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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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Mal's episode also has King Stefan and Aurora in it. That's pretty packed. I'm looking forward to it cause they got Sebastian Roche. It pretty much means that Stefan is a baddie. Wonder how they'll make his baddie different from the movie.

Hook's flashback is with that peddler. We got filming reports of it. Not sure what episode that was but it wasn't Mal's. And since we saw the peddler pop back up with Rump I'm guessing he's an important character.

My 2 theories: Snow and Charming knows exactly who the Author is and had something to do with how he/she wrote the stories, like giving them the happy endings and the bad guys the sucky endings. And the price for that is Emma's evil heart.

To go with that, Lily is the "Neville" to Emma's "Harry" with a twist. Snow/Charming somehow cheated so that Emma would be the Savior and Lily got the short end of the stick. But Lily is supposed to be the Savior with that star scar like how Harry got the Lightning scar. The writers keep saying that line about Emma being told all this time that she was the Savior just screams that she isn't. And yes we'll forgot the fact that Savior was just a name Rump came up with to manipulate everyone cause it sounds better than pawn.

Or 2nd theory is Lily is the Author.

I'm getting the impression that the girl from ET (the one answering the questions) got her episode numbers mixed up.  These guys saw the next two episodes, Darkness at the Edge of Town and Unforgiven, which is the episode Adam directed and the one JMo took tons of pictures of because it was her last day of 101 smiles.  She took pictures inside the station with the food (grilled cheese from Granny's) and everything.  


Hook's line about Maleficent in season 2 about he's always loved her in earth tones might indicated that there was more going on between them.

I think people is way too excited with this "we are getting some Hook backstory". It's going to be one or two scenes in someone else's flashback, probably Ursula's (Merrin Dungey made a tweet about Colin around the time they were shooting Ursula's flashback episode). And, unless they give him the finale because Jafar is the big bad in 5A, the same goes for Will. A couple of scenes in Robin and Marian's flashback, and a chat or two with Belle and that's it.

Edited by RadioGirl27
  • Love 2
I'm assuming Cora will be in Will's flashbacks, since she took his heart at one time. We don't need anymore of her and Regina's past.


IF there's an actual Will centric episode which does not seem to be likely at this point.  But who knows.  Since he is now "dating" Belle.  There's the Robin centric that we know for sure he is part of.  That's also the one where we get Zelena.


Cora could very easily be in one of the queens' backstory.  Though 2 out of 3 are definitely not queens (I like how that term is used very loosely).

My 2 theories: Snow and Charming knows exactly who the Author is and had something to do with how he/she wrote the stories, like giving them the happy endings and the bad guys the sucky endings. And the price for that is Emma's evil heart.


If true, they got terrible value for their money. They ended the book with Charming near-fatally stabbed and Snow completely heart-broken. They had given up their daughter to an uncertain future where she would spend the next 28 years in terrible circumstances feeling completely unloved. Meanwhile, their nemesis stood gloating over them as her curse succeeded and they were all sucked into another dimension where she could enjoy tormenting them for what might be eternity.


Meanwhile, their nemesis gave the Author nothing and got her dream come true - the ability to torment Snow forever, a great wardrobe, a great house and control over a world's-worth of enemies.


I just don't know what I am hoping for for the Snow/Charms big Evil reveal - other than I wish it would go away. Either it is going to be a total ret-con which totally won't jibe with what we've seen these two do before (if they too slaughtered a village, why be so adamant before and after that is not what they do? Why didn't they have more dark spots? Why didn't they have guilt? Snow still has guilt about being tricked into revealing a secret when she was 10. If she'd slaughtered a village she'd be begging forgiveness for that with every breath) or it will be something so relatively minor that A&E setting up a false equivalency will be vexing (see, when Regina pushed Snow out of the tower, she landed on a chicken and totally killed it. Who is Snow to judge Regina for slaughtering an entire village when she too has blood on her butt?).

  • Love 2

From Yahoo




Attempts to keep their shameful past a secret by any means necessary, including enlisting the help of a former enemy and lying to their daughter Emma (Jennifer Morrison), will have dangerous ramifications both immediately and throughout the rest of the year. Discovering the truth might be the straw that sends the savior to the dark side as suggested in the promo that aired during the Oscars.




But just how far down the evil rabbit are the creators willing to let Emma fall? "Enough, but not enough that it's bleak and you go, 'What did they do to Once Upon A Time? That's the icky show now.' We want to explore if you have done a bad thing, can you come back from it? Can you become the person you want to be even if you didn't start out that way and vice versa," said Kitsis before Horowitz chimed in with, "It's less about what the powers are than how they're used."

No comment?




Hook (Colin O'Donoghue) and Emma's relationship will suffer another setback when the sheriff Swan deduces that Ursula and her boyfriend go way back and he refuses to tell her what went down. He will claim their paths simply crossed when he was sailing the seven seas and she ruled the deep, but an upcoming episode will contain flashbacks that reveal "what he did to her. It is not sexual. It is far worse," said Kitsis. "What would be worse than having your heart broken, having your soul crushed. You're going to see the origin of Ursula. We all know Hook is about 385 years old and we meet Ursula around 18-19. Emma's about to find out some really bad information."

So Hook turned Ursula to the dark side then?  That's probably why he doesn't recognize her if he met her when she was 18-19.  And they're not even consistent with their own writing.  They put him at 200 and now he's almost 400 years old?  I'm assuming Ursula will be more than happy to go after Emma if for not nothing than to teach him a lesson.

Edited by YaddaYadda

Well, you can go ahead and scratch my entire theory about Mal/Hook from the previous page.

But just how far down the evil rabbit are the creators willing to let Emma fall? "Enough, but not enough that it's bleak and you go, 'What did they do to Once Upon A Time? That's the icky show now.'


If you don't want your viewers thinking this is an 'icky show,' then maybe reconsider writing scenes about crypt sex...


Edit: Hook being the one responsible for Ursula turning dark actually gives me hope that she won't inevitably die at the end of the arc. It'd be nice to actually have one villain du jour in this series make a turnaround back to the good side (and stay alive), and Ursula seems to be the most normal/sympathetic of the three so far. If Hook feels guilty for what he did to her, I could see him trying to correct that mistake by the end of 4B.

Edited by Curio

Meh, I don't know what Hook could have done 400 years ago to Ursula that could be worse than what he did to Belle. They already said it isn't romantic, and he obviously didn't kill her because she's still alive, so it's probably theft of something precious to her, or similar. I do agree I hope out of the three Ursula is redeemed and not killed because they need to knock it off with the murdering of WOC.

Whatever it was Hook did, SQ fans will probably write some meta about how it was basically rape, we'll roll our eyes, and the world will keep on turning.

  • Love 7

If you don't want your viewers thinking this is an 'icky show,' then maybe reconsider writing scenes about crypt sex...

Yeah.  Considering how many truly gross and creepy and evil things they've had their favorite character do, and yet Regina's redeemed and totally a hero now, with white magic and true love without a heart, and good, good, good?


They don't exactly have stellar judgment about what's "icky" and what's too far to come back from.


That doesn't give me any comfort about how dark they're planning on taking Emma. It could be just the usual false equivalence for the White family misdeeds, but they're also desperate to demonstrate that "See, Regina's not actually evil and everyone else is just as bad."  to retrovalidate their choices about Regina's white magic and herodom. 




I'm sure Rumple knows the whole story of what happened to Ursula. Soul crushing....maybe he killed her true love?

That would make sense, but if her tumble from power and "goddess"hood to "Sea Witch" happened as far back as 350 years or so ago, how was she powerful enough only 35 years ago that she came through a mirror--one of Regina's specialities--and scared the crap out of her?


So we're now expecting another timeline toss about?  The only thing making me think I should watch the episode this week is I'm looking forward to the live thread during it.


Edited by Mari
So not only they are going to destroy Emma and the Charmings, they are going to destroy Hook too. Great.

Why does every single thing need to be gloom and doom especially when there is no context?  


  1. Emma is not the first hero to walk on the dark side.  It's a trope.
  2. Whatever Snowing did, they probably were in way over their heads and if it has to do with magic, then magic always comes with a price.  Gerda's price for using the magic of the rock trolls was that her daughter was born with ice magic too.
  3. Whatever Hook did, they said it was centuries ago.  He probably stole from her or killed someone she loved or maybe she fell in love with him and he used her as a means to an end.  The guy is a pirate and he was a complete frat boy and an asshole when we saw him in The Crocodile.  Hook wasn't a good guy and he never pretended to be a good guy either.  So I'm not sure why his past as a pirate being a nasty piece of work is any surprise.
  4. You can bet Rumple will use Ursula's backstory with Hook to goad her even more into doing what he wants her to do Re: Emma.  Hook, the villain turned almost hero who is shacking up with the Savior, the woman they need for their happy endings.  Rumple doesn't give a shit about anyone but himself and what he wants, so he will use everything in his arsenal.  And Emma turning dark is more for his own benefit than the other 3.
  5. Because we get to see those BTS, we know that CS are still very much together when Emma hits the road with Regina and that's like 4 episodes down the road.




Hook being the one responsible for Ursula turning dark actually gives me hope that she won't inevitably die at the end of the arc. It'd be nice to actually have one villain du jour in this series make a turnaround back to the good side (and stay alive), and Ursula seems to be the most normal/sympathetic of the three so far. If Hook feels guilty for what he did to her, I could see him trying to correct that mistake by the end of 4B.

He probably will.  If he is so racked with guilt over the fairies, then him not wanting to talk about what happened between him and Ursula probably means that he feels bad enough about it.  And honestly, he has time to think about every rotten thing he has done.  Hook was no choir boy.  If he made a name for himself, it's because he wasn't the nicest, cuddliest person around.  If he doesn't tell Emma anything (which I wonder if he won't end up telling her anyway just because keeping things from her is usually not a good move for him) then I'm sure Ursula will be more than happy to fill in the blanks.


I just hope that she's not just some witch and that she is actually a Goddess as she should be.  I re-watched her scenes at the aquarium and while her sea witch persona seems to be lacking a bit, her other persona was actually sort of awesome in the way she snarked at Rumple about winning the loto and how he must be so desperate and out of his depth if he is seeking her out.  I think I'm looking forward to that side of her rather than the magical side.


ETA - Snowing's secret.  What if Snow went into this deal or whatever thinking she could not have children.  I mean there was a period of time there where she thought she was infertile thanks to King George.  If the deal had anything to do with a child she thought she would never have then yeah, it's a double-cross, but I could see her making it knowing she would never have to uphold her end of the bargain.

Edited by YaddaYadda
  • Love 3

Meh, I don't know what Hook could have done 400 years ago to Ursula that could be worse than what he did to Belle. They already said it isn't romantic, and he obviously didn't kill her because she's still alive, so it's probably theft of something precious to her, or similar. I do agree I hope out of the three Ursula is redeemed and not killed because they need to knock it off with the murdering of WOC.

Whatever it was Hook did, SQ fans will probably write some meta about how it was basically rape, we'll roll our eyes, and the world will keep on turning.

They have said it's not sexual, probably to stop the "Hook is a rapist" comments before they happen (not that it would work). But they haven't said anything about love. Maybe he made her fall in love with him so he can use her to get something and after that he brokes her heart, or he kills her true love/father/favourite dolphin. Anyway, it's just another step in the "Regina is not that bad. Look at what the other characters have done".

What I find weird it's that they have been very careful with the spoilers and sudenly the tell this journalist something so big and let her publish it. I don't know, it's weird.



Why does every single thing need to be gloom and doom especially when there is no context?

Because it's this show, and the two other times they did the "Hook keeps secrets for Emma" it ended up being a total mess. And because this "Snow and Charming did something horrible" is just a way to make Regina look better. And because I prefer to lower my expectation to the minimum so I'm not deceived again. I mean, I wasn't expecting anything from "Heroes and Villains" other that some concern from Emma and I ended being deceived, so yeah, I prefer not to get excited.

Edited by RadioGirl27
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Whatever Hook did, they said it was centuries ago.  He probably stole from her or killed someone she loved or maybe she fell in love with him and he used her as a means to an end.  The guy is a pirate and he was a complete frat boy and an asshole when we saw him in The Crocodile.  Hook wasn't a good guy and he never pretended to be a good guy either.  So I'm not sure why his past as a pirate being a nasty piece of work is any surprise.


I don't know about anyone else, but I'm actually really looking forward to seeing this side of Hook again.  I think it's really refreshing to get to see parts of characters that we normally don't, and Colin's got the acting chops to really bring out a nasty side to the Captain.  I still remember when he shot Belle in season 2.  I was completely unprepared for that to happen.  And when it did, I remember jumping off my couch and shouting "HOLY CRAP!  HE JUST SHOT HER?!?!" and just standing there gobsmacked at that incredibly violent turn.  I mean, I knew he was a suicidal, revenge driven pirate; but up until then I think I subconsciously thought he still wasn't that bad.  And Colin portrayed that moment so well - completely deranged, vicious, and unrepentant over just shooting an innocent woman in order to inflict quality damage on his foe.  That's not pretty, folks.  *can't wait!*

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Unless the secret is endangering her (like the Zelena secret did), I don't mind if he keeps some stuff from her to reveal in his own time. We'll see.

Or the hat secret in which she almost got sucked.  I think between Rumple being back and these women's emergence, he will probably end up telling her what happened during Ursula's episode.  I always thought Ursula and Ariel's backstories might parallel a bit.  Ursula gave mermaids legs so that they can go on land for one evening for a reason.  


I'm also guessing this is when we find out what's going on in that head of his regarding his fears and insecurities and what have you.  I wonder what Ariel's role will be in that episode.

I'm pleasantly surprised they're going to actually explore Hook as a villain. During his redemption arc, they've pretty studiously avoided the fact that he spent hundreds of years doing unsavoury things. And maybe they needed to at the time, but it's something he and Emma need to talk about and both deal with. I assume that is part of their deep and meaningful discussion and also the stuff going on internally for him that Adam and Eddy have mentioned -- he's afraid she'll hate him when she finds out the things he has actually done. 


Still totally stumped on the Snowing secret. I hope to god it makes some internal sense, but it's tough to think of anything that won't either require a retcon, or be totally unbelievable that we have never heard about it until now. 


Looks like Steveston filming is confirmed for Tuesday next week.

I'm pleasantly surprised they're going to actually explore Hook as a villain.

Same. While I like Season 4 Hook and his path towards heroism, I miss seeing the other, darker sides to his character. So I say bring on the douchebag, frat boy, piratey Hook flashback!


Also, I doubt he's going to keep his past about Ursula a secret from Emma for too long. This...

“What would be worse than having your heart broken, having your soul crushed. You’re going to see the origin of Ursula. We all know Hook is about 385 years old and we meet Ursula around 18-19. Emma’s about to find out some really bad information.

...makes it sound like Emma hears the bad information in that episode. 

Edited by Curio
'What did they do to Once Upon A Time? That's the icky show now.'

Oh honey, that ship sailed back when you had Regina rip out Graham's heart and order him sent to her bedchamber.


The plot about Hook's past could end up being highly ironic if one of the plotlines of this arc is Hook feeling guilt and remorse about something he did more than 300 years ago (was he lying about his age when he told Emma it was more like 200?) to someone who hasn't even been around him for most of the time, and possibly even suffering consequences for it, while another plotline is Regina being considered totally worthy of a happy ending and feeling like the universe has treated her poorly because she doesn't have absolutely everything she wants, all while feeling no remorse or guilt for the horrible things she did relatively recently to the people who are around her and trying to help her on a daily basis. This show.

  • Love 6

I don't necessarily have a problem with ickiness, since fairy tales are known for that, but I don't like when the show is icky and pretends it isn't. Like how it whitewashes Regina and Graham, or glosses over how gross Bleeding Through was. If it's going to be twisted, it needs to own it.

Hook has to be around 180-190 years old for the timeline to match up.

Edited by KingOfHearts
  • Love 5


...makes it sound like Emma hears the bad information in that episode. 

Yeah, many people seem to be assuming that the storyline will come out in the Ursula centric, but it could easily be a separate backstory. We know Ariel is in that episode, but Hook isn't supposed to have met her before the missing year.

Hook has to be around 180-190 years old for the timeline to match up.

Unless we learn he has yet another gap in his past in which he went through a span when he didn't age (time bubble, frozen, under a sleeping curse, another Neverland-like realm), so that when he meets Milah he's already 100-something instead of in his early 20s. I'd say it would have to be something like being frozen or under a curse, so he didn't experience the passing of time, and that might explain why he only considers himself to be 200-something even if he was born nearly 400 years ago. And this would make him older than Rumple.


Or it could just be that the writers can't keep their own story straight.

  • Love 1

Tbh, I'm getting tired of Killian keeping secrets from Emma because he is too ashamed too own them. I thought they would have moved past this stage by now. But of course, when things are dealt with by a hug and a kiss... I really hope this arc will resolve this issue once and for all. However, I'm here for all the hot pirate action! ;-)

  • Love 2
Yeah, many people seem to be assuming that the storyline will come out in the Ursula centric, but it could easily be a separate backstory. We know Ariel is in that episode, but Hook isn't supposed to have met her before the missing year.


I'm assuming it's coming out of the Ursula backstory just because it seems to be easier that way where they don't reveal whatever he's done since whoever wrote the piece for Yahoo (which always has garbage articles btw) make it sound like it's absolutely awful.  Never mind the start of that sentence about "another setback" (I can't remember what word they used just now) when it doesn't even sound like CS had any type of setback prior to whatever happened between Hook and Ursula whom I'm sure knew him before he became Hook unless she met him Neverland since mermaids can travel between realms (she's not a mermaid, I know).  If it's as "bad" as they say it is, then it seems to defeat the purpose to announce whatever it is he has done prior to Ursula's sob story.


Ariel isn't supposed to know Ursula either.  She said in season 3 that Ursula had not been seen for a thousand years and now it seems that her age has been greatly exaggerated.


There's one thing I'm really sort of rolling my eyes at (other than the usual stuff) and that's how they stamped 385 years on Hook when in 406, he said that he was more like two hundred when Emma joked that he was 400.  They can't even seem to keep track of their own writing.


Tbh, I'm getting tired of Killian keeping secrets from Emma because he is too ashamed too own them.

Not to defend him, but that's his past and his past spans hundreds of years apparently.  He has never been forthcoming about anything regarding his life.  He hasn't spoken about Liam or Milah (two people who had a great influence in his life) or his time with Baelfire or Tink or his time in Neverland or what he did during the missing year or how his father left him.  So this is nothing new.  This isn't like the Zelena or the hat secret where it happened right now and he shouldn't keep this from anyone because it puts everyone in danger.  


Speaking of Neverland.  What if what he did to Ursula had to do with him leaving Neverland?  That would might make her too young, unless the sea goddess Ariel mentioned is actually this Ursula's mother.  With this show, it could happen.

  • Love 1

Not to defend him, but that's his past and his past spans hundreds of years apparently.  He has never been forthcoming about anything regarding his life.

I have to agree.  If it were a new issue that he were keeping secret, that's one thing.  But it does make sense that in his unnaturally long history, there would be things he hasn't told her yet--probably even a list of things that he's not eager to share.


If he's squirreling around for several episodes, trying to figure out how not to tell her that when he was 153 years old this relevant thing happened, and a related thing happened when he was 321 years old, and risking everything?  That would be annoying.


But they both full lives before they met, and his was extraordinarily long and, apparently, adventure and misadventure filled.  He, especially, should have things he's not telling Emma, yet.

  • Love 3

Unless we learn he has yet another gap in his past in which he went through a span when he didn't age (time bubble, frozen, under a sleeping curse, another Neverland-like realm), so that when he meets Milah he's already 100-something instead of in his early 20s. I'd say it would have to be something like being frozen or under a curse, so he didn't experience the passing of time, and that might explain why he only considers himself to be 200-something even if he was born nearly 400 years ago. And this would make him older than Rumple.

Or it could just be that the writers can't keep their own story straight.

But that wouldn't work, would it? He would have to met Ursula, if not post-Milah, at the very least post-Liam. Liam died when Rumple's dad was already Pan. If Hook had gone off and spent 100 years frozen, Rumple would be dead. There's a very tight timeline there. He loses Liam, then has to meet Milah *at the very latest* 10 years after, then spends at most another 7-8 years with her before she dies and he returns to Neverland. He's still there when Tink arrives (which is post Regina's marriage) and a few years later, during Snow Falls, he's in the EF.
But that wouldn't work, would it? He would have to met Ursula, if not post-Milah, at the very least post-Liam. Liam died when Rumple's dad was already Pan.

Oh, I'd forgotten that Rumple's and Hook's paths had that one more point of indirect intersection. And I can't imagine Lt. Jones doing anything all that horrible. I guess you could maybe get about 40 years of freezing, at the most, depending on how old Rumple was supposed to be when he became the Dark One and how long after Malcolm became Pan it was when the Jones brothers were in Neverland -- if, say, Rumple was still a child then, Killian could have maybe been frozen for nearly 40 years. That still doesn't get us to 385 years vs. 200-something, and it really throws off Bae's timeline if any big gap comes during his lifetime.


Or, considering that it's this show, we may learn that wee baby Killian did something awful to Ursula while trying to find his father again after he was abandoned. You know, like unknowingly cluing in one of her enemies on how to control her or accidentally using an artifact. And she's devoted her entire life since then to wanting to find and destroy him for something he did when he was six. Maybe they had another encounter later when he was an adult and a pirate, and he committed the unforgivable sin of fighting back against this person wanting to destroy him for something he did as a child.


Another script tease and another mystery line matched with its owner.

"Just thinking" makes me think of Enchanted. "Thinking..?!"



That still doesn't get us to 385 years vs. 200-something, and it really throws off Bae's timeline if any big gap comes during his lifetime.

I get my figure from the fact Big Ben was built in 1854, and it's prominent in Bae's flashback. So that's the very earliest that Bae could have come to the Land Without Magic. He was about 14 there, and in The Crocodile was around 6 or 7. So if Hook was around 30 when he met Rumple, that pits him to be born around 1817... which is almost 200 years.

Edited by KingOfHearts

Not to defend him, but that's his past and his past spans hundreds of years apparently. He has never been forthcoming about anything regarding his life. He hasn't spoken about Liam or Milah (two people who had a great influence in his life) or his time with Baelfire or Tink or his time in Neverland or what he did during the missing year or how his father left him. So this is nothing new. This isn't like the Zelena or the hat secret where it happened right now and he shouldn't keep this from anyone because it puts everyone in danger.

Yes--it's nothing new. Which is why that dynamic needs to change. And whatever he did to Ursula might well be relevant to their current situation if it pust him and those he hangs around with in danger because Ursula wants revenge. And from the spoiler, it seems likely that Emma finds out his secret from someone else, yet again.

  • Love 2

I guess it is considered progress since it doesn't seem that he's got any cursed body parts this time.

They are saving that for later this season.


I'm just super annoyed with the "Hook did something bad or stupid in the past and now he is ashamed and he doesn't want to tell Emma". This show really need new writers or new ideas.


Adam has comfirmed the return of Barbara Hershey. I guess it is for the Regina centric, that it seems it's going to be episode 20.

Edited by RadioGirl27

Anytime Adam and Eddy says something, my opinion of them just sinks that much lower. They think Belle being all "Change or fuck off" is a show of power and strength? That that is the height of her character being strong or something? Say what? This right here sums up everything wrong about Rumbelle and the writers just doesn't get it. How about finding a guy you can love without requiring him to change? And how is it love when you want the guy to change and can't be with him if he doesn't? More like fuck off writers.


I'm guessing Ursula is going to get part of Disney's Ariel story, the part that was in "Poor Unfortunate Soul." Hook tricked Ursula into giving up something, maybe her "goddess-ness" or something. As a result she was banished by her father for screwing up somehow cause you know this show and their parental issues. People are worried about Hook's character being ruined but what about Ursula? She was supposedly this scary ancient goddess that scared the crap out of Woegina, Poseidon is her daddy and they've turned her into some pathetic teenage victim. Weak.



If true, they got terrible value for their money.

Well we all know the writers aren't into reality. They're addicted and high on Woegina crack. You seriously don't think the writers believe that the Charmings have lead a "charmed" life so far and Woegina is the biggest victim that ever victim'ed?

  • Love 2
I get my figure from the fact Big Ben was built in 1854, and it's prominent in Bae's flashback. So that's the very earliest that Bae could have come to the Land Without Magic. He was about 14 there, and in The Crocodile was around 6 or 7. So if Hook was around 30 when he met Rumple, that pits him to be born around 1817... which is almost 200 years.

I figure they have a little wiggle room when it comes to time passing in Neverland because it doesn't necessarily sync up with our world. It seemed to, more or less, in the present, but that was a matter of days rather than years, so there's less drift, and it was when magic was dying. When Neverland was fully charged, hundreds of years could have passed while only 50 or so passed in our world or in the Enchanted Forest world. So I wouldn't worry too much about exactly what time Bae was in London. He could still have spent a couple of hundred years in Neverland between the late 1800s and the late 1880s/early 90s. I think Hook was younger than 30, though, when he met Milah, probably closer to 20 if his current age is supposed to be in the neighborhood of Colin's, and based on his behavior/maturity level.


But all this still doesn't explain how Hook has gone from being maybe around 200 years old, according to what he said, to nearly 400, per the writers now.


I'm highly amused by the mental fanfic currently playing out in my head in which small child Killian somehow "wrongs" Ursula, then it's considered an evil pirate deed to be ashamed of when she tracks him down as an adult to get revenge for what he did when he was six and he actually fights back instead of groveling. Now I'm going to be let down by whatever they actually write.


I think Hook was younger than 30, though, when he met Milah, probably closer to 20 if his current age is supposed to be in the neighborhood of Colin's, and based on his behavior/maturity level.

Colin is 34, and I gathered he was around Emma's age as well.



I figure they have a little wiggle room when it comes to time passing in Neverland because it doesn't necessarily sync up with our world.

That's all headcanon, though. There's nothing in the show to support that.



Adam has comfirmed the return of Barbara Hershey. I guess it is for the Regina centric, that it seems it's going to be episode 20.

Cora is awesome sauce... the Barbara Hershey version. They're really trying to put in as many villains as they can aren't they? I'm wondering if this is setup for that alternate universe where villains get their happy endings.

Edited by KingOfHearts
Colin is 34, and I gathered he was around Emma's age as well.

That's why I figure Hook had to be much younger when he met Rumple and Milah, for him to have spent 7-8 years with Milah and then at least a couple of years in the Enchanted Forest after Neverland and before the curse in order to be in the 30-35 zone now. If he'd been 30ish when he met Milah, he'd be close to 40 now, and I'd think they'd have cast an actor who could have at least passed for 40. As old as Hook is, they actually don't have a lot of room to play with outside Neverland while he was still a pirate, especially if they don't show him with Milah (I haven't heard any rumors about her coming back). There's the time between Lt. Jones and Milah and the time after Neverland. If he's at his "most piratey," it depends on how they define that. He was probably at his worst as a human being post-Neverland, but at that time he was more focused on revenge and rum than on actual piracy. The time before Milah it seems he was more of a pirate, but possibly still in the transition from Lt. Jones, and more frat-boy than evil. I'm guessing, though, that his past with Ursula comes before Neverland, just because of what we've seen of her. Maybe he had some dealing with her in his attempt for revenge in the first wave of rage/grief after Milah's death and before he went to Neverland, and it was because that plan A failed that he decided to go to Neverland. It did look like he went straight to Neverland, given that he was fitting the hook on as they headed there, but it's this show.


That's all headcanon, though. There's nothing in the show to support that.

It's definitely headcanon, my own attempt to make the timeline make any sense at all, which requires a lot of handwaving. But so far, they've left themselves room to say that time in Neverland didn't sync up with time in our world, so Neal could have spent 200 years there even though he was gone from our world only about 100 years, since they haven't specifically said otherwise and since things were different in Neverland (no sun, magic dying) on the last visit there.

Pirate Hook is the only spoiler I'm even remotely interested in at this point. Let him kick Ursula's ass and be evil! It's so much better than sidekick Hook who gets relegated to the sidelines because only magical people get to do anything on this show. Bring on the heavy eyeliner and heavy black coat! Bring back the Jolly Roger! Bonus: If it happened a few hundred years ago, there's no Regina around to cry about it. 

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ETA - Snowing's secret.  What if Snow went into this deal or whatever thinking she could not have children.  I mean there was a period of time there where she thought she was infertile thanks to King George.  If the deal had anything to do with a child she thought she would never have then yeah, it's a double-cross, but I could see her making it knowing she would never have to uphold her end of the bargain.


They solved in the episode in short time. Ruth made Lancelot change the water and the magical water of Lake Nostos undid the poisoning of Snow by King George- So Snow was again able to have children - thanks to Ruth's sacrifice. There was not much time between Snow getting to the cottage of Ruth, them being attacked by George's soldiers, who followed Snow, and them going to Lake Nostros to try and save Ruth. Not enough time IMHO for Snow to make a deal with anyone. Of course they could still retcon that - and make Ruth's sacrifice a total waste.


Anytime Adam and Eddy says something, my opinion of them just sinks that much lower. They think Belle being all "Change or fuck off" is a show of power and strength? That that is the height of her character being strong or something? Say what? This right here sums up everything wrong about Rumbelle and the writers just doesn't get it. How about finding a guy you can love without requiring him to change? And how is it love when you want the guy to change and can't be with him if he doesn't? More like fuck off writers.



Will pick up on it in the relationship thread

Edited by katusch

Emma: Why are they after us?

Snow: Because we're the heroes and they're the villains.


That's a very non-Snow response, I think.  I would much more expect Charming to say something like that.  I guess going after Baby Do Over could push Snow to a darker place, justifiably, but it seems like a quick pivot away from 'It's ok to sleep with married men, Regina - yay for you! happy ending!'  Maybe it will make more sense in context ... ok, no, probably not, TS:TW.


Well on this show, Snow is bipolar.  I mean remember the time when the town was about to be destroyed but insisted that Regina should be saved?  And then remember that other time when the town was about to be destroyed and she got pissed at Elsa because she wanted to find her sister?


Never mind that it's Emma who is actually in danger.  I think answering well we're the heroes and they're the villains is easier than saying well there was this one time when we screwed one of these women over and it has to do with you, but as long as Do Over is good, we're good.

Edited by YaddaYadda
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