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S05.E06: Medford, 90210

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Plus the closest Lisa's girls have probably ever gotten to a chubby person in BH/LA is Kyle, (who is probably chubby by BH standards, definitely not by mine) I thought their comments were reflective of their sheltered BH upbringing and maybe even their mom's attitude, rather than meant to be mean.

The shade, it's so subtle.  I'm sure they've seen chub chubs before.  And neither girl is skinny - they appear to be a normal weight.  Between Lisa R's obsession with staying skinny and the Hollywood culture, they are probably more aware of it.


I think the girls were playing up their persona for the camera. Or I wouldn't be surprised if that seemed natural to do because LisaR was taking them around as if they'd never been there because she was really giving a tour to the viewers. I'll bet all that stuff about her younger years etc. was hilariously stagey to the girls who are used to Mom just driving to grandma's house.

I think the Hamlin girls were 'acting up' for the camera and I also get the feeling that they do this even when cameras aren't around.  A little poking and needling to get their mother's attention. 


On another note; I enjoyed seeing Bambi's ratty ol tennis ball on kyle's beautifully decorated table & Kyle saying " oh no. That's not gonna happen". Just a "real" & familiar moment.

me too!  I floved that moment with the dog and his tennis ball :)

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The Hamlin girls were wearing a uniform, doesn't mean catholic school - probably just private.  And they were eating Nutella in the back seat of the car on the way home from school that way.  So Lisa R might not be the food control freak with her girls that she may be with herself.  So those girls might find out what chub chubs are in a while if they keep it up with the Nutella.  Damn good stuff and addictive. 


Kyle puts her girls on camera and with the exception of Portia, we rarely hear them speak.  Much better tactic with teens.

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Didn't Lexi on NJ make a comment about how she was glad her mom wasn't old and fat? Dina and Caroline tried to backpeddle for her and Dina said Lexi just meant she was glad she could share her mom's clothes. Yeah, right. This ain't nothin' new with the Housewives daughters. The apples don't fall far from the tree. That's how life usually works.

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For me, what you said makes me sad for the Rinna/Hamlin girls, they missed out in experiencing someplace that has much to offer. That they know so little of their mothers childhood is strange to me, I grew up hearing about both my parents childhoods and my son has heard those same stories, my husbands parents stories and both my/husband's stories.


I grew up in the Chicago suburbs, but visited my mom's teeny tiny hometown in Arkansas frequently.  When I was little, I was fascinated by the place.  When I got a little older, I noticed that half the adults in their forties not only didn't have teeth, they didn't even have dentures.  There were no stoplights and only one stop sign in the whole town.  The teenagers sat around Saturday night on the hood of their cars, just watching the "strip".  There were dead armadillos on the side of the road, and accents so thick, they could have been speaking a foreign language for all I knew.  I admit I did razz my mom about her hometown, but so did all of my cousins.  It just seemed so alien to my way of life.  I would like to think I didn't say anything disrespectful to the folks who lived there, but I can't be 100% sure.  If I did, I definitely would have gotten in trouble. 


On another note; I enjoyed seeing Bambi's ratty ol tennis ball on kyle's beautifully decorated table & Kyle saying " oh no. That's not gonna happen". Just a "real" & familiar moment.


If I exclude the Chanel dog bowl set, I love the way Kyle's family is with their dogs.  The dogs are allowed to attend the parties and greet guests, and seemed well socialized.  I especially loved Bambi jumping on the bed, and Kyle half-heartedly scolding.  I get the impression that the "no dogs in bed" rule is Mauricio's, and when he's gone, the dogs sleep with Kyle.  Such a healthy way to treat dogs compared to the Vanderpump/Todds.

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And how odd to me that Lisa's relationship with her kids is such that they know so little about her childhood - barely visit her family and did not know church was prominent in her life. I guess she gets stuck at sharing clothes with them and does not realize she could share some family history, too.


Bingo.  This is what stood out the most to me. Since apparently they have feelings about folks and religion, I was shocked to find they didn't know that their mother had not just been a regular at church, but said that she loved attending. How has this never come up before?


Actually, another thing that took me by surprise - and I am not sure if it has been mentioned yet - is that when they were talking about the chubby folks, one of the gals said something like "this place makes me feel uncomfortable" right after she mentioned the McDonalds. I thought this was beyond strange. Why would seeing some chubby folks and a couple of fast food restaurants make a person feel "uncomfortable"? Was she afraid someone might kidnap them, tie them up, and force feed them a Big Mac? 


For me, it is just another example of why these folks should keep their teenagers off TV.  IMO teenagers can be the biggest assholes, and they just routinely say stupid shit. For the most part their decision making abilities tend to be faulty, which is why I believe there exists laws to protect them (and us) from these decisions.  As a society we have decided they are not mature enough to drink, to drive, to get married, to have consensual sex, to vote, etc., until they reach a certain age.  Maybe Bravo should likewise protect them from themselves since much of the time their parents don't. 

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I learn so much from this place. I never recognized Eileen's husband Vince as Vince Van Patten. I also never knew that the dog food brand I've been using for years was made by my favorite TV dad.

Yesterday a couple of Facebook friends (from here on Long Island) were talking about a high school classmate of theirs, an actor/director and '70s hunk who "just showed up on a Bravo reality show." I only watch one Bravo reality show currently, and who else could they have been referencing? LOL. 

Edited by CousinAmy
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On another note; I enjoyed seeing Bambi's ratty ol tennis ball on kyle's beautifully decorated table & Kyle saying " oh no. That's not gonna happen". Just a "real" & familiar moment.



Yes, for all of Kyle's willingness to push storyline along, I tend to like her when she's being candid and reactive to every day (non-grownup bullshit) things.  The dog jumping in bed and putting the tennis ball on the table.  Her reaction when Portia dropped clothes on the dressing room floor -- she's not self conscious about her mom reactions, and I'd say they're pretty good/standard ones.   As opposed to other housewives whose children look at them side-eyed because this is obviously the first time Mom has ever baked cookies/played on the trampoline/said a prayer before dinner with them.  Not to mention Teresa, whose kids know she will do nothing but squeal their name, no matter what they do.

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Yes, for all of Kyle's willingness to push storyline along, I tend to like her when she's being candid and reactive to every day (non-grownup bullshit) things.  The dog jumping in bed and putting the tennis ball on the table.  Her reaction when Portia dropped clothes on the dressing room floor -- she's not self conscious about her mom reactions, and I'd say they're pretty good/standard ones.   


This is why I keep wanting to root for Kyle - there is something about her that just seems more genuinely authentic (warts and all) than most of the housewives.  I think to her own detriment sometimes, she can't help but give an authentic response to what's going on around her.  I remember when she was having her meltdown with Camille in Season One, after the dinner party from hell, at Lisa's fundraiser, she was sitting at a table with the morally corrupt Faye Resnick, explaining to their other friends what happened, and Kyle said something along the lines of "I react so strongly, I just lose my temper and start shouting, I wish I would stop that."  It was a rare bit of self-awareness with a Housewife genuinely ruminating about her own role in causing a problem.  


In the limo at the end of Season One with Kim, I have often said that was the most horrible thing I have ever seen one cast member do to another - deliberately outing her sister as an alcoholic to the world - but now, years later, I have a bit more sympathy as to why she did it.  Was it wrong?  Yes.  Was she provoked?  Yes, for years.  Having dealt with a family member with mental illness myself, in the years since I first saw that episode, I see it through different eyes now.   (And I am way less sympathetic to Kim, who is STILL using that incident to paint herself as a victim of Kyle, when I think anyone with eyes can see that in fact Kyle has tried her best to save Kim's life, to the detriment of Kyle's well being, for years and years and years.  And for Brandi now to be wedging herself between the sister's, on Kim's side, and for Kim to go along with that --- there are no words.  They are both foul.)


That said, Kyle still loses me most of the time - she has a streak of mean girl in her (cackling with Faye Resnick, making fun of Brandi in the very early days), she is overdramatic, and she is not as funny as she thinks she is.  But right now - I admit it! Fifty lashes for me! - she is my favorite in the cast, and it's really because of those real human moments, the tennis ball on the table, the efficient but loving disciplining of Portia, the playful dynamic with Mauricio.  I also don't forget that she stood by unpopular housewives (especially Taylor) when it was very clear that the expedient  move, socially and for viewer popularity, would have been to walk away.  I know this is a minority opinion.  And I reserve the right to change it any episode now, when Kyle does something mean girlish again, and I throw my hands up once more.

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This is why I keep wanting to root for Kyle - there is something about her that just seems more genuinely authentic (warts and all) than most of the housewives.  I think to her own detriment sometimes, she can't help but give an authentic response to what's going on around her.  I remember when she was having her meltdown with Camille in Season One, after the dinner party from hell, at Lisa's fundraiser, she was sitting at a table with the morally corrupt Faye Resnick, explaining to their other friends what happened, and Kyle said something along the lines of "I react so strongly, I just lose my temper and start shouting, I wish I would stop that."  It was a rare bit of self-awareness with a Housewife genuinely ruminating about her own role in causing a problem.  


In the limo at the end of Season One with Kim, I have often said that was the most horrible thing I have ever seen one cast member do to another - deliberately outing her sister as an alcoholic to the world - but now, years later, I have a bit more sympathy as to why she did it.  Was it wrong?  Yes.  Was she provoked?  Yes, for years.  Having dealt with a family member with mental illness myself, in the years since I first saw that episode, I see it through different eyes now.   (And I am way less sympathetic to Kim, who is STILL using that incident to paint herself as a victim of Kyle, when I think anyone with eyes can see that in fact Kyle has tried her best to save Kim's life, to the detriment of Kyle's well being, for years and years and years.  And for Brandi now to be wedging herself between the sister's, on Kim's side, and for Kim to go along with that --- there are no words.  They are both foul.)


That said, Kyle still loses me most of the time - she has a streak of mean girl in her (cackling with Faye Resnick, making fun of Brandi in the very early days), she is overdramatic, and she is not as funny as she thinks she is.  But right now - I admit it! Fifty lashes for me! - she is my favorite in the cast, and it's really because of those real human moments, the tennis ball on the table, the efficient but loving disciplining of Portia, the playful dynamic with Mauricio.  I also don't forget that she stood by unpopular housewives (especially Taylor) when it was very clear that the expedient  move, socially and for viewer popularity, would have been to walk away.  I know this is a minority opinion.  And I reserve the right to change it any episode now, when Kyle does something mean girlish again, and I throw my hands up once more.

I agree, which is why I have always liked Kyle. I think she is absolutely the most authentic, even with regard to her insecurities. It still astounds me that she admitted to having liposuction after season 1 (or was it season 2?)  This is something that is simply not done much among these ladies. They deny, deny, deny everything. She also admitted to having her nose done.  If she has done more than minor maintenance on her face, than I would say she has played it perfectly.  She is pretty much the only HW that I see that looks as good if not better than she did when the show started.  This is a huge deal. We watch so many of these gals go too far in their attempts to try and remain young - even when they really don't need too (que Brandi).


Kyle always gets a lot of grief because she is insecure, but IMO that makes her much more real to me. She isn't afraid to let the world know that she has struggles just like everyone else. It has always seemed to me like Kyle has the most charmed life of all the HW's on any of the shows. She just seems to have nailed everything; to have checked all the "life" boxes. A career, charming husband that seems to adore her and want her to be happy, healthy children, wealth, and beauty. Yet IMO she doesn't act like she is the best at anything in the same vein as say Yolanda does. Kyle gushes when she is around folks who are important, when she is in a beautiful home, sitting at a beautifully set table, or when she is with someone who is stunning. I am sure she finds herself in these situations all the time, much as Yo and Lisa do. Yet Kyle always acts like it is a huge deal and not per usual. She seems to recognize her good luck in such situations, which I totally dig. 

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I agree with your comments on Kyle, mcm65 and ottergirl.


If I were to pick one RH of all the franchises across the board to spend the day with: I'd choose Kyle for all the reasons you mention. 


It boggles my mind that she is considered "big" by Beverly Hills standards.  To me, she has the most healthy looking weight out of all the RHOBH.  As others have mentioned,  it's believed she is a size 4, right?    Which is perfectly awesome.      


Would LisaR's brats call her a "chub-chub"?  (couldn't resist beating the proverbial dead horse. LOL)



If I exclude the Chanel dog bowl set, I love the way Kyle's family is with their dogs.  The dogs are allowed to attend the parties and greet guests, and seemed well socialized.  I especially loved Bambi jumping on the bed, and Kyle half-heartedly scolding.  I get the impression that the "no dogs in bed" rule is Mauricio's, and when he's gone, the dogs sleep with Kyle.  Such a healthy way to treat dogs compared to the Vanderpump/Todds.

Another reason of course, that I do tend to like Kyle.

  • Love 3

Yes, for all of Kyle's willingness to push storyline along, I tend to like her when she's being candid and reactive to every day (non-grownup bullshit) things.  The dog jumping in bed and putting the tennis ball on the table.  Her reaction when Portia dropped clothes on the dressing room floor -- she's not self conscious about her mom reactions, and I'd say they're pretty good/standard ones.   As opposed to other housewives whose children look at them side-eyed because this is obviously the first time Mom has ever baked cookies/played on the trampoline/said a prayer before dinner with them.  Not to mention Teresa, whose kids know she will do nothing but squeal their name, no matter what they do.


Loved the way she shut down Portia regarding lighting a candle - uh, no you may not! 


You're on the mark with Teresa, she does not discipline.  The closest she comes is to squeal, "Joe!", and he either laughs or swears.  They continue to act shocked at Milania's antics.  My favorite (to date) was the grounded to her bedroom Milania, climbing out of her window and playing in the snow.  They acted stunned, followed by proud.

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I like Kyle best of all too. She is very real and I relate to her the most, personality wise.She's not perfect but I like her the best of all and also think she's very beautiful.

I have to go with the fact the Kyle has never been caught lying.  That and in spite of the crap she takes for she has always been inclusive of all the RH, well until Carlton pushed her too far, her not including Carlton in Puerto Rico was a first.  Her devotion to her children is admirable and of course appropriate and it is nice this year the producers are really letting us see the new women with their husbands and kids.  I am enjoying this season because it is less about the little annoying grievances they have with one another and more about how they spend time with their families. 


I know Brandi children do not appear because Brandi is such a hideous human being. She writes books about her ex with no regard for her children and I find that a contrast to the rest of the present cast.  We see Yolanda, Eileen, Kyle, and especially Kim behave in a such a manner that is respectful to their exes (or their spouses exes) and truly work at blended families.  Yolanda stands out in the group with something like 12 children between hers David and Mohammed's.  This season has also included some of the ladies and their trials and tribulations with aging and ill parents.  Brandi does get to show her side with parents again this year. 

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You know, Camille gets a lot of credit for her "turnaround" from Season 1 to Season 2, but I actually think Kyle has had one of the biggest transformations on the show. I was someone who hated Kyle in the beginning. I thought she was a total Mean Girl with a terrible sense of humor and a covert sense of entitlement. I couldn't believe her pearl-clutching and overall lack of contrition at the Season 2 reunion after she had been such a bitch to Brandi all season long. She was actually one of my least favorite housewives across the board, right up there with Caroline Manzo, Jill Zarin and Nene Leakes. That said, she seems to have been really humbled by the flak she got. Since Season 3, Kyle has definitely made every effort not to be a mean girl anymore - she has pretty much given everyone a fair chance and seems to have learned from her mistakes. And whereas Camille's transformation seemed completely calculated, Kyle actually seems to be coming from a genuine place. Kyle is not someone I personally would ever want to be friends with - her guffawing, her lack of intellectual curiosity and her guffawing are all dealbreakers for me - but I do think she has ultimately proven to have a pretty good heart.

Edited by PhilMarlowe2
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I think Brandi would be much more likely to have sex with an animal than LisaV  would ...  :-)



And I'm sure it wouldn't be a first for her.


Brandy ha done the IMPOSSIBLE for me: she has made Tamra Barney, whom I used t think was the bottom of the barrel seem like the Queen Mother of Manners.  If I were related to Brandy I would die from embarrassment.  She is crass, crude, vulgar and cheap. 

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And I'm sure it wouldn't be a first for her.


Brandy ha done the IMPOSSIBLE for me: she has made Tamra Barney, whom I used t think was the bottom of the barrel seem like the Queen Mother of Manners.  If I were related to Brandy I would die from embarrassment.  She is crass, crude, vulgar and cheap. 

Last year during the holidays Brandi took great pride in posting pictures on Twitter of her family sporting obscene gestures.  Nothing like seeing her mom, dad and grandmother flipping the bird.  So  tonight's episode with this group of classless users is just par for the course-Brandi and her family, people no one would ever want to be around.

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My opinion of Kyle has changed many times. Right now, I'm mostly enjoying her. She can be so effusively and infectiously upbeat that it's hard not to feel in good humor when she is not being catty. But of course, I remember the attacks on Lisa - two years running, she sided with the "other side of the couch" in a way I would never expect a close friend to act. Also, with Brandi when she was new, I just can't quite get over how nasty she and Kim were to Brandi, even though Brandi is now on my naughty list.


As noted, though, her interactions with and affection for her family are very winning. And I agree, she is often very transparent as well. I can still reserve the right to change my opinion as well, because these women, no matter what else is going on, do put one on an emotional roller coaster. Or perhaps I should just blame the editors for these things.

The scenes with Lisa R and her girls made no sense. Lisa said that she tried to take her girls back every year to visit her parents. So why did they seem to know nothing about her hometown? So either she has tried to take them and they said no (which they pretty much did at their own home), or the scenes in the car were for our entertainment. Which turned out to be not the least bit entertaining, but instead disturbing.  However I am more inclined to believe that the kids really do know nothing about their mother's hometown. I especially thought the religion comment was odd. If Lisa was raised going to church, chances are it was very important to her parents and continued to be an important part of their lives long after Lisa grew up and left home. But their grandchildren seem totally oblivious to that.


I also thought Lisa was totally clueless when she said that she is now the adult in her relationship with her parents. Hardly. They are living in a retirement residence, it seems her half sister takes care of any of their needs and Lisa flies in from a bordering state once in a blue moon. Nope, you are still the child in the relationship, Lisa.

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I was equally put off when the Rinna girls talked about church in such a derogatory way. Saying that Lisa attending as a child explained a lot about her (in a negative way). Interesting. So I'm not just bagging on them for their sheltered remarks about "chub chubs" and Medford being a horrible place that they feel so very sorry that their mom had to grow up in. I know teens are bratty in general but these girls seem pretty awful.


And that was my issue with them. I was shocked that they spoke to their mother in that manner. That type of flippancy or as most of my relatives would say "smart assed mouth" just wasn't tolerated by my mother or many of the mothers of kids I knew. Don't get me wrong, I had plenty of eye rolls and "oh my god mother!" moments in my teen years, but if I had said the things to my mom that those girls said to Lisa, I'd probably no longer have a tongue, but it would also have hurt my mother's feelings.

But I'm never surprised anymore by what people brush off as "normal" behavior for kids these days. I heard this elementary school kid in the store yell, "What do you want Maureen?!" to his mother and no one batted an eye, so...yeah.

  • Love 1

The scenes with Lisa R and her girls made no sense. Lisa said that she tried to take her girls back every year to visit her parents. So why did they seem to know nothing about her hometown? So either she has tried to take them and they said no (which they pretty much did at their own home), or the scenes in the car were for our entertainment. Which turned out to be not the least bit entertaining, but instead disturbing.  However I am more inclined to believe that the kids really do know nothing about their mother's hometown. I especially thought the religion comment was odd. If Lisa was raised going to church, chances are it was very important to her parents and continued to be an important part of their lives long after Lisa grew up and left home. But their grandchildren seem totally oblivious to that.


I also thought Lisa was totally clueless when she said that she is now the adult in her relationship with her parents. Hardly. They are living in a retirement residence, it seems her half sister takes care of any of their needs and Lisa flies in from a bordering state once in a blue moon. Nope, you are still the child in the relationship, Lisa.

I really disliked the "I am now the adult" statement. Sadly, many middle-agers are forced into this role because of parental dementia. People who are not dealing with this circumstance should not claim the role. I would hope even that her sister doesn't see herself as the adult and their parents as the children. 

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And that was my issue with them. I was shocked that they spoke to their mother in that manner. That type of flippancy or as most of my relatives would say "smart assed mouth" just wasn't tolerated by my mother or many of the mothers of kids I knew. Don't get me wrong, I had plenty of eye rolls and "oh my god mother!" moments in my teen years, but if I had said the things to my mom that those girls said to Lisa, I'd probably no longer have a tongue, but it would also have hurt my mother's feelings.

But I'm never surprised anymore by what people brush off as "normal" behavior for kids these days. I heard this elementary school kid in the store yell, "What do you want Maureen?!" to his mother and no one batted an eye, so...yeah.


Lawd help me, because I'm about to defend these idiots.  Because, yup, they were being hella rude.


But, I do believe they were playing the "I'm on camera so I gotta seem cool" BS. We constantly talk about these 40-50 year old women playing it up for the cameras, so why should we be surprised when teenagers do the same?  Teenagers say incredibly stupid shit, which is why it's probably best they stay off camera.


And making excuses for teenagers isn't new.  Let's not forget that until recently "Boys will be boys" was an excuse for all kinds of bad behavior.  

Edited by CatMomma
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I really disliked the "I am now the adult" statement. Sadly, many middle-agers are forced into this role because of parental dementia. People who are not dealing with this circumstance should not claim the role. I would hope even that her sister doesn't see herself as the adult and their parents as the children.


I totally agree. And Lisa's sister did not come across to me as someone who would treat her parent and step parent as children, but rather as an adult child helping them to move into a new residence, sell their old one, etc. Lisa's parents may have had health issues but certainly did not seem in any way to be totally dependent on anyone, let alone a child who lives in another state.


There are many reasons an adult child becomes a caregiver to an elderly parent. My own mother lost her speech due to a stroke two weeks after I turned 40. She had many challenges and illnesses in the remaining 10 years of her life and was dependent on me to a great extent due to her inability to speak. However even then I didn't think of myself as the adult and my mother the child. She needed my help and I was honoured to be able to give back to her the unconditional love and support she had given me for 40 years.

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Lawd help me, because I'm about to defend these idiots.  Because, yup, they were being hella rude.


But, I do believe they were playing the "I'm on camera so I gotta seem cool" BS. We constantly talk about these 40-50 year old women playing it up for the cameras, so why should we be surprised when teenagers do the same?  Teenagers say incredibly stupid shit, which is why it's probably best they stay off camera.


And making excuses for teenagers isn't new.  Let's not forget that until recently "Boys will be boys" was an excuse for all kinds of bad behavior.  

I didn't have rules per say for my daughters except one. Respect for others and yourselves. If they didn't rise to the occasion of being respectful, then I made the decisions for them. The one thing that I told them would make me proudest of them was to be kind and they are kind and respectful young women.

  • Love 2

And that was my issue with them. I was shocked that they spoke to their mother in that manner. That type of flippancy or as most of my relatives would say "smart assed mouth" just wasn't tolerated by my mother or many of the mothers of kids I knew. Don't get me wrong, I had plenty of eye rolls and "oh my god mother!" moments in my teen years, but if I had said the things to my mom that those girls said to Lisa, I'd probably no longer have a tongue, but it would also have hurt my mother's feelings.

But I'm never surprised anymore by what people brush off as "normal" behavior for kids these days. I heard this elementary school kid in the store yell, "What do you want Maureen?!" to his mother and no one batted an eye, so...yeah.

To be fair, the name Maureen just begs to be yelled in a drawn- out fashion.

Just bein' smart :) I totally agree with your post.

I didn't have rules per say for my daughters except one. Respect for others and yourselves. If they didn't rise to the occasion of being respectful, then I made the decisions for them. The one thing that I told them would make me proudest of them was to be kind and they are kind and respectful young women.

Higgins, I find you to be a beautiful person.

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