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S05.E12: Drama Queens

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 Thank you! This is really the core issue and it's Kim and Kyle's to deal with. However, addicts are brilliant at deflection and codependants are habitualized into taking the bait and protecting the "secret".  They go along with the deflection, Kyle goes for it with enthusiasm so she doesn't have to deal with the truth.  It's terribly, terribly difficult to break that pattern and a perpetual sadness for those of us who have done it, it isn't a perfect process and if I run into my addict sister by accident, unprepared I can slip up as well. This does not absolve Brandi of her own heinous behavior, in any way.

Something happened to both of/between these sister outside what has already been written, something horrible IMHO


And where in Kyle and Kim interactions from the bathroom scene to Kyle's party is Kyle referring to that pill or her concern about that pill?


Well not if Kyle is chasing after her, frog crying and slobbering over wanting Kim to choose between her or Brandi. It's quite obvious that Kim has to own up to XYZ but at the same time needs to make sure that she isn't disappointing or better yet embarrassing little sis in the process.

Kyle placed importance, her TH, that Kim admitted to taking the pill, it was a first time she did so. I think Kyle was satisfied for the moment, in the bathroom, with Kim confiding in her that she had slipped up. Then after Kim's nasty "thank you", Kyle's warning bells went off loud and clear.


I ordinarily like Yolanda’s accent, but the way she says Anwar it sounds like “Underwear.”  I was really thrown by “Now it’s just me and David and underwear!” until I realized she was talking about her son.



I was cool to her in the beginning, but she’d be a good choice for a Pop Up Housewives edition.  Rerun the first few seasons, and she can introduce them like Alistair Cook and say “I wasn’t around for these shows, so let’s watch them together, shall we?”  Then she could just appear in a corner with a witty remark now and then.  Or, even funnier, just an amazed and disgusted sigh.



I’m 90% sure Lisa V talked about “her gays” in the Palm Springs episode.  And I think possibly in the episode about opening the gay bar.  


Okay, help me out.  On poker night, Kyle and Kim were in the bathroom together and we heard some of their conversation, but not much.  All behind closed doors.  Now, suddenly, THIS week we see an extended conversation from a camera within the bathroom?  Recreated after the fact, maybe?  I know there was a lot of cutting back and forth and normally I enjoy seeing people’s accounts clash with footage... except that bathroom scene had a whole different, calmer vibe than poker night had, plus... a cameraman?  Or did they have their hush hush conversation, and then invite the cameraman in? 


It was scary to watch Kim, all befuddled, try to follow Brandi while Brandi mesmerized her by putting memories in her head.  “all the times we talked all night” “all the times I called Kyle and she said “that’s just Kim!” “You know how much I’m THERE for you” etc.  Kim was blinking, like she didn’t exactly remember things that way, but then her memory isn’t reliable, and in between Brandi was saying “you’re so strong, you’re dealing with so much, you’re such a great person,” so she just ended up smiling and going along with it because she’d rather think she’s strong, and dealing with so much.  Brandi will hurt her in the long run, but the truly scary thing about those “bonding with Kim” scenes is that you can see PRECISELY how a man can/has/will do the same thing, with far more nefarious goals than having a storyline.


Attention children of the older men Brandi eventually dates... this is how she's going to bleed your Dad dry and have him cut you out of the will.  

That was from game night season 2, the bathroom scene. Kim using that as an example of Kyle outing her is a joke, it was Brandi that outed her that night. In fact, Kim claimed it "hurt her children more than anything else ever had"! Yet here we are a few years later with Kim now blaming Kyle for embarrassing her! Oh the delusions! 

  • Love 3

Who the hell smacked Lisa V?  I feel so out of the loop, not having seen this trailer.


Now you can't pull me away from the set.  So sad.  I need a twelve-step program to get me to stop watching this shit.

I think Kyle is overwrought at the idea Kim is off the wagon. It was during the ride to poker that she was saying how good it was that Kim was being open with her and their relationship was back on track. Then boom! It becomes obvious to Kyle that Kim is not only off the wagon, she's veering into all sorts of cray cray at the poker table. And Brandi just seems to be capitalizing on Kyle's inability to cope right now. Not that Kyle's behavior is Brandi's fault, but she could lay off all of her "you're a bad sister" stuff.

Yes I was watching the all day repeats that they also do before a new episode. In the wedding episode Kyle has a TH saying Kim is so happy and she is sober and that this day was Kims day. Then she said she felt like it was a win for all three sisters. I think what she was really saying is the fact that Kim is alive and able to even be at this wedding was a win for all of them. Then BAM! Kim falls off the wagon and all those fears return. I have no doubt has had many sleepless nights over the years. Whoever Kims doctor is I hope he is doing a lot of documentation because that is a law suit waiting to happen once she finally over doses. Enjoy that physicians liscence while you can.

  • Love 5


That was from game night season 2, the bathroom scene. Kim using that as an example of Kyle outing her is a joke, it was Brandi that outed her that night. In fact, Kim claimed it "hurt her children more than anything else ever had"! Yet here we are a few years later with Kim now blaming Kyle for embarrassing her! Oh the delusions!


Both times were complete bullshit. The only person who outed Kim in those instances was Kim.  Anyone who could watch either of those episodes and believe Kim was sober just didn't want to see it.  But, this is what Kim does.  She blames everybody else and has playing the victim down to a science.  I didn't blame Brandi at game night, just like I don't blame Lisar for outing her on the way to Eileen's party.


I was so frustrated with Kyle in the last episode.  I sympathize with her, I really do.  I just wish she would learn not to engage with these two chucklefucks. They both don't fight fair, and Kyle can't seem to keep her emotions in check, so she ends up looking just as ridiculous as Brandi and Kim.  


Kyle needs to get some counseling.  I'm not putting the blame on Kyle, but she at least should have enough self awareness to realize that she needs professional guidance in dealing with her sister.  Brandi and Kim simply do not have the capacity to realize they are out of control.  Kyle needs to realize that the more she pushes Kim, the more Kim will rebel, because Kim has the maturity of a 13 year old.


I do think Brandi's words about Mauricio reinforces the fact that LVP was innocent in tabloidgate, but then I never believed it anyway.  Brandi has been caught lying so many times, that I'm not sure why people were so ready to believe her when it came to Lisa.  It looked to me like Lisa was pulling away from Brandi and trying to mend fences with Kyle.  This set Brandi off and she decided to go after Lisa.  Brandi has the ability to take something that has a kernel of truth (Adrienne's cease and desist became a lawsuit, Kyle told Brandi about Lisa's bankruptcy, Brandi calling Kyle one time at 2am about Kim became calling her all the time). In fact, I don't understand why Kyle even tried being friends with Brandi this season, after she lied and said Kyle told her about the VP-Todd's bankruptcy. That should have been it for Kyle.

  • Love 11

From Kim's blog last week......

"On the following day, my pain got even worse, so I spent the whole day getting tests done at the doctor’s. Next evening, I was admitted to the hospital. In my last blog post, I mentioned that I had been struggling with bronchitis and pneumonia for weeks. Well, the doctor said I had a fractured rib, ruptured disc, and hiatal hernia, which was caused by the increased pressure from coughing. No wonder I was in so much pain before poker night! I was in the hospital for nine days"


Who goes out in high heels 2 days after getting out of the hospital after all the above has happened? And didn't she tell Kyle in her bedroom that she had a bad coughing fit, heard/felt a pop, screamed out in great pain and Monty immediately rushed her to the hospital where she was admitted that night? Which is it? Was she in great pain because of all these injuries from coughing before or after the poker night pill popping? LOL 

  • Love 9

Something happened to both of/between these sister outside what has already been written, something horrible IMHO


Kyle placed importance, her TH, that Kim admitted to taking the pill, it was a first time she did so. I think Kyle was satisfied for the moment, in the bathroom, with Kim confiding in her that she had slipped up. Then after Kim's nasty "thank you", Kyle's warning bells went off loud and clear.


That was from game night season 2, the bathroom scene. Kim using that as an example of Kyle outing her is a joke, it was Brandi that outed her that night. In fact, Kim claimed it "hurt her children more than anything else ever had"! Yet here we are a few years later with Kim now blaming Kyle for embarrassing her! Oh the delusions! 


Was season 2's game night the episode where Kim arrived all fucked up and Kyle ran up to greet her and had to practically redress her?  I seem to recall Kim having the top half of her body in disarray and Kyle straightening her up like a mother would a toddler.


I think that was also where Kyle actually smelled Kim's drink when she left the room and then went over to ask the bartender what Kim had ordered and what he had served her.


Dammit, I wish I could remember what episode that was, because I don't think it was game night.


Anyway, the episode is what put the thought into my mind, which still persists, that it ain't just alcohol that's a problem for Kim.


Oh, and interestingly enough, in the Cedric interview I linked above, he also comments on alcohol not being Kim's primary substance problem but doesn't go into any further detail.  

  • Love 3


Was season 2's game night the episode where Kim arrived all fucked up and Kyle ran up to greet her and had to practically redress her?  I seem to recall Kim having the top half of her body in disarray and Kyle straightening her up like a mother would a toddler.


Yup. It was also the ep where Kim started calling Dana "Pam", thus PamDana was born.

  • Love 4

From Kim's blog last week......

"On the following day, my pain got even worse, so I spent the whole day getting tests done at the doctor’s. Next evening, I was admitted to the hospital. In my last blog post, I mentioned that I had been struggling with bronchitis and pneumonia for weeks. Well, the doctor said I had a fractured rib, ruptured disc, and hiatal hernia, which was caused by the increased pressure from coughing. No wonder I was in so much pain before poker night! I was in the hospital for nine days"


Who goes out in high heels 2 days after getting out of the hospital after all the above has happened? And didn't she tell Kyle in her bedroom that she had a bad coughing fit, heard/felt a pop, screamed out in great pain and Monty immediately rushed her to the hospital where she was admitted that night? Which is it? Was she in great pain because of all these injuries from coughing before or after the poker night pill popping? LOL 


 I think it's pretty clear that Kim was "feeling no pain" as they say, on Poker Night.

  • Love 2

Above all the BS, I really hate that Kim's demise is being shown on national television. The woman needs help, in a bad way, and Bravo/Andy are doing nothing in that regard. If, heaven forbid, she ODs or worse, I'll hold those morons responsible for exploiting a woman's problem for the ratings. There have already been deaths, suicides, of people who appeared on reality TV shows and it turned their lives upside down. Kim was already fragile when this show started.

Someone needs to step up and be accountable.

  • Love 10

If Kim really felt that way, then it's only because she was too high to remember that she followed Kyle into the bathroom, not the other way around. So she only has herself to blame if she feels her pill-popping was exposed. Her "ornery" behavior exposed her. Her own admission exposed her. Not Kyle.

Exactly! The fact that Kim thought this made me even more sure that Brandi said something to Kim to set her off when she left the bathroom. Kyle and Kim were hugging in the bathroom, Kim comes out and suddenly is mad at Kyle after she talks to Brandi. She wants to go in and "thank her" for something, which I believe is whatever Brandi told her Kyle was trying to accomplish in the bathroom. Kim said herself that she didn't even really remember what happened that night when talking to Kyle later, yet she remembers having a feeling similar to how she felt on the original Game Night in the bathroom? She didn't remember shit. She just knew what Brandi told her happened. How unfortunate for Brandi that it didn't go down that way.

  • Love 7

From Kim's blog last week......

"On the following day, my pain got even worse, so I spent the whole day getting tests done at the doctor’s. Next evening, I was admitted to the hospital. In my last blog post, I mentioned that I had been struggling with bronchitis and pneumonia for weeks. Well, the doctor said I had a fractured rib, ruptured disc, and hiatal hernia, which was caused by the increased pressure from coughing. No wonder I was in so much pain before poker night! I was in the hospital for nine days"


Who goes out in high heels 2 days after getting out of the hospital after all the above has happened? And didn't she tell Kyle in her bedroom that she had a bad coughing fit, heard/felt a pop, screamed out in great pain and Monty immediately rushed her to the hospital where she was admitted that night? Which is it? Was she in great pain because of all these injuries from coughing before or after the poker night pill popping? LOL 

Wire, the inconsistencies never stop.   Has Kim settled on the number of days she was in the hospital or will it be up to Kyle and  then she will be branded a teller of secrets. Which gives rise to the notion that perhaps Brandi should back down from trying to protect the image that is Kim.  No one can protect Kim's image at this point and I am kind of tired of this unwritten commandment that people get drunk or take meds at work and then call foul when they are being filmed-they know cameras are on them.  This is not like someone wetting their pants on camera and then finding out the next day they have bladder cancer and are seriously ill.  That is the time judgment and compassion is used and production eliminates the footage -even if it contains some of the best jokes in the history of the RH franchise.


Since we have no way of verifying Kim's account of her medical diagnosis I just don't believe anything she has to say.  Kim could tell us she was donating a kidney and we would have know way to know if it is true.  I  

  • Love 6

Above all the BS, I really hate that Kim's demise is being shown on national television. The woman needs help, in a bad way, and Bravo/Andy are doing nothing in that regard. If, heaven forbid, she ODs or worse, I'll hold those morons responsible for exploiting a woman's problem for the ratings. There have already been deaths, suicides, of people who appeared on reality TV shows and it turned their lives upside down. Kim was already fragile when this show started.

Someone needs to step up and be accountable.

I suggest Kim's next contract contain a sobriety clause and she be subject to drug testing three times a week during filming.  Wild guess here is that in order for Kim to be paid for filming while she was detoxing, she had to have a valid doctor's excuse saying she was unable to film.  That may be one of the reasons Kim can't remember how long she was in the hospital the doc may have written her for nine days excused and her actual hospital stay was significant less.


Bravo may be skating on thin ice saying they won't retain Kim because of her drug/alcohol history.  It has bee my experience that attorneys do everything to lessen their client's accountability-the client being Bravo.  As cruel as it sounds I think the accountability is solely on Kim and it is sad that her inability to stay sober is such a large part of the last few episodes.

  • Love 6

Was season 2's game night the episode where Kim arrived all fucked up and Kyle ran up to greet her and had to practically redress her?  I seem to recall Kim having the top half of her body in disarray and Kyle straightening her up like a mother would a toddler.


I think that was also where Kyle actually smelled Kim's drink when she left the room and then went over to ask the bartender what Kim had ordered and what he had served her.


Dammit, I wish I could remember what episode that was, because I don't think it was game night.


Anyway, the episode is what put the thought into my mind, which still persists, that it ain't just alcohol that's a problem for Kim.


Oh, and interestingly enough, in the Cedric interview I linked above, he also comments on alcohol not being Kim's primary substance problem but doesn't go into any further detail.  

That was at Dana's game night party. Kim was so off her rocker that night and Kyle was trying to do damage control as much as possible. They can be so ugly when they start the sister routine against another HW. That was also the first time Kim blamed a prescription med for her behavior. She said it was something the DR gave her for anxiety. Hmmm, I wonder if that is the same med she took in Paris by "mistake" LOL

  • Love 4

I suggest Kim's next contract contain a sobriety clause and she be subject to drug testing three times a week during filming.  Wild guess here is that in order for Kim to be paid for filming while she was detoxing, she had to have a valid doctor's excuse saying she was unable to film.  That may be one of the reasons Kim can't remember how long she was in the hospital the doc may have written her for nine days excused and her actual hospital stay was significant less.


Bravo may be skating on thin ice saying they won't retain Kim because of her drug/alcohol history.  It has bee my experience that attorneys do everything to lessen their client's accountability-the client being Bravo.  As cruel as it sounds I think the accountability is solely on Kim and it is sad that her inability to stay sober is such a large part of the last few episodes.

I think Bravo may fear viewer outrage against firing Kim as they are her only means of income. So many viewers on other sites blame Bravo/Andy for Kim's continued drug abuse, not Kim. They feel Bravo and Andy either caused her addictions or that they made money off her and now owe her a paycheck no matter what.


IMO, it was Andy/Bravo that forced Kim in to rehab this last time, it was reported/rumored to be a "go to rehab or else you are fired" deal and Kim went only because she was forced. You can not force an addict to get clean, they have to want to get clean and then work to stay clean, neither of which Kim has show to want.


At this stage of her life, it is up to Kim and no one else, family or not. She does not want to get clean because she does not want to face the reality of who she has become by the actions/choices that she alone made.  They, Bravo, need to fire her and let her sink or swim on her own, that is the only way she has a chance to get clean and stay clean. They also need to fire Brandi, she is on that same slippery slope as Kim is, just a few years behind Kim's self destructive level but she is catching up fast IMO.

  • Love 8


but IMO there's a part of her that looks at her family and says "I won", and a part of Kim that looks at the same thing and says "I lost". Maybe that's dramatic but every time they argue I get the feeling that's what it's really about


And I bet this kind of 'competition' has been going on with them since they were kids. I'm guessing Kyle probably was jealous of Kim's success to a degree when she was a kid. But now? Brandi's insistence that Kyle continues to be jealous is just plain dumb. Kyle is the successful one in life not Kim. 



Kim deserves to lean on anyone who’s willing to take the job whether it be temporarily, whether it be for a short while, whether it be someone willing to listen to her and soothe her. Who cares! If someone is willing to be that nurturing friend, that friend that she can call at 2am, that person she can feel not judged by


Sure she does, but Brandi? No. Brandi is not helping Kim. Not by a long shot. Brandi thinks she is helping herself because she finally has a storyline this season. She is using Kim - not supporting, soothing or anything else. She spews poison to Kim about Kyle. She is working to put herself between Kim's true support system.



If she wants to take over for Kyle fine then, do it.  But don't involve Kyle at all in it.  Don't call her and inform her that Kim calls you at night.  Leave her out of it.  Don't throw insults and jabs every time you get the chance.  You want to be a positive in Kim's life then recognize that Kyle is a big part of that life.  Brandi is trying to isolate Kim from her family.  That is the first sign of an abusive relationship


Exactly. If Brandi is truly Kim's friend and support, she wouldn't feel the need to rub Kyle's face in it. She wouldn't have to tell Kim that Kyle is this that and the other. That's not friendship, that's taking advantage.



I don't think Kyle is upset over Kim having a friend.  She's upset that Brandi is that friend and that Brandi is trying to alienate Kim from her and anyone who won't condone her un-sobriety.  If Brandi weren't a soulless Succubus, she would be encouraging Kim to go to some form of AA/NA-type group, and mend fences with her family.  She wouldn't be telling Kim that Kyle was all "Whatever" about Kim's wellbeing at 2am


Absolutely agree. Brandi is just the worst.


I think Kyle is in a lose - lose situation here. I feel Kyle's real problem here is her inability to let things lie with Kim. Kim says 'thanks a lot' or some other dumb thing to piss Kyle off and Kyle jumps right through that hoop. Of course, family members (especially siblings) can get you where you live faster than any other person on Earth. They know just where it hurts. Kim knows how to hit Kyle's guilt and fear.

  • Love 8

Exactly! The fact that Kim thought this made me even more sure that Brandi said something to Kim to set her off when she left the bathroom. Kyle and Kim were hugging in the bathroom, Kim comes out and suddenly is mad at Kyle after she talks to Brandi. She wants to go in and "thank her" for something, which I believe is whatever Brandi told her Kyle was trying to accomplish in the bathroom. Kim said herself that she didn't even really remember what happened that night when talking to Kyle later, yet she remembers having a feeling similar to how she felt on the original Game Night in the bathroom? She didn't remember shit. She just knew what Brandi told her happened. How unfortunate for Brandi that it didn't go down that way.


If memory serves me correctly, when Kim got up to follow Kyle into the bathroom, isn't that when Eileen decided to address the elephant in the room and ask Brandi if Kim was okay?


I can almost hear Brandi whispering to Kim..."They were all talking about you and asking me questions as soon as you left the table, Kim.  Kyle made it SO obvious when she got up to go to the bathroom that she didn't like the way you were behaving..."


Or words to that effect.  Anything to deflect Kim's "drugged elephant in the room" behavior and the women's concerns back onto being Kyle's fault.  

Edited by Persnickety1
  • Love 8

Above all the BS, I really hate that Kim's demise is being shown on national television. The woman needs help, in a bad way, and Bravo/Andy are doing nothing in that regard. If, heaven forbid, she ODs or worse, I'll hold those morons responsible for exploiting a woman's problem for the ratings. There have already been deaths, suicides, of people who appeared on reality TV shows and it turned their lives upside down. Kim was already fragile when this show started.

Someone needs to step up and be accountable.


And that should be KIM and Kim only. If Kim doesn't give a rats ass about her sobriety why should Andy, Bravo or the rest of us. I don't and won't hold them responsible. Apparently she wants the money to keep herself in meds, booze and plastic surgery. If she od's and dies it's her fault and not anybody elses.


One could look at it as  Bravo shining a light on the nastier side of being a celebrity. Giving us a glimpse of her wacked out mindset thus making her a cautionary tale. Not exactly responsible television but we can always choose not to watch.

Edited by Giselle
  • Love 10

I don't know if I agree that it is a lose/lose situation for Kyle. I mean it's a situation with a number of shitty factors that may not have many purely good solutions, but such is life. There are just so many times in adult life where you have to settle for compromised happiness or make the best of bad options. That's just life. Kyle is in a bad situation, that sucks. At times she can handle it badly. This is on her. Just like Kim and Brandi's behavior is on them. Because...that apology! Jesus Christ Kyle! You don't feel you owe Brandi an apology. I agree. So don't give her one! Or do give her a brief one. Do not march up and deliver the snottiest, most half assed, passive agressive, give me a cookie for being the bigger person apology on earth. And when Brandi asks you to stop, STOP! What the fuck is she trying to accomplish with this shit? This is why I just can't like her. Feel bad for her? Yes. Like her? No.

  • Love 10

I ordinarily like Yolanda’s accent, but the way she says Anwar it sounds like “Underwear.”  I was really thrown by “Now it’s just me and David and underwear!” until I realized she was talking about her son.



I was cool to her in the beginning, but she’d be a good choice for a Pop Up Housewives edition.  Rerun the first few seasons, and she can introduce them like Alistair Cook and say “I wasn’t around for these shows, so let’s watch them together, shall we?”  Then she could just appear in a corner with a witty remark now and then.  Or, even funnier, just an amazed and disgusted sigh.



I’m 90% sure Lisa V talked about “her gays” in the Palm Springs episode.  And I think possibly in the episode about opening the gay bar.  


Okay, help me out.  On poker night, Kyle and Kim were in the bathroom together and we heard some of their conversation, but not much.  All behind closed doors.  Now, suddenly, THIS week we see an extended conversation from a camera within the bathroom?  Recreated after the fact, maybe?  I know there was a lot of cutting back and forth and normally I enjoy seeing people’s accounts clash with footage... except that bathroom scene had a whole different, calmer vibe than poker night had, plus... a cameraman?  Or did they have their hush hush conversation, and then invite the cameraman in? 


It was scary to watch Kim, all befuddled, try to follow Brandi while Brandi mesmerized her by putting memories in her head.  “all the times we talked all night” “all the times I called Kyle and she said “that’s just Kim!” “You know how much I’m THERE for you” etc.  Kim was blinking, like she didn’t exactly remember things that way, but then her memory isn’t reliable, and in between Brandi was saying “you’re so strong, you’re dealing with so much, you’re such a great person,” so she just ended up smiling and going along with it because she’d rather think she’s strong, and dealing with so much.  Brandi will hurt her in the long run, but the truly scary thing about those “bonding with Kim” scenes is that you can see PRECISELY how a man can/has/will do the same thing, with far more nefarious goals than having a storyline.


Attention children of the older men Brandi eventually dates... this is how she's going to bleed your Dad dry and have him cut you out of the will.  


Oh cripes, yes! Brandi actually scared me a little-- she's like a vampire... if Gumby was a vampire and had fake boobs. I don't want her to get in my car 'cause I still like my sister. Plus, I would be afraid she might leave a little herpe somewhere....

  • Love 3

Would Kim have any kind of court-worthy argument based on unequal treatment of the cast members? Supervision - that is, mandatory medical supervision and counseling - sounds like a great idea to me if they won't fire her.

I've heard of it happening on movie sets - actors having minders, having regular tox screens. I want to say Robert Downey Jr. had to go through that back in the day when he was on the rehab/jail merry-go-round, but it is such long ago gossip that I can't swear to it.

  • Love 2

That was at Dana's game night party. Kim was so off her rocker that night and Kyle was trying to do damage control as much as possible. They can be so ugly when they start the sister routine against another HW. That was also the first time Kim blamed a prescription med for her behavior. She said it was something the DR gave her for anxiety. Hmmm, I wonder if that is the same med she took in Paris by "mistake" LOL

The problem was it was a horse tranquilizer so it made Kim a little off base-not a lot just a little.

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 2

I equate it to an employer keeping an employee in the workplace, knowing they are on drugs or drunk. No one does that. No responsible employer, that is. If they told her she'd be tested on a regular basis, I think she'd quit.

I think they have started  giving her a play and pay contract.  Kim can no longer just decide not to film.  I would guess the next contract would include that if she has to be removed from filming due to intoxication or impairment she will not be paid and pay any costs associated with the delay or loss of filming.  It is not as if Kim has a lot of offers coming in. 

  • Love 3

Sure, yes it was a joke, but there's no classism like upper-crust British classism! They wrote the book on the subject. And yes, he looks like he's from European stock, but Caucasions live in Africa and Asia as well, so I'm always sensitive to generalizations.

I agree with this, with the exception of the notion that Ken Todd is upper-crust.  He may be rich but, based on his low class accent, he is most assuredly NOT to the manor born, as they say. He is just a richer version of Al Manzo.

  • Love 2

I really try to give people the benefit of the doubt, but I'm quickly moving from skeptical to cynical.  Of course, the party was staged by and for Bravo.   It's pretty obvious BH is staged, scripted and acted.  Most of the participants are or have been actresses and production is driving the bus.  Screw you, Andy Cohen.


If I hear one more celeb/actress say "my gays," I'm going to cut a bitch.  They're not your friggin purse pets, like one of Paris' little dogs.

  • Love 6

I don't know if I agree that it is a lose/lose situation for Kyle. I mean it's a situation with a number of shitty factors that may not have many purely good solutions, but such is life. There are just so many times in adult life where you have to settle for compromised happiness or make the best of bad options. That's just life. Kyle is in a bad situation, that sucks. At times she can handle it badly. This is on her. Just like Kim and Brandi's behavior is on them. Because...that apology! Jesus Christ Kyle! You don't feel you owe Brandi an apology. I agree. So don't give her one! Or do give her a brief one. Do not march up and deliver the snottiest, most half assed, passive agressive, give me a cookie for being the bigger person apology on earth. And when Brandi asks you to stop, STOP! What the fuck is she trying to accomplish with this shit? This is why I just can't like her. Feel bad for her? Yes. Like her? No.


One reason Kyle struggles with disengaging is because of the fear.  The fear of someone she loves dying.  People often take risks with their own health and wellbeing where they wouldn’t with another’s.   If Kyle keeps up with her co-dependency and trying to “manage” Kim’s addictions, Kim’s life is in danger.  If she does pull back, Kim’s life is in danger. 


That is really the lose/lose for Kyle when it comes to the life of someone she loves, and either way, there is tremendous guilt and fear.  No one wants to feel responsible for another’s death and it becomes so much more complicated when you’ve spent years and years trying to prevent that death from happening.  I see the fear and dread of this situation as Kyle standing on a landmine (Kim’s addictions and self-destruction).  As long as Kyle is connected to that landmine, containing that landmine, everyone’s safe.  If Kyle removes herself, even just a little bit, BOOM.  Now, Kim is going to do what Kim is going to do no matter what, of course.  But that fear of being responsible for another’s life is real and it can be debilitating.  I’ve been on both sides of this situation and there’s no easy fix.  And Kyle often exacerbates the problem with her own Tasmanian Devil approach to dealing with drama. They may be a dysfunctional mess when together (and boy are they), but Kim is alive, so maybe it feels like it’s all a means to an end.





I'm starting to feel like a Kyle apologist*.  It's a sad feeling, indeed.



*which I'm not cause I find her to be like an obnoxious gnat that I just want to swat away. lol But when I take her and Kim's personalities away and am left with the abstract relationship models, I can feel some kind of empathy and understanding for them both.  This does not work with Brandi, though.

  • Love 8

I haven't read every post, although the ones I have read are great. I just want to comment that when Brandi came to visit Kim after her hospitalization, Kim was standing on a stool in a closet! When she sat on the couch with Brandi, Kim was clutching an ice pack to her chest and talking about her experience. Seriously? She had to get up on that stool and get down. Lie much, Kim?

  • Love 15

They all need to never say My Gays again. My jaw hit the floor when Kyle started in on how everybody has a few gays hanging around and they need to be saved from Grinder. Oh. My. God. Just stop. Please, please stop. And what the hell does indoor dinner party gay mean?

Lisa Rinna got the memo loud and clear  http://www.realitytea.com/2015/02/03/andy-cohen-reads-beverly-hills-housewives-use-gays-luann-de-lesseps-gives-opinion-kyles-party-drama/


Kyle apologizes https://twitter.com/KyleRichards/status/563066339515174913


Now if they can just tell the rest of the RH--NENE LEAKES in particular. 


Social media works in correcting social wrongs.

I haven't read every post, although the ones I have read are great. I just want to comment that when Brandi came to visit Kim after her hospitalization, Kim was standing on a stool in a closet! When she sat on the couch with Brandi, Kim was clutching an ice pack to her chest and talking about her experience. Seriously? She had to get up on that stool and get down. Lie much, Kim?

Kim also had a sunburn.  I wonder if she remembers when she got home. 

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 9

Lisa Rinna got the memo loud and clear http://www.realitytea.com/2015/02/03/andy-cohen-reads-beverly-hills-housewives-use-gays-luann-de-lesseps-gives-opinion-kyles-party-drama/

Kyle apologizes https://twitter.com/KyleRichards/status/563066339515174913

Now if they can just tell the rest of the RH--NENE LEAKES in particular.

Social media works in correcting social wrongs.

KI also had a sunburn. I wonder if she remembers when she got home.

Kyle the apology queen strikes again. She got the phrase from "her gays". *sigh* She really does not know how to stop. I'm going all Kelly from RHONY Staaawp! Just Staaaawp!

  • Love 5

Lisa Rinna got the memo loud and clear  http://www.realitytea.com/2015/02/03/andy-cohen-reads-beverly-hills-housewives-use-gays-luann-de-lesseps-gives-opinion-kyles-party-drama/


Kyle apologizes https://twitter.com/KyleRichards/status/563066339515174913


Now if they can just tell the rest of the RH--NENE LEAKES in particular. 


Social media works in correcting social wrongs.

Kim also had a sunburn.  I wonder if she remembers when she got home. 

I guess the hospital had a roof top sun deck! LOL

  • Love 5

Kyle the apology queen strikes again. She got the phrase from "her gays". *sigh* She really does not know how to stop. I'm going all Kelly from RHONY Staaawp! Just Staaaawp!

She said gay friends, as opposed to "my gays"  I would think it would be okay to say I am having a gay mixer invite your gay friends,  gay co-workers or gay family members.  We all use possessive terms to describe people -my husband, my kids, my friends -to me the term "my gays" is just annoying like "my people" or "my peeps". 

  • Love 2

Now if they'd only stop with that "Ladysitter" tomfoolery.  Why does everyone and everything have to have some kind of cutesy rich woman nickname attached to it?  I'd ask if this were a BH thing, but "My Gays/My Best Gay" seems to be everywhere. 


I don't mind, on a personal level, what people want to call themselves and each other, esp. when it's a term of endearment/affection (e.g.  My Gay Husband), but all of this "My Gays" is starting to feel like it refers to any and all gay men (as being "theirs") and that feels, well, just icky.  You know, I just thought about why it doesn't seem to bother me as much when celebs like Kathy Griffin or [insert gay icon] says it -- the delivery is different somehow to my ears and eyes.  Like when these RHs do it, it's always followed by cheeky smiles, cloying looks, and giggles like it's such a cute, fun, clever joke.  Annoying.   

  • Love 5

I equate it to an employer keeping an employee in the workplace, knowing they are on drugs or drunk. No one does that. No responsible employer, that is. If they told her she'd be tested on a regular basis, I think she'd quit.

This is a show that exploited an abusive marriage to the end where the husband hung himself. They aired what they had with no concern for their role.

  • Love 14

I don't even know what the hell I just watched, but there's far too much reality in this reality tv show for me right now.  It's going to a New Jersey place, imho, but at least they have Eileen and Lisa there to be the greek chorus, in a way.   


Apparently gays are collected in BH.  I can't decide whether I'm bothered by that, jealous that I'm not part of a rich woman's entourage, or happy that there's this kind of total acceptance, in its way, down to a gay matchmaking party.  What of the lesbians, though?  Does no one gather them?


My take on the Richards' sister/Brandi drama...I think that when Brandi spouts off she's honestly recalling what she heard someone say, which doesn't make it truth in some absolute sense, and she's just spitting out Kim's words.  I think Kyle should have walked up to fight, because maybe this will be her "rock bottom" with Kim helping her walk away from that, because I don't think she's ever going to win.  And Kim...I have these weird initial feelings where I give her a pass because she's an addict, like that means she's totally unaccountable for her actions.  But...I think she needs to go back in time and get off this show a year or so ago.  Whatever this is shouldn't be televised this way, imho, if at all (I'm thinking it should be more like Intervention than this mess).


Lisa's story- I feel like Lisa's almost real in that moment, then she rolls back to what she think she should say.  On a totally random note I did the ancestry.com DNA thing for fun and it was, well, fun.  I never really thought about it with respect to this kind of scenario, but it's interesting because it does give you a list of suggested relatives.  I hope they're smart enough to handle this search for birth parents and deal with any famewhores that it stirs up.  


Last thought: Yolanda's smart.  She's somehow a fulltime HW yet she bolts at exactly the right moments.  Good for her.


I hope we find a midpoint between sending kids to college and decades-old family drama/addiction stories.  

  • Love 5

Regarding the "my gays" shenanigans of this episode. Kyle and Lisa R. rose in my esteem for being able to "apologize" and learn from social media suggestions and public opinion.  How dumb does it sound to say something like, "My Hispanics" or "My Asians" if you have a large group of friends with those backgrounds? It's also just kind of demeaning. I can't imagine these women would refer to Andy as being a part of "their gays" because surely they know to treat their boss (or whatever he is now) with more respect. And as a sidenote,  Kyle there has always been a social rule that groups can refer to themselves in ways that outsiders simply cannot. Many groups use derogatory terms as a way to reclaim the language or give it less meaning. Whereas when an outsider uses the same term it just looks tacky. So saying that you got this term from gay friends is irrelevant. I know that other ladies from other franchises use the same jargon, but unfortunately for Kyle and Lisa R. this episode was the perfect showcase for this behavior and inspired more social media comments.  The whole party set-up made it a larger plot point than if it had just been mentioned off-hand, and the only other thing to discuss from the episode is so dark and ugly that I don't even enjoy thinking about it very much.

Like I said earlier, I don't think Lisa R. or Kyle meant any harm or offense, so nice to see them be accepting of feedback and do the adult thing. I know I've offended people without intending to, and I try to just apologize and move on. I'm trying to remember if Brandi has ever apologized for any of her comments that may have offended anyone? Insulting language towards gay people, women, or really any group of people just isn't  "polite" or harmless in my book and I would speak against derogatory terms made to any of these groups.


Kyle's, "I'm having this party to keep my gay friends off of grinder," was kind of stupid. I think she just gets a giggle out of showing how much she knows about what she believes to be "gay culture". Her, "If I were gay I would be a top, I like to be in control," comment was hilarious however! Yes more of this please. Ya'll are in your forties at least, don't try to be cute and pretend you don't know how sex works. Pick a lane. Either talk about sex like a mature adult or take the "polite' route of not talking about it publicly.


And finally, I'm assuming that by "dinner party gay" Kyle was drawing between two different stereotypes  about gay males that are commonly pushed by the media- #1: Being the refined, sophisticated, and cultured gay male. #2: Being the drug using, club hopping, white party(!!) having, immature, sex crazed gay male.


Re: Ken, Max, and Lisa: Max must be very irresponsible if Lisa and Ken don't think he can handle the bar tending job, and won't let him take the bar tending test/class/bar exam(?) until he does x,y, and z. I can't even imagine how hard it must be to parent someone that aimless. My heart goes out to them here. I can't imagine having a 21year old that I have to make sure pays his car insurance or whatnot. I don't speculate to be mean, but its possible that there is an anxiety/depression problem that would benefit from some attention here. From what is shown on camera, he just doesn't seem to care much about himself or his future. (Okay I'm way over-analyzing here!) I know that Ken's comments about his bio-parent's heritage may have offended some, but taking away the essence of his comment it was nice to see him joke around with Max. Max seemed to appreciate the attention/ interest in his life so happy for that at least!


Anwar is a cutie but I don't think he enjoys being on camera. Looking forward to seeing Yolanda without her kids or lingerie. IA with others that she doesn't have much of a storyline. I don't want to see her fired, but I wouldn't be surprised.

Edited by Granimal
  • Love 2

I don't even know what the hell I just watched, but there's far too much reality in this reality tv show for me right now.  It's going to a New Jersey place, imho, but at least they have Eileen and Lisa there to be the greek chorus, in a way.   


Apparently gays are collected in BH.  I can't decide whether I'm bothered by that, jealous that I'm not part of a rich woman's entourage, or happy that there's this kind of total acceptance, in its way, down to a gay matchmaking party.  What of the lesbians, though?  Does no one gather them?


My take on the Richards' sister/Brandi drama...I think that when Brandi spouts off she's honestly recalling what she heard someone say, which doesn't make it truth in some absolute sense, and she's just spitting out Kim's words.  I think Kyle should have walked up to fight, because maybe this will be her "rock bottom" with Kim helping her walk away from that, because I don't think she's ever going to win.  And Kim...I have these weird initial feelings where I give her a pass because she's an addict, like that means she's totally unaccountable for her actions.  But...I think she needs to go back in time and get off this show a year or so ago.  Whatever this is shouldn't be televised this way, imho, if at all (I'm thinking it should be more like Intervention than this mess).


Lisa's story- I feel like Lisa's almost real in that moment, then she rolls back to what she think she should say.  On a totally random note I did the ancestry.com DNA thing for fun and it was, well, fun.  I never really thought about it with respect to this kind of scenario, but it's interesting because it does give you a list of suggested relatives.  I hope they're smart enough to handle this search for birth parents and deal with any famewhores that it stirs up.  


Last thought: Yolanda's smart.  She's somehow a fulltime HW yet she bolts at exactly the right moments.  Good for her.


I hope we find a midpoint between sending kids to college and decades-old family drama/addiction stories.  

The BH show was far from the first HW show to use the term "my" gays, or anything like that on Bravo. NY's Ramona, Jill Z and Sonja have used that term or ones just like it, "my gay husband", "my gay BF"....., as do the Atlanta women, namely Nene and I recall some of the Miami HWs doing the same, Marysol. It runs the gauntlet of the HW franchise and needs to be addressed with all of them, not just BH IMO.


Lisa had to be very careful about what she said concerning Max's biological parents. This show is seen in England and what is said on camera could cause legal problems over there if the "birth parents" hear their name or any personal information on the show. It is a fine line she and Ken have to walk talking  about any of this with Max on camera.


I think Yolanda has already decided to quit the show after the reunion is filmed. She has already checked out in my opinion. Her new goal in life is going country to country looking for that elusive Lyme's Disease cure while supporting her Beloved in all of his endeavors.


Sadly, as long as both Kyle and Kim are on the show, that sister/addict drama will continue.

  • Love 5

Brandi, Kim, and Kyle all came out looking worse here. Kim is the master manipulator here IMO. I think that Kim knew exactly what she was doing inviting Brandi. Why? Who knows. Maybe she just loves drama. Maybe she wanted to keep the focus off of herself and the poker party. Many here have noticed Kim loving Brandi and Kyle fighting over her and have even said they saw her smiling during the argument. I can see Kim lying to Brandi about all the "horrible things" that Kyle does to her. I understand that Kim is an addict and that Kyle feels the need to take care of her because of this, but Kim is also not a good person. (And to me the two are mutually exclusive.)


ETA: Can someone explain Ken's comment to me as if I were a small child? I have to admit I didn't really understand it.

Edited by Granimal
  • Love 5

I'll admit that I am curious to see Kim and Brandi's blogs about this episode. I wonder if they'll skip it this week based on all of the criticism they're receiving. 


It must be really bad if Brandi is temporarily being chased off of Twitter.


I understand that Kim is an addict and that Kyle feels the need to take care of her because of this, but Kim is also not a good person. (And to me the two are mutually exclusive.)



This is the conclusion I'm starting to come to as well. When I first heard about the show I was excited that Kim was apart of the cast and loved the Witch Mountain movies when I was a kid. I wanted to like her and gave her the benefit of the doubt during the first season and a half or so. Then I gave her a clean slate for season 3 and still continued to notice some really unfortunate qualities about her as a person that make me see why people have had such a hard time in dealing with her over the years. I disagree that Kim is basically sweet and harmless as is often claimed and feel that one area where she is consistent whether she is high or sober is her tendency towards selfishness no matter what the situation. Kim seems to have a knack for making any situation about her own pain whether it's her kids leaving for college, a daughter getting married, multiple people being bitten by her dog, her ex-husband's battle with cancer, her sister's hurt feelings over the Brandi situation, her own hurt feelings when the subject is Adrienne, etc. 


Thinking about this current feud, I can't help but remember Kim being super upset with Kyle when Kyle was talking to people about what Brandi had done to Adrienne and Paul. Kim basically freaked out on Kyle after Kyle didn't mention the horrible wrong that Brandi did to Kim via the meth accusation during the conversation regarding the Adrienne/Paul/Brandi situation. Kim is all indignant that Kyle isn't making a bigger deal out of remembering this and whines about how much Brandi has hurt her. Lots of "What about me?! What about my pain?! She really hurt me!" from Kim. Nowadays of course Kim wants to see Brandi as a best friend and is conveniently able to forgive Brandi for things that Brandi said years ago, but she's still hanging onto things from past seasons when it comes to Kyle to say nothing of all of the years worth of stuff she's been hanging on to from prior to the show. Kyle is still being made to pay for limogate and now Kim is blaming her for both bathroom scenes as well? Kim's level of nerve and hypocrisy are just beyond frustrating at this point.

  • Love 14
The BH show was far from the first HW show to use the term "my" gays, or anything like that on Bravo. NY's Ramona, Jill Z and Sonja have used that term or ones just like it, "my gay husband", "my gay BF"....., as do the Atlanta women, namely Nene and I recall some of the Miami HWs doing the same, Marysol. It runs the gauntlet of the HW franchise and needs to be addressed with all of them, not just BH IMO.


You are, of course, right.  This time stood out to me more on account of the "bring them to a party" excuse for having a required get-together.  That felt different to me, maybe a subconscious comparison with last week's charity gathering (which i just got to watch yesterday, finally) but as I said I'm not sure I think it's entirely a bad thing.  I wasn't trying to call out BH specifically, beyond the fact that I was commenting on this show specifically

  • Love 1

You are, of course, right.  This time stood out to me more on account of the "bring them to a party" excuse for having a required get-together.  That felt different to me, maybe a subconscious comparison with last week's charity gathering (which i just got to watch yesterday, finally) but as I said I'm not sure I think it's entirely a bad thing.  I wasn't trying to call out BH specifically, beyond the fact that I was commenting on this show specifically

I think I am more upset at Andy's, wink, indignation, wink, about this than I am anyone else's. This was a producer driven party, not Kyle's or Lisa R's idea but the producers. This makes me wonder if he is ticked at the cast of BH for some reason or if the producers are.


Hey Andy, get mad at the production team that came up with this lame and offensive idea not the HW's themselves. Also, if you are ticked that some HWs feel the need to say offensive things about or too the LGTB community, address them by name, cough Nene/Ramona/Sonja cough and stop hiding out in your clubhouse!

  • Love 5

Re: Ken, Max, and Lisa: Max must be very irresponsible if Lisa and Ken don't think he can handle the bar tending job, and won't let him take the bar tending test/class/bar exam(?) until he does x,y, and z. I can't even imagine how hard it must be to parent someone that aimless. My heart goes out to them here.

If I am remembering correctly, Max had a fairly serious drug problem at one time. He was sent away to one of those tough-love camps for a while. It all could have done a number on his brain. I've personally seen what drug abuse can do to a young person. It literally stunts their emotional growth and doing simple things such as fixing lunch or going to work are very difficult.

  • Love 5

I think there is kind of a possible misunderstanding going on.


From what I've read, each housewife is supposed to come up with at least one or two "parties" or "charity" get togethers on their own.  Yes, Bravo may help out with product placement or financial help with them, and Bravo does completely foot the bill for most "vacation getaways" (again, product placement) with one housewife named as hostess of said trip.  Each housewife may also pitch ideas for just them, and one or two other wives, or their families.  For example, YOLANDA did the whole "paint a square for Bella" thing at her house, and was pissed when only a couple of "wives" showed up.


So not all are Bravo sponsored or arranged get togethers. 


Trip to Amsterdam?  Bravo.

Kyle's "bring your gays" party?  KYLE 

Lisa's star on walk of fame?  LISA

Kim's daughter's wedding?  KIM

Lisa's trip to throw her parents out of their house in Medford?  LISA

Poker Party?  EILEEN

Random music dinner?  YOLANDA



That doesn't mean Bravo won't split part of the bill, but it does mean the housewife came up with it, as required.  Not Bravo's idea. 


Bravo always arranges the big trips that all wives go on, the Morocco's, Amsterdam's, etc.  They do not plan each and every event on the shows.

Edited by Umbelina
  • Love 3

I think I am more upset at Andy's, wink, indignation, wink, about this than I am anyone else's. This was a producer driven party, not Kyle's or Lisa R's idea but the producers. This makes me wonder if he is ticked at the cast of BH for some reason or if the producers are.


Hey Andy, get mad at the production team that came up with this lame and offensive idea not the HW's themselves. Also, if you are ticked that some HWs feel the need to say offensive things about or too the LGTB community, address them by name, cough Nene/Ramona/Sonja cough and stop hiding out in your clubhouse!

My theory-Andy had gotten comments about it before and with Lance Bass sitting there he decided to address it.  Lance was all about how he should have been contacted to throw the party.  It was overdue but I agree it has gone across all the franchises and production needs to either cut it out or strongly discourage any from using it.  I might also recommend no more, "bye Felicia," "you've been read", "tea" "shade" and a variety of other rather overused phrases. 

I think there is kind of a possible misunderstanding going on.


From what I've read, each housewife is supposed to come up with at least one or two "parties" or "charity" get togethers on their own.  Yes, Bravo may help out with product placement or financial help with them, and Bravo does completely foot the bill for most "vacation getaways" (again, product placement) with one housewife named as hostess of said trip.


So not all are Bravo sponsored or arranged get togethers. 


Trip to Amsterdam?  Bravo.

Kyle's "bring your gays" party?  KYLE 

Lisa's star on walk of fame?  LISA

Kim's daughter's wedding?  KIM

Lisa's trip to throw her parents out of their house in Medford?  LISA

Poker Party?  EILEEN



That doesn't mean Bravo won't split part of the bill, but it does mean the housewife came up with it, as required.  Not Bravo's idea. 


Bravo always arranges the big trips that all wives go on, the Morocco's, Amsterdam's, etc.  They do not plan each and every event on the shows.

Gay party is definitely BRAVO.  Kyle has zero imagination.  Unknown restaurant is always the dead give away-another business trying to get on the show.

  • Love 6

I honestly don't think so. 


It just sounds like something Kyle would do to be hip and edgy.  As usual, as with her wardrobe, she failed.


Now, I'm not saying Bravo didn't pick up some of the costs, but that party REEKED of Kyle.


Frankly, the only one I'm curious about is Kyles "yacht" trip, such as it was.  My guess is Kyle tried to get Bravo to pick up some of the tab, so invited Yolanda.  I seriously doubt BRAVO paid for all of it though.  Not enough wives present.

Edited by Umbelina
  • Love 4

I honestly don't think so. 


It just sounds like something Kyle would do to be hip and edgy.  As usual, as with her wardrobe, she failed.


Now, I'm not saying Bravo didn't pick up some of the costs, but that party REEKED of Kyle.


Frankly, the only one I'm curious about is Kyles "yacht" trip, such as it was.  My guess is Kyle tried to get Bravo to pick up some of the tab, so invited Yolanda.  I seriously doubt BRAVO paid for all of it though.  Not enough wives present.

You are going to hurt Brandi's feelings if you persist in giving Kyle credit-we saw the clip where Brandi and her hair stylist were in Kyle's store and came up with the idea.  If Kyle gets caught stealing both Kim and Brandi's idea Kyle's teeth will be hitting the floor.

  • Love 5

I have a feeling Brandi may be licking some wounds -she is the poster child for NYPost's "9 Most Hated Housewives"  and was not allowed to appear on the Wendy Williams Show with the rest of the Celebrity Apprentice cast.  So having her photo front and center while visiting New York has to smart.  Maybe a more insightful blog this week.  http://nypost.com/2015/02/04/the-9-most-hated-real-housewives-ever/

  • Love 1

That's my point though.




They are filming.  Anyone can show up, or diss the hostess by staying away.


BUT, BRAVO doesn't arrange everything.  Part of their contract is to come up with these smaller events on their own, even if Bravo chips in or adds the fact that the venue or party planner will get screen time/credit, and saves the "wives" some bucks on it all.  Honestly, think Taylor's kid's birthday party for an example of a housewife taking advantage of the Bravo gig. 


The one thing Bravo always plans is the bit finale trip at the end, or near end.  The rest?  It's part of their contract to come up with stuff. 


That most hated wives article was a joke.  They left out the two most hated, Jill Zarin and Camille first season. 


Nothing will reach the hate levels of Amazongate.  Ever.


Oh, and lets add nutso Kelly Bensimon in to hated as well, although it crossed the line into pitied.

Edited by Umbelina
  • Love 3

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