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Hallmark Movies: Small Town Royalty Magically Celebrating Rekindled Love! - General Discussion

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4 hours ago, norcalgal said:

Ok, Americans are notorious about being bad at geography but this is TRULY RIDICULOUS!

Gotta wonder about how bad the writers must be to even put that dialog on paper.  Did they seriously think we wouldn't notice? 

Of course the whole thing was full of total nonsense so....

I am currently watching Forever Christmas, which is not particularly good, but I have to say, Christopher Russell can make almost anything watchable (except that really bad masquerade ball movie with Autumn Reeser who plays an executive who takes her shoes off everywhere she goes, including confrontations with her lawyer.)  It doesn't hurt that the whole plot of this movie is about a reality show that showcases a hot, hot, hot guy who decorates his house and celebrates Christmas every day and during the course of filming this show, they show him shirtless numerous times and sexy and sweet all the time.  

Bonus!  Bridal Wave is on now (one of my faves.)  Even with a bad buzzcut, Andrew Walker is still awesome.

You know, one might think I watch these movies for the hot actors, not because of the riveting stories and the suspense of whether or not the seemingly incompatible leads will end up together.

p.s.  it is raining outside which is why I am spending a July day inside watching Hallmark movies.

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Was looking forward to A Splash of Love because I have made countless trips to Telegraph Cove (they call it Cable Cove) and have done orca studies in Johnstone Strait since the late 80's.

Let me first say that it's every bit as beautiful there as was shone.

Let me say, secondly, that virtually every single thing they said about orcas was totally a load of BS right down to the fact that "Betty" was a male.  I know it's not a documentary but you'd think they could have asked one of the myriad residents of the Vancouver Island coast for a little guidance.  What a load of garbage.

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OMG.  How did these cove people even survive before the PhD student showed up?  Despite their living and making their living on the water, none of them could figure out that the guests who couldn't get to the B&B by road could be picked up by boat, or if the steak and lobster don't arrive, they can still have a dock party with other types of surf and turf?

'Do you hear that noise?  It's echolocation, the whales are talking to each other,' she tells the guy who runs the whale watching tours!!

Yet, despite being a know-it-all about every damn thing in this movie, she did refer to oysters as fish.

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I liked how Big City Boyfriend was quickly dispensed with not only by "Chloe" but also the script.

Comes up from Miami to confront her, apparently right from the airport. It's not even established that he's staying at an inn or anything.  She immediately tells him, without any fanfare: "We just don't click" and he responds, "Okay, I'll take a flight back now"  After the guy JUST GOT THERE.

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Was "Mary", the B&B owner, related to "Chloe" or her family in some way?  Because she was just so super solicitous and caring to the girl:  "I'm going to give you my favorite cabin" and in general hovering over her with such nurturing attention.  (the way that overly friendly concierge person did in the movie where the dumped female lead goes to her Hawaiian honeymoon resort alone)

How old was Chloe supposed to be?  I'm assuming the character was a grad student?  But half the time, in true Hallmark fashion, she acted like five years old.  The other half had her as a sexy, assertive (telling Ben:  "I want to take you to dinner") woman.  

I like how the corporate tropes were always in place:  Chloe as a grad student Skypes her professor who was made to sound like the typical demanding, curt Hallmark CEO instead of a more laid-back academic.

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8 hours ago, Bronx Babe said:

Was "Mary", the B&B owner, related to "Chloe" or her family in some way?  Because she was just so super solicitous and caring to the girl:  "I'm going to give you my favorite cabin" and in general hovering over her with such nurturing attention. 

Didn't she end up getting the cabin for free because she saved the inn with her brilliant ideas?

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7 hours ago, Pallida said:

I think she was studying right whales at the start of the movie, and guess what kills them sometimes! Orcas. 

Actually, that happens extremely rarely with right whales.  Half of the deaths of rIghts are due to ship strikes and entanglement in fishing nets. Not many documented orca attacks are found in research data.  A study was done in the southern hemisphere specific to that activity and most attacks were unsuccessful.  With that said, orca predation on other marine mammals does exist.

The orcas in this mess were all actually resident orcas (not transients) that are part of the northern (not southern) pods of orcas.  The residents eat salmon, transients eat other marine mammals (not fish).  And the designation for transients (or Biggs) are T pods (not A, B, E) and are not seen in large pods but are more silent (rarely vocalize) and live in small families for better hunting.  

Rolling my eyes gave me a headache - "teaching" a guy who does whale watches for a living about a hydrophone was just ludicrous.

Trust me, the people that inhabit that area are more than capable of handling themselves in all kinds of weather and adversity.  This mess made them all look like dolts.

Hallmark moves continue to be a total joke.

(Sorry for the whale lesson but I love these guys SO much and I hate to see how the information was 100% wrong.)

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1 hour ago, Cetacean said:

(Sorry for the whale lesson but I love these guys SO much and I hate to see how the information was 100% wrong.)

Not having any idea that cetaceans were whales (and also dolphins and porpoises, apparently) I did think about you the other day when that word came up in a Jeopardy clue.

  • LOL 1
59 minutes ago, bankerchick said:

...cetaceans were whales (and also dolphins and porpoises, apparently

Yep, one of the five groups of marine mammals - cetaceans (can't survive on land - whales, dolphins, porpoises), pinnipeds (seals, sea lions, walruses, etc,) otters, sirenians (warm water manatees and dugongs), and (surprisingly to some people) polar bears.

And on the the topic of the movie, there was SO much opportunity to educate about how clearcut logging in Canada is ruining the rivers that produce the salmon that the resident pods eat.  And how language is so important - each pod has its own dialect as identified by Dr. John Ford staring in 1970.  My favorite is the G pod - their call sounds like a donkey to me!

Instead we have some Sparkle Plenty ditz running around doing a thesis based on a guess with no science to back it up.  That is not how you get a doctorate!

Hallmark never fails to disappoint.

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I can't believe this is the movie that brings me out of lurkdom.  Oh Hallmark.

4 hours ago, bankerchick said:

Didn't she end up getting the cabin for free because she saved the inn with her brilliant ideas?

Yes, indeed she did, which was as ridiculous as that giant facility being a bed & breakfast.  Was it really so hard to call it an inn, at the very least?  I mean, either way, hotels (of all sizes) more often than not have a non-refundable deposit and it would have already been charged by the time she checked in.  The idea that at the end of her stay she's says "What do I owe you?" like she's buying a purse and didn't already have a method of payment on file was just silly and that's not even getting in to Mary giving her that stay for free for all her "help".   Also, do they not get visitors from other states?  Mary seemed awed that Chloe was from Miami.  It was kind of odd.  

14 hours ago, bankerchick said:

or if the steak and lobster don't arrive, they can still have a dock party with other types of surf and turf?

That was so incredibly dumb.  I may have yelled at the tv.  Had to wonder, did Mary work at that "B&B" all by herself?  No other actual employees to offer help?  And yes to all the other dumb stuff mentioned above.  Lovely scenery, but so badly written.

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I would like to ask a script writer if they wrote a perfectly good script, but because of length restrictions and Hallmark formulas, did Hallmark ruin their script? Did the writers allow that because they needed the money or do they have no say after selling the script to Hallmark?  If my script was turned into a dud, I’d want to hide my name in shame.

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19 hours ago, JenMD said:
On 7/31/2022 at 9:53 AM, bankerchick said:

Didn't she end up getting the cabin for free because she saved the inn with her brilliant ideas?

Yes, indeed she did, which was as ridiculous as that giant facility being a bed & breakfast.  Was it really so hard to call it an inn, at the very least?  I mean, either way, hotels (of all sizes) more often than not have a non-refundable deposit and it would have already been charged by the time she checked in.  The idea that at the end of her stay she's says "What do I owe you?" like she's buying a purse and didn't already have a method of payment on file was just silly and that's not even getting in to Mary giving her that stay for free for all her "help".   Also, do they not get visitors from other states?  Mary seemed awed that Chloe was from Miami.  It was kind of odd.  

19 hours ago, JenMD said:

Had to wonder, did Mary work at that "B&B" all by herself?  No other actual employees to offer help? 

As far as I could tell, the difference between a Bed and Breakfast and an Inn in Hallmark Land is that an Inn might have had more staff but a Bed and Breakfast only had one person doing all of the work. That place was huge but Mary was taking care of EVERYTHING all by herself.

Is anyone out there in academia?  I need a point a clarification.  Two of my children have gotten graduate degrees (one is now in a PhD program). They were/are both in funded programs so that they had no tuition and received stipends, so things might be different than other programs. They never talked about "scholarships." When they wanted to do expensive research or do something that required travel they looked for grants or fellowships. Are scholarships typical in PhD programs?

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On 7/31/2022 at 9:53 AM, bankerchick said:

Didn't she end up getting the cabin for free because she saved the inn with her brilliant ideas?

Yes, Chloe will never have to pay for anything up there ever again because Mary tells her "You've changed this little town for the better"

  • LOL 2

Mary continues to gush:  "You've made your mark on everyone"

My favorite dumb moment, however, arrived when Ben, after Chloe comes up with her spectacularly innovative, alternative idea about a seafood boil, walked into her room with holiday wrapping paper in one hand and brown paper in the other:  "I need your Southern expertise.  Which one do we use for the table?"

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2 hours ago, ShelleySue said:

As far as I could tell, the difference between a Bed and Breakfast and an Inn in Hallmark Land is that an Inn might have had more staff but a Bed and Breakfast only had one person doing all of the work.

Which begs me to think about The Inn At Eagle Pointe on Chesapeake Shores  As far as I know, it's only Jess and David working the place all by themselves - and half the time in the beginning Jess always seemed to have time to sleep well past dawn, stroll around town with her sisters, hang out in Brie's book store, etc.  There was only one time where she screwed up the grand opening and a whole bunch of people showed up at once which prompted her to beg her family to pitch in and help.  She wasn't even paying David in the beginning (he was secretly rich, so didn't need the money)    A B&B just sounds more Hallmarky-quaint than an 'inn' which could also call up images or a little roadside  establishment which isn't picture perfect by HMs standards

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@Cetacean I appreciate all the info. I was thinking the resident orcas are the ones that kill gray whales off Oregon’s coast, but I might be completely misremembering and it’s transient ones. Still not a fan of someone with no expertise coming in like she can study though :)

I wish they’d take a fifteen minute phone call to talk to someone in academia about things like this. All they needed to do was say this was a pilot study to develop into the research proposal that would transfer her from PhD student to PhD candidate whose only duties were the research. 

Even though I’ve spent my whole life in Northern California or further north, I still cringe stepping in the Pacific Ocean up here. It’s freaking cold. And if you’re used to Miami where the water temperature is 20 degrees (or more) warmer, it has to be shocking. And speaking of the water, I really wish they had shown better water safety. 

  • Applause 1
1 hour ago, Bronx Babe said:

Chloe was supposed to be a marine biology grad student, from Florida yet, but looked at that oyster as though she had never seen one.

12 minutes ago, Pallida said:

I wish they’d take a fifteen minute phone call to talk to someone in academia about things like this. All they needed to do was say this was a pilot study to develop into the research proposal that would transfer her from PhD student to PhD candidate whose only duties were the research. 

One of the few times she said something knowledgably Ben seemed impressed and Chloe told him that she had a long flight, implying that she had studied while on the plain. Whatever she had said seemed to me something that a marine biology undergrad would have known. My son's best friend just graduated with a BS in marine biology and  has loved the ocean ever since I've known him (when he and my son were in second grade together).  He knows how to pilot a boat (motor, sail, etc), can recognize a seal from a sea lion (ha!), went to summer camps on ships, etc. If he had a one week "scholarship" to study whales he would know what pods were in the area before he got on the plane. He would have looked at the charts of the ocean and known the migration patterns, etc. And he's not a grad student (at least for another month). I am starting to think that Hallmark believes that by giving us beautiful locations they don't have to do any research into how real life works. They wanted to do a movie about the Pacific Northwest and highlight whales (because we don't need another dog rescue movie) so they decided a marine biology student would be a good love interest.  What do marine biology students do?  Who cares as long as there's a cute meet and whales.

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I think so many things about the Hallmark movies have changed; some for the better, I guess. But I still watch a lot of the old Christmas movies; did not, for some reason, enjoy most of this year’s batch.

Some of the newer actresses are not resounding with me; as are a lot of the plot lines. And I know it is probably due to my age. I guess I enjoyed the ridiculousness of the lame stories. The total escapism of over-decorated houses, constant cookies and “hot cocoa”; the almost-creepiness of huge smiles and perfect teeth, countless coats and boots. I never had to “think” - I could enjoy a cup of hot tea and something to nibble on while I watched. Some of the actresses were over-exposed and maybe needed to find greener pastures. But. I do like some of the newer actors; and the network has kept a few of the more interesting ones..

Granted, I have only watched the network’s Christmas movies for a couple of years; so there have probably been changes in actors/actresses and scripts before.

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3 hours ago, Bronx Babe said:

My favorite dumb moment, however, arrived when Ben, after Chloe comes up with her spectacularly innovative, alternative idea about a seafood boil, walked into her room with holiday wrapping paper in one hand and brown paper in the other:  "I need your Southern expertise.  Which one do we use for the table?"

My "favorite" dumb moment was the Mayday call from a boat that was not only not in any danger but was obviously able to radio for help and the area is crawling with fishing boats.  Mayday is used for life threatening emergencies, not as a plot point so the shrieking girlfriend can fling herself on to the rescue boat and overact the hysteria.

Damn, that was one awful movie.  One of the worst.

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9 hours ago, Bronx Babe said:

And responded like a frightened toddler whenever her feet touched water.

I thought she responded like a toddler to a lot of things.  Just the whole 'adorably manic, silly girl.'  Plus at the beginning, she corrected everything everyone said.  If someone said, 'black' she would probably say, 'actually, it's dark charcoal.'  No way will you convince me that any decent guy is interested in someone who corrects everything everyone says, then acts like a 5-year old most of the time.

I didn't like the character and a lot of the story, but I did watch the whole thing, which is more than I can say for a lot of movies lately.  And it got more comments on here than anything in months, so that's good.

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8 hours ago, bankerchick said:

And it got more comments on here than anything in months, so that's good.

Albeit mostly bad!  It's getting totally slammed on the IMDB viewer reviews as well.  Hallmark really blew this on all counts except shots of the scenery.

It had a lot of potential. If Hallmark had used some of the bazillions that Balsam Hill pays them and made a few calls like to Dr. Paul Spong or Dr. John Ford they could have at least gotten the orca facts correct.  No help for the writing that made the townfolk look like total idiots. 

And the actress chewed the scenery with her high intensity perkiness which was the final blow.  I feel badly for Hollingsworth, he did the best he could with bad writing and directing but he came across as bland vanilla pudding.

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4 hours ago, Cetacean said:

Albeit mostly bad! 

That's ok.  There's not often much good to say about most of these movies; they are all the same.  Really, for me it's mostly a matter of whether I like the leads, as I can watch and snark about the movie, whereas, if I don't like the leads, I don't generally watch the movie, so it doesn't matter if it's good or not.  Particularly, I mean there are certain actors/actresses that I won't watch.  I acknowledge that actors I like (or have no opinion about) will be in movies that make me want to throw something at the tv (like this past movie.)

I just enjoy coming here and discussing the movie, good or bad.  Sometimes, we bring real-world knowledge to our critique, such as the whale conversation, and other times, we just cringe at the bad writing or annoying tropes.  Or the number of coats one character can pack in a suitcase.

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On 8/1/2022 at 4:38 PM, Cetacean said:

My "favorite" dumb moment was the Mayday call from a boat that was not only not in any danger but was obviously able to radio for help and the area is crawling with fishing boats.  Mayday is used for life threatening emergencies, not as a plot point so the shrieking girlfriend can fling herself on to the rescue boat and overact the hysteria.

Damn, that was one awful movie.  One of the worst.

My God yes.

Is Hallmark so tone deaf that they don't realize how utterly ridiculous the scripts are?  And that viewers won't notice or care?

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Sand Dollar Cove, another winner, lol.

The worst male lead performance I've ever seen.  This actor SNIGGERS and SNIGGERS like Dan Duryea in any number of noir movies.  However, unlike Dan, this guy is a terrible actor.  

And of course there's a "best food in town" moment when he takes heroine for a lobster roll ("if this isn't the BEST lobster roll in town, you can remove the pier") where apparently they are still serving them AT NIGHT, behind the restaurant where the shabby looking owner/waiter plops some unidentifiable stuff on plates.  

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Halloween is Sara’s favorite holiday. But when it comes to the blaring music or popular costume parties, she takes a step back. But when her friend begs Sara (Nikki DeLoach) to come to one such party with her, Sara reluctantly agrees. It’s there where she meets Matt (Ryan McPartlin).

My firestick just suggested You Cast a Spell On Me, staring a Hallmark Fav Nikki DeLoach trailer here, description above.

Hasnt Ryan McPartlin been in a number of Hallmark movies? I looked it up and he hasn’t, he’s done mostly tv, he looks so familiar cause he was on Passions in the early 00s. 

I wish Hallmark honored some of the other holidays! I think Thanksgiving movies about missing pie recipes could be sweet.

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20 hours ago, twoods said:

This is way more entertaining than trying to watch the Hallmark dreck they’ve been churning out this year. Thanks for saving hours of my life you guys!

Me too!  The comments really help me to discern whether to watch or not.  If the comments are mixed, then it's a matter of taste so I may give it a shot to see which side of the fence I wind up on.  But when they're pretty unanimous in the negative direction (and the actress sounds annoying to the max) then I'll pass.  I had posted about the actresses 'bobbleheading' when she said the line "the better we can protect them" - which she was pretty much finishing someone elses sentence.  For some reason, that scene alone made her come across as a self righteous know-it-all.

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19 hours ago, Bronx Babe said:

Sand Dollar Cove, another winner, lol.

The worst male lead performance I've ever seen.  This actor SNIGGERS and SNIGGERS like Dan Duryea in any number of noir movies.  However, unlike Dan, this guy is a terrible actor.  

And of course there's a "best food in town" moment when he takes heroine for a lobster roll ("if this isn't the BEST lobster roll in town, you can remove the pier") where apparently they are still serving them AT NIGHT, behind the restaurant where the shabby looking owner/waiter plops some unidentifiable stuff on plates.  

WOW, I'm impressed you know who Dan Duryea is. LOL.

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19 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

My firestick just suggested You Put a Spell On Me, staring a Hallmark Fav Nikki DeLoach trailer here, description above.

Hasnt Ryan McPartlin been in a number of Hallmark movies? I looked it up and he hasn’t, he’s done mostly tv, he looks so familiar cause he was on Passions in the early 00s. 

I wish Hallmark honored some of the other holidays! I think Thanksgiving movies about missing pie recipes could be sweet.

I watched the trailer and this movie looks like fun. A comedic role for Nikki DeLoach. I don't see it on Hallmark but Peacock has it.

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On 8/3/2022 at 4:36 PM, luvthepros said:

WOW, I'm impressed you know who Dan Duryea is. LOL.

Long-time member of the TCM message boards; movie nerd of long standing.

Oh God, A Splash of Love is on again.....Mayday! Mayday!

Saw another one this afternoon, or rather, landed on it.   Can't remember title.

Lead actress takes City Boyfriend to her favorite Italian restaurant.  And sure enough:  "It has the best pasta in town!"

On 8/2/2022 at 9:18 PM, Scarlett45 said:

My firestick just suggested You Put a Spell On Me, staring a Hallmark Fav Nikki DeLoach trailer here, description above.

Hasnt Ryan McPartlin been in a number of Hallmark movies? I looked it up and he hasn’t, he’s done mostly tv, he looks so familiar cause he was on Passions in the early 00s. 

I wish Hallmark honored some of the other holidays! I think Thanksgiving movies about missing pie recipes could be sweet.

I just looked for this movie on IMDb and it is not listed. The trailer you posted is for the movie, You Cast a Spell on Me. I looked for that movie too on IMDb and it is also not listed. The movie is also not listed on the Nikki DeLoach page on IMDb. I don't know why??????

1 hour ago, Bronx Babe said:

What's the one about "Aunt Dee's Candy Shoppe"?  Lead actor rhapsodizes:  "I remember raspberry, strawberry, chocolate, and SWEET CANDY CORN"

All candy corn is sweet.


The movie is Sweet Autumn and the lead actors are Andrew Walker and Nikki DeLoach.

3 minutes ago, luvthepros said:

I just looked for this movie on IMDb and it is not listed. The trailer you posted is for the movie, You Cast a Spell on Me. I looked for that movie too on IMDb and it is also not listed. The movie is also not listed on the Nikki DeLoach page on IMDb. I don't know why??????

The movie is Sweet Autumn and the lead actors are Andrew Walker and Nikki DeLoach.

Let me edit my post- thank you. 

15 hours ago, Bronx Babe said:

What's the one about "Aunt Dee's Candy Shoppe"?  Lead actor rhapsodizes:  "I remember raspberry, strawberry, chocolate, and SWEET CANDY CORN"

All candy corn is sweet.



14 hours ago, luvthepros said:

The movie is Sweet Autumn and the lead actors are Andrew Walker and Nikki DeLoach.

I started this movie several times (Andrew Walker) but couldn't stick with it because of Nikki DeLoach, one of my aforementioned 'can't watch' actresses.  Is this the one where she's a sassy biker chick?

I think that Ryan McPartlin guy is kinda cute but if Andrew Walker can't make me stick with a movie, Ryan's not gonna do it either.

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8 hours ago, bankerchick said:

I started this movie several times (Andrew Walker) but couldn't stick with it because of Nikki DeLoach, one of my aforementioned 'can't watch' actresses.  Is this the one where she's a sassy biker chick?

I think that Ryan McPartlin guy is kinda cute but if Andrew Walker can't make me stick with a movie, Ryan's not gonna do it either.


Edited by luvthepros

Could not get into Love in the Limelight.  Watched about a half hour, then gave up and switched to Summer Under The Stars on TCM with Audrey Hepburn. 

Ridiculous premise --  Rock star carries on a 15 year correspondence "relationship" with one of his adoring female fans.  For some reason they consider themselves "friends".  

He finally meets her but unfortunately she doesn't turn out to be Kathy Bates in Misery.

That I would have liked to see!

My Favorite Wedding:

"Best steaks in town!"

"Best bakery in the city!"

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I didn't even bother turning the channel to check it out.  I don't care about either of those two actors and I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be interested in the singing either.  I think W Network is cleansing itself after Christmas in July and is playing such past hits as Road Trip Romance, You Had Me at Aloha and Country at Heart.  I am giving that network a wide berth this weekend.

On the other hand, Wedding Every Weekend was on last night so that made me happy.

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