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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

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I feel like a "hack" is, like, using a pencil eraser if you lose the back of your earring. !

That's the type of stuff he compiles in his videos. I can't really remember a lot of his hacks. But some is stuff like using paper clips or a wine cork with a slice in it to close chip bags. Or opening bananas bottom up and some it electronic or science stuff for kids. I found it when I searched how to reset someone's iPhone for them when it froze. I mostly use YouTube for spoof videos or roasts. I'm childish that way.

My peeves today is parents who don't give a damn about kids using inside voices in public places or letting them turn it into a playground.

Drivers who don't let people merge and then the person snubbed hits the tollbooth or stop light and they are in the same damn place side by side.

People who have no concept of customer service like what the hell is the point? This also applies to people who work in that environment and have no effort or ability to do their job and provide misinformation. Twice today I saw employees tell customers wrong aisles where items were or faulty advise.

Being in an express checkout lane and the person ahead has like 45 items when it clearly says 15 . But that peeve applies to me like why do i care its am extra 5 or ten minutes I an so petty or easily annoyed.

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Haha, I am easily annoyed too--by a great many things. I am happy to say it usually passes quickly, at least, and sometimes, after a few minutes, I find it funny. Like a driver who uses a signal when the road curves--annoying because WTF? (like I thought you would otherwise veer off into a yard?) but funny also because WTF?

  • Love 3

For all his days, my grandpa got a kick out of talking about a neighbor whose driveway made a turn of about 80 degrees for the final stretch into the garage -- she hit her turn signal to turn from the street to the beginning of her driveway, and then again for the turn from the straight-away to that garage stretch.  Because there was so much traffic behind her that needed the alert.

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But I didn't know Piggly Wiggly is nicknamed "The Pig" & there was (may still be) 1, when I was a kid/middle school aged, near where my grandparents lived, in a small, rural, Alabama town between Huntsville & Birmingham.

Every couple of summers my family gets together in the panhandle of Florida.  The nearest (and largest) grocery store is a Piggly Wiggly which is a total crackup.


Grew up in South Florida and Albertson's did not show up in my area until I was off to college in Gainesville.  The people from Jacksonville usually called it Skaggs since the stores they were familiar with were Skaggs-Albertsons.

I like his stand-up bit in that episode about the difference between naked and nekkid. "Naked means you ain't got no clothes on. Nekkid means you ain't got no clothes on, and you're up to something."

Somehow I missed your post when I replied to the other. Sorry.

I love that bit of Grizzard's stand up comedy too (it was also 1 of his real life "bits"). The thing that "makes" it, though, is (as I remember) he also spells out "naked" & "nekkid" to help emphasize that there are different meanings to those words.

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Having a bit of a wobble, decided to vent before I take it out on someone. (And this isn't even a "pet" peeve, because I didn't even know I had it. But I'm now well aware.) Apologies for the vitriol in advance.


A good friend of mine took a limited run, couple of year job in a foreign country last year when the last kid finally left the house. She's back in the country for the first time since Christmas, and will be in town for less than 48 hours. Social person that she is, she's trying to make sure she puts some face time in with a whole bunch of people, and her schedule is mad. This time we could only squeeze a 4 hour window in there tomorrow, and we invited two other non-work friends of hers/ours (who also happen to pretty much be the "his" and "her" best friends of the Mimi household) to join us for cake and coffee. And I was really looking forward to it, a small gathering of good friends.


Years ago, when his company was hiring, Mr. Mimi recommended her for a job there, which she got. (Then management changed and made everyone miserable, so she cleverly moved on last year.) As a result, she knows plenty of people at his office, and is visiting them this afternoon. While Mr. Mimi was finalizing plans (either with her or me) on the phone, the colleague who sits across from him (who doesn't work Fridays) overheard, and decided to invite himself over to our place on Saturday. It's a colleague, whatcha gonna do. Oh-kay... Well alright then. What difference does one more person make? Mr. Mimi neglects to remember that Officemate has a couple of food allergies, and I start looking for different recipes. *sigh*


Yesterday, Officemate *tells* Mr. Mimi he'll be bringing his wife. (Apparently she didn't like the idea of being left out.) Mr. Mimi just passes that along to me, too, again spacing that Mrs. Officemate has a completely different set of food allergies. Additionally, this brings our number up to seven, and she knows half the people not at all, and the rest barely.


Five people mean you can have one conversation. Seven people mean you have at least two going. And this is how it'll play out: I'll get stuck playing hostess and chatting with the person I neither know nor actively wanted present so they don't feel left out, and miss the conversations with my actual friends. This is the reason I stopped throwing birthday parties a couple of years ago, and started just inviting a few friends over for dinner, because I never get to talk to people I care about otherwise.


Currently, I'm trying to find two cake recipes (because now I need an extra cake, too) with no eggs, dairy, gluten or nuts, despite not feeling the least bit experimental and cursing up a storm. (Spoilers: nothing in my usual repertoire meets those requirements simultaneously.) I feel grumpy, and miserable, and not the least bit the gracious hostess I normally manage to (sort of) be. Honestly, at this point, I just want to serve cardboard.


And to top it off, I'm handicapped, cleaning is a massive PITA, and if it were just good friends here tomorrow, I wouldn't sweat it as much. But because it's someone from the office plus a near stranger... *sigh*

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Honestly, I'd probably make something I wanted and maybe buy something she could have (whether or not it was actually good) or tell husband to tell colleague to bring something (which probably wouldn't happen in my house). And then I would talk to my friends at the party because if she wanted to talk to people she knows, she shouldn't invite herself to the party.

I thnk I may not be a very good hostess. Also I am sometimes passive-aggressive when it is not socially acceptable to be just aggressive.

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Currently, I'm trying to find two cake recipes (because now I need an extra cake, too) with no eggs, dairy, gluten or nuts, despite not feeling the least bit experimental and cursing up a storm. (Spoilers: nothing in my usual repertoire meets those requirements simultaneously.) I feel grumpy, and miserable, and not the least bit the gracious hostess I normally manage to (sort of) be. Honestly, at this point, I just want to serve cardboard.


Wow.  As a parent of a child who had severe food allergies (but he outgrew them)  I normally would say - if you invite people over, and you know their allergies, then you need to make an effort to accommodate them.  

BUT -   You didn't invite these people.   they decided to tag along to a visit you were looking forward to.   SO - in my view, your "cake and coffee"  social gathering is a perfect opportunity for you to set up a coffee pot and some other beverages, and possibly two desserts -  like the  cake you planned on,  and some store-bought fancy cookies, and let people decide for themselves what they can partake.   If I invited myself to someone's party, and I had specific dietary requirements, my choice, as an adult, would be to a)  not eat if the food served didn't fit my requirements, or b) bring something I can eat, to share with everyone else. 


I would advise against trying to make something without eggs, gluten, or dairy.  Mostly, because it will most likely NOT taste good  - too many restrictions, and you haven't made it before, so it's added stress to try out a new recipe on guests.    Nobody will starve to death by skipping cake. 

AND - you are having this get-together to catch up with your friend.  Make THAt your priority.   don't play hostess.   If people expect you to, you can say, "this is my only opportunity to talk to my friend, I've been so looking forward to it, please help yourself to refreshments." 

(Also, tell your hubby that the extra people HE allowed to invite themselves, HE can deal with. ) 


I cannot believe that people who invite themselves to your house would have the nerve to expect you to cater to their food sensitivities/allergies/preferences.  It's not DINNER, it's cake and coffee.   if you're feeling extra generous,  put out a  bowl of strawberries or grapes along with the cake. 

Relax and have fun.  don't stress out.  You and your INVITED guests are the focus - cater to their tastes and needs.

Edited by backformore
  • Love 10

krimimimi  -  I actually laughed thinking of saying to someone "I overheard you making plans to have someone over on Saturday.   So, I'm coming too, and here's a list of things I can't eat, so make sure your spouse bakes something appropriate.  Oh, and I'm bringing MY spouse, who has a different list of things she can't eat.   I'll see you Saturday! " 


Maybe your husband can accidentally give them the wrong address?

Edited by backformore
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I like the idea of putting out some fresh fruit and not going to the extra trouble/stress/expense of ensuring they have a cake that suits them.  And don't you dare apologize for not accommodating the special dietary needs of these people who invite themselves.


The people I know who have serious food allergies are very careful about what they eat and almost always offer to bring their own dish if invited to something (as opposed to handing out a laundry list of what they can or cannot eat) so as not to overly tax the host or hostess.


And since Mr. Mimi did not shut the officemate down straight off, tell him that your focus is going to be on catching up with your friends and he'll need to be the one to handle the overage.  And that in the future, he needs to say "Sorry, we've got a full house already, but we should plan an outing together soon".

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I like his stand-up bit in that episode about the difference between naked and nekkid.  "Naked means you ain't got no clothes on.  Nekkid means you ain't got no clothes on, and you're up to something."


Hilariously accurate.


Haha, I am easily annoyed too--by a great many things. I am happy to say it usually passes quickly, at least, and sometimes, after a few minutes, I find it funny. Like a driver who uses a signal when the road curves--annoying because WTF? (like I thought you would otherwise veer off into a yard?) but funny also because WTF?


Your last name isn't Wilder by any chance, is it?


this brings to mind:  perpetual turn signals.  I'm not just easily annoyed, I'm easily redirected.  If someone in front of me has a distinct walk or near me at a party has an offbeat dance, my internal gears shift from whatever I was doing to:  no no no, move like that guy.  So the turn signal that a driver doesn't realize is still blinking?  OMG.  What kind of monster are you?? Why can't you hear that?  My dude will leave it on sometimes just to see me weigh the disadvantages of punching him in the head.


I thnk I may not be a very good hostess. Also I am sometimes passive-aggressive when it is not socially acceptable to be just aggressive.


Lol!  If not accommodating someone in your home with food allergies is petty then nominating yourself as a guest is tacky.  It's a draw.


squash if the store actually does ever run out of buttermilk on the day you need it, you can make it yourself:  3/4 cup of regular milk, mix in one tablespoon of white vinegar.   Come back in 5 minutes, perfect curdle.


Today or yesterday rather, combines 2 peeves.  I busted my front, left axle in my local Walmart's parking lot.  Just after turning off the highway but not yet into the parking rows.  So call it the parking lot Main Street.  While waiting for a tow, I lost count of the number of people who slowed, looked at the car, looked at me then finally proceeded.  I hate being stared at.  Say something or keep it pressing but the answer's not written on my face.  Rubberneckers <--- Why?  You've determined that (1) we don't know each other  (2) you aren't here to verbally offer assistance and (3) this is a tertiary road.  There was no reason other than sheer fucking minding someone else's business for you to even take this route.  One guy rolled down his window, said nothing and just stopped.  I said are you a doctor?  (I wasn't hurt) he said no.  I said are you a mechanic? he said no.  I said so...you just stopped by to see if you could help block traffic then?  then he looked in his mirror and hit the gas.  I was in such a funk at being a sideshow (you know because no one's ever seen a busted tire before) that I walked off and went into my original destination,TJ Maxx.  Before I could go though, the gentleman who'd wandered upon the scene (who actually was a mechanic) and was keeping me company said maybe I could be a little nicer, because people basically wanted to see if I was alright and you never know what form your blessing will show up in.  I wasn't ready to stop being an asshole, but I did get quieter.  

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Thanks, guys. I was wondering if I was being too unreasonable; you have reassured me I was not. backformore, I did actually have fits of giggles when Mr. Mimi first told me the wife would be coming, too, because I was trying really hard to picture how *that* conversation went, and completely failing. (I still can't picture it.) I assume that's because Mr. Mimi isn't accurately relating his part in this debacle. Somehow, this seems like a guy thing - both the inviting yourself in the first place and the not deflecting on Mr. Mimi's part, but that's probably unfair. Still, I just can't help thinking if women had been involved less tangentially in this exchange, it wouldn't have happened. (And I apologize, because I also know that's totally sexist.)

I texted one of the guys to bring some fruit. Thanks also for that suggestion, it's absolutely perfect!

Store bought baked goods sadly aren't much of an option, because *I'm* the one with the severe egg allergy. (Which I guess is why I don't just blow off their allergies. It has a way of making it seem the person with allergies is unwelcome (which, um...) if you do, that I just can't bring myself to do.) There's basically no way buying something won't end up "poisoning" me. And even if it's just on the table for the others, I'll end up spending the whole time making sure nobody cross-contaminates instead of relaxing. (I really really hate food allergies.)

Not to make things too gloomy, but I realized that other than my husband and a doctor +assistant, I have only spoken to one other person face to face this week (a neighbor, for five minutes, whose mail I collected while her family was on spring break), which I think was part of why I was really looking forward to the time with my friends. And sadly one of them just lost his terminally ill parent this week, and I figured that, too, would require some TLC, and the kinds of conversations you just don't have in front of complete strangers. (Three of the rest of us have been through that recently enough that that's a really... fruitful topic. But also stuff that probably won't get discussed in a stranger's presence.) We phoned, of course, but this is the first time we'll have seen him since, because he doesn't live in town.

Boy, I hope I stop being annoyed before they get here, or this is going to be really painful. Or develop a game face, whichever.

I like the idea of putting out some fresh fruit and not going to the extra trouble/stress/expense of ensuring they have a cake that suits them.  And don't you dare apologize for not accommodating the special dietary needs of these people who invite themselves.


The people I know who have serious food allergies are very careful about what they eat and almost always offer to bring their own dish if invited to something (as opposed to handing out a laundry list of what they can or cannot eat) so as not to overly tax the host or hostess.


Exactly. Offer poached pears or something easy -- look, a choice of two desserts! What a swell hostess I am!


If I had a serious food allergy, I'm thinking I wouldn't even eat at private houses other than close relatives. Wouldn't trust strangers not to contaminate food with [allergen X] by mistake and have me end up at the ER, frantically pumping my epi-pen.

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That's what I do, far too often. Open box, put contents in oven or microwave. Boiling water and inserting pasta is "cooking" in my world. My sisters cook actual meals. They must've gotten that gene from our maternal grandmother, who still insists upon hosting Christmas dinner and making everything. She turned 90 on March 6.

That's how I cook, and that's only because I have a family I have to make actual food for. If it were just me, it probably wouldn't even get that far. I use a lot of Campbell's Skillet Sauces. I cut up chicken breast and use the sauce and make pasta or rice. Then I throw some frozen vegetables in a pot of boiling water, and that's everyday supper. It's only on special occasions that I do anything more.

Every public place i went to today had a screaming child throwing a tantrum. I couldn't go five minutes. Sometimes it was several in one grocery store or department store.

Also what is this thing of letting kids pick out or dictate thier clothes so almost every girl is in a princess gown &/tiara and boy in pajamas midday or a Spider-Man costume?

I hear it's because parents just give in to that minor battle of letting them wear what they want. How about don't set them up to know it's okay to disobey or make their own rules in the first place? I don't know; my mother raised us three girls on her own, and I had a healthy fear of her until probably about age 16.

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Every public place i went to today had a screaming child throwing a tantrum. I couldn't go five minutes. Sometimes it was several in one grocery store or department store.

Also what is this thing of letting kids pick out or dictate thier clothes so almost every girl is in a princess gown &/tiara and boy in pajamas midday or a Spider-Man costume?


Some days it's just because I'm tired, and pajamas are not that big of a deal. (I will say that the boy doesn't generally get that choice because I put out his clothes in the morning, and the only thing he gets a choice of are which shirt he's going to wear. I put out the appropriate options, and he picks one, which is why the pants and shirt colors do not always go together. He also occasionally gets a choice of underwear because he decides he wants superhero underwear instead of the daily dinosaur underwear.)


The princess costume I can't speak to because I don't have girls, but I would imagine it's the same thing. Princess costumes are one reason I was glad to have a boy.


I kinda see it as letting the kid be the boss and do whatever and have no self control. It becomes my peeve when they act a screaming spectacle in my library or grocery store or restaurant or damage merchandise. And the parents either think its amusing or cute. Or are afraid of their own child and kow tow and beg.

Some of the the parents of these kids are just as bad. One was present when a small child used a racial slur towards me and didn't react or apologize. Wonder where he learned that?

3x in two days i saw parents who were obviously wealthy (carrying Chanel handbags ect) grab items of candy or fruit and let their kids eat some to shut them up then throw half on the floor so it becomes a mess for others to trip and FALL and a $ loss to the store for merchandise.

And let's allow theses kids to be princesses and superheroes of what? Hell?

Edited by Petunia13

I don't see those as at all on the same level as wearing pajamas all day (which I would do if I could). My child is not allowed to do those things, but if he wants to wear his Paw Patrol jammies and they are clean and he's not going to be climbing or playing in the dirt, then why not? Who does it hurt for a 4-year-old to wear pajamas? At that age or younger, their clothes are often pretty similar to pajamas anyway.

And if my child is screaming in the store, I guarantee you are not suffering more than me. I'd like to tell him we are leaving and not get anything, but that's not always possible. And sometimes the best thing to do as a parent (I think) is to ignore the fit until the child can speak properly (assuming he is old enough). Yeah, it is awful for everyone else to have to hear it, but it's worse as the parent because you have to hear it and know everyone else is also hearing it and judging you.

Not all parents are like that. Some are as awful as you say. But not all parents with screaming children are horrible parents. Children scream and throw fits. They are still learning, and some days they don't learn so good.

ETA: Why do I always see typos when it's too late?

Edited by auntlada

Why do pharmacies close at 6pm on Saturday? I was out running errands all day yesterday, literally beginning at 8am--vet, car servicing, Target, cat meds at one pharmacy (not my pharmacy), Time Warner Cable across town--and I needed to get an RX filled for myself. I got to CVS at 6pm and they were closing the gate over the pharmacy. Rite Aid was closed, too. I really wanted to get everything done yesterday so I could have ONE day this week in which I didn't have do anything. (Insert joke about even God getting a day off.) I'm whining, I know, but closing a pharmacy at 6pm on Saturday is dumb.

Edited by bilgistic
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3x in two days i saw parents who were obviously wealthy (carrying Chanel handbags ect) grab items of candy or fruit and let their kids eat some to shut them up then throw half on the floor so it becomes a mess for others to trip and FALL and a $ loss to the store for merchandise.

Please use your phone to video tape them and turn them in.  Or post it for a public shaming (not usually an advocate for that, but this is ridiculous).


I'd wear pajama bottoms all day if I could bring myself to do it.  I was too old when that started to become in fashion and too conditioned by my Mom,  I did occasionally wear a pair of men's pajamas to classes in college in days of yore.  But that was when women did not wear men's jammies (or only wore the tops) - they were shorts though and not pants.  It was quite avant-garde.  My dorm neighbor would borrow them to wear to the late night bottle club.

Princess and Super Hero wear - I never allowed my kids to watch the Disney Princess type movies or read them the books.  I figured the message of the stories were not what I wanted to teach my kids (ie, a young girl is orphaned, treated horribly, saved by a man who falls in love with her looks basically, blah blah blah...).  My friends and family thought I was a bit extreme on this aspect until I explained why (and then they said "well, when put like that...").  So Princess wear was not going to happen in my house.  We did love The Little Mermaid because she was at least proactive in getting herself into and out of trouble.


My son was a big Thomas the Tank Engine fan so there was a Thomas sweatshirt and my daughter loved (well, she is 15 and still loves) Hello Kitty so there's been lots of HK wear throughout the years.


My niece who is now the mother of two - a boy and a girl - decided my outlook on princess movies was totally on the money so they are out of the question in her house too.

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I'm 41 and have never bought buttermilk in my life. I HATE to cook. I'm a disgrace.


I will join your "hate to cook" club lol. I've never brought buttermilk. My GG (great Grandmother) used to drink it in a glass like one would drink water. She loved to cook and she would get us girls together and try to teach us. I couldn't care less about cooking.Still don't

When the store was remodeled why the hell did you decide to put the Pamprin four aisles over in the aspirin section instead of on top of the tampon shelf???? Pamprin goes beside tampons! No exceptions!


You know the answer to this question, right? It's so when you search for it, you might find something else you 'want or forgot that you needed'



You know what, assholes with your phone volume set to "eardrum splitting"? No one but you wants to hear whatever stupid video you are watching. Either plug in earphones or turn it the hell down.

I go stand next to them and pretend I am not listening to the convo.


My peeve goes to the downloaded ring tones. STOP with the fucking rap music. You sound like an idiot when your ass-phone goes off and it's some idiot screaming about bitches/ho's/hit me up/yo-yo/ or whatever the current stupid hit is. It makes you sound like a fucking moron, especially when you are 40 or older.

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Why do pharmacies close at 6pm on Saturday?

There are no 24 hour pharmacies near you? perhaps nearby a hospital emergency room?  I have only had occasional need of one, thank god, but everytime I move the first thing I look for in the new neighborhood is the location of the nearest ER and the nearest 24  hour pharmacy.

Edited by ratgirlagogo
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I can understand kids in PJs or even swimsuits at the breakfast lobby in hotels (because, yeah, I get that it's vacation and what do I care what your kid wears as h/she stares at the waffle iron?), but adults? Put your d*mn clothes on. I don't want to see a grown arse man sitting in bare feet and long underwear and a wife beater. That much intimacy with strangers is just stomach churning. Stop it. Yoga pants. Flip-flops. T-shirt. Not hard. And probably more comfy than stepping in spilled Froot Loops in your bare feet.


I adore the fact that I can now sip coffee at the library while I work. Freaking love it. But for crying out loud, drinking is very different from the a-hole next to me who opened up a giant Tupperware container full of stinky salad and started chomping away. Knock it the f*ck off.


Oh, and speaking of libraries, just because you're whispering your conversation doesn't mean it's not annoying as h*ll. There's a coffee shop downstairs. You can use normal voices there AND chew as disgustingly as you'd like.


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Honestly, I'd probably make something I wanted and maybe buy something she could have (whether or not it was actually good) or tell husband to tell colleague to bring something (which probably wouldn't happen in my house). And then I would talk to my friends at the party because if she wanted to talk to people she knows, she shouldn't invite herself to the party.

I thnk I may not be a very good hostess. Also I am sometimes passive-aggressive when it is not socially acceptable to be just aggressive.

I totally agree. You sound like a gracious hostess, krimimimi, but I think you should follow this advice and remember that this gathering is for you and your friends.  Bake something nice that you want to eat. Mr. Office Mate and any hangers-on with allergies will have to eat something store-bought. Tough tiddly winks. 



All the talk about the Piggly Wiggly made me look up Lewis Grizzard. I always think of him when it is mentioned because I always want to call it the Hoggly Woggly (for no reason but silliness) and he was the first person I heard or read that used that name.

"Piggly Wiggly" always makes me think about the "Mrs. Piggle Wiggle" series. These were some of my favorite books when I was a kid. Mrs. Piggle Wiggle was like a cross between Mary Poppins and Johnny Depp's mischievous Willy Wonka. 



I buy buttermilk powder in the bulk section.  So much easier.  On rare occasions, I buy an actual litre of buttermilk (it doesn't come in smaller containers), then freeze what's left in 1/2 cup portions.

I've also bought boxed buttermilk "stock" in the past. It's a dry powder that you can keep in the freezer, and whenever I need buttermilk, I mix a certain amount of the powder with water. Works great. 

Edited by topanga
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Here's a pet peeve. 

On the bottom of this page, and a lot of other webpages, I keep getting little "click here"  things with photos of women who, apparently "have aged disgustingly"  or  'you won't believe what she looks like now!"

Yes, some famous women looked fabulous in bikinis when they were 20, and then in later years, gained some weight, got wrinkles, sagged, their hair lost its lustre, etc.  and they nolonger have the "beach body"  they once had.    SO THE FUCK WHAT! 

The people who put up these photos - go ask your mothers and grandmothers for photos of themselves when they were at their best -   and compare them to today.   are they DISGUSTING?   or is it just part of the normal aging process that people get older? 

Edited by backformore
  • Love 10

Here's a pet peeve. 

On the bottom of this page, and a lot of other webpages, I keep getting little "click here"  things with photos of women who, apparently "have aged disgustingly"  or  'you won't believe what she looks like now!"

Yes, some famous women looked fabulous in bikinis when they were 20, and then in later years, gained some weight, got wrinkles, sagged, their hair lost its lustre, etc.  and they nolonger have the "beach body"  they once had.    SO THE FUCK WHAT! 

The people who put up these photos - go ask your mothers and grandmothers for photos of themselves when they were at their best -   and compare them to today.   are they DISGUSTING?   or is it just part of the normal aging process that people get older? 

Amen. You could post this one twice. 


And it's all over the media: magazines, the Internet, social media--what happened to HER???

  • Love 1

Here's a pet peeve.

On the bottom of this page, and a lot of other webpages, I keep getting little "click here" things with photos of women who, apparently "have aged disgustingly" or 'you won't believe what she looks like now!"

Yes, some famous women looked fabulous in bikinis when they were 20, and then in later years, gained some weight, got wrinkles, sagged, their hair lost its lustre, etc. and they nolonger have the "beach body" they once had. SO THE FUCK WHAT!

The people who put up these photos - go ask your mothers and grandmothers for photos of themselves when they were at their best - and compare them to today. are they DISGUSTING? or is it just part of the normal aging process that people get older?

If you can, switch to the mobile version of the forums. No ads, & less chance of catching a computer virus because of that. Or so we were told by the people running TWoP when they got hit by a pretty nasty virus not very long before they shut down & many posters came here.

My peeve goes to the downloaded ring tones. STOP with the fucking rap music. You sound like an idiot when your ass-phone goes off and it's some idiot screaming about bitches/ho's/hit me up/yo-yo/ or whatever the current stupid hit is. It makes you sound like a fucking moron, especially when you are 40 or older.

One of these days I'm going to get a cell phone, and I'm going to use a loud fart noise as the ring tone. Every time it rings I intend to go "whoo-wee!" and fan the air behind me with my hand. I guarantee you that no one will be standing close enough to me to listen to my conversations.

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Here's a pet peeve. 

On the bottom of this page, and a lot of other webpages, I keep getting little "click here"  things with photos of women who, apparently "have aged disgustingly"  or  'you won't believe what she looks like now!"

Yes, some famous women looked fabulous in bikinis when they were 20, and then in later years, gained some weight, got wrinkles, sagged, their hair lost its lustre, etc.  and they nolonger have the "beach body"  they once had.    SO THE FUCK WHAT! 

The people who put up these photos - go ask your mothers and grandmothers for photos of themselves when they were at their best -   and compare them to today.   are they DISGUSTING?   or is it just part of the normal aging process that people get older? 


*Slow clap*


I hate those click-bait articles, too. So what if Yasmine Bleeth no longer looks the way she did on Baywatch? It was 20 fucking years ago! Does she even act anymore? Not only that, she's hit some rough patches in her personal life, so why in God's name does she owe it to us to still pull off a red one-piece when she's pushing 50?!


And have you noticed these articles are always focused on women? Why is it so important for a woman to "look good for her age"? I mean, kudos if she does, but why should we hold it against her if she doesn't? How come, say, Jack Nicholson doesn't get crap for his wrinkles and saggy gut? Why are Russell Crowe and Chris Pratt praised for their "dad bods"? How come George Clooney is praised for going gray as opposed to being called "haggard"? 


Similar complaint: False reports of celebrities' deaths. One click bait article showed Erik Per Sullivan for "Actors Who Died Young". Yeah... Erik Per Sullivan isn't dead. He isn't. I've checked IMDb and Wikipedia. He's merely quit acting, he's very much alive and well. If he'd died, it would be pretty big news, since Dewey was a beloved character on Malcolm in the Middle.


And one more thing: Facebook users who deliberately post "news" about famous people who died 2 or more years ago. It's ghoulish and idiotic.

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Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

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