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S02.E09: Luther Braxton (1)

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Yeah !!  Janel Maloney is the CIA liaison.   Ron Perlman -- awesome as ever.


Unfortunately the CIA personnel are even more inept than the FBI -- and the ones not inept are on the take -- at the Factory. Did they never search the prisoner cells ?  Because Luthor had a lot of stuff stashed in his cell (or did he get all that stuff from the guards he bought off ?).  In which case the guy bringing him dinner that he killed was probably on his payroll since he would interact regularly with Luthor.


How did Red know that he would be moved from Hong Kong to South Korea to the Bering Sea. 


I like how Ressler, Lizzie and Samar made it from Washington to the middle of the Bering Sea in under 12 hours.  Obviously they weren't flying an in F-22 which apparently only takes 24 minutes to get there from Wright-Patterson  in Ohio (see my analysis on that ridiculousness below).


Doesn't matter how much Samar gets strung up, she's going to bleed out from that untreated gunshot wound to her leg.  Though Ressler may end up a little taller.  And of course it's the guy in the middle that will get killed -- you don't kill the co-stars on 'the Blacklist' unless it's a season finale.


And Lizzie is playing the part of John McClain in tonight's episode -- the proverbial fly in the ointment as she teams up with Red.  How did Red get away from his guard exactly ?


How convenient that Lizzie is the only person small enough to fit in the vent to the boiler room ? I'm surprised she didn't say that now she knows what a TV dinner feels like. </snark>


Why would the CIA be using the FBI to run point on a CIA black site ? That makes no sense at all.


The "master code" for a super duper secure CIA comm node is 7 characters -- does the CIA not enforce complexity or length rules on their master code passwords ?  My password for my Hotmail account is forced by Microsoft to be longer than that.


DCF1372 -- is that symbolic for something ?


Why didn't Braxton's team go and kill everyone in the Warden's Office after they discovered that Red was there ?  And for a facility on lockdown, Red et al were able to easily saunter from the Warden's office down to the boiler room with no trouble at all.


Who's minding the two helicopters on the landing pads ?  Are they just sitting there waiting and completely ignoring all the gunshots and explosions going off ?  Considering that this former drilling platform is a remote comms site, I didn't see a lot of satellite dishes for fast communications high-capacity data communications anywhere -- it looked like a normal oil platform.


F-22s out of Ohio (Aram said Wright-Patterson) could not fly to the middle of the Bering Sea in 24 minutes -- I don't think so.  It's 3500 miles from the middle of Ohio to Nome, Alaska plus add another 500 miles to go to the middle of the Bering Sea so say 4000 miles.  F-22s only have a range of approx. 1600 miles (with drop tanks) so they'd need to refuel at least twice to get there. and with a top speed of 1500 mph it would take them nearly 3 hours to get there (make that 4 or 5 hours with two refuelings).  Why wouldn't they just say they were going to dispatch them out of Elmendorff or some place in Alaska ?  WTF ?


And Lizzie is that ray of light in the dark cave.  Hah !!  Correction -- she's "the girl" that was at Red's house when Red's family was killed and his house burnt down.


Red's dead baby, Red's dead. Only not so much -- did Red just wake up after Lizzie performed CPR on him (because she wouldn't have performed CPR if he didn't have a pulse at some point).  Because he proceeded to waltz through the prison and take down Luther with barely breaking a sweat.  And what was with all the loose prisoners wandering around on the topside -- they seemed more like prisoners from a lockup up in Cali than people that would be imprisoned in CIA black site.


I'm sure Red and Luthor and Lizzie will just walk off the effects of the two missiles impacting 'The Factory' platform.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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Isn't it strange that this episode could have been a reboot of the entire series and none of what we've seen so far is really that important? I know they crafted an all in one episode to capture new super bowl audience without needing any prior history but sheesh this episode made more sense than most of season one. Ha!

The master code made me LOL though. It reminded me of Captain Picard's "blow up the ship" codes authorization Picard alpha omega 1. Apparently The World's Servers and the Starship Enterprise are both protected by codes generated by Fisher Price.

Certainly felt like a post-Superbowl episode, so that's good, at least.  You've got probably one of the more rememberable "Blacklisters" in the form of Ron Perlman as Luther Braxton.  He certainly made his presence felt.  Still not a guy I would ever want to cross.  They re-introduce the shady organization out to get Red and have them play a huge part.  Looks like David Strathairn will be taking over for Alan Alda (RIP, Fitch), as the "face" of that organization.  More Red/Lizzie and their past.  And, of course, plenty of Red shooting fools and outsmarting almost everyone.  Yep, this show knows that most of the viewership consist of those wanting to see James Spader delightfully chew the scenery.  Might as well not change it, if you can keep doing it and maintain ratings.


Fun cliffhanger (they do need to get more eyeballs for Thursday since it's now taking on the juggernaut known as Scandal), but I'm sure everyone will somehow survive that explosion.  Hell, I agree Samar really should be in major trouble with that gunshot, but if Ressler can survive that shotgun blast from last season, she'll be fine.


Cracked up over the drama over Red and Lizzie only having "10 to 20" seconds, to get away from the blast.  In real life, yes, that's an issue.  But, on TV?  Come on, I've seen shows where they only have a second or two, and they still miraculously survive.  Really, they were chumps to even get as injured as they were!


I like Harry Lennix, but Harold has to be one of the biggest pushovers, in TV boss history.  Literally, everyone seems to walk over him, and he never seems to be able to get anyone in-line.  I almost feel sorry for the poor guy.


If Samar does die, I'm sure the CIA will feel the wrath of Aram!  He'll totally hack their computers and spam them with annoying cat videos and penis pill advertisements!

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Good action but definitely some silliness with the Blacklist's return. Where to begin?


Okay, first and foremost, the CIA has a prison in which the worst of the worst are kept but their intel is so important and sensitive that it requires a real-time two way link to every other secret the US holds. Because that's how the US got Osama Bin Laden, right? They got him by hurrying. Didn't they?


Television jails all have the same weakness. There's always some panels to pry off, some easily accessed wire and some corrupt guards. Come on now! This is the prison in which the CIA holds the world's most brutal terrorists etc and there's guards on the take?!?!


In true Die Hard tradition, Keen is actually decently dirty by the time she finishes her air shaft crawl. But again, is a super-secret CIA prison going to have air ducts that a person could crawl through? The actual air ducts should be just big enough for a small person to get stuck in.


True CPR fact: if you call the person you are trying to resuscitate a son of a bitch they will come back to life a few minutes later. However, they might be angry and might go on a killing spree if there is a handy shotgun nearby.


I am very glad this episode got straight to the point about what the Fulcrum was. Hawaii 5-0 spent a couple of seasons drawing out a mystery that turned out to be stupid shenanigans so I am happy this show stepped on the gas. Hopefully next week we'll get some real answers about the actual connection between Lizzie and Red.

Isn't it strange that this episode could have been a reboot of the entire series and none of what we've seen so far is really that important? I know they crafted an all in one episode to capture new super bowl audience without needing any prior history but sheesh this episode made more sense than most of season one. Ha!



I actually thought it made almost no sense, and the introduction of Braxton was abrupt and weak for a character who I assume will be a long-standing nemesis.


In addition to all the fine silliness others have pointed out, how exactly did an injured Lizzie get inside a locked down CIA secret base? She was shot outside. Next we see her, she is inside.


I had really hoped to see a tougher Lizzie, or more able Lizzie, or some other Lizzie. But nope, same (tin) Lizzie.


If this was to be a reboot, it actually just went further down the path we have seen before. I don't think that's a good thing.

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Who would they be locking out? The dolphins?

Bahaha! Doesn't anyone else on the planet watch TV to just be entertained? I sometimes feel so totally alone because I don't care if all the pieces fit together perfectly, or if the costuming and the history lines up with fact. I don't care, I want to sit down and just enjoy myself for an hour. Hell with plausibility. I am with this show until the end and I hope that doesn't come for several years.

  • Love 10

Good deal, this episode is being rerun this Thursday since football ran late and I was watching a PBS Mystery anyway. When I did turn over to Blacklist, I fell asleep during one of those eternally long commercial breaks. Maybe that says something about the episode? Or my attention span. In any case, I'm in for this coming Thursday. The second part is running right after it at 8 p.m. central, which means I can still watch Doc Martin at 9. Life is good! (Even if this episode wasn't.)

  • Love 1

The writers seemingly made a mistake in having the F-22s take off from Wright-Patterson as opposed to Elmendorf-Richardson in Alaska (which actually has F-22s on base).


Bahaha! Doesn't anyone else on the planet watch TV to just be entertained? I sometimes feel so totally alone because I don't care if all the pieces fit together perfectly, or if the costuming and the history lines up with fact. I don't care, I want to sit down and just enjoy myself for an hour. Hell with plausibility. I am with this show until the end and I hope that doesn't come for several years.

You're not alone; I can forgive a lot of the little details that many nitpick at after each episode. It's a good network TV show and that is all it is supposed to be, IMO. The deep, realistic type shows that are meant to be larger comments on society and whatnot are for the pay cable channels.

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Megan Boone looks so bored and disinterested every time Red talks. She going beyond phoning it in. Phoning takes too much effort. She's texting it in.

I gave up on this show because of her.  James Spader was not enough to offset the awfulness.  I was worried I gave up to soon or should give it another try since it got post- Super Bowl positioning.  Apparently, she hasn't improved so sadly James (and Ron Perlman?!?!) will have to forge on without me.

  • Love 1

Megan Boone looks so bored and disinterested every time Red talks. She going beyond phoning it in. Phoning takes too much effort. She's texting it in.

Dude, I get where she's coming from. Whether it's Megan or Agent Keen shining through, whenever Red was launching into some ridiculously long soliloquy instead of answering what was often a simple yes or no question, that was my cue to check and see if it was time to rotate my laundry into the dryer.

  • Love 2

Well you guys have a point there.  I don't disagree that Boone gets the "why?" "what does that do?" " i don't understand." "what does that mean?" dialogue against Red's soliloquian ponderings and musings. But something tells me if the script were flipped and Spader got the dumb dialogue, he'd nuance it by a raised eyebrow, dramatic sigh, exaggerated head tilt or integrated eye roll that made us feel like those dumb ass plot advancing questions were a wee bit more compelling.

  • Love 6

Bahaha! Doesn't anyone else on the planet watch TV to just be entertained? I sometimes feel so totally alone because I don't care if all the pieces fit together perfectly, or if the costuming and the history lines up with fact. I don't care, I want to sit down and just enjoy myself for an hour. Hell with plausibility. I am with this show until the end and I hope that doesn't come for several years.

Totally agree with you. I watch most stuff just to be entertained. I could give a rat's ass about all that attention to minute detail. We all know it is fiction so why worry about it. I have enough real stuff going on in my life that I need distractions. Hell, my car was stolen right out of my driveway on Friday. That's more important than who does what to whom for what ever reason. Just sit back with an adult beverage in hand and relax.

  • Love 3
It didn't seem to be a literal lockdown. It's a rig in the middle of miles and miles of water. None of the inside doors were locked, why would they bother with the outside one? Who would they be locking out? The dolphins?



Funny answer, but I am pretty sure that any secret government facility, no matter its location, locks its door so people from outside cannot simply get in by opening them like a McDonald's. But to answer your question, who would they be locking out, one possible answer is any bad guys who wanted to get in to rescue other bad guys or access government data.


I sometimes feel so totally alone because I don't care if all the pieces fit together perfectly, or if the costuming and the history lines up with fact.



For the most part, neither do I, especially on certain shows. But some basic realism needs to be in place. if the characters all suddenly acquire the ability to fly, that is a distraction for me. So are things like accessing a top secret facility in seconds with no reasonable explanation, on a show that goes to great pains to show us the intricate details of how mastermind Braxton breaks out of a top secret facility. It's tough to have it both ways.

Edited by Ottis
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Funny answer, but I am pretty sure that any secret government facility, no matter its location, locks its door so people from outside cannot simply get in by opening them like a McDonald's. But to answer your question, who would they be locking out, one possible answer is any bad guys who wanted to get in to rescue other bad guys or access government data.

Not ever having been a Fed or a spy, I have no idea of protocol in that scenario. However, I have been out on those offshore rigs quite plenty. You can hear an engine coming for MILES, there is no sneaking up on one of things. Unless you're in a rowboat. And anyone who has the physical prowess to row 50-100 miles and then have the energy to seize control of a stronghold deserves the success.

  • Love 2
But to answer your question, who would they be locking out, one possible answer is any bad guys who wanted to get in to rescue other bad guys or access government data.


Ironically, it seems that the only guy who tried to get in and access government data was Luther, and he was actually brought there by the very people who would have the keys to those doors in the first place. I'm pretty sure they had locks on the cell doors - those got opened only when the boiler room blew up. I didn't get why the detainees immediately proceeded to beat each other up instead of doing something more constructive with their new-found freedom though. Real thinkers those guys, clearly worthy of being entrusted with useful intel.

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Yeah, so thanks, Super Bowl, my DVR believed the network's timing, so I missed half of Blacklist.  So not amused.

They are replaying the full episode (part 1) on Thursday at 8 PM EST / 7 PM CST just before the new episode (part 2) airs at its new time 9 PM EST / 8 PM CST. Make sure to set your DVR and you'll get to see everything, including what you missed.

  • Love 1

Isn't it strange that this episode could have been a reboot of the entire series and none of what we've seen so far is really that important? I know they crafted an all in one episode to capture new super bowl audience without needing any prior history but sheesh this episode made more sense than most of season one. Ha!

The master code made me LOL though. It reminded me of Captain Picard's "blow up the ship" codes authorization Picard alpha omega 1. Apparently The World's Servers and the Starship Enterprise are both protected by codes generated by Fisher Price.

I believe Picard's needed his voice, so no reason for a long code.

I don't mind Boone as much as the rest of you.  She plays her part and she was really adorable in this episode.


Reddington, as usual, was just wonderful.


The rest of the cast was good.


The episode has it's usual unrealistic elements, but I was glad to be entertained and look past them.


I certainly am not going to get all bent of shape of where they were and how long the planes took to get there and time difference.


It's pretty much a TV trope now that people move, drive and fly to places far quicker than they could in real life.

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I just watched this episode based on a friend's recommendation, so bear with me :)  


Wtf have I watched ? I have seen Walmart greeters with more professionalism than this sorry group.  Between a panicky IT person who begged for capitulation and an FBI Director who did not know the meaning of "you do not negotiate with terrorists".  To top it off, he whined about decision to destroy the facility which was a result of his f--- up. Lol  Speaking of the jets, I thought they were supposed to wipe out the facility ? How come most of the main characters survived and were shown in next week's preview ?


I love Spader but I almost had to watch sideways just to enjoy his performance :)  And that girl should not have shared any scene with Spader EVER :D

Edited by DarkRaichu
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