thinks seeing all these clips of Kim repeating that Kyle has been there for her.


*A lot, if not the majority, of the blame goes to Kim for perpetuating this narrative. Kim needs to say to Brandi plainly that Kyle is there, but I suspect that because Brandi has such a bug up her butt about Kyle, that she wouldn't hear it anyway.

  • Love 8

I'm not sure I understand why LisaR should abstain from alcohol.  She is not an alcoholic; Harry's brothers were.  I think teaching how to drink responsibly is a good idea, but I don't see why she has to abstain.  I don't think we've ever seen her even close to drunk on the show.

She shouldn't.  Alcoholism is not contagious.  More importantly, no addict benefits from misplaced pathologizing and over-enthusiastic fake-doctors.  UGH, seriously, this is not a moral conundrum and it is certainly not a moral and/or social imperative.  Again, the hysteria is bad for actual addicts!


Now let us bitch about Kyle or make up show titles for Jen!


(By "us" I meant you)

  • Love 1

Kim was high at Kyle's mixer! The idea that she only slipped up once is ignoring her behavior at the mixer, slurred speech, glassy eyes and the inability to remember what happened 1 - 2 days prior.


Thank you for this because it really can't be said enough. IMO the idea that the women are all jumping on Kim and being extra uptight because of Kim taking a single pain pill isn't what's really going on here. I don't for one second believe that Kim's weird behavior that was going on for HOURS was the result of a single pain pill. That doesn't make any sense when we consider everything else that's going on. This isn't about a tiny slip up. Kim can't even acknowledge the fact that she relapsed. I think that's incredibly important when evaluating this entire situation. Kim is making it seem like these women are making an issue where there isn't one and from what we've seen there are plenty of reasons for why they should all be concerned about Kim.  It's just nonsense to think that they're making a mountain out of a molehill when I consider Kim's history. 


As far as the idea that the other women aren't being helpful by pointing out Kim's issues--I think it's even less helpful to pretend that everything is fine. We've seen people be that way for Kim over and over and it hasn't done her any good. Not even a little bit. At least when people point out Kim's behavior it shows Kim that she isn't fooling anyone and that it's apparent to others when she's high because she tends to be unpleasant to be around. (Another reason why it isn't good to pretend that Kim is sober when she isn't.) 

  • Love 16

Brandi is part of Kim's support system and Kyle's not...that's the plain as the nose on Bravo's face fact.

Conversely, something from which Brandi is attempting to extricate herself for various reasons.  


As simply a co-worker and friend of 6 months' duration, this will be relatively simple for Brandi to do.


However, it is something Kyle will never be able to completely carry out due to their dysfunctional Sisterhood of the Traveling Rants.  


I don't blame Brandi for wanting to extricate herself from the situation, although I give the side eye to her possibly nefarious motivation for placing herself in this position to begin with.  


Maybe she realized trying to crawl into the collective Hilton assholes wasn't worth the exhaustion of dealing with the hot mess known as Kim Richards.  

Edited by Persnickety1
  • Love 17

Kim acknowledged her middle of the night calls to Brandi but not once to Kyle's face did she acknowledge Kyle accepting her middle of the night calls.  Just like the way Kyle cold dissed Kim in the bathroom many years ago.  There's Kim complaining her hearts beating out of her skin, she hasn't eaten or slept for days and all Kyle is worried about is looking "rude to the other cast members" on game night.  Kim actually refers to not wanting fake concern for her...fake concern from Kyle.

If Kyle didn't go in that bathroom and help Kim get it together she would still be in Pam/Diana's powder room.

  • Love 18

In the bedroom talk between Kyle and Kim...Kim explains to Kyle that besides the 2 AM call there were middle of the night calls to Brandi during the last 6 month period.  Kyle, Brandi and Kim have not disagreed about the 2 AM call.  


But, did she say that she turned to Brandi during those legions of phone calls because Kyle refused to take the calls?


I honestly can't remember Kim ever saying turned her away during those calls and was more of the impression that she called Brandi because Brandi's hard-partying ass is probably awake at 2 am where Kyle is sleeping at that hour.  

  • Love 7

Do you really think addiction is that easy? Really?

I don't think anyone is saying addiction is easy. I think people are saying that after X amount of years it's time for Kim to take responsibility and own up to some of her bad behavior for a change. Nobody is asking for perfection just a little acknowledgement for when she knows her addictions have caused her to be inappropriate with others.

  • Love 10

Thank you for this because it really can't be said enough. IMO the idea that the women are all jumping on Kim and being extra uptight because of Kim taking a single pain pill isn't what's really going on here. I don't for one second believe that Kim's weird behavior that was going on for HOURS was the result of a single pain pill. That doesn't make any sense when we consider everything else that's going on. This isn't about a tiny slip up. Kim can't even acknowledge the fact that she relapsed. I think that's incredibly important when evaluating this entire situation. Kim is making it seem like these women are making an issue where there isn't one and from what we've seen there are plenty of reasons for why they should all be concerned about Kim.  It's just nonsense to think that they're making a mountain out of a molehill when I consider Kim's history. 


As far as the idea that the other women aren't being helpful by pointing out Kim's issues--I think it's even less helpful to pretend that everything is fine. We've seen people be that way for Kim over and over and it hasn't done her any good. Not even a little bit. At least when people point out Kim's behavior it shows Kim that she isn't fooling anyone and that it's apparent to others when she's high because she tends to be unpleasant to be around. (Another reason why it isn't good to pretend that Kim is sober when she isn't.)

I have thought Kim was high on camera several times through out the years. The one that comes to mind immediately is the turtle conversation. Wish I could see that again because at the time I thought "damn she is high as a kite". Kim has really lucked out that her "wacky, zaney medication mix ups" has flown this long. Didn't beleive it then and I don't beleive it now.

  • Love 11

Privacy ? on a reality TV show? uhmmm if Kim values her privacy so much then she beter not sign for another season of this show.


I still remember a couple of 5 year old boys who did deserve privacy about the origin of their birth but were given none.

I still remember how privavcy was not a concern when a surrogacy was outed and everyone seemed to go along with it.

Privacy is not a concern for Kim when she has cameras in front of her and she talks to us viewers about her sobriety , when she let us know how she is taking care of her terminally ill ex-husband. Privavcy surely is not a concern for Kim when she is popping a pain pill just before going to be filmed to an event. Privacy flew out the window when she decided to bring her BFF to a party her sister is hosting knowing that there will be words as such BFF is telling her in the limo the things she would like to do to her sister.


Where was Taylor's privacy two season's ago when Kim decided that it was her mission to talk to her about her alcohol problem? remember that scene where Kim is talking to Taylor about her drinking? I do remember that scene.


You can't just pick and choose what part of your life you keep private and which one you highlight, if you are going to talk on cameras about how sober you are and then show up at an event high as a kite, then you have invited your castmates and viewers to speculate about the nature of your sobriety. Keep put the story line of her sobriety out there for public consumption so privacy went out the door. IMO

Word to your whole post. If you want privacy, then don't go on a reality show. I don't know Kim Richards, I don't really care about her, and as a viewer, she doesn't owe me an apology or explanations for her "ornery" behavior. But don't lie to me and tell me that you're "three years sober!" and that you "love your life!" and that you're happy and healthy. Because in "reality," you're not, you're very sick, your life is a mess, and you're insulting our intelligence by claiming otherwise. And I'll continue to call you out on your lies, and applaud others that do. If you don't like it and want us to mind our own business, then quit the show. Because it is our business - viewers and castmates - until you do.

  • Love 20

She shouldn't.  Alcoholism is not contagious.  More importantly, no addict benefits from misplaced pathologizing and over-enthusiastic fake-doctors.  UGH, seriously, this is not a moral conundrum and it is certainly not a moral and/or social imperative.  Again, the hysteria is bad for actual addicts!


Now let us bitch about Kyle or make up show titles for Jen!


(By "us" I meant you)

What are the odds that we see alcoholism and drug addiction run in families but there is no heritable nature. I have seen it skip generation but occur in grandparents that addicts have never even met. Uncles, aunts that they have no contact with. It is not a moral issue.

I have thought Kim was high on camera several times through out the years. The one that comes to mind immediately is the turtle conversation. Wish I could see that again because at the time I thought "damn she is high as a kite". Kim has really lucked out that her "wacky, zaney medication mix ups" has flown this long. Didn't beleive it then and I don't beleive it now.


And when she ran into Ken and Lisa as she was departing some event and rambled on incoherently about something whilst Ken and Lisa just stood there nodding and looking all sorts of perplexed.


I don't think I could count on my fingers and toes how many times Kim has seemed high on something on this show, and not just the obvious such as when she was crawling all around on that hotel bathroom floor looking for something which Ken then advised her to not put into her purse.  

  • Love 7

If Kim doesn't want her co-stars to question her sobriety or talk about it then she needs to stop appearing on a "reality" show jacked up on whatever it is she's on. It's that simple. She's putting her behavior on national television and then complaining and denying that she's trashed on tv. If you don't want people talking about your indiscretions then you need to stop sharing them publicly.

  • Love 18

Kim's sobriety or lack thereof is a sticky wicket to put it mildly. There have been times in the past that I have not agreed with the way Kim's issues have been brought up on camera by Kyle, Brandi and Lisav but I am not as bothered thus far by how Lisar, Eileen, Lisav, Kyle and dare I say Brandi have discussed it this season, well I do have a problem with Brandi using it to deflect from her issues and misdeeds, but I do think that Brandi cares about Kim to the extent that that her narcissistic ass is capable of, and is in over her head and she knows it. Kim's situation is precarious and always has been, she is a hard-core addict and when Bravo agreed to have her back after season two they played with fire, and while I wish her the best, I will not be shocked to wake up one day and hear that she has ODed or worse.

Kim has made her sobriety a storyline and has also done interviews discussing her sobriety, and for that reason I don't think that she gets to cloak herself in privacy or [alcoholic] anonymity, especially when she has an obvious relapse, and don't get me started on how dumb (or desperate) she was to become BFFs of and confided in disloyal, big-mouthed, loose cannon, town drunk Brandi Glanville.

Yeah it is a touchy situation and there may be a point where I feel that Eileen and / or Lisar have gone too far in their discussion of their co-worker's problems but seeing how it evolved where Kim showed up impaired to a filmed event and all hell broke loose because high Kim instigated a fight between her drunk sister and even drunker BFF which could have probably gotten moved past except that Kim decided to bring her BFF to her sister's event where a second fight broke out and then when BFF Brandi got confronted over her tendency to get threatening and belligerent, she happened to let it slip that Kim's problems were deeper than a single slip up on Poker Night.

I don't know what Eileen and Lisar's agendas are, and if they are simply being craven opportunists then karma or judgement by a higher power will catch up with them, but it has been brought to their attention that Kim Richards is in serious trouble and needs to be reached out to, or alternatively she's a self-centered asshole who needs to be called on her crap. I remember more than once Kim bringing up how she does not like to follow rules and likes to do things "Kim style," and I suspect that Kim is managing her sobriety "Kim style," and "Kim style" sobriety allows for Kim to take pain pills prescribed to cancer patients. Knowing that Kim did not check herself into rehab until after multiple episodes of her being drunk/high aired on a reality show, and that she did not get rid of Kingsley until it hit the media that he bit a family member and had a history of aggression, then I can see why she is someone for whom the expression "light is the best disinfectant" applies.

It is an uncomfortable and precarious storyline and real life situation, but it is possible that Kim will bluster and resist but in the end she may actually make changes to the "Kim style" way that she has been managing her sobriety, especially since people are asking questions about her getting therapy, attending meetings, having a sponsor/coach, etc. Basically that is what happened season two, season two ended with Kim high as a kite at the wrap party, then when the show aired she was steadfast in how horrible it was what Brandi did to her on Game Night without acknowledging her part is that madness, but eventually she checked herself into rehab. This season, Lisar, along with Kyle, is the main bad guy who has done Kimmy wrong. But as hardcore and stubborn as Kim is, her ego is her Achilles heel, and if Lisar and Kim return next season, and Lisar is so inclined, she can take a page from Taylor and Brandi's books, the season after they feuded with Kim they both had soulful discussions with Kim and threw a compliment or two her way and all was forgiven lickety split.

  • Love 7
I wonder too if Kyle is professing not to know if Kim goes to meetings, has a sponsor, receives therapy of any kind, etc, because she doesn't want to be the one to say, HELL, NO!  Easier and slightly less damaging to say, I dunno ...   Bet Kyle knows all too well that Kim has been white-knuckling it for some time now.  Whatever Kyle knows, she ain't saying anymore.


Of course Kim doesn't go to meetings and doesn't do 12 step. Because she doesn't have a problem, people. Kyle isn't stupid. She's not about to say on camera that Kim does nothing. Plus she has lived through a lot of crap with Kim over the years. After a while family members get tired of having to rescue, monitor, rescue, monitor, rise, repeat. It must be exhausting. I'm no Kyle fan, but I can certainly understand why she cute herself off from it at some point. 


I don't think Big Kathy did Kim any favors by pushing her into acting as a child. Anxiety, addiction. etc.  




She shouldn't.  Alcoholism is not contagious.  More importantly, no addict benefits from misplaced pathologizing and over-enthusiastic fake-doctors.  UGH, seriously, this is not a moral conundrum and it is certainly not a moral and/or social imperative.  Again, the hysteria is bad for actual addicts!

Now let us bitch about Kyle or make up show titles for Jen!

(By "us" I meant you)

What are the odds that we see alcoholism and drug addiction run in families but there is no heritable nature. I have seen it skip generation but occur in grandparents that addicts have never even met. Uncles, aunts that they have no contact with. It is not a moral issue.


Wait, I thought Lisa R said that it was Harry's brothers that had addiction problems. Since she and Harry are related by marriage, not genetics, then I don't see how addiction in Harry's family can be passed to Lisa R. 

Edited by poeticlicensed
  • Love 13

What are the odds that we see alcoholism and drug addiction run in families but there is no heritable nature. I have seen it skip generation but occur in grandparents that addicts have never even met. Uncles, aunts that they have no contact with. It is not a moral issue.

nobody is saying that theres no heritability factor (which I actually thought was a nature/nurture feedback loop, etc. but I am no expert).  I think that the saturation of addiction discourse plays a role in diluted recoveries as well as putting people who are misdiagnosed, or who misrecognize themselves because they have other less-sexy problems (young people, especially), through the paces of programs that are expensive, misplaced and filled with histrionic experts who top Lisa rinna's expertise by one well-intentioned college course.  It reads like a more constellation than cause and effect but, from what I know, heritability is also complex.  Maybe I, myself, am not responding to an "actual" question posted.  In any case, my opinion on addiction-histrionics stand - they help no one and hurt everyone.

  • Love 4

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