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Memorable Products: As Seen on Shark Tank


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I bought:


Scrub Daddy -- Meh. I'll stick with my sponge.


Eyebloc laptop camera cover -- It's a little loose but I'm fine with it. The repair guy was here recently to replace the keyboard on my laptop and when he was done, came to me holding the eyebloc in his hand: "I don't know where this goes...?"


Off the Cob tortilla chips -- Tasty, but the "natural" corn "sweetness" is likely due to the addition of "organic cane juice," better known as our friend sugar.


Simple Sugars -- It's a nice scrub if that's what you're looking for. After getting it, I started making my own. "(Iffen a 12-year old girl can do it...) But thanks for the jar.


Air Cork Wine Preserver - Gift for a wino friend, but she seems to like it.

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My husband wanted u-Laces so I got him some for Christmas.  He liked them, but it is a bit problematic that there is not a good way to adjust the tension.  Even with trying out different designs, the tension seems looser than he prefers.  If the packaging came with a few different sizes of lace segments, it might be a good idea so you could have higher tension if desired.


He also ordered some engraved bottle breacher openers for Christmas gifts, but we haven't received them yet.  I'm guessing that they were inundated with orders after the airing.


DH also bought a Billy Blanks Jr workout DVD for his mom.  Don't know if she's used it yet.  I'd like to try it, though, and that yoga program that I can't recall the name of that was on there.


We recently saw Copa de Vino at a grocery store but didn't buy it.


And I forgot, we'd been to that olive oil place before it was on Shark Tank - the Oilerie.  I still have some of their oils and vinegars.  Nice, but we rarely actually use that kind of thing so they mostly sit in the cupboard.  I think the one we went to is shut down now and there is a similar place with a different name - Oro di Oliva.  I was wondering if maybe it was the same entity renamed but I have no idea.

Edited by Jennlee
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I bought a handful of u-laces at Target awhile back, on clearance for $1.48 for a six pack. (The next week they were down to $0.88.) Waiting till Spring to put them on a new pair of Converse sneakers.


I also bought myself and my SO each a Freaker for Christmas. They're used on 17oz vacuum insulated bottles, so I can't say how much they help the insulation, but they look great. They're a little bulkier than I'd hoped for, and they slide up and down and around a bit as you use the bottle. 

I also bought myself and my SO each a Freaker for Christmas. They're used on 17oz vacuum insulated bottles, so I can't say how much they help the insulation, but they look great. They're a little bulkier than I'd hoped for, and they slide up and down and around a bit as you use the bottle.

He's coming out now with a line of crazy socks. It's a Kickstarter thing now, would be fun to see him on the show again.

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He's coming out now with a line of crazy socks. It's a Kickstarter thing now, would be fun to see him on the show again.


So you're saying my socks can match my water bottle? I'm in!


I actually found the guy a little... too much. But I also understand that sort of thing really works, so kudos to him for being memorable (and successful!)

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I stumbled upon the Cookie Dough Cafe at Harris Teeter grocery store. It's really yummy though truth be told I don't have a problem eating cookie dough straight from the mixing bowl, eggs and all.


I looked for this at the Fresh Market here, which is supposed to carry it. I didn't find it, but that's okay, because they have Talenti Gelato which will pretty much ruin every other ice cream/gelato for you.


I came across this product site awhile back. Honestly, looking at everything together like that really demonstrates how... gimmicky a majority of the pitches are. Maybe it's because the more innovative products aren't the type you buy online? I don't know.

I got the Squatty Potty.  Without getting too TMI, it delivered as promised.  My family teased me about it, and then asked for them as Christmas Gifts!


I also buy the Simple Sugars scrubs, but I'll admit it was because I met Lani when she was first starting out and I was so impressed with her and her story.  It was really cool to see her on the show.   I really like them, though, especially this time of year when my skin is really dry and rough.

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I want a Squatty Potty.  Last time I looked online everyone was sold out.  I figure it'll be in Bed, Bath & Beyond with a 20% coupon eventually.  


I bought Nuts n More and threw it out.  Yuk.  I didn't know it was a Shark Tank product when I bought it.  


We tried to order a Bottle Breacher for xmas but they knew in early Dec. even they couldn't fulfill xmas orders.  Meh.  

I want to try the guitar buddy thing, that Robert invested in. I asked my local music store if they carried them, he had no idea what I was talking about. I'd like to try one before buying it, so I was hoping he had some.

I want to try the guitar buddy thing, that Robert invested in. I asked my local music store if they carried them, he had no idea what I was talking about. I'd like to try one before buying it, so I was hoping he had some.

I want to try the guitar buddy thing, that Robert invested in. I asked my local music store if they carried them, he had no idea what I was talking about. I'd like to try one before buying it, so I was hoping he had some.

I got the Squatty Potty.  Without getting too TMI, it delivered as promised.  My family teased me about it, and then asked for them as Christmas Gifts!



I want a Squatty Potty.  Last time I looked online everyone was sold out.  I figure it'll be in Bed, Bath & Beyond with a 20% coupon eventually.  


I found a little low stepstool that now sits in my bathroom (not ideal for space, but beggars can't be choosers).  It works.  :-)

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I've tried:

Scrub Daddy... It is ok. I am not sure I will get another set.

Simple Sugars... I bought the coffee one and another one the night the show aired. I liked both, but I haven't bought any more.

U-Lace... Bought a ton of these for a family member with ALS who can't tie laces anymore. She is a little fashionista with a million pairs of tennies, so its been fun to switch up the colors. They are VERY hard to put in though.

Alaskan Mud... LOVE!!! I'm on my 2nd jar. My nephews call it bear poop after Kevin's comment about the mud being pure.

I've seen a few of the other products here and there, like the Jewish tree topper and the Mensch on a Bench (my friend had thar before the show even aired).

I would love one of those ugly Christmas sweaters (I love thd Birthday Boy one) but they are $$$$. Squatty Potty sort of interests me a bit.

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I want to try the guitar buddy thing, that Robert invested in. I asked my local music store if they carried them, he had no idea what I was talking about. I'd like to try one before buying it, so I was hoping he had some.

First off please excuse that triple quote of your post that I made above. I obviously have no idea how to internet. lol

My son told a friend about The Chord Buddy and she ordered it. He said it works great! Worth the money definitely. My son, who does not know how to play guitar, tried it and in no time he was actually playing. He said The Chord Buddy made it so easy but you would have to be careful not to get defendant on it.

I want a Squatty Potty. Last time I looked online everyone was sold out. I figure it'll be in Bed, Bath & Beyond with a 20% coupon eventually.

I mentioned in the episode thread that I looked at BB&B right after Christmas and they were out of stock. I went again last night and there were plenty. I got one for $24.99 minus 20% with coupon, so it was $19.99 before tax. I felt like I'm settling into middle age quite nicely (turned 40 in October) as I walked out if the store with the Stool Stool tucked under my arm. I was embarrassed in the store, but then I thought to myself, "Everybody poops!"

I've "used" it twice (don't judge) and it's pretty weird to get used to with my knees in my chest; I feel like "The Thinker" like they teased Robert looking like as he demonstrated it on the show. I was a 30-minute s(h)itter and magazine reader before, and I've been in and out in five minutes each time since. I don't know how I'm going to get any reading done now.

This is probably TMI, but oh, well: post-poo "cleanup" is better, too.

I'm never going to hear the end of it when my family comes to visit, though.

Edited by bilgistic
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My sister bought the A Better Life cleaning products and really liked them, and turned me on to them. I have been using their laundry detergent and dishwashing liquid, and love them, but the dishwasher gel is not good. They're sold in Canadian Target stores now, so I don't have to order them in (it involved shipping to our US mailbox, then crossing the border to pick them up. The Canadian border guard smiled when I said I was picking up stuff from Shark's Tank). 


ETA: Well, I guess I won't be buying them any more, now that Target's leaving us. Back to ordering online and smiling border guards for me!

Edited by hula-la
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My husband bought me a "I Want to Draw a Cat For You" as a cute birthday present this year (I sing his song around the house constantly). The shipping took longer than promised-- it was ordered at the beginning of October and it didn't arrive until the beginning of December (at the time he ordered it, the site said 4-6 weeks shipping, but now says he isn't taking new orders at all, so I'm guessing he fell behind in drawing). However the drawing was cute and made me laugh.

Edited by marny
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My 7-year-old niece was here New Year's Day and giggled wildly as she asked me, "Do you have a magazine in the bathroom so you can read when you use the potty?" A change had to be made.

That just reminded me that several years ago, I worked at a holdings company of only five people. The bathrooms were in a corridor behind my desk. Every day, the CFO would march to the toilet with the Wall Street Journal tucked under his arm. No shame.

Edited by bilgistic
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Haven't bought any products, but the lockable cookie jar seems to be on the rise. It's getting a lot of media attention lately, and really spreading across Facebook feeds. The local radio station was talking about it too, and I think there was a HuffPo article on it in the past week or two. Considering this is diet season, it's not surprising that it's getting an uptick in interest.

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Watching some reruns for the first time last night on CNBC, and there was a really perky blonde lady selling something to help you lose weight. She is selling it in India, probably because she can't get FDA clearance here. Why do people bother coming on with any product that has claims of improving your health, weight loss, etc., without prior FDA approval?

And the cowboy with the 12" exercise thing... can I get a Yee Haaww? LOL, the guy was a trip!

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 Why do people bother coming on with any product that has claims of improving your health, weight loss, etc., without prior FDA approval?

Because you can sell whatever snake oil you want so long as you don't make specific medical claims.


"Helps support immune health" is legal, especially if it's got the fine print of "Claims not evaluated by the FDA." "Prevents the common cold" would be illegal.


I have my standard rant about that kind of thing that I could pull out (it prominently features a guy we'll just call "Schmoctor Schmoz"), but to remain on topic, I'll only say that I give Cuban all the credit in the world for being the first Shark to call out that kind of bullshit.

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Well, right, but why would you go on this show to do that? The Sharks have a very clear track record of berating those people. So, they have to weigh being called morons and evil on television against the publicity, know that they won't get a deal, but hope enough poor saps still see them on TV and remain interested. Unless they (even more stupidly), audition without having seen the show before.

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Well, right, but why would you go on this show to do that? The Sharks have a very clear track record of berating those people. 

At least one of those product got a deal.  I don't remember the specifics of the product beyond the fact that it was like some kind of vitamin spray, but Lori chose to invest in them.  I suppose it was less quacky than some of the stuff (the crazy woman with the pressure bands for pregnancy nausea springs to mind), but if you need vitamins, it's still better to get them from food than pills.

I asked for a Squatty Potty for Christmas from my stepdaughter. She had no idea what it was but went to BB&B to buy one. She couldn't locate them in the store so had to go up to an employee and with great mortification uttered the words Squatty Potty out loud. Just picturing that was an added bonus for me. However the store was out of them and she got on the waiting list. Looking forward to it!

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At least one of those product got a deal.  I don't remember the specifics of the product beyond the fact that it was like some kind of vitamin spray, but Lori chose to invest in them.  I suppose it was less quacky than some of the stuff (the crazy woman with the pressure bands for pregnancy nausea springs to mind), but if you need vitamins, it's still better to get them from food than pills.

I don't really consider the vitamin spray in the same category as the snake oil salesmen with no cred that their product does anything. With the vitamin thing, if you boil it down down down the claim is: this is a delivery vehicle for vitamins. What benefit people believe the vitamins to have is debateable and another story. If they were touting a specific vitamin having specific magic properties, I think they'd get treated the way I described before. I think that's different from just saying "hey person, want to take vitamins, do it in this alternate way". Plus there are people with various disorders who couldn't possibly get sufficient amount of name a vitamin and do need supplements and are told by doctors to take them. Do I think the spray were marketing to those people? Not really. But I still think vitamin product pitches are apples and oranges to the people who come on to pitch thing that will cure xyz malady.

Bantam Bagel report (with the caveat that I like Lenders just fine, so I'm no kind of bagel snob):


The box arrived on time and with a dab of dry ice left. The bagels were still fully frozen. I suspect they'd fare a lot worse during the summer. They were in packs of 6 in resealable bags. Cook for 6 minutes in the oven. A toaster oven might be better, but I don't have one. They came out crunchy but still soft inside.


Fillings - the various flavors were nice enough but the fill was uneven. I consider bagels to primarily be a cream cheese delivery device, so there wasn't enough for me. Others are no doubt not so greedy.


I personally like the savory flavors better than the sweet ones.


Upshot -- they are tasty but I wouldn't order again at those prices. It also makes me doubt Oprah's judgment because favorite things? Nah.

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This show is on my telly two or three times a day, so I can't tell when this episode aired, but that little dried square of dog food was genius and the sharks couldn't see it.


Edit:  turns out it was a new episode, so I'm moving my post there.



Amazon informs me my preferred squatty potty dealer has sold out.  : ) 

Edited by candall

I ordered an EasyGoPro, a Squatty Potty competitor, from Amazon.  I liked that it was 30% smaller, somewhat better looking and suits all toilet heights.  I got it a few days ago and like it.  I'll give it two heels up.  Thanks for the reviews.  : )


I didn't realize there was a competitor for the Squatty Potty.  I haven't seen that particular segment so what made the Shark(s) decide to invest?   What did the Squatty Potty have that EasyGoPro, et al. didn't? 

That just reminded me that several years ago, I worked at a holdings company of only five people. The bathrooms were in a corridor behind my desk. Every day, the CFO would march to the toilet with the Wall Street Journal tucked under his arm. No shame.


I have the opposite story - when I was around 9 we visited my aunt - she lived in another country, so this was my first time at her house.  I had to poop. I was in the bathroom for a long, long time.  My mother finally knocked on the door asking what I was doing and if I was okay.  I told her that I was fine, but they are out of toilet paper, so I have been looking at magazines, waiting for someone to check on me.  My mother replied, "the magazines are the toilet paper.'  Using magazines to wipe - good for the environment and the budget, bad for your bum (and I would think the septic system wouldn't be to happy about either).


I saw a rerun tonight. A guy was hawking a paper (?) that you dunk in coffee to reveal the amount of caffeine. Shrug. I didn't see the appeal.


I don't remember that product, but I can see the use of a litmus test for caffeine.  My brother avoids caffeine because it raises his blood pressure, my mother avoids it after 3 pm because it really affects her sleep, and a know a few people that get migraines if they don't have a consistent amount of caffeine in their systems (like a withdrawal thing) - they either always drink caffeinated or they avoid it. The people that need to avoid caffeine end up not ordering coffee in restaurants because they don't trust the waitress and/or the orange coffee pot (they can all tell stories of being told it's decaf, and finding out later it wasn't).  It would be nice for them to be able to test it.

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