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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

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12 minutes ago, bilgistic said:

It's the generic version of Augmentin, which is amoxicillin 875 mg and clavamox 125 mg. The tablets are scored. I think I could lose a leg and this med would fight off infection. "My" pharmacist mentioned it being very strong and was curious why I needed it. (We have oddly intimate conversations since he knows all my dark medical secrets!) I haven't gotten a call back from the on-call doc yet. I'm going to attempt to eat dinner. I last had cereal this morning.


I’m betting you will get a different one called in. Just an FYI, if you have blood work done in the near future, make them aware you are/were taking Augmentin.

Good luck!

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The on-call doc just called and said I could quit taking it. Thank god. Because I've had three days of it--Thursday night through this morning--and my toe is doing fine, he said it was OK to stop the med. I'll put it in the first aid kit for the zombie apocalypse.

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As for snoring peeves, I hate the "you snore too" argument I get from my defensive snorer. Snoring is different than make an isolated snore noise here and there. Also, the "well, you leave the TV on while we sleep!" Clearly he's falling asleep regardless or the snoring wouldn't be happening!

Is it OK if I put a peeve about a show here if there's no forum for the show itself? It's a house-buying show and the dumb couple on it is making me so crazy! They have two daughters, ages 14 and 5, and they bought a cramped one-BR condo! The teenage girl gets a pullout couch in the LR (because if there’s one thing teenage girls are completely OK with it’s having no privacy at all) the little one sleeps in the parents’ BR. Yet they were concerned that their balcony is in view of their neighbors. WTF?! Do the girls have, like, no possessions? Does the 14-year-old have to wait until the family clears out of the LR before she can go to sleep? 

Edited by TattleTeeny
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More fireworks!?!

Really? My neighbors had some left over after shooting them off memorial day, fathers day, july4, and a bunch of other random days all summer. How? 

Not only are fireworks expensive,  they're illegal to sell here, so you have to go across state lines to get them.  I don't get it.

I don't wish ill on people very often,  but I would not mind at all if the neighbor behind me blew off a finger or two while celebrating.

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3 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

Is it OK if I put a peeve about a show here if there's no forum for the show itself? It's a house-buying show and the dumb couple on it is making me so crazy! They have two daughters, ages 14 and 5, and they bought a cramped one-BR condo! The teenage girl gets a pullout couch in the LR (because if there’s one thing teenage girls are completely OK with it’s having no privacy at all) the little one sleeps in the parents’ BR. Yet they were concerned that their balcony is in view of their neighbors. WTF?! Do the girls have, like, no possessions? Does the 14-year-old have to wait until the family clears out of the LR before she can go to sleep? 

Are you seriously telling me that there are people with kids on HGTV looking for a home that doesn't have a bedroom for each kid plus a "playroom", guest room, living room, dining room, eat-in kitchen, den, man cave, craft room, great room, loft and finished basement?!?

Because that's all I ever see on HGTV. And I yell at the TV, "Back when I was a kid, my sisters and I shared bedrooms and the bedrooms were our playrooms! We didn't keep our shit all over the rest of the house!"

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7 hours ago, forumfish said:

Peeve: people who pull into the drive-thru without having a clue what they want to order.

I live  in a university town.  This weekend is the worst - hundreds of students and parents, driving U-Hauls, blocking streets, having no idea where they are going......  Many of them appear to have never left their homes in Podunk before, and the menu at Starbucks seemed to really befuddle them, leading to lengthy discussions with the server and each other.  Get out of my way!!!

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2 hours ago, Quof said:

Many of them appear to have never left their homes in Podunk before

They may not have.  And nerves galore were probably confined inside all the vehicles containing freshmen and just getting to the college town might be their breaking point.

I was fine about going away to college.  Both my folks were surprised I was so laissez-faire over the whole thing and Mom was a bit hurt.  Reality struck me the minute we hauled all my crap into the dorm room where an epic meltdown commenced to the point where my Mom said that if I wanted to go home with them I could, don't worry about the money.  I said I would try to stick it out (with the world's most quivering lip).  The next day, I found out most of my friends had the same gut-punch reaction.  We were advised by older and wiser students (sophomores) to try not to go home before Thanksgiving because a lot of homesick kids don't come back if they go for a weekend.  We made it to Thanksgiving and all graduated together too.

Dad had the longest drive home that night.  Mom was keeping it together as much as possible for my sake, but that fell when it was just them in the car.

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11 hours ago, forumfish said:

Re: antibiotics -- neither Mom nor I will take Augmentin, we've both had horrible "antibiotic gut" from it in the past. Funny thing is, I tolerate Amoxicillin just fine, it's what I take when going to the dentist (preventative, since I have a leaky mitral valve). I can take either Ceftin or Cefzil, but not both, and now I don't remember which one is safe for me and which one tears up my gut. So I avoid both.

Peeve: people who pull into the drive-thru without having a clue what they want to order. The woman ahead of me tonight took almost 5 minutes to place her order (I timed it). She and her passenger had an extended conversation with the voice on the other end of the speaker.

I had Ceftin (at least I think that's what it was) after a gnarly wisdom tooth extraction and I had a weird reaction to it.  It tasted bitter as anything all the way down, and then for the entire time I was on it, everything I ate tasted like Brussels sprouts.  Don't get me wrong, I love a good Brussels sprout, but not when I'm expecting to taste mashed potatoes.  I was weird.  

Not knowing what they want is not limited to drive thrus.  I can't stand it when I'm standing on line in Chipotle for at least ten minutes, and the person in front of me has no idea what they want.  What were you doing for the last ten minutes?  Look at a damn menu! It makes me so angry.  

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Not knowing what they want is not limited to drive thrus.  I can't stand it when I'm standing on line in Chipotle for at least ten minutes, and the person in front of me has no idea what they want.  What were you doing for the last ten minutes?  Look at a damn menu! It makes me so angry.

I hate that!  I never go through a drive-thru if I don't know what I want, or at least know that I won't have to look at the menu for more than a minute or so before ordering.  If I'm not familiar with what's on the menu, I go inside.  And, if I'm inside and don't know what I want, I stay to the back and let others go ahead of me.  Holding up the line is equal--or almost equal--to those who continue to hold a conversation on their phones while they are placing their order at the counter.  So rude!

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I was once behind a driver at Starbucks who launched into a big discussion about all of the non-dairy options they had.  Finally she settled on almond milk, but wasn't sure she would like it, so she ordered a cappuccino - with almond milk on the side.   

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I never go through the drive-thru, ever unless I can see there is either no other car in line or the only other car is at the window waiting for their food. I consistently find it faster to go inside. Jack in the Box drive-thru is the worst. They fry things to order and it just takes for!ever!

Some of these fast food places need "I know what I want" lines or "I'm ordering for 3 or fewer people" lines and FFS, don't get in the drive-thru if you are ordering for more than 2-3 people!

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22 minutes ago, theredhead77 said:

don't get in the drive-thru if you are ordering for more than 2-3 people!

Or a car full of children, and you ask each one of them to "tell the lady what you want".  In fact, that's damned annoying in the line too, but in the drive thru "the lady" can't hear little Shaedan and Shalaylayla. 

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14 hours ago, bilgistic said:

The on-call doc just called and said I could quit taking it.

I had that happen once with amoxicillin.  I went on a trip while taking it and my stomach started killing me, to the point that I was buying little bottles of Maalox in airports and drinking them down, and I'm waaay to cheap to buy little bottles of Maalox in airports.  I finally called the doctor long distance from a pay phone and he said I could quit taking it.

Which made me think about why I was taking it in the first place, if I could just stop.  I get prevention and all (and love using "prophylactic" when appropriate), but your pharmacist was curious why you needed it, and @janestclair wondered the same thing.  It's just that if the solution is, "Oh, quit taking it," and not even, "Okay, then let's switch to X," then I have to wonder how necessary it was in the first place, especially these days with the resistance-to-antibiotics thing going on.  And even before that, when I had my experience--nothing is without side effects. 

I went to an eye doctor a while back for my first big floater, after making the mistake of looking up floaters on the internet.  He said it didn't look like it was anything more than a floater, but told me to come back in a week or something for a re-check.  I panicked, and said I was going to be gone for three months, and should I find another doctor to look at it or what?  He said, "Oh, don't worry about it.  You don't need to come back."

Okay, that's good news.  But if I hadn't been going to be away, I would have had to find time for another appointment and pay for another appointment, apparently for nothing.  I get the doctor's view--no skin off his nose to have me come back in, and it actually makes him money plus it covers his ass if something with a probability of approximately zero happens.  So I do get it.  But on the other hand, there apparently wasn't any reason that would benefit mainly me for going back.  Maybe he could have said, "It looks like it's just a floater, but if you're nervous about it, you can come back in two weeks and I'll look at it again."  Or maybe that exposes him to too much liability, too.

I just hate that there are answers out there for people who can handle the information and want to make decisions for themselves, but we don't get them because of everybody else who will just manage to fuck things up.  [But I will divulge that I'm an outlying minimalist when it comes to medical care.]

I had braces on my teeth as an adult.  The assistant said, "Don't eat ribs."  I said, "Why not?"  She said, "Gosh...nobody ever asked why not before."  I thought, "Well of course not...most of your patients are kids and aren't going to do what you say anyway so it doesn't occur to them to get clarification."  But what I said was something like, "Well, what happens if I eat ribs?  Does the sauce cause some sort of reaction with the metal that will eat through my teeth?"  And she laughed and said, "Oh, no, nothing like that.  You might break a wire or bracket and have to come in and get it replaced." 

So I knew that I could eat ribs if I wanted to, but I should be careful, and the worst that would happen is some inconvenience that I brought on myself.  But that's very very different from "Don't eat ribs."

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2 hours ago, theredhead77 said:

don't get in the drive-thru if you are ordering for more than 2-3 people!

Absolutely! I rarely buy fast food, but when I do I almost always go inside, it's much faster.  The few times I've done drive-thru, I gotten behind a car with just one person, but it turns out they're really ordering for their whole office. 

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3 minutes ago, ALenore said:

Absolutely! I rarely buy fast food, but when I do I almost always go inside, it's much faster.  The few times I've done drive-thru, I gotten behind a car with just one person, but it turns out they're really ordering for their whole office. 

With the prevalence of online ordering there is no reason to 1) go to the restaurant to order for the entire office and wait or 2) order for the entire office via the drive-thru.

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2 hours ago, ALenore said:

Absolutely! I rarely buy fast food, but when I do I almost always go inside, it's much faster

That's starting to change due to online ordering. I've gone into Starbucks several times and had to wait at least 5 minutes to be acknowledged due to the baristas being overwhelmed with online orders. These places should have a separate station for online orders during peak times, but none don't. I can't stand that they rush to make these online orders first, even though the person hasn't arrived yet and the drink is just going to sit, while the physical customer has to wait to get their drink. I know, its irrational, but it does suck.

That being said, today I am grateful for Panera's online ordering( though I'm peeved that their delivery service isn't available) because I ordered my soup for pick up and didn't have to interact with a single soul with my raspy voice. Their delivery service is down due to  spur-of-the-moment Tropical Storm Gordon, whom meteorologists insisted was going to be nothing. Meteorologists are my peeve today. 

Edited by AgentRXS
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1 hour ago, AgentRXS said:

That's starting to change due to online ordering. I've gone into Starbucks several times and had to wait at least 5 minutes to be acknowledged due to the baristas being overwhelmed with online orders. These places should have a separate station for online orders during peak times, but none don't. I can't stand that they rush to make these online orders first, even though the person hasn't arrived yet and the drink is just going to sit, while the physical customer has to wait to get their drink. I know, its irrational, but it does suck.

If you can access your internet on your phone while you're standing in line, you can see which you can get first.  your online or in-person order.

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Not a problem in the whole scheme of things, but a peeve nevertheless: My child never wants a birthday party theme that has stuff in the stores, so we either have to make stuff (invitations, goodie bags) or order them. So I'm making invitations that look like pokeballs. Now, they're pretty cute, but still, I'd rather have bought them at a store here than have to cut and paste. (We don't actually have a party or card store here, so if it's not at Walmart, it's not local.)

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6 hours ago, theredhead77 said:

With the prevalence of online ordering there is no reason to 1) go to the restaurant to order for the entire office and wait or 2) order for the entire office via the drive-thru.

I've never actually tried ordering online.  Lately, the only time I get fast food is when I'm on a road trip, and we just stop by whatever place doesn't look too crowded. 

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2 hours ago, forumfish said:

You're a good mom, @auntlada, your boy will appreciate it when he's grown.

Speaking of party themes, why must all the adult milestone party stuff be black? My sister is turning 50 this winter and when she was born, most people thought she'd not live to start school. I don't want "over the hill" plates and napkins, I want "Yay! You're 50!" decor. Guess I'll have to make my own.

I was looking for fun stuff for my 40th and there were a bunch of customizable things that weren't black or "over the hill"



14 minutes ago, ALenore said:

I've never actually tried ordering online.  Lately, the only time I get fast food is when I'm on a road trip, and we just stop by whatever place doesn't look too crowded. 

I've ordered from Chipotle a few times, if I plan ahead. One of the VPs in my last office would buy us all Starbucks and he'd come around, punch our order into his phone, wait 30 minutes and go pick it up. I can't see going out of my way to order online if I'm just driving around but I look at it the same way as I do to-go at a sit-down restaurant.

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TMI/gross body function talk warning...

Not to be dramatic or anything, but I'm fairly convinced I'm going to die because of that antibiotic. It's been 36 hours since my last dose and I'm still suffering the consequences. I've had diarrhea (sorry) thrice today, which was as much as yesterday (or maybe that was four times?). I'm nauseous in waves but my anti-nausea med (ondansetron) that I have for my regular IBS issues is doing nothing to help. Immodium is also doing nothing. Gas-X is also a bust.

I've tried to drink plenty of water since I'm losing so much fluid. My urine is very diluted. I'm having some chamomile/mint/"nighttime" tea now, hoping it'll calm my stomach some. I've been able to eat today a couple times.

I might have to go to the ER or urgent care if I still feel this bad tomorrow. I don't feel light-headed or weak, but the nausea and persistent diarrhea (four days) concern me. I thought I'd feel better by now.

Am I being silly? Will this resolve at some point?

I hate nausea. I would rather feel pain than nausea.

Edited by bilgistic
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3 hours ago, ALenore said:

I've never actually tried ordering online.  Lately, the only time I get fast food is when I'm on a road trip, and we just stop by whatever place doesn't look too crowded. 

What bugs me about online ordering is that the place may not look or even be too crowded, but there could be a whole bunch of online orders that are going to be filled before mine if I place the order in person.  I'm the type to leave if a place is too crowded, but the "crowd" is invisible with online ordering, so I don't know it's an issue until I've already placed my order and had to wait longer than normal, and then it's too late. 

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3 hours ago, bilgistic said:

I hate nausea. I would rather feel pain than nausea.

It's too bad your pot-smoking neighbors have left, because pot is supposed to help with nausea. On a more serious note, I would call your pharmacist and ask for advice about the side effects to see if they warrant a trip to urgent care. If this is a common side effect that continues well past the last dose, then you should feel better in another day or two. If this side effect is persisting much longer than normal, though, it could be a sign you are actually allergic or super sensitive to the drug, and if so, you need to be aware and it needs to be part of your medical record.  

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8 hours ago, bilgistic said:

TMI/gross body function talk warning...

Not to be dramatic or anything, but I'm fairly convinced I'm going to die because of that antibiotic. It's been 36 hours since my last dose and I'm still suffering the consequences. I've had diarrhea (sorry) thrice today, which was as much as yesterday (or maybe that was four times?). I'm nauseous in waves but my anti-nausea med (ondansetron) that I have for my regular IBS issues is doing nothing to help. Immodium is also doing nothing. Gas-X is also a bust.

I've tried to drink plenty of water since I'm losing so much fluid. My urine is very diluted. I'm having some chamomile/mint/"nighttime" tea now, hoping it'll calm my stomach some. I've been able to eat today a couple times.

I might have to go to the ER or urgent care if I still feel this bad tomorrow. I don't feel light-headed or weak, but the nausea and persistent diarrhea (four days) concern me. I thought I'd feel better by now.

Am I being silly? Will this resolve at some point?

I hate nausea. I would rather feel pain than nausea.

TMI question:

Are your bowel movements liquid only? If so, I’d get it checked out. The first reason being, dehydration. The second, in some cases, liquid only can suggest an obstruction. The liquid would be finding it’s way around it.

End TMI.

Good luck!

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7 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

What bugs me about online ordering is that the place may not look or even be too crowded, but there could be a whole bunch of online orders that are going to be filled before mine if I place the order in person.  I'm the type to leave if a place is too crowded, but the "crowd" is invisible with online ordering, so I don't know it's an issue until I've already placed my order and had to wait longer than normal, and then it's too late. 

That's good to know.  I actually don't have a problem with waiting a few minutes, but my husband tends to be impatient, he will  leave a place rather than wait for service.  He would definitely be pissed off if it looked like the place was empty, then found out there were "invisible people" in front of him.   

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9 hours ago, forumfish said:


@theredhead77 -- thanks for those links!

You're welcome! I think I just googled "fun milestone birthday swag". Oriental Trading and Party City has fun stuff too - colorful, not "over the hill"

For my goodie bags I bought some cheap drawstring favor bags on Amazon a couple boxes of bottle shaped liquor filled chocolates, glow bracelets ('cause that's how I roll) and some other mini candy. My group has a couple who don't drink or consume sweets (legit health issues, not some cumbersome "diet") and I did a little personal gift for them.

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Here's a drive-thru peeve: When the drive-through worker takes forever to acknowledge your presence/take your order, so you're sitting there waiting for a voice to come through on the call box while people behind you assume you are an indecisive customer and start honking and waving at you. That bugs because then a line builds up and they start taking orders more rapidly so it makes you look like the jerk. I can't stand that.

Or this: https://www.news4jax.com/lifestyle/social/video-mcdonalds-employee-gives-customer-unwanted-earful-at-drive-thru

The customer is better than me because I would have given her and the manager an earful in return.

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On 9/1/2018 at 1:47 PM, potatoradio said:

And lunch meetings - dear god. Crammed around a table stuck listening to slurping swallowing smacking in stereo and listening to people try to talk around giant mouthfuls of food and spitting like an accidental watermelon seed contest? Fuck. that. shit. 

And this is why my boss has declared a "no working lunch meeting" rule, because there are a lot of people with no basic table manners. Add to that people who bring the messiest/smelliest/noisiest food items to eat, and it becomes nauseating. I watched high-level, college educated man shove half a cheeseburger in his mouth while explaining this month's gross profit gain with stuff flying all over him and anyone near him. Ick. 

And I am an eat-my-desk person as well, the cafe in my office is small, plus I need to be here if my boss needs anything, and I don't mind. I actually prefer it, I can get my personal stuff done while I eat and it keeps people from interrupting me. 

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42 minutes ago, AgentRXS said:

Here's a drive-thru peeve: When the drive-through worker takes forever to acknowledge your presence/take your order, so you're sitting there waiting for a voice to come through on the call box while people behind you assume you are an indecisive customer and start honking and waving at you.

People really honk and wave at people in front of them at the driver-through?  Listen, I'm among the least patient people on the planet, and I've been in lots of frustrating situations, but I would never honk or wave at someone in the drive-through.  As you noted, it could be something other than the driver being an idiot, in which case honking and waving does no good.  Or it could be that the driver is an idiot, in which case honking and waving does no good and could actually slow things down because the driver gets flustered, or objects to the honking and delays on purpose.

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12 hours ago, bilgistic said:

TMI/gross body function talk warning...

I didn't quote the gross part.  But antibiotic usage makes you prone to c. diff.  The symptom you describe is classic c.diff.

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51 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

People really honk and wave at people in front of them at the driver-through?  Listen, I'm among the least patient people on the planet, and I've been in lots of frustrating situations, but I would never honk or wave at someone in the drive-through.  As you noted, it could be something other than the driver being an idiot, in which case honking and waving does no good.  Or it could be that the driver is an idiot, in which case honking and waving does no good and could actually slow things down because the driver gets flustered, or objects to the honking and delays on purpose.

The only time I ever considered giving a hard tap to my horn* to the person in front of me at the drive-thru was when to the woman who took F-O-R-E-V-E-R to place her order, I could hear her doing the "what's in that?" and "do you have such-and-such instead". People like that woman, who apparently needs every thing explained, need to get out of the car and walk into the building, instead of holding up people like myself who just want a large coffee with 3 creams. 

*to be clear, I did not, but the guy behind me did, and all it did was make the woman in front me give the finger to those behind her and continue asking for explanations/substitutions. 

Edited by GoodieGirl
grammatical issues
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There's a Wendy's near my old job that would place an employee outside, before the drive-through ordering window, to try to help people decide what they were going to order. It's not a peeve or anything, but I thought it was funny--and also weird.

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58 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

There's a Wendy's near my old job that would place an employee outside, before the drive-through ordering window, to try to help people decide what they were going to order. It's not a peeve or anything, but I thought it was funny--and also weird.

People were probably taking too long ordering. I've worked in fast food places, including Wendy's.  There is a sensor set up to start a timer as soon as the car hits the spot in front of the speaker to take their order, some places it is started by beginning to punch in the order on the register.  The timer ends when you open the drawer for the money, or clear the screen, or another sensor for when the car leaves the delivery window.  It's set up differently at different places.  Anyway, this information goes to corporate and woe to those stores not getting people through drive-thru fast enough.  Even if it's due to customers not being able to make up their minds, digging through their wallets for change, wanting to tell you their life stories.  Whatever.

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20 minutes ago, Katy M said:

People were probably taking too long ordering. I've worked in fast food places, including Wendy's.  There is a sensor set up to start a timer as soon as the car hits the spot in front of the speaker to take their order, some places it is started by beginning to punch in the order on the register.  The timer ends when you open the drawer for the money, or clear the screen, or another sensor for when the car leaves the delivery window.  It's set up differently at different places.  Anyway, this information goes to corporate and woe to those stores not getting people through drive-thru fast enough.  Even if it's due to customers not being able to make up their minds, digging through their wallets for change, wanting to tell you their life stories.  Whatever.

That's why the girl slammed the window shut when I asked for napkins the last time I went to McDonald's drive thru. It's been over two years and there was always a problem getting napkins. Cheap fast food joint and obnoxious workers doesn't help either. Corporate rules also don't help.

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19 minutes ago, rcc said:

Cheap fast food joint and obnoxious workers doesn't help either.

I'd like to think I was never obnoxious:)  Seriously, though, it depends on the place.  I worked at McD's during high school, and that was a farily good experience. The managers were nice for the most part, they did their best to accommodate with scheduling, we were taught to be fast, but polite customer service comes first.

Upon graduating from college, I was an assistant manager at a Wendy's and it was by far the worst job I ever had.  The general manager was a jerk.  The scheduling was awful.  It's the only job where I feel I can say I was overworked and underpaid.  But, even the crew's schedules were terrible.  Some of the older (as in out of high school) workers had to work the lunch shift and then come back to close. Who wants to do that?  Managers had to work 13 or 14 hour shifts some days. We were salaried at 50 hours a week, but never worked less than 55, usually closer to 60.  My mom figured I wasn't making minimum wage for actual hours worked and she was probably right.  So, there was bad attitude all around.  Those of us with previous customer experience were more or less OK.  But there was really no culture there of good customer service.  Now, I'm going to be in a bad mood the rest of the day thinking about that job.  Longest year of my life.

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5 hours ago, Stenbeck said:

I was peeved at my SO for insisting I set up an itinerary for our upcoming trip to NYC (first time there!). It's over a month away.

But now that I'm done with the itinerary, I can see the point of doing one. 

That's not how I travel, but making an itinerary isn't a peeve per se.  But, boy howdy, what would quickly become an "I'm gonna go do my thing, you stick to your precious list, and I will see you back at the hotel tonight" situation would be getting to our destination and having my travel partner flip out about deviations from the itinerary.  Traveling is when I'm in my most loosey goosey state; I make more last-minute decisions on a one-week trip than I do in the average month.  Of course, this is one of the many reasons I prefer to travel alone.

Edited by Bastet
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1 hour ago, Katy M said:

People were probably taking too long ordering. I've worked in fast food places, including Wendy's.  There is a sensor set up to start a timer as soon as the car hits the spot in front of the speaker to take their order, some places it is started by beginning to punch in the order on the register.  The timer ends when you open the drawer for the money, or clear the screen, or another sensor for when the car leaves the delivery window.  It's set up differently at different places.  Anyway, this information goes to corporate and woe to those stores not getting people through drive-thru fast enough.  Even if it's due to customers not being able to make up their minds, digging through their wallets for change, wanting to tell you their life stories.  Whatever.

In n Out does it just to keep the line moving. They can take 2-4 orders before the line creeps forward. That's another reason I always went inside at In n Out. Drive thru line is huge, inside is a ghost town. They do make the orders in order but it's still faster to go inside instead of waiting for your car to make it to the food window.

The peeve I came here to post is: how hard is it to flush the fucking toilet? At work today there were two different stalls that were not flushed or not completely flushed. I'd be horrified if I left a stall looking like that.

If people are this gross at work how gross are they at home? BLEH!

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4 hours ago, Quof said:

I didn't quote the gross part.  But antibiotic usage makes you prone to c. diff.  The symptom you describe is classic c.diff.

I was going to say the same thing...

Here's some more TMI - does it smell really awful/different to regular diarrhea?  C. diff has a very particular bouquet that one never forgets.  

I just saw your post, and since you're feeling a bit better, it's probably not that.  Good thing.   You do NOT want C. diff.

Edited by janestclair
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3 hours ago, Stenbeck said:

I was peeved at my SO for insisting I set up an itinerary for our upcoming trip to NYC (first time there!). It's over a month away.

But now that I'm done with the itinerary, I can see the point of doing one. 

Trips to NYC were the only time I would ever put together any sort of a schedule because I'd go to museums and odd movies, and those were generally only on certain days and times.  But once I got those sorted out, the rest was spontaneous, as in mainly walking about 10 miles a day just soaking it in.


1 hour ago, theredhead77 said:

The peeve I came here to post is: how hard is it to flush the fucking toilet? At work today there were two different stalls that were not flushed or not completely flushed. I'd be horrified if I left a stall looking like that.

I bet only about half of the stalls I go into have a toilet that's been flushed.  Whyyyyyyyyyy?

Just yesterday, I went into a bathroom where there was a bunch of toilet paper in the toilet.  So I went to flush it and the handle just kind of spun.  Hmm.  It was a "regular" toilet, with a tank, so I took the top off the tank and the little flapper thing hadn't closed, so I moved the chain around and the flapper closed, and I stood there waiting for it to sloooooowly fill, and then flushed it.  I was now at the point I should have been when I walked in a few minute prior.

Then I confirmed that the flapper closed, put the top back on, and did my quick business and waited for the tank to sloooooowly fill, and then I flushed it.  And on that flush, I got the feeling the flapper didn't close, and I took the top off again and checked, and sure enough, it hadn't.  So I messed with the chain and got the flapper to close, and was finally able to leave.

So I really really wonder about people who can't even be bothered to push down on a lever for a second or two, if it means life for the next person is immensely better.

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The locker room at my yoga studio has three sinks and ONE SOAP DISPENSER!!  Maybe I'm just lazy, but I don't really think people want to walk a few steps away just to get soap to wash their hands.

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6 hours ago, GoodieGirl said:

The only time I ever considered giving a hard tap to my horn* to the person in front of me at the drive-thru was when to the woman who took F-O-R-E-V-E-R to place her order, I could hear her doing the "what's in that?" and "do you have such-and-such instead". People like that woman, who apparently needs every thing explained, need to get out of the car and walk into the building, instead of holding up people like myself who just want a large coffee with 3 creams. 

*to be clear, I did not, but the guy behind me did, and all it did was make the woman in front me give the finger to those behind her and continue asking for explanations/substitutions. 

My basic feeling on drive-thru is that you should both know what you want to order and have your plastic/cash ready to go. I've been stuck behind people before who wait until they are actually at the pay window before they start digging around in their car to reach their purse or wallet, and then dig around some more in the purse/wallet itself looking for the correct card or cash. Generally, when I am in line waiting to place my order, I pull my wallet out of my purse, extract the debit card, and have it right there easily accessible when I reach the pay window. I will give my closest drive-thru props for a good idea, though: They have two lanes for drive-thru, and in peak times, they send an employee out to the second line with a portable card reader and cash to take payments to speed things up. They also send someone out with the drinks so at least that part of the order is already done. 

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4 hours ago, Bastet said:

That's not how I travel, but making an itinerary isn't a peeve per se.  But, boy howdy, what would quickly become an "I'm gonna go do my thing, you stick to your precious list, and I will see you back at the hotel tonight" situation would be getting to our destination and having my travel partner flip out about deviations from the itinerary.  Traveling is when I'm in my most loosey goosey state; I make more last-minute decisions on a one-week trip than I do in the average month.  Of course, this is one of the many reasons I prefer to travel alone.

I like to do that sort of thing by myself, but if I'm going with a group, I hate waiting until we get there for everyone to discuss what we're going to do together, especially if some things require reservations. If we ever go on vacation with my in-laws (the whole family, not just mom and dad) again, I've asked my husband to suggest that I be put in charge of putting together an advance itinerary based on what people want to do. If everyone was going to go do their own things, it would be no problem, but when you vacation together, apparently you're supposed to do all your activities together.

When I'm with my mom, that's OK because she and I usually want to do the same things. No one else ever wants to do the things I think are interesting. My mom and I and my two sisters-in-law (brothers' wives) vacationed together once, and my mom planned it about the best way possible for people doing things together. Everyone got to pick one activity she wanted to do, and we all did all of them. My mom is a planner.

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1 minute ago, auntlada said:

but when you vacation together, apparently you're supposed to do all your activities together.

Ugh, no.  As long as they didn't get pissy when I opted to go off and do something different than the group sometimes, fine, but otherwise those aren't the kind of people I'd vacation with.

But if I were going to be wandering around town in a herd, I'd be like you - let's get at least some of this stuff planned in advance so we're not scrambling for reservations or wasting vacation time sitting around discussing the logistics.

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6 hours ago, theredhead77 said:

The peeve I came here to post is: how hard is it to flush the fucking toilet? At work today there were two different stalls that were not flushed or not completely flushed. I'd be horrified if I left a stall looking like that.

If people are this gross at work how gross are they at home? BLEH!

You know, I've never once heard a man complain about this issue. What is it about women that that they refuse to clean up after themselves? I have no shame in calling other women out for it too. A couple days ago, I followed behind a woman that left the seat covered in urine, and as she was exiting the room, I said "EWW, some women are so disgusting and have zero couth" loud enough for her to hear. And of course, she didn't flush either. Anyone over the age of 10 and under the age of 100 has no excuse.

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