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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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That is a good point. I wasn't thinking that he'd be actively being nasty to her, so much as just cold and disinterested. But still, yes, that would open up a whole can of worms, and the writers must be aware of that issue.

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I was kind of hoping it would work last season so that we could see what happens when the kiss beats you to the punch.  Can you have a true love's kiss when you haven't admitted your feelings to yourself?  But from the examples we've seen so far, it does appear that you have to believe it's true loves kiss for it to work.

Replying in Speculation.


But still, yes, that would open up a whole can of worms, and the writers must be aware of that issue.

Like they're aware of the issue with Regina raping Graham? Or they're aware of how much victim-blaming and abuse-excusing the show does?


I think you're giving them way too much credit. :)

Edited by stealinghome
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Look at that crowd. It must be so difficult to shoot under such conditions, not to mention, would they have to redub all the dialogue in the studio with all the ambient noise?


When they are shooting, they ask the fans to stand behind certain sight lines and to be quiet. People are very good about that. Part of that may be because they don't want them to move the fans further away from the action. Another part of that may be because people are seeing if they can hear a line of dialog. The crew is fantastic with the fans and chat with them and pose for pictures between takes (the leafing lady is very popular).  I don't know if they have to redub due to other ambient noises, but the fans don't seem to be a problem in that way. It may be that all the people peeking around a corner might throw you off your game though.

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I don't think so. I'm not an expert, but I've watched filming in much tighter confines, and it seemed to be fine. The mics are designed to not pick up background noise.


However, I'm sure it is a little annoying for the cast and crew, yeah. If nothing else, I'm sure the actors would rather be able to chill out between takes without knowing there are people taping and analyzing their every move.


But I'm sure they know where their bread is buttered. And it's a public street, so there is only so much they can restrict access.

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If nothing else, I'm sure the actors would rather be able to chill out between takes without knowing there are people taping and analyzing their every move.


They do have some spaces they can go to chill out (or to warm up) outside of the view of the crowds.


And it's a public street, so there is only so much they can restrict access.


The stores remain open while they are filming. You can see some of the sandwich boards they put up to indicate the real name and purpose of the stores (since they've redressed the window display cases to fit the fictional shows) in that shot where Emma and Hook are walking around to the side of the shoe store. They just ask people not to walk on the sidewalk during active takes.

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Some bits of dialogue from oncepromised:


Emma: Come on, Dad!


Grumpy: Evil snowman, run!


I don't even know with the latter one.


If they do go the full Snow Queen route with Elizabeth Mitchell's character, then I could totally see them using Hook and Emma as Kai and Gerda. I just can't see them making her Elsa/Anna's mother, because that would such a change for the franchise.


It would fit very well with the dialogue anvil from the season finale of Hook being uncertain whether Emma would follow him to the end of the world or time, like he would her. I just wouldn't want the Cold Killian period to last very long, because, ugh, the cursed kiss felt like it went on for-bloody-ever. And, as others have brought up, the anti-Hooks would just have a field day. But, honestly, they're gonna have the same opinion regardless of what happens onscreen -- he could cure cancer, bring Graham back to life and single-handedly save Snowflake from a dragon, and they'd still hate him. So it really wouldn't change anything. And I don't think A&E think about storyline repercussions, like, ever.


In any case, it would be a Big Deal for Emma to take a leap of faith and realize that something hinky was going on with him and he didn't just up and leave her like everybody else. Especially if it involved some realm-jumping. I would love to see that, but I know there would be a period of viewer frustration on my part to get there.

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Put another way: those of us who already think he's an a**hole wouldn't be able to tell the difference, and would simply spend the "arc" trying to figure out what y'all were going on about

Also: "come on, dad"? We're really going with that, Show? Emma had had her Great Home Revelation and there going to be Mom & Dad with no conversation necessary?

Edited by Amerilla
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And, as others have brought up, the anti-Hooks would just have a field day. But, honestly, they're gonna have the same opinion regardless of what happens onscreen -- he could cure cancer, bring Graham back to life and single-handedly save Snowflake from a dragon, and they'd still hate him.


.....Isn't that the case for anyone who hates any character? I could say the exact same thing about people who hated Neal and hate Regina. Hook is not special. Imagine that.



Also: "come on, dad"? We're really going with that, Show? Emma had had her Great Home Revelation and there going to be Mom & Dad with no conversation necessary?


I'm not surprised, as we barely ever get character moments. Unless there was one, but it was shot elsewhere.


I do prefer her calling him David in general, though.

Edited by Geeni
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Also: "come on, dad"? We're really going with that, Show? Emma had had her Great Home Revelation and there going to be Mom & Dad with no conversation necessary?

Yeah, I don't disagree that we're skipping a few beats here...but I'm pretty sure my heart is still going to melt regardless if Emma calls him "Dad." Daddy/Daughter feelings, overflow my heart!


It would be an interesting character beat if Emma has an easier time calling David "Dad" than Snow "Mom." That's why we'll never get it, but still.

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I wonder if they've considered limiting the Mom and Dad thing, in case a new viewer tunes in, and wonders why the hell is she calling her age peers Mom and Dad? I had to laugh when Henry called Charming "grandpa" in the season finale.

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I suspect that Emma will, at least for a while (and probably for forever, really), switch back and forth between their names and "Mom" and "Dad." Even if she wants to, I don't think she can flip a switch and instantly uninstall her normal instinct to call them Mary Margaret and David.


I could see her, at least with David, calling him "Dad" more in fun first, too. Like, not that it's a joke to either of them, but in more lighthearted moments. Like "Daaaaad, are you SURE this recipe calls for two cups of flour?" or something like that.

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I actually really like the look they went with for Elsa. It's simpler than most Elsa costumes I've seen. There's far less makeup, etc. Georgina Haig fit the part well as far as appearances go, in my opinion. It's difficult to materialize the character because Elsa doesn't look like most people. Georgina basically looks like the human version of her, which is awesome. I'm glad they aren't trying *too* hard to match the cartoon - mostly in the makeup department.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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.....Isn't that the case for anyone who hates any character? I could say the exact same thing about people who hated Neal and hate Regina. 


It depends on whether the viewer has an open mind and accepts the possibility of character growth and a change of opinion, or whether they have a closed mind with a fixed opinion and won't change it regardless of what happens. There have been characters on other shows I've initially hated, but over time I grew to appreciate or even love them as we learned more about them or they evolved. And there have been characters I loved that I stopped liking over the course of the show as things evolved. Unfortunately, it seems like a great deal of the Once fandom is entrenched in hate-fueled camps.


I also expect a bit of back-and-forth between Emma calling him "Dad" and "David," because it's hard to change habit. 


I'm going to guess the pic of Emma and Hook running isn't an actual take, because I doubt they'd be so smiley running after whatever Grumpy is yelling about. If it is, I want the blooper.


Colin and Josh being lovable dorks.

Edited by Souris
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While I agree they should have done a lot more work to get Emma to the "Mom and Dad" place, she did reach that place in 322. I disliked how they framed the issue as "Emma just needs to open up", because Snowing (mostly Snow) had to put a lot more effort in as well, but they can't keep having Emma say "Mom and Dad" in every season finale and then take it back at the beginning of the following season. 


As for the frozen heart thing, if it does happen, and if it isn't All About Regina (and that's a big if) I also see it as something towards the end of 4A, not the beginning.


I love those pics of Josh and Colin.

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Also: "come on, dad"? We're really going with that, Show? Emma had had her Great Home Revelation and there going to be Mom & Dad with no conversation necessary?

I think context and tone are also really important for a line like this and we don't have that. I can easily see her saying it with a sarcastic tone like, "Really? I'm 30. I can go somewhere with a boy by myself. Come on, dad." It reminds me of the scene she and David shared on the beach talking about Neal and what would make her happy with that total dad joke at the end.


And wow, those are quite some crowds gathering to watch them shoot.

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Here's a video of the CS + Grumpy scene. They talk for a while (you can't hear anything) and then you can clearly hear Grumpy shout "WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!!". Dude has some pipes. You can hear some of what Grumpy is saying after as well, but I can't really make it out.

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Here is a good round up from filming yesterday. Nothing major, but it looks like Elsa's dress is a huge pain to film in.  I wonder how many duplicates they've made, because I'm shocked the bottom isn't entirely ripped up already from the concrete. 

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That video confirms that I could never be an actor! To be able to get into character just like that, and have all those people watching you... *shudder*  I wonder if that's the romantic scene YVR was referring to? Hook looks like he's trying to turn on the charm, and then Grumpy comes in and ruins everything! I think Hook gives him the evil eye as he walks away. LOL I wonder what Grumpy meant by "the transmission is frozen". Did Elsa freeze the transmission on Grumpy's car? And evil snowman is making me think of the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man from Ghostbusters.


I was thinking the same thing about Elsa's dress. I did see her picking the train/cape part up in a few pics, but still, I would think it would get pretty dirty and ripped.


Here are some more photos from filming, of Hook, Emma and Elsa:


Edited by pezgirl7
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I think context and tone are also really important for a line like this and we don't have that. I can easily see her saying it with a sarcastic tone like, "Really? I'm 30. I can go somewhere with a boy by myself. Come on, dad."



This is very true. Let's just say the showrunners have lowered my expectations.


It depends on whether the viewer has an open mind and accepts the possibility of character growth and a change of opinion, or whether they have a closed mind with a fixed opinion and won't change it regardless of what happens.



Honestly, though, no viewer is under some sort of obligation to like a character if they feel that the storytellers have done a crappy job of convincing me to like him (or her). That's what I think it comes down to for those of us who don't think Hook is all that.  


But, honestly, they're gonna have the same opinion regardless of what happens onscreen -- he could cure cancer, bring Graham back to life and single-handedly save Snowflake from a dragon, and they'd still hate him.



Technically, you can do all those things and still be a complete asshat. 


Nothing major, but it looks like Elsa's dress is a huge pain to film in.



Georgina tweeted this yesterday: "Useless Elsa costume fact- this outfit has 8 pieces to it. Perhaps one is tremendously bad at strip poker and is covering ones ass."

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It's quite possible (well anything is quite possible with the Once guys!) that Hook will come under some kind of fire (ice?) so that he and Emma will have an opportunity to get even closer again. It's the progression of their well established relationship and something has to stay somewhat drama-driven between them if they aren't going to go off on a Find the Jolly Roger adventure any time soon. (hope springs eternal). But with the way the keeping Frozen true to Frozen info is streaming out of interviews, I think a non villain Elsa may be a friendly spirit of Emma and Hook because they actually were instrumental in freeing her from the urn. And so far, we haven't seen massive snow blowing machines being pulled into town. I think the real evil lies with the new lady character (Snow Queen)


Something, for Hook however, is going to spark a costume change at some point if you believe the Internet TV bloggers spoilers.  All these pictures of a half-dressed-in-90-degree heat Hook have spurned a whole new world of speculation and high fashion fun for fans. Also, we see a picture of Hook and Emma standing close and it appears they are being intimate, but actors HAVE to stand close when you are shooting scenes with a lot of background noise potential. The subtleties of the camera have to catch every little emotion. Unless you are Grumpy, then you already have established you are the scowling, town crier grump.


The carbonite meme would be very Han Soloish but I'm thinking Star Wars is not where they will focus their creative parallel energy. Snow and David have been momentarily domesticated so putting Hook in a block of ice may take too much testosterone out of the immediate picture. Regina will take most of the triangle brunt, but again, Robin will have to emotionally tread very carefully. Marion doesn't look like a cringing wallflower...and with them seemingly picking up where they left off, some genuine fireworks could be ready to explode. Rumple and Belle will have the dagger trust issues. Snow isn't going to be leading any arrow shooting expeditions with the Little Charming one in the picture. Henry...well. WTF is Henry going to do now???


Let's face it, the possibilities are endless. We are so hungry for fresh visuals. So far, the minute scenes we have had privy to don't tell much!! And has there been any other grown August sightings??? That could be...intriguing. Snork.


Emma/Dad/David...context and delivery is everything, but really, he IS her Dad and they have developed that quite affectionately over time and dream sequences. I read that Jennifer Morrison actually calls them Mom and Dad for fun on the set and at conventions, etc. It is all about stretching the unbelievable anyway.

As fervent fans we have the creative chaos of Tumblr and Twitter and various message boards to speculate and suggest and try to change the way the story will be told to fit our desires (grin). The actors and writers mostly have a job to do without all that other input.

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Maybe Elsa and Hook will BOTH get wardrobe makeovers.




It sounds like he says, "We were on our way home...something blasted...the transmission's frozen ...feels like ice, it feels like a meat locker. Who's got that kind of magic?"


Apparently Elsa is spooked by a motorcycle when she walks into town, so I bet the automobile freaked her out and she froze it in fear.


I just hope everybody doesn't initially blame Regina because of being in a lovelorn funk, thereby causing the poor baby to be oh-so-misunderstood-and-attacked-for-no-reason. Though, of course, her usual weapon is fire.


I hope that everybody realizes quickly that Elsa isn't a villain.

Edited by Souris
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Here's a video of the CS + Grumpy scene. They talk for a while (you can't hear anything) and then you can clearly hear Grumpy shout "WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!!". Dude has some pipes. You can hear some of what Grumpy is saying after as well, but I can't really make it out.

It sounds like he says, "We were on our way home...something blasted...the transmission's frozen ...feels like ice, it feels like a meat locker. Who's got that kind of magic?"

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"We were on our way home...something blasted...the transmission's frozen ...feels like ice, it feels like a meat locker. Who's got that kind of magic?"


Please tell me that the car he's refering to is Doc's Miata.

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Georgina tweeted this yesterday: "Useless Elsa costume fact- this outfit has 8 pieces to it. Perhaps one is tremendously bad at strip poker and is covering ones ass."

Bwah!!!!! That's hilarious. At least she has a sense of humor about it!


If everyone is already chasing after Elsa, they've got to figure out very quickly that she's not a threat--if the gang is basically already coming face-to-face with her, there's no way they can't realize by episode, like, 3, that she's a good guy. So I'm thinking that Mitchell is going to be the Snow Queen and the main antagonist. Perhaps she's Cora 2.0, coming to Storybrooke to try to sway her wayward and powerful daughter to her side? Hopefully she'll actually work in secret for a little bit, plotting and setting things up, even as the gang tries to help Elsa find Anna. That would, for once, be a somewhat effective narrative structure--have episodes, like, 1-6 be about Elsa's search for Anna while the Snow Queen plots, and then 7-11 can be fighting the Snow Queen.


What I can't figure out is where the hell the Knave fits in, unless he follows the Snow Queen to Storybrooke for some reason. Maybe she was terrorizing Wonderland before this?

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Perhaps she's Cora 2.0, coming to Storybrooke to try to sway her wayward and powerful daughter to her side?

Yay, Season 2B Redux. This is making me dread this new season so much.

Maybe she was terrorizing Wonderland before this?

That would be even more Cora! She took over as Queen of Hearts and called herself Queen of Frozen Hearts.

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FWIW, some Regina/Robin/Marian spoilers.


OF COURSE Marian would be upset that Robin was involved with the Evil Queen who tried to kill her, but I can hear the "Poor Regina! Marian's yelling at her!" chorus now. I say "You go, girl!" to Marian. At least she doesn't immediately apologize for being alive.

Edited by Souris
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I don't know. Is it wrong that I do feel sort of sorry for Regina in that situation? She seems like she's trying to extricate herself from the situation and drags Robin and then Marian after her. Marian has every right to be yelling at her of course, but I can understand Regina being a mope. And it doesn't sound like Emma or Mary Margaret or somebody is following her to feed her woefullness. Now what she does after that night is a different story, but I don't think we've received any spoilers past that.

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I know we only got seconds of video and a couple of pictures, but it looks like Emma is kinda avoiding Hook again...didn't we get enough of that in S3? *sigh*


I hope that with "the transmission's frozen" we don't start getting a bunch of reference words like "frozen", "let it go" and such like we got with "wicked" last season. But we probably will.

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I don't think she's avoiding him at all. Maybe she wants to keep it on the DL so Regina doesn't freak out, but I think they're totally flirting. Just look at this picture!


My fondest wish is for the Marian spoilers to be true. But even if they are, she's probably gonna be made out to be an horrible harpy for her totally understandable reaction, so *sigh*

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A+++++++ for Marian. She is my new spirit animal!


However, I will definitely say that the asshole in this situation is Robin. Um, dude, the time to follow your--girlfriend? are they even technically dating? your whatever-Regina-is--is not now. Now is when you let your son enjoy being reunited with his mom, and let Regina make a graceful retreat.


Sigh. They really are going to completely ruin Robin Hood.


Is it wrong that I do feel sort of sorry for Regina in that situation? She seems like she's trying to extricate herself from the situation

I don't feel bad for Regina (and I refuse to feel bad about anything that happens to her until she herself actually feels bad for the horrors she's inflicted on other people)--but I do respect that she's just trying to get the hell outta there and let Robin/Marian/Roland have their reunion in peace. It's what she should be doing.

Edited by stealinghome
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My fondest wish is for the Marian spoilers to be true. But even if they are, she's probably gonna be made out to be an horrible harpy for her totally understandable reaction, so *sigh*


I not only want Marian to be angry with Regina (who tried to kill her), but Robin as well. "Bold and audacious" my a$$. He knew the kind of woman she was in the enchanted forrest and took no time at all in falling in love with her in Storybrooke (he knew her for a week or two considering his memory had been wiped). Now he's running out to comfort her executioner when he hasn't seen Marian  for a long time and, clearly, there is some catching up to do because Roland is now much older than he was? Shows where his priorities lie.


But, yes, she will be painted as a harpy.  Somebody has to call our Regina. All of her victims shouldn't happily accept what she did to them.


Team Marian!

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I know we only got seconds of video and a couple of pictures, but it looks like Emma is kinda avoiding Hook again...didn't we get enough of that in S3? *sigh*


I hope that with "the transmission's frozen" we don't start getting a bunch of reference words like "frozen", "let it go" and such like we got with "wicked" last season. But we probably will.


Yeah, I expect a flurry (see what I did there?) of frozen- and ice-related references. I love a good pun more than most, but sometimes you need to chill (bad me!) on them before it gets tiresome.


As far as CS goes, it seems like they filmed two scenes. If Colin has on the coat, it's hard to tell what is in-scene and what is just him and Jen between takes. The video of the yelling-Grumpy scene doesn't appear super-romantic to me, but without dialogue, who can tell. Emma may be trying to keep things cool (shame on me!) in public because of the Regina thing, but since we don't know what's going on during studio scenes, they could be schmoopy there for all we know.


Funny Josh face.

Edited by Souris
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I hope that with "the transmission's frozen" we don't start getting a bunch of reference words like "frozen",


It does seem like in this case, the transmission is actually frozen from cold, not from bad maintenance or some other cause. So, "frozen" is the reasonable thing to say.


Just let the engine run, Leroy. The heat should warm it up in no time (obviously, whatever cold flash didn't hit the engine/battery/fuel or you'd be complaining about not being able to start the car and would never have known the transmission was frozen).  Leroy is such a drama dwarf.

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Sigh. They really are going to completely ruin Robin Hood.


Too late...already ruined. I'm afraid the writers are going to portray Marian as some rigid woman who refuses to see the change in people, a la the Blue Fairy. I can't see this ending well for Marian. 


Since they have picked up the action immediately at the end of S3, what's the betting Season 4a will have a compressed time-frame as well? Now that we know the abc president wants OUAT to have a longer run than what A&E originally planned, it seems to me that the creators will want to draw-out their planned storylines. That may affect a lot of the storylines--we may not get a CS True Love's Kiss this season--Belle may not discover Rumple's deception until the end of the half- season, etc.. 

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I now predict that season 4A will span a whole 48 hours!


One of the usual paps is reporting that there will be filming on location (somewhere not in Steveston) with Emma, Hook, Charming, Grumpy and Sleepy. So, I'm guessing, after Grumpy and Sleepy interrupt CS with "we're under attack!", Charming joins them (there were pics of Josh on set and a dialogue that was reported was "Dad, come on!" so I'm guessing it's related to that) and it's that group that leads the Elsa mission. Meanwhile, Henry and Snow throw a "we're sorry your boyfriend dumped you for murdering his wife" tea party for Regina.

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I don't think she's avoiding him at all. Maybe she wants to keep it on the DL so Regina doesn't freak out, but I think they're totally flirting. Just look at this picture!


My fondest wish is for the Marian spoilers to be true. But even if they are, she's probably gonna be made out to be an horrible harpy for her totally understandable reaction, so *sigh*


Thanks! Yeah I'm happier after that picture, specially with the full body version. They're definitely getting their flirt on.

It does seem like in this case, the transmission is actually frozen from cold, not from bad maintenance or some other cause. So, "frozen" is the reasonable thing to say.


Just let the engine run, Leroy. The heat should warm it up in no time (obviously, whatever cold flash didn't hit the engine/battery/fuel or you'd be complaining about not being able to start the car and would never have known the transmission was frozen).  Leroy is such a drama dwarf.

Yeah I know the transmission is most likely literally frozen like many things will be. But they may still overuse it.

Grumpy: The transmission is frozen

Emma: Frozen?

Grumpy: Yeah, frozen.

Regina: I think we all know who can make things frozen

Henry: Elsa from Frozen?

David: You know, other stuff are frozen too.

Snow: like time was frozen here for 28 years.


Well, not THAT much but you get my point. Plus we're getting the sundae shop for ever more ice/cold references.

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Oh, those Captain Swan flirty shots! Now I'm really looking forward to Hook's "You cockblocking fool!" look that he gives Leroy.

And I'm sure Mary Margaret is probably off somewhere with the baby, which I expect is going to be a common theme this season.

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Thanks! Yeah I'm happier after that picture, specially with the full body version. They're definitely getting their flirt on.


Well, that's an interesting placement of the hook. Ahem. I hadn't seen the full-body version.


Leroy is such a drama dwarf.


LOL! He is indeed.


Interesting that Sleepy is along with the Charming Army. I wonder if he'll get frozen? Seems kind of apt that if someone does, it'd be the sleepy dwarf.

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Ok Now I need to get out something of my gut.
Some other site spoiler believes that at some point in the Granny scene between Mary, Regina and Robin.
Marian shoots that Regina is a monster and when Robin tried to defend Regina she shoot again You're monster. So,some people already  site asking for Maryan to die because of that.
So, if that it is true, they're going to make Marian the Bitch and Regina the poor victim of that awful woman who stole her soulmate.


I would think it very unrealistic if she DIDN'T call Regina a monster, given the information she has available to her at the time.they  should make Marian sympathetic at least a little bit (Abigail, anyone)because as far as we know, Marian is an innocent party here.

This real (this time) triangle is a very complicated, this needs to be touched carefully. But, with the writer record it is exactly why I'm afraid this spoiler ,is so true!

That so simple and so the worst case scenario for me about the all triangles that if that is what going on. The only solution for me Will be the fast forward button.
I know Outlaw Queen are end game and I can see myself to root for them. But the showrunner know that people will side with Regina even if from Mariam perspective Regina is absolutely a monster!

In fact, Robin should defend Marian in this situation. Come on, his new girlfriend of a week almost killed the mother of his child.
So, This time I hope that this particular spoiler is wrong and Marian is not only show so Regina fans can hate her before she finally have the common sense to die.

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Emma, Charming, Hook, Regina, Robin and Little John are shooting today at Stanley Park. I think that's usually their Enchanted Forest location (though it doesn't mean they're doing EF scene, but I believe that's where they shot 321/322). Like we expected, Snow is staying home with the baby, but I'm glad they're including Charming.

EDIT: Maid Marian is also on location. Doesn't appear to have changed clothes. So this scene may deal with triangle drama, not Elsa drama.

Edited by Serena
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I know we only got seconds of video and a couple of pictures, but it looks like Emma is kinda avoiding Hook again...didn't we get enough of that in S3? *sigh*

Adam or Eddie did say that she was initially going to have some hesitations about being all "Woo! New relationship!" after what had happened with Regina. Which is a little eyeroll-inducing, but I think I can fanwank that she has just had a pretty intense few days (prior to getting back to Storybrooke, she had presumably spent the last few nights on the forest floor or in a jail cell, plus the whole losing her mum thing), so it's not unreasonable that she might want a bit of space to clear her head. If it drags on for multiple episodes.... yeah, not so much. 


One of the fans that was at the shoot mentioned that she heard one word of dialogue when that "flirty" shot was taken... but then decided not to share it, because she couldn't confirm the context. Seems to be driving people mad.

It’s just, I know it will make everyone freak out because of the nature of the word and how it relates to Captain Swan specifically, but there’s no context so I don’t want everyone to freak out for no reason.

Just trust me on this. If I told you, you would be like “OMG! OMG! KILLIAN SAID THAT TO EMMA!” But no, he said a whole sentence and I didn’t hear the rest of it. It just won’t make sense.

I just don’t want to get everyone’s hopes up. I’m not going to answer anymore questions about this, it’s just making people even more curious :(



Now I'm kind of curious. 


I do hope Marian finds a friend/ally in Storybrooke. It's a shame Snow is so pro-Regina, because she'd be a good candidate otherwise. 


Also, I doubt this will be addressed, but it has surely been several years since Roland saw his mother. Would a kid that young really remember her and just go off with her willingly like that?

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Adam or Eddie did say that she was initially going to have some hesitations about being all "Woo! New relationship!" after what had happened with Regina.

 . . .

Also, I doubt this will be addressed, but it has surely been several years since Roland saw his mother. Would a kid that young really remember her and just go off with her willingly like that?


I can understand Emma not wanting to rub a new relationship happiness in Regina's face, but I'm really hoping they don't go full-throttle "Hide the relationship" or "Stall the relationship."  For one thing, are Emma and Regina really that close?  For another, I'm sick to death of the show centering everyone around how Regina will feel about things.


As for Roland--it has to have been at least three years since Marian's seen him.  Since he's, what?  Five?  Probably not.

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Emma, Charming, Hook, Regina, Robin and Little John are shooting today at Stanley Park. I think that's usually their Enchanted Forest location (though it doesn't mean they're doing EF scene, but I believe that's where they shot 321/322).


Enchanted Forrest scenes are usually shot on the North Shore. Stanley Park is where they've been shooting those lake scenes (like when Regina and Henry were talking when he didn't have his memories or when Hook went to talk to Emma in the finale when she walked out of the diner) or beach scenes (like where they found Fake Ariel on the beach).


I do hope Marian finds a friend/ally in Storybrooke. It's a shame Snow is so pro-Regina, because she'd be a good candidate otherwise.


Snow should be at least a little pro-Marian given the fact the woman was willing to be executed by Regina in order to keep Snow's location a secret, but I guess Snow would rather be pro the-person-who-gleefully-burned-me-at-the-stake-and-then-tried-to-have my newborn-daughter-murdered-and-cursed-me-for-28-years.

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