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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

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  On 5/16/2017 at 7:04 PM, MrSmith said:

I put my Metrocard in the back of my mobile phone case. (I have an Otterbox Symmetry series case for my Galaxy S7 Edge.) Since my phone is always near at hand, I figured that's the best place for my Metrocard. It gives me one less thing to futz with, especially when I'm getting off the bus. That said, I feel your pain with the line in the rain.

As for how people sit, I can't keep my legs together because of how large my thighs are. When I was working out, I used to do 1200 pound leg presses, 900 pound leg curls, 350 pound hip abductors and adductors, and 600 pound squats. In fact, the max load on the leg press machine was 1500 pounds and so I was only a few months away from having to switch to doing leg presses one leg at a time. (Sadly, I had to move and now my commute is too long to afford the time to go play in the gym like that. I miss my old life....) Anyway, my tactic to deal with it and not hog the space (which seems to work pretty well) has been to bring my legs as close together as I can and then cross my legs at the ankles. I haven't gotten complaints from people, yet. Also, I have had to sit next to people who sit like Al Bundy and their lack of consideration is a pain in the ass. I just generally shove their leg out of the way and take control over my portion of the seat and leg space.

I guess I would say something to the miscreant, if you're not someone who can just shove them out of the way. LOL. I feel your pain and that's the best suggestion I've got.


These are not people who physically can’t close their legs. There are both males and females who do the Al Bundy/Frog Spread. There’s a whole method to what I’ve seen, like it’s some sort of fashion statement, there’s a pose a slouch and an attitude.  Some even sit there and knock their knees together to the rhythm of the song they’re listening to. Some don’t let the knees touch but flap their legs and jitter.

Ever feel like an anthropologist who just discovered a new species in the concrete jungle?

  • Love 1
  On 5/16/2017 at 7:28 PM, KungFuBunny said:

These are not people who physically can’t close their legs. There are both males and females who do the Al Bundy/Frog Spread. There’s a whole method to what I’ve seen, like it’s some sort of fashion statement, there’s a pose a slouch and an attitude.  Some even sit there and knock their knees together to the rhythm of the song they’re listening to. Some don’t let the knees touch but flap their legs and jitter.

Ever feel like an anthropologist who just discovered a new species in the concrete jungle?


Oh! Oh my God. OK. I know of these creatures of which you speak. And yeah, they have no excuse, unless they want to claim stupidity, disrespect (of others), and sloth as their excuses. I don't know how you'd get the message through their thick skulls, to be honest.

  • Love 2

Another peeve geared toward fellow full-time and/or freelance writers:

Clients/bosses/colleagues who think that it is enough to simply state the topic of your assignment, be it an item, an event, or a customer-relations e-mail. There are a lot of words in the English language, and while I am flattered that you think can rattle off any and all pertinent info about this topic you've sent me (or that I can read your mind), I'll need to you to narrow it down a bit...e.g., the directive of "include three talking points" doesn't work considering I am not the one who will be making them at whatever stupid event you're holding.

And, no, my asking for some clarification is not me being bad at my job, lazy, or the opposite of a team player (me calling you a dumb-fuck under my breath might be though).

  • Love 2
  On 5/16/2017 at 7:36 PM, MrSmith said:

Oh! Oh my God. OK. I know of these creatures of which you speak. And yeah, they have no excuse, unless they want to claim stupidity, disrespect (of others), and sloth as their excuses. I don't know how you'd get the message through their thick skulls, to be honest.


These might be the same people who after taking mass transit, get into their cars and park right up in Petunia's grill.

  • Love 1

I hate people who put their belongings on the seat next to them to potentially keep a person from taking that seat. I was taking the train in Chicago one day in a snow storm and it was freezing, windy and wet so I was in no mood to deal with people in general already. This jackass tried to put his computer bag on the one remaining seat on the train next to him and I said in my loudest indoor voice (because I still have manners, dammit) "is an actual person sitting in that seat or just your stuff?". When he started to hem and haw instead of moving his crap, I proceeded to start sitting down on top of his bag. He got up and moved at the next stop.

  • Love 13
  On 5/16/2017 at 8:41 PM, emma675 said:

I hate people who put their belongings on the seat next to them to potentially keep a person from taking that seat. I was taking the train in Chicago one day in a snow storm and it was freezing, windy and wet so I was in no mood to deal with people in general already. This jackass tried to put his computer bag on the one remaining seat on the train next to him and I said in my loudest indoor voice (because I still have manners, dammit) "is an actual person sitting in that seat or just your stuff?". When he started to hem and haw instead of moving his crap, I proceeded to start sitting down on top of his bag. He got up and moved at the next stop.


Good for you emma675!

I don't mind people putting stuff on the seat next to them. I mind it when they make a big deal out of moving it out of the way for a person to sit. Like bitch (or jerk) I paid my fare that bag did not.

  • Love 6

I don't know if I've posted this pet peeve before but, so what!  Today I was reminded of a pet peeve as I watched a teenage girl walk s.l.o.w.l.y across a side street while the car in front of me waited to make a turn into that street.  What is it with healthy people who take their darned time crossing streets while traffic is waiting? I'm not talking about the elderly, the sick, those using a cane or walker, etc.  I'm talking about healthy looking individuals (robust!) who could shake a leg for once.

  • Love 10
  On 5/16/2017 at 11:25 PM, annzeepark914 said:

I don't know if I've posted this pet peeve before but, so what!  Today I was reminded of a pet peeve as I watched a teenage girl walk s.l.o.w.l.y across a side street while the car in front of me waited to make a turn into that street.  What is it with healthy people who take their darned time crossing streets while traffic is waiting? I'm not talking about the elderly, the sick, those using a cane or walker, etc.  I'm talking about healthy looking individuals (robust!) who could shake a leg for once.


That drives me crazy, too.  On the flip side, stop for pedestrians at crosswalk people.  I'll cross quickly.  I promise.

  • Love 5
  On 5/16/2017 at 5:46 PM, MrSmith said:

I've had this happen and I am never tempted to take the money for longer than 0.68 seconds. Doing that could mean that cashier gets fired. Even if they don't get fired, you'd be literally stealing from them as they'll have to cover that loss. I can't countenance stealing in the first place, and I especially can't countenance it when I know I'd be stealing from someone even poorer than I am, who does a job that is physically more demanding than mine, and who may well have to work two jobs just to cover their living expenses.


In this area I wouldn't even consider keeping the extra.  The level of guilt I would feel stops me from even contemplating it.  I honestly have no idea where it comes from.  I used to blame my parents for raising me that way but since then I've had debates about whether it was ok to take advantage of a billing error in which I argued it was wrong and they argued it was fine.  So its apparently not them.

I once got yelled at by a customs agent for declaring that I spent an amount that would have duties/taxes kick in.  Apparently the federal government prefers you lie because its less of a hassle for them.  They ended up waving me through without collecting the duty after they imparted their annoyance with me.

  On 5/16/2017 at 11:25 PM, annzeepark914 said:

I don't know if I've posted this pet peeve before but, so what!  Today I was reminded of a pet peeve as I watched a teenage girl walk s.l.o.w.l.y across a side street while the car in front of me waited to make a turn into that street.  What is it with healthy people who take their darned time crossing streets while traffic is waiting? I'm not talking about the elderly, the sick, those using a cane or walker, etc.  I'm talking about healthy looking individuals (robust!) who could shake a leg for once.


I walk my son to school every day next to a busy street (although most of the stretch we walk along is a school zone, so it's a slow busy street right then), and I always try to see if someone is planning to turn in before we cross each side street. And if someone is waiting to turn and there's an opportunity coming, I'll wait and let the person turn because it's going to be a while before there's another chance. What irritates me are the people who don't use a turn signal, so I don't know they are going to turn, and the people who pull up almost into the street (even though they see us coming) so we can't cross in front of them without stepping into the main road. I know sometimes you have to pull up to see, but not at these streets. I have been in a car at every one of those intersections, and I know you can see even if you stop behind the stop sign. (Besides which, you're supposed to stop behind the stop sign and then edge forward if you can't see -- and if there aren't pedestrians.)

One day, one guy did the pull too far forward thing, so we waited to let him turn. He passed up several opportunities before rolling down his window to tell me to cross. I just said, "I can't go in front of you. There's no room to walk."

Another day, we were right in front of an SUV, and the guy starts to move. I scream and yank my son out of the way. The guy cracks his window and says, in the doofiest tone of voice possible, "Sorry." I yelled at him to watch where he's going. The crossing guard half a block away told me I should have got his license plate number.

I try to be polite and let people go when I know they are going to have trouble, but I swear half the time, they're trying to be polite and let me cross the road. People here are either giant jerks or super nice folks (I think that has to be the word, even though I don't like it much) who want to give way to others. There is no in between.

  • Love 3
  On 5/16/2017 at 11:41 PM, ParadoxLost said:

In this area I wouldn't even consider keeping the extra.  The level of guilt I would feel stops me from even contemplating it.  I honestly have no idea where it comes from.  I used to blame my parents for raising me that way but since then I've had debates about whether it was ok to take advantage of a billing error in which I argued it was wrong and they argued it was fine.  So its apparently not them.

I once got yelled at by a customs agent for declaring that I spent an amount that would have duties/taxes kick in.  Apparently the federal government prefers you lie because its less of a hassle for them.  They ended up waving me through without collecting the duty after they imparted their annoyance with me.


One time I went to the local pizza/sub shop.  I ordered a sub to go.  They were really busy.  They handed me my sandwich and told me to have a nice day or whatever.  I went home, ate, went back to work. Hours later, I realized I never paid for it.  The next day at lunch I went back in, explained what happened and paid for it.  The owner (who happened to be the working at the moment) looked so surprised that someone would actually come in and pay for food they got free.

He did offer me a free soda for being honest, which I accepted because he offered.  I figure an offer for whatever reason is not stealing.

  On 5/16/2017 at 11:44 PM, auntlada said:

Another day, we were right in front of an SUV, and the guy starts to move. I scream and yank my son out of the way. The guy cracks his window and says, in the doofiest tone of voice possible, "Sorry." I yelled at him to watch where he's going. The crossing guard half a block away told me I should have got his license plate number.


I actually saw someone pulling out of a driveway and hit someone crossing in front of them.  I was walking on the other side of the street, so I yelled over to ask if she was OK.  But, she got up and the driver apologized and said she didn't see her.  She said she should hope not, or it would have really bad to hit her.  I decided at that point she was fine and I went on my merry way.  But, I just don't understand how you can hit someone crossing the road.  How do you not see them? Now, based on the history of my life, I'm going to hit someone tomorrow who is crossing the road.

  • Love 3
  On 5/16/2017 at 5:20 PM, Petunia13 said:

I come out and an Audi A4 is parked OVER the line so their passenger side almost pressed against my drivers side. There's still plenty of empty spaces in the lot.


I used to have these awesome cards that said "congratulations!" then when you expand it the card says "you're an asshole! Now let's discuss why..." then you flip it over and there is a check-list. I used to have them because I handed them all out.

I did find these which I'm tempted to pick up https://www.amazon.com/Parked-Like-Idiot-Business-Cards/dp/B00HKS7KPI

  • Love 3

Eh, they'd just throw them on the ground and add littering to their offensives.  I also try to give some people the benefit of the doubt that they parked poorly because the person next to them parked poorly.  Then the first person got back in their car leaving person number two looking like I careless idiot.

It's what I need to get through the day sometimes.

  • Love 4
  On 5/16/2017 at 11:46 PM, Katy M said:

One time I went to the local pizza/sub shop.  I ordered a sub to go.  They were really busy.  They handed me my sandwich and told me to have a nice day or whatever.  I went home, ate, went back to work. Hours later, I realized I never paid for it.  The next day at lunch I went back in, explained what happened and paid for it.  The owner (who happened to be the working at the moment) looked so surprised that someone would actually come in and pay for food they got free.He did offer me a free soda for being honest, which I accepted because he offered.  I figure an offer for whatever reason is not stealing.


That is true. He offered and he knows you're getting it free. I think it's fantastic you went back the next day and paid for the previous day's lunch. There aren't many people who would do that; more specifically, the people who would do that are in the minority.


I actually saw someone pulling out of a driveway and hit someone crossing in front of them.  I was walking on the other side of the street, so I yelled over to ask if she was OK.  But, she got up and the driver apologized and said she didn't see her.  She said she should hope not, or it would have really bad to hit her.  I decided at that point she was fine and I went on my merry way.  But, I just don't understand how you can hit someone crossing the road.  How do you not see them? Now, based on the history of my life, I'm going to hit someone tomorrow who is crossing the road.


This just happened to me in December. I was crossing the street at a well-lighted crosswalk and a guy turning left gunned his motor when the intersection was clear and ran me down. He didn't even know I was there until he hit me - at least according to him. And I'll never understand how he didn't know I was there because he was stopped at the red light when I crossed the street he was on (granted, I was at the opposite side of the intersection) and he would have seen me standing at the corner after crossing waiting for the light to change so I could cross again. (I went W -> E first, then was crossing S -> N when he hit me.) He launched me down the street about 30 feet and completely back on the south side of the street I was crossing. My right knee still isn't right and probably never will be again. But I have to wait until August to go back and see the orthopedic specialist again. I want to try to get more medical evidence about the continuing injury and then I'm going to sue him and his insurance (however that works). So, probably early next year before I sue.

  • Love 3
  On 5/17/2017 at 12:40 PM, Qoass said:

Eh, they'd just throw them on the ground and add littering to their offensives.  I also try to give some people the benefit of the doubt that they parked poorly because the person next to them parked poorly.  Then the first person got back in their car leaving person number two looking like I careless idiot.

It's what I need to get through the day sometimes.


This is so true some of the time. Probably more often than we realize. I used to belong to the "Idiot Parking in the Twin Cities" Facebook group and they would criticize everyone in a line who parked poorly even when you could see there was a domino effect on people's ability to park correctly. Also, most people aren't very good at knowing how large their vehicle is and this can make it hard for them to park well. I'm not saying that's an excuse because you can get out of your vehicle and see how well or poorly you've parked, then get back in and make adjustments. (I've done this in our conversion van, which my wife usually drives because I'm a small car person. By comparison, she learned in such vehicles and is a past master at handling them.)

  On 5/17/2017 at 1:53 PM, MrSmith said:

This just happened to me in December. I was crossing the street at a well-lighted crosswalk and a guy turning left gunned his motor when the intersection was clear and ran me down. He didn't even know I was there until he hit me - at least according to him. And I'll never understand how he didn't know I was there because he was stopped at the red light when I crossed the street he was on (granted, I was at the opposite side of the intersection) and he would have seen me standing at the corner after crossing waiting for the light to change so I could cross again. (I went W -> E first, then was crossing S -> N when he hit me.) He launched me down the street about 30 feet and completely back on the south side of the street I was crossing. My right knee still isn't right and probably never will be again. But I have to wait until August to go back and see the orthopedic specialist again. I want to try to get more medical evidence about the continuing injury and then I'm going to sue him and his insurance (however that works). So, probably early next year before I sue.


He was texting.  I almost guarantee it.  That almost happened to me.  I was waiting to cross the street.  North/South traffic was stopped.  West was going, (there's no East, it's a 3 way stop).  West stopped and cross light said to walk.  Another man and I started to cross the streeth, when someone who had been stopped going north, decided now was a perfect time to go.  We both jumped back and I saw his cell phone up to his face clear as day.

Edited by Katy M
  • Love 6
  On 5/17/2017 at 2:06 PM, Katy M said:

He was texting.  I almost guarantee it.  That almost happened to me.  I was waiting to cross the street.  North/South traffic was stopped.  West was going, (there's no East, it's a 3 way stop).  East stopped and cross light said to walk.  Another man and I started to cross the streeth, when someone who had been stopped going north, decided now was a perfect time to go.  We both jumped back and I saw his cell phone up to his face clear as day.


You're probably right. I just have a hard time imagining that he didn't look up even one time in the 30 seconds his light was red. Plus, I'm one who looks for pedestrian and bicycle traffic while I'm sitting at the stoplight (in addition to the usual of monitoring other motorists' activity). But to not even see me while he was making his turn? I also have a hard time imagining he could make a smooth turn like that and also text at the same time. I wouldn't know for sure though since I don't text and drive. If my wife isn't in the car with me, then texts are ignored until the motor is off. (I don't pull over to the side of the road to deal with them because that's just asking for someone to rear-end you and potentially kill you.)

  • Love 2

So the idiot who hit my car and tried to keep going?  And I had to chase her down to get her license plate and flag down a Highway Trooper to get her to stop? Yeah, her insurance has taken full responsibility for the accident and is covering all costs.  Maybe now she will realize that just because you drive an oversized pickup truck, that it doesn't make you the Queen of the road.

  • Love 15

An update to my weight loss MLM lady on NextDoor.

I got a response from NextDoor support late Monday morning with a form response saying if the person did anything wrong they'd take action. I checked for that lady's posts and they were finally gone. What I did see was another post apologizing for not placing her post in the Classified section which according to that site's rules those kind of posts aren't allowed even when done that way. Late last night the apology post was gone too. 

Edited by Jaded
  • Love 3

That is true. He offered and he knows you're getting it free. I think it's fantastic you went back the next day and paid for the previous day's lunch. There aren't many people who would do that; more specifically, the people who would do that are in the minority.


I got a free hard drive from Apple once because of their error. I had brought in my laptop and it needed a new one. But I wanted to take away my old one just in case a geek friend was able to extract some stuff (which Apple was not able to do). Anyway, Apple charges the customer for not leaving the busted hard drive (why, I forget). So, I paid the charge (to keep my own hard drive) but it turned out that my friend could do nothing with it. So, I brought it back to Apple and got my money back...and then some.

Not only did they refund me for the hard drive itself, but they wiped out the charge for the new one's installation. I told them twice that they were giving me too much and tried to explain what I was doing. All that got me was an arrogantly slow talking-to as if I am stupid, so I just gave up and left with my credit.

  • Love 7

Yeah, I couldn't remember the reason but recall that it did actually kind of make sense once it was explained to me. Still, it's funny that I have to pay to take away something that (a) is mine in the first place, as it came with the laptop I paid for. And (b) is their faulty piece of equipment!

Edited by TattleTeeny

Well, it makes more sense in TattlleTeeny's case since the faulty drive was being replaced free of cost.  One drive was paid for, one drive should be had.  I understand the info angle, but I also see that side.

In Forumfish's case, if the new drive was purchased, then it wouldn't make any sense at all to make the customer pay to keep the original drive.

  On 5/15/2017 at 1:46 PM, Hanahope said:

Speaking of grocery stores


I was charged twice for something last night. I was tired and I didn't notice at the time. I called them this a.m. and they said to bring my receipt and they'd give me a refund, but it's mildly annoying nevertheless. 

I don't use the self check out because I'm usually buying wine. 

  • Love 2
  On 5/16/2017 at 4:53 PM, TattleTeeny said:

Oh yes. My BF is not messy or even exceptionally lazy. He's mainly unobservant and sort of naive in these things, as if he thinks, for example, that our place is just somehow immune to everyday dust; no one needs to do it because it just doesn't need to be done. Or something. I do see him trying though, and he says he'll do whatever I ask. BUT...I just wish we could get to the point that I don't have to ask anymore! 


Your description reminded me of this video.....

  • Love 5
  On 5/16/2017 at 5:34 PM, MrSmith said:


@Petunia13 I would have clipped my keys to my belt loop and squeezed between the cars, then opened my driver's door right into their passenger side as hard as I could. But then I'm an unrepentant vengeful asshole. So, there is that.



Last summer when I took my kids to the movies, when we got out, there was another car parked very close to mine.  I tried to be careful when opening my door, but I'm not a small person.  The door hit the mirror of the car's side and a tiny piece of paint on the mirror came off.  The other car's driver came up at that point and saw it.  She started yelling at me about ruining her mirror.  I said that I was sorry, and started my car to leave.  She kept yelling, "that's it? You're sorry?!"  I said, "there's nothing I can do. I'm sorry, but it was very tight."  I left.

I don't know what she expected.  Its not like insurance would cover it and I wasn't about to give her some money for it, which is probably hoping I'd offer.  Nope.  it was a tiny speck, not even noticeable unless you really looked.  Next time, don't park so close to other cars.  There was plenty of parking further from the theater.

  • Love 5
  On 5/17/2017 at 6:53 PM, TattleTeeny said:

It wasn't supposed to be replaced free though; I had to (and did) pay for the new hard drive and its installation. But because they were dumb, they refunded that along with the fee for taking home my old one.


Sorry, I misunderstood.  I thought you meant you got a free replacement hard drive (due to faultiness or something) but had to pay for the installation of the new one, and that the installation was what was refunded.  I now see you mean that you got it free because they messed up when refunding you.  Then, yeah, it makes no sense to charge you to keep something that is yours.  The only way that would make sense is that they have in the paperwork somewhere: Replacement hard drive is X amount of dollars with recycle of old unit.  X amount if not.

  On 5/17/2017 at 7:18 PM, Hanahope said:

Last summer when I took my kids to the movies, when we got out, there was another car parked very close to mine.  I tried to be careful when opening my door, but I'm not a small person.  The door hit the mirror of the car's side and a tiny piece of paint on the mirror came off.  The other car's driver came up at that point and saw it.  She started yelling at me about ruining her mirror.  I said that I was sorry, and started my car to leave.  She kept yelling, "that's it? You're sorry?!"  I said, "there's nothing I can do. I'm sorry, but it was very tight."  I left.

I don't know what she expected.  Its not like insurance would cover it and I wasn't about to give her some money for it, which is probably hoping I'd offer.  Nope.  it was a tiny speck, not even noticeable unless you really looked.  Next time, don't park so close to other cars.  There was plenty of parking further from the theater.


This is why I park far away and across two spaces when I have a car whose appearance I really care about. They've made spaces considerably shorter and more narrow over the years, and that doesn't help people who are overweight, tall, or tall and overweight. It also doesn't help people in sports cars because their doors are longer than those on, say, a sedan or minivan. Oh, and it doesn't help people who drive classic cars. (I'll come back to this.)

As for what to do in the situation you faced, the best thing you could've done would be to give her your insurance information and let her try to do something there. In the end, she would probably have realized that doing anything about it is pointless. I don't have any problem with what you did actually do in that situation. To be honest, even when I've had cars about which appearance I really care, there's not much even I would have done about a paint transfer on my mirror.

Now, as for people with classic cars.... When I first met her, my wife was driving her father's 1972 Cadillac Deville (needed restoration). For those of you who don't know what those are, this will help:


We both worked at a mall and when she would park, she parked in an unused part of the lot and had to park across 4 spaces because the car simply didn't fit in a single space - both due to its length and width. She would still get people who would go out of their way to leave nasty notes on the car because she parked over 4 spaces, even though they could clearly see there's no way that car was going to fit in one spot. Sometimes, they even tried to park her in. So, I guess the moral here is that people are insane and just ignore their moments of insanity as best you can (like the lady who screamed at you over the minor paint transfer to her side mirror).

Edited to add: That car was so wide that four people could sit comfortably in both the front and the back seats!

Edited by MrSmith

Your description reminded me of this video.....


I laughed when I first saw that video. But why do they have so little laundry and why do they keep the basket out in the open? Haha, my BF is doing laundry every two or three days because fills his hamper fast by using a different towel every time he takes a shower. He says I'm weird for not doing that. Maybe I am. But between the ages of 20 and 40, I had no washer and dryer of my own so keeping laundry to a minimum was a must.

  • Love 4
  On 5/17/2017 at 8:16 PM, TattleTeeny said:

my BF is doing laundry every two or three days because fills his hamper fast by using a different towel every time he takes a shower.


Tell him that a person on the internet thinks he's destroying the environment by wasting water and soap. Ask him why he's still dirty when he gets out of the shower. (This is the Pet Peeve topic, after all.)  :)

  • Love 8
  On 5/17/2017 at 8:16 PM, TattleTeeny said:

Haha, my BF is doing laundry every two or three days because fills his hamper fast by using a different towel every time he takes a shower.


its like my husband who significantly dampens two whole towels when he showers.  I just wonder wtf he 's doing that he has to get two towels all wet, since he doesn't have hair.  the only time I use two towels is if I wash my hair.  

  • Love 3

They are Bad at Towel.

I have my two hanging from hooks on the back of my bathroom door--they're perfectly drapey to allow the air to dry them. When he uses one to dry his hands, and it inevitably falls off, he for some stupid reason stuffs it over the hook all bunched up (as opposed to suspended from the hook). If I dare question this, he earnestly says, "How should I know how you want a towel hung?" 

Oh my goodness, you should know because not only was it hanging that way just two seconds before you used it, but there is another one hanging there two inches away from the place you just took that one from. What is so hard? Unobservant! I bet that guy never found Waldo.

  • Love 6
  On 5/17/2017 at 8:51 PM, MrSmith said:

We've switched to using bath sheets. I like to have them washed weekly, but my wife is "the decider" and they tend to get washed every two or three weeks. This annoys me, but I'm not spending the water and soap to wash only a few things.


The internet can't agree on how often to wash towels since there are a lot of variables. Mostly, they need to dry quickly; the longer they stay damp, the more likely to breed bacteria. 

Did you know there are 3,000 types of bacteria found on paper money? Blech. Paper money can reportedly carry more germs than a household toilet, and flu viruses can live for 17 days on a dollar bill. 

  • Love 1
  On 5/17/2017 at 9:19 PM, ennui said:

The internet can't agree on how often to wash towels since there are a lot of variables. Mostly, they need to dry quickly; the longer they stay damp, the more likely to breed bacteria. 

Did you know there are 3,000 types of bacteria found on paper money? Blech. Paper money can reportedly carry more germs than a household toilet, and flu viruses can live for 17 days on a dollar bill. 


And then there's the trace amounts of drugs paper money picks up too...

  • Love 1
  On 5/17/2017 at 12:40 PM, Qoass said:

Eh, they'd just throw them on the ground and add littering to their offensives.  I also try to give some people the benefit of the doubt that they parked poorly because the person next to them parked poorly.  Then the first person got back in their car leaving person number two looking like I careless idiot.

It's what I need to get through the day sometimes.


I park in an eight-level deck adjacent to my building at work downtown, so I see a lot of bad parking. I wish the deck management would cite/warn the bad parkers who make it impossible for someone to park next to them. There's currently a wait list to get a spot in the deck. After two warnings, you're out!

Something I absolutely cannot abide is anything other than an actual compact car in a labeled "compact" spot. An SUV in a compact spot sends me around the bend. That's just entitled behavior, and that will earn you a Post-It note from me on your windshield. The note will say: NOT COMPACT!!!

  • Love 4
  On 5/18/2017 at 1:44 AM, bilgistic said:

Something I absolutely cannot abide is anything other than an actual compact car in a labeled "compact" spot. An SUV in a compact spot sends me around the bend.


But sometimes those are the only spots available. I don't drive an SUV, but it's not a compact car, either, and I guess my pet peeve would be the lack of adequately sized spaces. And now they take away more parking spaces to install charging stations. 

Edited by ennui
  • Love 2
  On 5/18/2017 at 6:23 PM, ennui said:

But sometimes those are the only spots available. I don't drive an SUV, but it's not a compact car, either, and I guess my pet peeve would be the lack of adequately sized spaces. And now they take away more parking spaces to install charging stations. 


Not in the Target parking lot in surburban Charlotte, they don't. Acres of spaces.

  • Love 2
  On 5/17/2017 at 7:06 PM, ennui said:

I was charged twice for something last night. I was tired and I didn't notice at the time. I called them this a.m. and they said to bring my receipt and they'd give me a refund, but it's mildly annoying nevertheless. 

I don't use the self check out because I'm usually buying wine. 


At my store they usually refund if then give you the cost of whatever item it was within reason (like if you were charged twice for a box of cereal you get the $3 for the box and then another three bucks or another free box of cereal). Sometimes they'll get you a coffee or smoothie as well (we have a food court inside our store). But it's all the manager or service person discretion. Some people on service desk aren't managers and barely trained beyond being a cashier. 

Im feeling a bit disillusioned with my job today. It's getting old seeing people who harass others or cheat or get high on the job etc go unpunished. A coworker screamed at me like a banshee for no reason (the woman I mentioned in the work thread  posts back actually) and management knows and completely won't say a word. She'll show up 1-2 hours late everyday and it's perfectly fine. I've had the asshole who also screams at me call me names and he comes to work unshowered for weeks with pit stains and pick his ass standing by me. And it's not addressed. The store director is my work husband and he does nothing. 

  • Love 1
  On 5/18/2017 at 7:20 PM, KungFuBunny said:

Buying bananas and the appearance of the dreaded fruit fly/gnat. Trying to kill the suckers.


Argh! The last time I brought some of those damned things home, it took me months to completely eradicate them. I finally had to tape plastic wrap over all the drains every time they weren't being used.

  • Love 2
  On 5/19/2017 at 2:01 AM, riley702 said:

Argh! The last time I brought some of those damned things home, it took me months to completely eradicate them. I finally had to tape plastic wrap over all the drains every time they weren't being used.


If you get a chance go over to off topic - online - recommended sites. I'll post over there.

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This is a daily peeve of mine as a resident of Las Vegas. The left lane on the highway is for PASSING, not lollygagging. This is basic stuff folks--on busy traffic days, Left Lane Lurkers hold a lot of people up. If you're not actively passing someone, move the fuck over--besides, if you lurk in the left lane too long, you're going to miss the exit for Hoover Dam and wind up in Nowhere, Arizona.

Thank you. 

Edited by TurtlePower
removal of unnecessary words
  • Love 5
  On 5/19/2017 at 2:01 PM, TurtlePower said:


This is a daily peeve of mine as a resident of Las Vegas. The left lane on the highway is for PASSING, not lollygagging. This is basic stuff folks--on busy traffic days, Left Lane Lurkers hold a lot of people up. If you're not actively passing someone, move the fuck over--besides, if you lurk in the left lane too long, you're going to miss the exit for Hoover Dam and wind up in Nowhere, Arizona.

Thank you. 


Yeah. I don't understand people who have to hang out in the left lane when there's space for them in the right lane. I'll admit that I tend to hang out in the left lane on my commute to and from work. That said, I keep an eye on my rear-view mirror and, provided you're not coming down the road at 100mph, I see people coming up fast behind me and move over for them whenever I can (which is most of the time). I prefer the left lane around here because of the number of people turning right onto the highway (not an Interstate with restricted access; just a US highway); plus, there are occasionally stoplights and the left lane tends to get started a little faster on the green.

I haven't been to Hoover Dam in decades (since I was a kid). Back then, you could still drive across it. I'm sad to know that terrorists have taken that away.

  • Love 1
  On 5/19/2017 at 3:35 PM, MrSmith said:

I haven't been to Hoover Dam in decades (since I was a kid). Back then, you could still drive across it. I'm sad to know that terrorists have taken that away.


You can still drive across it, but the road takes you to a couple of parking areas overlooking the dam.  They added a new section of interstate highway that bypasses the dam itself to help with traffic flow.  There is an walkway on the side of the interstate where you can look down on the dam.

This is the bridge for the highway that bypasses the dam:


And here's the view of the dam from the walkway on the bridge:


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Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

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Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

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