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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

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That reminds me of a saleswoman in Sears I had asked for help. She said no, she works in the mattress dept. I asked her to find someone in the television dept. to help me and she left. 10 minutes later I got disgusted and walked out. Nobody in the electronics dept. One woman in the mattress dept. (right by the electronics) and someone with their checkbook ready to buy a tv is left standing there. Guess what? That Sears has closed. Also KMart too in that same mall. Where did I eventually buy my tv - Walmart of course. They are still open and busier than ever. I might not agree with their politics/policies but that same tv was $40 cheaper to boot.

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18 hours ago, Bastet said:

I am always so tickled by the random stuff that gets offered and taken on Freecycle.  I'll see an offer post for something seemingly useless, with a note like, "I have no idea what someone might do with this, but in case there's someone out there who can re-purpose it," and then a taken post with a note saying, "This has been picked up, and will be turned into X" and I just get the biggest grin.  I still smile thinking about hodgepodge of things I offered at the tail end of cleaning out my grandpa's house - some bamboo posts, part of a light fixture, etc. - and the update photo the person who picked them up sent me, showing the cool items she'd transformed them into. 

I've never used Freecycle. I'll have to check out the site!

New Peeve: arbitrary security "rules." I understand the need for security at airports, large events, etc. In fact, I'm glad there are people working to ensure my safety. But, don't enforce a rule with me that other people are allowed to violate. It makes my blood boil. I recently attended a large sporting event in Flushing Meadows, Queens (New York City). There was a poster specifying the size of backpack that would be allowed into the stadium, and a security guard told me that my backpack was larger than regulation and that I'd have to spend $5 to put it in a locker. I was pissed, but whatever. Safety first. BTW, my husband's backpack was the same size as mine, but but it was allowed since it was a cinch sack with thin shoulder straps. What the hell? He wouldn't be able to carry a bomb in a cinch sack, but I'd be able to carry one in my back? SMH.

Anyway, I was only mildly annoyed until we finally got inside, and I saw several people with backpacks and tote bags that were much larger than mine. And that's when I really got pissed off. Why have a safety rule if it only applies to some people? And why are security guards allowing certain large bags but not others? It just didn't make sense to me. Fortunately, I only stayed mad for a little while, and I was able to enjoy the great day of tennis. 

But what the hell? I'm big on equality. Don't say that something is a rule all of the time and for everyone but then only apply it sometimes.  

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7 minutes ago, topanga said:

I've never used Freecycle. I'll have to check out the site!

New Peeve: arbitrary security "rules." I understand the need for security at airports, large events, etc. In fact, I'm glad there are people working to ensure my safety. But, don't enforce a rule with me that other people are allowed to violate. It makes my blood boil. I recently attended a large sporting event in Flushing Meadows, Queens (New York City). There was a poster specifying the size of backpack that would be allowed into the stadium, and a security guard told me that my backpack was larger than regulation and that I'd have to spend $5 to put it in a locker. I was pissed, but whatever. Safety first. BTW, my husband's backpack was the same size as mine, but but it was allowed since it was a cinch sack with thin shoulder straps. What the hell? He wouldn't be able to carry a bomb in a cinch sack, but I'd be able to carry one in my back? SMH.

Anyway, I was only mildly annoyed until we finally got inside, and I saw several people with backpacks and tote bags that were much larger than mine. And that's when I really got pissed off. Why have a safety rule if it only applies to some people? And why are security guards allowing certain large bags but not others? It just didn't make sense to me. Fortunately, I only stayed mad for a little while, and I was able to enjoy the great day of tennis. 

But what the hell? I'm big on equality. Don't say that something is a rule all of the time and for everyone but then only apply it sometimes.  

When I was stuck behind people going through the ten items or less line at the grocery store with two carts of groceries, I asked the cashier and then the manager why they didn't wave the shoppers to another line as soon as they got into the express line and never said a word.

They said that they were not allowed to point out that the shopper was in the line to avoid conflict with the shopper.  I asked if it seemed to them like they were avoiding conflict with shoppers and told them they might as well have no express lines if they weren't going to speak to flagrant rule breakers.  This explains why they never say a word to the dumbasses who realize they forgot something as they are being rung up and go back into the bowels of the store to get it. 

I had another situation where I was coming back from overseas and spent above the declare limit.  So law-abiding (fearing?) citizen that I am, I declare.  The customs agent was annoyed at me because everyone lies and doesn't declare and huffily told me to just go because he didn't have time to collect the tax.

So I would say that inconsistencies is conflict avoidance or laziness.

In the terms of the backpack, I kind of doubt that it was really a safety issue even if that was the claim.  Safety makes it easier for people to go along with stuff.  It may have been reducing stuff people secret in to increase concessions.  Or keeping oversized baggage down to avoid clutter in seating.  Maybe security guard decided he didn't want to confront a man.  Maybe they were running low on lockers.  Maybe they wanted to keep the clutter down but didn't want to leave a couple with nothing to lug the stuff they needed for the event in. 

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5 hours ago, Demented Daisy said:

New peeve!  I've been wearing a certain brand of shoes for years, but have always bought the mens or unisex styles.  Well, they recently released a new pair that I want, but only in the ladies style

Birkenstocks? Crocks? Nike? I'm madly trying to figure what brand has unisex styles and its own stores!  :)

Inconsistently applied rules are aggravating as hell. When I fly, I carry on a small canvas overnight bag that can actually be squished to fit under the seat in front of me if needed. I get so miffed watching the parade of passengers with huge so-called carry-on bags that take up half of one overhead bin. Some airlines are cracking down but as with the backpacks, it's easier for the gate attendants to just let it go when those people come wheeling up to board.

Peeve-of-the-day calendar: I bought a new laptop direct from the manufacturer with Windows 7 installed (at my request). I've been setting up all my preferences and shit on it today and the thing is now in it's 4th hour of "checking for updates." Not even installing! The software is probably quite a bit behind, but if something's broken and the updates don't work, I'm going to heave a HUGE world-weary sigh.

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1 hour ago, ParadoxLost said:

When I was stuck behind people going through the ten items or less line at the grocery store with two carts of groceries, I asked the cashier and then the manager why they didn't wave the shoppers to another line as soon as they got into the express line and never said a word.

They said that they were not allowed to point out that the shopper was in the line to avoid conflict with the shopper.  I asked if it seemed to them like they were avoiding conflict with shoppers and told them they might as well have no express lines if they weren't going to speak to flagrant rule breakers.  This explains why they never say a word to the dumbasses who realize they forgot something as they are being rung up and go back into the bowels of the store to get it. 

Ah, grocery store peeve!  The self check-out lines had always been unlimited, but I guess enough people complained because they changed it to 20 items or less.  We didn't notice the change and were asked to move to another line because we had 25 items.  Fair enough, we made a mistake and needed to be in the correct line.  As we were waiting for our turn in the unlimited line, 3 people behind us were asked how many items they had and when they replied with, "I don't know," were allowed to use the 20 items or less line.  Can you guess why?  Shift change.  I was so frustrated and the employees could tell.  When one finally suggested we move over to the 20 items or less line, I told him that we had been kicked out of that line 15 minutes earlier because we had too many items.  He said that no one was waiting now, so we could use it.  Stubbornly, perhaps, I refused.  Even if the employees weren't going to stick to their rule, I was, dammit!

8 minutes ago, lordonia said:


5 hours ago, Demented Daisy said:

New peeve!  I've been wearing a certain brand of shoes for years, but have always bought the mens or unisex styles.  Well, they recently released a new pair that I want, but only in the ladies style

Birkenstocks? Crocks? Nike? I'm madly trying to figure what brand has unisex styles and its own stores!  :)


Vans.  :-)  These are the ones I want:


Edited by Demented Daisy
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Ah Vans, of course!

This is my favorite thread, btw, as was alt.peeves on Usenet. I get a kick out of hanging with my irascible pals. :)

Bad customer service tales could go on for months, but even Amazon fell down on the job this week and they're usually quite good. I had a bug with my Kindle Fire and, wanting to avoid talking on the phone, I sent an email. They replied that it would be easier to talk it through on the phone, but I still resisted and started a chat session instead. I'd explain something or answer a question and the guy would take forever to reply -- like, I played 2-3 hands of solitaire while waiting for him to peck out a response. Most of his canned answers didn't even apply to what I was asking, so he finally gave up and passed me on to the "Kindle specialist." Like, who had I been talking to? That guy couldn't help either, but at least he seemed to know what was what.

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On 8/1/2016 at 6:32 PM, TattleTeeny said:



A big peeve are these stupid quote boxes that won't go away!!  Sorry @TattleTeeny, I don't know why a quote box with your name is there. 

Grocery stores frustrate me more than any other kind of store. People seem to drop their brains and their manners at the door.   @ParadoxLost mentioned above, one of my biggest grocery store peeves is the people who "forgot" something and has to run back and get it and they can never find what they're looking for so somebody has to go help them. They don't care that people are waiting and the line is getting longer and longer, they will do whatever the hell they want regardless.   I've forgotten things but I wait until I'm all checked out, then I go back and get it. 

Reunions in the middle of the aisle annoy me too, wait until you leave the store to talk about how well Billy is doing in school because I don't care!  People who leave their cart in the middle of the aisle as they browse down at the other end are another one. And don't even get me started on grocery stores and cell phones.  How in the world did people manage to buy food in the past without talking on the phone?!  I've seen so many rude people who are on the phone and when the cashier tries to ask them something or tell then the total and the hold up their finger as to say "one minute".  Screw that!  I would push their stuff to the side, take the next person in line and tell the phone talker that I'd be happy to check her out when she's done with her conversation. 

Something I saw today in the pharmacy pissed me off too.  A Hispanic woman went to the desk speaking Spanish, when they told her they don't speak Spanish this woman had a fit.  She called a younger man over and he was yelling at the pharmacist saying it wasn't right that nobody could speak Spanish in the store.  This guy was screaming about how unfair it was and how they'll never shop there again.  Ok, I'm not racist in any way but this pissed me the hell off, I feel if you are planning to permanently live in another country, you should learn that country's language, not the other way around.   I would never go to another country and pitch a fit that nobody spoke English. 

Damn, I come back here and all I do is bitch, bitch, bitch. 

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I agree with all the grocery store pet peeves. I had been spoiled over the summer by doing all my grocery shopping online and simply driving up, ringing a bell and having my groceries loaded in my trunk by the store employee (I always helped load). Now that all but one of my kids is back in school I'm back to shopping like a peon (ha!). I actually missed shopping my local Aldi for deals and the online shopping was costing me too much but I wasn't about to take three kids shopping with me if I didn't have to. My renewed peeve of grocery shopping has to be understaffed stores. Two lanes open, one person working the deli counter when there's a line of five people waiting, etc.  I do tend to use the self check out lane when possible but if I buy alcohol I have to wait for someone to check my I.D. And my cart is usually 90% fresh produce which takes forever to ring up. I will say the only time I've ever broken the 10 items or less rule for self check out is at our SAMs club. I usually buy stuff for our company there and I pick up my baby items there and a few household items. I typically have 12 items in my cart (I count because I feel like a heel for doing it but SAMs only ever has two lanes open) and it's broken into two orders-one on the company card and one on my personal card.

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28 minutes ago, Mountainair said:

I agree with all the grocery store pet peeves. I had been spoiled over the summer by doing all my grocery shopping online and simply driving up, ringing a bell and having my groceries loaded in my trunk by the store employee (I always helped load). Now that all but one of my kids is back in school I'm back to shopping like a peon (ha!). I actually missed shopping my local Aldi for deals and the online shopping was costing me too much but I wasn't about to take three kids shopping with me if I didn't have to. My renewed peeve of grocery shopping has to be understaffed stores. Two lanes open, one person working the deli counter when there's a line of five people waiting, etc.  I do tend to use the self check out lane when possible but if I buy alcohol I have to wait for someone to check my I.D. And my cart is usually 90% fresh produce which takes forever to ring up. I will say the only time I've ever broken the 10 items or less rule for self check out is at our SAMs club. I usually buy stuff for our company there and I pick up my baby items there and a few household items. I typically have 12 items in my cart (I count because I feel like a heel for doing it but SAMs only ever has two lanes open) and it's broken into two orders-one on the company card and one on my personal card.

I'm not such a stickler.  A little over the limit doesn't bother me.  Its the flagrant disregard for the limit that drives me up a wall.

I did relearn the other day that I hate coupons.  Coupons are an experience that I will never repeat.  I'm just not cut out for it. Its too overwhelming to organize them and figure out where everything is on the first pass through the store. Heavens forbid if you are looking for the best price and not all that dedicated to a brand.  Then you end up with a half dozen coupons for toilet paper and figuring out which is the best deal.  Then its not even a brand you have a coupon for and you wasted that time doing math.  Really, there is nothing like a grocery list or coupons to send me out of a grocery store without half of what I need.  I tend to bolt out of frustration.  I'm much better at browse and buy with no set plan.

I read this article the other day about ten things not to waste your time on just to save money because the time/stress isn't worth the savings.  That suits my personality, I guess.

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I always say one of these days I am going to get arrested at the grocery store. Too many peeves for me to deal with. I HATE when I'm looking at/deciding on an item, someone reaches over (invading my personal space) and practically shoves me out of the way to reach the an item near it/the same item. Just say "Excuse Me" and I'll move. I also hate the middle-of-the-lane cart shoppers who refuse to move to let you by. Not to mention the people on there phone, rushing through the aisles and near colliding with people. I also hate the folks who wait until every.last.item is rung up before they even THINK about pulling out their wallet. UGH

The last time I went through a 10 items or less lane, the person in front of me had 15 small items. I had 8 large items.  Cashier rings up person in front of me, no problem. She sees my cart and says "Can't you read? This is for people with 10 or less items".  Well,  that sent me to the moon and back. I asked how she became a cashier if she can't count, and why she made a special exception for the person in front of me and then decided she was gonna try it with me.  Yes, there was a scene and the manager had to get involved LOL

My peeve is that people assume based on the way I look, that I'm a mousy and meek individual and that I can be shoved around. They are shocked to learn that I will not tolerate anyone's rudeness.

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The kid bothers me because we have really hot weather and dangerously cold weather here and the fact that he has to sit in a crawl space underneath his house borders too much on Harry Potter and the cupboard under the stairs for me. If they are that obvious about it outside of the house what is going on inside of the house?

If he's old enough to sit alone in the yard, he's old enough to have a key and go into his own home!

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10 hours ago, ParadoxLost said:

These 'you'll never believe what this celebrity looks like now' ads are bugging me.  Mostly because I just saw one for Farrah Fawcett who has died.  Needless to say I did not click.

I despise the "Celebrity X lost Y pounds and now she's GORGEOUS!!!!"  Because, of course, she wasn't gorgeous before.  *eye roll*

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9 hours ago, auntlada said:

Now I'm hungry, and I want Ding Dongs, but not the ones they sell now. I want the ones I had when I was a kid -- the ones wrapped in foil, not plastic. The foil-wrapped ones tasted better.

When I was in kindergarten, I only went 1/2 days so sometimes I went with Mom to visit a friend in the mornings.  Mrs. Jones was awesome - she always knew when I whispered something to my Mom whether it was I am thirsty or hungry.  She never got it wrong so I was convinced she was a good witch.  She always had foil-wrapped Ding Dongs, but they were kept in the freezer and quite yummy.  Big treat too because we never bought Ding Dongs.


11 hours ago, Maharincess said:

Damn, I come back here and all I do is bitch, bitch, bitch. 

Well this is pet peeves.  Plus, you've been out of commission so you've stored up all the stuff you'd normally post!  Welcome back!

@forumfish, the ex used to put a bottle of beer in the freezer to get it really cold.  He would never remember it and so it would burst in the freezer.  After the zillions bottle of beer froze and broke, I told him to just put the damn bottle in a plastic Tupperware container so when it burst, it would be less to clean up.  The duh was silent. 

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10 hours ago, forumfish said:

There was Big Red on the front of the refrigerator door, all the way up to the freezer, and Big Red on top of the counter and on the microwave that sits on the counter. Miraculously, none got on my clothes.

Sorry, FF! That's a pita.

The most traumatic kitchen mess I ever made was when I first got a microwave. I covered some eggs in water and put the bowl in the microwave to hard boil. The resulting egg-splosion burst open the microwave door and shotgunned little bits of egg all over the kitchen floor, cupboards, stove, walls, etc.

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My TKM: When I dropped a large bottle of sesame oil on a terrazzo floor.  My Mom used a lot of sesame oil so it was an industrial sized bottle.  I use the stuff sparingly because I find the smell to be quite odorous. 

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4 hours ago, Demented Daisy said:

I despise the "Celebrity X lost Y pounds and now she's GORGEOUS!!!!"  Because, of course, she wasn't gorgeous before.  *eye roll*

I agree and I think it's ridiculous when they treat someone who has not been in the public eye for 30 years as though they're Methuselah's grandma for not looking EXACTLY as they did 30 years earlier. Do they think somehow celebs are supposed to be eternally youthful and immortal?

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@FORUMFISH, the ex used to put a bottle of beer in the freezer to get it really cold.  He would never remember it and so it would burst in the freezer.  After the zillions bottle of beer froze and broke, I told him to just put the damn bottle in a plastic Tupperware container so when it burst, it would be less to clean up.  The duh was silent. 

Once, when my parents were on vacation (not me--I had to go to school!), someone had put a beer in my freezer. It exploded but somehow froze solid mid-shatter! We had what looked like a novelty candle (think Spencer Gifts, circa 1887) with a big foamy geyser accented with glass shards. It was mind-boggling to a bunch of drunk 16-year-olds.

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16 hours ago, Maharincess said:

I would never go to another country and pitch a fit that nobody spoke English. 

I think I'm going to have to ask to see your papers because you're sounding pretty non-American there.


14 hours ago, forumfish said:

My peeve today is me. I put a can of Big Red in the freezer to chill for my mom to have for lunch (for those of you not familiar, it's a red cream soda that's really popular in Texas).

I flove Big Red.  Every day for three years of junior high, for lunch I would have a hot dog, french fries, and a large Big Red.  (This was in the early 1970s, so a "large" was probably a whopping 16 ounces.)  To this day, that first whiff of Big Red takes me happily back there. 

Edited by StatisticalOutlier
even in the 70s, a large drink would have been more than 6 ounces.
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On 9/2/2016 at 4:04 PM, Demented Daisy said:

Why work in sales if you have no interest in selling anything?  

Because you don't actually want to work in sales.  (Edited to add: and now that I see you were in the VANS store, well come on.  You knew that part of it already.)  But while understandable that's not the customer's problem and that attitude is particularly shoot-yourself-in-the-foot at a time when brick and mortar stores are going under.  Which I hate!  Since ESPECIALLY with shoes I want to go to a store and try them on, not just hope for the best with catalog shopping, oops, I mean, that oh-so-MODERN-invention online shopping.

Edited by ratgirlagogo
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1 hour ago, TattleTeeny said:

We had what looked like a novelty candle (think Spencer Gifts, circa 1887)

I know this was a typo, but I'm furiously trying to come up with other late-1800s novelty gifts. I'm stuck at Chinese finger traps.

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1 minute ago, bilgistic said:

We had what looked like a novelty candle (think Spencer Gifts, circa 1887)

I know this was a typo, but I'm furiously trying to come up with other late-1800s novelty gifts. I'm stuck at Chinese finger traps.

And I was thinking that maybe the original Spencer Gifts was Oleson's Mercantile.

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Oh my god, ahahhahhahaaaaaaaaa! 

The Oleson Mercantile novelty candle would have been, like, a dry biscuit...or even just a regular not-homemade candle.



I agree and I think it's ridiculous when they treat someone who has not been in the public eye for 30 years as though they're Methuselah's grandma for not looking EXACTLY as they did 30 years earlier.

Reminds me of the dumb FB meme going around with a photo of 1998 (not 1888!) Bill Clinton juxtaposed with today's Bill, and a "funny" caption about "If Hilary could do this to him, imagine what she could do to the USA."

I have been having the funniest autocorrect/typos this week. Just yesterday, I texted a friend, who'd asked me if I wanted to go out last night, with the reply, "Don't know yet; [Musician Boyfriend] has no god." I meant "no gig." Then my autocorrect kept changing any word that begins with O to "O.J." And a while back, I'd texted my aunt, who brought my dad to the doctor for some TESTS, "How were his twats?"

Edited by TattleTeeny
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4 hours ago, Blergh said:

I agree and I think it's ridiculous when they treat someone who has not been in the public eye for 30 years as though they're Methuselah's grandma for not looking EXACTLY as they did 30 years earlier. Do they think somehow celebs are supposed to be eternally youthful and immortal?

This gets me, too.  Oh my god, someone aged and put on a few pounds over 20-30 years!  The horror!  Please.

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1 hour ago, bilgistic said:

I know this was a typo, but I'm furiously trying to come up with other late-1800s novelty gifts. I'm stuck at Chinese finger traps.

Bottle of cocaine syrup with a joke label: "I'm not as think as you drugged I am"?

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My parents used to have barware that said that (with "drunk," obviously)--oh, the '70s! And I have a glass flowerpot full of old-school drink stirrers of all kinds (found as-is at an estate sale); I think there's one in there with that on it, along with pointy-eared Playboy rabbits and "Have fun--it's later than you think!" (which...what?).

Edited by TattleTeeny
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On 9/3/2016 at 5:44 PM, aquarian1 said:

This gets me, too.  Oh my god, someone aged and put on a few pounds over 20-30 years!  The horror!  Please.

I'm guilty of being shocked sometimes but tell myself it's because the majority of celebs work so hard and pay so much to keep their thinness and "youth" that it can be a little surprising when someone actually allows him- or herself to gain weight or show signs of aging.

Bad plastic surgery is another issue, but that's also jarring to me if I haven't seen someone for a while. Mein gott what have they done?! (Which frankly is what anyone who hasn't seen me in 30 years would think, so not judging!)

Edited by lordonia
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Not a big fan of pumpkin, but I do like pumpkin ice cream - would probably like it in cheesecake too, as long as the flavor is organically derived, so it would probably be kind of subtle. I hate the too-strong, extract-derived pumpkin flavor I find is used so often.  

An ice cream place near me makes ice cream sandwiches with pumpkin ice cream and ginger snaps for the cookies. They are quite delicious.

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Trader Joe's has a pumpkin cheesecake that is pretty subtle in pumpkin flavor, but so, so good. It's available only during October-November and usually is sold out before Thanksgiving. I have to get it as soon as I see it to take it to holiday gatherings.

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I have had pumpkin cheesecake at a restaurant and also made it myself, so my feeling is that a little bit of the pumpkin flavor goes a long way. It is quite good unless you or the restaurant goes overboard with the amount of pumpkin. As harrie suggested, it's fine as long as it's subtle.

My pet peeve for the day: Relatives and friends who turn their Facebook accounts into a sales pitch for whatever pyramid scheme product they are selling. I have a few friends/cousins that I like to stay in touch with or at least read what's going on in their lives. However, I have zero interest in reading about the cosmetics or essential oils or whatever crap they are selling on the side, and I despise having to scroll through their sales pitch to get to the stuff I am interested in. I try to limit myself to no more than 15-20 minutes of FB per week because IMO FB is the serial killer of productivity, and I don't want to waste half of that designated time on ads disguised as personal posts. The best solution I have seen is one a former colleague did, where she kept her personal account but created a group for whatever she was selling, and invited all her friends to join it as well if they were interested in the product. She was upfront about not wanting to inflict the product info on people who were not interested in it. I still have mixed feelings about using what is supposed to be social media to sell more crap that people probably don't need, but that's a different peeve.

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8 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

Pumpkin ice cream and pumpkin cheesecake...yay or nay??

Cheesecake makes my stomach turn, it has the same texture as phlegm and I can't stand it,  so I vote a huge nay on that. 

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After a shitty week at work (is there any other kind?), I decided to hell with my lactose intolerance this weekend and had my favorite kind of terribly wondeful frozen cheese pizza and Talenti double dark chocolate gelato. My body was very unhappy with me. Serves me right, but it was good going down. I'm back to fruits and veggies today.

I guess I won't be having cheesecake--pumpkin or otherwise--ever again.  :: sobbing ::

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On September 3, 2016 at 9:08 AM, Demented Daisy said:

I despise the "Celebrity X lost Y pounds and now she's GORGEOUS!!!!"  Because, of course, she wasn't gorgeous before.  *eye roll*


On this topic, I have worked hard this year to get in shape, and on Friday a friend at work wanted to show her husband a before picture, but I didn't put any on Facebook for many years. So I linked her to one of me at the 2015 Christmas party. After Holy Shitting me, and saying it looked fake (think Monica flashbacks in Friends), I had a thought. 

I told her I was proud of my effort, but thankful for something I had less control over. Sometimes you see a person who lost a lot of weight, maybe even got into really good shape, and when you look at them you think, "Nope. Still no."  So thanks mom and dad for my reasonable symetrical facial features! Heh. 

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2 hours ago, Maharincess said:

Cheesecake makes my stomach turn, it has the same texture as phlegm and I can't stand it,  so I vote a huge nay on that. 

My phlegm is slimy to thin. More like jelly or a sauce consistency. Cheesecake to me is the texture of a soft cheese or a thick nut butter or pâté. 

Weird thing is my favorite fruits are pears and blueberries (separately lol) but I don't like things flavored like them. 

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5 hours ago, BookWoman56 said:

My pet peeve for the day: Relatives and friends who turn their Facebook accounts into a sales pitch for whatever pyramid scheme product they are selling. I have a few friends/cousins that I like to stay in touch with or at least read what's going on in their lives. However, I have zero interest in reading about the cosmetics or essential oils or whatever crap they are selling on the side, and I despise having to scroll through their sales pitch to get to the stuff I am interested in. I try to limit myself to no more than 15-20 minutes of FB per week because IMO FB is the serial killer of productivity, and I don't want to waste half of that designated time on ads disguised as personal posts. The best solution I have seen is one a former colleague did, where she kept her personal account but created a group for whatever she was selling, and invited all her friends to join it as well if they were interested in the product. She was upfront about not wanting to inflict the product info on people who were not interested in it. I still have mixed feelings about using what is supposed to be social media to sell more crap that people probably don't need, but that's a different peeve.

Oh, dear God, I'm tired of people selling their stuff on Facebook, especially the essential oils -- mostly because they act as though essential oils will cure everything. There's no need for doctors or medicine any more because essential oils will heal you. I don't mean to offend anyone who uses them, but I'm not interested. I don't like a lot of smelly stuff because it irritates my sinuses, and I just don't believe that anointing myself with essential oils is better than using medicine. One salesperson once told me that essential oils are safe for kids and wouldn't cause skin reactions because they are natural so you can't be allergic to them. It was in a meeting and the salesperson was a club member's daughter, so I didn't tell her that was stupid. I mean, poison ivy is pretty natural, but if I get that oil on me, it's going to irritate my skin a lot. I just said nothing and didn't buy any because my son has very sensitive skin, and I wasn't putting anything on it that wasn't recommended by his dermatologist. It's better now, but when he was younger, he had terrible eczema.

Another related peeve: the people who told me that the eczema meant he had a milk allergy. He didn't. He doesn't. He's fine with dairy. He just has sensitive skin.

But I really hate essential oils, especially the really strong ones a coworker likes to use in her diffuser. They make my head hurt.

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Furniture Store Stalkers Salespeople

You enter the store and they are waiting, plotting to shop with you.  You like to get the lay of things on your own.  Shop at your own pace.  But you know they are pushy, you've been through this before.  So you say a terse no thanks at the door to the offer to show you around , make no eye contact and flee.  Your body language is screaming please leave me alone.

You are reading the particulars of an item and you look up and there is that salesperson from the door right next to you.  You politely tell them that you want to look on your own for a while.  You think they are gone.  You are wrong.   They only retreated to fifteen feet away instead of five.

You run into them again.  Because apparently they can't accost some other poor shopper until you leave the store, so you ask them to make a recommendation based on what you are looking for.  Maybe it will get this uncomfortable shopping experience over faster.  They ask you if you've done any research. You are puzzled.  You tell them you've read one consumer reports article. They ask what the article said you needed.  Suddenly it becomes clear that they don't know anything about anything.  Its the barely informed leading the completely uninformed who has wandered into a department that requires the sales person to actually know stuff about things.  And they don't.

At this point I go from zero to bitchy in sixty seconds.  Which is a failing of mine, but I gave three chances not to pester me and not reading at least one article on the internet about the items they are selling before pestering me put me over the edge.  So sales person runs off to relay my question to someone who works in the department.

I go look over there and still the sales person follows. At this point I live with my discomfort because they won't go away.  I've tried repeatedly on a range from polite to not polite.  Afraid to lose a commission for doing absolutely nothing but make the shopper uncomfortable, I guess.   I would have fled the store, but in my experience there is no store that doesn't do this.  No better option for this particular item (worse than car salesmen).

So today I got to feel really uncomfortable and awkward and like an asshole.  Because I'm sure there is some store related reason (commissions, policy) that makes people act this way.  I don't think the majority of people would act this way unless given no other choice.  And all furniture sales people act this way.

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3 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

Weird thing is my favorite fruits are pears and blueberries (separately lol) but I don't like things flavored like them. 

I hate pears (that texture makes me skin crawl), but I am so with you on this topic. I call myself a "fruit purist". I don't like "fruit-flavored" things because they don't really taste like the fruit. I want my fruit flavors to be FRUIT. I always thought I hated cherries until I had a real one--not a sickly sweet maraschino cherry--a real cherry, unbesmirched by anything but sunshine and water. I love them now.

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37 minutes ago, forumfish said:

When I'm ready to talk with a salesperson and ask questions I haven't found the answers to on my own, I want them to know more about the product than I do.

I went into a Best Buy (I think) a while back, looking for some electronic component.  I asked a salesperson about different models, and he directed me to a kiosk where I could look up the information.  If I wanted to do that, I could have stayed home and done it on the internet - which I ended up doing, ordering through Amazon with no tax, free shipping, and two day delivery.

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I don't like fruit. I eat healthy everywhere else but fruit is non existent in my diet. I force it on my kids but there's just never a time in my life where I want to eat fruit. I don't like fruit juices either. I only drink water, black coffee and an occasional beer. Maybe a banana in the morning when I'm hungry and on the go but that's it. I have one kid that when I tell him he can choose a desert after dinner he always, always picks an apple. Warms my heart! When I was pregnant with the aforementioned Apple lover I craved cheesecake all the time. And not the store bought frozen kind-blech! I tried them but they weren't cutting it so I found an America's Test Kitchen recipe and made that a couple times a month. Most delicious cheesecake I've ever had but it takes 2 days to make. Haven't made it since. 

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