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S05.E12: Drama Queens

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You're right, Lisa, on WWHL I think, said that Max was born in Wisconsin.

I am pretty sure that he, Max, was born in England, not in the USA. Lisa was not a citizen of the US back when Max was born in 91' or in 92' when they adopted him.  I don't see how she would have been allowed to foster a child let alone adopt him not being a citizen and having her primary residence/business's in a foreign country.

  • Love 1

Ugh.  Brandi's blog.  She states:


We move on to Kyle visiting Kim at her house a few days after Kim was recuperating from being released from her week in the hospital. Kyle asks her sister why she was in the hospital. There. I will leave it at that. She doesn’t even know WHY her sister was in the hospital more than a week later. It was a hernia, fractured rib, and disc issues--very serious and very painful injuries and medical issues for a single woman over 40.


No.  Brandi.  Go back and look at the scene again.  Kyle asked Kim what did they finally diagnose her with because she (Kyle) was told so many things.  Spin.  Spin.  Spin.


Brandi then states:


I am here for Kim now and was then. Her relationship with her sister is their own, I’m not between them, I don’t want to be. However, I might be somewhere “between” Kyle’s publicized version of herself as a sister and the truth.


We see that everyone, and I do mean EVERYONE, had to hear how upset she was. She made the circuit, turning every conversation to her drama. Not exactly my idea of a hostess making her guests feel comfortable.

It might have been better to keep things to herself, not make a big deal, and make sure everyone had a great, comfortable time, but, no, it was all about Kyle, as it always has to be.


I find it amazing--really amazing--that she ran around to a dozen people saying I would cause a scene right before she came over yelling, arguing, making accusations, and making an ass of herself. She was also throwing a quite a few loud F-bombs (I hope Eileen's ears were plugged). Whatever happened to Kyle’s fake ladylike shock of the F-bomb? Oh yeah, there was one more, as she towered over Kim who was sitting down, yelling "F-- you" for the whole mixer.


Brandi, give us a break.  You keep inserting yourself anyway you can.  And none of this would have escalated to where it is now if it weren't for you. You did it on poker night and at the mixer when Kyle was talking to Kim after Kyle's apology.  You couldn't stay away and literally walked over and inserted yourself  into their conversation.  And that's when things escalated again.


I guess you forgot about threatening to knock Kyle's teeth out and all the other things you've said. 


On that front, I think we all hope that some of the ladies start doing something interesting soon, because our two resident Gladys Kravitzs tittering and clutching their pearls in mock horror at me is kind of boring.


You think wrong.  You're the boring one.  Same old, same old Brandi.  Nothing interesting about it.

Edited by breezy424
  • Love 16

A real friend that was concerned with your well being would not go on tv & air that you call them at 2 in the morning & need help. They would keep that under lock & key as they are your friend & should be there in your time of need. A real friend would not put down or put you between your family even if they didn't like them. A real friend would never threaten your family members, put down their marriages, or try to make you choose between them. Brandi is not a friend, she doesn't know how to be one. She sees Kim as weak & easy to manipulate. That is why she is pretending to be her friend. She wants to have Kim on her side, get dirt on Mauricio & Kyle & to hurt Kyle. She's probably pissed that Kyle & Lisa are ok now. Maybe she's confused as to why Lisa can forgive & move on with Kyle but not with her. She doesn't understand that people fight & make up. But, once you accuse someone of something & make up lies about them the game is over. Next week we saw a preview where Yolanda tries to give her friend (Brandi) advice on her drinking & Brandi turns around & makes a comment about Yolanda's daughter. She is such a good friend that she would stoop so low to bring someone's child into it. She has zero boundaries & I for one am exhausted by her. I don't find her funny, amusing or entertaining. I find her to be mean & immature. I'm tired of the "I have no filter", "I'm an a-hole" & "I was drunk" excuses. Most people past the age of 12 try to learn from their mistakes & not repeat them.

Edited by LoLo
  • Love 15

I think I am more upset at Andy's, wink, indignation, wink, about this than I am anyone else's. This was a producer driven party, not Kyle's or Lisa R's idea but the producers. This makes me wonder if he is ticked at the cast of BH for some reason or if the producers are.


Hey Andy, get mad at the production team that came up with this lame and offensive idea not the HW's themselves. Also, if you are ticked that some HWs feel the need to say offensive things about or too the LGTB community, address them by name, cough Nene/Ramona/Sonja cough and stop hiding out in your clubhouse!

I missed Andy's show with him getting indignant.  That's...bullshit, imho, regardless of who created this event.  It's weird to me to act annoyed while getting rich off of it.


Where Brandi lost me (officially) was when she sniped at Kyle about Kyle's husband not being interested in her.  If your whole life is built around the great pain of a cheating husband, I think it's especially vicious to use that as an attack on someone else, and this particular fight didn't seem to me to need to get to that level.

  • Love 11

When Kyle told the 2 Lisas she was having a gay mixer, Lisa Rinna, clapping her hands in glee (We're having! a gay! mixer!) reminded me of this:




(A basket of lemons and a bottle of Pinnacle to whomever can name the movie and what the woman was saying while clapping. It's taken me all week to remember.)


Nutty Professor...."Sherman, Sherman, Sheman!"

I missed Andy's show with him getting indignant.  That's...bullshit, imho, regardless of who created this event.  It's weird to me to act annoyed while getting rich off of it.


Where Brandi lost me (officially) was when she sniped at Kyle about Kyle's husband not being interested in her.  If your whole life is built around the great pain of a cheating husband, I think it's especially vicious to use that as an attack on someone else, and this particular fight didn't seem to me to need to get to that level.

The thing that got me annoyed with Andy's diatribe is that this isn't the first time the term 'my gays' has been used by housewives.  I think the only reason he brought it up was that Lance Bass and he were discussing it before the show and Lance gave him an earful about it. 

  • Love 1

I thought the woman was saying "Hercules! Hercules!" in that Nutty Professor clip.


Anyway, I LOL in the part in Brandi's blog where she points out that she didn't want to attend the party but she wanted to go with her hairdresser because he was feeling "lonely and depressed" because of a recent break up. It's like Brandi wants to remind us of what a good and loyal friend she is. 


She's so annoying too with that "I'm a ride or die" friend. I almost get a kick out of how gangsta she thinks she is.


We move on to Kyle visiting Kim at her house a few days after Kim was recuperating from being released from her week in the hospital. Kyle asks her sister why she was in the hospital. There. I will leave it at that. She doesn’t even know WHY her sister was in the hospital more than a week later. It was a hernia, fractured rib, and disc issues--very serious and very painful injuries and medical issues for a single woman over 40.

I hope Kyle responds to this crap because Brandi is twisting the hell out of it. Zoeysmom ITA with your take on this. Lol that she says she leave it at that and then goes on to not leave it at that.


Did Brandi even go visit Kim in the hospital the way that Kyle did?

  • Love 6

The thing that got me annoyed with Andy's diatribe is that this isn't the first time the term 'my gays' has been used by housewives. I think the only reason he brought it up was that Lance Bass and he were discussing it before the show and Lance gave him an earful about it.

I rolled my eyes at AC's outrage a little too. He loves to perpetuate the fabulous urban gay man persona as much as anyone and has let this "My Gay" bullshit slide in one form or another for years. HOWEVER, it was really bad. I mean really, really bad. Worse than other instances. "Everybody has 4 or 5 gays hanging around" , "indoor dinner party gay", "they have to be saved from grinder". And it just went on and on and on. I sat there cringing as the dehumanizing hits just kept coming. It's not for nothing that Bravo's target audience, who is used to this fuckery and who in large numbers may subscribe to it a little, was up in arms. It was really bad.

  • Love 5

Went way overboard yesterday so  I apologize--especially to motorcitymom.  I've become my own Cedric!  Throw wine in my face and cut me with your bangles.   I hate myself in the morning -- thanks Bravo although I guess I could take some responsibility for myself. 


Bravo's doing a weird thing where we're being asked to live in this gray universe of straddle.  It's not straight up Lives of the Rich and Famous and it's not even really Intervention, fake and crappy as that is.  It's the strange world where serious health issues are treated like appetizers on the way to knock down drag outs -- nothing signficant ever really seriously explored -- and then some froth thrown on top of all that.  Designer drug for sure that's meant to rattle women in our cages and keep us coming back for more. 


But they're now taking it way way too far on this show because it's just so out of hand.  Every angle of the Kim-Kyle tale, with Brandi added as the chaser, is meant to keep us guessing, researching, speculating and generally becoming the psychological-emotional equivalent of the John Hurt character in Alien.   Let Andy Cohen be the xenomorph. 


And, really, WWHL and his reunion hosting just compound the formula and makes it even more dishonest and lethal.  For the audience.


hottesthw -- The White Party is one of the things I appreciate about Kyle and Mauricio.  I do look forward to whatever we see of that. 


Re Brandi suggesting again that Mo is unfaithful to Kyle -- Kyle gives me the blues and the vapors and I like to think I'm all above it all when it comes to marriage, what it takes, how adultery may figure in a long term marriage, what you owe your husband in the way of freedom when things aren't clicking and vice-versa, but as someone who dealt with a woman a few years ago who worked with my guy and went out of her way to suggest that stuff had happened, I can only say that after awhile it just really really wore me down and brought me to a place I had wanted to avoid but couldn't.  It's just not cool.  And another example of how Bravo wants to have its cake and eat it too.


I guess all this makes me one of Bravo's Bitches but my allegiance and interest are waning the more I get how I'm being manipulated myself. 

You owe apologies for absolutely nothing. You are fabulous and so is your passion, your opinions, and your wit. 

  • Love 6

I rolled my eyes at AC's outrage a little too. He loves to perpetuate the fabulous urban gay man persona as much as anyone and has let this "My Gay" bullshit slide in one form or another for years. HOWEVER, it was really bad. I mean really, really bad. Worse than other instances. "Everybody has 4 or 5 gays hanging around" , "indoor dinner party gay", "they have to be saved from grinder". And it just went on and on and on. I sat there cringing as the dehumanizing hits just kept coming. It's not for nothing that Bravo's target audience, who is used to this fuckery and who in large numbers may subscribe to it a little, was up in arms. It was really bad.

Andy gets challenged on his sincerity and duplicity:  http://stoopidhousewives.com/2015/02/05/andy-cohen-biggest-sht-stirrer-paid-to-do-it-missandys-gay-agenda-andys-exploitation-of-all-he-surveys-bravotv/


I will say Bravo did make s big name for themselves with Queer Eye for the Straight Guy.  I find Bravo amazingly inclusive most of the time and very big on stereotyping.  I just hope the issue is settled.  With RHONYC wrapping up let's hope the word friend is inserting after 'my gay'.

I'm not sure why Kyle is over-dramatizing her reaction to Brandi showing up at the mixer. Sure, she was uninvited and it was unexpected, but it wasn't like it was the first time she's seen Brandi since poker night; they saw each other at Lisa's jewelry party and avoided each other.

Brandi arrived uninvited and with Kyle's sister-the source of their discourse.

  • Love 4

I am pretty sure that he, Max, was born in England, not in the USA. Lisa was not a citizen of the US back when Max was born in 91' or in 92' when they adopted him.  I don't see how she would have been allowed to foster a child let alone adopt him not being a citizen and having her primary residence/business's in a foreign country.


All I can go by is what Lisa said which is that Max was born in Wisconsin. I may not be remembering it perfectly but it was something along the lines of a caller to Watch What Happens Live was from Wisconsin and when she named the state she was calling in from, that's when Lisa mentioned that she's been to Wisconsin and why.


Edited by quinn
  • Love 2

Brandi's blahg....haven't read yet. Just posting the link for y'all to 'enjoy.'


Just read...I'm assuming she's referring to Lisa R and Eileen...

Oh hell, now I know too much.  Brandi basically described the fake-events as they appear on the screen, which, as a viewer, I find a bit clunky.


I believe Brandi's sense of urgency.  I believe she believes.

Ride Or Die is what all these women do, which is why they have the social skills of eleven year old girls and those that don't do not return.  Ride Or Die is that weird Authenticity thing that reactionaries claim when they can't appropriately position themselves among variations of ambiguity.  Brandi iS exactly what she says. There are so many feedback loops here, I don't even know how to watch this thing.


Ech, no more Bravo.com for me. I've seen too much!

  • Love 1

Does anyone really believe Andy Cohen is involved in the day to day storylines on every housewife show?  Because, yeah, I don't.  He may have heard something about a gay mixer party (but probably not) but he wouldn't know how disgusting Kyle and Lisa R were with the endless "my gays" and other crap talk, until he saw it.


He's executive vice president of original programming and development, and that's a LOT of shows. 

  • Love 3

Does anyone really believe Andy Cohen is involved in the day to day storylines on every housewife show?  Because, yeah, I don't.  He may have heard something about a gay mixer party (but probably not) but he wouldn't know how disgusting Kyle and Lisa R were with the endless "my gays" and other crap talk, until he saw it.


He's executive vice president of original programming and development, and that's a LOT of shows. 

I hadn't thought about it but, no, I would think not.  My guess is that like most major corporations, anyone with power, and, in this case, camera-time, has little do with end-product.  Questioning the actual status of Cohen's hands-on activity feels right to me. Especially since most of us (well...me), enjoy an evil-figure behind-the-scenes. But, my guess is that this kind of thing is "anticipated," which is why the cross-eyed devil hosts reunions and hosts WWHL.  He's a place holder for more amorphous reality-TV barbarism.  Too much?

Does anyone really believe Andy Cohen is involved in the day to day storylines on every housewife show?  Because, yeah, I don't.  He may have heard something about a gay mixer party (but probably not) but he wouldn't know how disgusting Kyle and Lisa R were with the endless "my gays" and other crap talk, until he saw it.


He's executive vice president of original programming and development, and that's a LOT of shows. 

Actually he's not anymore



  • Love 3

Does anyone really believe Andy Cohen is involved in the day to day storylines on every housewife show?  Because, yeah, I don't.  He may have heard something about a gay mixer party (but probably not) but he wouldn't know how disgusting Kyle and Lisa R were with the endless "my gays" and other crap talk, until he saw it.


He's executive vice president of original programming and development, and that's a LOT of shows. 


Oh c'mon now.  Disgusting?  I mean, yeah the term "my gays" is a little ridiculous, but let's be honest here....she was trying to do something nice for people she knew.  Was she insensitive?  Yes.  No doubt.  But none of the people around her seemed offended by it or said anything to her.  Had someone pointed it out to her I have no doubt she would've immediately apologized, unlike Brandi who was called out for being racist and instead continued with her comments as if they were funny.


I am so sick and tired of this PC trend where people can't say anything without someone getting offended by it.  It's like people getting offended when someone says "Merry Christmas!" to someone.  Had Kyle been throwing out other slurs (or EVER thrown out another slur EVER in the history of this whole damn show), I could see the outrage.  As it was, her intentions were good. Andy Cohen can have a seat with his faux fucking outrage.  Take her to the side, explain to her why that's offensive to YOU (Because not everyone is offended by the same things, Jackass) and move on.  I have an issue with having any sympathy for a person who's so outraged by being denigrated on national TV only to turn around and do the same.  

Edited by CaughtOnTape
  • Love 18

All I can go by is what Lisa said which is that Max was born in Wisconsin. I may not be remembering it perfectly but it was something along the lines of a caller to Watch What Happens Live was from Wisconsin and that when she named what state she was calling in from, that's when Lisa mentioned that she's been to Wisconsin and why.


It could be possible I guess if she got her citizenship before then. I missed that WWHL,  miss a lot of those shows LOL. I did try Goggling it but found nothing. It would not matter where Max was born though, Lisa/Ken would not be able to reveal the birth parents names, location or any personal info on the show without risking a lawsuit and IMO, they could not trust the producers or Bravo to edit out that info if it was said on camera. That was my point to begin with, some were questioning why Lisa would not give Max their name.


Thanks for the info about his birth.

  • Love 4

All I can go by is what Lisa said which is that Max was born in Wisconsin. I may not be remembering it perfectly but it was something along the lines of a caller to Watch What Happens Live was from Wisconsin and that when she named what state she was calling in from, that's when Lisa mentioned that she's been to Wisconsin and why.

I hope the audience isn't given any further information to speculate on. The less we know the better. Hoping any biological information Max discovers brings him what he's searching for. It's been my personal experience that when mothers give up children for adoption they are wanting to give the child something far better than what they can offer and it's likely the child might be better off not looking back. YMMV.

  • Love 4

As a web developer, this website makes me weep.

Thank you for saying this.  Between gawd awful graphics and the insipid nicknames for people it is often hard to follow their stories.  Having said that often times they do have legal documents and the videos of the First Look.


Here is an example-which real housewife would one think of when they mention Paper Towel?

  • Love 1

The thing that got me annoyed with Andy's diatribe is that this isn't the first time the term 'my gays' has been used by housewives.  I think the only reason he brought it up was that Lance Bass and he were discussing it before the show and Lance gave him an earful about it.

Not true. When Andy started his commentary, he first turned to Lance and said "you and I haven't even talked about this, so I don't know your thoughts..." (evidently they're friends). Yes, other HW's have used the term before, but I think he finally addressed it because it went kinda overboard with Kyle and Lisa R. and these past two episodes.

Btw, there's nothing wrong with a gay mixer. Whether it's a production-organized event or Kyle's party is separate from the "my gays" term or invitees being asked to bring "their gays."

Kyle should host a "how to get rid of backfat" party, or "dressing for your body type and age" seminar. 


She has a lovely body, but her clothes do everything possible to make her look dumpy and stumpy, and could this middle aged women ever find a bra that fits and doesn't accentuation the back fat? 


The best Kyle's ever looked was the one time she was wearing a white T shirt and regular jeans with flip flops, at home with her kids, a few seasons ago.  She wasn't stuffing into a size too small, she looked petite and adorable.

I actually think she's looked better this season.  I think part of the "back fat" issue is that they are stuffing microphone packs down their backs and they take up space, so the dresses fit a bit tighter. 


Well if she is, she couldn't be more off base. I was just thinking the other night that if not for the fact that they had joined the cast this year, I would be really really close to writing off this franchise. I also still enjoy seeing the Vanderpumps and their dogs. That's all I got any more though. Lisa R., Eileen and Lisa V, if she is accompanied by at least one canine (preferably more).


I don't hate Kyle, but she has always annoyed me and her constant whining at or about Kim is on my last nerve. I get sisterly love, but there comes a point when you have to learn to pull up your big girl pants and act like you don't care any more, even if you do. And do not, ever, ever, ever, waste your time tyring to convince that piece of trash Brandi about anything. Bitch is throwing a 17 year old under the bus for god's sake. Do not bother.


Where previously I just found Kim annoying and boring I now officially hate her and Yolanda has gotten so boring that even her fridge can no longer save her.


I have watched all the Howives shows since the very first episode of OC . I gave up New Jersey two seasons back becuase I found everyone on it toxic. I have given up Atlanta this season for the same reason. Without the addition of Lisa R and Eileen this franchise would definitely be next on my list.


Brandi can throw shade at the other ladies all she wants. She is toxic and trashy and does not belong on this show. If Andy freakin' loves her so damn much he should put her on the OC show. Brandi is probably the only person on the planet that could make Tamra Barney Judge look classy.   

  I was a Brandi defender (shudder) back in Season 2, but no more.  I was done with her and this show after last season's tabloid-gate nonsense.  The only reason I got sucked back in was BECAUSE of Lisar and Eileen, so Brandi can suck it.

  • Love 5

From Brandi's blog, we learn that she didn't want to go to Kyle's party, she really didn't, she really really didn't.


But she went because her friend Mark was soooo depressed.  But she really didn't want to go. But she went.


Some digs at Eileen and Lisa, but not much more.   Of course she does not address the comment she made about Mauricio.


(And just once, I would like to see one of them say: "I didn't want to go, so I stayed home!")

  • Love 4
On that front, I think we all hope that some of the ladies start doing something interesting soon, because our two resident Gladys Kravitzs tittering and clutching their pearls in mock horror at me is kind of boring.

From Brandi's blog and I have to agree.  Especially Lisa R who sits back and name calls for the whole show.  Like calling Kim "whackadoodle", completely crazy and the like.  She's very judgmental imo.  Eileen doesn't do that but she is a pearl clutcher, "I would never!" kind of person so far.  We'll see.  Nobody gets out of this show unscathed.

Of course she does not address the comment she made about Mauricio.

Brandi goes for the jugular no doubt about it.  In this case though, Kyle started the confrontation.

  • Love 5

From Brandi's blog and I have to agree.  Especially Lisa R who sits back and name calls for the whole show.  Like calling Kim "whackadoodle", completely crazy and the like.  She's very judgmental imo.  Eileen doesn't do that but she is a pearl clutcher, "I would never!" kind of person so far.  We'll see.  Nobody gets out of this show unscathed.

Brandi goes for the jugular no doubt about it.  In this case though, Kyle started the confrontation.

I've been appreciating the comments from Eileen and LisaR and haven't found them to be boring at all nor do I feel like they're in pearl-clutching mode when it comes to their individual assessments of Brandi and Kim. Brandi is certainly the last person who should have a problem with people calling it the way that they see it. 


As far as comments like "It's whackadoodle time" and "I want to run because I don't know what to do with this" I'll admit that I'd be lying if I didn't acknowledge that I found comments like these to be amusing given the circumstances. Also, considering that these women are supposed to be entertaining on some level I don't really think that stuff like this is particularly out of line especially when I consider Kim's crazy ass behavior in these episodes. LisaR could have been a lot more harsh with Kim but she refrained and I suspect this is at least partially out of loyalty to Kyle. 


With Eileen, no, based on what I've seen I can't see her engaging in the same sort of wine-throwing, childish behavior that Brandi has been indulging in. I also don't think it's pearl clutching behavior for Eileen to wonder what the hell is wrong with Brandi or to do something like question the extent of Brandi's vocabulary when it seems like she uses the same seventeen words over and over again. Brandi can get real too if she expects me to believe that Eileen has a problem with the word 'fuck'. It isn't about that and Brandi is either too stupid to understand that or she's deliberately trying to make it seem like Eileen is more uptight than she really is. 


Brandi could have accepted Kyle's half assed apology just as Eileen graciously accepted Brandi's ridiculously insincere apology a few episodes but Brandi as we know is a complete and total hypocrite so I guess that would be expecting too much of her. Brandi could have acknowledged her own role in what happened that night at Eileen's but it's more convenient for her to throw it all onto Kyle.

  • Love 13

Yes.  But it's okay because her gays gave her permission to own them.



If she got that expression from them, how exactly did that go down?  Did her friends say, "Oh, please, yes! Call us YOUR gay friends. That'll be awesome, you owning us and all."  I think she's incapable of saying she's sorry so she made up that part up.

Her excuse/apology is as lame as Brandi saying it was okay to say black people don't swim because her black friends said so.


It's highly likely that 'her gays' expressly told her to refer to them as such. I hear it all the time and even though I find it weird, it's other gay men that are promoting it. I can't liken that to Brandi making a stereotypical racist remark and then writing it off because she has 'black friends.' I highly doubt her friends said it was okay to tell Puerto Ricans they can't swim. And the weave excuse is BS because everyone in BH, including Brandi, wears a weave.


And speaking of gay men promoting this king of language, Justin calls himself 'The Ladysitter.' He's created an entire brand out of it, which landed him the short-lived reality show gig.


And kudos to Alex for rolling out the funniest blog this season for possibly the most boring episode to ever grace my television. Alex, where have you been all my life?

Edited by rho
  • Love 1


Brandi could have accepted Kyle's half assed apology just as Eileen graciously accepted Brandi's ridiculously insincere apology a few episodes but Brandi as we know is a complete and total hypocrite so I guess that would be expecting too much of her. Brandi could have acknowledged her own role in what happened that night at Eileen's but it's more convenient for her to throw it all onto Kyle.


Well, technically, Brandi did accept Kyle's apology.  She should have gone on to apologize as well, but then, I don't think Kyle should have apologized in the first place.  She didn't mean it, so I can only assume she did it because she either expected an apology from Brandi or wanted a fight. 


I really wish Kyle had just opted to ignore Brandi, which is what she seemed to do in the beginning.  As the party went on, she worked herself up into a lather, which is why her apology seemed aggressive rather than sincere.


I am on Kyle's side for the most part. Kim and Brandi are both awful people.  But Kyle started that fight, which frustrates me to no end because I believe Kyle was in the right.  I just wish she hadn't lost her cool and opted to ignore both of them.  Instead, she brought herself down to their level.


Ugh, of the three, I am most pissed off at Kyle because she is making me defend Brandi and Kim.  Fuck you, Kyle.

Edited by CatMomma
  • Love 3

It's highly likely that 'her gays' expressly told her to refer to them as such. I hear it all the time and even though I find it weird, it's other gay men that are promoting it. I can't liken that to Brandi making a stereotypical racist remark and then writing it off because she has 'black friends.' I highly doubt her friends said it was okay to tell Puerto Ricans they can't swim. And the weave excuse is BS because everyone in BH, including Brandi, wears a weave.

And speaking of gay men promoting this king of language, Justin calls himself 'The Ladysitter.' He's created an entire brand out of it, which landed him the short-lived reality show gig.

And kudos to Alex for rolling out the funniest blog this season for possibly the most boring episode to ever grace my television. Alex, where have you been all my life?

Yeaaaaah. I don't know. I'm sure Kyle has heard LGBT people say stuff like that, but it was more about the frequency and overall tone she was useing. It was really condescending and dehumanzing. Like she was talking about puppies. And just because you've heard a term used doesn't really give you blanket immunity from using it your self. I don't find the use of the term "my bitches" as delightful as some women do. As for the ladysitter. I can't. I just can't. The idea of any grown woman hiring her own babysitter to be cute is beyond.

All this really has nothing to do with whether Brandi is raceist, which I think she is. They can both be idiots.

  • Love 2

Ugh.  Brandi's blog.  She states:


We move on to Kyle visiting Kim at her house a few days after Kim was recuperating from being released from her week in the hospital. Kyle asks her sister why she was in the hospital. There. I will leave it at that. She doesn’t even know WHY her sister was in the hospital more than a week later. It was a hernia, fractured rib, and disc issues--very serious and very painful injuries and medical issues for a single woman over 40.


No.  Brandi.  Go back and look at the scene again.  Kyle asked Kim what did they finally diagnose her with because she (Kyle) was told so many things.  Spin.  Spin.  Spin.




Ya, Brandi spin at it's best. That scene was Kyle getting Kim to say what the 'official' word would be on the hospital stay.  There is no way Kyle didn't know why her sister was there and this was her way of letting Kim set the reason. I'm sure Brandi knows this but it doesn't fit into the 'horrible sister' tag she has for Kyle.

Edited by streetfairie
  • Love 9

I'm completely confused.


When did having some tact and decorum become "pearl clutching" behavior?


Did I sleep through this transition and am blissfully unaware?


I hold myself with dignity and class in public places.  Not because I can't be a supreme jackass myself but it's just good manners, IMO, to behave in a civilized manner whenever and wherever possible.  


Are all of those chucklefucks around me considering me to be clutching my nonexistent pearls because I don't care to humiliate myself?


I'm failing to see why suddenly anyone who doesn't choose to root in the trough is labeled as "pearl clutching."


Eileen has done nothing to make me feel she is a "pearl clutcher."

Edited by Persnickety1
  • Love 24

I'm confused.  Brandi went to support her depressed hairdresser?  I thought she went to support Kim?  And because she was invited by virtue of being in a room when it was initially discussed?


Also, I think I'll be bored of Eileen/Rinna as commentators if they do nothing but that for multiple seasons and/or they stop being funny (imho, of course).  Right now, especially given what's going on, their reactions and interactions make total sense to me.  


As for Kyle starting the fight- I thought it felt like an authentic moment.  She tried to stay cool.  She couldn't.  I can't really blame her for that moment...maybe I should read her blog, though, and see where she's at now.  It's hard to explain, but for me it's more what she does after this point that will make me like/dislike her as a result of all this.

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Yeaaaaah. I don't know. I'm sure Kyle has heard LGBT people say stuff like that, but it was more about the frequency and overall tone she was useing. It was really condescending and dehumanzing. Like she was talking about puppies. And just because you've heard a term used doesn't really give you blanket immunity from using it your self. I don't find the use of the term "my bitches" as delightful as some women do. As for the ladysitter. I can't. I just can't. The idea of any grown woman hiring her own babysitter to be cute is beyond.

All this really has nothing to do with whether Brandi is raceist, which I think she is. They can both be idiots.


Blanket immunity?  She was around people who didn't seem offended by it so why would she think to censor herself?  Again, Kyle was doing something nice for people.  She was throwing a party, not discussing world politics.  And gimme a break with the condescending tone.  The two men greeting people were gleefully handing out celebrity names to people like they were in 6th grade.  I swear to God, only this show would have people offended over someone using a tone of voice like they were discussing puppies.  Since when are puppies offensive?  Kyle was enjoying herself (Until Brandi showed up, that is) as was everyone else at the mixer so why try to pin this sinister persona on either her or Lisa R?  Again, two women who have never used a slur against anyone.


And the reason people are comparing it to Brandi is because THAT is something to get outraged about.  A woman who said something horrifically racist in front of the person who's race she was offending and continued to say it even after she was told it was offensive.  Getting outraged about Kyle using the term "my gays"?  Andy needs to examine his priorities.  Where was his outrage when Brandi was throwing racial slurs?  I guess because he's not Puerto Rican he wasn't as offended?

  • Love 16

Blanket immunity?  She was around people who didn't seem offended by it so why would she think to censor herself?  Again, Kyle was doing something nice for people.  She was throwing a party, not discussing world politics.  And gimme a break with the condescending tone.  The two men greeting people were gleefully handing out celebrity names to people like they were in 6th grade.  I swear to God, only this show would have people offended over someone using a tone of voice like they were discussing puppies.  Since when are puppies offensive?  Kyle was enjoying herself (Until Brandi showed up, that is) as was everyone else at the mixer so why try to pin this sinister persona on either her or Lisa R?  Again, two women who have never used a slur against anyone.


And the reason people are comparing it to Brandi is because THAT is something to get outraged about.  A woman who said something horrifically racist in front of the person who's race she was offending and continued to say it even after she was told it was offensive.  Getting outraged about Kyle using the term "my gays"?  Andy needs to examine his priorities.  Where was his outrage when Brandi was throwing racial slurs?  I guess because he's not Puerto Rican he wasn't as offended?




Brandi's intent was to insult.


Kyle's intent was benign (tactless but nonetheless benign).  


IMO, comparing apples to oranges.  

Edited by Persnickety1
  • Love 10

Oh c'mon now.  Disgusting?  I mean, yeah the term "my gays" is a little ridiculous, but let's be honest here....she was trying to do something nice for people she knew.  


Good god, yes, it's disgusting. I agree with the OP. The LGBT community is fighting a war right now.  They deserve equal civil rights. They're no different than anyone else. Just like the blacks weren't when they were fighting for their rights.  But to say:  "My gays" or "everyone in town has four or five gays of their own(ugh) is disgusting.  Saying they are 'yours' or insinuating that they are owned is making them different from you.  And they aren't. 


But none of the people around her seemed offended by it or said anything to her.  Had someone pointed it out to her I have no doubt she would've immediately apologized, unlike Brandi who was called out for being racist and instead continued with her comments as if they were funny.


Alex said it best:  Kyle "lured a dozen gay men to a taping of The Real Housewives with free booze. Congrats." I doubt Kyle has many, if any, gay friends.  If she does, and it doesn't bother them that she believes they are lesser than her, shame on them. (And someone did point out to her that it was offensive and she issued a non-apology.)


Do I think Kyle or Lisa or anyone who is so derogatory toward gays is evil?  No, not all. Just ignorant.

  • Love 4

Well, this is all sorts of interesting...






Is Kim Richards really still sober? The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star recently admitted to popping her ex-husband Monty‘s cancer pain medication, but RadarOnline.com has learned that her sister Kyle isn’t buying it. Instead, insiders tell Radar, Kyle fears she’s been using Xanax!

Viewers were shocked during Tuesday night’s episode of RHOBH as recovering alcoholic Kim copped to taking a pain pill belonging to her ex-husband Monty, which resulted in a bizarre meltdown during her co-star, Eileen Davidson‘s poker party.

However, insiders say Kim’s sister Kyle believes the rehab vet “wasn’t telling the truth about what she actually took that caused her to act so unlike herself. The idea that Monty, who is currently living with Kim, would just randomly give her a pill that wasn’t prescribed to her just doesn’t make sense. Kyle fears she was taking Xanax.”


More of the article at the link above.


It's Radar Online so who knows how truthful it is, but since Brandi is practically a Xanax spokesperson, I can see where this would add to Kyle's concerns.  

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A real friend would never threaten your family members, put down their marriages, or try to make you choose between them.

See:  Lisa Vanderpump/Kyle Richards BFF relationship of season 1.   Lisa and Kyle really did seem to have a good relationship.  And it was obvious that Lisa didn't really think Kim was her cup of tea, but she was kind to her and supportive of Kyle in her relationship with her.  That is how a real friend actually treats a sibling.  


Brandi seems to not understand that you can have a sister and a best friend.  That does NOT make the best friend the sister, not will it EVER make her a sister.  A best friend SHOULD be very different than your sister for the main reason that you can't pick your family but you can pick your best friend.  


Brandi seems to believe that by hanging out with Kim and attending a Hilton Christmas party that she's now going to be included in the annual family photo.  I don't get it.

Edited by Kerrey92
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