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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

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And all this reminds me of another pet peeve-  people thinking that everyone, especially CHILDREN, need constant electronic stimulation to keep their behavior in check.   Even toddlers in strollers, when they get restless, the mom gives them her PHONE to play a game on.  Yeah, Ok, if you're waiting an hour at the clinic or something. But it's like if the kids have to sit for even 2 minutes, they need a "screen"  to look at.  I see 3 year olds, when they get bored, reach into mom's purse and grab her phone to PLAY with.

The same day you posted this I had to take my daughter to an appointment.  Into the lobby comes in a mom with three boys - all pretty close in age maybe 6-10?

The first outburst is because there is no WiFi (GASP!) for the electronics they brought with them.  After some muttering, the two younger ones go into the little playroom while the older one goes in for the first appointment.  Mom sits on the couch, whips out her phone and obviously gets engaged in something or another.  Every few minutes there is a loud outburst from the boys in the playroom to which Mom responds by yelling from the couch, never putting down her phone.


After about 10 minutes I couldn't take it anymore and went to the building lobby until it was about time for my daughter's session to be over.


We used to hear how the tv was the baby-sitter.  It's gotten smaller and more portable. 

  • Love 3

I'll never, ever understand why people feel the need to always have their phones in their hands or on the table in front of them.

I just spent the morning out and about and saw this so many times. People actually walk around with their phones in their hands...why?! I just don't get it.

Unless you're a heart patient and are waiting for a call saying you've received the donor heart there's absolutely no reason for you to be walking around with your phone in your hands!

What would these idiots be doing if there were no cell phones? It wasn't that long ago that people had one house phone. If somebody called you and nobody answered you'd have to wait until they called you back.

Maybe I'm just too old to understand this crap.

  • Love 6

It's an addiction and it's really pathetic.  Last night I saw an ad on TV for a Stouffer's frozen dinner.  Two parents, one teen daughter sitting at the table.  The teen takes a bite and immediately puts down her phone or Ipad...and continues to eat.  The parents look at each other with disbelief,,,and then relief.  I'm tempted to send an email to Stouffers and let them know what a stupid ad that is for their product.  If a parent doesn't have the fortitude/confidence/whatever to tell his/her child to place the phone, turned off, somewhere outside the dining area so that they all can enjoy dinner/supper together w/o any distractions, (s)he needs to sign up for some counseling.  And the same goes for adults with their phones!  

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This is a small one, but I've been seeing it a lot lately. 

People who insist on standing in the doorway holding push-doors open for me.

First of all, it's a push door. What part of my body do you think can not open that thing?

Second: An open door is not useful to me without actual doorway space.

Are you trying to make me dry-hump you? Might be fun, if it was attractive females doing this, but it's always just random stoned guys at Circle K who are freaking out over... how doors work, I guess. Get out of the way, dumbass.

Edited by CletusMusashi
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Today, my pet peeve is myself. I've been stalling on an annoying project at work, and I really can't put it off any longer.  It's a holiday, and it's supposed to be 30 degrees (Celsius) today, and I have to go to the office, with no one to blame but myself. Hopefully if I put my head down, I can be out by early afternoon.

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Slow drivers in urban/downtown areas make me crazy...I know it's a typical peeve to rant about other drivers, but there's been a huge resurgence in people moving to my city in the past 3-5 years, and this has meant twice as much traffic with twice as many boobs out there on our roads who really don't know the meaning of "move with the flow of traffic."

Yes, I have been guilty of riding people's asses on the road, especially if they're going slow in the left lane and/or going 5-10 miles under the speed limit. I feel like that's one's right when someone is stalling the flow of city traffic in such an inconsiderate manner.

Speed up or get the fuck over or travel back roads---morons like those are the ones who cause traffic pile-up's at long lights since they usually leave 2-3 car lengths between them and the next cars in traffic.

On a related note, I have a 30-45-minute commute one-way even though I live 15 minutes from work. Nothing makes me more insane than when people have a fender-bender and don't move it out of the road!! Worse even, some shithead cop will block traffic when the accident parties HAVE moved out of the road onto a side street. If you aren't hurt, get it out of the flow of traffic!

In other annoyance news, I'm at IHOP having brunch on my day off and there's a table of eight acting like complete buffoons. Of course, they are "religious", and said "grace" while the server stood there holding the food, waiting to put it on the table. They are putting her through the ringer and I just want to apologize to her on behalf of humanity. So much for a nice, relaxing brunch. I know--IHOP, but it's 2pm, not a busy time. Yes, I'm old.

Edited by bilgistic
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Of course, they are "religious", and said "grace" while the server stood there holding the food, waiting to put it on the table. They are putting her through the ringer and I just want to apologize to her on behalf of humanity. 

I grew up in a household where we said grace over meals and we always waited until it was on the table first.  Who says grace while the person serving the dish is standing there holding it?  Do they do that to Mom and Grandma? That's not only rude to the server, it's just plain weird.

Edited by ratgirlagogo
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I saw the server at the checkout on my way out and commiserated with her. I commented on the prayer while she was holding their food, and she said, "Yeah, I didn't know what was happening!" Laughter ensued. I told her I was sorry she had to deal with that bunch and hoped she had a good rest of her day and hoped they tipped well. We laughed about that, too, because we knew that wasn't going to happen.

I'm pretty sure it was religion for show because that whole table was impatient, noisy, inconsiderate assholes.

And then I went to Trader Joe's. For the love of all that is good and decent in this world, what did I deserve to be in the middle of that shitshow? I can't force myself to go grocery shopping more than once every three weeks to a month because I lack the nerves and fortitude to get through a trip without having a full-on mental and emotional breakdown.

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I find that situation (restaurant customers saying grace while waitress was left holding the food) quite odd.  Where I come from, you don't say grace until the food is on the table, just before everyone "digs in".  


My pet peeve is tailgaters.  If I'm not going fast enough for ya, just pass 'cause I'm probably in the right lane driving the speed limit and your being on my rear bumper isn't going to make me risk getting a ticket.  I got a ticket back in 2004 and I haven't recovered from the shock of it (which is probably good 'cause I'm always checking the speed limit signs).

  • Love 3

I have never seen that either. It is wait for the food to be delivered or do it before the food is even brought out. I wonder if they were just being jerks and not being religious? Being fake religious? Like a prank to the waitress? It is not something that normal, truly religious people do, that much I am sure of.

Now you got me wanting IHOP bilgistic! And it is 45 miles away! I guess I will just make some pancakes here.

edit because I got your screen name spelling wrong...

although I would like to give you another reason to rant because your rants are funny.

She cracks me up too. Every time I read something in another part of the website and it makes me laugh,9 times out of 10 when I check the name, its you bilgistic.

You're just a bilgistic pile of love meat.

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We were watching The Chase last night, taped from last week, and all three contestants were 19, I believe. The show made a point of saying these young people are so smart, yet one of the contestants said "me and my friends (predicate I can't remember)." I kind of yelled at the TV that if he was that smart, he'd know proper grammar. Is it so hard to mentally drop the "and my friends" to see if your sentence makes sense?

It's such a common error, I fear it will become accepted, in the same way "because (something)" is replacing "because of (something)" is. Another grammar peeve -- "her and I" or "him and I" -- sets my teeth on edge. *grrr*

I taught my granddaughter to take the other person out of the sentence. I asked her if she would say "will you take I to the store" and gave her some more examples.

When she's talking and she comes to something like that she still has to stop and think for a second but she always gets it right.

She's 7 and has better grammar than a lot of adults.

Pet peeve, I'm really bored. The man just left for 9 days on the road and I'm bored as hell. I want to do something but can't.

Edited by Maharincess

She cracks me up too. Every time I read something in another part of the website and it makes me laugh,9 times out of 10 when I check the name, its you bilgistic.

You're just a bilgistic pile of love meat.

Aw, thanks! :)

It's nice to read that I'm appreciated. All I hear at work is what a complainer/feminist/grammar nazi/too-much-coffee drinker/inconvienient foot sprainer/frequent doctor appointment haver/general pain-in-the-rich-white-male ass I am.

  • Love 4


My pet peeve is tailgaters.  If I'm not going fast enough for ya, just pass 'cause I'm probably in the right lane driving the speed limit and your being on my rear bumper isn't going to make me risk getting a ticket.  I got a ticket back in 2004 and I haven't recovered from the shock of it (which is probably good 'cause I'm always checking the speed limit signs)


*raises hand with much chagrin*


I'm sorry, Annzee. I'm a horrible tailgater. Won't even try to pretend that I "only" do it when someone's really dogging the speed. I'm getting better, though, I swear. I'm trying to become a new Efficient Me and so now use any extra time awarded me by not being able to zip along at my normal 10+ miles over the posted speed limit to play with the voice memo on my iPod (doesn't take much to amuse me). I I can dictate emails to send later* so I feel like a very important person AND get stuff done instead of spending my energy screaming my head off and riding my brake.**



You're just a bilgistic pile of love meat.


And, you made me Google something. I had no idea what 'bilgistic' referred to. I thank you for helping make me more hip. ;)




It's nice to read that I'm appreciated. All I hear at work is what a complainer/feminist/grammar nazi/too-much-coffee drinker/inconvienient foot sprainer/frequent doctor appointment haver/general pain-in-the-rich-white-male ass I am.


Just tell yourself you're leading the revolution from within and someday you will topple that godforsaken pit in some way, shape or form. And learn to time your sprains for Pete's sake. 


*Of course, I do not email and drive. 

** I know, I need help for my road rage.


Oh, and my peeve, finally...if you're so lost and confused when driving that you come to standstill or drive at 5mph, how's about you save the rest of us a bit of sanity and pull the f*ck over to sort it out? I had a friend who refused to pull over when we drove together and kept saying "maybe turn here?" "maybe it's over there?" No. No, no, no! We're pulling over and that's the end of story.


(I obviously do not have GPS)



I've got a pet peeve.   I'm a member of a Facebook group for the town I live in and recently there was a woman complaining that she bought something at Walmart and they didn't refund her money ($60), just because she didn't have a receipt (she paid cash, so no credit card receipt).  Other commenters told her to talk to the store manager,    e-mail Walmart, call Walmart, etc.  It was explained by some commenters that the reason they required a receipt was that people would shoplift items and then try to return them for cash.  The woman kept complaining, saying that they should have signs posted at all entrances and at all registers explaining that you had to have a receipt to get a refund.  Finally, someone said "Hey, I'm a grownup, I always keep my receipt."   I alway keep my receipt too, even for small purchases, at least until I get it home and make sure it's in good shape.  For more expensive purchases, I file away the receipt.  I understand the woman being frustrated at not being able to get a refund, but with no way to prove she actually purchased the item, I don't blame the store.


Another person complained in the same group that she was trying to return soda cans for a refund at Stop & Shop, and the attendant told her she couldn't because she hadn't bought them at the store.  She said she couldn't possibly prove she bought them there, that she wouldn't have all those receipts.  I've returned cans there before, and you certainly don't need a receipt.  I'm sure what her problem was she was trying to return brands of soda that they don't sell at that store.  You can't return Walmart brand soda to Stop & Shop, or vice versa, even though they're right next to each other.  Perhaps the attendant didn't explain it to her clearly.  

Edited by ALenore
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forumfish - Wow.  Some people suck enough to make me feel bad for ginormous retailers/chains and credt card companies.  Really did not think that was possible.


I just realized how much I hate public restrooms (theoretically, the sentence can stop here) that have automatic sensors for the water in the sink BUT have the water set to a ridiculously short time.  I went to Sprouts a few days ago and needed to wash my hands because I touched something that left an unpleasant residue.  Go to the restroom, pump some foamy soap into my hands, scrub scrub scrub and go to rinse but the water only ones for about a second.  A length of time not long enough to adequately rinse off even one side of my hand.  I had to keep waving my still soapy hand in front of the sensor to get it to restart for another second, stop, repeat this process ad finium.


They have a lovely sign posted giving employees specific directions as to how to properly wash their hands before returning to work.  The sign specifies that after soaping up, to rinse for at least 20 seconds.  Fat chance with these timed flow sensors.

  • Love 2

I've got a pet peeve. I'm a member of a Facebook group for the town I live in and recently there was a woman complaining that she bought something at Walmart and they didn't refund her money ($60), just because she didn't have a receipt (she paid cash, so no credit card receipt). Other commenters told her to talk to the store manager, e-mail Walmart, call Walmart, etc. It was explained by some commenters that the reason they required a receipt was that people would shoplift items and then try to return them for cash. The woman kept complaining, saying that they should have signs posted at all entrances and at all registers explaining that you had to have a receipt to get a refund. Finally, someone said "Hey, I'm a grownup, I always keep my receipt." I alway keep my receipt too, even for small purchases, at least until I get it home and make sure it's in good shape. For more expensive purchases, I file away the receipt. I understand the woman being frustrated at not being able to get a refund, but with no way to prove she actually purchased the item, I don't blame the store.

Another person complained in the same group that she was trying to return soda cans for a refund at Stop & Shop, and the attendant told her she couldn't because she hadn't bought them at the store. She said she couldn't possibly prove she bought them there, that she wouldn't have all those receipts. I've returned cans there before, and you certainly don't need a receipt. I'm sure what her problem was she was trying to return brands of soda that they don't sell at that store. You can't return Walmart brand soda to Stop & Shop, or vice versa, even though they're right next to each other. Perhaps the attendant didn't explain it to her clearly.

I worked at a big-box store 20 years ago; we'll call it Guest Guy. They began being very clear about receipts being necessary for returns and exchanges, but basically, if the customer was a big enough/loud enough asshole, the manager would cave and let the customer have whatever they wanted.

I worked at the bitch and complain desk (exchange and return desk) and this couple started coming in regularly with big-ticket returns and no receipts. They had clearly stolen the merchandise and were getting gift cards for whatever they wanted. The last time I saw them come in, they came up to my desk and gave me their spiel. I went to the manager and told him exactly what was going down because I had seen them many times. I told him I wouldn't do the transaction. He just got someone else to do it.

I really, really don't know how Guest Guy is still in operation today.

  • Love 4

I wish that before people shared posts (not their own, but just sharing someone else's) on Facebook, they would at least do a simple Google search to determine if a story is true or if the site listed as the news story source is a real news site or a satire site. Today, someone I'm friends with posted a link to a story saying that the Pope said some dance (I can't remember the name, but it's apparently really popular now) is actually the way ancient Greeks summoned demons. That is obviously not true. (How do people not see this things and think, "That can't possibly be right"?) It was from a site called Manila Links. I've never heard of it, but searching that name immediately told me it was a satirical site. Also, doing a search for key terms in the story brought lots of sites saying that no, that is not a true story.


Maybe people don't even know what the words "satire" and "satirical" mean any more.

  • Love 4

Another person complained in the same group that she was trying to return soda cans for a refund at Stop & Shop, and the attendant told her she couldn't because she hadn't bought them at the store.  She said she couldn't possibly prove she bought them there, that she wouldn't have all those receipts.  I've returned cans there before, and you certainly don't need a receipt.  I'm sure what her problem was she was trying to return brands of soda that they don't sell at that store.  You can't return Walmart brand soda to Stop & Shop, or vice versa, even though they're right next to each other.  Perhaps the attendant didn't explain it to her clearly.  


We've occasionally bought a case of water while visiting battlefields, because we walk around a lot and the day gets long and hot.  It's happened where bottles from, say, Pennsylvania or Maryland got commingled with our Connecticut bottles; and when I went to redeem them, the machine repeatedly spit back a bunch because it turns out not every state puts deposits on its bottles.   Something like that may have happened to the unhappy Wal-Marter, too.

  • Love 2

I wish that before people shared posts (not their own, but just sharing someone else's) on Facebook, they would at least do a simple Google search to determine if a story is true or if the site listed as the news story source is a real news site or a satire site. Today, someone I'm friends with posted a link to a story saying that the Pope said some dance (I can't remember the name, but it's apparently really popular now) is actually the way ancient Greeks summoned demons. That is obviously not true. (How do people not see this things and think, "That can't possibly be right"?) It was from a site called Manila Links. I've never heard of it, but searching that name immediately told me it was a satirical site. Also, doing a search for key terms in the story brought lots of sites saying that no, that is not a true story.


Maybe people don't even know what the words "satire" and "satirical" mean any more.


Once in a while, a dear, dear friend will send me an urgent story about stupid stuff that Snopes.com debunked ages ago -- stuff like, gang members will hide under your parked car waiting to slash your ankles, or someone will break into your car while you're at a football game, hit "home" on your GPS, drive your car to your home, and rob your house while you're blithely watching the game.  I know she means well, and she's otherwise a very intelligent person. I just don't know why people believe this stuff without questioning it at all, and then run around spreading this important news.

the machine repeatedly spit back a bunch because it turns out not every state puts deposits on its bottles.   Something like that may have happened to the unhappy Wal-Marter, too.


I assume something like that happened.  I live in Connecticut too, and the stores just all use machines for bottle/can returns.   I assume some of the cans she was returning got spit back out, and she didn't realize they weren't bought at that store.  It's all done electronically, the machine knows whether that particular brand or can was eligible for return.  

That would still get you a ticket for operating a handheld electronic device while driving where I live. Really.

Hands on the wheel, eyes and brain on the road please.

Aw,dang. I thought hands free phones were ok, so I presumed a hands free dictation would also be ok. *embarrassed*! Thanks for the heads up!

Aw,dang. I thought hands free phones were ok, so I presumed a hands free dictation would also be ok. *embarrassed*! Thanks for the heads up!

where I live, hands-free devices are considered fine.    I use my car Bluetooth all the time.  I call my husband and chat while I'm driving to work, and call other family members at night when I'm driving home.  It's about the same as having someone in the car with you and having a conversation.    I would think a voice memo app would be similar.  I would use it if I knew how.  I could see giving myself reminders of things I want to take care  of later. 

Every single study ever done says that hands-free is not safer. It's the distraction to your brain that is this issue, not the use of your hands. And it is not the same as talking to a passenger, largely because a passenger can see when you're in a precarious situation and stop talking, whereas someone on the other end of the phone doesn't. Concentrating enough to dictate a meaningful memo or letter takes your brain away from the road.

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Every single study ever done says that hands-free is not safer. It's the distraction to your brain that is this issue, not the use of your hands.

Quof - Wish I could give 100 thumbs up for this one.  You (and all the studies) are absolutely correct!  In a perfect world, car makers would invent a device to prevent an engine from being put into "drive" if it sensed a signal from an "on" cell phone...hands-free or otherwise.    

forumfish - Wow.  Some people suck enough to make me feel bad for ginormous retailers/chains and credt card companies.  Really did not think that was possible.


I just realized how much I hate public restrooms (theoretically, the sentence can stop here) that have automatic sensors for the water in the sink BUT have the water set to a ridiculously short time.  I went to Sprouts a few days ago and needed to wash my hands because I touched something that left an unpleasant residue.  Go to the restroom, pump some foamy soap into my hands, scrub scrub scrub and go to rinse but the water only ones for about a second.  A length of time not long enough to adequately rinse off even one side of my hand.  I had to keep waving my still soapy hand in front of the sensor to get it to restart for another second, stop, repeat this process ad finium.

They have a lovely sign posted giving employees specific directions as to how to properly wash their hands before returning to work.  The sign specifies that after soaping up, to rinse for at least 20 seconds.  Fat chance with these timed flow sensors.

I agree. Most of these new fangled germ reducing measures are just a nuisance to me. Your whole bathroom experience consists of waving your hands around like an idiot. The toilet sensor won't work so you stand there waving your hand to around to get the sensor to notice you and flush the toilet (hence why so many toilets seems to be stopped up lately). Can't get the soap out-wave your hand around for a few minutes. Same thing with the water and the paper towels. I try to avoid public restrooms at all costs but with two young children it sometimes is unavoidable.

Which brings me to the cart sanitizing wipes at the grocery store. Every body I see uses one and stands in the middle of the automatic doorway blocking the entrance until they have thoroughly wiped down their cart enough to proceed inside the store. A line starts to form and I'm stuck there waiting for everyone to sanitize when I just want to get in and out with my two kids and get back home. That takes too much time for me and I firmly believe that a little bit of germs are good for the immune system. We've become a society dependent on pharmaceuticals. People get sick (simple colds, etc) at the drop of a hat it seems. Build up some immunity people. Germs aren't always bad (for some people with compromised systems, yes). Now, I do keep a bottle of sanitizer in my car and when we are done being in a public place we use it but I'm not some germ nazi that has to eliminate every germ I see.

  • Love 6

Or at least, if the hand dryers could be set somewhere between jet engine blast and trickle of air, that would help. Once when I was babysitting, I was trying to help the poor kid wash her hands and it was an ordeal trying to get her small arms/hands to trigger the sensors to dispense enough soap/water, only to be followed up by a resounding "nooooooo" when I asked if she was ready to use the air dryer. Pure terror on her face at the thought of sticking her hands down two holes that she can't see and can only hear a deafening roar. 



Every single study ever done says that hands-free is not safer. It's the distraction to your brain that is this issue, not the use of your hands. And it is not the same as talking to a passenger, largely because a passenger can see when you're in a precarious situation and stop talking, whereas someone on the other end of the phone doesn't. Concentrating enough to dictate a meaningful memo or letter takes your brain away from the road.


In stopped traffic, too? I can totally understand being free from distractions while driving, but when you're not doing anything except brake/coast/brake? I concede the point, though, as this is likely just a "suck it up, buttercup" event in life. I won't argue with safety studies. Actually, I think if we all just got Liberty insurance policies, we could just TAP each other with impunity and get a whole new car without any depreciation. Problem solved.


Peeve for today: local news stations who insist on doing stories about (gasp) how unhealthy fair food is for you. You DON'T say! Deep fried candy bars and corn dogs have a lot of fat and calories? Where are my smelling salts?! We know the food isn't good for us. We also know it's only available once a year, so shut it, killjoys. 



  • Love 5

I'll never, ever understand why people feel the need to always have their phones in their hands or on the table in front of them.

I just spent the morning out and about and saw this so many times. People actually walk around with their phones in their hands...why?! I just don't get it.

Unless you're a heart patient and are waiting for a call saying you've received the donor heart there's absolutely no reason for you to be walking around with your phone in your hands!

What would these idiots be doing if there were no cell phones? It wasn't that long ago that people had one house phone. If somebody called you and nobody answered you'd have to wait until they called you back.

Maybe I'm just too old to understand this crap.

Interestingly, the youngest group of adults want no part of the phone part of their phones. We've talked about it at work, and the people who purchase our services in the youngest group would far, FAR prefer that we set up an app for them to do it all on their phone as opposed to calling in and talking to a person.


Generally speaking, they run a great deal of their social and business stuff through the internet and specifically through the phone.  


And I don't think I have a problem with this. To be fair, the phone attaches me to people I like, which I usually prefer to the people in my vicinity.  I don't approve of having the phone in front of us while we are eating together as a family, but I'd much rather get lost in my phone than chit chat with a bunch of other parents while I'm stuck at cub scout pack meeting.

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In stopped traffic, too?

Being stopped in traffic is still "operating a vehicle" which is how it is described in the legislation governing motor vehicle use and infractions, so you would still be breaking the law.   Red lights only last a few seconds, then you need to be ready to move again. Get engrossed in your text, ease your foot off the brake, hit the car in front of you.  Get engrossed in your email, don't hear the approach of an emergency vehicle and fail to get out of the way.  Operating a vehicle is a serious enterprise and requires 100 % of your attention.  There is no phone call, email or text more important (short of "Your donor organ is waiting").

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When I'm out w/friends and/or relatives at a restaurant, when the waitress goes to take my drink order, I love to freak out the people I'm with and say, "Oh, I don't drink anymore."  Everyone looks at me with SHOCK (cuz they KNOW me), and then I say, "I don't drink any LESS, either!"  ...then I order my usual Bacardi & Diet.  I stole that line from "While You Were Sleeping" and it's a good one, dontcha think?  haha! 

One of my favorite movies.


I hate being with a group of people (casual acquaintances) at someone's house, and when the hostess offers wine, someone goes, "Oh, I don't drink." With this really snotty, self-righteous tone. Who the f*** cares? Just say, no thank you. If it's a casual gathering with people you might not ever see again. Why do they need to know about your religious/moral preferences, or even your health issues?


I suppose I'd understand if it were a pregnant woman, and everyone knew she was pregnant, and she joked about having to wait a few more months before having wine.


Or if someone had a shellfish allergy and was becoming itchy and anaphylactic because the hostess was walking around with a steaming plate of shrimp and crab legs

  • Love 2
I hate being with a group of people (casual acquaintances) at someone's house, and when the hostess offers wine, someone goes, "Oh, I don't drink." With this really snotty, self-righteous tone. Who the f*** cares? Just say, no thank you. If it's a casual gathering with people you might not ever see again. Why do they need to know about your religious/moral preferences, or even your health issues?

It goes the other way, too. I get the strangest looks sometimes when out with people and I order a Diet Coke instead of an alcoholic beverage. It's not a moral thing, or a DD thing, or a health thing or a preggo thing. I just don't really care about drinking alcohol. I will do it occasionally but out of a sense of obligation and not wanting to appear like a weirdo. But if it was my choice with no other motivators, I just wouldn't. I hate being made to feel like a weirdo because of this.

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It goes the other way, too. I get the strangest looks sometimes when out with people and I order a Diet Coke instead of an alcoholic beverage. It's not a moral thing, or a DD thing, or a health thing or a preggo thing. I just don't really care about drinking alcohol. I will do it occasionally but out of a sense of obligation and not wanting to appear like a weirdo. But if it was my choice with no other motivators, I just wouldn't. I hate being made to feel like a weirdo because of this.

I hear ya. And that's a pet peeve of mine, too--adults who continue to act like 12 year olds. "Come on, have a drink. Come on, smoke this weed. Don't be such a stiff."

"Anne Hathaway sucks. You don't like her, do you?" "Kristen Stewart is the most horrible human being to ever walk the planet. You don't agree? What are you, one of those 'Twilight' shippers?

Edited by topanga
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I do that too.

Good thing I have a therapy appointment today!

ETA:  I saw this the other day.  They were on a VW sedan driven by a seemingly not insane middle aged woman.  I'll be talking about this in today's session too because it disturbed me in a big way.

Edited by DeLurker
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I'm sure that I'm pretty darn far from hip with my username from ten(?)-ish years ago from The King of Queens! I just loved the show and Kevin James. :)

One of my top 5 favorite shows. A couple of weeks ago I saw that Kevin James was performing in Concord. I was so excited, I called my daughter and we said no matter what we were going. I went to order tickets and saw that he was going to be in Concord New Hampshire. I live in the one in California. I was so disappointed.

I can even turn this into a pet peeve! I hate people who get excited about stuff before they read the entire story.

That's probably only me who does that though so I peeved myself.

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That Wal-Mart in Simpsonville is a place that I very much dread shopping at whenever my mother and I do it. Why, you might ask? Two reasons:


1. In the entertainment section, all they really have on DVD are the shows of today-- very seldom lately would I find a great deal on an older show. It used to be that I would go there quite a few times and get, say, the latest seasonal release of original-recipe Hawaii Five-O and get it for a good price. Not anymore! (This isn't to say that I've gotten all of Five-O from there or anyplace, since the last seasons were pretty weak and not worth spending money on; I did get that last one as a curiosity piece, though.)


2. It is a veritable madhouse to shop for anything there even besides DVDs-- you can be standing in an aisle, looking at two different kinds of salad dressing, for instance, and someone could come up behind you without warning and need to go around you. Sometimes, I think they widen the aisles out and then narrow them later for whatever reason. 

Edited by bmasters9
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Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

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