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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

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The same site offers a salve for bug bites and other things that go itchy:  here.


There's also a page for herbal remedies for other things here.


You're right, the Vinegar of the Four Thieves is more of a repellant, but a good one. I should have prefaced that. 


Oh, I was just goofing around because the Vinegar of Four Thieves counted rosemary, peppermint and garlic among its ingredients.  Really, thank you for the VoFT link and the others; I may be doing some brewing soon.

Edited by harrie
  • Love 1

Totally going off the conversation here.

I think I've been easy to get along with during my pregnancy, but I've found one thing I can't stand when people say. They ask how far along I am. I say it, then they respond, "yeah, that looks about right."

It doesn't bother me if they say I look bigger or smaller than they'd have thought. That I don't care about. I care when they act like there's a possibility I could be too dumb or ignorant to know how far along I am. "That's about right"......?!?! No. It is right. Hush up.

Edited by Betweenyouandme
  • Love 3

I'm fairly sure we have complained here before about bicyclists. I'm all for "sharing to road" and whatnot, but cyclists, that means you have to follow the same traffic laws as the other vehicles.

I was on my way home this evening and stopped in the far-right lane a car or two back from the light at an intersection that has two driving lanes and two turn lanes on each side, so each road is eight lanes wide at the light. There was a pack of cyclists in the turn lane parallel to mine, one over to the left. My lane and the one to my left got the green light, and as we motorists started off, so did the cyclists, who were turning left across the intersection--on a red light. Here's the thing: The far-right lane opposite me (diagonally across the intersection) would have a right-on-red at the same time I had a green light, and it wouldn't have been the driver's fault had s/he hit someone turning illegally on red, as the cyclists were.

I feel like I need to draw a diagram of the intersection, but it really cheesed me off.

  • Love 2
We also only had Velveeta as cheese, margarine instead of butter, ice milk instead of ice cream, and store brand bread and soda.   But of course both my parents somehow were able to afford several cartons of cigarettes a week.


Did we come from the same family, ALenore?  My father had money to smoke two-three packs a day but we never had the money to go to movies, swimming, or even buy records (this was during the 1960's and 1970's).  No offense to smokers but I always found smoking a selfish habit if the smoker had kids and they couldn't do the things that other kids took for granted.  It always pissed me off to see pregnant women smoking.  I know my opinions about smoking were formed during childhood.

  • Love 4

I remember a campground on the Oregon coast in which I received 43 mosquito bites on my arms and legs (damn right I counted).  This was during the first week of our three-week vacation, so I was not amused.  Other than that, I've never been much of a magnet for bug bites.


My latest driving peeve: someone who decided the placement of a stop sign in front of a high school turned that intersection into a drop-off zone.  Um, no.  Under any circumstances, but especially when you're dropping off an able-bodied teenage boy for some summer activity.  He's perfectly capable of walking from a distance, the distance would amount to almost nothing since it's not a regular school day ... move your gas-guzzling SUV, you entitled ass!

Edited by Bastet
  • Love 5
forumfish, it seems like you have extreme reactions to bites, which is what I had when I got bitten. I just read on the Mayo Clinic's site about mosquito bites, and this answers some questions upthread:

Mosquitoes select their victims by evaluating scent, exhaled carbon dioxide and the chemicals in a person's sweat. There's conflicting evidence about whether mosquitoes prefer women or men.

I would issue a warning about After Bite. It's made of ammonia, and I used it so much (because I itched so badly) that I had necrosis in a couple spots on my legs. It's not for extreme cases. Had I known, I would've been taking additional antihistamine or getting other treatment. Edited by bilgistic
  • Love 1

They are very expensive. I live in Iowa and you can buy them in Missouri, not a long drive. The irony is I called my sister who lives in Kansas City and she did not have the problem we have had. I guess they are cracking down.

I love summer for a lot of reasons but it really is the noisiest of seasons. The loud car engines and some motorcycles. Lawnmowers, weed wackers, local construction(I live close to a hospital). People who leave their dogs out all day sometimes barking a lot and loudly. On my walk this morning I passed 2 dogs one was white and fluffy and would not stop barking. I tried to talk to it. What made me laugh was the other dog was a pug and he really could not cough up a bark. I felt guilty walking past.

Speaking of dogs barking. About a year and a half ago a woman with 3 dogs moved into the property directly above mine. We met and exchanged numbers, she was really nice. Her dogs barked constantly. All day and into the night. I texted her to let her know her dogs barked and people were starting to complain. They didn't bother me too much, every once in a while it would drive me crazy but I learned how to tune them out.

The barking would stop for a couple of weeks then start again. Since her property is above mine people started knocking on my door telling me to shut my dogs up. I told her this. Again it would stop for a while then start again.

Somebody got sick of it and called animal control. I am being blamed for calling them. I did what I thought was right and talked to her about it, I'm not one to go behind somebody's back like that. If there's an issue I deal with it directly.

She's gone onto the next door neighbor website for our area and is trashing me and saying all kinds of horrible things about me.

I've just been ignoring it but I don't know what to do if she keeps doing it.

Why do people have to do stuff like that? We were friendly. Until she put up her fence her dogs would come down to my house and I'd play with them and keep them safe until she picked them up. I would never do what I'm being accused of.

Grrrrrrr. This goes into my "I hate people" file.

Bilgistic, I take a lot of medication too and never get bitten, either by mosquitoes or fleas.

I also don't think you're a horrible person for calling that kid with the fireworks an idiot. It's sad that a parent lost quite child but what a moron. What the Hell did he think would happen?

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 3

And I'm not sleeping tonight because spiders are crawling on meeee...

Many years ago, I had a bump on my face.  It looked like two little black dots, slightly swollen.  I treated it like a pimple, put stuff on it, it just got bigger.  After a few days it was out of control.  I went to the doctor, he said it was a spider bite, that advanced to an infection.  He gave me antibiotics, said if not better in 3 days to call him.   The next morning I was in the ER, half my face swollen - staph infection and cellulitis - from a spider bite!  4 days of IV antibiotics cleared it up.


spiders terrify me now.

  • Love 3

Betweenyouandme, I would get annoyed by that too. Other than that, how is your pregnancy going? I loved being pregnant. I hope everything is going well for you.

Since this is Pet Peeves, I hate when tv shows portray pregnant women as either raging bitches or emotional wrecks. I've never known pregnant women to act like the ones on TV act.

Backformore, you have officially freaked me out. Being up in the boonies we get spiders the likes of which I've never seen in my life. I call them Volkswagens. After reading what happened to you I'm going to be feeling creepy crawlers all night long.

  • Love 1

Did we come from the same family, ALenore?  My father had money to smoke two-three packs a day but we never had the money to go to movies, swimming, or even buy records (this was during the 1960's and 1970's).  No offense to smokers but I always found smoking a selfish habit if the smoker had kids and they couldn't do the things that other kids took for granted.  It always pissed me off to see pregnant women smoking.  I know my opinions about smoking were formed during childhood.

IIRC, that was part of the storyline of the 1977 Beverly Cleary book Ramona and Her Father. 

Maharincess, sorry that happened to you.  I feel sorry for the dogs.  My neighbor got a new dog that has a really loud bark and it can be annoying.  He is a good guy so I tolerate it and it is a nice dog.  I am more of a cat person.  To me the constant barking is like a baby crying..I could be very wrong about this.  I do think a person should try to correct the situation if it bothers so many people.

Don't ever watch Fear Thy Neighbor on Investigation Discovery Channel.  There are some crazies out there.

  • Love 3

I've found a dab of fluoride toothpaste takes the itch out of a bug bite.  Easy to carry a travel tube in my bag too.


ETA a peeve:  I walked out of the store empty-handed yesterday because I just couldn't bear to pay what they were charging for milk and eggs.  It's not like I'm on food stamps but dairy prices have just skyrocketed lately and even when the egg supply rights itself following this bird flu thing, I know the prices won't go back down.

Edited by Qoass
  • Love 3

Most fireworks are illegal here, and certainly the pyrotechnics being set off.  My cat is recovering from pancreatitis, and Friday night had been her first good sleep in a week (can you imagine a cat having trouble sleeping?!).  I was so pissed when Saturday night's attempts were thwarted by what sounded like a damn war zone for hours.  Then we had a lesser version last night.  I'm hoping tonight we can both conk out.


There are numerous sanctioned local fireworks displays, all of which are either free or low cost.  I really enjoyed fireworks in the backyard when I was a kid, but being in a suburban area we didn't get crazy with what we were setting off - and, being considerate human beings, we didn't continue this shit until 2:00 in the morning.  At some point, it's just too much.


Then if you ever decide you want to go visit India, Don't ever come when we're celebrating Diwali. (October/November depending on the calendar). As loud fireworks can be heard for the entire month! Not just on the actual day anymore.

  • Love 2

I've found a dab of fluoride toothpaste takes the itch out of a bug bite.  Easy to carry a travel tube in my bag too.


ETA a peeve:  I walked out of the store empty-handed yesterday because I just couldn't bear to pay what they were charging for milk and eggs.  It's not like I'm on food stamps but dairy prices have just skyrocketed lately and even when the egg supply rights itself following this bird flu thing, I know the prices won't go back down.


This may be an elitist-type solution, but since store prices are so high, do you have a local farmers' market or farm where you can buy eggs and/or milk?  If the price is going to be high anyway, might as well get a super-fresh product - plus you know your producer, so odds of any food safety issues rearing their ugly heads are decreased.  Just my impractical, spendy train of thought. 




Speaking of dogs barking. ....

She's gone onto the next door neighbor website for our area and is trashing me and saying all kinds of horrible things about me.

I've just been ignoring it but I don't know what to do if she keeps doing it.

Why do people have to do stuff like that? We were friendly. Until she put up her fence her dogs would come down to my house and I'd play with them and keep them safe until she picked them up. I would never do what I'm being accused of.

Grrrrrrr. This goes into my "I hate people" file.


I hate people for crap like this, too.  You'd think she could make the connection that you approached her directly, and going to AC anonymously is not your modus operandi.  Is she at least approachable, so you could tell her it wasn't you?  Or I guess the relationship has really deteriorated, thanks largely to her idiot reaction. For what it's worth, I think she must know that any number of other people may have and probably did contact AC -- you're just the known quantity, and therefore the target of her stupid, stupid response.

  • Love 3

Speaking of noisy creatures in a shared condo/apartment complex, I deal with noise the exact same way in the historic loft building I share: politely talk with the neighbor making the noise, ask them to kindly cut the noise down, and typically that's the end of that.

So my pet-peeve is twofold: if you have a neighbor that is noisy and/or not following rules, get to the heart of the issue and politely talk to the neighbor *yourself*!!

Seems pretty simple, but you wouldn't believe how many people are non-confrontational/lazy pussies who would sooner report/email our building director on a neighbor's noise levels than talk to the actual neighbor who may not even realize anyone is bothered.

Like one time I had a party and my guests were leaving, it was after midnight and they were singing loudly as they went down the hallway(sure, the drinks had been flowing). I had no idea of this, yet somehow I ended up reported over it. Why didn't the moron who took the time to write this email just open the damn door and shush the guests? I do it all the time! Or just talk to me and let me know my guests were too loud while leaving.

So now I literally have to tell my guests as they leave, "Please be quiet in the hallways." Which is fine and the price one pays to live in a building like this.

To which I bring up my second pet-peeve about this shared older building situation: inconsiderate assholes who have no idea how annoying they are to live around!

Like if you have yappy/noisy dogs, don't live in a shared building...they can't handle the anxiety of all the daily noises and they bug your neighbors, despite their cuteness.

You have a baby or a small child? Ugh...please don't live in an older, echoey building with wooden floors..they're even more noisy and annoying than yappy dogs. And they jump around, drop things, have sleeping issues, bang on pots and pans and toys, just ugh...

You like to clomp around your place in high heels at all hours? Take your damned shoes off already, don't you realize everyone around you can hear you?!

You're a musician and/or you like to jam and blare music/movies at odd hours? Please leave. Trust me, NO one wants you here.

And then there's the neighbor to my right wall. I call him Crackhead. Crackhead doesn't even own the joint, but he regularly shacks up there with the nasty old hag who lives there. Crackhead is up at the asscrack of dawn on the weekends...sometimes 4am. I'm a teacher up at 5am most days, so I damned well appreciate my weekend catch-up sleep. Crackhead is one of those annoyingly loud folks WHO TALKS LIKE HE IS STUCK IN CAPS LOCK. ITS LIKE HE JUST ENJOYS TALKING/LAUGHING JUST TO HEAR HIS CRAZY LOUD VOICE. IM NOT CONVINCED HE DOESNT TALK TO THE PICTURES ON THE WALL.

Mind you, my husband and I both have tried to nicely reason with Crackhead and his gross lady both. Invited them over, even tried to befriend them, but they are weird shut-in's who sadly seem to go nowhere and watch the TV too loudly and cook food that often smells like dead fish or rats. After at least 3 years of dealing with these idiots nicely, I finally lost my shit and reported them to management when they decided to blare their stereo's bass so loud one night that my wall might as well have been next to a stripclub.

I can't stand them and don't know why they're even in a building like this that is otherwise a very peaceful and welcoming community, but it does tick me off that some of my fave neighbors are selling and moving lately but Crackhead and his old lady still hang around here like cockroaches.

Edited by Sun-Bun
  • Love 3

This may be an elitist-type solution, but since store prices are so high, do you have a local farmers' market or farm where you can buy eggs and/or milk?



If there's a Trader Joes in your area, they could be an option.  I was able to get the best prices for jumbo eggs there.  Prices did go up a bit, but still mygo to place for  eggs.


To me the constant barking is like a baby crying.



Dogs bark for many reasons - at strangers (defending their territory) or boredom.  If the dog doesn't have any other animals at home and/or his owner is not home during prime barking hours, then it's likely the latter.  That can be cured with a pet sitter/doggie daycare.

  • Love 2

Why should your neighbours have to get out of bed, in pjs, disheveled hair, possibly search for their glasses ... to go confront drunken strangers????

Because it was Saturday night???

But seriously, simply talking to me about it the next day or leaving me a note would've sufficed. I'd bet money that it was Crackhead who reported me.

If there's a Trader Joes in your area, they could be an option.  I was able to get the best prices for jumbo eggs there.  Prices did go up a bit, but still mygo to place for  eggs.

It's the opposite for me. Trader Joe's in my area? Price of eggs and milk is higher than the grocery chains, like Giant, Shopper's, etc.  Target is where it's cheaper.

Speaking of noisy creatures in a shared condo/apartment complex, I deal with noise the exact same way in the historic loft building I share: politely talk with the neighbor making the noise, ask them to kindly cut the noise down, and typically that's the end of that.

So my pet-peeve is twofold: if you have a neighbor that is noisy and/or not following rules, get to the heart of the issue and politely talk to the neighbor *yourself*!!

Seems pretty simple, but you wouldn't believe how many people are non-confrontational/lazy pussies who would sooner report/email our building director on a neighbor's noise levels than talk to the actual neighbor who may not even realize anyone is bothered.

Like one time I had a party and my guests were leaving, it was after midnight and they were singing loudly as they went down the hallway(sure, the drinks had been flowing). I had no idea of this, yet somehow I ended up reported over it. Why didn't the moron who took the time to write this email just open the damn door and shush the guests? I do it all the time! Or just talk to me and let me know my guests were too loud while leaving.

So now I literally have to tell my guests as they leave, "Please be quiet in the hallways." Which is fine and the price one pays to live in a building like this.


Honestly, I never contact the noisy people directly, particularly if the noise is after midnight or at a time when city ordinances forbid that kind of noise. (I live in a house, but when I was in an apartment, I'd call management after midnight and then the police if management did nothing.) I realize that a lot of people would respond nicely, but there are nuts out there who won't, who will just be louder (the mildest response) or start doing things to your stuff or try to hurt you physically. I especially would not talk to people who have obviously been drinking, as there's no telling what a drunk person is going to do, and I might call the police because I'm figuring at least some of them are about to get into a car and try to drive. (I don't live in a place with much public transportation, only a few taxis that almost no one uses.) Drunken driving is much bigger than a pet peeve to me. I have almost been in a wreck caused by a drunken driver going the wrong way down the interstate and saw the wreck in which a 13-year-old girl died.


I kind of figure that people ought to have enough sense not to make that much noise after midnight (really, after 10-11 p.m.), and if they don't, they deserve to talk to the police about it.

  • Love 5

Betweenyouandme, I would get annoyed by that too. Other than that, how is your pregnancy going? I loved being pregnant. I hope everything is going well for you.

Since this is Pet Peeves, I hate when tv shows portray pregnant women as either raging bitches or emotional wrecks. I've never known pregnant women to act like the ones on TV act.

Backformore, you have officially freaked me out. Being up in the boonies we get spiders the likes of which I've never seen in my life. I call them Volkswagens. After reading what happened to you I'm going to be feeling creepy crawlers all night long.

I agree for my experience. I've felt fatigued lately but so far not over the top emotional or having cravings. I've felt overwhelmed a few times, but I've been by myself and just waited until the wave of worry passed. Mostly, I've been fine. My weight settled down where I want it, and my mood has been good overall. The baby is moving a lot now. I enjoy him bumbling all around in there. Trying to name him though. It's hard!

There's a spider loose in my car. I saw it last night and been very itchy whenever I think about it. I imagine him coming down on my head and face while I'm driving. Not cool. Little spider, please go back to a wooded area.

I guess it depends on the building/community. The complex we live in specifically requests that we address complaints to management. For one thing, management wants to be on top of issues. For another, they don't want neighbors to start a-fussin' and a-feudin'. Typically, they will send out a friendly reminder to all residents rather than make it personal, unless it's really egregious or there are multiple complaints.


On the other hand, it wouldn't occur to me to complain about noisy guests on one night. Jeez.


Maharincess, I'm so sorry to hear about the harassment from your neighbor. Something similar happened to me (though no online smear campaign thank god) and it turned out to be the person who had actually complained decided to blame me in order to deflect. They had the nerve to try and laugh about it, like it was some harmless caper. I do hope your situation sorts out soon.


p.s. Benadryl Anti-Itch Gel works great for bites (it used to be called Band Aid gel).

  • Love 1

When I lived in an apartment complex, management had the same rule, but they never did anything about the people who had late, loud outside parties every week, so I quit following their rules. If you want me to tell you first about a problem, then deal with it. Otherwise, I'm going over your head.

I don't know if it helps with itching or just prevents infection, but put a little bleach in your bath.

Edited by auntlada
  • Love 1

Spiders and most other bugs don't bother me, but I understand some people don't want to deal with them.  But I will also never forget laughing my ass off 20-something years ago when my then-roommate called me at my parents' house to report there was a spider in her bathroom, so she'd shut the door and a) could she use my shower and b) could I please get rid of it when I got home.  I didn't have the heart to tell her the gap under the door was more than adequate for the spider to escape.  Of course it was gone by the time I got home, but I told her I'd taken care of it.


Then there was the time another friend insisted that I get rid of a spider before we could go to sleep.  It was late and we were pleasantly drunk, so I was spending the night and just wanted to get in bed.  But there was a spider on the ceiling of the upstairs hallway, and she wouldn't be able to sleep for fear it would come into the bedroom and then crawl on her in the middle of the night.  She had no ladder, so I had one foot on the built-in cabinets and one foot on the railing in order to reach the ceiling.  This was also 20-something years ago, and she still thanks me for it.

  • Love 3
Did we come from the same family, ALenore?  My father had money to smoke two-three packs a day but we never had the money to go to movies, swimming, or even buy records (this was during the 1960's and 1970's).  No offense to smokers but I always found smoking a selfish habit if the smoker had kids


Same here, I grew up in the 60s and 70s too.   My parents used to both smoke in the car and kept the windows rolled up, and we weren't allowed to complain about it.   The same thing happened to my husband.   It kept us both from ever smoking.   


We don't generally have noise problems where we live now (except on July 4th), but when we lived in New York City there used to be neighbors that would regularly have parties (mid-week) that would last until 4 o'clock in the morning.   We couldn't call the police (who probably wouldn't have come anyway) because we couldn't tell who the neighbor was, it wasn't in our building, but one of the nearby buildings and I could never tell exactly where the noise was coming from.   

Amid all the gun and flag uproar lately, coupled with just reading about stupid Candace Cameron running her ignorant mouth on TV (seriously, why is she on a talk show after two decades off the air?), here's an issue of which I'm really, really tired...

I'm white, but I've never felt the urge to invoke "the Constitution" as my reason or birthright to do ANYTHING. Lately, boy howdy, are white people all about what THE CONSTITUTION says they can do! There's a renewed vigor out there, as if one small battle won by a minority group (say, gay marriage) threatens the majority's whole way of living (trust me, white male Republicans; you've still got a lock on this whole thing).

American citizenship and freedom should be continually earned by not being a jackass or worse. Enough with the Constitution being used as an excuse to be as bad as you want to be.

  • Love 3

ALenore, my parents smoked in the car with the windows up too. They also smoked in the house, at the dinner table and any other place they chose.

When my (mean) grandma came to visit I had to give up my room to her, can't ask my brothers to ever make a sacrifice. My grandma would get up to pee a hundred times a night and every time she did, she'd sit on my bed and smoke a cigarette. After she left my pillows and all my bedding would stink but couldn't get washed until laundry day. Sometimes she'd leave burn holes in my blankets and she'd turn the blanket around so I would be see it.

It sucked having only one grandparent and having her be the meanest woman on the planet.

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 2

Same here, I grew up in the 60s and 70s too.   My parents used to both smoke in the car and kept the windows rolled up, and we weren't allowed to complain about it.   The same thing happened to my husband.   It kept us both from ever smoking..   

Same here - My parents smoked in every room of the house.    They literally had ashtrays in every room.    And I have asthma as a result.

Edited by backformore
  • Love 3

Dad smoked a pipe, but not continously.


ALenore - Ha!  Your cooking post reminded me of watching my Grandmother cook while smoking. The ash at the end of the cigarette would get so long that you knew it was going to fall in a pan!  Once in a while she caught it by holding the spatula underneath it. 


With the price of cigarettes, I don't see how anyone can continue to smoke today.  The posted prices at the grocery store are almost $6 a pack!  Even if I wanted to smoke, I'd be too cheap to pay.


I mentioned that to my brother who used to smoke (the only one out of five kids).  He ranted on about how all that is taxes and government charges and the price of the actual cigarettes is still affordable.  I have no problem with sin taxes.

  • Love 1

The ash at the end of the cigarette would get so long that you knew it was going to fall in a pan!  Once in a while she caught it by holding the spatula underneath it.


There's a scene like that in a movie, with one woman cooking breakfast and another attempting to open a box of donuts with a cigarette in her hand; the first one is following her movements with a spatula to catch the ash that's going to fall off any second.  Sixteen Candles, maybe.

  • Love 2

I pay a tax of sorts on my dog when he gets a license every year. I drink - or rather, I don't abstain -- and have no problem with sin taxes*.  Consumption of alcohol, many snack-type foods, and cigarettes often lead to health issues that we all end up paying for through our tax dollars; so if they're made a little less attractive and/or difficult to obtain, I'm okay with that.  Even if it means down the road, alcohol goes off my radar screen.   I do wish the money went into a dedicated fund to address public health, but so be it.  



*Then again, I believe my state still has one or two blue laws on the books, so maybe I skew a little Puritanical. 

  • Love 2

Avon's SkinSoSoft is used as a mosquito repellent. They got wind of it and even started marketing it as one. After getting a bite, I usually rub alcohol on them and it takes the itch away. 


It's also a no-see-um repellant and it works, but it's so gross (it's oil for those of you unfamiliar with it) that I could hardly tolerate it growing up. I no longer live in no-see-um territory, but I know I'd not tolerate the grossness as an adult.

  • Love 2

I'm fairly sure we have complained here before about bicyclists. I'm all for "sharing to road" and whatnot, but cyclists, that means you have to follow the same traffic laws as the other vehicles.



I know I've complained about them along with motorcyclists not obeying the laws and driving recklessly and endangering the rest of us. And yet I see those stupid "watch for bikes/motorbikes" signs and bumper stickers and COMMERCIALS all over the place. I saw a commercial the other day that said 50% of motorcycle wrecks "involve" a car. Yeah? Well, I bet I know who's fault it was too.


In my opinion, the only reason more bicyclist aren't hit is due to those of us in cars paying attention. Based on what I've seen it's certainly not due to the cyclist doing his/her part.

  • Love 6

The WORST person I have ever lived around lived downstairs from me recently. He played flight similator or driving video games and/or music at the loudest possible volume well into the wee hours. He had some piece of furniture that would bang against the wall and reberberate up my wall. And the girlfriend with the porn acting. Dear god. I would hear his games or music at 5 in the morning when he woke me up. I talked to him, left him notes, reported him repeatedly to the complex management, and nothing ever happened. He was violating the city noise ordinance, but who gave a crap, right? He FINALLY moved a few months ago, and the tenant now is so pleasant and quiet that I want to bake him cookies and give him a hug.


People are such inconsiderate assholes. I worry about how loud I'm being when I sing to my cats. My upstairs neighbor is a woman in her 70s, and so sweet. I told her to let me know if I was ever too loud.

  • Love 5

Hearing everyone's stories about /inconsiderate apartment renters makes me thank my lucky stars I don't have any of those problems in my building.  Yikes -- I'd go nuts.  I feel real bad for all of you! 


Okay - here's my pet peeve:  When I'm going into a store & I see someone coming out, I hold the door open for them AND THEY DON'T SAY THANK YOU!!!  What I always do is turn around to them immediately as they continue walking and say (loudly), "You're Welcome!"    98% of the time I get NO response, even though I'm certain they heard me.  And -- it's always women.  Pisses me off to no end. 


And here's another one:  When I go into a store & in a rush to get my stuff & get the hell out (cuz I hate shopping), and I hear someone say, "Good Morning/afternoon.  How are you today?" --- and I then have to look around to see who the F is talking to me, and it's a "greeter!"  Oh.My.God.  Mind you, I haven't even made eye contact w/the person who is saying this to me.  I've learned now to just completely ignore them, rude as that may be, but too bad.  Old Navy is the worst, but a couple grocery stores near me do it, also.  SO VERY irritating.  Don't talk to me -- I'm in a hurry thinking of all the groceries I have to buy!

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*Then again, I believe my state still has one or two blue laws on the books, so maybe I skew a little Puritanical.


We can add blue laws to my list of peeves.  (More than a peeve, really, given the muddled legal history of when they do and do not survive constitutional challenges.)  We don't have any here, but I'm flabbergasted when I still run into them while traveling.   

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And here's another one:  When I go into a store & in a rush to get my stuff & get the hell out (cuz I hate shopping), and I hear someone say, "Good Morning/afternoon.  How are you today?" --- and I then have to look around to see who the F is talking to me, and it's a "greeter!"  Oh.My.God.  Mind you, I haven't even made eye contact w/the person who is saying this to me.  I've learned now to just completely ignore them, rude as that may be, but too bad.  Old Navy is the worst, but a couple grocery stores near me do it, also.  SO VERY irritating.  Don't talk to me -- I'm in a hurry thinking of all the groceries I have to buy!

Another scrooge like me! I don't like greeters either (for the reasons you described), but I'll try to be nice if I have time.


Speaking of unwelcome friendliness, here's a problem that occurs when I call a customer service number because of problems with my Internet, electricity, bank account, etc. and speak to a real person (for that I'm grateful. Really). When the person taking my call is overly friendly with syrupy-sweet platitudes, it makes my blood boil.  "I'm so sorry you're having problems. It must be really inconvenient for you." I'm all "STFU! Of course it's inconvenient! Just tell me what you're going to do to help my situation!" I don't say that, of course. I try to remain polite, but I find myself becoming very irritable and impatient. Which makes me even madder because I'm usually very nice to service people (waiters, receptionists, etc).


Typical conversation with Internet customer service:

--"Topanga, here's something I'd like you to try, please. Will you please unplug your computer's modem then re-plug it? Would that be okay?"

--me (through gritted teeth): "I've been doing that all day. That's why I'm calling you."   

   30 seconds later: "That didn't work. Again. It. Still. Doesn't. Work."

--"I understand, Topanga. That must be really frustrating for you."

me (In my head): "You're really frustrating for me!"

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Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

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