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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

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6 minutes ago, PRgal said:

Sometimes, it's the child of the dead celeb wishing their parent a happy (heavenly) birthday.  Jamie Lee Curtis posted about her mom today (July 6).  I don't find it weird at all.

I am very specifically talking about fan pages that make it sound like the dead celebrity it still alive and celebrating.

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Since we are talking about FB pet peeves I will tell you mine.  A story will be posted about a fake movie and hundreds of people will comment how they can't wait for it.  It will be the best movie ever.  The story will be from a satire site and is clearly not real but people don't read the story and just keep commenting.  There have been more than one but the one that really bothered me was the fake Golden Girls one.  Said it was going to air in September.  Do people really think this is the first we would have heard about it?  On some obscure site in a FB post?

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@bluegirl147 that reminds me of another FB peeve - heartwarming, feel good anecdotes that are based on long debunked stories that have been floating around on the Internet for years.  One example, the supposedly rustic shabbily dressed couple who get sneered at by the president of Harvard when they want to do something in memory of their son but they are really uber rich despite their modest appearance and they then turn around and endow Stanford.   It's amazing how many people comment on these stories, give  them hearts and swallow them whole.

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On 6/27/2024 at 4:53 PM, TattleTeeny said:

Here is a different (and possibly really weird) peeve: I hate when people crumple up paper napkins into really tight balls. For some stupid reason, it just grosses me the hell out. Same thing with straw wrappers. I don’t feel mad at the people who do it or anything, but I cringe at the sight of it. I wonder if there’s some kind of name for this!

You'd hate me!  If I have a small bag of crisps/chips, when I'm done, I'll fold the bag in half diagonally, then roll it really tightly from long edge to short edge, and finally tie it in a knot.  The aim is for it to not spring open.


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50 minutes ago, Dimity said:

@bluegirl147 that reminds me of another FB peeve - heartwarming, feel good anecdotes that are based on long debunked stories that have been floating around on the Internet for years.  One example, the supposedly rustic shabbily dressed couple who get sneered at by the president of Harvard when they want to do something in memory of their son but they are really uber rich despite their modest appearance and they then turn around and endow Stanford.   It's amazing how many people comment on these stories, give  them hearts and swallow them whole.

I quit FB years ago, so I am out of touch, but I hope, in the year of our lord 2024, people still don't take that idiotic "the bumblebee flies anyway" quote seriously. It's so twee, so banal, so absurdly untrue*... please, for the love of dogs, tell me people still don't use "the bumblebee flies anyway" as an inspirational quote.

*Google it, there is nothing impossible about the fact that bumblebees fly.

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My FB pet peeve is oversharing parents who constantly brag about their kids and do a play by play of their every accomplishment. One of my friends has a daughter who graduated high school last month and it felt like every post she’s made all school year was about how perfect her daughter is and everything she was doing.  Here’s a picture of her before she helps out at cheerleading camp for kids, one of her at a competition! Videos of her singing! (And of course she has had private voice lessons and was president of drama club!) She got over 15 scholarships! She was salutatorian! Here’s a picture of her at the kitchen table the morning of her graduation! And a video of her speech! Yes, we get it, no one is as perfect as your child. 

The kid is going to school several hours away thankfully but I can only imagine the incessant photos of move-in day and how much the mother will brag if her daughter gets even two As in college. And then she’s going to be a pediatrician…so this will probably go on and on through med school too. Hell, my niece is FOUR and my older sister isn’t this excessive and obnoxious on Facebook, preferring to keep a low profile and not post her daughter’s face everywhere all the time. 

All I can think of is how hard this girl is going to fall if she has a crisis where she realizes that there are just as many talented and smart people as she is, if not more so, at college and how she’s going to take it when her mother isn’t posting about how special she is and her every move on a damn near daily basis. It’s no wonder some of these kids grow up so entitled and can’t handle the word no. (I work with college aged students and it’s mind boggling to me how many are quick to scream and cry when something goes wrong, or they’re considering grad school yet their parents are still sending emails and making calls on their behalf.)

Edited by Cloud9Shopper
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12 hours ago, Ancaster said:

You'd hate me!  If I have a small bag of crisps/chips, when I'm done, I'll fold the bag in half diagonally, then roll it really tightly from long edge to short edge, and finally tie it in a knot.  The aim is for it to not spring open.

My husband does this too. Earlier this year he had a minor surgery and was still a bit out of it when the nurse offered him a snack. He ate a NutriGrain bar and I could see him reaching for the empty wrapper just as the nurse came in and picked it up. I couldn’t stop laughing because I just KNEW he wanted to tie it up the way he does at home.

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25 minutes ago, Cloud9Shopper said:

She was salutatorian!

Only salutatorian?  Loser.  🙄 /sarcasm

26 minutes ago, Cloud9Shopper said:

at college and how she’s going to take it when her mother isn’t posting about how special she is and her every move on a damn near daily basis.

She might be overjoyed that her mother isn't oversharing her whole life anymore. But it can be a rude awakening to find that you are no longer the smartest person in the room.

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13 hours ago, Ancaster said:

If I have a small bag of crisps/chips, when I'm done, I'll fold the bag in half

Wait, what? You're not finishing a small bag of chips? 

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I’ve just had something come to mind, that would explain something else, so I’m owning it, because I wasn’t clear with something.  And that’s my peeve: I try to be clear.  I don’t know if it’s actually the case, but it bothers me that I was unclear, when talking to someone else. 

this is vague, because it isn’t a popcorn post.  I don’t care about that. 

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14 hours ago, Ancaster said:

You'd hate me!  If I have a small bag of crisps/chips, when I'm done, I'll fold the bag in half diagonally, then roll it really tightly from long edge to short edge, and finally tie it in a knot.  The aim is for it to not spring open.


1 hour ago, Caoimhe said:

My husband does this too. Earlier this year he had a minor surgery and was still a bit out of it when the nurse offered him a snack. He ate a NutriGrain bar and I could see him reaching for the empty wrapper just as the nurse came in and picked it up. I couldn’t stop laughing because I just KNEW he wanted to tie it up the way he does at home.


57 minutes ago, Quof said:

Wait, what? You're not finishing a small bag of chips? 

I've started doing that the last few years, and I'm really not sure why.  Maybe it makes it easier to  dump out the wastebasket when it's time to empty it.  Maybe because I saw a video of some kind of wildlife getting its head stuck in an empty snack bag.  Maybe the voices are telling me...

And no, @Quof at least in my case, this is after the bag is empty but before throwing it away.

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15 hours ago, Ancaster said:


You'd hate me!  If I have a small bag of crisps/chips, when I'm done, I'll fold the bag in half diagonally, then roll it really tightly from long edge to short edge, and finally tie it in a knot.  The aim is for it to not spring open.


Oddly, this is not upsetting to me. In fact, it seems neat and orderly!

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Over-parenting is my peeve - especially to adults.  Both my parents are giving me weird advice on post-surgery recovery.  I lost a bit of weight post-op and my dad thinks eating any fat would do.  He also thinks I need to eat more meat (red meat doesn’t agree with me very well so I really limit my intake).  I’ve increased my fat intake a little, but it’s overwhelmingly plant-based.  Apparently not good enough for them.  At least they’re not forcing traditional Chinese herbs on me.

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My mom (and other family) are definitely guilty of over parenting me, especially when it comes to my job search. My mom always thinks I should just be taking a break and not looking (while occasional breaks are helpful, I don’t want to settle and stay stuck in my call center job either), and my grandmother doesn’t understand why I’d want to give up my job because she thinks I have such a nice phone voice! It’s like they’ve chosen to ignore me when I tell them just how stressful it is to be micromanaged and on the phone with all day with possibly no chance at advancement in my current role. Sorry, Grandma but being on the phone for work is worse than talking to you for 15 minutes at a time. 

My other pet peeve: getting to church and finding out it’s a family Mass. We typically don’t have them in the summer months but I guess today was different for some reason. I just don’t find them that endearing unless your kids/grandkids/nieces and nephews/third cousins or whoever are up on the altar. Not to mention at one point, someone two pews up decided to pull out her phone and record the kids singing, proof that people still can’t even keep their phones away in church for an hour. (We stream all our Masses on YouTube or Facebook anyway, so why you can’t keep the phone down and just rewatch your little darling/s sing later is beyond me.) My last church didn’t have many kids who were involved, so we didn’t have youth and family Masses. I know this is a terrible thing to say, but honestly, I think church is better that way. I was in a kids’ choir when I was younger too but we just sang one song at the service (grew up Lutheran) as opposed to being the center of the whole thing. 

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22 minutes ago, Cloud9Shopper said:

My other pet peeve: getting to church and finding out it’s a family Mass.

I gather from your description that means kids are performing.  I agree that ought to come with a warning -- I think the only way to make a church service worse would be turning it into a school play.

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4 hours ago, Caoimhe said:

My husband does this too. Earlier this year he had a minor surgery and was still a bit out of it when the nurse offered him a snack. He ate a NutriGrain bar and I could see him reaching for the empty wrapper just as the nurse came in and picked it up. I couldn’t stop laughing because I just KNEW he wanted to tie it up the way he does at home.


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17 minutes ago, Bastet said:

I gather from your description that means kids are performing.  I agree that ought to come with a warning -- I think the only way to make a church service worse would be turning it into a school play.

I’m one of four kids and even my mom doesn’t like the family Masses lol. I can’t imagine many people do unless their kids or other relatives are singing/reading. 

Usually on Christmas Eve, some churches will have a Christmas pageant at the earlier Mass. I’ll always attend the later Mass which has way less kids and no plays and the adult choir singing. 

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3 hours ago, SoMuchTV said:



I've started doing that the last few years, and I'm really not sure why.  Maybe it makes it easier to  dump out the wastebasket when it's time to empty it.  Maybe because I saw a video of some kind of wildlife getting its head stuck in an empty snack bag.  Maybe the voices are telling me...


I still cut the plastic things that hold six packs together because one time my mum saw a wildlife programme showing birds and small mammals getting their heads stuck in the intact ones.

Google at your own risk.

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Another thread here got me walking down memory lane in terms of cozy mystery authors I used to read.  My pet peeve is I donated tons of these books to our local library when we moved.  I should know better by now!  Why do I keep getting rid of books when I know eventually I will want to read them again? Why? Why? Why?  Well I know why, we keep moving.   But still, I could have gotten rid of other things but noooooo....

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The usual: people listening to their phones with no headphones in enclosed spaces. On the street I don’t care.

Talking loudly on the phone in enclosed spaces. I do not care to listen you discuss what color of a purse you debate getting, super loudly. 

I start blasting the shark song as loud as my phone goes in retaliation. 

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6 hours ago, Ancaster said:

I still cut the plastic things that hold six packs together because one time my mum saw a wildlife programme showing birds and small mammals getting their heads stuck in the intact ones.

Google at your own risk.

I do too! It was a really big thing 30ish years ago, with ads on TV and all (in CA anyway).  They especially showed the seagulls at garbage dumps choked to death caught in the rings, really heartbreaking photos. I started cutting them then and still do to this day with any of those plastic ring bottle holders.

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My peeve of the day - people who keep talking to you even when you are moving out of earshot and you have told them you are moving out of earshot.  Then they get annoyed that you don't answer them.  Sigh.  Our house isn't a big one but unless you have supersonic hearing you may hear the voice but you won't be able to distinguish the words if you are in the basement and your husband is in the kitchen.  It wouldn't be so peevishy if this only happened once instead of at least once a day!

Edited by Dimity
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5 minutes ago, Dimity said:

My peeve of the day - people who keep talking to you even when you are moving out of earshot and you have told them you are moving out of earshot.  Then they get annoyed that you don't answer them.  Sigh.  Our house isn't a big one but unless you have supersonic hearing you may hear the voice but you won't be able to distinguish the words if you are in the basement and your husband is in the kitchen.  It wouldn't be so peevishy if this only happened once instead of at least once a day!

My mother is horrible for this. She is also really bad for thinking things but only vocalizing 2/3 of it and get mad at me for not understanding what she is saying. 

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My current pet peeve is people who walk around in their own little world like they are the main character and those around are supposed to drop everything for them. My mother is always the worst offender of this, but I have two people on my staff that are the same way. I don't mind answering questions, that actually is in my job description, but please take a second to see if I am not currently in the middle of something like sending an email or ask if I had a minute before rattling off your question that needs to be answered right now. Spoiler alert, the question that needs answering is never something urgent. No, the urgent matters are the ones that never get mentioned or you wait 45 minutes to finally call me to say you had difficultly locking up the building because they didn't want to bother me. 

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23 hours ago, Dimity said:

Another thread here got me walking down memory lane in terms of cozy mystery authors I used to read.  My pet peeve is I donated tons of these books to our local library when we moved.  I should know better by now!  Why do I keep getting rid of books when I know eventually I will want to read them again? Why? Why? Why?  Well I know why, we keep moving.   But still, I could have gotten rid of other things but noooooo....

I now have a number of favorite authors' old mystery books on Kindle. If you order from Amazon a lot, you can build up credit by delaying delivery a couple of days. Then you can get them cheaper on Kindle (if the Kindle version is available).  I know it's not the same as those wonderful books you enjoyed...but it is a chance to have those mysteries, that you loved, for another read (or two or three). By the way, thank you for donating your books to the library 🤗

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1 hour ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

She is also really bad for thinking things but only vocalizing 2/3 of it

I do that, but I nearly always realize I'm doing it and add the other third out loud.

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21 hours ago, Dimity said:

My peeve of the day - people who keep talking to you even when you are moving out of earshot and you have told them you are moving out of earshot.  Then they get annoyed that you don't answer them.  Sigh.  Our house isn't a big one but unless you have supersonic hearing you may hear the voice but you won't be able to distinguish the words if you are in the basement and your husband is in the kitchen.  It wouldn't be so peevishy if this only happened once instead of at least once a day!

We might be married to the same person. He doesn't get that I cannot hear through walls and floors. 

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This is not a new peeve, but again, due the heat, I have to get it out:

When newspapers/articles "suggest" not to lower my AC thermostat and "do this instead!" with the assumption that EVERYONE owns a house; has ceiling fans, or all the other "alternatives" so you don't "blow out" your AC.

Yeah? I live in an apartment and I've got my AC set at 71 right now, because it's bloody hot in here. And yes, my blinds are closed so the sun won't increase the heat through my patio window.

And since utilities are included, I don't have to worry about the higher PEPCO bill.


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People who suggest that you refresh (a webpage, email, app, whatever) when something is clearly not working. Do you REALLY think I haven't tried that? REALLY?! 

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1 hour ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

This is not a new peeve, but again, due the heat, I have to get it out:

When newspapers/articles "suggest" not to lower my AC thermostat and "do this instead!" with the assumption that EVERYONE owns a house; has ceiling fans, or all the other "alternatives" so you don't "blow out" your AC.

Yeah? I live in an apartment and I've got my AC set at 71 right now, because it's bloody hot in here. And yes, my blinds are closed so the sun won't increase the heat through my patio window.

And since utilities are included, I don't have to worry about the higher PEPCO bill.


I saw one of those articles that suggested you set your thermostat to 82 when you are at work during the day and also at night. First of all, ain't no way my thermostat is ever set to anything over 80. Second of all, not everyone has nor wants a smart home where you can adjust the thermostat from your phone. I highly doubt I would save any money nor help save the environment if I did adjust my thermostat that way. I would get home and immediately turn it down to 65 so I can get my home in the 70s. 

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1 hour ago, TattleTeeny said:

People who suggest that you refresh (a webpage, email, app, whatever) when something is clearly not working. Do you REALLY think I haven't tried that? REALLY?! 

I feel your pain but my son did tech support for a few years and he told me that one thing he learned was that more often than not the problem really was PEBKAC (problem exists between keyboard and chair). 

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1 hour ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

I saw one of those articles that suggested you set your thermostat to 82 when you are at work during the day and also at night.

I set mine at 78 during the day, but sometimes I don't turn it on until it hits 80.  I could do 82 in a room with a ceiling fan, if I was just working on the computer -- unless I'm doing something physical, so long as the air is moving I'm okay until it starts getting closer to 85 (but my cat's desires rule this house, so I generally don't let it get hotter than 80). 

But I can't sleep if I'm hot.  I used to be comfortable most nights with the windows open and the ceiling fan on high speed, but since perimenopause kicked in, I not only usually have the bedroom AC* on at night when it's hot, this year I've been turning it down to 76.

*Thankfully, I have a mini-split (ductless) system rather than central air, so I can just cool that one room overnight without wasting energy cooling the rest of the house that my cat and I are not in.

Edited by Bastet
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My AC is hyperactive.  I set the thermostat at 78-80, and it's about 74-75 in the house.  

My current peeve is that the outside temp is in the low 70s at 6:30 in the morning!  It should not be that hot (and humid, oh, the humidity!) that early.


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23 minutes ago, Bastet said:

But I can't sleep if I'm hot.  I used to be comfortable most nights with the windows open and the ceiling fan on high speed, but since perimenopause kicked in, I not only usually have the bedroom AC* on at night when it's hot, this year I've been turning it down to 76.

I also cannot sleep if I'm hot. I love when I get to stay in a hotel or at my sister's house where I don't pay the electric bill. I turn the thermostat down as far as it can go and bundle up. There is nothing better than sleeping in a cold room wrapped up like a burrito.

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4 minutes ago, Browncoat said:

My current peeve is that the outside temp is in the low 70s at 6:30 in the morning!  It should not be that hot (and humid, oh, the humidity!) that early.

I thought from some of your other posts that you lived somewhat in the same area as me, but right now for me, getting down into the low 70s overnight would be a big relief (to my comfort and to my electric bill)!

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38 minutes ago, Bastet said:

I set mine at 78 during the day, but sometimes I don't turn it on until it hits 80.  I could do 82 in a room with a ceiling fan, so long as I was just working on the computer -- unless I'm doing something physical, so long as the air is moving I'm okay until it starts getting closer to 85 (but my cat does, so I generally don't let it get hotter than 80). 

But I can't sleep if I'm hot.  I used to be comfortable most nights with the windows open and the ceiling fan on high speed, but since perimenopause kicked in, I not only usually have the bedroom AC* on at night when it's hot, this year I've been turning it down to 76.

*Thankfully, I have a mini-split (ductless) system rather than central air, so I can just cool that one room overnight without wasting energy cooling the rest of the house that my cat and I are not in.

I can’t sleep if I’m too hot, either.  We have two air units in windows, because the house AC broke not long after my parents bought the place.  We have to turn it down to the lowest setting, to help keep the house as cool as possible, and start it off early at a higher setting (something like 68 or 70). I’ve been sleeping in the living room, with that stronger unit air on, because of the humidity, and turning it off and going back to my fan, when the humidity isn’t so bad.  

Edited by Anela
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12 minutes ago, SoMuchTV said:

I thought from some of your other posts that you lived somewhat in the same area as me, but right now for me, getting down into the low 70s overnight would be a big relief (to my comfort and to my electric bill)!

I'm in the mountains.  We should be in the mid-60s at night at the worst.  

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2 hours ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

set your thermostat to 82 when you are at work during the day and also at night.

There is no way I can sleep at 82 degrrees

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17 hours ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

I saw one of those articles that suggested you set your thermostat to 82 when you are at work during the day and also at night. First of all, ain't no way my thermostat is ever set to anything over 80. Second of all, not everyone has nor wants a smart home where you can adjust the thermostat from your phone. I highly doubt I would save any money nor help save the environment if I did adjust my thermostat that way. I would get home and immediately turn it down to 65 so I can get my home in the 70s. 

AMEN! That's ridiculous! I don't know if it was due to menopause, or what (when I had my hysterectomy, I was told I went into it right away, but then the cancer, mastectomies, and chemo, so I don't know), but right around after my chemo, 76 degrees in my place during the summer is too hot. I only have the one patio window, so no cross ventilation. And yes I do also have a floor fan and use it along with the AC. When my parents were visiting in 2019, the temp was at 78 because they were so cold and I was suffering. When we went to the caves in Shenandoah, oh my! SUCH utter BLISS! It must have been in the 60s, people were wearing windbreakers, but I was in my tank and it felt GLORIOUS.

15 hours ago, Browncoat said:

My AC is hyperactive.  I set the thermostat at 78-80, and it's about 74-75 in the house.  

My current peeve is that the outside temp is in the low 70s at 6:30 in the morning!  It should not be that hot (and humid, oh, the humidity!) that early.


HAH! it was 85 when I left this morning! And I live in MD. It's been sweltering heat and I'm miffed because I wasn't able to go to the pool last week or weekend due to having to cook and take food to my Nana every day as my aunt and uncle were...at the beach. Too tired by the time I got back from the home; it's a 40 minute drive each way. Which, I love My Nana, but this assumption leads to another peeve:

That they think I have no life or plans that they can just assume and tell me they need (yeah, right) me to cook and feed Nana while they are gone. Fine, but I think this could have been split between me, my sister, and the Home. And then my uncle has the utter gall to check up on my every day, asking if I've gone yet? What was Nana's mood? Did she eat. Look, it's not the first time I've taken care of her,  and I really resented it. But details of this are more appropriate for the Family Thread. The Peeve is the assumption. GAH!

But. Ice Cream Social today at the office! And the free 15 minute chair massage in the lobby! 

No matter what, I'mmagonnagotothepool on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday!

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Wow...the humidity is 57%, dew point 76°, temp is 93° "but real feel" 103°. How did southerners survive weather like this years ago? Washington DC used to be known as a "hardship post" before the invention of air conditioning. Thank God for AC!!  I wanna move to Canada (will ya let me in? 🤗😸)

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2 minutes ago, annzeepark914 said:

I wanna move to Canada (will ya let me in? 🤗😸)

Lots of reasons to move to Canada but you need to pick and choose if you are trying to avoid "heat dome" kind of weather!  I'm in Ontario and the last few summers we've had some brutal heat, and this summer has been no exception. 

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15 minutes ago, annzeepark914 said:

How did southerners survive weather like this years ago?

I don't know about others, but open windows and big fans helped us.  I survived two summers in Durham (1989 and 1990) without AC or ceiling fans.  The bedroom was on a corner, so I closed the door, and opened both windows.  I positioned the big box fan in one window so that it blew outward, and put the bed such that the breeze being pulled in wafted over the bed.  It helped, marginally, but it was just miserable.

When I was a kid, it was all open windows and doors.  I still can't believe we slept with the doors open.  There were screen doors, but still.

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20 minutes ago, annzeepark914 said:

How did southerners survive weather like this years ago?

I always wonder this when we have a particularly harsh winter.  My maternal great grandparents almost emigrated to Australia and I am betting there must have been a few winters back in the day where they were thinking "what were we thinking???"!  And at least for them they had well built houses and heat sources other than an open fire!

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On 7/6/2024 at 3:28 PM, Dimity said:

@bluegirl147 that reminds me of another FB peeve - heartwarming, feel good anecdotes that are based on long debunked stories that have been floating around on the Internet for years.  One example, the supposedly rustic shabbily dressed couple who get sneered at by the president of Harvard when they want to do something in memory of their son but they are really uber rich despite their modest appearance and they then turn around and endow Stanford.   It's amazing how many people comment on these stories, give  them hearts and swallow them whole.

One of the ones that keeps popping up is that Paul McCartney bought letters from John Lennon that Cynthia Lennon had put on auction. This one has already been partially debunked by snopes for years.


Now it is true that Paul McCartney was very supportive to Cynthia following her divorce from John.

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On 7/7/2024 at 10:59 AM, PRgal said:

At least they’re not forcing traditional Chinese herbs on me.

Chinese herbs kept my Hepatitis-C infected husband alive and healthy for 30 years after the Western medicine doctors told him he must do interferon therapy (which practically kills you and only has a best chance 1/3 viral cure rate and is not covered by insurance) or he would turn yellow, swell up and keel over. (now there are better solutions than interferon but they are still not covered by insurance and cost around $30,000. for a full course of treatment)

Pet peeve here: thinking modern Western Science has all the answers. Nope! American medicine does "plumbing" really well - like heart issues and hip replacements and such. But when it comes to systemic issues, most of the cures are still about killing you (mostly) to kill the disease (i.e. cancer chemotherapy).

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2 hours ago, isalicat said:

Chinese herbs kept my Hepatitis-C infected husband alive and healthy for 30 years after the Western medicine doctors told him he must do interferon therapy (which practically kills you and only has a best chance 1/3 viral cure rate and is not covered by insurance) or he would turn yellow, swell up and keel over. (now there are better solutions than interferon but they are still not covered by insurance and cost around $30,000. for a full course of treatment)

Pet peeve here: thinking modern Western Science has all the answers. Nope! American medicine does "plumbing" really well - like heart issues and hip replacements and such. But when it comes to systemic issues, most of the cures are still about killing you (mostly) to kill the disease (i.e. cancer chemotherapy).

I can't really play around with supplements or traditional herbs.  Some are seizure triggers (like ginseng) or may lower the effectiveness of medications I'm on for my epilepsy.

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Dog or animal lovers can get on my nerves at times.  

I had a friend recently travel to Vietnam and told me dogs get used as meat there.  Which okay I find disturbing.  But at the same time imo people can get too into their dogs: taking out insurance on them, feeding them gourmet dog food, and pushing them in a stroller among other things.


I'm not heartless even though I never had a dog or a cat yeah it's got to hurt when a pet dies.  But I mean taking extended time off from work like it's a human family member is pushing it.  

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22 minutes ago, BlueSkies said:

Dog or animal lovers can get on my nerves at times.  

I had a friend recently travel to Vietnam and told me dogs get used as meat there.  Which okay I find disturbing.  But at the same time imo people can get too into their dogs: taking out insurance on them, feeding them gourmet dog food, and pushing them in a stroller among other things.


I'm not heartless even though I never had a dog or a cat yeah it's got to hurt when a pet dies.  But I mean taking extended time off from work like it's a human family member is pushing it.  

I heard that in Japan (or at least in cities), they go really overboard with the whole "pet parent" thing.  People aren't getting married/having kids, so they adopt pets and treat them like their kids.  

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