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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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When they say that Hook's appearance will be "shocking" I wonder who is meant to be shocked - us or the other characters? We know about Hook's Royal Navy days. How many, if any, of the others do? I would love to see their reactions! I wonder, too, will Hook's appearance have anything do with him being the man he wants to be? He might consider Lt. Jones as his best self.


I'm interested in how they'll portray the Robin/Henry dynamic henceforth. In one of the recent photos, Robin does appear to offer Henry some physical comfort as they're walking through the cemetery (IIRC). I'll be pretty brassed off (not that they care) if they try to say that Robin and Henry have a great relationship, or it's Robin Henry sees as a father figure (more so than Hook), since they've hardly interacted at all on screen! 

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I'll be pretty brassed off (not that they care) if they try to say that Robin and Henry have a great relationship, or it's Robin Henry sees as a father figure (more so than Hook), since they've hardly interacted at all on screen! 

It would make little sense, but Robin is Regina's boyfriend, and we know what that mean in this show.

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Robin isn't even a father to his own children. It would be laughable for him to be some big father figure to Henry.


I'm wondering how long they'll stay in the Underworld. Merida is coming back in some way (very exciting!), so do we think midseason they return and the back half is Dark One vs Saviour while the other main plot is Regina v Zelena. Or is Hades the big bad for the whole season?

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I've been wondering if the Underworld would sort of have the same rules (or lack of them) as a dream. You know when you're dreaming you're some place like your house or high school or wherever and then you walk into another room and all of a sudden you're at work? Maybe they'll all start off in Underbrooke and it's like a hub where they meet the dead characters but then as they interact with them they go off into the characters' dreamscapes or hellscapes as the case may be. Kind of like the dreams in Buffy's Restless. So they'll go into Cora's and it will be the EF and that's why Henry I is in EF clothes or they'll follow Cruella and suddenly be in 1920s world. Pan would of course bring them to Neverland, where he is king. IDK, I just think it would be really neat. 

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From TVLine

Once Upon a Time meanwhile is casting for Episode 15 the role of Captain Silver, the commanding (and sometimes bullying) boss of a merchant ship.

Long John Silver?


I guess this confirms that 5x15 is a Hook centric.

Edited by YaddaYadda
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Now I kind of want Killian and Liam to both be Jim Hawkins...  or maybe the Jewel of the Realm is the ship heading for Treasure Island when they're adults. Liam can be Captain Smollet and Killian can be Mr. Arrow... or.. or... Silver is just a namedrop like Blackbeard.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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Silver is just a namedrop like Blackbeard.


Yep. He'll probably show up on screen for 2 minutes in a flashback, there will be some cutesy call-out to the fact that his real name is Long John Silver, and then we'll never see him again. 

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I'm just excited about pirate adventures. This show has usually been really fun when it does the swashbuckling stuff. I don't want it all the time, but the once a season pirate stories are enjoyable. It will be double the fun if Liam is included.

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JMo posted a pic with both Colin, and Bernard Curry (Liam). I'm guessing Emma gets to meet Liam in the UW.

It looks like Liam is in modern clothes and he's with JMo and Colin so I'm hoping this means he's going to at least be around for a few episodes. And for the love, can we keep him? Can they bring him home with them? Please!!!!!


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I wished they made Hook into something else that had nothing to do with the sea.

That quiet guy at Starbucks huddled in front of his laptop writing novels, always dreaming about adventure but never experiencing it?

Edited by KingOfHearts
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That quiet guy at Starbucks huddled in front of his laptop writing novels, always dreaming about adventure but never experiencing it?

Or maybe a teacher because I remember having a hot teacher who we all called Clark Kent because of reasons...

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Long John Silver? Another one of my Killian wishes is coming true! I've mentioned integrating Treasure Island into his backstory somehow, so I'll take this as a small victory.

Isn't Hook responsible for lopping off Silver's leg in Peter Pan lore? I wonder if they'll have something similar happen in the flashbacks.

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Maybe Lt. Jones is responsible for lopping of LJS's leg, and the pirate curses Killian saying, you took my leg, someone will take your hand... The writers have gone for tit-for-tat morality in many instances.  So, I can see them doing that. 

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Assuming that Sean's photo is a current/recent one showing them in the Underworld, I'm a bit disappointed that Hook still has his hook. After all, his physical body with the missing hand is presumably in the morgue in Storybrooke, and this would be some kind of spiritual form. Does that mean his spirit is missing a hand?


I don't know why this bothers me so much and I am looking for logic in this, but I suspect I've given more thought to how this works than they have and they're stuck on "he's Captain Hook, so he has a hook."


Jen's is likely to be current, since we haven't seen adult Liam in a while, and it looks like she and Colin are in costume (Emma's wearing what she did on the way to the Underworld, and that looks like Hook's thicker chain around Colin's neck instead of the small cross he wears in real life). So that suggests that Hook is wearing his Storybrooke outfit in the Underworld.

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Assuming that Sean's photo is a current/recent one showing them in the Underworld, I'm a bit disappointed that Hook still has his hook. After all, his physical body with the missing hand is presumably in the morgue in Storybrooke, and this would be some kind of spiritual form. Does that mean his spirit is missing a hand?


I think the obvious reason is that the show wants to keep the iconic imagery, but I could also see a character reason for it. I think Hook at this point in his life truly believes he deserves to never get that left hand back as compensation for all his past sins, and even when he had the power of the Dark One inside him, he opted not to reattach it. Hook's visual form in the Underworld might also be how he sees himself currently, and because he died with the hook still attached, his soul is going to imagine himself like that in the Underworld, too.

Edited by Curio
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Jen's is likely to be current, since we haven't seen adult Liam in a while, and it looks like she and Colin are in costume (Emma's wearing what she did on the way to the Underworld, and that looks like Hook's thicker chain around Colin's neck instead of the small cross he wears in real life). So that suggests that Hook is wearing his Storybrooke outfit in the Underworld.

I got excited when i saw this pic because it looked like Liam was in his uniform jacket with a dark cravat, Emma in her 'battle uniform ' of red jacket and Killian in his SB jacket and my brain went wild hoping this was back im SB and they managed a 2for1 trade...1Rumple for 2Jones boys....and I would get Killian explaining modern technology and electricity (since he was all up on it when the ice wall brought down the power lines ) to Liam in SB...After they had a squabble about the Jewel of the Realm.....still dreaming. . Edited by PixiePaws1
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I don't think the dead are so ignorant of technology, and everything Land without Magic related. Milah is wearing jeans, and is a crossing guard. There are cars, and people driving by. 


Liam probably knows a hell of a lot more about technology than Hook does. It's not a magic box, it's called the internet. Except that it's probably known as the "undernet" in the UW.

Edited by YaddaYadda
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I don't think the dead are so ignorant of technology, and everything Land without Magic related. Milah is wearing jeans, and is a crossing guard. There are cars, and people driving by.

Liam probably knows a hell of a lot more about technology than Hook does. It's not a magic box, it's called the internet. Except that it's probably known as the "undernet" in the UW.

actually that would be even better..!
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Pretty sure 5x15 is my favorite episode ever. You don't actually have to have seen the episode to know that, right? *snort* Loving Liam in modern clothes. Peacoats are my kryptonite.


Also, word on the street is that this episode is airing Easter Sunday (3/27).  This is a major bummer, imo.  Ratings always tank on holiday weekends.  I would hate for such a potentially fantastic Hook centric to get the shaft just because of an unfortunate air date...

Edited by Lieutenant
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If I'm not mistaken, they ran "The Jolly Roger" on Easter just a couple of years ago. And the ratings were low, so this season they didn't do a new episode on that night.


However, it would be highly ironic to air an episode focusing on a character who died as a sacrifice and who is being brought back to life (presumably -- they're not going to leave Hook dead forever, I'm sure) on Easter.

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Yeah ABC ran T10C since Desperate housewives on Saturdays. Last year was the first time they aired it on Sunday after airing it on Saturday for at least a decade I think. I don't blame them for going back to that formula. They were getting 6 million viewers on a Saturday for that long ass movie.

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If I'm not mistaken, they ran "The Jolly Roger" on Easter just a couple of years ago. And the ratings were low, so this season they didn't do a new episode on that night.

Yes they did, but actually it was "Bleeding Through"... which should have tanked no matter what night it ran on.

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Yay for lots of Liam! I hope the Underworld is this limbo world and Liam meeting Hook's new "family" gives him closure to move on to a better place. Hook doesn't need to worry about his big brother and gets out of hell knowing everyone he loved is happy.

Also, Bleeding Through was the ep that aired on Easter. It deserved its terrible ratings. I suspect a Hook/Liam-centric pirate episode would do better than that even if aired on Easter.

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Tumblr is rife with the speculation that Liam is going to marry Hook and Emma by the Wishing Well, where the three actors shot a scene. This would parallel the Snowing Wedding by Lake Nostos. I can see Liam, like Ruth, would want to see his brother married before he himself "moved on". And when they all get back to Storybrooke, they can have more formal Wedding ceremony. Suddenly, the doors burst open to reveal... Lily. Mal is dead, and she holds Emma accountable for everything ever. She is the 6A villain. :-p 

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Tumblr is rife with the speculation that Liam is going to marry Hook and Emma by the Wishing Well, where the three actors shot a scene. This would parallel the Snowing Wedding by Lake Nostos. I can see Liam, like Ruth, would want to see his brother married before he himself "moved on". And when they all get back to Storybrooke, they can have more formal Wedding ceremony. Suddenly, the doors burst open to reveal... Lily. Mal is dead, and she holds Emma accountable for everything ever. She is the 6A villain. :-p 

Honestly, I kind of hope that Lily goes the way of Will or Tamera and Greg and disappears as far as our characters know.


While I wouldn't mind Liam marrying them and it's nice parallel to Snow and Charming, other Tumblrs report that there was shouting in the scene at the wishing well, not exactly the environment for a wedding.

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Emma and Snow used the wishing well to get back to Storybrooke back in season 2. Why wouldn't they try it? Unless Hades decides to be super generous, and release Hook's soul, open a portal for them, and send them on their way.

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Suddenly, the doors burst open to reveal... Lily. Mal is dead, and she holds Emma accountable for everything ever. She is the 6A villain. :-p

"You must help me find my father Mushu, or I'll roast your whole family!"



Honestly, I kind of hope that Lily goes the way of Will or Tamera and Greg and disappears as far as our characters know.

Replying in Recurring Characters.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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The Lily thing was mostly a joke. I don't really want her back either.

The reports about shouting puts down the flash-wedding theory. Maybe Liam is yelling at Killian? That would be sad.

Maybe the shouting wasn't negative shouting.. just like I MISS YOU & I LOVE YOU shouting?!?! Hahahaha

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Maybe the shouting wasn't negative shouting.. just like I MISS YOU & I LOVE YOU shouting?!?! Hahahaha

yes..that would be excellent. ....as would Emma shouting that there's no argument, we are leaving Rumple here and Liam is coming wirh us! Time for Liam to have s second chance since Rumple shat all over all of his.

....i can dream....

Edited by PixiePaws1
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