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Beauty & Style Dislikes: What are YOURS?


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The quick run to get snacks in jammies is understandable, but you shouldn't smoke so that is a DeLurker Don't.  In the future, if you must get smokes, you must put on proper clothing as a penalty.  Maybe something appropriate for the opera.


I don't think it is terrible to say you have a good enough butt.  Chances are, you've had outside reinforcement of this, so that works in my world.


It's awesome you volunteer at the animal shelter. 

Oh, I know, I know...I have to try harder to quit. I'm squandering my weird ability to go without smoking for good long stretches of time--flights, all-day family events, long drives in nonsmokers' cars, wisdom-teeth healing--without getting remotely anxious or pissy or anything (though I'll admit the urge is strong when there is alcohol with fellow smokers in the mix). It should be easy to not do it. But then that one last straw happens at work or whatever, and I feel the need to head outside for a few minutes. If only they'd build us a swingset or something; I'd just do that instead!

And thank you; I really just help with the cleaning and feeding in the cat room, and some social-media stuff here and there.

Edited by TattleTeeny

I don't know how I'll end up heavily pregnant. I'm very narrow, straight up and down- no butt or hips. If I gain, it's all over equally, like a boy. However, I'm a big D, so I think I'm going to be small from the back and then massive boobs and belly. Definitely trying on jeans or swim wear in-store once I start showing.

One thing I don't understand is toe rings. I have a friend who always wears one. Her toes are longer than mine, but I think it would be uncomfortable or get caught on my shoe.

I also think toes rings are dated, but this friend wears a lot of things like that. It's just how it is. But, the toe ring is one I can't understand. I do understand the comfortable Juicy sweats (now sent to Kohl's last I heard) even though I stopped wearing them 3.5-4 years ago.

I used to not like any animal print at all and though I wouldn't say it, I thought it was tacky. But, I don't hate it completely now. I'll wear the cheetah print pj pants my mom bought me for Christmas (at home), and I ...okay, well, that's the extent of it. But, still, I'm not as judgmental as I was.

I also really like it when girls can pull off red flannel shirts. I can't, but they can look great. Like, with dark jeans or leggings, black leather boots, open with a black or gray tank underneath. A long gold necklace. Stylish sunglasses. *Not the cowgirl style.* I think someone like Kendall Jenner or Vanessa Hudgens or Allison Williams could pull it off.

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I also really like it when girls can pull off red flannel shirts. I can't, but they can look great. Like, with dark jeans or leggings, black leather boots, open with a black or gray tank underneath. A long gold necklace. Stylish sunglasses. *Not the cowgirl style.* I think someone like Kendall Jenner or Vanessa Hudgens or Allison Williams could pull it off.

I can pull off the oversized shirts and flannel shirts - for me it is matter of proportions (think Darryl Hannah in Roxanne.  But I would never dress them up - they just get thrown on.


There's a new trend of dressing up athletic wear. Like heels with jogging pants, fancy sweats with pearls, blazers with jogging shorts.

No. No.

I used to wear my pearls with a grubby grey sweatshirt and levis in college, but my brain was not fully formed and frequently sloshed around in beer.  I also had Life's a Beach board shorts with surfing dinosaurs on them that I loved loved loved.  Safe to say, no one should take fashion advice from me.


The blazer with jogging shorts reminds of a scene in The Crazy Ones where Sydney fantasizes about the beach blazer (worn over a bikini).

I hate skinny jeans worn with pumps. I know pretty much everyone does it (not me), but I think it looks stupid, & no, it's doesn't make your legs look longer & thinner.

Do you like flats or sandals with skinny jeans then? I don't like high heels much at all. They do look very nice sometimes, but I no longer wear them often.

Yes, flats or even boots with heels look fine to me, it's just the "I'm so sexy" look that's being pushed with pumps, especially if they've got a big platform. I'm actually not a big fan of skinny jeans to begin with, I think the only people who really look good in them are extremely thin (which definitely isn't me) people, & I hate them on men.

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Yes, flats or even boots with heels look fine to me, it's just the "I'm so sexy" look that's being pushed with pumps, especially if they've got a big platform. I'm actually not a big fan of skinny jeans to begin with, I think the only people who really look good in them are extremely thin (which definitely isn't me) people, & I hate them on men.

I hate skinny jeans on men. They need to let that shit breathe!!

I have never been a a fan of skinny jeans. I just bought my first pair last month, and only because that particular pair made my ass look amazing!

Edited by luckyroll3
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I don't mind skinny jeans on slim people or when they are worn right (like with a long shirt or tunic top), but skinny jeans on men are just wrong and skinny jeans on overweight people just look terrible (that sounds so tacky, I know). I just bought my first pair but I always wear them with a top that's long enough to cover my butt. I am fairly slim now but I still have hips and thighs and it just doesn't look good. But I hate having a lot of fabric around my ankles, so I like the feel of them. I'm one of those weird people who hates boot cut pants so this trend of skinny/straight/trouser leg is right up my alley.

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I'm one of those weird people who hates boot cut pants so this trend of skinny/straight/trouser leg is right up my alley.


I'm like you. I resisted skinny/straight for a coupe of years afraid that I coudn't pull it off, but I think it's ok now as I too wear long tops with them. I much prefer them because I find flare and boot cut don't look good if you're petite or short legged as I am.

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Skinny jeans are a hard one to pull off - the wrong fit can make something that should look pretty sharp look all sorts of wrong.  Men in skinny jeans will always be a DeLurker Don't.


I'm not a fan of the skinny jeans on me, but with a good fit, they can be very flattering on others.


I'm not universally opposed to them being worn with a snug fitting shirt or a bare midriff, but that can be a very unforgiving look if you don't have the right fit, right dimensions and the confidence to carry it off.  Being on the youthful side of life helps a whole lot too.


Luckily for me, my 14 yo is not a fan of anything too snug, so as a parent I don't have to deal with that (yet).

The standard attire around here, which is zipped-up yoga/bicycling jacket and those just-below-the-knee yoga capri pants, With it, you wear running shoes with no socks and a cap with a bill and your frosted blonde ponytail pulled through the opening in the back. Women wear that EVERYWHERE. In warm weather, the running shoes are swapped out for flip-flops. /eyeroll


On that note, I am one who really dislikes flip flops. I think they are sloppy and they offer no support to your feet. I guess when you are young it doesn't matter. Why bother and just go barefoot?

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The standard attire around here, which is zipped-up yoga/bicycling jacket and those just-below-the-knee yoga capri pants, With it, you wear running shoes with no socks and a cap with a bill and your frosted blonde ponytail pulled through the opening in the back. Women wear that EVERYWHERE. In warm weather, the running shoes are swapped out for flip-flops. /eyeroll


On that note, I am one who really dislikes flip flops. I think they are sloppy and they offer no support to your feet. I guess when you are young it doesn't matter. Why bother and just go barefoot?


I only wear flipflops at the pool and at home (can't help it - my parents are from Hong Kong and that's standard at-home footwear).  I don't think they belong anywhere else.  Don't like Crocs (and their imitation) either. 


Question:  When I was a little kid, it was very standard for girls to wear dresses to birthday parties.  This was until we were about 10 or 11 (so up to 1990 or so).  It's much more casual now.  I've also heard from other people my age that they didn't grow up dressing up for parties.  Many of us also dressed up for picture day at school (often skirts and blouses or dresses for girls and some boys even wore ties).  Was my school's culture just weird?  It was very solidly middle class.

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That's because they're wearing cheapy flip-flops.  The quality ones, which cost $25-50, provide really great arch support.  And the last for several years, making them worth the price.

My mom gave me a pair of Clarks flipflops a few years ago and they provide great support. I don't know how much they cost, but since then they've been my daily footwear in the summertime. I even wear them to work since we're allowed. I wore them walking through Disney/Universal and didn't have a single issue with sore feet or aching calves.


I should probably get another pair for when they finally fall apart...

Edited by Minneapple

Question:  When I was a little kid, it was very standard for girls to wear dresses to birthday parties.  This was until we were about 10 or 11 (so up to 1990 or so).  It's much more casual now.  I've also heard from other people my age that they didn't grow up dressing up for parties.  Many of us also dressed up for picture day at school (often skirts and blouses or dresses for girls and some boys even wore ties).  Was my school's culture just weird?  It was very solidly middle class.


I think we dressed up for parties, based on pictures from when I was a kid, although at some point, dressing up didn't necessarily mean a dress, I think. But it did mean wearing something nice, not just torn jeans or an old pair of shorts and a T-shirt. I think that was true even as I got older. We did dress up for picture day. I didn't always wear dresses, but I wore something special. In first grade, I wore jeans and a jacket with a ladybug on it that my mother made. (My dad's nickname for me was Ladybug.) Not everyone dressed up, but we had a lot of kids who probably didn't have anything to dress up in.

Interesting notes about more rugged flip-flops. I can't wear thong-style footwear of any kind. ;-( I have bad arthritis in both feet and had "turf toe" surgery on both feet, so it is too painful to have anything between the big and second toes. Even sandals are a challenge, but I found a cute and comfortable pair at Kohl's that I have my eye on.


When I was a child, we dressed up for birthday parties and it was a practice for the birthday girl to have a new party dress. My mother absolutely LOVED that. When I was in kindergarten (I'm not telling the year, but I'm a baby boomer) whenever somebody had new clothes, the teacher had the child stand up and we sang a song about it. That must have been terrible for those who rarely had any new clothes. I can't imagine doing that today.

Thirded about skinny jeans on men.


A male colleague of mine who is both young and slim told me how hard it is now to find less than skinny or straight cut trousers and jeans for men. I know a couple of other guys who've been experiencing the same problem. At least we aren't the only ones who can't stand it!

The trend in men's suits has been awful, IMHO.  jackets too short, pants too tight and too short.   Reminds me of boys having a growth spurt, no longer fitting into last year's suit. 

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I think it's sort of sad in a way how a lot of children styles have changed. At the beginning of fourth grade, I got a new shirt and culottes set. It was green and white with vines and little bears. Oh, and the reddish pink strawberries in the vines....I loved it. I can't imagine that being worn by a nine year old today. That makes me a little sad. Now it seems like the cool thing is mini adult clothes or bright colors with "smart" sayings. I don't particularly like it, but I don't want to make my child not fit in either.

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I think it's sort of sad in a way how a lot of children styles have changed. At the beginning of fourth grade, I got a new shirt and culottes set. It was green and white with vines and little bears. Oh, and the reddish pink strawberries in the vines....I loved it. I can't imagine that being worn by a nine year old today. That makes me a little sad. Now it seems like the cool thing is mini adult clothes or bright colors with "smart" sayings. I don't particularly like it, but I don't want to make my child not fit in either.

Several girls from my neighborhood got pregnant and married very young.  They took great delight in the matching outfits for Mommy and daughter which the Dads paid no mind too.  Until the daughters started to hit puberty and suddenly dressing like Mom used to be cute was suddenly seeming a little slutty on their developing daughter and boys were taking notice.  By this time it was way too late for them to have any input into what was being worn, especially when Mom (who was still on the young side) saw no problem with it.


I think there's a balance that can be had between being trendy/in and still being age appropriate.  It's just that you cannot start implementing age appropriate criteria when your child hits 12 or 13.


My 14 yo loves Hello Kitty and has since she was little.  Fortunately, an older girl/young woman can wear HK without shame.  I was worried about still buying her HK stuff as she got older, but sales girls and my older neices assured me that what I was picking out they or their friends would wear without hesitation. 


What helped a lot when my son was in elementary school, the school (public) had a dresscode: white, khaki, red or blue colors allowed, collared solid colored shirts and pants/shorts/skirts; no jeans except on Friday, no logos, labels or writing on clothes (jackets were the exception but not to be worn in class).


Most of the parties my kids went to were at places that kind of dictated more casual dress - bowling, Chuckie Cheese, a park, ...

Edited by DeLurker

On the opposite end of the spectrum of skinny jeans, I've seen several women wearing pants that are very wide-legged (possibly palazzo pants -- and don't get me started on the mispronunciation of palazzo), which is OK, but they are so long, they are puddling on the ground. How do you walk in that? And the fabric and the print of the pants really make them look like loose pajama pants. They're starting to bug me.

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OMG I have a male coworker (in a different department) who wears the TIGHTEST jeans or khakis. I swear it even affects how he walks and he's a total grump. Ugh why? The customers don't need to be able see his nuts or circumcisn. He also has long fluffy hair and pierced ears it totally looks like he's from a Cinderella or Mötley Crüe cover band when I'm sure he's going for "hipster" instead.

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This is a pet peeve of mine.  I'm plus size and go to places like Lane Bryant and The Avenue or Old Navy and about 2/3 of all the jeans are skinny jeans.  Picture this, size 24 skinny jean. 


I WANT A REGULAR JEAN.  For crying out loud.  Argh.  And if I have a regular jean I want more choices than 2 and all the rest being skinny.  Make this trend go away!

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OMG I have a male coworker (in a different department) who wears the TIGHTEST jeans or khakis. I swear it even affects how he walks and he's a total grump. Ugh why? The customers don't need to be able see his nuts or circumcisn. He also has long fluffy hair and pierced ears it totally looks like he's from a Cinderella or Mötley Crüe cover band when I'm sure he's going for "hipster" instead.


I got the biggest laugh out of this after a very rough day! I was getting the complete visual. BWAAHHH!!!!

I used to hate skinny jeans but now I've discovered I love them.  As a very short person, I discovered no matter what brand/style/fit of jeans I bought, they were too long.  They would drag on the ground, get dirty, fray, and just look terrible.  But with skinny jeans they can't go past my ankle.  As an overweight and short woman, it's probably not the most flattering look for me but it's okay because this is what works for me!

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As a short legged woman myself skinny jeans do work in the length. But I carry my weight in my butt and thighs so I am self conscious about it looking like hams shoved in jeans. Long tops and tunics do cover some of that though.

With summer here what do you guys think of the super short booty shorts? If you have nice tanned legs then I say go for it but please leave those sexist sayings off your rear. I was on vacation last week at the beach and saw a tween no more than 14 wearing white booty shorts with "spank it " on her bum.

With summer here what do you guys think of the super short booty shorts? If you have nice tanned legs then I say go for it but please leave those sexist sayings off your rear. I was on vacation last week at the beach and saw a tween no more than 14 wearing white booty shorts with "spank it " on her bum.




I don't really wear shorts outside of a yoga/fitness class or home. Even when I run, I wear a skort. This is hangup to when I hated my legs as a teenager and while I dislike them less, I just prefer skirts, trousers or capris.

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With summer here what do you guys think of the super short booty shorts? If you have nice tanned legs then I say go for it but please leave those sexist sayings off your rear. I was on vacation last week at the beach and saw a tween no more than 14 wearing white booty shorts with "spank it " on her bum.

College aged DeLurker would wear the hell out of the shorts, but in the words of Don Henley Boys of Summer (which came out in those college years) "those days are gone forever, just let'em go".


I'm not particularly bothered by them if worn by girls who are older than tween - I think that is a bit provocative for someone that age.  Line call for high schoolers.


I'm universally opposed to all writing on the ass of shorts, sweatpants, whatever...it looks dumb and cheap regardless of you age, body style or how much you paid for them.

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I'm universally opposed to all writing on the ass of shorts, sweatpants, whatever...it looks dumb and cheap regardless of you age, body style or how much you paid for them.


ITA!  The writing on the butts (and it's usually provocative) is just cheap IMO.  I can understand working hard for nice looking legs and wanting to show them off so cute khakis or jean shorts are fun in the summer but these terry cloth...undies are just stupid.


Where I live it is becoming popular to wear the running shorts (the shorts with the undies sewn inside them) out and about on the town.  Now those I can understand a bit more.  I live in the south and it gets dreadfully hot here so the fabric is very light weight, there's no bunching or wedgies from the undies, and the summer colors they come in are cute.  Short, yes but they are so easy to wear I've worn them just going out to the grocery store or walking the dog. 


Now about having to shave my legs every other day........

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I hate hate the man bun! UGH! 

My tattooist has the best man bun. He does it so neatly, and I envy it.


I won't wear shorts that are shorter than two or three inches above my knee. And when they.re that short, my shoes are no more than one inch. I don't want to look like I'm heading to a club during the day!!


I've never been a big shorts-in-public-wearer except jeans cutoffs in college in the grunge era (with black tights), even though my legs are on the better side of OK; I prefer skirts and dresses. The funny thing is that the only shorts I will wear in public now are basically the same: slightly too big faded jeans cut off at the thigh, usually paired with some old-as-dirt band t-shirt.

Edited by TattleTeeny

College aged DeLurker would wear the hell out of the shorts, but in the words of Don Henley Boys of Summer (which came out in those college years) "those days are gone forever, just let'em go".


I'm not particularly bothered by them if worn by girls who are older than tween - I think that is a bit provocative for someone that age.  Line call for high schoolers.


I'm universally opposed to all writing on the ass of shorts, sweatpants, whatever...it looks dumb and cheap regardless of you age, body style or how much you paid for them.


I think the only item I own with writing on the butt were these over sized scrub pants I got when I was a frosh (first year/freshman) in university.  It had the school's name on it and everyone got them.  Might have been a swag.  Don't remember.  It was in 1998.

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