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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,
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Maybe Elton was having a bad night. I saw him a few years ago and it was great. Got chills so many times.

I also saw Alison Krauss and Robert Plant together. Robert didn't talk much at all- he just went crazy on the music. My takeaway is he's a bad ass because oh the stories he could tell. But he just wanted to play.

Conversely I find Dave Matthews never shuts the hell up.

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Rubber gloves.


I hate using gloves - my hands get sweaty, I can't properly feel what I'm working on, etc. - so I only do it with particularly caustic substances.  But I'm off today to take care of a bunch of long-delayed little projects, one of which involves TSP (the real stuff, which the EPA will pry out of my cold, dead hands because once every blue moon there is something for which only TSP will do).  So I dutifully put on a pair of gloves, and was annoyed within minutes.  Dishwashing gloves, disposable surgical gloves, thin plastic lunch lady gloves ... I don't care what kind of glove it is, it bugs me.


Thank you. 



I hear you on the gloves vs TSP hatred.  My solution is to put TSP and water in a spray bottle, soak the surface with it and scrub with a brush, sponge or whatever is appropriate with a long handle. My hands never touch the TSP, hence no gloves needed.



Okay, I'm clueless.  What's TSP?

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Trisodium phosphate, a rather caustic chemical that cleans grease, grime, etc. You really should use it to scrub any surface before painting.  I'm sure there is some "green" alternative, but I doubt it works as well.

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Trisodium phosphate, a rather caustic chemical that cleans grease, grime, etc. You really should use it to scrub any surface before painting.  I'm sure there is some "green" alternative, but I doubt it works as well.


Aha - thank you.  We could use a 55-gallon drum of that at my place. 

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There's a good reason GBS doesn't tour anymore.....

One of my hobbies is travelling to see my favourite artists perform.

I know why. But it's still sad. Lots of good memories with good friends over more than a decade.

I used to do that too. But I'm old and gimpy now. Mostly gimpy. Hah. Now I stay local.

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The only band that ever really solved the recording/singing/dancing at the concert problem was the Grateful Dead.  At every show they had the floor (either the whole thing, or some part of it) reserved for the dancers (and singalongers). Anyone who didn't feel like getting twirled into could go over to the sides -  where the seats were. And one section was always reserved for the Tapers, who could bring in even professional level recording equipment if they felt like it, and could stand as still as statues in their own section without, like, you know, harshing everybody elses' buzz.


Seriously it's such a great solution I don't know why more musical acts don't do the same.

Edited by ratgirlagogo
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Because the iPad, phone and GoPro-recording crowd would complain that they paid [so they can be obnoxious assholes]. I wish bands (especially local/small venue) would ban any but pro pre-arranged recording. Every other person doing it REALLY rains on my nice time out at the show. The band members don't look too happy about it either. I think in the recent case of the show I attended, they just put up with the one guy's kid.

Edited by bilgistic
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A new pet peeve...

Without getting political, it chaps my ass when certain family members post ignorant shit on Facebook about the horrible attacks in Paris.

You know what, family member(s)? You weren't there, details still aren't clear at this early point, and generalizing about a huge group of people is bigoted, racist, classist and just disgusting, and makes me seriously question whether I want to spend time with you in the future.

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A new pet peeve...

Without getting political, it chaps my ass when certain family members post ignorant shit on Facebook about the horrible attacks in Paris.

You know what, family member(s)? You weren't there, details still aren't clear at this early point, and generalizing about a huge group of people is bigoted, racist, classist and just disgusting, and makes me seriously question whether I want to spend time with you in the future.

My thoughts exactly!

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But what is a peeve?  Expecting me to look at all gazillion photographs.  Just the highlight reel, please.

OMFG! Please don't ask me to look at the multiple pictures of your vacation/children/pets/cousin's wedding reception unless I ask to see them. If I do care about your experience, I'd much rather listen to you tell me a memorable story about it.

Edited by topanga
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Weird thing to happen- ever since your mullet retail I'd not stopped laughing. Developed a crush if you will. I swear I thought you were a guy from pic


Awwww. I kind of have a crush on most folks here, because PTV is full of awesome users and mods, so right back atcha! :) 

Btw the guy in my pic is the wonderful and talented Ray Wise, who I hope to never meet because I would just stand there grinning at him, all starstruck and moony-eyed, until he got scared and called security.


Without getting political, it chaps my ass when certain family members post ignorant shit on Facebook about the horrible attacks in Paris.


Oh lordy, I'll cosign on this peeve! THANK GOD we don't have to be with my husband's family this Thanksgiving. Yeesh.

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Yeah, FB is a BIG Pet Peeve.....annoying. WAYYYYY TOO Transparent. All these Family Members too that eventually *FIND* You {yeah, You Love Them, but, well, You-Know-Whut-I-Mean}..... =:O

Every-GD-Body knowing your bidness {where You commented/what You posted where/etc.}.....

Way Too Many Intentionally-Dense Idiots/Trolls for me to EVER possibly 'BLOCK' them all..... >_<

ANOTHER PET PEEVE: Self-Proclaimed "college students" who pretentiously say they are studying to be Lawyers/Prosecutors {yet they have THE *WORST* GRAMMAR EVER! =:o } .


PET LOVE: The Weather finally being cold-enough for me to eat mah grubbage Straight From A Hot Pot/Pan....... XD


Incense. Coffee. Dancing. Herby Smells, heh, heh..... >;)




Edited by RodLu
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Sorry to burst your bubble glowlights but he wouldn't even notice you because he would be too busy with me sitting on his lap while we come up with devious plans.


You get your filthy squash out of his lap! Ray will be mine. MINE, I tell you! (Dear Ray: xoxoxoxo)


Rodlu, I know what you mean about family trying to stalk on FB. I don't use personal social media accounts so I just tell family I'm not on FB or Twitter. But that doesn't stop the emails. Oh, the emails....

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I must be the only female in America who doesn't think Clooney is good looking. He does nothing for me in the least. I liked him as Booker on Roseanne but I've never found him attractive.


George Clooney is alright. Brad Pitt is the one I never found attractive, unlike ever other woman in existence.


Ray Wise is on Young and the Restless now, yes?  I think I recognize him from when my mom watches the show.  

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Rodlu, I know what you mean about family trying to stalk on FB. I don't use personal social media accounts so I just tell family I'm not on FB or Twitter. But that doesn't stop the emails. Oh, the emails....

Heh, heh, glowlights.....Bombarding Overloadage? ;)

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Keeping with FB, but more geared towards friends...

I am sick of being lectured to by my friends via FB*. We're friends for a reason. We probably already know each other's views. We probably agree, but if we don't we know we won't change each other's minds. So why all the political and social commentary and directives in their FB posts? Does it make them feel better? superior? in an "I understand the world" way? or in a "Look at how aware I am" way? Or asked another, kinder, way: What are they hoping to accomplish?

And if we don't know each other's views, we probably aren't close, and then don't really care what the other thinks or may skip past it or FB may take care of that already with their algorithms and we won't see it anyway.  So again, what are they trying to accomplish?

* And no, they are not singling me out, tagging me or posting to my timeline, it's just their posts in general. Flooding the newstream with all their "points".

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* And no, they are not singling me out, tagging me or posting to my timeline, it's just their posts in general. Flooding the newstream with all their "points".

This is a rough one for me as well. At some point I can only take so much ranting and raving about why football and especially youth football should be banned, why FOX News/MSNBC is not fair and balanced, and why President Obama has/hasn't done a good job with the economy/foreign policy. I cut a lot of slack to some of them who are my very best friends and are genuinely good people, but I've been known to chime in on the 23rd consecutive item about the same thing.  


Because I so rarely do so, I do at least get a response that might be something other than the 24th consecutive telling of the same point.  And I do understand that often my friends are simply firing back at people who are flooding their newstreams with the opposite point.  And I suppose the fact that they are my friends is why I just ignore them.

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I think I've unfollowed about 70% of my Facebook friends. Just so much crappy likes (both unamusing "funny" likes and just plain ignorant ones). I barely "Like" anything anymore since those started to show up on feeds. I miss the time when you could follow and like stuff privately and just see status updates and links my friends posted, not the thousand links themselves like.

Now that most of them is on mute I can just check the ones I'm still interested in occasionally to see what I've missed. Rarely have I missed anything.

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Okay, here's a pet peeve that got pinged big time last night: people who go to book signings and expect the author (who is on a grinding tour and is meeting literally (ha!) hundreds of readers every day, one right after the other for hours on end) to not only be their best friend, confidante, ego-stroker and emotional validator, but to know the exact right thing to say to every fan. For fuck's sake, people. You like the book, you don't know the author, and the author is under no obligation to be the person you have imagined him or her to be in your silly little head because you thought the cover price of a book was the cover price of admission to that author's life. GAH. I mean, if you looooove the author sooooo muuuuuuch why not give them a break and not be a whiny, needy asshole when what they really need is a cup of tea and a rest? My god. Boundaries: Learn 'em, live 'em, love 'em. Also: therapy. Preferably in-patient.



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glowlights, I get where you're coming from but I have witnessed some meet and greet events with musicians for which the fans pay literally hundreds of dollars.  For that kind of money, I would want my rock god to come to my house and sing to me while his producer cooks us dinner.

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I think I've unfollowed about 70% of my Facebook friends. Just so much crappy likes (both unamusing "funny" likes and just plain ignorant ones). I barely "Like" anything anymore since those started to show up on feeds. I miss the time when you could follow and like stuff privately and just see status updates and links my friends posted, not the thousand links themselves like.

Now that most of them is on mute I can just check the ones I'm still interested in occasionally to see what I've missed. Rarely have I missed anything.

That is my biggest pet peeve about Facebook and why I don't use it much.

I don't need my real life friends knowing I liked a post about one of the Teen Moms or that I argued with somebody over pitbulls on the Pit Bulls and Parolees page! I don't want people knowing I do those things. Lol.

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er...um...I feel stupid posting my latest pet peeve (I kept forgetting it) after y'all's rants about facebook (good ranting!) but...hey, I really dislike it when I'm getting my hair washed at the salon and the shampooer sez to me: "How's the temperature" AFTER she's scalded my scalp.  I'll go back to lurkdom now and be quiet ;>)

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This is a rough one for me as well. At some point I can only take so much ranting and raving about why football and especially youth football should be banned, why FOX News/MSNBC is not fair and balanced, and why President Obama has/hasn't done a good job with the economy/foreign policy. I cut a lot of slack to some of them who are my very best friends and are genuinely good people, but I've been known to chime in on the 23rd consecutive item about the same thing.  


Because I so rarely do so, I do at least get a response that might be something other than the 24th consecutive telling of the same point.  And I do understand that often my friends are simply firing back at people who are flooding their newstreams with the opposite point.  And I suppose the fact that they are my friends is why I just ignore them.

If they were at least writing their own rants, I would be less annoyed. Probably 95 percent are just sharing someone else's picture post. I still might not agree, but at least come up with your own thoughts.

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er...um...I feel stupid posting my latest pet peeve (I kept forgetting it) after y'all's rants about facebook (good ranting!) but...hey, I really dislike it when I'm getting my hair washed at the salon and the shampooer sez to me: "How's the temperature" AFTER she's scalded my scalp. I'll go back to lurkdom now and be quiet ;>)

Everyone's peeves are important!

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My favorite quote from a guy who was having a conversation with a talk show host. He had his own grass cutting business, supported his family with that job. He said he cut each yard with his own lawnmowers by himself.  He didn't want rich people to not be rich because he said "poor people don't pay to have their grass cut". 


I guess money depends on how you look at it, to me.

Hm.....well, I suppose a recent reported example of what I mean might be something like A Certain Famous Celebrity recently sportin' new SweatPants that only cost but a mere $900-sump'n dollahs, stewedsquash.....

Stuff Like That that sometimes instantly gets Cynicalass Grumpyass Cat Me to automatically-think {and guiltily-relish periodically Dripping Some Venom, I freely-admit, heh} Stuff Like This:


"Hmph...I Wonder How Many Hungry Kids That Sum Might Feed?" 

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If they were at least writing their own rants, I would be less annoyed. Probably 95 percent are just sharing someone else's picture post. I still might not agree, but at least come up with your own thoughts.

So much this.  I grew up in a house where the dinner table talk often defaulted to historical battles & strategy and politics (dinner was not my favorite meal of the day).  But my brothers and my Dad knew their shit, even if they did not interpret it the same way and the boys would be quick to pounce on another's inaccuracy or misstatement of fact.  They never convinced each other to change their view point, but they had solid data behind them and constructed great arguments in support of their position (or to discredit a differing one).


If I wanted to see what some talking head or politician said about so&so, I would watch it on my own tv.  Or pc.  Or smartphone.  Or any of the other 1,000 places I could access it.  I don't need (nor want) to be sent a link to it or read it in your social media profile when all I want there is to see pictures of your kids/cats/dogs.

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On the same lines, a co-worker recently sent an email (on the work email) to everyone in our division with a link to a video of Ellen Degeneres' response to the Starbucks red cup/Christmas thing. In the email, the co-worker said something like, "She nailed it!" I didn't follow the link (because I didn't care about the red cup thing, I hate Starbucks anyway, and I don't give a crap what Ellen Degeneres -- or any other celebrity -- really thinks about almost anything). I did send an email back (replying all so she couldn't spin what I said) politely asking her not to send anything like that to me again and thank you. Her response was, "I thought it was funny." (She also replied all because she doesn't know that you don't have to do that. I swear she replies all every time to every email she gets. It drives us crazy.)


I wanted, but did not, tell her that it didn't matter if she thought it was funny. I didn't object because I was offended (especially since I didn't watch it) but because I got it on my work email. I just thought it was inappropriate to be sending stuff like that on work email -- especially because we work for a government agency.


But she crosses the line all the time. I've been in rooms when she and others start talking (on work time, in the workplace) about how they voted, how awful the other political party is, how awful certain elected state officials are, how they can't believe anyone voted for them, etc. -- all things that are highly inappropriate for government workers in the workplace. I've never wanted to tell her I voted for those elected officials. I'm about to change my political registration, I think, and I'm sort of looking forward to the next time she does that telling her that I must not have received my evil card when I registered. If they do it again, my husband said I should tell HR to start establishing a hostile workplace.

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I am peeved that because I decline to open a Facebook or Twitter account due in part to the many, many issues listed here, it is becoming increasingly difficult to enjoy verbal intercourse with the human race.  

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Newspapers:  I'm old school and still read a paper newspaper every day.  I hate the fold over advertisements that have been so common - it used to just be in the Sunday paper, but now it is every*single*effin'*day. 


I will pay extra for a paper that does not have these abominations.

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I am peeved that because I decline to open a Facebook or Twitter account due in part to the many, many issues listed here, it is becoming increasingly difficult to enjoy verbal intercourse with the human race.  


Yesterday, I happened to look at Facebook in my iPad at work. I don't normally (because I'm at work), but I had a couple of extra minutes while I waited for something. I discovered that an hour earlier, my son's daycare had posted on Facebook that the water was off because of a broken water main in the area so parents should come pick up their kids early and they might be closed the next day, but would post on Facebook if they were. They didn't call or text or even email. Just Facebook. I told them she should investigate some kind of push notification that will automatically text or call people when things like that happen.


Newspapers:  I'm old school and still read a paper newspaper every day.  I hate the fold over advertisements that have been so common - it used to just be in the Sunday paper, but now it is every*single*effin'*day. 


I will pay extra for a paper that does not have these abominations.


The newspaper people (at least the ones in the newsroom) hate them, too.

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Qoass, Facebook is hands down the stupidest thing in which I've ever taken part. It's like global high school. I have 13 or 14 "friends", 10 or 11 of whom I'm related to, because I don't believe in being "friends" with people online that I don't know in real life (present company excluded, ha!). I rarely post anything, and use FB as a platform to follow businesses, bands, etc. in which I'm interested. People show who they really are on FB, and by and large, they are terrible.

I don't do Twitter or anything other social media. I don't understand how people have time for all of that.

Edited by bilgistic
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(She also replied all because she doesn't know that you don't have to do that. I swear she replies all every time to every email she gets. It drives us crazy.)


ARGH! That drives me crazy. Why do people do that? Why why why? Maybe it's the Twitter effect.



glowlights, I get where you're coming from but I have witnessed some meet and greet events with musicians for which the fans pay literally hundreds of dollars.  For that kind of money, I would want my rock god to come to my house and sing to me while his producer cooks us dinner.


Except they paid hundreds for a meet and greet, and that's it. The artists are contractually obligated to show up, shake hands, take a photo, make small talk. If someone wants to pay a bunch of moolah for that privilege, so be it. But there was never any promise of more, let alone a free dinner. The people who bought a book and stood in a line all the way around the block to get it signed were entitled to say hello to the author, get their book signed, maybe get a photo, and that's it. Expecting the author to be their intimate friend is bonkers, imo. Demanding the author (who is doing their best to be accommodating and a good sport) to be therapist/confidante/bestie is just an awful level of entitlement, imo. Maybe I can find a way to blame that on Twitter, too. haha

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Yesterday, I happened to look at Facebook in my iPad at work. I don't normally (because I'm at work), but I had a couple of extra minutes while I waited for something. I discovered that an hour earlier, my son's daycare had posted on Facebook that the water was off because of a broken water main in the area so parents should come pick up their kids early and they might be closed the next day, but would post on Facebook if they were. They didn't call or text or even email. Just Facebook. I told them she should investigate some kind of push notification that will automatically text or call people when things like that happen.


Dumbest shit ever.   You've already covered what if you don't do Facebook, now what if you do and don't follow the daycare?  What if my ithing isn't charged? Seriously?  A time sensitive plan change in the middle of the day and this is how you get a hold of me?  When Robocalls are $.01 per phone number?  Parent phone trees - zero cents.  Not zero sense.

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Except they paid hundreds for a meet and greet, and that's it. The artists are contractually obligated to show up, shake hands, take a photo, make small talk. If someone wants to pay a bunch of moolah for that privilege, so be it. But there was never any promise of more, let alone a free dinner. The people who bought a book and stood in a line all the way around the block to get it signed were entitled to say hello to the author, get their book signed, maybe get a photo, and that's it. Expecting the author to be their intimate friend is bonkers, imo. Demanding the author (who is doing their best to be accommodating and a good sport) to be therapist/confidante/bestie is just an awful level of entitlement, imo. Maybe I can find a way to blame that on Twitter, too. haha


On the other hand, if you are the only seemingly sane person in a sea of insanity, they will take time out to talk to you, and thereby make everyone else in the line jealous as hell.  And I was just killing time after the performance before it was time to grab my train. 


Dumbest shit ever.   You've already covered what if you don't do Facebook, now what if you do and don't follow the daycare?  What if my ithing isn't charged? Seriously?  A time sensitive plan change in the middle of the day and this is how you get a hold of me?  When Robocalls are $.01 per phone number?  Parent phone trees - zero cents.  Not zero sense.


Wow, that's ridiculous. A school should ABSOLUTELY have some way of getting in touch with parents besides posting to Facebook. What the actual fuck?  What would they do if the parent's didn't have Facebook? I can see it maybe as an additional layer of notification, but not the only one. At the school where I work, there's a global phone tree that's automated that will go out to everyone if the school needs to close early. Or if the yearbooks are on sale, or if tomorrow is the fall play, etc...  Actually, that reminds me of a peeve.  They use that damn thing too much. Hah. 


I am also not on Facebook, Twitter or any other social media. If you want to know what's going on in my life, you need to call me.  I don't have the time or the desire.

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If you want to know what's going on in my life, you need to call me.  I don't have the time or the desire.

This is why I don't have my picture on Facebook (besides the fact that one can find anything out about anybody online now). If you know me, you know what I look like, and I'm not taking "selfies". I put up a picture of my cat, instead. He's a million times cuter than me.

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Yesterday, I happened to look at Facebook in my iPad at work. I don't normally (because I'm at work), but I had a couple of extra minutes while I waited for something. I discovered that an hour earlier, my son's daycare had posted on Facebook that the water was off because of a broken water main in the area so parents should come pick up their kids early and they might be closed the next day, but would post on Facebook if they were. They didn't call or text or even email. Just Facebook. I told them she should investigate some kind of push notification that will automatically text or call people when things like that happen.

That is shocking and potentially very dangerous.  Many parents may work in places where it is NOT OK to go on the internet let alone Facebook during work hours.  

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I wanted, but did not, tell her that it didn't matter if she thought it was funny. I didn't object because I was offended (especially since I didn't watch it) but because I got it on my work email. I just thought it was inappropriate to be sending stuff like that on work email -- especially because we work for a government agency.


I definitely know how that is.  I work for a university, and they are very strict about 'using university computers for personal business', which includes e-mail, Facebook, etc.  Every once in a while someone will post a cute picture of hedgehogs or something just to brighten up a long Friday afternoon, but that's about it and that's pretty rare.  That being said, i know (and I'm sure the powers-that-be know) that almost everyone will check their Facebook accounts at work now and then.  I know I check Facebook and even this site a couple of times a day when I get tired of looking at excel spreadsheets and reading book reviews.  You just have to keep it discrete--and posting something like your co-worker posted would definitely raise some red flags!  I can't believe some of the things that people I work with post on their FB pages--bad mouthing their workplace and such.  I guess they are thinking that no one that 'matters' will ever see it, but that's just crazy to me.  My rule of thumb is that I never post anything on Facebook (or send through work e-mail) that I wouldn't feel comfortable having the university president read over my shoulder (if he wants to see the occasional cat video on my FB page, then that's okay with me).


I have a pet peeve about my supervisor having his assistant send out constant reminders about meetings and forwarding informational messages that everyone gets.  If we have a staff meeting scheduled, we get an invitation which puts it on our calendar when we accept it.  Mine is set to send me a reminder a few minutes before the meeting.  I'm also on the required campus e-mail lists so that I get university information, department information, etc.  However, almost every message that is sent out to the campus is forwarded to each one of us in my department by my boss.  The assistant also sends out meeting reminders every day for the last four or five days leading up to a meeting.  I've complained, but the answer I get is that not everyone keeps up with their calendar so they need reminders.  My thought is that these are all adults that can keep with their meetings.  If they miss a meeting, then it's their responsibility to explain to the boss why they missed it.  However, why should they care to 'adult' if they're going to be spoon-fed everything.  It just makes me mad, because I keep my calendar up to date and I end up having to delete dozens of e-mails constantly that are duplicates.

Edited by BooksRule
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My first assistant initially drove me nuts by reminding me of meetings, due dates, calls that needed to be made, etc. numerous times.  I'm an adult, not an errant child; tell me once, I'll put it on my calendar, and your work here is done.  When I sat her down to talk about it, it turned out her previous boss had railed at her for not reminding her of something that the boss forgot to do, so now she was paranoid and went overboard in reminding me.  It was all straightened out after that, and we worked well together.


Because I'm with you: If people can't be relied upon to show up to scheduled meetings without being reminded daily, they have problems.

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I have a related to upper post pet peeve that I've never quite figured a good way to not be on social media. To you guys, I'd say "the premise alone makes me bored- then when I see it like what the hell and who gives a flying fuck".

But alas- I live in 2015 and need a good reason to not engage bc I'll admit that's an annoying response.(and I've never used it in real life). What do you say that doesn't halt conversation yet makes you appear very 2015 if you're not a social media person?

Edited by KnoxForPres
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I guess I don't give a shit about appearing very 2015; it's 2015 and I exist as a productive member of society, so I'm as 2015 as I need to be.


I think social media is useless to my life, has reasonable uses to other people, is giving a platform to voices who previously didn't have easy access, but is also having a deleterious effect on communication.  I don't harangue people with my thoughts on its silliness or drawbacks when they ask to "Facebook me," but I've no qualms saying I don't use it or the others.  There are plenty of ways to communicate with me between carrier pigeon and tweet.  If they don't want to use them, I don't want to talk with them. 


Your good reason not to engage is that you're not interested.

Edited by Bastet
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I'm not really in favor of people having to work retail on Thanksgiving (although I can understand the impulse to have some place to go to get out of the house with all the family), but I'm really tired of people complaining about it like it's the most evil thing in the world. I want to tell them that if they are so against stores being open on Thanksgiving because people have to work, they better not watch the parade or football or TV news (or probably TV at all since someone is probably at stations making sure everything is going smoothly) or listen to radio or read the newspaper on Friday. All of those things require people to work on Thanksgiving, but nobody complains about them. Also, they should start complaining about movie theaters and other entertainment venues and restaurants, which are often open on Thanksgiving, at least in the evening. And they better not need gas or last-minute groceries.

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