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S06.E06: Blast From the Past

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The Recruits are down to the final four when they are faced with their most important challenge so far. They recreate their signature dishes from the first episode, using their newfound skills and food knowledge, showing who has truly improved and who is still a Worst Cook. The next day, the Recruits are shocked to find they will be cooking for their family members. As this is a blind tasting, the Recruits risk being sent home by their very own loved ones.


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The next day, the Recruits are shocked to find they will be cooking for their family members. As this is a blind tasting, the Recruits risk being sent home by their very own loved ones.


I'd be shocked, too, if I'd never watched the show, where this is the next to last challenge every year.

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I'd be shocked, too, if I'd never watched the show, where this is the next to last challenge every year.

I guess none of the "contestants" are method actors.

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Sarah's continued reliance on disgusting juvenile noises as shown in the promo for tonight's show gets on my last nerve. I am rooting so hard for her to go home and take Leo with her. These "recruits" are supremely annoying,

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Nice play, FN.  They showed a commercial for the next episode showing both finalists immediately before tonight's decision.  I'll forgive them though because they finally got rid of Sarah.  Even Leo didn't annoy me as much as she did.  Kristen is cute but I'm rooting for Genique. 

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I busted out laughing and now I must refill my water.

Sarah's antics are making me so stabby I'm actually reading this thread way before the end of the episode....I just can't stand her. Now that I know she gets the boot I can watch the finale in peace!!!

That bird cracks me up....if Anne's hair was flinging to the right it would be spot on. I will say it's still an improvement over her "fork in a light socket" cartoon hair that she used to have. I applaud her for changing it up. I can't imagine the upkeep on platinum hair though...even guy fieri gets root sloppy and Anne seems to always be rootless.

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So I stumbled on this episode tonight since nothing else was on. I saw the first season, and have caught bits and pieces since. But this group - has the show really given up on "worst cooks in America" and just gone instead to central casting? If this is who is left, I can only imagine who has been sent home. Bravo to those of you who've made it the entire season. How does someone grow up in a house with a restauranteur and know nothing about food? ("Cool" onions, as opposed to the nerdy ones?Just the way she said that! Rings of onions in the meatballs?) I guess the challenge for the "recruits" is to make enough mistakes to appear to be horrible cooks, but not give away their true abilities in the effort to make it to the end. Sigh. 

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I just straight up thought it was weird that Sarah was tasked to use truffles for her compound butter.  If the goal is to teach people to cook (whether in the show or those watching), making a compound butter to accompany a steak is a good thing.  But far and few between are home cooks who lay out $350 on one seasoning.  Making compound butter is super easy and a way to use the left over fresh herbs from other dishes and keep them longer. How about horseradish, garlic, cilantro, rosemary, thyme, crumbled bleu cheese, or oregano (not all together, obvs)?  And an even bigger "WTF?" was why Sarah's brother came on the show when she hadn't seen him in 2 years?  Just because he's a chef of some sort?  Or does she have no other friends/family? (Which would be sad...she seems nutty but not evil.)

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I'm so glad Genique and Kristen are in the finale. Go, Genique! I think she may have lost some weight while on the show - I thought she looked a little slimmer last night. Now that I've taken a Knife Skills class I was watching how contestants used their knives last night. Leo uses a knife correctly and without even thinking about it. He looked like he had the most practice, like he wasn't even thinking about how he was using it. Leo also had his non-knife hand correctly placed. Kristen used it correctly, too, but she seemed slower than Leo. Genique's technique was wrong - she had her forefinger laying flat on top of the backbone of the blade. I thought Tyler would have correct that. Anyhow, she's not a ringer. I didn't see Sarah using a knife so I can't say how she did. I don't recall them showing her cutting up those potatos for the frites.

Funny how both of Anne's people did fairly well while both of Tyler's tanked. But fortunately Sarah tanked the most w/raw meat.

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Funny how both of Anne's people did fairly well while both of Tyler's tanked. But fortunately Sarah tanked the most w/raw meat.


That happened last week too. Sharif and Sarah were both terrible (I remember Sarah's baked dish was basically raw inside, I forget Sharif's error). Either he is doing things that are too hard, his teaching isn't as good or his people were just that much worse. (Or it is setting it up so Ann wins). 

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Tyler is not on the ball.  Genique's knife skill is a glaring example of him not paying attention, and one of many. Ann is tough on them but they learn, Flay was, too.  


I don't think there is or was a ringer and I don't see anyone acting.  Why would they even want to do that?   I don't think casting this show is a problem!  I bet it is pretty easy to weed out those who apply but clearly have more skills than they admit. 

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I'm so happy and relieved that 1. Sarah and Leo are gone and 2. Genique and Kristen are in the final. I really thought they were setting it up to be Sarah and Leo at the end, and I"m glad I was wrong.


One thing about Kristen that drives me nuts is yes, she puts her hair into a ponytail, but she leaves an awful lot of long hair out/loose plus flips the ponytail forward over her shoulder, so she's constantly hanging hair over her food. I really thought they'd have stopped that by now. I would be happy with either her or Genique winning. They both seemed to be relatively inexperienced cooks who wanted to learn, as opposed to awful actors/actresses who were just there to be cheesy for the cameras. I'm looking forward to being able to watch a whole episode without having to skip through a bunch of the interviews.

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I was a bit annoyed that Sarah got the easiest dinner with the most expensive ingredients but at least she was sent home.

Yeah.  If people are comparing the taste of two dishes, side-by-side, STEAK, if it is done medium to med-rare, and seasoned close to adequately, will win over most other dishes. And it's easy.    She really had to screw that up, as not many foods can compete with steak with truffle butter and crispy potatoes.  It seemed like they were setting her up to win, because this show likes quirky girls.   But she couldn't even do the easy dish right.  If she had been given one of the other dishes, she really would have screwed up. 


and yeah - JUST before the final two were announced, a preview of next week spoiled the results from this week.  Food Network does that, I wonder why they can't figure it out. 

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The phrase "meaty comma" needs never to be uttered again.


Yay, Genique, for gently calling BS on having to break down an entire chicken and prepare a much harder dish than steak frites with truffle. Cos, yeah, that wasn't blatant or anything...





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Nice play, FN.  They showed a commercial for the next episode showing both finalists immediately before tonight's decision.


Not the first time FN has done this on their competition shows. And this was the first airing of this episode, it's not like it was a repeat days later and in a different time slot where they just had a glitch with ad scheduling.  FN will apologize if people complain, but then they'll do it again.  I'm not so invested in this show, but in others, it's been really infuriating.  FN needs to seriously get it together and stop disrespecting their viewers.

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I'm so glad Sarah and Leo are gone.  I don't think I could watch the finale if they were in it.  I just don't understand when grown adults act like they are teenagers and for me this is how both of them acted.  I thought for sure Sarah would be staying when Genique had to break down a chicken and Sarah got the meat to cook.  I honestly think Tyler's team should have made a dish for his team and Anne's team should have done the same.  For me it seemed like they geared it to what each family member liked.  Kristen's dad liked the spice and she made it.  Leo's boyfriend didn't like spice and he made fish.  Really want to see if you can tell what dish they cooked have them make the same thing.

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I noticed that with the family members around, both Leo and Sarah were way toned down and acting practically normal...

I know - I thought WOW!  Leo's boyfriend is so, normal!!  and actually not bad looking




on Tyler's defense, when Sarah or whoever was baking that Cranberry loaf took it out of the oven and Tyler came over and asked if they tested if it was done and she said no - he said you have to test it; and showed them AGAIN how to test it (I've seen him do it before) - with the stick coming out perfectly clean.  So when he tested it, it wasn't done and it was put back in.  When Sarah tested it the second time she said it came out clean?  Now, maybe Tyler had to be more specific and tell them to test the middle, most dense part of it???

Edited by tobysmom
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Did any of you read Sarah's exit interview on the FN website?  (http://blog.foodnetwork.com/fn-dish/2015/02/sarah-bettendorf-worst-cooks-in-america-exit-interview/#more-84792).  The comments section is overflowing with notes from people claiming that she's funny and endearing and quirky and a ray of sunshine and that if the FN is smart, they'll get her back on the air as soon as possible with a show of her very own.  Do you suppose she has that many relatives, or are there that many people who really like her and all the rest of the sane people are in here?

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The comments section is overflowing with notes from people claiming that she's funny and endearing and quirky and a ray of sunshine and that if the FN is smart, they'll get her back on the air as soon as possible with a show of her very own.  Do you suppose she has that many relatives, or are there that many people who really like her and all the rest of the sane people are in here?


I don't have the words to describe how mortifying I find this. Humanity. Oy. Let's all hope the FN isn't very "smart."


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I think there's a zero to slim chance of that happening. First of all, Sarah doesn't have the chops to host a cooking show of her own. If she suddenly manifested all of these advanced cooking skills, then FN would have egg on its face. It would just validate what we all thought -- that many of the Worst Cooks contestants are ringers.


After the disaster with Lenny from NFNS, they would be complete fools.

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After the disaster with Lenny from NFNS, they would be complete fools.

You say that like it doesn't already seem that way. LOL. These are the same people that let the judges from NFNS sit around a vagina table & either don't notice or don't care. These are the same people who didn't learn anything from the disaster that was Justin Warner. These are the same people who didn't bother to check if Robert Irvine actually worked at the White House or Buckingham Palace when they hired him. These are the same people who watch Giada screw up the live Thanksgiving show & did nothing. Finding out the contestants on Worst Cooks are ringers would barely be noticed.

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Did any of you read Sarah's exit interview on the FN website?  (http://blog.foodnetwork.com/fn-dish/2015/02/sarah-bettendorf-worst-cooks-in-america-exit-interview/#more-84792).  The comments section is overflowing with notes from people claiming that she's funny and endearing and quirky and a ray of sunshine and that if the FN is smart, they'll get her back on the air as soon as possible with a show of her very own.  Do you suppose she has that many relatives, or are there that many people who really like her and all the rest of the sane people are in here?


I thought she said she needed a job, so she would have enough time on her hands to make up a few hundred accounts and post comments.  


And what was Bobby saying - he would hire some of these people at his restaurant?  I don't know if I live near any of his restaurants, but I am pretty sure I wouldn't waste my money eating there now.  

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And what was Bobby saying - he would hire some of these people at his restaurant?  I don't know if I live near any of his restaurants, but I am pretty sure I wouldn't waste my money eating there now.  

Well, maybe he'd hire them to do prep work, or bus tables.  

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My observations after finally catching up:

Last week totally annoyed the missus and me. Both of the over the top clowns being kept, at the expense of the two somewhat normal people, Sharif and Norman. I really thought Norman was going to be a finalist, but I should have knowm better. Leo, and his idiotic character, along with his phony glasses (ho many does he have?) and his stupid facial expressions everytime he hears something that everyone else knows is coming. Sarah, with her 3rd grade level impersonation of Betty Boop, in which she channels Boop as an utter imbecile, who couldn't cook a cup of water in the microwave, but she gets to stay?

Then this week, as another poster mentioned. Why was Sarah's brother invited, if she really hasn't seen him in 2 years? Sounds fishy to me. Then she gets the easiest entree of the 4, and she still manages to screw it up. When she popped that slab of beef in the oven and said it only needed 7 minutes even a novice like me knew that it was going to be raw. Then Leo gets instructions from Chef Anne when he starts to screw up, which defeats the whole purpose. Leo still manages to screw up the dish anyway, most likely because he spends too much time on his facial expressions and over the top antics to be bothered with actually cooking.

In addition, when Tyler made the comment that these contestants are the type of people he would hire at his restaurants confirmed that I will never set foot in one of his restaurants. Unless he meant he would hire them to bus tables, as there is no way a real chef would hire any of these people to work in his or her kitchen.

Furthermore, as others have posted, we saw the promo for the finale which foretold the two finalists. We weren't sure if we had dvr'ed a later episode, but from the sound of things, it was a FN screwup.

They really need to reconsider this show next year. Either call it Kitchen Buffoons and go with the Leo's and Sara's, or keep the current title and get real people who can't cook and really want to learn.

Finally, we're hoping for Genique, she seems like a nice person who has really wanted to learn to cook.

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I just watched several episodes of this and was beyond annoyed by Leo and Sarah. They, in my mind, were obviously trying out for the television show they thought they deserved....Just way too much. But, they both found themselves utterly delightful and adorable. I enjoy shows like this so much more when the contestants are sincere. I was sad to see Norman and Sharif leave. They both had the hardest component of the meals. I believe that all Sarah did was creamed spinach and that was seasoned wrong according to Tyler. I have no idea how Sharif was supposed to roast that pork when others just made vegetables in the same amount of time.

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