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Small Talk: "I'll Take Non-Show Chat For $400, Alex."


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8 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

I am anxious that my Jeopardy! channel (CBS) will pre-empt for sports and I won't be able to find it.

Does your CBS channel have a sibling channel?  My CBS channel has one, which normally shows sitcom reruns. When the main channel airs a sports show, they often put Jeopardy on the sibling channel at the usual time.

8 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

I am anxious that my Jeopardy! channel (CBS) will pre-empt for sports and I won't be able to find it.

I've had luck finding the info on where and when my local affiliate  (NBC) will be airing Jeopardy! when it's been pre-empted, by checking their Facebook page. Sometimes that's more reliable than their website.

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Holy crap! I'm watching Buzzr and a special "Flower Power" edition of Concentration is on. Alex has a navy bandana with white (flowers?) on it on his head, a giant ankh hanging off a chain around his neck, a chambray work shirt, and a fringed suede jacket.  I don't notice the woman as being dressed bizarrely, but the dude has a red bandana around his head, a red shirt, and white overalls.

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2 minutes ago, Prevailing Wind said:

Holy crap! I'm watching Buzzr and a special "Flower Power" edition of Concentration is on. Alex has a navy bandana with white (flowers?) on it on his head, a giant ankh hanging off a chain around his neck, a chambray work shirt, and a fringed suede jacket.  I don't notice the woman as being dressed bizarrely, but the dude has a red bandana around his head, a red shirt, and white overalls.

and you didn't take a screen shot to share with us?????  dang

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I've got a regular digital TV & I'm watching this on a broadcast sub-channel. I wouldn't know where to begin to do a screen shot. (I don't have a working DVR, either, because the DVR doesn't have a port to connect an antenna. I just don't want to shell out even more money for a converter box. It's just not that important.)


ETA: Weird prizes, too. His & Hers tie-dyed shirts, love beads... Yikes.

Edited by Prevailing Wind
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19 minutes ago, chitowngirl said:

Off topic, I apologize, I don’t know how to quote and bring this to Small Talk… The way to get Monopoly to an end is to buy hotels and houses. And if you really want to tick players off, keep buying 4 houses without going the extra $ for the hotel so the supply of houses runs out.

I brought it over here for you, @chitowngirl.  Just use the multi-quote button (+") to carry a quote over to a different thread.

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22 minutes ago, Bastet said:

I brought it over here for you, @chitowngirl.  Just use the multi-quote button (+") to carry a quote over to a different thread.

Just as info, the multi-quote button has not worked for me on my phone (an Android) since the site was upgraded. It works for me on my notebook, just not on my phone. I have no issues with the solo-quote button on either device.

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4 hours ago, Prevailing Wind said:

I've got a regular digital TV & I'm watching this on a broadcast sub-channel. I wouldn't know where to begin to do a screen shot. (I don't have a working DVR, either, because the DVR doesn't have a port to connect an antenna. I just don't want to shell out even more money for a converter box. It's just not that important.)


ETA: Weird prizes, too. His & Hers tie-dyed shirts, love beads... Yikes.

These days I just take a picture of the TV with my cell phone.
Are you sure it was called "Flower Power"? I'm not finding any mention of it online.

If you can watch Buzzr, try watching on Saturday---I think they rerun the afternoon M-F ones then (there's also a M-F evening primetime broadcast, but that one is only season 1, whereas the afternoon ones are season 2-3. The Saturday ones are season 2-3). 

(a few minutes later)

It looks like they aren't repeating it on Saturday, but I think the date of the original broadcast was around Aug 15 1989 (buzzer often lists the original airdates). So, keep checking the buzzrtv.com schedule and maybe it will show up again (on a Saturday or at 1am (if you can DVR it)).

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Being a retired college librarian [nearly dislocates aging shoulder to pat self on back] with the assistance of posts above by @Prevailing Wind and @illdoc, I was able to determine that the keyword to search with "Classic Concentration" is "Woodstock" rather than "flower power."
Here are notes on the relevant episodes: 

And here's a very poor copy of an episode (youtu.be/Ly1jd6JOPNc), but it is wonderful to see Alex make his entrance and comment [sheepishly? wryly?], "Why do I do this stuff?"

He goes on to explain (in verbiage mostly more prescient of his later Jeopardy! persona), "Well this is our third and final day of our salute to Woodstock.  As you all know--those of you who were around then when it happened 20 years ago this week--it was quite an event in American history--in world history as a matter of fact--and we've been celebrating for the past three days, and we have gotten everybody into the spirit of it, including our contestants. Let's go go for right now spend some time with them."


Edited by shapeshifter
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I started as a feminist and member of NOW (National Organization for Women) in the early 1970s living in Charleston SC. I marched for allowing women into the Citadel then. It was federally funded, yet no women were allowed to enter college there, even while foreign citizens (male) were.

When I lived in Illinois, I marched in Chicago. I think it was the Mother's Day March in 1980, in support of the ERA. I continued as a NOW member after my move to Kansas. As my life has changed, and I'm now longer a NOW member, I remain a staunch feminist and supporter of women's rights, and indeed of all human rights.

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@zoey1996 we are kindred spirits. When i graduated from college and moved back to Illinois, one of my first jobs was second shift at a major commercial printer. Everyone working that shift became friends. One woman became my best friend, she was very active in NOW so got me involved in it as well. I read Betty Freidan's book and read everything Gloria Steinem wrote too. I had always been independent and did everything and went everywhere on my own, so I was a natural to campaign for women's rights, especially having seen how women are treated in the workplace and elsewhere. It's a sensitive issue for me.

I have lots of stories. Thanks for sharing yours. Everything I've achieved, then and now, has been because of my own actions and work. I've never had help from anyone. For anything.

Where did you live in Illinois? I'm in NW Illinois.

Right now I am horrified at what's been done and being done in Texas. So angry I could have a heart attack and fall dead right out of my chair. People who diss women for what they wear or how they look or their hair style or what makeup they wear or don't wear are, to me, the same as those cretins who suppress women "because they can," and need their asses kicked for their self-serving arrogance and ignorance. I wish everyone who bitches about what Mayim wears would post photos of themselves so we could make fun of them. That's what I call equal rights.

Edited by saber5055
Too and to are two different words. Words matter.
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Saber, started out in Decatur, IL, then moved to Canton for about a year, where I attended Spoon River Community College. Then back to Decatur until we moved back to Kansas.

First husband was in the Navy, on a nuclear submarine; when he got out after six years, he got the job offer from Illinois power to work on their nuclear power plant near Clinton. He worked on a retrofitting project at Havana IL, then back to Clinton. 

I married very young the first time, and my daughter was born less than a year later, so my background and motivation was different than yours, but we are kindred spirits! Even married, I was pretty independent. Being denied consideration for jobs because I was married or because I might be (not even was!) pregnant really ticked me off and was so unfair! I was ripe for the women's movement in the early 70's, as there were so many inequities.

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Zoey, I went to Decatur every year for dog shows in a downtown venue. It was always Easter weekend so the judge tables all had Easter baskets on them. The show site eventually changed to the fairgrounds, then the kennel club got absorbed into the cluster held at the state fairgrounds in Springfield. Never been to Canton, although that's about 1-1/2 hour south of me. Going past the sign for Clinton always unsettled me since there is a Clinton, Iowa just a stone's throw across the river from me, and a nuke plant near that as well, on the Illinois side. Six years on a submarine ...  yikes.

Before college, I worked for the federal government. There was a strict dress code that women wore skirts/dresses. When that changed so women were allowed to wear pants suits as long as they were matching top and bottom, I was the first to wear one, and yes, it had matching top and bottoms. The head of the department where I worked laid into me for having the gall to wear pants to work and said so many horrible things to me, I spent the day in the bathroom crying my eyes out.

Other men in the department griped at me when I wore longer skirts, they wanted me back in those minis and bending over in front of them and they made no secret about how unhappy they were with midi skirts AND pants suits, which eventually did catch on.

There was no such thing as sexual harassment back then. We women just had to suck it up and try to live and get along in a man's world and tolerate everything that was said to and about us.

When I was 15 I was sexually assaulted by a man who kept his ponies at the same farm where I kept my horse. I managed to fight him and break away, but I never told anyone for oh so many reasons. So yeah, I'm very sensitive to offensive comments about women and what they wear (Mayim) and hateful comments about women who have been abused, like it's their fault. What happened to me scarred me for life and is just as real today as it was all those decades ago.

On a happier note, Happy National Cheeseburger Day everyone. Find a special at your fav restaurant!



Edited by saber5055
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@saber5055, I'm glad you posted the above experiences because for all of us who kept quiet it lets us know that we were not alone. 

I did once wake up in Decatur, IL in a house that a local band rented. I thought the bass player and I really hit it off and had a future together, but when I woke up there was a picture of his wife and kid back in Boston.
There's more to the story that dives into men viewing women as having limited value.

Not at all like fighting off a wannabe rapist (I know!), but equally devastating in a different way.

This sort of thing happened about a half dozen times over as many years and as many thousands of miles apart with a veterinary med student, a physics major/carpenter, and others. 

I had friends who had met guys under similar circumstances and lived happily ever after. My sister did.
I must have been missing something.


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@saber5055, @shapeshifter

I was a feminist from the get-go ( I always put out a gift for Mrs. Claus on Christmas Eve, because Santa couldn't do his work without her) and never felt I was less capable than a man. There was no one more intimidating than my father, so I wasn't particularly intimidated by men despite being pint sized.

I was mostly lucky as a young woman when it came to the worst of male attention, though it could well be that I've buried it. In my teens though, not so lucky. But I carried on.

I remember the GLOW forum and having to tell the younger women on the forum that yes, this existed well before the #metoo movement, and that we women did indeed warn each other about predators. It makes me furious that my daughters still have to contend with this bullshit.

On my first job in the 70's (as a technical writer), a guy came in and wanted me to type something for him. I told him in no uncertain terms that I wasn't a secretary so it wasn't my job. Another came in and wanted me to take make some copies. I did that because it was loosely tied to my job, but when I handed the copies to him I told him where the copy center was and suggested he take his stuff there in the future. They complained, so my boss called me in to gently scold me, but I stood my ground. He backed off.

I was young and didn't give a shit and figured I could find a job somewhere else. But mostly they accepted my boundaries.  The person who had the biggest beef with me? A 40 to 50 something woman in our department. She flirted like crazy with all the guys, young and old. She wanted to mother me, but I already had a mother and wasn't too amenable to it. But I was always friendly and thanked her when she helped me out. She wasn't happy when after helping her set up for a Christmas party, I suggested she ask one of the guys to clean up as I had work to do. That was apparently a step too far. Her dislike was palpable after that. I quit in January, and as she was the organizer of the goodbye parties, I didn't get one. Did not break my heart. I found it amusing.

BTW, in my later years I filled in for a year for a secretary, and it was the hardest damn job I ever had. So I have deep respect for secretaries and administrative assistants.



Edited by Clanstarling
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From the Season 38 thread:

On 9/25/2021 at 1:16 PM, shapeshifter said:

Back in the early 70s in Champaign IL (campus of UIUC) there was a live-music bar called The Red Lion Inn, and when one of the regular bands played--"The All Star Frogs"--the harmonica player would *hop* down from the stage to lead a dance they called "The Frog," which was really a Conga dance.

But no, the clue for that TS did not give me a clue.

On 9/25/2021 at 1:55 PM, SHD said:

Duke Tumatoe and the All Star Frogs!

1 hour ago, PaulaO said:

I lived next door to the Red Lion  in 74/75.  One Saturday we listened, from our living room, to Iron Butterfly doing Inna Gadda Devita or however it’s spelt.  Duke Tomato and the All Star Frogs.  Duke’s wife was my advisor and she went to high school with my sister.  I am not watching til Matt’s run is over.  I hate runaway games. 

That is so cool. Occasionally she came when they played. 

OMG! "Duke" has a Wikipedia page with a lovely quote under "Personal life": 

Here's one of the few surviving sketches from circa 1970 when "Duke Tumato" still went by Bill Fiore (IIRC). It might have been at The Brown Jug instead of The Red Lion Inn?
About half a dozen 100-page sketchbooks of pastels and Conté crayon (like this) drawings were destroyed in Mom & Dad's house in a flood in the 80s. I think at least half were musicians (free models). 
The figure on the right with the baseball cap is "Duke," as is the superimposed portrait. 
IIRC, he moved around a lot on the stage, so it made sense to draw 2 at once. Or I was too high to turn the page, LOL?



Edited by shapeshifter
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When Walgreen's schedules their Pfizer Booster shots, they would do well NOT to schedule them while the tech is on her dinner break.  Took almost an hour and I got home just in time to see the last half of the categories being displayed!  Yay, me! Didn't miss any important parts of the show!!

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4 hours ago, Prevailing Wind said:

When Walgreen's schedules their Pfizer Booster shots, they would do well NOT to schedule them while the tech is on her dinner break.  Took almost an hour and I got home just in time to see the last half of the categories being displayed!  Yay, me! Didn't miss any important parts of the show!!

I couldn't reach Walgreen's by phone, so I set up my flu shot online last Friday. I got there and had to wait half an hour because they don't check the online appointments. Similar crap is happening elsewhere, most related to the pandemic shortages and whatnot. Good that you aren't letting it get you down, @Prevailing Wind!


Here's one more surviving sketch from the same time and places, @Paula O. and @SHD, if you want to try to play Name That 70s Chambana Band, because I can't recall: 


Edited by shapeshifter
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Replying to Saber's comment that I need another cat named Stanley...

This might sound racist, but it's been my experience...when most white folks hear my cat's name, they start to do Brando impressions, "STELLAAA!!!", while many black folks ask me if she's gotten her groove back.  I've never noticed a reaction from any Asian folks.

Besides, I have another cat - Bosco, the shiny black cat.


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OMG, I've revealed my ethnic background. LOL! Too funny about your experiences with Stella though. Bosco ... yum, that takes me back to happy memories of my childhood. Thanks for sharing PW. Too funny they are on your fridge, which is, I've discovered, a fav cat roosting place.

(Shout out to Warren Zevon!)

  • LOL 2
50 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

OMG, I've revealed my ethnic background. LOL! Too funny about your experiences with Stella though. Bosco ... yum, that takes me back to happy memories of my childhood. Thanks for sharing PW. Too funny they are on your fridge, which is, I've discovered, a fav cat roosting place.

(Shout out to Warren Zevon!)

Thanks for noticing the poster.

They're rarely up there which is why I took the photo. There's a FaceBook meme "If I broke into your house and stole what was on top of your refrigerator, what would I get?" - I'm amazed at the number of people who say, "My cat."  I always answer, "15 to 20 for burglary."

(That red thing in the Zevon poster is a reflection of my leaded glass lamp in the dining room.)

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You can't see the pointy parts on the top too well. One of the panes of glass had broken & Mom got a glazier to cut two more matching pieces and replaced the broken one. I have the spare stashed away as insurance against another one ever breaking.

My mom found it at some surplus/salvage store for $15. One of the best bargains she ever got.

I like it because it's not so ornate, like the fake Tiffanies are.


Edited by Prevailing Wind
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On 10/1/2021 at 7:49 PM, Prevailing Wind said:

This might sound racist, but it's been my experience...when most white folks hear my cat's name, they start to do Brando impressions, "STELLAAA!!!", while many black folks ask me if she's gotten her groove back. 

Just fyi, How Stella Got Her Groove Back is airing later this afternoon on Bounce tv. I might watch, in honor of Stella and Bosco.

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Thanks. I'm in a hotel that has cable - and NO Bounce TV.  It's a spectacular hotel and a Best Western, to boot. I have VOUCHERS!!!

Google it - Windsor Hotel in Americus, GA.

Since I had vouchers & there were some things in South Georgia I wanted to see, I took a micro-vacation. But it's raining, so I'm inside the hotel all day. I've definitely caught up on my napping.

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For dinner, I went to the in-house Floyd's Pub. It's dark in there, so the pic turned out kind of dark. It's the appetizer, fried pimiento cheese. OMG. I'm not a big fan of PC, but this sounded interesting, so I tried it. It's lightly covered with a bourbon pepper jelly... (the fork is for scale.)

2021.10.04 Fried Pimiento Cheese.jpg

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9 hours ago, Prevailing Wind said:

For dinner, I went to the in-house Floyd's Pub. It's dark in there, so the pic turned out kind of dark. It's the appetizer, fried pimiento cheese. OMG. I'm not a big fan of PC, but this sounded interesting, so I tried it. It's lightly covered with a bourbon pepper jelly... (the fork is for scale.)

2021.10.04 Fried Pimiento Cheese.jpg

Just watched the Pimento episode of Better Call Saul last night, and the quote that comes to mind is "pimento cheese is the caviar of the South." So why not fancy it up? Was it good?

  • LOL 1
1 hour ago, saber5055 said:

Apples ... horses love them, right? I cut up an apple into teeny pieces and put them on my horse's evening meal. Her first bite contained some apple ... and she literally spit the entire mouthful out. She then managed to clean up every last teensy bit of cracked corn and pellets while leaving every single tiny piece of apple in the tub. Horses have talented lips. And I guess an apple a day won't keep the vet away.

My 4-H project horse, Glory, liked chewing tobacco. Herman was her owner, but Dad had an arrangement where she lived on our farm. I was maybe 12. Hermie convinced me that I should pre-chew the tobacco for her, like he did. I got so sick, never did it again.

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14 minutes ago, zoey1996 said:

My 4-H project horse, Glory, liked chewing tobacco. Herman was her owner, but Dad had an arrangement where she lived on our farm. I was maybe 12. Hermie convinced me that I should pre-chew the tobacco for her, like he did. I got so sick, never did it again.

I used to feed my dairy goats tobacco to deworm them. So I guess you are free and clear of those! Most livestock loves tobacco. More than little kids I guess!

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YES!!!  The fried pimiento cheese was fabulous. I only got through one when my dinner arrived, so I set aside the cheese and attacked the Chicken Marsala. "Fork Tender" doesn't begin to describe it. Never did use my knife. After that was demolished (along with a mound of real mashed potatoes), I went back to the cheese and managed to get through another one  before I asked for a to-go box.

After I got home yesterday, I re-heated the cheese. It was just as delicious, but soggier than fresh out of the fryer. I highly recommend it.  And I forgot to take RBG with on my micro-vacay.  I now have a companion Dr. Fauci Action Figure - I meant to take him, but forgot.

Picky-eater pets: I had a BOGO coupon for a Burger King Whaler, so I gave the second one to my cat, Chester. He managed to lick all the tartar sauce's mayo but leave the pickles behind and then ignored the fish.  Once I scraped the pickles off, he went back & gobbled up the fish. God forbid he should have to eat pickles. (This was back in the late 70s - long before Stella and Bosco)

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1 hour ago, Prevailing Wind said:

I had a BOGO coupon for a Burger King Whaler, so I gave the second one to my cat, Chester. He managed to lick all the tartar sauce's mayo but leave the pickles behind and then ignored the fish.  Once I scraped the pickles off, he went back & gobbled up the fish. God forbid he should have to eat pickles.

Whenever we took the dog to the vet, we stopped at McDonald's on the way home to pick up dinner (Mom got home at about 5:30, the vet was a half hour away & closed at 7, so there was no time to eat beforehand). She would pick up McD's for us and order a hamburger (no pickles) for the dog. She said "I'd order it plain (for him), but I'm not sure what he likes about it. I know he doesn't like pickles".

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2 hours ago, Prevailing Wind said:

I now have a companion Dr. Fauci Action Figure

OMGosh, you HAVE to take the Good Doctor with you next trip, even if it's just to the grocery.

I cut those apple pieces into micro size for the horse's dinner tonight. I challenge her to find and spit those out. My dogs, on the other hand, love apples. I did discover (via some ep of Monk) that apple seeds are poisonous and although it would take about 200 apples to poison a dog, I take the seeds out before letting the pups eat any.

On 10/5/2021 at 7:32 AM, Clanstarling said:

Just watched the Pimento episode of Better Call Saul last night, and the quote that comes to mind is "pimento cheese is the caviar of the South."

My mom was born in Arkansas and she did love her PC. Me ... not so much. But I'd sure try some of PW's PC app if I ever had the chance.

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