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S05.E16: Ink Master Live (Finale)


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Unless a major, major surprise happens it will be Cleen who wins the season--which I'm fine with.  I'm more interested to hear from Josh to see what he has to say about his elimination.  Not so interested in hearing Emily run her damn mouth!  Grrrr...


I wonder if they are going to bring back another artist from this season to compete in next season?

I really hope they don't bring back anyone. Kyle was an epic fail and Tattoo Baby did make it to the finale but she was so exhausted she wanted to quit and made some really bad choices along the way. I don't recall anyone else except for Jason and Josh.  Josh got canned ala Kyle and Jason is stressed ala Baby. There is no one this season that I would like to see again.

While I think Clean had the best track record during the competition I did like Jason's back piece the best overall and in as the one that best matched the challenge assigned to him. On top of all that Clean was an full of himself the whole time and while Jason was boastful at times I found him much more likable overall so I am happy to see him win it.


The Super Bowl analogy fits perfectly and for me that is how it should be, but it was not how it was for other ink Masters. II remember, in the past, the judges saying one guy had a better final tattoo but the other guy had a better track record so they gave them the win but I can't remember if there was a specific challenge they had to meet or were the just open to do whatever they wanted. This year they had a challenge to meet an Clean did not meet it at all where Jason nailed it.

Edited by fifty8th
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It wasn't like Jason inched out Cleen with the master canvas, though. Jason blew him away, and it would be ridiculous to reward Cleen for ignoring the style guidelines. At least Erik was, green skull aside, clearly TRYING to do a photorealistic implementation of each element of the design. What the hell was Cleen trying to do?

Jason deserves a ton odd props from a reality TV gamesmanship POV, too, because he knew how to sink his opponents and they clearly didn't know how to do the same with him. Could someone who knows tattoos better explain to me why they thought new school would sink him?

Other thoughts:

- These finales are too cramped and need to be expanded to 90 minutes or two hours. Hate how it's basically YAY JASON IS INK MASTER and then they immediately fade to black.

- What was with the obscene level of makeup caked on everyone's faces? Did they dig up some old makeup lady who's never worked on a HD show before?

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Eek. The finale is always so terrible, but really, that was so weirdly paced and awkward it makes Probst look good for how well he manages Survivor.


I always come away from these wondering how much editing has to go into the individual episodes to make the judges seem coherent. Dave fumbles through and the other two are just stilted and rough.

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I hated the constant bitching during the season.  They could have trimmed down the finale if we didn't have to hear the eliminated inktestants trash talk their former competitors.  You suck.  No, you suck.  I'm a better artist.  No I'm a better artist.  You're a bitch.  You're a bad tattoer.  What a waste of airtime.  


Jason accepted the judges' critiques quite graciously, which was nice to see.  They actually had a fair amount of negative things to say to him.  But he defended the tattoo well and he did do new school as assigned.  It would have been nice to have spent more time really looking at the tattoos.  


I know it's an unpopular opinion on this board, but I really like Cleen.  And I find him really sexy in an old school, 50s way.  I'll just jump in that handbasket and get ready for my trip to hell.  

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Sometimes I read SMH as "Shaking My Head" but I have full-on "So Much Hate" for Oliver Peck with his barechested/dinner jacket combo and that STUPID TOOTHPICK. 


I don't see how Cleen's pale wisps and anatomically horrendous skull could have beaten the depth and richness of Erik's piece if they were both tasked with color realism.  Cleen said he used a photograph he'd taken of the images--must've been a picture of a wrench.


And finally, a giant seasonal tattoo from her crotch to her knee that's going to half show in a way that won't make sense any time she wears a skirt for the rest of her life?


The fuckery was intense in the studio tonight.

  • Love 4

Didn't see this result coming! 

I have to admit that I was really impressed with how well Clean cleans up.

With his hair slicked back, the twelve pounds of pancake, and the Euro-trash-looking suit, CR1 looked like he was dressing up as Ray Liotta in Goodfellas for Halloween.  Different strokes for different folks, I suppose....


I fully expected the judges to repeat history by awarding the Ink Master title to the inktestant whose ass they've had their noses up the entire season, so it was a pleasant surprise that Jason ended up winning.


Does anyone have a screen-grab of CR1's facial expression when Dave called it for Jason?  I've read elsewhere that the look on his face was priceless -- not quite as awesome as when Chris Daughtry got the boot on American Idol, but still some glorious schadenfreude. 

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With his hair slicked back, the twelve pounds of pancake, and the Euro-trash-looking suit, CR1 looked like he was dressing up as Ray Liotta in Goodfellas for Halloween.  Different strokes for different folks, I suppose....

I had to laugh when I read that. The friend I was watching with didn't use those exact words but the gist was the same.

I was really hoping Erik would win because I dislike the other two, especially Cleen. I am so glad the season is over and I don't have to see anymore of his head nodding/bobbing. And I am so glad he lost. Jason really did do the best tattoo of the night. My friend and I both looked at each other when they showed the other two and said "what the hell is that suppose to be?"

I'm GTHiaH because when Jason's canvas wanted to quit I laughed a little. I just knew the statement 'I am so stressed out right now' was coming.

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Could someone who knows tattoos better explain to me why they thought new school would sink him?

He had mentioned in the past he hated new school so I think they took it to mean he could not do them, when in fact he could he just doesn't like doing them. I read it in an article about the finale last night that I can't find anymore, it was an interview of Jason.

- These finales are too cramped and need to be expanded to 90 minutes or two hours. Hate how it's basically YAY JASON IS INK MASTER and then they immediately fade to black.


Too cramped? There's about 10 minutes of actual content!


They have to fill up the rest with Sausage pretending to do a tattoo that is already done, pointless bickering, and showing sneak previews for Inkmaster Holidays and Ink Psychiatrist and People Building Furniture brought to you by the makers of Inkmaster.

I think Jason is the first "Ink Master" that many viewers wouldn't even want to get a tattooo from. Dude was 1-4 in head-to-head matchups. Cleen totally blew it.

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Does anyone have a screen-grab of CR1's facial expression when Dave called it for Jason?  I've read elsewhere that the look on his face was priceless -- not quite as awesome as when Chris Daughtry got the boot on American Idol, but still some glorious schadenfreude.

I wish I did have a pic of that--Cleen looked like he had just gotten bitch slapped!  Whew he looked pissed!  Enh, I've always liked Jason and yeah his tat was the best of the 3 but the win, really?  I was really disappointed in Erik's tattoo.   Man that thing looked a mess, not surprised he only made it to 3rd place.


This pic is on the spike website.  As you can see CR1 & Erik both still looked like they are reelinginkwinning_moment_tumb.jpg?quality=0.91

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 I feel pretty bitch-slapped, too. lol  I would not only turn down a free tattoo from Jason, you could not pay me enough to get one. He might be having a bad day and I'd end up with one of his fugly geishas, just no. I do understand the reasoning, Cleen didn't do color realism although the tattoo was really good IMO it wasn't the challenge. Same for Eric. I don't care much for New School so I can't say I  liked Jason's but it did meet the challenge. I guess. It's not as ugly as some new school stuff I've seen so I can't argue with it. There were a number of times I thought Jason should have been eliminated and that's a first for me with a winner of this show. Too bad Josh showed himself the door. I do think he was more talented artistically.

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Too cramped? There's about 10 minutes of actual content!


They have to fill up the rest with Sausage pretending to do a tattoo that is already done, pointless bickering, and showing sneak previews for Inkmaster Holidays and Ink Psychiatrist and People Building Furniture brought to you by the makers of Inkmaster.

I think Jason is the first "Ink Master" that many viewers wouldn't even want to get a tattooo from. Dude was 1-4 in head-to-head matchups. Cleen totally blew it.

Other than the live tattoo, which is what it is and doesn't need any more time than it gets, nothing gets any time to breathe. Each tattoo is only shown off for about 30 second, then critiqued later for about 30 seconds to a minute. The rest of the cast gets about 3 minutes combined to talk. One of the most talked about moments of the season, Josh's disqualification, wasn't even talked about. The show goes right off the air after the winner is announced with no interviews. The whole thing feels ridiculously rushed in an hour time slot.

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 I feel pretty bitch-slapped, too. lol  I would not only turn down a free tattoo from Jason, you could not pay me enough to get one. He might be having a bad day and I'd end up with one of his fugly geishas, just no.


I don't think we can base someone's entire skillset on how they do on Ink Master with time limits, the pressure of being stuck inside the house w/o contact with the outside world, etc.

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I don't think we can base someone's entire skillset on how they do on Ink Master with time limits, the pressure of being stuck inside the house w/o contact with the outside world, etc.

I'd get a tattoo from Jason in a normal situation any day, but I would have to think twice if it were in a pressure situation like this competition. Jason did an great piece when given 35 hours over time and no one standing over his shoulder.

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I don't think we can base someone's entire skillset on how they do on Ink Master with time limits, the pressure of being stuck inside the house w/o contact with the outside world, etc.


 Many others have produced consistently good work under the same conditions. Jason didn't.  And he was proud of that inconsistency which struck me as odd so that's what I'm basing my opinion on, if it matters.

I call bullshit on Jason winning and I didn't really care WHO won after Josh smoked himself out of the competition.


Jason was so inconsistent all season and I was totally unsympathetic to his alleged panic, which was hit and miss at best. And I have panic disorder so I know what that's like on a daily basis.


I think in a competition like InkMaster, you have to consider the overall work during the season and not just the finale piece. Problem is, both Cleen's and Erik's were not photo realisitc at all to my eye. Especially Cleen's.

I don't hate Jason's win, but it was so underwhelming, I probably won't remember this time next week who actually won.


I concur: Sausage and the Xmas elf tattoo were beyond weird. Yes, it was clear that was not a fresh tattoo so I don't know why they had to lie to the audience. I guess it was for the tie in of the InkMaster Xmas and New Year shows?? At least Josh was on one of them, so I'll watch.


I've really liked this show even though it's hard sometimes, but I find it hard to believe they can't find talented artists without such horrendous personal issues who might also want the exposure and to win 100K. It would be so nice to have someone to root for, for a change.

Edited by PepperMonkey


I fully expected the judges to repeat history by awarding the Ink Master title to the inktestant whose ass they've had their noses up the entire season, so it was a pleasant surprise that Jason ended up winning.

It looked to me like it was Josh that the judges were invested in having win, and Cleen was only their favorite for second. But, Peck had a point when he said that the final challenge has to mean something, so you need to recognize when there's a clearly losing or clearly winning piece (Erik and Jason, respectively). Otherwise, you might as well be watching Celebrity Apprentice.

I wish they would spend more time on the 35 hour tat process. Film each person getting tattooed and do a freeze frame at each 7-hour mark. Speed up the film when showing it, but it gives the viewer an idea about how the tat came together. The artist (i use that term loosely with some of these guys) can explain why they are doing what, like Jason did with the blue background. Then spend some time with the finished tat. The whole process would use up maybe 10 minutes of time. I know that is 10 minutes of "I know You are, but what am I" that we would miss out on, but I think we'd be fine with that.


Forget the look on Cleen's face when Jason's name was announced, did you see the look on Nunez's face when Dave said "Jason"? Talk about pissed.

Edited by Galloway Cave
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Other than the live tattoo, which is what it is and doesn't need any more time than it gets, nothing gets any time to breathe. Each tattoo is only shown off for about 30 second, then critiqued later for about 30 seconds to a minute. The rest of the cast gets about 3 minutes combined to talk. One of the most talked about moments of the season, Josh's disqualification, wasn't even talked about. The show goes right off the air after the winner is announced with no interviews. The whole thing feels ridiculously rushed in an hour time slot.


I agree that not nearly enough time is spent on the finale tattoos.


But most of the show is filler. The tweets are filler. Sausage is filler. The promos for other shows are filler. Dave talking about America voting and hashtag this and hashtag that is filler (and completely pointless). Cutting it down to 2 is filler. The judges pretending to deliberate live when they surely picked the winner before the show is filler. Even the segments where they talk to the contestants are filler because they're the same thing every season: person A saying that person B sucks, person B responds that actually A is the one who sucks, they bicker for 30 seconds and then Dave interrupts and says it's time to move on.


They literally did the same thing FIVE times:

1) Eric vs Cleen vs Jason all arguing about who is better

2) Mark vs everyone arguing about who is better

3) The 2 fat brothers arguing about who is better

4) Emily vs Tyesha arguing about who is better

5) Aaron vs Kris arguing about who is better

Oh, and one that was a little different

1) Emily vs Josh arguing about who was bitchier

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I guess I am OK with the win, considering that the other two contenders didn't say "photo realism" to me (though I did like them well enough). But why did so much time have to be spent on showing us old footage all these fools trash-talking? I wanted to hear from Josh...and maybe even awful Emily and ol' hunchy-shoulder Julia.


And do you think they could have gotten a screen big enough to show the entire pieces at once? They were scrolling the images! Come on now, I've seen bigger monitors in people's homes! Or at least do closeups of that wee little monitor so that those of us at home have a full-screen view! This is a show ostensibly about artistic creations; it would be nice to get a good look at them. Not to mention, Eric's head blocking the bottom of the screen--haha!

Edited by TattleTeeny
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Jason's final tattoo had the wow factor, at least to me. As soon as the canvas revealed it, I said, "Damn!" It popped. The other two, not so much.


I guess if you're going to judge the winner solely by the final tattoo, then I'm fine with Jason beating Cleen. Cleen's final tattoo just didn't have "it."  This show works off the final tattoo for the final win (unless the two final tattoos are both equal, which was when the whole season was factored in), so by that criteria I have to agree.

I concur: Sausage and the Xmas elf tattoo were beyond weird. Yes, it was clear that was not a fresh tattoo so I don't know why they had to lie to the audience. I guess it was for the tie in of the InkMaster Xmas and New Year shows?? At least Josh was on one of them, so I'll watch.

I was about to ask who planned on watching the Christmas & New Year's shows.  I will as well.  Glad they are bringing Josh back & I see they've brought back that ATROCIOUS (!!) Gentle Jay as well.  Grrrr...


I also recognized Sausage (small yay) & James from season 1 (BIG YAY) and Al Fliction from season 1.  The other people I didn't really recognize.


Also Ink Master will be back for a 6th season in the summer of 2015...http://www.thefutoncritic.com/news/2014/12/16/spike-tv-inks-season-six-of-ink-master-820210/20141216spiketv01/

Edited by Dirtybubble

I was about to ask who planned on watching the Christmas & New Year's shows.  I will as well.  Glad they are bringing Josh back & I see they've brought back that ATROCIOUS (!!) Gentle Jay as well.  Grrrr...


I also recognized Sausage (small yay) & James from season 1 (BIG YAY) and Al Fliction from season 1.  The other people I didn't really recognize.


Also Ink Master will be back for a 6th season in the summer of 2015...http://www.thefutoncritic.com/news/2014/12/16/spike-tv-inks-season-six-of-ink-master-820210/20141216spiketv01/


 Wow, I have abso no desire to see any of those you named except maybe James and only because I don't remember who he is. lol

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Wow, I have abso no desire to see any of those you named except maybe James and only because I don't remember who he is. lol

From what I remember James is an absolute doll!  Very kind and easy going--he's from the south so he has that aww shucks kinda humble personality.  His tattoo work was only moderately good though so I hope his personality hasn't changed but his tats skills have improved somewhat. 


Meh, I'll watch these episodes mainly because it seems to be a different group for each week.  My early prediction:  Josh will win in his group.  Some sort of redemption maybe.

I'm fine with Jason winning.  And I would let him tattoo me.  Jason is actually a really nice man and Ollie and Dave were right - if you have a challenge for the final tattoo, the challenge has to matter.  You can't say "yeah, we gave you a final challenge to work perhaps outside your comfort zone and prove you have the skills to do it, but it doesn't matter, because we're not going to judge you on that anyway."  CR1 and Erik's pieces had nothing to do with photo realism and Jason's had everything to do with New School.  And yes, Nunez had his panties in a a major wad because he fancies himself the head judge on "Ink Master."  He was pissed at Ollie for supporting Jason, and REALLY pissed at Dave for agreeing with Ollie.  He should get over it in a day or twelve.

Edited by AllieP
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I think the producers need to decide whether the competition boils down to the final challenge and final challenge alone or whether they will be like America's Next Top Model and consider all the work plus the final tattoo.   Frankly, I would appreciate reviewing the three's tats from all season a la America's Next Top Model.


I do think Jason's final tattoo was miles above the others if only because he actually completed the challenge.  Neither Erik's nor Cleen's represented photo realism to me. 


However, if we are looking at the entire season's work, Cleen should have won.  As far as someone who would be Ink Master and the best out of that group (with Josh gone), it was Cleen.  Again, based on the work we saw during the run of the show.   


The finale is ridiculous though.  Obviously the judges saw the master canvases prior to the show.  Add me to the list of people disappointed that we saw so very litttle of the work itself.  And the point of Sausage was . . . ?  Maybe the same point of having all the inktestants return and only maybe 3-4 of them got to speak.  I really didn't care about any of the drama, other than hearing Mark and his rival mended fences, other than Josh's exit.  And of course we didn't get that.  I don't care about Emily's feud with Tyiesha (sp?).  Julia had zero to say so sit down and STFU.  If everyone isn't going to have a few minutes to say whatever, maybe they should have spoken specifically to the rivals of Cleen, Erik and Jason.   Please no more pushing of other shows.  Just deal with this one.  And what kind of fucknuttery went on with Sarah's face?  I barely recognized her and she would have scared me if I had been watching this with the lights off.

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I wish I did have a pic of that--Cleen looked like he had just gotten bitch slapped!  Whew he looked pissed!  Enh, I've always liked Jason and yeah his tat was the best of the 3 but the win, really?  I was really disappointed in Erik's tattoo.   Man that thing looked a mess, not surprised he only made it to 3rd place.


This pic is on the spike website.  As you can see CR1 & Erik both still looked like they are reelinginkwinning_moment_tumb.jpg?quality=0.91

Am I the only one who noticed this:



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LoL HoneyBadger!!


Now for the fashion--Oliver Peck:  Please wear a SHIRT!   Gah that was just bizarre.  Did anyone else notice the leisure suit Aaron was wearing?  I gotta admit he looked pretty good in it.  A lot, a LOT, of men can't pull that look off but idk, he looked kinda hot in it.  And I also agree with previous posters that CR1 looked very nice in his suit & tie.  I was actually kinda bummed that Erik didn't dress up more.  He always looked so handsome, IMHO, on the show and here it was just kinda meh.



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After Josh was booted, I didn't care who won and still don't.


Jason's tattoo was, IMO the best out of the three, both in terms of sticking to the challenge and looking the best. I thought CR1 and Erik's tattoos were very ordinary and there wasn't much to like.


Agree with another poster that CR1 looked like he was auditioning for the next mafia movie. That suit! LOL

Edited by aussieinsydney
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Cleen's arrogance and over-confidence bit him in the ass big time.  If he had stuck to the challenge rules, he would have won in a walk.  But instead he had to do what he wanted, I suspect figuring he had the win no matter what, and then those darn judges (or at least two of them) decided to actually stick to the rules!  How dare they!


It will be interesting to see if in the next season the Powers That Be keep the "backplate with a theme" finale, since it didn't seem to get them the winner that they wanted.

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This the third season I've watched of Ink Master so I knew what to expect of the live finale...which I watched a few days later. I fast forwarded through all the extra nonsense like all the dramatic pauses that seriously feel like a whole minute, the "live" tattoo, more inktestant fights, etc. Oliver really doesn't do live TV very well. I kept thinking of Cindy Brady, lol. I wish they focused more on the tattoo critiques and even went back and summarized how the final two did all season, pointing out their best work. Often after critiques I still don't really understand why they like or don't like a tattoo. It seems really subjective most of the time.

I would like to see them implement a point system, where points are earned each week and accumulated throughout the season.  Each challenge is judged on specific criteria each week and points are awarded for hitting each criterion.  Then each judge can award up to a certain number of points for personal taste.  When there's a "tie" for a particular week, you can go to the cumulative score the contestants have to figure out who to send home.  You keep the cumulative points until the final challenge.  The final challenge is also worth points, and is weighted to be more important and worth more points.  Then you have a total cumulative point value and the winner is chosen objectively through that.  So if, for example, CR1 had 150 points going into the finale, Erik had 125, and Jason had 65.  The final piece is worth 100 points.  Jason gets 100 for the final, CR1 gets 25 (he pretty much blows it) and Erik gets 20 (he blew it too); the final outcome would be 175 for CR1, 140 for Erik, and 165 for Jason.  You can now easily account for CR1's win.  It's like acing the final and still failing the class, or freezing on the final by still doing well in the class.  It's objective and spelled out.

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I'm really glad Jason won. He's a doll who is anxious and stressed like anyone. I'd be a me on any timed competition show. Cleen was just an arrogant pig.

Saying that, I do love the way he cleans up and would not mind a trip on the dance floor with him. Eric is awfully purty and I like his calm nature. But, and I'm ducking for this one, Ollie definitely gets me hot and bothered. Lol i don't know what it is. He is confident, seems pretty laid back and lacking the ego of stupid Chris and completely not my normal type of guy.

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