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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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It's not really a SQ "movie", since it's only for 5x23 and not 5x22 (that one's a big sendoff episode for other characters). 


But geez, YVR Shooting, could your tweet BE any more of a shipper bait?  Now the SQers are all excited and screaming about how it's happening and it's gonna be canon, so we're due for yet ANOTHER meltdown from them when the finale actually airs and it naturally doesn't happen.  Who thought this would be a good idea, seriously?

Edited by Mathius

It's so cute how they've been trying to recreate 321/322 for the last two years and failing.

Lol, you said it! They can try all they want.

I just don't understand why Hook can never join Emma on adventures outside of Storybrooke. He managed to track her and Rumple down once before just fine in the real world. But whatever.

i wonder what the rest of the gang are up to, unless they really did get sucked into a portal.

Why can't Emma ever go on an any adventures with her parents? We've never had an actual Emma/Charming/Snow episode adventure, and they're choosing to go with Regina and Emma again? Explore your other character combinations, writers!


Looks like I should prepare myself for really enjoying this week's episode, and then expect the worse from then on. 

  • Love 3

I feel like Rule #1 of the Trying To Recreate 321/322 Handbook would be LEAVE HENRY HOME. Also, it's not a coincidence those episodes featured CS AND Snowing AND Emma discovering her roots. Anyway, whatever.


Remember when last year, the SQers got excited just like this, then the media pimped the Huge! Emotional! SQ Scene in the finale... and it ended up being Emma tearfully confessing her love for Hook to Regina? Wait for the reprise this year, where Emma shows Regina the engagement ring she's going to give Hook.

I'm just trying to figure out how heavily featuring Henry/Violet and Emma/Regina in the finale at all bookends any of the major themes of Season 5. In 5A, the huge thing was Dark Swan and Dark Hook, and how Rumple tricked them into turning him back into the Dark One, so a nice bookend to that would be a showdown between Emma/Rumple in the finale. And then in 5B, the main theme is Emma saving Hook and everyone having unfinished business in the Underworld, so you'd think a bookend to that arc would be Emma/Hook finally getting through their issues. I'm just baffled that the writers are thinking, "Hey, you know what would be an awesome way to end this entire season? Let's feature Henry and Violet, that awkward tweenage romance we set up in one random 5A episode and then never talked about it again for over half a season. Let's feature that again." 

  • Love 2

I hope I have good popcorn stocked up for the inevitable meltdown. Its going to be glorious because lord knows the finale will suck.

I wonder where Hook and Co header to.

I'm rather chill about a possible Emma/Regina heavy finale (plus Henry). It sounds boring, but We've gotten so much CS goodness this entire season. We have 5x15 still, and I'm sure we'll have a little more stuff for the remaining 7-8 episodes too.

Whatevs, I'm chill. I'm sure our toxic fandom will get on my nerves eventually, but I'm happy with 5b so far.

Remember when last year, the SQers got excited just like this, then the media pimped the Huge! Emotional! SQ Scene in the finale... and it ended up being Emma tearfully confessing her love for Hook to Regina? Wait for the reprise this year, where Emma shows Regina the engagement ring she's going to give Hook.


Yeah. But the episode ended with Emma sacrificing herself for "Regina's happiness". Actions speak louder than words and all that jazz was thrown around after that.


Can't say I'm thrilled about Regina, Emma, and Henry in an adventure while Hook and Snowing are god knows where along with Zelena. I don't see how this connects with the rest of the season. But we shall see, I suppose.

Edited by Rumsy4
  • Love 1

I haven't watched any of this new arc because I've grown weary of them separating Hook and Emma.  Now that it seems they're doing it again, I think I'll just continue to read recaps/comments here and content myself with pics and gifs from tumblr.


Actually, the fact they've been so all over the place, Oz, Underbrooke, NY, Camelot...makes me wanna quit this show again.  

Edited by FierceAfroChick

It's not really a SQ "movie", since it's only for 5x23 and not 5x22 (that one's a big sendoff episode for other characters). 


But geez, YVR Shooting, could your tweet BE any more of a shipper bait?  Now the SQers are all excited and screaming about how it's happening and it's gonna be canon, so we're due for yet ANOTHER meltdown from them when the finale actually airs and it naturally doesn't happen.  Who thought this would be a good idea, seriously?

How do the SQers after all Hook & Emma have been through seriously think that the writers would be like oh haha we were just kidding, its actually Regina and Emma that are meant to be? I just don't get it. 

From the script tease:

HOOK takes his eyes off the nursery, sits down painfully. Face bruised and swollen.


It's interesting that the stage direction calls for Hook to stare at the nursery, so I'm guessing it must have some significance in their conversation leading up to this part. Maybe he asks Emma why all of her nursery things are in their house (that's still so weird to type...Emma and Hook have a house together), and she kind of shrugs it off and doesn't know the answer. Maybe their unfinished business is that they haven't tried to start a family yet? Is Emma afraid of having more children? Or will this all be swept under the rug because TS;TW?

Edited by Curio

From the script tease:


It's interesting that the stage direction calls for Hook to stare at the nursery, so I'm guessing it must have some significance in their conversation leading up to this part. Maybe he asks Emma why all of her nursery things are in their house (that's still so weird to type...Emma and Hook have a house together), and she kind of shrugs it off and doesn't know the answer. Maybe their unfinished business is that they haven't tried to start a family yet? Is Emma afraid of having more children? Or will this all be swept under the rug because TS;TW?


I'm not sure they're going to be sweeping anything under the rug. Did you see how small that rug is? In all seriousness, I still think the blocking of the scene and the dialogue right after Killian, Emma and Gold are back means something. 


Should be interesting.


I do like the CS banter though. I laughed when I read it. Something a bit funny in the middle of the crazy dark stuff going on.


I'm also on the fast track of not caring about the finale because there's way too much Henry for my taste. And Gold is also in NYC, so who knows what he is up to.

Edited by YaddaYadda

I'm just trying to figure out how heavily featuring Henry/Violet and Emma/Regina in the finale at all bookends any of the major themes of Season 5. In 5A, the huge thing was Dark Swan and Dark Hook, and how Rumple tricked them into turning him back into the Dark One, so a nice bookend to that would be a showdown between Emma/Rumple in the finale. And then in 5B, the main theme is Emma saving Hook and everyone having unfinished business in the Underworld, so you'd think a bookend to that arc would be Emma/Hook finally getting through their issues. I'm just baffled that the writers are thinking, "Hey, you know what would be an awesome way to end this entire season? Let's feature Henry and Violet, that awkward tweenage romance we set up in one random 5A episode and then never talked about it again for over half a season. Let's feature that again."

But see, you make sense, so of course they won't go that direction.

I have to think the NYC scenes are for "Only You." I'm guessing that Henry and Violet runaway to NYC because it's time for Violet to go back to Camelot and Rumple offers to take them. Regina and Emma, as Henry's mothers go after them. Violet goes through the door portal with the rest of the Camelot, Merida, Merry Men gang so this takes place before Snowing and co are potentially sucked in too.

Wow, you know Hook's in a bad place when he isn't confident in his looks.

Hades managed to kill his hope, which is why Liam's offer to go to a better place with him will be tempting. I'm guessing if Killian agrees to go, Hades will free everyone else, but not really.

From the script tease:

It's interesting that the stage direction calls for Hook to stare at the nursery, so I'm guessing it must have some significance in their conversation leading up to this part. Maybe he asks Emma why all of her nursery things are in their house (that's still so weird to type...Emma and Hook have a house together), and she kind of shrugs it off and doesn't know the answer. Maybe their unfinished business is that they haven't tried to start a family yet? Is Emma afraid of having more children? Or will this all be swept under the rug because TS;TW?

But how would Hook even know it's Emma's nursery? He's never seen it before. I wonder if he'll ask if she's pregnant..

But how would Hook even know it's Emma's nursery? He's never seen it before. I wonder if he'll ask if she's pregnant..


He wouldn't, but Emma would because she's seen it. (I can also handwaive that he might've seen it in Henry's book)


And he just walked into his would be house, and it's filled with baby stuff, and a baby crib that's taking up half the space, maybe he asks what that's doing there? I'm sure he's noticed it after he was released. I wonder if Snowing will say anything about it. This is their daughter's furniture, the bed she didn't get to sleep in, and the toys she didn't get to play with. It's got to bring up some feelings.

Hades managed to kill his hope, which is why Liam's offer to go to a better place with him will be tempting. I'm guessing if Killian agrees to go, Hades will free everyone else, but not really.


I suspect its going to be more gut-wrenching for Hook than that.  I think that Liam will tell Hook that he can't move on without his brother.  So Hook will have to choose between going back with Emma and forcing Liam to stay in Underbrooke for some indeterminate time or go with him to a better place.

I stand corrected, the Emma-Regina filming is from 5x22, not 5x23 (Henry and Violet are still there.). So the SQ fanservice should at the very least be minimal.

So I guess we're not going to see much of anything filmed for 5x23, since it's likely transpiring inside studio sets as the setting is the inevitable mental hospital that door sucked Zelena, Snowing, and possibly Hook into.

Edited by Mathius
Mathius, on 22 Mar 2016 - 9:15 PM, said:

So I guess we're not going to see much of anything filmed for 5x23, since it's likely transpiring inside studio sets as the setting is the inevitable mental hospital that door sucked Zelena, Snowing, and possibly Hook into.


Given Zelena's unhealthy obsession with her sister and jealousy, a mental hospital might not be that bad a place for her... ;-) And in theory, it does have potential for some fun moments.

I stand corrected, the Emma-Regina filming is from 5x22, not 5x23 (Henry and Violet are still there.). So the SQ fanservice should at the very least be minimal.

So I guess we're not going to see much of anything filmed for 5x23, since it's likely transpiring inside studio sets as the setting is the inevitable mental hospital that door sucked Zelena, Snowing, and possibly Hook into.


        I believe they are filming in Steveston on March 29th just a couple of days before they stop filming for the season.

Edited by mtsmvfn

So initially I thought that if they killed Robin, it would be an excuse to bring the Evil Queen back and rehash Evil Queen versus Charmings. Now I'm wondering if the death will somehow be Rumple's fault, so it will actually be Regina and the Charmings versus Rumple. There's no indication that Regina is going to go evil again, so in addition to being the final test of her redemption, maybe this will be the catalyst for the good guys facing off against Rumple. I'm not sure how Belle and the baby would fit into this, though.

Edited by Katherine

So initially I thought that if they killed Robin, it would be an excuse to bring the Evil Queen back and rehash the Evil Queen versus the Charmings. Now I'm wondering if the death will somehow be Rumple's fault, so it will actually be Regina and the Charmings versus Rumple. There's no indication that Regina is going to go evil again, so in addition to being the final test of her redemption, maybe this will finally be the catalyst for the good guys facing off against Rumple. I'm not sure how Belle and the baby would fit into this, though.


I've lost track in the filming order of when someone is supposed to die or if there is more to it than Sean's manager looking for work but I've been wondering about Rumple being connected too, although for another reason.  I think a generally held fear in prior years was that contracts are five years (never seen evidence of this)and that Robert Carlyle might not sign up again.  If there are contract issues, Rumple leaving (and I've heard no rumblings recently) then that would be a very strong reason to need to revert Regina to Evil Queen.


Carlyle's movie at least seems to be filming while OUAT is on break.


And if the death occurred before current filming with Emma/Regina in NYC I just can't see it as a possibility that Robin dies.

Now I'm wondering if the death will somehow be Rumple's fault, so it will actually be Regina and the Charmings versus Rumple. There's no indication that Regina is going to go evil again, so in addition to being the final test of her redemption, maybe this will be the catalyst for the good guys facing off against Rumple. I'm not sure how Belle and the baby would fit into this, though.


Hmmm I do think it is likely that Rumple will be responsible for Robin's death. I think someone upthread pointed out that both Pistachio and Snowflake are second-borns to Robin and Snowing respectively. Maybe Rumple finds a way to transfer his contract over to Robin. That could explain why Belle is suddenly in the Underworld with Pistachio. Maybe Robin sacrifices his life to save his daughter's. That would be a heroic death.


If there are contract issues, Rumple leaving (and I've heard no rumblings recently) then that would be a very strong reason to need to revert Regina to Evil Queen.


The Show can't do without Rumple/Carlyle. He's practically in every single backstory, and the Show will never do away with flashbacks. And why would Robbie leave a steady job? He has mentioned in early season interviews how grateful he was to get a steady part in this show.


Didn't Sean Maguire say in one of the recent cons that the resolution of some arc at the end of the season would be controversial? I can't remember if he was taking about OQ or the finale. Does anyone remember that quote? At that time, I assumed it meant Zelena would die. But now it seems like Robin will be the one dying.

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Rumsy4, on 22 Mar 2016 - 11:45 PM, said:


Didn't Sean Maguire say in one of the recent cons that the resolution of some arc at the end of the season would be controversial? I can't remember if he was taking about OQ or the finale. Does anyone remember that quote? At that time, I assumed it meant Zelena would die. But now it seems like Robin will be the one dying.


I remember an interview quote in which Maguire said that they would do an arc which would probably be controversial which I took to mean that they'll redeem Zelena. Or at least, put her on the path of redemption.


Rumple transferring the contract is an interesting thought. Though that might garner him the wrath of ... well... everyone, possibly even Zelena and Belle.


ParadoxLost, on 22 Mar 2016 - 11:32 PM, said:

I've lost track in the filming order of when someone is supposed to die or if there is more to it than Sean's manager looking for work but I've been wondering about Rumple being connected too, although for another reason.  I think a generally held fear in prior years was that contracts are five years (never seen evidence of this)and that Robert Carlyle might not sign up again.  If there are contract issues, Rumple leaving (and I've heard no rumblings recently) then that would be a very strong reason to need to revert Regina to Evil Queen.


Contracts can't exceed 7 years (which I know from someone who studied entertainment law). However, I think it is entirely likely that someone signs a contract for fewer years than that. But I don't think that they have to have Regina as the Evil Queen should Rumple leave. They haven't needed her as the villain since they brought in outside villains and they didn't even use Rumple as an antagonist in S5A, except for the voice of the Dark One for Emma but Regina couldn't do that anyway. And Rumple was a tool to Zelena in 3A, too, not the actual bad guy, though, arguably, again, the "Position" could have been filled only by Rumple because he was controlled with the dagger. Generally though, I think if he left, they would be fine with the way things are now.

That said, I do think it would be a pity if he left. While I have a love-hate relationship with him, he does play a crucial role in all of it. After all, the curse may have been cast by Regina but he wanted her to do so.

CheshireCat said:

"Rumple transferring the contract is an interesting thought. Though that might garner him the wrath of ... well... everyone, possibly even Zelena and Belle."

Heck at this point, I wonder if Belle might not help him do it. She doesn't seem to have a problem with what Rumple does unless it affects her.

  • Love 2

Wow, you know Hook's in a bad place when he isn't confident in his looks.

Not to get too deep on what is meant to just be some witty banter, but I think Hook has always used his looks when he was feeling less confident about everything else. Now he has to be feeling confident in Emma's love for him so he can disparage his looks a little. And I think this is the first time that Emma has ever alluded to his good looks. Previously, when he brought his handsomeness up it always prompted her to roll her eyes or get snarky and I think he partially did it to get that reaction from her. Now that he's doing the opposite so is she. It's actually really kind of sweet. 


And I think I just read way too much into a small script tease. 

  • Love 7

Well, I think he's still pretty hot, even covered in blood and gore. I mean, I'd hit it.

His hotness aside, I'm still holding out hope that it's a misdirect and Rumple dies instead of Robin. Not because I have any strong connection or love for Robin (because let's be honest, I'm watching for Hook and Emma pretty exclusively these days) but because Regina losing Robin just sounds so exhausting to have to put up with for another whole season.

Edited by Watt
  • Love 2

Hmmm I do think it is likely that Rumple will be responsible for Robin's death. I think someone upthread pointed out that both Pistachio and Snowflake are second-borns to Robin and Snowing respectively. Maybe Rumple finds a way to transfer his contract over to Robin. That could explain why Belle is suddenly in the Underworld with Pistachio. Maybe Robin sacrifices his life to save his daughter's. That would be a heroic death.


That makes a lot of sense. We know that Belle and Zelena both end up in the underworld, and this would be a way to tie their storylines together. I actually think this is the most likely scenario now.  


I am surprised that Regina doesn't seem to go off the rails. I would've guessed that the death of Regina's boyfriend would be treated like the end of the world, but it seems like they're handling it similarly to how they handled Neal's--one episode of fall-out then time to move on. But I guess it's hard to know for sure since there's so much filming we don't see.

Regardless of how she's handling it in terms of freaking out vs just powering through because of a new threat, you'd think she would at least be showing the strain. They spent a lot of time making Emma look terrible with the red eyeliner last season so that she was reflecting that not everything was alright in spite of how she was working to get things done. I can't imagine that Regina wouldn't show the same type of thing. Puffy, red eyes would be the least of what I'd expect to see if she'd lost her soulmate. Either Robin's not dead or she took a forgetting potion or Henry wrote Robin out of her life for her or something. 

Rumple transferring the contract is an interesting thought. Though that might garner him the wrath of ... well... everyone, possibly even Zelena and Belle.


Maybe this is the "lesson" that Adam & Eddy keep referring to. They say that Rumple has "learned a lot" after all the lying and terrible things he's done, and that Belle becoming pregnant truly impacts his character. Well, guess what? The big lesson he learned is that he can do whatever the hell he wants and he'll still be forgiven by his family. I mean, if I were Rumple, that's the lesson I'd be taking away. Oh, did I just attempt to destroy Emma by putting her into a hat? That's okay, I'll be forgiven because I'm family. Oh, did I just attempt to crush Hook's heart and deceive my wife by giving her a fake dagger? That's okay, I'll be forgiven because I'm family. Oh, did I deceive Belle again by pretending to be an Oxford professor, impersonate Hook to gain valuable information from her, work with the Queens of Darkness to turn Emma dark, and trick both Emma and Hook into making his heroic sacrifice worth nothing? That's okay, I'll be forgiven because I'm family. Oh, did I just murder my ex-wife again and prevent her from not only having a redemption with her son, but also prevent Hook from saying goodbye one last time? And then lie about it to his face and rub in the fact that he should thank me? Well it appears even Hook won't kill me at this point!


So why wouldn't Rumple give no shits at this point about any evil scheme he does? Sure, he might get a slap on the wrist, but at the end of the day, these stupid people will give him the "Family Free Pass" card every single freaking time, so why not transfer the baby contract?

  • Love 3

Regardless of how she's handling it in terms of freaking out vs just powering through because of a new threat, you'd think she would at least be showing the strain. They spent a lot of time making Emma look terrible with the red eyeliner last season so that she was reflecting that not everything was alright in spite of how she was working to get things done. I can't imagine that Regina wouldn't show the same type of thing. Puffy, red eyes would be the least of what I'd expect to see if she'd lost her soulmate. Either Robin's not dead or she took a forgetting potion or Henry wrote Robin out of her life for her or something. 

But has Regina EVER looked "terrible" with bad makeup and red eyes when she was in pain? That didn't happen even when Daniel was just dead, or Marian came back, etc. Some actresses subscribe to the "cry pretty" school of acting.

  • Love 1
Maybe this is the "lesson" that Adam & Eddy keep referring to. They say that Rumple has "learned a lot" after all the lying and terrible things he's done, and that Belle becoming pregnant truly impacts his character.


What I saw was someone who hadn't changed at all. The second he was given the opportunity to get out of the UW and go back home, he turned on everyone, and sent Milah into that river after they had had such a nice breakthrough. 


What bugs is that this price he is supposed to pay with his second born, he will end up not paying it at all because the UW will probably stop existing, and we don't know what happens to Hades since the contract is now his.


I'm looking forward to the Belle centric to see what goes down between them. I can never really hope that she will kick his ass to the curb for good though, and that makes her a moron. I will probably end up writing her off after this season, because as far as hope goes, I have almost none left for Belle. And the writers keep doubling down with the amount of fucked up things she puts up with, and I just can't. Milah and Belle could not be more polar opposites.


I saw that we get a Regina/Gold scene in NYC?


Question, The Dragon, he was in Honk Kong, right? Not in NYC. Because I don't know what Gold is doing in NYC, other than I'm pretty sure he's up to no good.

  • Love 1

Apparently Hook and Emma were filming at night in "Chinatown". My first thought was they're looking for the Dragon dude. What if Robin isn't dead, but just poofed away somewhere? Hook and Emma have both been separated and have had to search for each other. It makes sense that they would give the same plot line to OutlawQueen.

Apparently Hook and Emma were filming at night in "Chinatown". My first thought was they're looking for the Dragon dude. What if Robin isn't dead, but just poofed away somewhere? Hook and Emma have both been separated and have had to search for each other. It makes sense that they would give the same plot line to OutlawQueen.

I thought it was Emma and Regina filming?

I thought it was Emma and Regina filming?


I thought it was both, but now I can't find where I read it! So maybe Hook isn't there. :(


In these pics, it looks like Robin sends Roland off with Little John, Robin and Regina disagree about something, and then Zelena shows up looking all happy, and then maybe her hand gesture is her poofing away. I'm thinking Roland is sent away for his own safety, but what does Zelena have to do with anything, and will she be responsible for Robin's death or disappearance?

Edited by pezgirl7

I stand corrected, the Emma-Regina filming is from 5x22, not 5x23 (Henry and Violet are still there.). So the SQ fanservice should at the very least be minimal.


We have no idea how long the SQ fanservice will last, since they're still filming. The next week and a half could be all SQ traipsing around NY for all we know.


I thought it was both, but now I can't find where I read it! So maybe Hook isn't there. :(


I've seen zero indication that Colin filmed yesterday.


My guess is that Snowing & Hook get sucked through the portal. Emma, Regina, Henry & Violet return to discover this has happened, and that's what will be filmed in Steveston next week. Cliffhanger will be them plus Zelena going through the door portal to find the others. Third arc finale in a row that ends with CS separated. Lather, rinse, repeat, yawn.

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