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Big Women: Big Love - General Discussion

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I'm really confused as to why they can't go to Jefferson's house? Kristi strikes me as a very selfish mom, all about her love life and not about her daughter at all. Walking through the apartment it was all about sex with Jefferson. No I can see my daughter having do much fun in this room, or I can see us cooking together and enjoying mommy and daughter time. I see her moving put but her daughter spending a lot of time with grandma and grandpa. As it seems she already does. I had to go through the single mom time and when I met my now husband we dated for a year before he even met them. I also only really saw him when they were with my ex. Made our courtship much longer and complicated but those little people I made trump all. Burns me when parents don't see that.

As for the rest of them besides Sabrina, no. They all suck.

  • Love 4

My recent study of the BMI with regard to my own fluffiness makes me realize that ALL of these women are obese, some morbidly.  They are not curvy, they are not just fat, they are -- per the BMI, clinically obese.  


Although people tell me I carry my weight well, I knew that I was technically obese and made it my goal in December to at minimum get to the "overweight" range.  What it took though was getting real with the amount of calories that I was really taking in, why I was comfort eating, and, if I wasn't happy when I stepped on the scale, then making the commitment to eating clean, eating mindfully, and giving up added sugar.  It's been hard, but it can be done. Still have a long way to go, but I'm glad to be moving forward.

As for these women -- it seems like the producers are taking delight in humiliating them.  Granted, with all save Sabrina, there is much fodder to work with.  


Kristi -- lovely face, skin, and hair, but so desperate, so needy, such a poor example of womanhood to her little girl.  Jefferson's sleaze comes off the t.v. screen -- not so much what he looks likes or the fact that he's been divorced three times at his age -- but he's so dang smarmy!


Mar -- beautiful girl, but such a skank.  Again, more desperation to "get" a man to prove to the world that she's a desirable woman.


Jen -- that put-on annoying voice, the greasy hair, the terrible fashion choices.  She is so insecure, but the way she recoiled from the boat dude -- what, is Joe Manganiello going to parachute in?  Give the regular guys a chance, baby-voiced Jen, that's if you really are looking for a companion.


Sabrina -- seems like a cool chick.  Love her personality, but being in the fashion business, shouldn't she be styling herself better?  Those old lady glasses have got to go, as do the mu-mus.


Jessica -- she'd be gorgeous, if she didn't have a stank personality.  She really thinks she's a 300-pound Beyonce!  


Well, as much as I want to turn away from this show, it keeps pulling me back in.  I hope when they see themselves on the tee-vee, maybe some of the women will have an epiphany and treat themselves with more respect.

  • Love 3

I'm really confused as to why they can't go to Jefferson's house? Kristi strikes me as a very selfish mom, all about her love life and not about her daughter at all. Walking through the apartment it was all about sex with Jefferson. No I can see my daughter having do much fun in this room, or I can see us cooking together and enjoying mommy and daughter time. I see her moving put but her daughter spending a lot of time with grandma and grandpa. As it seems she already does. I had to go through the single mom time and when I met my now husband we dated for a year before he even met them. I also only really saw him when they were with my ex. Made our courtship much longer and complicated but those little people I made trump all. Burns me when parents don't see that.

As for the rest of them besides Sabrina, no. They all suck.

Jefferson probably lives with his parents too, or worse one of his three ex-wives.

I wonder if he has kids as well.

I was a single mom for over 10 years, and although I dated my daughter never met any of the men until I introduced her to my then future second husband, extreme? Maybe, but I took patenting very seriously, and I'm happy with my choices as a single mother. Those years were hard at times but also the happiest, I never pawned my kid off on anyone, I enjoyed every minute of our time together...I feel badly for Layla, if she ever sees this mess she will feel like an after thought, and like she's a burden, not a priority to Kristy. Thankfully she has her grandparents, and hopefully a good dad.

No, Jessica thinks she's a 180 lb Beyonce. Remember the 'magic mirror she's always looking into ?  lol

I died when she said she felt petite next to the pottery class guy. Jen also referred to needing to feel dainty, when she quit peddleling and let her date do all the work...Oy!

  • Love 2

Why, oh why did Kareem-the-not-black-guy dump our Sabrina? I felt bad for her and liked when she got mad about it :) He wasn't worthy of you, boo!


Kristi--Jesus, woman, LISTEN TO YOURSELF. Can you speak one sentence without mentioning Jefferson? And introducing him to her daughter at this point is foolhardy. Poor kiddo. Your mom is a man-obsessed nutjob.


I think Jenn is kinda pretty but yes, her expectations seem a tad unrealistic. Wasn't it odd that the face of her date from last week (the one who ate all the wings) was blurred out in the "previously on"? There didn't seem to be an issue showing it on the last episode.


I liked Jessica's date. He seems too nice for her.


Mar, Mar, Mar. I am all for women being sexually empowered and all that, but you really are just coming off desperate. I do have a bit of a theory about why some of these women seem sexually obsessed. Perhaps past experience has taught them that that's the quickest way to receive physical affection and touch. The sad truth is plenty of men are willing to sleep with fat women but wouldn't be caught dead getting into a relationship. 


Sabrina aside, I wish we had some more dignified examples of big women looking for love.

  • Love 4

Christy, speaking as a Texan, even when we go to the Stockyards or Rodeo, we don't dress up like Jessy on Toy Story, she's ridiculous.

I'm embarrassed by her desperation, having just met Jefferson she thought it was o.k. to drag him home to have sex with him while her parents and child are just steps away, I guess she thinks she's being a responsible parent now, getting a place of her own, to bring home random bar flies.

Mar, I just can't with her trashy wardrobe and inappropriate behavior, she didn't care that she was making Sabrina uncomfortable as she sucked face with her date, and even had the guy lick food off her leg at the table...damn girl.

Jen, I had to FF through most of her scenes, especially in the paddle boat...eww.

Jessica, I laughed when she almost fell, I know it's mean but that girl needs to come down off her high horse.

They all need to stop referring to themselves as curvy, STAT.


Co-signing all of this!


Am I a terrible person for laughing when Mar talked about not hearing from the new guy?  Ms. Drama Queen really thought she was hot stuff with this guy and was going to make sure Sabrina knew that she was going to have hot sex with him.  So he probably got his hot sex and then got up and left as soon as he was done. Guarantee you we see the comeback of Richie.   I am sure that when it doesn't work out with whomever she slurped on, she puts him on speed dial.  Hell, I'm surprised he went out on another date with Mar after she was orgasmic over Cheeze Whiz.


Kristi...I hate to cheer on another heartbreak but come on girl.  The guy has been married 3x, is a bartender at a strip club.  And apparently, loud sex at his place is not possible and so that is why she is desperately in need of a new place.  What the fuck is that all about?   Does he live with mommy and daddy too?  Is he homeless?  And the whole time she was looking at the apartments it was all about what she would do with Jefferson.  I think her daughter only crossed her mind when the apartment was a one bedroom and she was trying to figure out how she could have loud sex if her daughter was sharing a room.  


Sabrina is a doll.  My heart ached for her.  She's a very cute girl and  she'll find someone soon enough I'm sure.


And yes, please girls.  You aren't curvy.  You're fat.  Yeah, it sucks to have to admit that but you are.  If it bothers you to the point where every date is a dilemma and you have to announce to the world that the booths are too tight, the amusement park is a problem, getting in a paddle boat is an issue, etc. then maybe it's time to do something healthy FOR YOU like join Weight Watchers and learn how to eat right and add a little exercise to the mix.  They don't have to be skinny but if you complain about going up a flight of stairs and you are in your 30s, you really need to do something about it.

Edited by sasha206
  • Love 4

 Jenn--Brad Pitt is taken, quit being so picky.  You don't have that much to offer, give this new guy a chance.  If he's willing to keep seeing you with your silly voice, your childish behavior and your dirty car (they have drive thru car washes now, you know), then you should give him a second look. 


OMG, I love you.


This girl seems to be under some serious delusions.  I mean, she clearly knows she's fat.  Or um, curvy.   Yet when we're about to see two episodes where one of the big women on the show talks about her being fat (and probably with all of them) and she starts crying again.  


The bad kissing I get.  I dated a couple of bad kissers in my past but some are trainable.  If it is slim pickings for you, maybe give him another chance and teach him how you want it?

  • Love 4
They all need to stop referring to themselves as curvy, STAT.




Yes, PLEASE.  And squeaky fake voice girl is crying in the previews AGAIN over being called fat.


Girl, you *ARE* fat.  Deal with it.  And grow up already.    


Most of these women embarrass me, because they make us fat girls look desperate.

  • Love 5

OMG, I love you.


This girl seems to be under some serious delusions.  I mean, she clearly knows she's fat.  Or um, curvy.   Yet when we're about to see two episodes where one of the big women on the show talks about her being fat (and probably with all of them) and she starts crying again.  


The bad kissing I get.  I dated a couple of bad kissers in my past but some are trainable.  If it is slim pickings for you, maybe give him another chance and teach him how you want it?

Can you imagine Jen giving kissing instructions in that voice? Makes me shudder.

  • Love 4

Oh, Kristi....where can I nominate this special gal for Mother of the Year?  Looking at apartments for the SOLE reason of having a place to doink the latest object of her affection.  No mention at all of her precious little girl.  


THIS really made me dislike Kristi. She's not in Jessica territory for me but I was bothered about her going on and on about Jefferson, without any thought for her daughter, and how she'd like a new place away from grandma and grandpa.




  • Love 1

I'm really confused as to why they can't go to Jefferson's house? Kristi strikes me as a very selfish mom, all about her love life and not about her daughter at all. Walking through the apartment it was all about sex with Jefferson. No I can see my daughter having do much fun in this room, or I can see us cooking together and enjoying mommy and daughter time.

If I took a shot everytime she said "Jefferson," I'd have been doing high kicks and bellowing "Pa'tatahs and CHEESE!" in the middle of my living room...and that's just not a good look for *anyone*.

Edited by Lovecat
  • Love 9

What is it with each of these women referring to herself always as a "big GIRL," "curvy GIRL," "plus-sized GIRL"? Do they have some kind of mental block against realizing that they are WOMEN, not girls? I'm not even someone who's offended by calling a woman a girl--I sometimes refer to myself that way and I'm over 40--but it seems that everyone on this show ONLY uses that term. 

Are they afraid to grow up and take responsibility for their womanhood, just like they don't take responsibility for their health and behavior?

  • Love 2

I am incredulous at the willingness of these women to humiliate themselves. The camera, I suppose, is the unrelenting magnet that gets people to do and say things that will never earn them the respect they want. First of all, the denials... as I've said before, being big is not the issue. All of my uncles, as handsome and wonderful as they were, had large wives. One was even obese and not once did anyone in our family ever criticise them. We did, however, hate some of their bad personalities and/or inability to accept others for themselves.

The denials of the "girls" on this show ...their actual weight, their desperation, lack of game and motivation. I wouldn't even mention any of this but they are the ones whining about being fat and about not having a love life. Their lack of game is the real culprit not their weight. I know my overweight aunt-in-laws had more than their share, lol. So, can someone tell these big ladies to calm the .... down and work on themselves?



Edited by ethalfrida
  • Love 3

I was surprised at Mar's dress on the date because she usually dresses so cute. When she was performing her song her outfit was perfect, so I thought she would have more outfits that looked good on her like that one did. But I think she was trying to impress him with her sexiness so I can give her a pass for that dress. I'm sure she didn't know it would ride up like that when she walked. 


And I don't mind them calling themselves curvy girls. To me, fat implies you've given up and are slothenly. These girls take care of themselves, go out and and get dressed up, and are social. Fat, to me, makes me think of the My 600 lb life crew. Just sloths that wear sweats and sit around all day. So curvy is a better description of these girls in my opinion. 


I'm curious why Kareem just dumped Sabrina like he did. She seems like a nice person, although kind of bland on dates. Maybe he was waiting for her to come out of her shell and she just never did. 

  • Love 2

I'm curious why Kareem just dumped Sabrina like he did. She seems like a nice person, although kind of bland on dates. Maybe he was waiting for her to come out of her shell and she just never did. 

On the date I remember him saying "Closed mouth, again?" after he went in for a kiss. NYC men are a different breed of men (those who live here will know), and there's so much "competition" among single women that the men are spoiled and impatient. He can easily go on OkCupid and find another girl of equal attractiveness who will put out. But I personally think Sabrina lucked out because Kareem is disgustingly ugly to me. It seems she's so desperate to meet a white guy she'll settle for just about any white guy. Weird. She needs to get her self-esteem in order. 

Edited by cerealboxkilla
  • Love 6

Sabrina appears to have as many issues as the others. The fact that no African American man is attractive to her is a big alert. For sure, she has a right to preferences but there is something just so tacky about it all with her.  As was said, any white guy no matter how he looks and acts is okay with her. Sheesh!

  • Love 5

On the date I remember him saying "Closed mouth, again?" after he went in for a kiss. NYC men are a different breed of men (those who live here will know), and there's so much "competition" among single women that the men are spoiled and impatient. He can easily go on OkCupid and find another girl of equal attractiveness who will put out. But I personally think Sabrina lucked out because Kareem is disgustingly ugly to me. It seems she's so desperate to meet a white guy she'll settle for just about any white guy. Weird. She needs to get her self-esteem in order.

But I don't think Kareem was white. He looked mixed race to me with very light skin.

  • Love 1

It seems like most of the posters here pretty much hate these women. I enjoy the show, I stumbled upon it by accident and have been watching it every week ever since. Here's my take on the women. Personally,I love Mar, she is my favorite...I think she is funny, pretty, and a compassionate person who would make a kickass friend. I am proud of her for dumping Richie and I hope that if Adam is completely out of picture that she finds someone awesome in the future. I also don't hate Jenn, at first with the voice I was like "are you kidding me with that shit?" but I actually think she seems like nice person with a great sense of humor. And I do think she is giving a varity of guys a chance, you all have to remember it's a two way street and a lot of these dudes (guessing the drunk one who dropped and broke a glass) are just trying to make their way on to a reality show. So she is only picking from a pool of guys who show interest in her first, most likely. I think she seems pretty fearless and confindent when it comes to dating. I applaud her for that. Plus i loved the comment she made to the waiter who brought her fruit when she didn't ask for it. Like he was doing a great service to her by inducing a 26 year old women to the first fruit of her lifetime. lolz. Ok, all I'm gonna say about Jessica is that she's extrememly stuck up and such a snore. Get her ass off the show asap please. Sabrina is my second favorite, she seems to really have her shit together and is really confindent in herself. I hope she can find someone since Kareem bailed, and to be honest I don't think he was right for her anyways. And onto Kristi, first of all, she did absolutely crack me up with her "patatas and cheese" high kicks but she seems to have some real issues here. First off, I don't think she realizes how much she drinks. Even after meeting Jefferson, it seems like drinking is their favorite hobby. I know I'm only seeing a small part of her life on a reality show mind you, but I'd tell her to lay off the booze for a while. I felt really bad for her during the seminar because it seemed that she really realized how being the one night stand girl is what she is becoming, no problem with that only for the fact that she actually wants to find love long term instead of just sex. I hope she ends up getting therapy and working on herself before she starts seriously dating again.

Edited by Amarg4387

I'm not even going to say anything about Jessice--she's too far gone for any help--yes, we all know she is a skinny, petite, lovely, beautiful, perfect, etc etc etc girl.



This girl must have beer goggle mirrors all through her house or something.  But then, she says she only hangs with her skinny friends...and then we see her friends.  Say what?!!!  If she considers them skinny, she must view for real for real skinny girls as skeletons.  (Am I going to hell because I was disappointed that she didn't fall to the ground when she almost fell on those stairs?  Because I really wanted her to!) 


I'm really confused as to why they can't go to Jefferson's house?



Either he 1) lives with his parents also, or 2) is actually still married with kids at home, or 3) he's a hoarder and doesn't want to be outed.


Oh, they have.  The massage my vag was featured.



I would have liked to be a fly on the wall when her parents viewed that episode.  How proud they must be!  lol

Edited by swankie
  • Love 2

Jenn should cry hysterically more often because she gets rid of that ridiculous cartoon voice. I don't know if she thinks it makes her cute or what, but it's the most annoying voice. She also needs to get over the word fat. I don't get that at all. I know she was drinking, but still.


Mar is also ridiculous. Stop trying to be Snookie 2.0


I'm glad Kristi wised up or her friends wised her up, at least.


Dare I say I was kind of liking Jessica. That guy seems like a keeper. Hopefully, she realizes that too.


Sabrina is the only normal one of this group. Poor girl having to deal with those two loons.


I found this show because I was flipping channels one night and need mindless fluff to watch. I'm glad it's over next week. Yeesh.

Edited by Cranky One
  • Love 4

I've decided the right type of relationship for Jenn is a feeder-feedee one (her being the feedee of course). She has a clear obsession with food beyond what is normal, and the guy could call her all the chubby, fluffy, lumpy space princess she wants, as long as he keeps from calling her fat. Seriously though, she shot straight to the top of my most despised list when she equated being called fat with the pejorative slur for gay people. When has someone been murdered for their weight and called fat? Its happened HUNDREDS of times to gay people. When has someone protested outside of an obese person's funeral going on and on about how fat they were in life and how much they ate? Westboro Baptist Church REGULARLY traumatizes the loved ones of deceased gay people with behavior like that. She needs a reality check.

Was Mar right for calling her fat? No, because its obvious its a trigger word for Jenn, but on the other hand Jenn is a grown adult women crying over a relatively innocuous term uttered by a DRUNK friend. And Jenn has a problems with just someone saying fat period, Mar nor Jessica called her a fat B-word or something, they just said theyre all fat. Its the truth. And Jenn NEEDS real therapy, saying she wanted to kill Mar and stab her in the heart because she called her a "sad fat girl". Highly irrational train of thought, drunk or not.

Sabrina RUN. You are wayyyyyy too mature for both of these chicks. Jenn acts like she never graduated high school, let alone college, and Mar acts like she's just in total party girl mode ALL THE TIME, which is desperate and unattractive. If she would just get rid of those horrible plastic wigs and do better makeup she'd be a 10 in fat girl looks.

Jessica has grown on me. I can tell that she's really taken to heart what they said at the (fake) seminar and is trying to change for the better. Eric (?) seems like a very sweet man. She's definitely most improved of the bunch.

Kristi, so happy her friends have sense. If you're a single mama dating, you need to at least give it 3 months before intro'ing your paramour to your kids. I liked her friend who had been dating a guy for 7 months and he still hadnt met her kids, thats smart. Make sure its long term before you get them emotionally connected to someone who might not be around. Jefferson is a nice guy but he's kind of a dud, but that was apparent when he wouldnt let Kristi go to his place for "activities" so they had to go to her parents house. Guy looks 40 something but doesnt have a stable home? Something in the milk ain't clean.

Edited by ChaChaSlide
  • Love 3

Jenn is so much of a mess. I wonder if her past of hooking up only has skewed her idea of 'butterflies' and settling. If she strictly was hooking up and was only with a guy for one night it was most likely pure passion and hot. Now she has to forge a connection with someone beyond the bedroom. That is a lot different than what she is used to. If you don't feel something in the first date doesn't mean there's nothing there, she should at least give the guys a chance. She seems so dismissive of generally nice guys, they aren't the best looking but she needs to look at what she brings to the table. I wonder if she was a fetish for a lot of guys so she got a lot of more attractive and skinnier guys but now that's she's looking for a relationship the bar has been lowered. Also just looking at her body makes me tired, I can't imagine how difficult it is to carry her weight around. She is coming up on morbidly obese very quickly if she's not there already. So would that make her feel better? To be called obese instead of fat? She needs to focus on her health instead of dating.

  • Love 3

Jenn is so much of a mess. I wonder if her past of hooking up only has skewed her idea of 'butterflies' and settling. If she strictly was hooking up and was only with a guy for one night it was most likely pure passion and hot. Now she has to forge a connection with someone beyond the bedroom. That is a lot different than what she is used to. If you don't feel something in the first date doesn't mean there's nothing there, she should at least give the guys a chance. She seems so dismissive of generally nice guys, they aren't the best looking but she needs to look at what she brings to the table. I wonder if she was a fetish for a lot of guys so she got a lot of more attractive and skinnier guys but now that's she's looking for a relationship the bar has been lowered. Also just looking at her body makes me tired, I can't imagine how difficult it is to carry her weight around. She is coming up on morbidly obese very quickly if she's not there already. So would that make her feel better? To be called obese instead of fat? She needs to focus on her health instead of dating.


Amen to all of that.


This girl is in need of serious therapy if she's so afraid of the word "fat."  I'm sure it brings her back to the elementary school playground and painful memories.  At the same time, she's got some serious denial going on if she thinks a word like "chubby" or "fluffy" softens her obesity.  


Kristi...I"m glad she woke up, but at the same time it wouldn't surprise me if next week after she does the "I have to protect myself and Laila" if he ends up saying something really simple that convinces her to stay with him.  Like "Okay, I understand."  And then she thinks to herself, "He took this so well!  Maybe he is actually a great guy!"


Jessica, I hope she finds happiness with this guy. She really has a beautiful face.  And when she's not declaring that to the world, she can be likable.


Sabrina is a doll.  I wish she didn't go to see that guy.  If someone tells you via text they can't see you, they aren't interested.  So you going to his workplace to confront him isn't going to make him suddenly say, "You're right!  We're both busy but we can carve out time and start over!"  I really doubt that most of the time when people do this the purpose is really to tell that person off for being rude. It's really the hope they'll see you and then realize the error of their ways.


Mar.  Please, for the love of God, stop using that dumb phrase, "turned up."  And learn that there is more to life than getting drunk.  

Edited by sasha206
  • Love 3

Since some of these women refer to themselves as "curvy", I asked several men of all sizes what "curvy" meant to them - and 100% of them made the hour glass figure motion with their hands.  None of these women are curvy according to the men I questioned.  As much as it chaps Jenn's ass and sends her into histrionics, Mar is right.  They are fat period.  And Jessica needs a reality break.  If you are still that overweight after losing 110 pounds????? She is lucky she is still alive. But kudos to her and I hope she loses a healthy amount of weight and will see how delusional she once was thinking how skinny she is at her current weight.

  • Love 4

OMG!!!!!  and here I thought that Jessica was the delusional one.


Dear Jenn, if you don't want to be call "fat" stop being FAT.


"she called me faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaattttttt!!!!!!!!  She actually went into hysterics to the point of hyperventilating because she was called fat.  DAMN!


Jenn sweetie, you left "chubby" at the station about 150 lbs ago.

Edited by Taylorh2
  • Love 6

Mar needs to be slapped with a case. Every time she drinks (gets drunk) her first move is to sexually maul anyone who can't move fast enough. That paw shoots out, snags someone by the head and she's dive-bombing for what she thinks is the sexiest kiss ever. Last night you could see dudes literally dodging that hand - and so she moves on to the female bartender who pays her a compliment? We doin' that now? Girl, bye! I hope someone grabs that paw and twists it next time.

Edited by SnarkKitty
  • Love 8

IMO Sabrina has a pretty high emotional IQ - over and over I see her being able to communicate very effectively with distraught people in such a calm and empathic manner. I think she doesn't have enough longer-term dating experience to realize that after three dates, most guys are going to use a text to end it. I still like her the best of anyone on this show.


As for Jenn- she needs some serious therapy. I think the shot of her sobbing in the cab wins my award for best ugly-cry ever.


And as for the guy she dumped, he had some pretty serious eye contact problems, IMO. Were it later to be discovered that he was on the autism spectrum, it would not surprise me. (Yes I am diagnosing someone with a serious neurological condition based on seeing them for 3.8 minutes on a reality TV show- so shoot me!)

  • Love 3

Looks like this show has turned into Bad Girls!


Replace the B with an F and the D with a T. 


Jenn you're fat. Sorry, not sorry about it. The break down was overwrought. Way too much. I get that it's a trigger word for her, but the histrionics wasn't entertaining. Jenn stays doing the most, and it's not entertaining.


Did that squeaky voice of hers 'disappear' when she started getting angry and then went into full meltdown mode? 

  • Love 6

Jenn: after listening to her declare in her cutesy, smug baby voice that she's going to eat all the pizza in New York, and "eat her weight in pizza," I have NO sympathy whatsoever for her overdramatic meltdown over the factual statement that she is fat. 

How can these women live with themselves after making a disgusting spectacle out of spraying their crotches with perfume and deodorant? This exhibitionist, crude behavior is so beyond my comprehension.

  • Love 8

I found myself wanting so badly to reach into my t.v. to powder Jen's sweaty face; chop her hair to chin length and dye it dark brown; and send her to Kristi for a fashion makeover.

Also, I think Kristi simpered the name "Jefferson" 742 times in a 1-hour show?!

Mar is now coming off like a super-sleazy Snooki 4.0!

Yes! Everything you said!

I'm good with never, ever hearing the name Jefferson again...742 times at least ;)

I nominate Jenn for an ambush makeover.

  • Love 2

Jenn really needs to take steps to improve her health, out of all of these women IMO she has the signs of high blood pressure at the very least, the smallest amount of activity makes her sweat buckets, and she's always out of breath. She looks uncomfortable carrying so much weight.

Mar, OMG where to begin? Here is her to-do list:

Stop saying turn up.

Stop grabbing and shaking your breasts in public.

Stop wearing spandex clothing items from the Juniors section.

Stop grabbing guys by the neck to try to kiss them.

Stop spraying perfume on your crotch.

Stop coloring your hair green...it looks like dried up seaweed.

Stop all skankalicious behavior.

Feel free to add to the list, this girl...ugh!

  • Love 6

According to the show (because who knows what the truth is in real life), did Mar and Jenn just meet for the first time at the convention?  Because if I am remembering that correctly, I always found the immediate intense level of their faux friendship irritating.  The "I love you's" and talking about how much they missed each other seemed on the level of how a couple of 13 year olds might act.  And then the truth comes out when with one perceived mis-step (the word fat) they are straight up hating and at each others throats! 


Oh Sabrina....you were an absolute doll with the way you tried your best to handle the two idiots you were with.  But you lost big points in your interaction with Mr. Fedora.  The comments that were intended for him to overhear were ridiculous and you were the one making everyone uncomfortable, not him.  But I'll cut your granny-dressing self some slack because you're so darn likeable.


Did Kristi actually catch a clue and listen to her Mom and friends???  I'm hesitant to give her too much credit because as another poster stated, in one week she could have completely flip-flopped......or found another loser to latch onto.

  • Love 4

Sabrina looked a tad immature when confronting Kareem. For most people, three dates or less doesn't even warrant a "break up" text. However, she was definitely the most mature out of the tacky club trio. Was Mar auditioning to be on the Bad Girls Club? She's a sloppy drunk, but I hate how Sabrina shows up to these events just to stand in the corner and look judge-y. Clubs probably aren't her thing, but as the "mature" friend, her job should be to watch her friends and make sure they're not being taken advantage of by creeps and be the "wing woman." Mar was at a 10 and Jen and Sabrina were hovering around a 3 (with Jen desperately trying to get to 4). They all should have been at a 6. 


Kristi/Jessica are starting to bore me. The show needs to think of a way to get them all in the same room again.

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 The show needs to think of a way to get them all in the same room again.


That's the problem. Did the seminar truly exist? Or was it set up by production. Individually, these group of women aren't that compelling or that entertaining, but getting them together you've got a lot more going on. 


Before this show began to air. I was under the impression that this group of women knew each other. Boy, was I wrong. Then I thought, maybe it was going to be a limited series run with the majority of the episodes taking place at the seminar. Once again, very wrong. 


Should've put them all together in a house, and let the sparks fly. 

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Jenn really needs to take steps to improve her health, out of all of these women IMO she has the signs of high blood pressure at the very least, the smallest amount of activity makes her sweat buckets, and she's always out of breath. She looks uncomfortable carrying so much weight.

Mar, OMG where to begin? Here is her to-do list:

Stop saying turn up.

Stop grabbing and shaking your breasts in public.

Stop wearing spandex clothing items from the Juniors section.

Stop grabbing guys by the neck to try to kiss them.

Stop spraying perfume on your crotch.

Stop coloring your hair green...it looks like dried up seaweed.

Stop all skankalicious behavior.

Feel free to add to the list, this girl...ugh!


Stop looking to the side during your TH segments to read the cue cards! It drives me nuts.


I have a feeling to Jen's parents, she was their special wittle butterfly. She's not getting this real world thing.  How dare you call her fat when she's just adorable with little baby chunk? How dare do you not find her pocketable?

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