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"The View": Week of 01/05/15


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It was a breath of fresh air w/o Whoopi there, as for Rosie P eh...she doesn't speak up that much to be noticed in my opinion.


I love that Rosie said stuff that would have angered Whoopi if she was there today.  When Rosie brought up the book she read over the break, "The New Jim Crow," all I could think was how Whoopi would have argued w/the premise of the book and what it says even thought she probably hasn't read it.  


Overall it was nice to just have an episode where Whoopi wasn't angry and arguing w/Rosie over topics just b/c she disagrees w/everything that comes out of Rosie's mouth.  Tomorrow i'm sure that will all change and we will get Whoopi wanting to go back and give her view to what was discussed w/o her presence.

  • Love 17

It was a breath of fresh air w/o Whoopi there, as for Rosie P eh...she doesn't speak up that much to be noticed in my opinion.


I love that Rosie said stuff that would have angered Whoopi if she was there today.  When Rosie brought up the book she read over the break, "The New Jim Crow," all I could think was how Whoopi would have argued w/the premise of the book and what it says even thought she probably hasn't read it.  


Overall it was nice to just have an episode where Whoopi wasn't angry and arguing w/Rosie over topics just b/c she disagrees w/everything that comes out of Rosie's mouth.  Tomorrow i'm sure that will all change and we will get Whoopi wanting to go back and give her view to what was discussed w/o her presence.


Every word of this x 1,000,000.


A breath of fresh air is just what I was going to say.  What a fantastic episode.  This?  Is exactly what I thought we were going to get when the new crew was announced last summer.  Even Nicolle's regurgitated GOP talking points did not irritate, since they are just that, and not the extreme nonsense we used to get with Bitsy.


Ro said cognitive dissonance and mentioned The New Jim Crow, I'm doing a happy dance.  If you haven't read it, it's really good.


I'll have to watch La Vie en Rose, I don't know why but I thought this was a Woody Allen movie so, well, yeah.  You can do the math on that. 


Margaret Cho was wonderful as well.  More of this please!


eta: Silly sportscaster dude I've never heard of?  What exactly is DeBlasio supposed to apologize for?  That was irritating. 

Edited by NextIteration
  • Love 8

This was great!!! Would watch a show like today's every day .  . . thought it was interesting that Rosie said Whoopi might (or probably) would be back tomorrow. I don't wish illness on anyone . . . but just wish she'd stay sick a little longer.


I really think everyone that enjoyed the show should write into the View's website and say that -- maybe, just maybe, they'll get the idea!

  • Love 8

The funny thing about today's episode was I figured it would be Rosie who wouldn't be here today.  It always seems when coming back from a break that one of the regular co-hosts always takes the Monday after off, I just figured it would be Rosie and not Whoopi, since i'm sure Whoopi has thought us regular peons have been neglected of her view for far too long over the holidays.


Does anyone else thing this is the beginning of the eventual phase-out of Rosie Perez?

  • Love 3

The funny thing about today's episode was I figured it would be Rosie who wouldn't be here today.  It always seems when coming back from a break that one of the regular co-hosts always takes the Monday after off, I just figured it would be Rosie and not Whoopi, since i'm sure Whoopi has thought us regular peons have been neglected of her view for far too long over the holidays.


Does anyone else thing this is the beginning of the eventual phase-out of Rosie Perez?

No I dont think so.... I seem to recall that when the new season first started, Rosie P said she would be gone because of this already scheduled break

berly57 is right.... if you liked today's show format... let ABC know... we should give positive feedback as well as negative when warranted.

  • Love 1

I'm really excited about Kathy Griffin being there tomorrow.  After Elisabeth's third-grade-level tantrum during a previous appearance (turning her back and yawning... my pre-teen niece is too mature for that shit), I am eager to see if Kathy does a compare and contrast regarding The View without her.


I always like Kathy's honesty.  Really looking forward to seeing what she has to say.

  • Love 8


No I dont think so.... I seem to recall that when the new season first started, Rosie P said she would be gone because of this already scheduled break


I concur, we knew she would be taking time off due to the play, but I just have a feeling that Rosie P won't return from her extended break.  To be honest, I can't really see how she can't show up for an entire month for one and half to two hours for five days a week just b/c the play is getting into more extensive rehearsals.  It was stupid for ABC to hire her knowing she was contractually obligated for a play in the new year.  If she can't show up for a month while the play is in rehearsals I can't see her showing up once the play is actually playing.


I think as we have seen in gossip rags and what not online that we now know the cat is out of the bag basically, as they are trying for a fifth host to find a panel that works as the current incarnation does not.  You have Rosie O vs Whoopi, and I really think that both Rosie's are siding against Whoopi here, and Nicole, well it varies day to day, or topic to topic, where her allegiance goes.  I can see them playing it off as phasing out Rosie P might break-up the allegiances of the hosts, perhaps finding someone who doesn't side w/either Rosie or Whoopi.  The stupid thing is the executives don't realize that the underlying issue is Whoopi on all points.  I think before they could use Whoopi's celebrity to get the big name celebrities on the show, and i'm not talking about reality stars, but w/Rosie she is still beloved in the celebrity circles from her previous talk show and she is the draw of the show these days to be honest.  They could really stand to lose Whoopi and they will still get those top notch celebrities.

Edited by CMH1981
  • Love 10

I was really pleased with the show today. Rosie covered so many places with her hot topics, her interview with Marion Cotillard, and she was very open to the guest hosts. I do agree that the NFL player stood out like a sore thumb on the panel, but it could have been worse. I wish the show was this intelligent and well moderated every episode.

  • Love 11
Silly sportscaster dude I've never heard of


That was Tony Gonzales, one of the best players of the past decade.  His wife auditioned and was a serious contender for The View last summer.  Remember the woman who was being considered because she was Latina but turned out it was only her name that was Latina?


Stuart Scott was a sweet man.  RIP, Stuey.


So Whoopi was sick?  I tuned in late, saw both she and Rosie P were gone, and did a happy dance.

  • Love 10

That was Tony Gonzales, one of the best players of the past decade.  His wife auditioned and was a serious contender for The View last summer.  Remember the woman who was being considered because she was Latina but turned out it was only her name that was Latina?


No I don't remember the woman but I didn't watch much until the new season started.


My apologies for not knowing Tony Gonzales, I stopped watching American Football about a decade ago so I'm way out of the loop.  Between my horrible home team and my disgust with the NFL over their hide-the-ball nonsense regarding concussion/TBI issues I completely lost interest. Don't get me wrong, I used to be a huge fan, Sundays during football season were sacred growing up and early in my marriage, but I just lost interest as I said, which makes me clueless. ;)

  • Love 2

A breath of fresh air is just what I was going to say.  What a fantastic episode.  This?  Is exactly what I thought we were going to get when the new crew was announced last summer.  Even Nicolle's regurgitated GOP talking points did not irritate, since they are just that, and not the extreme nonsense we used to get with Bitsy.


Ro said cognitive dissonance and mentioned The New Jim Crow, I'm doing a happy dance.  If you haven't read it, it's really good.


I'll have to watch La Vie en Rose, I don't know why but I thought this was a Woody Allen movie so, well, yeah.  You can do the math on that. 


Margaret Cho was wonderful as well.  More of this please!


eta: Silly sportscaster dude I've never heard of?  What exactly is DeBlasio supposed to apologize for?  That was irritating. 

Today's show was what I expected/hoped this season to be like too.    I didn't even realize how annoying I, and, and, and found Rosie P until, and and, she was gone today.  Less guest hosts and more shows like today's show please!


I like Margaret Cho anyway but when she talked about her berobin activities to honor/grieve Robin Williams I thought that was so creative and cool. And, I'm not gonna (or going to)  lie, I wondered if we would even know about that if Whoopi had been there today.  Sometimes it feels like Whoopi is a little proprietary about grieving Robin Williams and she might have cut Margaret off.  I liked that she talked about how Williams never stopped giving money and time to the homeless in every city he worked in - he would often give a percentage of his fee to a local group benefiting the homeless.   Yay! for MC mentioning that RO  was the first sponsor of one of her street corner events in SF too. 


The sportscaster's comments on De'Blasio sounded like something he was repeating.  Maybe something he heard someone else say?  Nicole on the other hand was smooth like a snake with her talking points today on both DeBlasio and even Cumo.   And yet, I liked that she likes to bowl.  Go figure.  

  • Love 8

Too many co-hosts today. I think Mr Gonzalez was there to replace Perez. I suspect Cho was just there to be a guest but maybe Whoopi called in last minute so they threw her in Whoopi's chair. Made no sense to me since they had the other actress there (who I really enjoyed). The show topics were pretty ho hum and at times I did feel the conversation was a bit stilted. Having said all that, the show was STILL a thousand times better than I've seen in a long time. I felt relaxed watching and I did not feel I was being given a lecture from the all knowing Whoopi. Loved it. I hope she'll be gone today as well; I find the show to be much more watchable without her.

  • Love 6

I find Whoopi proprietary (great word!) about Robin, rape, race and pretty much every topic that ever crosses The View's radar. Perhaps in her private life she is a more gracious and generous host and friend, but during the 60 minutes I spend with her, she is a selfish, self-centered, close-minded bore. Yay for sick days!

I missed yesterday's show so would someone mind sharing Nicolle's DeBlasio comments if anyone remembers what she said? I admit I am one who prefers to give the police every benefit of the doubt, but, man, the NYPD is making it hard.

  • Love 11

The first segment was sooooo much fun!!  I couldn't believe it.


I'm loving it today!


Honest question: After the past few years, would you have thought we'd ever see Rosie O, Kathy G and Mario together all hosting on this show?


I'm loving Kathy and Mario together, Roger. It could be a WHOLE LOT cacklier.....but it's not over yet.

  • Love 7

I missed yesterday's show so would someone mind sharing Nicolle's DeBlasio comments if anyone remembers what she said? I admit I am one who prefers to give the police every benefit of the doubt, but, man, the NYPD is making it hard.

I don't know if this is the comment you are referring to. She stated that the police feel De Blasio ran an anti-cop campaign. Therefore, the feelings the police have about him began prior to him taking office.

Edited by ginger90
  • Love 4

Did anyone else think that Charlie Sheen bit was odd?? They all ripped on Charlie for criticizing Kim Kardashian for not giving his "6 year old friend" an autograph.


Mario Cantone made a good point that seemed to go over everyone else's head... that Charlie Sheen is actually a successful actor.... but everyone jumped on the Kardashian bandwagon..... again


One thing they didnt question..... why does Charlie Sheen have a 6 year old friend?

  • Love 3

I missed yesterday's show so would someone mind sharing Nicolle's DeBlasio comments if anyone remembers what she said? I admit I am one who prefers to give the police every benefit of the doubt, but, man, the NYPD is making it hard.



I don't know if this is the comment you are referring to. She stated that the police feel De Blasio ran an anti-cop campaign. Therefore, the feelings the police have about him began prior to him taking office.

Nicolle not only said DeBlasio ran and anti-police campaign, she cited the fact that one of his first rulings as mayor was to overturn the stop-and-frisk program. She said this as a justification for the police to use officer's funerals to protest the Mayor. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 4

Kathy Griffin looks fantastic!! She is one of the few whose plastic surgery worked out very well for her. I hope to see her on much more often. Mario usually bugs the hell outta me, but, he wasn't too bad. A much more enjoyable show today. I do have to say though, that I do like when they "get into it" I really loved when Rosie was on before. She rocked the hell out of that show and made some damn damn good points. It tends to be a little fluffy now for my taste, but, I will watch Rosie in anything. Her talk show was every day required viewing for me when I was a teen. 

  • Love 5

I don't know if this is the comment you are referring to. She stated that the police feel De Blasio ran an anti-cop campaign. Therefore, the feelings the police have about him began prior to him taking office.

Thank you so much, Ginger! And Cosmo!

Good God, Sarah Palin is an absolute b*tch!!!!! The venom with which she referred to the President aged 10 and as the "Messiah" today, you'd think he was hosting Satanic masses in the Oval Office and serving his guests the blood of Evangelical Christian debutantes. Please make a run for the White House, Sarah, please, please, please....

Edited by Milk-Eyed Mender
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