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Small Talk: 7th Floor Nurses Station

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I hate Christmas.

Me: "Mom, I want to buy you some winter boots for Christmas.  Here are some choices, and they have free return if they don't fit."

Mom: "I like those."

Next day.

Me: "I need your size, they say to measure foot length"

Mom: "Oh, those are made of nylon fabric.  I don't want nylon fabric boots."

Me:  ...


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6 hours ago, ouinason said:

Honestly, I started out liking the time jump.  It's the Stefano BS that finally tore it for me.

You mean Steve-ano? Yes, it BLOWS. Stephen Nichols just seems to be playing a version of Stefan there, but he does not fit on that show. And Kayla with Justin is as bad as Katherine/Ned on GH.

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YES!  I know that soaps like to re-pair actors from popular couples on new shows, but.... that was not a couple that worked, ever, so... that can't be the reason they did this.  It has to be just for the drama potential if they ever fix Steve.  It's just so fucking stupid!!!


The day of the reveal was the day I posted my RAGE, and I'm still not over it.  Have not been able to watch since.  Why, why, WHY, couldn't they have used Stefan?  For real, BB is a good actor, that could have been ok.


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5 hours ago, perkie1968 said:

As someone who has worked in the dental field for 33 years, let me just say that you used to be able to do dental work on your spouse, but a few years ago, they changed that rule because someone did something stupid (someone always has to mess it up for the rest of us!).  So now, dental personel cannot treat their own spouses.  They can however, treat their parents, siblings, children, relatives and what not.  

As told to me by my dental hygienist, the original case was a guy in the army who was divorcing his wife. Apparently it was a nasty divorce and his lawyer argued that because she worked on the base and cleaned his teeth, she had power over him. That was when the dental hygienists were told that they cannot treat their spouses although dentists still can.

When the order was put in, the dental hygienist in the latter case stopped cleaning his wife's teeth. She hated people poking around in her mouth and so she didn't get her teeth cleaned for two years. Then she saw a post on Facebook saying that it was no longer in force and spouses can clean their partner's teeth, so her husband went ahead and did it. It turned out that you really can't trust Facebook after all. He got into trouble for it and lost his licence.

21 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

pparently it was a nasty divorce and his lawyer argued that because she worked on the base and cleaned his teeth, she had power over him. That was when the dental hygienists were told that they cannot treat their spouses although dentists still can.

Maybe it should just be against the rules that you can't fling your spouse down against their will and clean their teeth, then.  

21 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

hen she saw a post on Facebook saying that it was no longer in force and spouses can clean their partner's teeth, so her husband went ahead and did it. It turned out that you really can't trust Facebook after all. He got into trouble for it and lost his licence.

I think if I saw that a law was passed or repealed on Facebook, I would check it out through official sources before acting upon that info.  But, hey, maybe that's just me.

How did anybody know that this clandestine cleaning took place?  Someone tattle?

She posted on Facebook what a wonderful job her husband had done.  Someone she'd friended reported her.

Yeah, I would have checked it out too with the governing body. I'm terrified of mine. But while I see the need to protect the patient, I think some rules go too far, like that one. My parents were doctors and when I was a kid, they treated us (not billing). It was just so much easier to get a prescription from them instead of waiting in a busy doctor's office. They wouldn't be allowed to do that now.

24 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I had to go into work yesterday after working from home on Tuesday, but today was another WFH. And next week will be entirely WFH. Social isolation for the win!

Yep. I start on Monday and until the end of the month. I’m hoping the temperature rises to kill this motherfucker of a virus!

Since I commute, my firm will pay for the LYFT home with monitor, desktop and cables, so I don’t have to juggle them while riding the train.

11 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I’m hoping the temperature rises to kill this motherfucker of a virus!

I don't know if you meant that seriously but we don't know if warmer temperatures will kill this particular corona virus.  SARS peaked in May and dropped in July but that might just reflect the time it took to put constraints to stop it.  MERS, which is also a corona virus, is transmitted predominantly in hot countries.

The only thing to do is to try to contain it until they can come up with a vaccine in about a year or a treatment earlier.

On 3/12/2020 at 5:47 PM, GHScorpiosRule said:

Just got the word: I'll be able to work remotely from home (I live in MD, work in DC), so that's something. I haven't been too panicked, but more vigilant. My mother will be RELIEVED.

Happy for you! I also live in MD and have worked in both MD and DC. Told my mother that the building where I used to work, which is a couple miles from a Metro station, is closed to the public until at least the end of March and even my exercise classes at a community center are canceled because all Parks & Rec are closed for now. She asked me to not socialize for St. Patrick's Day, so I guess I'm getting takeout from a local pub. And also wondering if I'll get  interviews this spring or even work graduation photography season in the DMV. 

I was taken aback yesterday at what people are hoarding - I had to buy Rice are Roni on Amazon because the kind I wanted was sold out in the store. 

We had a firm meeting via Skype yesterday, and of course, me being me, I was all worrit, because right before we got the email for this mandatory meeting, I had emailed my manager, asking if the firm could send me one of my monitors from work to me. That one has built in speakers and a cam, so I could take advantage of the firm's exercise/yoga classes being offered via Zoom. Since the portable monitor they gave me doesn't have either speakers or a cam, and the headset I do have doesn't stretch across my room. So I'm all panicked because the title of the meeting is [firm's xxx] response to COVID-10.

But the minute the partner who was leading the meeting said there would be "no furloughs or layoffs" I let out a HUUUUUUGE sigh of relief. I don't care that I won't get a raise this year. IF I do get a bonus (depending on whether I make my billables, which I just might, barely), it will be reduced b 50%. But you know what? I don't CARE. I'll be GRATEFUL if I do get it, but it won't make any difference because the bonuses are taxed to death anyway. I'm just so GLAD and GRATEFUL that I can still work.

But we can be expected to work remotely until at least mid-June. GAH. I HATE working from home. I miss my office space, or rather, my ample desk space, my comfy chair, my office mates, the sounds of the office, my team, my lawyers in my group. Getting my exercise when I take the stairs instead of the elevator. I'm not an extrovert by any means, but I'm alone here, and I don't have any pets (not allowed unless service, and I'd need to show proof of that). In between assignments, a fellow para and I message each other via IMs, but it's not the same. I just miss the face to face, person to person contact.

And to end on a good note, today is the 5th anniversary of my last "bad" chemo! I still had to get Herceptin through November. Yeah, I mark such milestones to remind myself that I am one of the lucky ones.

But damn if I don't miss my support from Lolly Locks, which had to shut down a couple years ago due to financial straits.

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I’ve been feeling like I did when undergoing chemo five years ago— but today, I went and got my legs waxed and (don’t mock me) Feel like a woman again. Everything was as safe as they could be. The Esthetician wore a mask and a plastic thingamamob, and I wore my mask. 

The last time I got pampered was back in February for my birthday.

I miss my parents. Video calls aren’t the same. Got to do some of that with my SIL, niece and nephew yesterday. I don’t think it would be so bad if I had kids or fur babies, but I don’t, so feeling the quarantine more keenly. I only go out once a month for groceries. 

Working from home and the extreme heat make it difficult to go outside to walk. But I’m going to try and make a point of doing the latter, if only to get natural Vitamin D!


Once it’s safe, and I mean TOTALLY SAFE, I’m going to India to visit my Mum and Papa-and watch Bend it Like Beckham cuz Jess’s  Mom is SO MY MUMMY! 😂😂😂 She said the same thing when I wanted to play American Football when I was a tween “she shouldn’t be running around half naked with all those boys!😂😂😂😂😂

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14 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I miss my parents. Video calls aren’t the same.

I KNOW. I was supposed to visit my mom in March, but things were starting to get really bad and my doctors and my mom's really didn't want me to go, so I didn't. I still half regret not throwing caution to the wind and going, but I'd never have forgiven myself if something went wrong. Now I won't be able to see her until December. She's soon to be 87 and has some medical issues, and it kills me that I can only talk to her. (For whatever reason, video calls in any format are problematic for us.) UGH. Stupid virus.

At least my younger brother and his family live about 90 miles away, so they go up every so often. No hugging and they try to keep a decent distance. So far it's working pretty well, though I know my mom wants nothing more than to gather her grandkids in her arms and squeeze them until they beg for mercy.

  • Love 1
19 hours ago, statsgirl said:

I get it on PBS.  They just aired the last episode yesterday but I think that they have streaming in the US.

It's gorgeous.  I really hope they get a season 2.

Found this BTS on YouTube! This was filmed where my parents are now living: Jaipur! I've BEEN to all those forts and hill tops! And yes, the costumes are GORGEOUS!!!!


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Has anyone else here seen a 2012 movie called The Place Beyond the Pines? I watched it last night. 

It's a two-generation epic spanning from the 1990s to the movie's then-present, with a lot of famous actors (Ryan Gosling, Bradley Cooper, Mahershala Ali, Eva Mendes, Rose Byrne, Ben Mendelsohn, Ray Liotta, Bruce Greenwood) and story twists I won't give away.  

But to the relevant point, it's divided into thirds, and the last part is about two teenagers who become friends without knowing they have a connection, and then things deteriorate between them. The boys are named AJ and Jason! AJ is a privileged screw-up and substance abuser, in part because his pillar-of-the-community daddy has always been distant from him. Jason is a quiet loner who becomes interested in motorcycles and has his own, very different daddy issues. Jason gets a much more sympathetic characterization. Oh, and it all takes place in upstate New York. The GH echoes, which the writer was probably unaware of, were heavy. 

The movie is fairly soapy too, with its infidelity, paternity revelations, vendettas, and wild coincidences, Of course, it's more high-minded about its serious themes than a soap. It's an East of Eden-type saga. It's really good, although you have to be up for a long sit and the third act is not entirely satisfying (despite Emory Cohen and Dane DeHaan holding up their end as AJ and Jason).

Edited by Asp Burger
  • Love 1
12 hours ago, Asp Burger said:

The movie is fairly soapy too, with its infidelity, paternity revelations, vendettas, and wild coincidences, Of course, it's more high-minded about its serious themes than a soap. It's an East of Eden-type saga. It's really good, although you have to be up for a long sit and the third act is not entirely satisfying (despite Emory Cohen and Dane DeHaan holding up their end as AJ and Jason).

That’s a wild amount of coincidences! I love Emory Cohen so I’ll be checking this out 

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So Meena here showed up on UK soap "Emmerdale" as a pretty standard schemer/bad girl causing problems for her sister, but she's been progressively getting more psycho.  And here, my dears, is how she celebrated killing her first on-screen victim.

A US soap could never (afford the song for starters, but any of it).

Edited by TeeVee329

First, my sympathies for your loss, @statsgirl.

Please dont feel guilty about authorizing treatment like a PICC line. It's hard to watch a loved one get jabbed over and over again. It isn't your fault that hospitals are so dangerous.  My husband has gotten several severe infections just from being in the hospital. One time he went to the ER for a heart attack and ended up almost dying from a UTI. (Not that I'm bitter or anything.)

He's hanging in there. Palliative care helps. He's outlived his doctor's predictions, so we're grateful for each day.

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@tessaray, positive thoughts to  you and your husband. It's very hard to be in a hospital or to have someone you love there. I hope he confounds them all.

Hospitals are dangerous. My mother went in for a heart attack and got both MRSA and c. diff. The patient is sick and they put in a catheter and there's a UTI.  And there's also the helplessness. When you've been used in your life to fixing the problems that come up or at least making them better, to be at the mercy of a hospital is very hard.

  • Love 2

I caught MRSA somehow and it manifested itself as a super gross infected scalp. It took me nearly a year to finally clear it up, what with an early incorrect diagnosis (a bacterial test takes a month, so my derm went with it being fungal) and then having to switch antibiotics a few times to find one that worked properly. I lost the hair on top of my head and for a while there I looked like a blonde Bozo. Good times.

I'm still doing some preventative treatments, since once the bacteria is colonized (most people carry it, but it's usually inactive/harmless) it can recur. Ugh. 

  • Hugs 2

Good luck with the preventative treatments @dubbel zout. That's a nasty infection.

17 hours ago, tessaray said:

My daughter works for a law firm, so I know which area hospitals to avoid for planned procedures but in an emergency you don't get much of a choice.  We just do our best to stay out of them. 😔

I'm in Canada so basically there isn't that much difference between the large hospitals. The real problem right now is lack of staff, nurses, doctors, aides. The signs were there even before the pandemic but since then people have become exhausted and many are quitting. Add to that some serious lack of respect from the people in suits and the situation is a mess. I am grateful that I don't need a hospital right now.

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