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Small Talk: "I'll Take Non-Show Chat For $400, Alex."

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42 minutes ago, Prevailing Wind said:

This is Stella & Bosco waiting for the toys to roll back out from under the washer. Stella's the tortie; Bosco's the black cat with the snaky tail.

I read that and said, "snarky tail?  I'm not sure what that is, but yeah, I'm seeing it."  Okay, never mind.

And you know those mousies are multiplying under there, right?

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31 minutes ago, Abstract said:

Here's my pup. I bought her from someone who couldn't deal with a puppy. I don't know what she is, any thoughts?

Shih Tzu or Shih Tzu mix. I'd guess she carries her tail up over her back when she moves. If it does not, I am wrong. She appears to have an under bite (undershot jaw) which is correct for the breed. If you let her grow out, she should have a long and silky coat. If you let her coat grow out and it's NOT long and straight hair, say it's curly or wavy, she could be a different breed, or a multi-mix. But with a spot on her back and colored ears, that's more typical of a Shih Tzu.

Side note: I hate when Jeopardy asks players to identify breeds, then they use a photo of a "not show" dog that has been cut down so it does not have the correct coat (or conformation) for the breed.

Anyway, I wish people understood that getting a puppy is like adding a 2-year-old human child to their household, it's a full-time job. And then, like people children, a dog only grows up as good as what the adults let it be, or teach it to be. That's why so many adult dogs end up being dumped, they are horrible citizens. For some reason, people expect all dogs to be born with the same skills Lassie and Rin Tin Tin have. So good on you for taking on this pup, @Abstract.

Edited by saber5055
Because Shih Tzu are undershot!
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I don't feel like I deserve praise for taking her on. I bought her impulsively, completely unprepared, then had a panic attack for several days afterward. It was the same nightmarish feeling I had after bringing each child home from the hospital, only without the maternal instinct and bonding to even it out. I hired a trainer to come to the house and help me figure out what to do. She was 5 months old and had terrible habits (the puppy, not the trainer!).

She can still be a brat, but she does her business outside, sleeps through the night, and doesn't destroy anything but pencils.

Here's a pic with her hair grown out more: 


By the way, @Mindthinkr, I just realized recently that I've "seen" you around the Counting On forum. You'll find it amusing that I almost posted something on the main Jeopardy thread about being defrauded and getting sent to the Prayer Closet, but realized it would sound really weird out of context.

Edited by Abstract
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20 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

Anyway, I wish people understood that getting a puppy is like adding a 2-year-old human child to their household, it's a full-time job. And then, like people children, a dog only grows up as good as what the adults let it be, or teach it to be. That's why so many adult dogs end up being dumped, they are horrible citizens. For some reason, people expect all dogs to be born with the same skills Lassie and Rin Tin Tin have. So good on you for taking on this pup, @Abstract.

And then, instead of gradually getting smarter like (most) 2-year-olds, and eventually moving out and coming back to visit, they just die. Still can't say I don't recommend it.

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4 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

Here’s one of the Mindthinkr kitties.

He obviously has been to Mardi Gras and caught some beads thrown off a French Quarter balcony! And he's another black panther! Me likee.

4 minutes ago, Abstract said:

I hired a trainer to come to the house and help me figure out what to do. She was 5 months old and had terrible habits.

Good on you for hiring a trainer. I hope he/she helped. Yeah, 5 months is long enough for dogs to turn into monsters. I'm a zero-tolerance dog owner, but I also am a firm believer in positive reinforcement and, with all my dogs being show dogs, all are used to eating/sleeping/staying in crates while I am gone, being bathed/blow dried/groomed/teeth cleaned/nails trimmed, and will stand on a grooming table where I can do anything to them, no fussing. I've had vets comment on how well-behaved my dogs are. I used to think all dogs were that way. Boy, was I wrong. I've seen dogs behave horribly while waiting at the vet's, doing things they would only do once at my house and then never again. I blame people, not the dogs.

One person couldn't bring her dog into the clinic because it kept biting her when she tried to take it out of the car. My vet (the senior partner) sent the newer doctor out to "get" the dog. I laughed and said, "So, you sent Scott out to get bit." Another time, the vet tech asked me to pick up an older gentleman's dog to hand to her through the office "window" so she could take it back for its nail clipping. The little sh*t dog bit me when I put my hands on it. *sigh* Another time a dog was barking non-stop in the waiting room. The owner was just sitting there letting it. My vet, who also has a boarding kennel, said the person boards that dog at his kennel and they have to put it in the run farthest from their house. Other dogs are practically dragging their owners through the lobby. Gah. Nightmares.

p.s. I did edit my above post to note that Shih Tzu do indeed have undershot jaws. I had to double check with AKC.

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When I worked for a professional show-dog handler who had a lot of Shih Tzu clients, one of my jobs was to "iron" the Shih Tzus. I'd go through each one's coat with a flat iron (like people use) to remove any waves and get the desired flat, straight coat.

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I once made a giant bowl of creamed spinach for myself. I had a new kitten at the time. When she jumped up onto the table, I gently picked her up to put on the floor. She wiggled. A lot. And then she fell, with her left hind foot directly in the center of the spinach.

After I washed her entire leg off, I threw out the spinach and haven't been able to eat it ever again. Thanks, kitten.  😞

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8 minutes ago, Prevailing Wind said:

After I washed her entire leg off, I threw out the spinach and haven't been able to eat it ever again.

If you had a dog, it would have cleaned the kitten's leg for you, AND eaten the ruined creamed spinach. Dogs can be very handy to have around.

My grocery had a coupon for free spinach a couple weeks ago, before the Jeopardy spinach category. I made creamed spinach and, while it was okay, it didn't ride all that well with me and I have no desire to make it again. Maybe I need a different recipe.

15 minutes ago, Prevailing Wind said:

Stella now has a crush on the Monster MardiGras MindThinkr cat! 

She obviously likes those tall, dark and handsome men.

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Adorable pup, @Abstract! My sister used to have a purebred Shih Tzu and he looked just like the first picture you posted, so that has to be at least the dominant part of the mix! He was also friendly, docile, and very trainable, so if those are characteristics of the breed, you made a great choice.

Training was a lifesaver for me and my little monster when he was new, too. He had been abused and neglected before being dumped at the shelter, so when he arrived at my house, he was anxious and scared, and demonstrated it by being a holy terror. I couldn’t control him, and didn’t know what to do, and was at my wit’s end when the rescue group kindly sent over a trainer to help. The best thing the trainer did was to show me the “place” technique, which was really the key to everything. It was astounding how much that helped to calm him; anyone who is having trouble controlling their dog should google it.  

Today, he’s a joy, and lovable, and mostly obedient. He still bears the psychological scars of his early years and always will, but he’s proof that is possible to transform a dog. It just takes love and patience!

And I still can’t upload his picture. 😣

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Love all the pet pics - thanks for sharing ❤️

Bosco & @Mindthinkr kitteh look like my sister's cat, Pierre. He would love to be BFFs, but I fear that based on the Mardi Gras beads MindThinkr kitty would be a bad influence. 

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For @30 Helens (everyone else can skip or risk falling asleep), here is a short lesson on PBGVs.


PBGV ears are set low, even with the eyes. When pulled forward, they should not extend beyond the nose. The fan of hair in front of the eyes is a breed characteristic and very important.


The tail is carried up, similar to these photos, when the dog is moving. Color is always predominately white with spots that can range from black to lemon. Dogs under 12 inches or over 15 at the shoulder cannot be shown. Weight is 35-40 pounds. They are a heavy dog with substantial bone. They are active and vocal, the AKC standard says: "Good voice, freely used." They are so energetic that some show people, who got them when they were approved as an AKC breed (1990), got right out of them. Coat is harsh to the touch.

It is my opinion (TM PTV) your dog was a Lhasa Apso or a mix of Lhasa and not any part Dachshund. Longhaired Dachshunds do not have coat on their faces, just ears, and their heads are narrow with a very long, narrow muzzle that tends to be Roman. The tail is straight, carried low, barely lifted off the ground when moving. These are Longhaired Dachshunds:


Without seeing your dog's tail, I'd guess the dog as a mix of Lhasa Apso or even Havanese. Havanese are popular, being ranked No. 24 in popularity on the AKC list of 193 dogs. Lhasas are No. 71. PBGVs are rarer, No. 156 on the list of 193. Both Lhasas and Havanese have a soft, silky coat and carry their tails up and over their backs when moving. They also both have short legs. Dogs that were not bred to the AKC standard also tend to be longer in back than the breed calls for.

My bottom line is, however, that a dog's breed makes no difference whatsoever if he/she is a Good Dog and a faithful companion. Just like it makes no difference (to me) if a person is part or all Swedish or Italian or Spanish if they are nice people.

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4 hours ago, Toothbrush said:

Love all the pet pics - thanks for sharing ❤️

Bosco & @Mindthinkr kitteh look like my sister's cat, Pierre. He would love to be BFFs, but I fear that based on the Mardi Gras beads MindThinkr kitty would be a bad influence. 

Actually he is a good kitty. Even when he’s been locked overnight in the sunroom (by accident), he politely waited for me to open the door in the am and ran straight to his litter box. He’s a no mess no fuss boy unless there’s food involved. He will push his sister out of the way to eat her food after he has scarfed his own. He growls when someone comes into the driveway if he doesn’t know their car and is very protective. Long winded way of saying that I don’t think that he’d be a bad influence. 

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1 hour ago, Mindthinkr said:

Actually he is a good kitty. Even when he’s been locked overnight in the sunroom (by accident), he politely waited for me to open the door in the am and ran straight to his litter box. He’s a no mess no fuss boy unless there’s food involved. He will push his sister out of the way to eat her food after he has scarfed his own. He growls when someone comes into the driveway if he doesn’t know their car and is very protective. Long winded way of saying that I don’t think that he’d be a bad influence. 

It's like Bosco has a twin! I accidentally locked him in the cloak closet before I went off to work. Couldn't find him when I got home, but I finally remembered having opened/closed the closet to fetch a rain jacket.  There he was - he'd yanked a fleece jacket down from the hanger and made himself a nice lil bed, leaning up against the vacuum cleaner. Never said a peep the whole time I was calling for him.  Yes, litterbox was the first stop, followed closely by food dish & water bowl.

I share a porch with my neighbor. Her door is closer to the steps and when she gets visitors coming up the steps, both Stella and Bosco sleep through it. But if someone's coming to visit me (even the pizza guy), before he even opens his car door, Stella's running & hiding and Bosco runs to the door to be the greeter. He could get a job in Walmart.

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Are there cat cafés near any of you? There are three or four that I know of in Chicago and one in Milwaukee. I believe most of the resident cats are available to new homes. I would definitely go to one of them instead of some other "catless" place. I'd love a coffee shop with cats.

Edited by saber5055
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2 hours ago, Abstract said:

Feeling silly: I would like to suggest that this thread be re-named "Non-show chat, 4" in the spirit of fast play and clearing the board on time.

But really, shouldn't we switch to starting at the bottom of the board?

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My mom & aunt took my 2 girls, my niece, & my aunt's 2 granddaughters to a cat café in NOLA last fall. There is at least one here in Houston also, but I cannot trust myself to go & not leave without adopting one or 5.  

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Thank you so much for the detailed response, @saber5055! I’m afraid I was unclear in my previous post, though— I was actually talking about 2 different dogs. This is my first dog, the one we thought was a PBGV. So you think he was actually a Lhasa? I tried to find a picture of him standing, but couldn’t find one. He had short legs, and held his tail out mostly horizontally. Weight was 26 lbs.


Below is a picture of my current dog, the one we think is a long haired dachshund (partially). The rescue group thought he was a PBGV. This is an old picture, from when he was still mostly bald, but it  shows his legs and tail (which he holds over his back in a sweep). 16 lbs.


Edited by 30 Helens
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Here is a more current pic of him with his sister. (Not biological.) Bonus points if you can tell me what SHE is! I thought maybe Lhasa mix? But I’ve never known. 


Sorry to everyone for hijacking this thread with my dog breed mysteries!! This is fascinating to me, but hopefully not too boring for the rest of you.

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On 5/6/2019 at 5:27 PM, saber5055 said:

Are there cat cafés near any of you? There are three or four that I know of in Chicago and one in Milwaukee. I believe most of the resident cats are available to new homes. I would definitely go to one of them instead of some other "catless" place. I'd love a coffee shop with cats.

There is one in DC that my granddaughter has visited. She’s going back to DC again for a summer internship  and can’t wait to visit it again.

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@Abstract.....I think your dog looks like a Lhasa Apso as well as a Shih Tzu. We used to have 2 Lhasa's and they also have an undershot jaw. ( I made the comment when I saw James' jaw....it looks like our dogs!)

Anyway, she is a DOLL! About how much does she weigh? A Lhasa weighs more usually. Ours weighed between 14-19 lbs. My neighbor has a Shih Tzu and he weighs about 12.

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1 hour ago, Calibabydolly said:

@Abstract.....I think your dog looks like a Lhasa Apso as well as a Shih Tzu. We used to have 2 Lhasa's and they also have an undershot jaw. ( I made the comment when I saw James' jaw....it looks like our dogs!)

Anyway, she is a DOLL! About how much does she weigh? A Lhasa weighs more usually. Ours weighed between 14-19 lbs. My neighbor has a Shih Tzu and he weighs about 12.

As of her vet visit today, she weighs 12.4 pounds. She was not well-behaved. *sigh* I need to take her in the portable crate next time.

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I'm sticking this here because I'm not sure where else it should go, but this website is amazing for anyone who is really trying to study up for a potential Jeopardy appearance:


(The James phenomenon has lit a fire under me. I think he's going to have a real effect on the caliber of Jeopardy play even after he leaves.)

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Yes, crate time for the kid at next visit! Fact: Dogs shed when they are stressed. Have you considered taking her to a training class, like a novice/beginner obedience? Local kennel clubs, most of them, have training classes that are not very expensive. Most meet once a week in the evening. I pay $5 per one-hour class at one local KC and work with multiple dogs during that hour. My local farm store also allows dogs, as do some pet stores. You can just take her in and walk her through, then out ... before something bad happens!

12 pounds ... grab her up and make her sit on your lap. Or, next time leave her in the car until your appointment is called.

Tip: Don't let dogs sniff each other anywhere, ever, especially in a vet's office where some dogs might be sick, the reason they are there.

Sorry for your bad experience though. Thanks for sharing.

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9 minutes ago, Abstract said:

I saw them kiss and cringed, realizing that I could have gone my whole life without seeing KJ kiss someone and now would never be able to unsee it. 

Well, if lightning won't strike me, I'd volunteer to play the part of the oldest daughter. Smart men are HOT. *avoids lightning bolt*

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8 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

I just watched the interview that Jane Pauley did with Alex on CBS Sunday Morning. He is a class act. 

That was a really nice segment.  He almost had Jane in tears, when he wasn't making her laugh. 

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Just now, Browncoat said:

That was a really nice segment.  He almost had Jane in tears, when he wasn't making her laugh. 

True. He has a true humility and good humor. I hope his attitude keeps his health improving. I’d love to watch him for many seasons to come. I hated hearing how he was writhing in pain between shows, but wanted the show to go on. Who knew he was such a handyman? He built his 3 car garage! 

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11 minutes ago, Abstract said:

Anyone want to hit me with your best ideas for Kindle books? Nothing too heavy, it is vacation after all. I mean, I could reread my Georgette Heyer and Rex Stout collections, but something new would be nice

  If you like older mysteries, I would recommend the Henry Gamadge series by Elizabeth Daly.  They were written in the 1940s.  This is one of my most favourite series, along with the Rex Stout books. 

There are sixteen books in the series and they are all available as Kindle books on Amazon.

Enjoy your trip!

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@Abstract, if you like Gregg Hurwitz, you should try Harlan Coben and Linwood Barclay, if you haven't already.

Lisa Scottoline has a series about an all-female law firm. They are generally quick & light reads.

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I've recently gotten into the Agatha Raisin mysteries by MC Beaton & am enjoying them (well, the 1/2 of the one I've read anyway).

Happy Mother's Day to all mothers whether your kids are of the 2-legged, 4-legged, slithering, or swimming variety! 

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One of the first (free) books I got for my Kindle was Wilkie Collins' "The Moonstone" - said to be the first detective mystery.  But I had always heard that about Murders in the Rue Morgue, too.  Anyway, I enjoyed the novel, so I read his second one (also free on Amazon for Kindle), "The Woman in White."

Send us a postcard!

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1 hour ago, Abstract said:

I looked through the old notebook, I combed through old emails to see what I might have sent to a friend, hoping to find some of my most completed work. And I came up with squat.

You will recognize your work when you hear it on the radio ... or American Idol. Bummer about your loss. Just having your iPad stolen is bad enough, then it had "stuff" on it. Yes, I'm a backup believer. And a regular user of Disk Utility.

Maybe those "scraps" will come back to you bit by bit. Take/make notes. And back them up!

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6 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

We know him as Herman Stiles, but also the creepy Frenchman in "The Green Mile." We called the contestant Mr. Peepers, but he's before most everyone else's time.

If you *really* wanna see creepy - "South of Heaven, West of Hell," a movie by Dwight Yoakam has almost nothing BUT creepy characters, including Michael Jeter. I still don't understand why Yoakam thought that was a story that needed telling - Pee-wee Herman attempts to rape Bridget Fonda. It's just a horrible mess, with Warren Zevon playing a near-mute pal to Billy Bob Thornton. Not even WZ could save the movie for me.

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For books, I agree with anything by Bill Bryson - he is one of my go to authors for comfort reading - and anything by M.C. Beaton - the Regency books, Agatha Raisin and Hamish MacBeth. Also Rhys Bowen, especially Her Royal Spyness or Molly Murphy series and Laura Childs has several series - my favorite is the tea shop set in Charleston.  Finally I recommend Seabiscuit by Laura Hillenbrand to anyone who hasn't read it  - I cared so much about the darn horse by the end. Have a great trip.

Re: Michael Jeter - he was a wonderful stage performer.  If you can find footage of his performance at the Tony awards from Grand Hotel The Musical, it is to see pure joy in motion and his Tony acceptance speech the same night was grace and gratitude personified.

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Wow, that looks like the Pyramid of Cheops in the background, although I don't think that's on an ocean. My guess is somewhere in the Yucatan or thereabouts? Belize? I don't think that's Lake Michigan/Chicago, although I'd settle for that just to get out of where I am every day.

Tell us more, @Abstract!

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