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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

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Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

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I had six weeks off between my last job and current one, but I was stressed out the whole time looking for another one.  They really have to improve that whole process somehow.  I don't who I mean by they.  But, some entity.

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Well, I had this week (albeit it was not relaxing). Next week, I have a mini-trip with a friend; we arranged this before I knew I was getting the boot, obviously (we're taking a train to DC to see an exhibit of dollhouses depicting famous murders!) and then I start on the 13th. I suppose a longer break would be nice, especially knowing the hard part is done, but on the other hand, my new insurance kicks in on my start date, so that's a plus. Commute is double what I am used to (ugh) but I have one work-from-home day per week (and I did not cancel my Sirius in a sudden, panicked fit of personal cutbacks so I'll get a better chunk on Howard on my drive!). Salary not quite what I am used to either (my former former boss was very appreciative of my work), but my severance more than fills that void.

And maybe I won't feel like garbage so many days a week now?

I really love the timing on this news--so perfect!

Edited by TattleTeeny
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@TattleTeeny. Happy to learn it all worked out for you. Hopefully you'll find the new job more pleasurable. For me personally, I've always found job changes whether intentional or forced to end up being much more satisfying and wishing I had changed jobs earlier rather than hanging on to the one I had. 

Edited by Random Noise
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We actually saw the ad for it on FB (I guess the algorithms recognize our shared ghoulishness) and booked it right away. A trip to the Exorcist stairs will be happening as well!

And, yes, Random Noise--it was clear that my previous salary was keeping me there, and not anything else. While that salary opened doors for me (especially after my broke-ass 20s and most of my 30s), I see now that maybe I was losing some "quality of life."

Edited by TattleTeeny
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51 minutes ago, Quof said:

Yay, TattleTeeny.  Hope you have a little down time before starting your new gig.   Anytime I have changed jobs, I have gone straight to the next one.  At most, I have taken 3 days off. Damn this work ethic (or sense of pending financial doom if I don't have a pay cheque coming in for a couple of weeks).  

I lived like that for most of my life until I asked myself why I enjoyed being a corporate slave. By corporate, I mean not only the one I was slaving for to get a pay cheque, but also the money sucking ones such as electricity, cable/satellite tv, telephone, and on and on.

Three years ago I had enough of that. Built a Tiny House (on wheels, no loft) and settled in with the cat. I understand it's not for everyone, but for me it was a new found sense of freedom. Two years ago I eliminated all my monthly bills. My phone is prepaid for the year. Vehicle insurance I let expire, because I'm only a short walking distance from any stores I need to go to. Solar power takes care of my electrical needs. I work from home so I decide when to start or when to "call it a day."

I've also settled (at present) in a very relaxing location.


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Hahaaaa, my friends are simultaneously shocked and not shocked at this quickness. They know how I operate (somewhat maniacally) when I need to get something done, but usually it's not in response to something that's actually, like, important in any real, grownup way, haha!

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Congratulations TT!! And an even better job too, I'm sooo happy for you!


(we're taking a train to DC to see an exhibit of dollhouses depicting famous murders!) 

Oh, cool! What museum is this and do they have a website? I wanna see these dollhouses!

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3 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

I am once again gainfully employed. Take THAT, former-job jerks. Got the news just now--exactly one week, down to the hour, that I found out I was being let go (after driving all the way into my office, mind you, and without collecting my Friday free bagel!).


3 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

OMG I have to go to this!. Thanks for in the info...

Edited by Kelly
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I'm trying to sell my old TiVo Series 4, which comes with the TiVo-brand wireless adapter ($40ish new) and lifetime service ($300 value). It was my second of three units in 15+ years. I upgraded at the end of last year to a refurbed TiVo Bolt, which I love. I am a hardcore TiVo devotee. They last forever and are user-friendly.

I listed the unit on Craigslist and Letgo for $100 and have had a few nibbles but no solid interest until now. This guy has gone back and forth in email seven times and now wants me to text him because it's "easier" than using his work email. Why was he using his work email in the first place? Who knows? He asked me for the lowest I'd go, and I told him $75. He's getting a great deal, but no other interest has panned out. It's just collecting dust, and I could use the money.

He had looked on eBay but would rather do a local deal. Pull the trigger, dude. Why are so many Craigslist sales like this? I don't do this to people when I buy stuff off Craigslist (last purchase: awesome, like-new large toaster oven for $10).

TL;DR: Guy maybe buying my TiVo off Craigslist thinks I'm running a flea market or he's interviewing me for a job.

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I know I've complained about this one before, but: snoring.  Jeez!  I know she can't help it, but I am considering smothering my best friend with a pillow.  I am down the hall and have my door closed, even though that means her cat can't sleep with me, because my friend sleeps with her door open so her dogs can access the doggy door in the guest bathroom, and I can still hear her snoring.  I was really dumb not to bring headphones, but it's been so long since I've spent the night with her I forgot how she snores.  And she goes to bed hours before I do, so it's not like I can try to fall asleep before she starts snoring.  Grrr ...

Edited by Bastet
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I went to stock up on cat food this evening. The cashier tonite was a teenage male who I fortunately don't need to deal with all that often.

After unloading the shopping basket on the conveyor, the transaction goes like this:
"That it?"
"Yeah, that's it"
"You want a bag?"
"Yeah, my pockets are too small to carry all that"
"Uh ..."
(grabs a bag and tosses it in my direction)
"That'll be (reads cost off the register)"
I hand him the money and take the change.
(grabs receipt from register)
"Here ya go"

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I picked up my new phone at the store today (I ordered it through my provider) and the kid who helped me was new and totally DID NOT KNOW WHAT HE WAS DOING.  It took longer than what I remember from my LAST phone to have it set up properly because he was on the phone trying to get instructions on how to get things done.  Yesterday was the phone's launch (yes, it's an iPhoneX) and really, you shouldn't get the NEW GUY to help someone set up a phone on its launch day. 

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7 hours ago, Random Noise said:

I went to stock up on cat food this evening. The cashier tonite was a teenage male who I fortunately don't need to deal with all that often.

After unloading the shopping basket on the conveyor, the transaction goes like this:
"That it?"
"Yeah, that's it"
"You want a bag?"
"Yeah, my pockets are too small to carry all that"
"Uh ..."
(grabs a bag and tosses it in my direction)
"That'll be (reads cost off the register)"
I hand him the money and take the change.
(grabs receipt from register)
"Here ya go"

That's virtually a Noel Coward soliloquy  compared to how some cashiers do at my usual chain grocers. They're either gabbing with other employees, texting or doing both but not paying the slightest attention to us customers. We customers could be an endless robot parade armed with cards, Smartphones and cash to pay for these  items  plopped on their machines' belts for all the individual attention they give us.  And they often seem surprised when I actually talk to them.

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Was it here where I was complaining about how bad marijuana smells, especially compared to the olden days?  I checked with someone I know who would be an authority, asking if there's a scientific reason it smells so bads, noting that there have been all these advances but it smells worse than ever. 

His reply: "I think you are referring to why today's herb smells more than mexican? Most herb is purchased based on smell. Growers have continuously strived for stronger more aromatic product. We are successful."

Gah.  So they're doing it on purpose.  And apparently people like it? 

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That it?"
"Yeah, that's it"
"You want a bag?"

No thanks, I'll eat it here.


Reminds me of going to take out place alone, reading an order from a list, clearly ordering enough for 6 people, and being asked, "is that for here?"

Edited by backformore
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31 minutes ago, backformore said:

No thanks, I'll eat it here.


Reminds me of going to take out place alone, reading an order from a list, clearly ordering enough for 6 people, and being asked, "is that for here?"

You say it 20 billion times a row, it's just the end of your thing.  I used to have people say "for here" or "to go" and I'd still ask, realize what I was doing and it would come out "is that for here or to go, it's for here you just told me, sorry."

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6 hours ago, PRgal said:

I picked up my new phone at the store today (I ordered it through my provider) and the kid who helped me was new and totally DID NOT KNOW WHAT HE WAS DOING.  It took longer than what I remember from my LAST phone to have it set up properly because he was on the phone trying to get instructions on how to get things done.  Yesterday was the phone's launch (yes, it's an iPhoneX) and really, you shouldn't get the NEW GUY to help someone set up a phone on its launch day. 

When I bought my first smart phone the retailer told me there was a $20 set up fee. My formal education was in computer programming and I have a ham radio license so I should be tech savvy enough to set up a phone myself, so I opted to pass on the in store setup.

After I got home I went to the web site for the local carrier, made an account, and began the setup process. When I got to the part about my address, it said the road I live on doesn't exist. I tried various arrangements of the road name since it's 4 words but no luck with that, so I grabbed the phone and drove back to the retailer.

After explaining to them about the problem with the address, they went to their computer and logged on to the carrier's web site. Well, guess what? The retailers have a special web page for setting up accounts. I casually made a comment that it would make a great news story how the customer web page was set up to fail in order to collect activation fees, which I think made them somewhat nervous. They completed the set up, the phone was activated, and they didn't charge me.

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1 hour ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

Was it here where I was complaining about how bad marijuana smells, especially compared to the olden days?  I checked with someone I know who would be an authority, asking if there's a scientific reason it smells so bads, noting that there have been all these advances but it smells worse than ever. 

His reply: "I think you are referring to why today's herb smells more than mexican? Most herb is purchased based on smell. Growers have continuously strived for stronger more aromatic product. We are successful."

Gah.  So they're doing it on purpose.  And apparently people like it? 

During my years as a paramedic, I always laughed at the people who thought popping a breath mint would cover up the fact they had been drinking or smoking marijuana, hash, or any combination of drugs.

Alcohol is lighter than water and you end up sweating a good percentage of it out of your pores. I recall the smell was so strong on one patient that my partner on that shift stood over the emergency room sink gagging. I sent him outside for a while to get some fresh air.

Marijuana and/or hashish have an oily smoke that sticks and lingers.

As to why the difference in marijuana smell ... I think it may be due to how it's grown. With all the raids that have taken place on crops hidden in forests, growers now take to abandoned warehouses, greenhouses, and other buildings to grow their crops indoors. These places consume vast amounts of electricity for greenhouse lamps, so every now and then the fire departments get called out when the whole works catches fire. Inside the buildings, crops are grown in a nutrient rich hydroponic bath, so it wouldn't surprise me if the taste and smell was different from the older crops grown in fields.

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On 11/3/2017 at 11:07 AM, TattleTeeny said:

Well, I had this week (albeit it was not relaxing). Next week, I have a mini-trip with a friend; we arranged this before I knew I was getting the boot, obviously (we're taking a train to DC to see an exhibit of dollhouses depicting famous murders!) and then I start on the 13th. I suppose a longer break would be nice, especially knowing the hard part is done, but on the other hand, my new insurance kicks in on my start date, so that's a plus. Commute is double what I am used to (ugh) but I have one work-from-home day per week (and I did not cancel my Sirius in a sudden, panicked fit of personal cutbacks so I'll get a better chunk on Howard on my drive!). Salary not quite what I am used to either (my former former boss was very appreciative of my work), but my severance more than fills that void.

And maybe I won't feel like garbage so many days a week now?

I really love the timing on this news--so perfect!

I am jealous that you are seeing the doll houses of death! I've always wanted to. And congratulations on the new job!

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2 hours ago, Random Noise said:

During my years as a paramedic, I always laughed at the people who thought popping a breath mint would cover up the fact they had been drinking or smoking marijuana, hash, or any combination of drugs.


Marijuana and/or hashish have an oily smoke that sticks and lingers.

And this is why I'm stunned when the cops say they "can't" smell my neighbor's pot when they come by half an hour later. It still reeks in the hallway outside his door.

It just hit me why the management company doesn't care about my neighbor smoking pot, and I have been blind to not realize it until now...he's not going to get his security deposit back!

He's an idiot for not realizing that or not caring. At least I will have a small amount of schadenfreude.

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50 minutes ago, bilgistic said:

And this is why I'm stunned when the cops say they "can't" smell my neighbor's pot when they come by half an hour later. It still reeks in the hallway outside his door.

It just hit me why the management company doesn't care about my neighbor smoking pot, and I have been blind to not realize it until now...he's not going to get his security deposit back!

He's an idiot for not realizing that or not caring. At least I will have a small amount of schadenfreude.

The cops can't smell it because they've gone "nose blind." 

The management company doesn't care, because other than telling them to stop there's not much they can do about it.  Evicting someone is a pain in the butt.  And, apparently they've figured out you're not going to leave over this.  Or, if you do, they'll be able to rent to someone else who doesn't mind the smell.

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And this is why I'm stunned when the cops say they "can't" smell my neighbor's pot when they come by half an hour later. It still reeks in the hallway outside his door.

Pot's not a thing like "asparagus-pee smell" or arsenic (meaning a genetic predisposition that allows one to smell it), right? Why the hell would someone not smell it?

Edited by TattleTeeny
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1 hour ago, TattleTeeny said:

Pot's not a thing like "asparagus-pee smell" or arsenic (meaning a genetic predisposition that allows one to smell it), right? Why the hell would someone not smell it?

I don't think I've ever encountered "asparagus-pee smell." Is that worse than the neighborhood stray that snuck in through my cat's door and sprayed in the kitchen?

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@bilgistic  Have you taken the can of Ozium (left anonymously at their doorstep) with a friendly note (stating that the smell is so strong for you, you are worried about their getting busted and that this might help) over there yet? There are also smokers candles. I have empathy for you and this being annoying. 

This is so wrong but I'll tell y'all it anyway since it wasn't me. I knew a nurse and a resident. They were on a rotation with a surgeon who disliked deodorant and was pungent. One night they snuck out to his vehicle. Took a whole fish, slid under his car and duct taped it to his exhaust pipe. A few days he brought up the awful smell that was coming from his car (but couldn't find the source of). As the conversation continued they slid in a few subtle snarks about people and a few other examples (so they wouldn't get pegged) who smelled poorly and couldn't care less if it caused discomfort (?) to the other people around them. To cut a long story short, he got a newer vehicle and began using antiperspirant. Wish you could have heard them tell this tale. It had me ROTFL. 

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I make a lot of asparagus -- well, maybe not a lot, but every couple of weeks or so -- and my BF always remarks about the pee smell, which I had always vaguely known about in theory. Anyway, I never noticed it when I peed so I wondered if maybe it was prominent to him because he doesn't drink as much water or generally eat as well as I do. Then I found out that you need to have a certain gene to smell it! Which is fascinating but so weirdly specific that I laughed and laughed for the rest of the night! I am operating at an asparagus disadvantage, you guys! Paired with my lack of enzyme to digest dairy, maybe I'd be a goner out in the wild, haha (you know, that really specific kind of wilderness where detecting recently eaten asparagus is the key to survival)! 

My subpar genetics do allow me to fold my tongue into a weird three-"petaled" thing though, so there's that.

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Asparagus is my favorite vegetable, and I eat a ton of it, despite the smell.  Interestingly enough, not only do you need a gene to produce the smell, you also need a different gene to perceive the smell.  So if you don't smell it, it could be that you don't produce the smell, or that you do and just can't smell it.  

And now the word "smell" looks funny.  

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Ohhhhhhhhhh! So it could be true that I do not produce it either? I bet I will never know! I mean, unless I ask for help, which seems a bit, well...hmmm. But he is my BF and surely this falls into his responsibilities as such?

You guys, can I add that I am kind of digging the completely unusual Sunday-afternoon atmosphere of NOT feeling, like, rushed in preparation for the workweek? I am by no means great at it (and am lucky that I will not become great at it, I guess), but I can sit here and drink too much coffee and watch some piled-up DVR stuff without feeling guilty!

Edited by TattleTeeny
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7 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

@bilgistic  Have you taken the can of Ozium (left anonymously at their doorstep) with a friendly note (stating that the smell is so strong for you, you are worried about their getting busted and that this might help) over there yet? There are also smokers candles. I have empathy for you and this being annoying.

No, because I'm not spending my limited funds to enable his rule-breaking. He's the idiot who continues to smoke. He seems to be smoking  near his entryway now, which means the smoke goes into both the hall and up to my entryway.

I'll bring all of this up to the management at my lease renewal time. I shouldn't have to pay a significant rent increase if they don't enforce the rules.

3 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

My subpar genetics do allow me to fold my tongue into a weird three-"petaled" thing though, so there's that.

I can roll mine and fold it over, but not petal it. I am jealous.

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1 hour ago, bilgistic said:

No, because I'm not spending my limited funds to enable his rule-breaking. He's the idiot who continues to smoke. He seems to be smoking  near his entryway now, which means the smoke goes into both the hall and up to my entryway.

I'll bring all of this up to the management at my lease renewal time. I shouldn't have to pay a significant rent increase if they don't enforce the rules.

It would be rather devious but really cool if you could convince a fire marshal to mount a smoke detector just outside your neighbors door for safety concerns.

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15 minutes ago, Random Noise said:

It would be rather devious but really cool if you could convince a fire marshal to mount a smoke detector just outside your neighbors door for safety concerns.

Then there would be bad smell and annoying noise.  And, you know they're going to smoke at 3 a.m.

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13 minutes ago, Random Noise said:

It would be rather devious but really cool if you could convince a fire marshal to mount a smoke detector just outside your neighbors door for safety concerns.

We do have them in the hallways, but it's never gone off. I have an extra one that I own (bought for old place) that I could mount with Velcro outside of his door.

OK, I need some advice, PTV hive mind. I told y'all I'm trying to sell my old TiVo. The guy who is "interested" (from Craigslist) and I have exchanged SEVEN emails with his relentless questions and four subsequent texts. I told him I was selling it because I upgraded last year to a refurbed newer model when there was a sale. I've gone down $25 in my asking price to $75. His last text asked me what the difference is in the model I'm selling and the one I have now...but he's "still interested".

I haven't yet responded. He's the only person who has shown solid interest so far, but this is ridiculous. I feel like telling him sarcastically that I am not Best Buy and he needs to do his own research. Am I wrong to think this is getting out of hand at this point and I should keep looking for another buyer? With the holidays creeping upon us, I am hopeful for more interest.

I would really just reply to him with, "I don't think this is going to work out."


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9 minutes ago, Katy M said:

Then there would be bad smell and annoying noise.  And, you know they're going to smoke at 3 a.m.

He smokes at 8pm, midnight and 5am (tho odor wakes me up). His adjacent neighbors would complain about the new alarm, which might prompt the management do finally do something. I may pursue this avenue, since it doesn't cost me anything.

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