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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,
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It probably depends on the intersection, the community and the expected behavior of drivers in the area.


Yup. I'm in North Jersey; you do what you gotta do!


I rarely dress up for Halloween any more. The boy is too old for me to go in my favorite costume: the mom who drinks Coke and eats all the child's candy.


Well...AGREE TO DISAGREE, ahahhahaaaaa! I just love Halloween so much that I get a bit too amped up sometimes. I'm 45.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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With regards to discussions boards, if others also post to disagree with Person A, they're "piling on" or "ganging up" on the bullying. Balls! Person A needs to accept that he/she has a minority viewpoint and stop being so damned butt hurt.



Or, or, If someone dares, dares to say something about a new host, that automatically means that that someone doesn't like change, is a "hater," and said new host can't "win for anything!"  And turns around to post about that someone in a passive/aggressive, shitty way. BUT, if that someone, Person A, agrees with Person B, then all is alright with the world. Because we should all LIKE the same things, right?


For instance, if you publish a book and it gets negative reviews from some readers - that's not bullying. You are not a victim. People are allowed to dislike something you put out there public consumption, and no one owes anyone constant praise and 5 star reviews. And you're not a victim of bullying if you ask someone to check out your blog and they say they didn't like it. SHEESH. Bullying is such a real and serious topic, I hate how the term has been co-opted.




Oh my goodness! You just reminded me about an author I used to read. And I have no problem saying who she is, because she was (don't know if she still is as I stopped reading her shortly after and not because she said I should) so fucking thin-skinned. And she was being...well, not I don't have the word.


Lori Foster.


First, about 10-15 years ago, someone on Amazon wrote a critical review of a book she'd just published. Meaning the reviewer didn't like it. Back then, in a Yahoo! Group, she posted, asking "everyone" to please go to Amazon and repudiate the reviewer and say how much we all loved the book, beause the reviewer was a big old meanie. 


First, I hadn't read the book yet, so I wasn't about to do that. Plus it was early days and I was a worse techno turd than I am now.


Then, when I got her backlist and read the first book in a series, there were a couple of things that didn't make sense narratively. That is things happened, but she didn't explain why they happened or how. Like, the heroine was driving and lost control of her car. She was driving as if being chased by a murderer. But I didn't know that, beause she never said in the first chapter, no less, why Heroine was speeding or who was chasing her. And she was in fear for her life. Why? Never explained.  I asked her. She gave some answeer about how it was a set up for the hero to find her slumped over the wheel, against the fence on his property. 


Me: Okay. fine. My thought. She didn't know. Whatever.


Then, when I read the next one, I asked ANOTHER plot hole question. Her response? And this is a direct quote:


"[my name], you seem to have a problem or issue with every one of my books. Maybe they're not for you, and you shouldn't read them anymore."


Yep. She said that. Well, I responded, that I didn't realize the group was only for those that would gush and say only positive things and that we weren't allowed to ask questions. And then I promptly left the group.


And then there's my all time fave author, Nora Roberts (who also writes as J.D. Robb in her In Death series), who had a thick skin, something authors should have if you're going to go in this business (paraphrasing), said the most awesomest thing and made me feel like I hadn't ripped off the wings of the specialistist of snowflakey butterflies, one Lori Foster:


I had just joined my first messageboard.  And there was a...Peeve thread! I went off on the actions of a supporting character in the In Death series, and dubbed her Nimrod, because she pissed me off. And I liked her in her first two appearances. Her name was Peabody. I totally went off. Hit "post" and then freaked out, because I'd totally forgotten that Nora posted on the board. I was like, "oh shit!" Because I had already met her a few times at her husband's book store at signings. She's a local author for me.


But here's what she said/posted in reply:

"Poor Nimrod. I mean, Peabody, lol." Yep. And then she went on to say, that the fact that the books got a reaction out of me, good or bad, meant that she was doing her job: Telling a good story that got readers invested. And I was and still am invested.  And explained why Peabody acted the way she did. Young, a rookie cop, the main character, Eve, was Nimrod's, excuse me, Peabody's hero, etc.  Not everyone was going to like EVERYTHING in her books, and it wasn't realistic to expect that of readers.


That is why I have such high expectations when I read her stuff. She set the bar high. And when she falls, I know I can critique it, and not get attacked or reamed for it. Because I'm not a sycophant.


Whew. I didn't realize this would be so long!

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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Along those lines, I often hate the phrase "agree to disagree." Sometimes people mean it in a good-natured, nice way, but it often seems to me that the person is passively aggressively saying, "You can disagree if you want, but you're still wrong." I think there are ways to end an argument without having to say that, and one of them is just to quit arguing.

Yeah, that's basically what I meant when I said it upthread. "Let's just realize that we disagree, and still respect/like each other and stop arguing."

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You people have some crazy powers. I finished reading all the posts about the religious folks preachin' the word on the street or at your door and, on my way to work this morning, what do I see but a guy handing out the little green Bibles. Guy asked me, "Do you have Jesus in your heart, young lady?" I just smiled and said, "no, thank you." he said, "You just have to say thank you and accept Him." 


Uh, I just said thank you. So, do I have Jesus in my heart now? Or does that only work if I take  a Bible?


Also, i have to say, it's weird as heck saying "no, thank you" to someone asking if I want to be saved or accept the Lord and Savior. I mean, I'm not turning down a second glass of lemonade or a free set of Ginsu knives. It just feels so weird.


That'll teach me to try to enjoy the birdsong and breeze of a first spring morning instead of listening to music. 



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What I do when the Jesus folks show up at my door, which is on a private road with a no trespassing sign at the bottom of the hill, is to ask for their address so I can knock on their door and tell them all about atheism.

Not to preach religion at anyone, but I've converted from atheism to Secular Humanism, the non-religion religion.  (this is after being raised a strict catholic)

It's based on the fact that though different religions differ on dogma, they are pretty much in agreement about morality and how to treat each other.  So, Secular Humanism focuses on being nice and respectful toward others.  Treat people well - but not because God will punish you, not because you want to go to heaven,  just because it's the right thing to do. Don't steal, lie, cheat, or hurt people.   There's no rules about attending church, or praying, no rules about what to eat drink or smoke,  there's no sense that God is watching you and keeping score.  It's as simple as  - maybe there is a god, maybe there isn't, we have no way to know.   But meanwhile, let's be nice to each other. Who can argue with that as a belief system?


I've raised two kids in this "religion"  and they turned out to be respectful, responsible, independent thinkers, with some measure of success and fantastic senses of humor. 

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I hate the phrase agree to disagree also. It just grates me when someone posts it, even if it isn't directed at me. And even if I like or agree with the poster. It's like the phrase is being force upon people.


When it comes to proposals to agree to disagree, I'm like Toby Zeigler [The West Wing]: "I don't like doing that." 


Of course there are many times it comes from a genuine place of, "We've thoroughly stated our cases and aren't going to change our minds, so we should probably just move on to other things now," but too often it's, "I don't want to talk about this anymore, so you can't either" just couched in nicer language.  If you're done, just stop talking.  Then the others can either state their remaining points - or look like an idiot by repeating the same ones over and over.  Their call, though, not yours.


This is undoubtedly influenced by seeing/hearing "we'll agree to disagree" spouted by way too many people who are not expressing a differing opinion, but arguing an incorrect fact.  No, no one should just "agree to disagree" when you're flat-out wrong.

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Not to preach religion at anyone, but I've converted from atheism to Secular Humanism, the non-religion religion.  (this is after being raised a strict catholic)

It's based on the fact that though different religions differ on dogma, they are pretty much in agreement about morality and how to treat each other.  So, Secular Humanism focuses on being nice and respectful toward others.  Treat people well - but not because God will punish you, not because you want to go to heaven,  just because it's the right thing to do. Don't steal, lie, cheat, or hurt people.   There's no rules about attending church, or praying, no rules about what to eat drink or smoke,  there's no sense that God is watching you and keeping score.  It's as simple as  - maybe there is a god, maybe there isn't, we have no way to know.   But meanwhile, let's be nice to each other. Who can argue with that as a belief system?


I've raised two kids in this "religion"  and they turned out to be respectful, responsible, independent thinkers, with some measure of success and fantastic senses of humor. 

I never really thought about there being a name for it, but this is pretty much me.

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I never really thought about there being a name for it, but this is pretty much me.

Yeah, I came across it accidentally and was intrigued.   SO I used "secular humanism"  as the religion I was raising my kids in when I came across criticism from friends and family who told me that without religion, my kids would have no morals to direct their behavior. 


my pet peeve about religion has always been when people think that attending a church service makes them superior to those who don't attend services.  SInce I grew up in a church that looked the other way when men leading church services committed crimes against children, I don't see the connection between going to church and being a good person.

Not to diminish anyone else's belief systems, I just hold behavior toward others as a higher value than belief in a higher power.

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Lori Foster.

First, about 10-15 years ago, someone on Amazon wrote a critical review of a book she'd just published. Meaning the reviewer didn't like it. Back then, in a Yahoo! Group, she posted, asking "everyone" to please go to Amazon and repudiate the reviewer and say how much we all loved the book, beause the reviewer was a big old meanie. 


And was she sixteen years old at the time? Yeesh.


 Guy asked me, "Do you have Jesus in your heart, young lady?"


"Not since my doctor prescribed beta blockers!" :)

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And was she sixteen years old at the time? Yeesh.



I had to wonder? But nope, she was in her early 30's. I think.  And what she did was "beg" her fans to go and say wonderrrrful posts about the book. GAG.


In this internet age, I've been fortunate to meet ALL of my favorite authors in person. Thanks to book signings at Nora's husband's store, able to "talk" to them on that first messageboard, and now on Face Book as well.  There was only one other author, who I had emailed, to tell her that I wasn't happy with the way her first anthology in a series in a romance book, didn't have a happy ending. I never got a response back.  Anyhoo, I can tell, when I meet them, whether they are open to how their fans/readers really feel, good and bad, or just want to hear good things.


I know that when I was at a book signing for another author (one I don't read anymore because she's given happy ever afters to characters that were sadistic, murderous villains and deserve to suffer and not get happy endings, and the TORTURE, and retconning of history, but she's a sweet person), she did a Q&A, and was talking about a minor character in this one series. I was blanking on who he was, and whispered to my friend, "who's Bill?" And when she reminded me, I said "that asshole?" And Asshole was heard by EVERYONE because author had paused to ask if anyone else had a question. Boy, you know the saying "You could hear a pin drop?" And I tried to see if I could fall through the floor, I was so embarrassed.  But author laughed and asked me to expand.  And I did. And the world did NOT end.  This was in New Jersey 10 years ago. Then the following year, she was in Virginia, which isn't that far, and I went to see her again.  I was disgusted to learn that another character, who had such potential in the same series, was going to get his own set of anthology stories.  Disgusted because he was now a whining little hypocritical douche, who blamed the one character, whose story everyone, including me, had been wanting to read, for something that happened, which led to his current circumstances. Conveniently forgetting it was his OWN fucking actions that resulted in his current circumstance. Anyhoo, when she revealed this bit, I said to her, "Why doesn't Nick just DIE?"  The whole room gasped in horror. I just rolled my eyes.  Later when I went to get my book signed, she signed it to "[my name], one of my toughest and honest fan!" She told me she loved that I was so honest in my opinions about her books and characters.  And I do love most of them in this series.  I'm still waiting for the story of THE ONE I got a glimpse of in an early anthology, but nothing yet. At this point, I don't know if she could do him justice.


I guess my long and rambling point is, I'm not always right. But I appreciate that of the authors I still read, they all want to hear what I honestly think about the stories they've written. Or if they don't want to know, don't treat me like shit because I'm not salivating over every single word in every single book.

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What I do when the Jesus folks show up at my door, which is on a private road with a no trespassing sign at the bottom of the hill, is to ask for their address so I can knock on their door and tell them all about atheism.

That usually works but when they persist, I remind them that they're trespassing and close the door.

Depending on my mood, I will tell the Jesus folks that I am an atheist (which is the truth), which seems to shock their delicate sensibilities because they look at me as if I have just announced that I am from another planet. If I am in a mood to mess with their minds, I tell them that I am a druid and worship trees and grass, and that when they cut across the lawn, they were walking on something sacred and have offended me. They generally leave very quickly at that point.


I respect that people have different belief systems. But when people show up uninvited on my doorstep and try to shove their beliefs down my throat, I have no obligation to listen to them. I grew up in a Christian household and the church my family attended did visitation, but it was to church members who were sick or had specifically requested a visit. The idea of doing cold calls in person for religion just seems very weird to me and is something I find very annoying.

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This puts me in mind of Michael Jackson. Can you imagine? From LaToya's autobiography:


"Michael and I were very active in the Jehovah's Witness faith. ... Five days a week the two of us and Mother studied the Bible at home and attended the Kingdom Hall. ... Every morning Michael and I witnessed, knocking on doors around Los Angeles, spreading the word of Jehovah. ... As my brother's fame grew, he had to don convincing disguises, like a rubber fat suit he bought years later."

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A couple of pages back, we had a discussion of turning left at intersections.   I had to do some driving in less-populated areas this past week, and I thought of you guys.  So now I get it.

I'm used to intersections with a streetlight.   If you want to turn left, and the light is green, you pull straight  into the intersection and wait until it's clear.   if the light turns red before you can get through, you can still complete the turn.  But if you DON'T pull into the intersection on green, you can't turn.


BUT - at an intersection with no light -  if you pull forward and can't turn - you screw up traffic.  people on the cross street can't get through.  With no light, you have to wait until the way is clear in all directions before you move at all.  

I think there was a lot of misunderstanding, because we were talking about two different scenarios. 

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Today's peeve is traffic related -- first, let me say I don't mean to offend any of you who drive luxury cars (some of my relatives do) -- my peeve is drivers of luxury cars who act as if everyone is supposed to get out of their way and give them all the lanes. 


I feel the same way about people in massive SUVs/trucks.  Not all, obviously, just the ones who act like they own the road.  I knew a woman who had an old Bronco that had been "lifted" and she used to brag about how she forced people out of her way because they were afraid she would hit them.

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I had to wonder? But nope, she was in her early 30's. I think.  And what she did was "beg" her fans to go and say wonderrrrful posts about the book.


You've given me a new hobby - going through the customer reviews on Amazon and looking for the ones she responded to. My favorite so far: Wow, sorry you didn't like it. I hope the next author you choose serves you better. LOL


I feel the same way about people in massive SUVs/trucks.  Not all, obviously, just the ones who act like they own the road.  I knew a woman who had an old Bronco that had been "lifted" and she used to brag about how she forced people out of her way because they were afraid she would hit them.


Okay, I'll fess up: when we rented a giant SUV for a road trip I loved feeling like I could blow away everyone else if I wanted to change lanes. Not that I did. But it was a great feeling. Comin' through, assholes!

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Not to preach religion at anyone, but I've converted from atheism to Secular Humanism, the non-religion religion.  (this is after being raised a strict catholic)

It's based on the fact that though different religions differ on dogma, they are pretty much in agreement about morality and how to treat each other.  So, Secular Humanism focuses on being nice and respectful toward others.  Treat people well - but not because God will punish you, not because you want to go to heaven,  just because it's the right thing to do. Don't steal, lie, cheat, or hurt people.   There's no rules about attending church, or praying, no rules about what to eat drink or smoke,  there's no sense that God is watching you and keeping score.  It's as simple as  - maybe there is a god, maybe there isn't, we have no way to know.   But meanwhile, let's be nice to each other. Who can argue with that as a belief system?


I've raised two kids in this "religion"  and they turned out to be respectful, responsible, independent thinkers, with some measure of success and fantastic senses of humor. 


And how many people have been murdered in the name of a religion that prohibits murder..


Amy Farah Fowler /Big Bang Theory,: "Im baffled by the notion of a God who takes attendance."  :-)

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But when someone does that to me, cutting in sharply, I have a quick trigger that I have to control because maybe the jackass has a knife or a gun.


We just had a story about a woman who was shot because she honked her horn at someone who cut her off. And the news reporter said that maybe it was a better idea not to honk "just in case." Um...WTH? That's your solution? Don't use your horn as intended to try to prevent an accident because some jack*ss can't handle others pointing out that s/he's doing something wrong? Ho-kay. Society is imploding. Git off my lawn.


Also, I really wish people knew what to do when an emergency vehicle appears. Yes, you do, in fact, STOP and pull over to the right. You do not slow down and look around in confusion. "Who, me? I should be fine just slowing down.They can get around me if we all just kind of brake a little." Jeebus, I hope you and/or your family never experiences delayed emergency service because of the speds who can't be bothered to actually let the vehicle through.

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You've given me a new hobby - going through the customer reviews on Amazon and looking for the ones she responded to. My favorite so far: Wow, sorry you didn't like it. I hope the next author you choose serves you better. LOL


Shut up! Please tell me this is an old review and she's still not saying shit like this!

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And how many people have been murdered in the name of a religion that prohibits murder..


Amy Farah Fowler /Big Bang Theory,: "Im baffled by the notion of a God who takes attendance."  :-)

I like that.

Meanwhile, I have two siblings  and their spouses who have this superiority about how THEIR kids went through communion and confirmation, and attend church , etc.

BUT - these are my siblings who take advantage of their employers, using  company cars and cellphone plans for their kids to use, help themselves to company property, take additional  jobs where they get paid under the table to avoid paying taxes, lie about their income, lie about running businesses out of their home, etc etc. 

Yeah - you're better than me because you go to church, OK, that makes sense.  for that one hour a week that you're actually in church - for THAT hour, you're better than me.  But the rest of the time - nope.

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I'm fairly mild-mannered when driving, but cutting me off definitely pushes my buttons. Today I was on the Interstate, which I very rarely am, so was feeling a bit jangly to start with. It was windy and my RAV4 was getting buffeted a bit. I was in the far right lane of a 3-lane highway and had my cruise control set to 65 (speed limit is 70). So of course the cars behind me ran up my ass, then changed to the middle lane to go around. All well and good, until they then cut back in the slow lane about 15' in front of me. Folks, just because there's room to do that doesn't mean you should!


I also had to travel along a single lane state highway that's posted at 55, but which has stop lights and residential and business driveways that feed into it, and therefore has cars turning left and right. I think 55 is far too fast for that type of road, but if I go slower, I'm impeding all the traffic behind me.


This is why when I leave my residential 40-sq mile community with its max speed of 35 mph, someone else drives.

Edited by lordonia
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I have to confess I cut someone off the other day. I did not see the car, which was in my blind spot. He honked and then drove up next to me and yelled and gestured over his kid. I tried to look apologetic, but I don't know a universal signal for "I'm sorry. I was stupid."

Then he put on his blinker and looked like he was going to cut in front of me, so I hit my brakes so he could. Then he didn't and got stuck in that lane at the light, so I turned and drove home another way.

I hate when people do that to me, and I am usually very careful not to do it myself. I just didn't see him.

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OK, here's one. Folks at reception desks refusing to address any point made by telling those making objections 'e-mail your point to blah-blah-blah' and then getting zero response whatsoever from 'blah blah blah' address. I'm talking not even a 'thanks for writing us' courtesy e-mail, I'm talking ZERO response. If the receptionist doesn't want to acknowledge or consider a dissenting but rational and non-profane POV, why not just tell me 'Don't bother saying anything to me or writing anyone because no one here cares or will attempt to do anything about it!' instead of wasting my time? For that matter, what's the point of having receptionists or e-mail addresses if they refuse to even make the slightest attempt to reply to those with legit issues?

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For that matter, what's the point of having receptionists or e-mail addresses if they refuse to even make the slightest attempt to reply to those with legit issues?

Oh, honey.  That really IS the point of receptionists.  They're not there to answer questions, they're there to deflect questions from the assholes who are responsible for the problems.

Edited by ratgirlagogo
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I have to confess I cut someone off the other day.


I cut someone off in a parking lot today.   I was stopped at one of the aisles and  I saw a car in the main aisle going out of the parking lot.  He paused, and I thought he was stopping to let me out, so I pulled out. Then I hear him honking loudly behind me, then pull up next to me at the exit and shout at me "Are you drunk?"  I wasn't trying to cut him off, I really thought he was stopping so I could pull in.  I really didn't like him honking and yelling at me like that.  I'm just glade he was headed in the opposite direction I was so I didn't have him next to me on the road.   

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I really didn't like him honking and yelling at me like that. I'm just glad he was headed in the opposite direction I was so I didn't have him next to me on the road.   


So true! If I've pulled some bone-headed move and know I was wrong, I will do anything to avoid the other driver if we're going the same direction. Like, slow down and inch along in the right lane for a while until I'm sure the other car is well ahead. If that's not possible, I hunch down in my seat, pull my shoulders up, and stare straight ahead. Too embarrassing!

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My current pet peeve: Mother freaking Nature. My lungs are coated with pollen like everything else in the state. The only thing worse than pollen and the itchiness all over my body that it causes is the bugs. Bees. Ants. Things with too many legs. Spring is bad enough and then summer begins and it's miserably hot and humid and there are even more bugs. I mean, spring is pretty and I love seeing all the trees and flowers...or as much as I can see out my swollen, itchy eyes...but I don't want to be covered in pollen myself or have insects on me. Or near me. Stay outside, you horrid creatures or face my wrath. And broom. Summing up: fuck you, Mother Nature.

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I will probably regret typing this, but I was thinking the other day that it hasn't been as pollen-crazy here (Charlotte, NC) so far this year as it has in previous years. The weather has been bananas this spring. It was in the 80s today and 50s last week.

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My current pet peeve: Mother freaking Nature. My lungs are coated with pollen like everything else in the state. The only thing worse than pollen and the itchiness all over my body that it causes is the bugs. Bees. Ants. Things with too many legs. Spring is bad enough and then summer begins and it's miserably hot and humid and there are even more bugs. I mean, spring is pretty and I love seeing all the trees and flowers...or as much as I can see out my swollen, itchy eyes...but I don't want to be covered in pollen myself or have insects on me. Or near me. Stay outside, you horrid creatures or face my wrath. And broom. Summing up: fuck you, Mother Nature.

I hear you, although my allergies haven't been too bad since I moved out of the SF Bay Area. I still get occasional sneezes & watery eyes, but not the all-out nasal assaults that I used to have. Must have been the smog.


I don't mind the bugs so much. It's the rattlesnakes that annoy me. Especially during the spring, when the newborns, which don't have rattles yet, are out and about.

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I will probably regret typing this, but I was thinking the other day that it hasn't been as pollen-crazy here (Charlotte, NC) so far this year as it has in previous years. The weather has been bananas this spring. It was in the 80s today and 50s last week.


I hear you too. Our Dr told us we are in the "allergy capital"  of the US.. Yikes.


And the temps... we had a wind chill of 10. the next day it was 67. no really....

Edited by ari333
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It's the rattlesnakes that annoy me. Especially during the spring, when the newborns, which don't have rattles yet, are out and about.

This brings back some bad memories. One of the reasons I sold my former house was the influx of snakes, which is what happens when you buy a house on the very edge of a suburb next to an undeveloped area, which then gets developed and the snakes and so forth are displaced. In the course of one year, I had a snake get into my house three different times. Then my yard guy told me that when he was clearing out my next door neighbors' yard, he found an entire nest of baby rattlesnakes. I was at Lowes or Home Depot buying the large economy size of Snake Away when I had an epiphany, which was essentially looking at my cart with the snake repellent in it and realizing there was something wrong with that picture. My cat had caught one of the snakes, a nonpoisonous one, thank goodness, in the garage and brought it into the main part of the house, and I was tired of having to keep my bedroom door locked at night from the fear that the cat would repeat the snake-catching feat and come drop a snake onto my bed while I was asleep.

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When it comes to proposals to agree to disagree, I'm like Toby Zeigler [The West Wing]: "I don't like doing that." 


Of course there are many times it comes from a genuine place of, "We've thoroughly stated our cases and aren't going to change our minds, so we should probably just move on to other things now," but too often it's, "I don't want to talk about this anymore, so you can't either" just couched in nicer language.  If you're done, just stop talking.  Then the others can either state their remaining points - or look like an idiot by repeating the same ones over and over.  Their call, though, not yours.


This is undoubtedly influenced by seeing/hearing "we'll agree to disagree" spouted by way too many people who are not expressing a differing opinion, but arguing an incorrect fact.  No, no one should just "agree to disagree" when you're flat-out wrong.

I've tried to use the phrase sparingly, and only in cases where I and the other poster have both stated our opinions and neither is going to convince the other that his/her opinion is wrong.  For me, it's a polite way to disengage without looking like a hit-and-run troll.  I hoped I've never used it when I was arguing about provable facts, though.

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In certain forums, for certain tv shows especially, the disagreements go around and around and around like a merry-go-round.  No one gets anywhere, they just keep riding.  When that happens, the only thing that works, IMO, is "agree to disagree" and "mileage varies".

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To be honest, I'm not sure if I've annoyed or amused by it, but I think I have sign somewhere on my person inviting checkout clerks to comment on my purchases in the most inappropriate way possible, because I feel like this happens to me more than the average person.


A couple months ago, I had a check out guy loudly announce everything I bought while putting in the bag (along with a dumb pun to go along with most of the items), including the brand and style of UNDERWEAR I was buying.  I'm sure everyone in that particular Target that day really was interested in the fact I prefer hi-cuts. 


Yesterday, I stopped in a drug store to pick up a couple things, including razors.  The girl at the counter mentions she should try them (I assume the particular brand not razors in general) because she owns practically every hair removal device/technique and then she lists the ones she uses(ed) including Nair.  Just to make polite conversation (so this is really my own fault) I say that can't use Nair because I break out in a rash on my legs when I use it.  The girl then says, "Oh I just use it," and then she points either to her back or possibly her ass I'm not sure which and I don't want to be, "back there because it's awkward for me to try to wax  there."  Why oh why would you tell a stranger that? Why did she think I would want to know that?  I just stood there trying not to look too horrified while she finished ringing me up.


I've also had a teller, tell me I was, "Free to go," after handing me my receipt.  Oh goody I thought I was being held hostage in a CVS.  I really think I might have a sign that only people who work at checkout lines can read!


If I do have a sign on me, I think I really need to replace it with, "Please don't comment on my purchases.  Just scan them and put them in the bag.  If you must talk to me, we can talk about the weather."  Though I imagine they'll be some that manage to make the weather creepy too.

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Normally I am very annoyed by the people on their cellphones while checking out, but I strongly advise you to always be on your cellphone to avoid these overly chatty cashiers.  Yikes!


ETA:  An actual pet peeve - My cat gets very peeved if I get an excessive amount of text notifications in the morning or if I don't get up when my alarm goes off.  The past couple of days we have received various flash flood alerts and school closing texts and the cat gets super pissy about the extra disruptions to the sleep schedule.  And if my alarm goes off and I don't get up as usual (because several of those disruptive texts were about no school for the day), he's highly agitated.  It isn't even food since I tend to feed him when it is convenient for me (my small effort to establish "You're not the boss of me").

Edited by DeLurker
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I always seem to get the cashiers at Trader Joe's that comment on my purchases. "Wow, you REALLY like those frozen pizzas!" "Are those chocolate bars good?" "Kitties sure seem to like our cardboard scratchers! Let us know how it goes with yours!"

Leave me alone with my sad single lady purchases!

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I remember being 10 or 11 and going out to eat with my Mom at a Shoney's. I ordered mac & cheese as a side and the waitress decided to make a snide comment about how much starch it had in it. My Mom told her if I ordered mac & cheese then that was what that waitress was going to be bringing to our table. That was the first time I had ever encountered a waitress/waiter who thought it was their place to critique a customer's food choices. 

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I always seem to get the cashiers at Trader Joe's that comment on my purchases. "Wow, you REALLY like those frozen pizzas!" "Are those chocolate bars good?" "Kitties sure seem to like our cardboard scratchers! Let us know how it goes with yours!"

Leave me alone with my sad single lady purchases!

The TJ cashiers all seem to be chatty so I think it is the norm there.  Probably a job requirement.

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I bought some Kraft shredded cheese earlier this week for tacos.  When we opened the bag to get some out, my son noticed that some of the cheese was moldy so we ate cheeseless tacos.


I just called the Kroger where I bought it at to tell them, thinking they might want to check the other bags in that batch.  The customer service rep could only fixate on giving me a replacement or refund.  She did not even ask what brand, type or any other identifying info that would be on the package.

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I bought some Kraft shredded cheese earlier this week for tacos.  When we opened the bag to get some out, my son noticed that some of the cheese was moldy so we ate cheeseless tacos.

This is the real tragedy in this story.

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ETA:  An actual pet peeve - My cat gets very peeved if I get an excessive amount of text notifications in the morning or if I don't get up when my alarm goes off. 


That's because cats reserve the right to be the only lazy members of the household. Your job is to serve, not lie about in bed all day. Sheesh. Humans.


I used to do my best to avoid one particular Safeway checkout dude who thought he was god's gift to the Food Police and could not refrain from making snide judgements about women's purchases, particularly anything vegetarian or diet-related. I say women's purchases because I never once saw him do that to a man in line. We tell people we moved for work, but honestly I just wanted to get away from that Safeway.

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