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Hallmark Movies: Small Town Royalty Magically Celebrating Rekindled Love! - General Discussion

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51 minutes ago, EyewatchTV211 said:

They explained part of it later, but not some of his assumptions that were somewhat mysogynistic.

It won't surprise me to find that you're right.  I just remember his trying to explain what to do in the case of an avalanche, saying that they were going to 'bury' her so the dog could find her, and her interrupting to snottily tell people that of course they weren't going to bury her, she would be in a sealed tube blah blah blah.  Really??  I'm sure people thought they were going to seal her under a mountain of snow and wait for the dog.  Then they ended up putting her in a snow fort with 4 snowballs in front of the entrance.

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2 hours ago, WhyAmIHere said:

The sister took a negative pregnancy test near the end of the movie, but she never told anyone, did she? 

I was waiting for her to share that with her sister, but nope, she never did. And I sort of was left hanging b/c it's been a long, long while since I've taken a pregnancy test, and I wasn't sure what that pink line meant. If it showed a + or a -, I wasn't able to see that on my TV screen. I did figure she wasn't pregnant, b/c I would hope she would have been excited to share it with her sister.

The male lead, yeah, was being douchey, but he should have shared his concerns about why he didn't trust this new technology.  

The scenery was beautiful. All in all, an okay movie for me.

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9 hours ago, bankerchick said:

It won't surprise me to find that you're right.  I just remember his trying to explain what to do in the case of an avalanche, saying that they were going to 'bury' her so the dog could find her, and her interrupting to snottily tell people that of course they weren't going to bury her, she would be in a sealed tube blah blah blah.  Really??  I'm sure people thought they were going to seal her under a mountain of snow and wait for the dog.  Then they ended up putting her in a snow fort with 4 snowballs in front of the entrance.

Except for this one instance of her acting snooty, I can’t recall any other time she was arrogant. But him?  Hoooo, boy!  Like Heather kept telling her sister, Chris was so insulting and dismissive of Heather’s work.  See below.

9 hours ago, ECM1231 said:

The male lead, yeah, was being douchey, but he should have shared his concerns about why he didn't trust this new technology.  

Yep, douche is right. Heather even point blank asked him to “make her understand” why he didn’t trust her work/the technology and again, he outright refused to give her the real explanation (wife trusted technology but it failed, resulting in her dying in an avalanche), and instead just fobbed her off saying technology can’t keep up with the weather. In the same scene, she was asking for their two approaches to predicting avalanches to co-exist but Mr. Mountain Man thought his way was the only way.

ps…I had a problem with Heather using the word “make” instead of “help”. Make implied Heather was too stupid to understand or completely in the wrong about her methods, so it bugged me the script used the word “make”. 

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3 hours ago, norcalgal said:

Like Heather kept telling her sister, Chris was so insulting and dismissive of Heather’s work.

Not only that but he had the audacity to tell her to "respect my work" when she signed up for his tour which she later complimented him on.

But he was so dismissive of hers even after he decided he wanted to date her. 

But overall, I liked it a bit more than I thought I would. Not for the romance but I got a kick out of the massage scene, the kid and the jealous massage therapist (although, let's face it, he probably never told her that he wasn't interested because that's "private information." )

Edited by Irlandesa
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On 1/25/2023 at 4:53 PM, bankerchick said:


@Bronx Babe, respectfully, I think we've waited long enough.  Who is The Phantom of the Opera, and who is Fran Drescher without (I'm assuming) the New Yawk accent?

I don't know!! That's why I was asking but I guess it seemed more like I knew the answer and was waiting for everyone to chime in.

On 1/24/2023 at 11:44 AM, Miss Bones said:

Christopher Russell?  He is always an immediate NO for me.  I've seen others call him handsome, and I suppose he is objectively handsome, but I find him creepy... and he is an awful actor.

Kimberly Sustad?  


No on both counts.

I wish I could remember any titles Phantom and Fran are in.....

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On 1/27/2023 at 10:56 PM, Ghost Bear said:

Rhiannon Fish?

No, sorry.

Looks a little like Fran but that's not the actress.   (and remember, I DON'T KNOW PHANTOM AND FRAN'S NAMES -- it is not a quiz where I know the answers and I am testing everyone, just the opposite, lol)

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14 minutes ago, Bronx Babe said:

No, sorry.

Looks a little like Fran but that's not the actress.   (and remember, I DON'T KNOW PHANTOM AND FRAN'S NAMES -- it is not a quiz where I know the answers and I am testing everyone, just the opposite, lol)

Oh, I did not realize that.  But I just looked up Lon Chaney Sr in Phantom, and I am dying laughing, trying to picture a HM leading man that looks like that!

Edited by Miss Bones
Added something
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Well maybe not that bad but to my eyes close enough to be Chaney's son, lol.

That Glacier Park romance -- awful.  The lead actress as a scientist with the model mermaid hair, heavy make-up and vocal fry, who can take these stories seriously??   I am frankly fed up!!

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1 hour ago, Bronx Babe said:

 I am frankly fed up!!

You know, I am starting to wonder if it was a  hobby I had that I'm now over.  I liked some of the Christmas movies, tolerated some, and completely passed on others.  There are more 'can't watch' actresses than actresses I like, with most of them in the 'tolerable if I like the guy' category.  It was always about the men for me, but even they don't appeal to me as much any more (the 'douche' from the avalanche movie is a good example - I used to really like him, but I've turned off the last two movies he was in because he wasn't enough to make me stay.)  Plus they're getting younger and I always said as long as they were older than my son (currently 34) I could watch them, but that doesn't really seem to be the case in a lot of the movies anymore.

Truth is, I like this site more than I like watching the movies most weekends. 

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19 minutes ago, bankerchick said:

You know, I am starting to wonder if it was a  hobby I had that I'm now over.  I liked some of the Christmas movies, tolerated some, and completely passed on others.  There are more 'can't watch' actresses than actresses I like, with most of them in the 'tolerable if I like the guy' category.  It was always about the men for me, but even they don't appeal to me as much any more (the 'douche' from the avalanche movie is a good example - I used to really like him, but I've turned off the last two movies he was in because he wasn't enough to make me stay.)  Plus they're getting younger and I always said as long as they were older than my son (currently 34) I could watch them, but that doesn't really seem to be the case in a lot of the movies anymore.

Truth is, I like this site more than I like watching the movies most weekends. 

Yes.  I think I have aged out (I am 74) of the Hallmark movies. I started watching them (the Christmas movies)  a few years ago when my husband passed away. They were ridiculous; but they were on 24/7 so I left the tv on all night in the background; it was comforting.  I had never seen most of the actors/actresses before; and actually enjoyed some of them.  Everyone was pretty/handsome, bright and shiny decorations, etc.  But now the network is trying to be more diverse (overdue) but has gone about it in such a clumsy way. The newer actors/actresses (for me) are fine;  but they no longer appeal - probably due to poor writing. I do watch the Christmas movies from past years; just not much from this year or last year.

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3 hours ago, bankerchick said:

Truth is, I like this site more than I like watching the movies most weekends. 

Yeah, sadly it has come to that.  Hallmark is just tiresome with the endless repetition of insipid stories.  The days of Hallmark Hall of Fame quality are gone for good.

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On 1/5/2023 at 1:37 PM, kirinan said:

Back on topic, I haven't seen the axe throwing movie, but the guy in it seems to be a new Hallmark darling (not necessarily the viewers, but the channel sure seems to like him).

I don’t care for Cory Sevier, neither looks or personality.  For me he’s quickly becoming the male version of Cindy Busby and Jessica Lowndes. But as you say Hallmark likes him for some reason.

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On 1/20/2023 at 6:36 PM, Bronx Babe said:

Okay, who is the male lead with bizarre cheekbones who looks like Lon Chaney Sr. as The Phantom of the Opera?

I came across a possible contender today.  Justin Bruening?  There is something creepy looking about him.


On 1/29/2023 at 11:36 AM, WhyAmIHere said:

Maybe it's wedding veil fatigue, but I kind of enjoyed the glacier movie.  It had some weird, dropped threads though.  The sister took a negative pregnancy test near the end of the movie, but she never told anyone, did she?  The female lead didn't spend any time with her sister after that.  The redhead massage therapist also mentioned something she needed to share at the dance but then wasn't seen again.  

I can't pinpoint anything specific that I liked about this movie, other than relief that it wasn't another wedding veil movie.   


I mainly watched for the pretty scenery; the main storyline was a snooze.  OF COURSE, they get off on the wrong foot, OF COURSE, they're destined to be thrown together, OF COURSE, he finally sees the light and they get together.

I also noted the dropped storylines. Wasn't the sister having problems getting pregnant?  I seem to recall that from early in the movie when I was still half paying attention.  If so, wasn't the negative pregnancy test a significant part of the ongoing story?  Shouldn't we have gotten some sort of follow up?  You can tell how much I didn't care about the main plot when I am this obsessed over the B plot involving the sisterI didn't like either.

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On 2/2/2023 at 4:44 PM, Cetacean said:

Is the Vapid Veil Trilogy (x2) on some sort of loop?  Every time I get to Hallmark, another one is being repeated ad nauseum.  Enough, already.

Second that! Hope they just leave the necklace legend to imagination!

The chocolate Valentine’s offering was just blah. The premise was done before, in a bakery, with bread. What was up with the mom? You’re being extorted out of your place of business, and you go looking at residential properties to move your household???? She needed to look into moving the business to an affordable location. 

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1 hour ago, Daff said:

Second that! Hope they just leave the necklace legend to imagination!

The chocolate Valentine’s offering was just blah. The premise was done before, in a bakery, with bread. What was up with the mom? You’re being extorted out of your place of business, and you go looking at residential properties to move your household???? She needed to look into moving the business to an affordable location. 

I thought the Valentine's movie was ok. Yes, the plot had been done before, but I find Dan Jeannotte to be a charming Hallmark leading man. I'm indifferent to Eloise Mumford.

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I quite enjoyed Sweeter Than Chocolate.  It might have been done before but I felt like this was on the better side of execution. 

Dan Jeannotte was very believable as a local crime reporter/anchor wannabe with that sheen of being overly-polished yet he was charming enough to be a love interest.


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I enjoyed "Paris Proposal" with Alexa PenaVega just because her wardrobe was Fabulous!  Her silver satin dress at the Gala was tres chic, I loved her pink suit and the black & white dress with Rosette on the front.  The actor I had never seen before but he was charming in a low-key way.  And, of course, the views of Paris were wonderful, anything in Paris delights me(I'm an "Emily in Paris" fan :)

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2 hours ago, BuckeyeLou said:

And, of course, the views of Paris were wonderful, anything in Paris delights me(I'm an "Emily in Paris" fan :)

This movie clearly wanted to capitalize on the Emily In Paris popularity with the Paris location and ad agency.  And it ends up being so much more enjoyable to me than that series because it corrects some of the worst parts about it.

There was fashion but not overly ridiculous.  In fact, the most ridiculous dress is covered by a coat most of the time.  I thought the male romantic interest was actually interesting and that the main couple had real chemistry.  (I find neither of those are the case for me in EIP.)  More importantly, both of the people who got to go to Paris to try and land the client actually...*gasp*...spoke French. In the end, it was a bit ridiculous when Sebastian and Marianne spoke in English to one another but that's a minor quibble. 

I even think this movie had some of my favorite Hallmark kisses/moments. (I'd beg off being pervy but that's kind of impossible with a Hallmark movie.) I loved the "from behind" kiss and the bridge kiss.  And the subtle hand holding while watching the commercial.

The only thing that truly annoyed me about the movie was Alexa saying "macaroon" when she clearly meant "macaron."  Those are two very different desserts. 

Macaroon (with coconut)

chocolate macaroon GIF

And macaron

Hungry French GIF by Millions

Edited by Irlandesa
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On 1/21/2023 at 11:33 AM, SusanwatchingTV said:

There's one of the ladies I call Scarface.  I don't know her name, but she's been in a lot of things.  I saw her in an older one recently and she didn't seem to have the scar, so I'm thinking at some point she was injured and it left a scar on her forehead between her eyes.

Julie Gonzalo was injured as a child which left that scar between her eyes. Make-up hides the scar in some of her movies. Personally, the scar is distracting to me when it is not hidden by make-up. Why she hasn't had the scar removed is a mystery to me. I'm sure surgery could make that look much better.

Edited by luvthepros
7 hours ago, luvthepros said:

Julie Gonzo was injured as a child which left that scar between her eyes. Make-up hides the scar in some of her movies. Personally, the scar is distracting to me when it is not hidden by make-up. Why she hasn't had the scar removed is a mystery to me. I'm sure surgery could make that look much better.

Maybe she hasn't had it removed because she doesn't really consider it that big a deal. It certainly doesn't seem to be hurting her ability to get work, so I'm guessing she doesn't really care. Maybe she considers it part of herself and embraces it, and more power to her if that's the case.

16 hours ago, Irlandesa said:


The only thing that truly annoyed me about the movie was Alexa saying "macaroon" when she clearly meant "macaron."  Those are two very different desserts. 

Macaroon (with coconut)

chocolate macaroon GIF

And macaron

Hungry French GIF by Millions

This drives me crazy too - macaron, along with mascarpone and turmeric are the three most mispronounced cooking terms on TV.

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On 1/21/2023 at 10:07 PM, BuckeyeLou said:

I wanted to comment on the 3rd installment of the "Wedding Veil" trilogy...I enjoyed it the best.  I thought this one had everything I look for in an enjoyable Hallmark movie: it had Spectacular scenery, I loved All of Tracy's(Ali) outfits,  Victor & Alison have good chemistry, I loved the little actor who played Leo: he added an extra element to the story which was something different than most, the British Lady(Lady Dalton) was funny stealing the veil to help her Grandson's romance,  all in all I found it lovely & enjoyable.  And now I would love to take a trip to Greece!

Years ago, "The Love Boat" went to Greece. I was enamored by the landscape and their buildings. Hubby and I did take a trip to Santorini, Greece because of that "Love Boat" episode. It is one of my most memorable travel experiences.

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19 hours ago, BuckeyeLou said:

I enjoyed "Paris Proposal" with Alexa PenaVega just because her wardrobe was Fabulous!  Her silver satin dress at the Gala was tres chic, I loved her pink suit and the black & white dress with Rosette on the front.  The actor I had never seen before but he was charming in a low-key way.  And, of course, the views of Paris were wonderful, anything in Paris delights me(I'm an "Emily in Paris" fan :)

I looked the movie up on IMDB since I didn't see it because I was curious about something. That something was if it was yet another movie with her husband which shockingly it wasn't.

  • LOL 1
2 hours ago, Jaded said:

I looked the movie up on IMDB since I didn't see it because I was curious about something. That something was if it was yet another movie with her husband which shockingly it wasn't.

I get why the Penavegas would want to work together for family logistics but I like Alexa more in movies that don't star her hubby.

Edited by Irlandesa
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21 hours ago, BuckeyeLou said:

I enjoyed "Paris Proposal" with Alexa PenaVega just because her wardrobe was Fabulous!  Her silver satin dress at the Gala was tres chic, I loved her pink suit and the black & white dress with Rosette on the front.  The actor I had never seen before but he was charming in a low-key way.  And, of course, the views of Paris were wonderful, anything in Paris delights me(I'm an "Emily in Paris" fan :)

I coveted Alexa's wardrobe throughout. I really enjoyed this movie. The lead actors had good chemistry and the plot didn't have any major holes in it. I liked it better than last week's. Alexa posted on her IG that it was filmed in Bulgaria and Paris.

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Much to my surprise, I enjoyed Paris Proposal, including the lead actress who I generally don't care for but perhaps that is because she usually acts opposite her husband, who I cannot abide. My one quibble was the de trop 'fashion show' in the department store, which was short on fashion and a bit of a time sink. All the rest, including the various Parisian street scenes, were lovely. And now, I want to go back to Paris. It has been a while.

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On 2/12/2023 at 5:03 PM, Ele said:

I coveted Alexa's wardrobe throughout. I really enjoyed this movie. The lead actors had good chemistry and the plot didn't have any major holes in it. I liked it better than last week's. Alexa posted on her IG that it was filmed in Bulgaria and Paris.

Just came here to add to all the love for Paris Proposal.  Such an enjoyable movie and it didn’t feel like a Hallmark movie (that’s a compliment). 

Only few quibbles from me:  Anna barely spent time with her friend who lives in Paris and they dropped the plot about Anna living with her friend for the remainder of the trip. Lastly, Marianne’s hair was flyaway for most of the movie which distracted me and seems OOC for such an elegant woman.

 The acting from everyone, especially the lead actor was soooo good.  I’ve never seen him in anything else, but I felt he elevated the movie from good to great.  I just loved Sebastian’s personality (fun loving, emotionally raw with his dad, professional when needed, oh so charming).  The best part of the movie was Anna and Sebastian separately sticking up for each other and taking the blame for the lie. 
Andre, the hotel receptionist? concierge?  FTW!  

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1 hour ago, norcalgal said:

Anna barely spent time with her friend who lives in Paris and they dropped the plot about Anna living with her friend for the remainder of the trip.

They did show her at her friend's house after their late-in-the-movie argument.

Edited by Irlandesa
1 hour ago, FunnyFace said:

Welcome to Valentine. Leading and leading man are both unlikable  just a few minutes in. Does not bode well.

This movie seems like it has more commercial breaks than the usual Hallmark movie. I like Kathryn Davis. If she makes another Hallmark movie, I hope it is better than this one! 

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14 hours ago, twoods said:

I was looking forward to this movie because I liked Kathryn in the Six Degrees of Santa movie. Guess it’s one I will skip.

It wasn't all bad. There were some touching moments with Olivia and her family. I loved her the sweaters she wore. The two leads had chemistry, although the romance seemed rushed. Also, the set looked cheap. 

Edited by Ele
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I think it started off kind of not great and felt cheap but I think it eventually got better after the first fifteen minutes or so.  People expressed regret for poor behavior and opened up.

Make no mistake, it's my least favorite of the Loveruary  movies so far but it wasn't as bad as I feared it'd be.

20 hours ago, Artsda said:

I enjoyed Paris Proposal, scenery and especially wardrobe was amazing. The shopping scene I really liked. 

When he quipped how she was on Legally Blonde because of her pink suit, I couldn’t stop laughing. Good movie, and loved the Paris scenery.

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On 2/18/2023 at 9:04 PM, Artsda said:

I enjoyed Paris Proposal, scenery and especially wardrobe was amazing. The shopping scene I really liked. 

If I'm not mistaken, she wore the same white coat through the entire movie. That has to be a first for a Hallmark movie where all the leading ladies have Mary Poppins' suitcases that hold at least 6 different coats. 

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My main issue with Welcome to Valentine was that the female lead gave the male lead way too much grief for getting angry when the mechanic FRIED HIS CAR by hooking up the battery terminals incorrectly, thus stranding him there. Yeah, an apology was owed for slamming the town, but what he said was pretty mild and she acted like he had desecrated her ancestors. Guy had a right to be pissed and he was pretty calm, all things considered.

Also, the previous parade organizer was heinous and got off way too easy for sabotaging the main float.

20 hours ago, EtheltoTillie said:

Did anyone see the Welcome to Valentine movie, or whatever it was called. The one where they kept saying Hiya hiya. It was awful. I only lasted about 15 minutes. 

It was discussed earlier in the thread.  It got better after those first fifteen minutes.  I'm not arguing that it's a must go back and watch, but I thought it was more enjoyable after the very rocky beginning.

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10 hours ago, Irlandesa said:

It was discussed earlier in the thread.  It got better after those first fifteen minutes.  I'm not arguing that it's a must go back and watch, but I thought it was more enjoyable after the very rocky beginning.

I'll have to search for that.  I had read the whole thread since January and must have missed it.  I'm not going back to watch, though.  I didn't like the dynamic and the acting was wooden and the dialog terrible. 

Oh, now I see it  Duh.

21 hours ago, tracyscott76 said:

My main issue with Welcome to Valentine was that the female lead gave the male lead way too much grief for getting angry when the mechanic FRIED HIS CAR by hooking up the battery terminals incorrectly, thus stranding him there. Yeah, an apology was owed for slamming the town, but what he said was pretty mild and she acted like he had desecrated her ancestors. Guy had a right to be pissed and he was pretty calm, all things considered.

Also, the previous parade organizer was heinous and got off way too easy for sabotaging the main float.

I thought so, too.  Everyone was acting like he was being so unreasonable to be angry that a MECHANIC no less, didn't know how to attach jumper cables properly and ended up destroying the entire electrical system of the car.  Or, how they acted like said mechanic was doing the leading man a favor by getting the parts and fixing the car.  

The leading lady seemed to feel that, since she had called the mechanic and he was also her friend, that the guy was wrong to be upset that he was stuck in town for several more days; all the while she knew he had a specific event he needed to attend WITH the car on the west coast.\

Then, the lead actor and the mechanic bond over their mutual love of cars and working on them.  I would hope that someone who loves cars as much as the mechanic supposedly did would've learned how to use jumper cables correctly.  I'm no big car afficionado, but I learned to use jumper cables in high school; it is not that hard.

The whole movie was 'meh', IMO.  I didn't think the leads had much chemistry and the great big amazing Valentine's Day festival that the leading lady traveled home from NYC each year because she didn't want to miss it looked small and cheap to me.

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2 minutes ago, Notabug said:

The whole movie was 'meh', IMO.  I didn't think the leads had much chemistry and the great big amazing Valentine's Day festival that the leading lady traveled home from NYC each year because she didn't want to miss it looked small and cheap to me.

Well it wouldn't have if they had just let that other lady organize it like she wanted...she knew this was going happen *pouty sniff*

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