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Mob Wives - General Discussion

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I have never seen the level of hate that is coming out of Natalie D towards Natalie G.  Something beyond "cop calling" is going on there.


Either the guy that beat Natalie G up is a friend or relative of Natalie D or it was a guy she wanted for herself and Natalie G got to him first.  The look on Natalie D's face - so full of hatred - said it all.  I think it scared more than a few of the others.


It was a nice contrast to have the three busted ones on the left and the three nicer and nicer looking ones on the right.  I saw that Natalie G had some tape on her boobie but it was not holding that dress in place!!


Drita's description of talking to Carla was hilarious.  Like talking to a moth ball in my closet! 

Edited by Cubsfan
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Well that was something to see, what is wrong with Drita, what side is she on anyway?  I saw that she said she feels bad, she didn't know the recording was tampered with, not sure where that leaves things now.   Does Drita see how ridiculous she sounds about living in the "lifestyle".  Apparently you cannot report any crimes etc, but legit people can.  OMG!  Insane.  Nat D is so out of control, she wants to be part of this show so badly and they are giving her free reign.  Suddenly she is best friends with everyone.   I really felt sorry for Nat G, they were all against her.  I don't think I would have stayed either.  I don't think she was afraid of Nat D, but 5 against 1 is really not fair.  The Carla/Drita stuff was just boring filler.  They were show friends and that's about it, after Carla left the show, a friend of hers posted on her Facebook page that she and Drita were not real friends, it was just for the show.   Still think half of it is scripted. 

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Vivica wasn't the right fit for a host for the reunion.  I think the host should understand the culture or be someone like Wendy Williams who will know the right questions to ask.  The reunion was not entertaining at all.  All they did was scream for the two hours of footage we saw and they never got anywhere.  One thing I will say about the Real Housewives reunion shows is that I feel all of the questions I have are answered and I'm fulfilled by the end of the reunion.  They really hash everything out.

  • Love 2

I don't see this posted anywhere. I was going to make a separate thread for Big Ang, but in light of this news, I had difficulty coming up with a lighthearted name for it.

Apparently, yesterday Big Ang had a tumor of the throat removed and it sounds as if it's malignant.


Get well soon, Big Ang...These women need you!

Edited by OnceSane
removed inappropriate word

I made a thread, obvs; title potentially subject to change.

I hope Ang heals well and quickly. She and Drita are still my favorites.


Ang is my favorite, too.


A couple of seasons ago during the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, when she was in her kitchen sans makeup and dressed in what looked like pajamas, making all of that food to deliver to the evacuees at the local shelter, she just made my little black heart skip a beat.


It just looked so authentic, and I truly believed she was doing it out of the goodness of her heart and would have done it even without the cameras rolling.  I got the distinct impression she's just that kinda gal.


If she's too ill to continue filming next season, I think they just need to scrap this one.  

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Vivica wasn't the right fit for a host for the reunion.  I think the host should understand the culture or be someone like Wendy Williams who will know the right questions to ask.  The reunion was not entertaining at all.  All they did was scream for the two hours of footage we saw and they never got anywhere.  One thing I will say about the Real Housewives reunion shows is that I feel all of the questions I have are answered and I'm fulfilled by the end of the reunion.  They really hash everything out.

Vivica was a terrible host for the reunion.  Surprisingly, the one person I've liked to host a reunion has been Perez Hilton.  I know, I know, he is terrible and bitchy but he DOES ask questions that I think other hosts are too afraid to ask because they don't wanna piss anyone off.  He did BGC reunions a few times, and I thought he was good.  I mean, his foil gold coverall shorts distracted me a lot of the time, but still.

Am i the only one crying that Mob Wives was Officially Cancelled! Seriously what the hell!!! Were the ratings that bad!? 

Sometimes its best when a show doesn't have to limp to the very bitter end.  I felt that thats where this show was going.  Last season's beefs were damn near confusing because they were so bleeped out and everyone was a rat for various reasons.  A whole lotta shit talking from Drita with her not throwing a solitary punch, which got old quick.  It was starting to get a little played out.  Poor Carla though, she just got back on the show and now its cancelled.  I wonder if there is going to be some spin off.  

Wow sorry I didn't see this sooner. I was visiting family in Staten Island, and picking up my niece from a nail salon. Ang was getting her nails done next to her and she was exactly like she is on the show. Loud, sweet, funny. Total sweetheart.

Thanks for the report!


She's the only one I would love to see in real life (and maybe Drita if she's on a good day) and a big part of why I'm sad the show is in its last season. She's just so endearing!

Also, nowhere else in the other housewives shows can we hear things like "she's upset because my father killed her father in law" thrown during a reunion show. I'll miss that!

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Episode 1:

"Mobbed Up Mermaids"

In the Season 6 premiere, the original Staten Island crew is finally at peace after sending the ladies from Philly packing. Later, a new woman shows up and forces the group to face some difficult decisions.

Episode 2:

"Cabin in the Woods"

Drita is forced to defend herself after hearing the allegations from the Mermaid Parade. Later, Karen and Storm face difficult decisions; and Renee's friend shakes things up on a girls' weekend.

Aired January 13, 2016.

Has Drita ever explained what her problem is with Carla? I don't keep up with the ladies outside of watching the show. Drita and Carla were good friends.

Of all these women big Ang is my favorite, drita a distant second, her tough girl act got real old a few seasons ago, but she does seem pretty loyal to big Ang. She seemed the same with Carla.

God can't stand the new girls! I agree that the blond (Brittany) was just having a good time on vacation and the other new one (?? Can't remember her name??) was being a miserable and way too annoying. She was right, Brittany should stay out of the Drita thinks the other ladies are fake conversation. I still would love if neither were on the show.

Eta: I'm not sure why my phone changes Drita to everything but Drita.

Edited by imjagain

It would be nice to see Drita back up her talk, not that I advocate grown women fighting. But let's be real, that ship done sailed.

I'm gonna need receipts on Big Ang's dr. What doctor says 'we gotta join you into a gym.'

Still plodding thru last night's episodes. Based on the lack of activity I'm guessing no one cares this show is back.

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I worry about Ang, too. She's always been a hot mess, but she also comes off as a genuinely kind person. I don't believe that there is a mean bone in her body. I pray that everything turns out well and she recovers quickly. 


I hate Lee. He's such a miserable, mean person. As soon as Drita said something about how happy she's been and how great everything was between her and Lee since he'd gotten out of prison, I knew that he was going to be screaming at her over the phone at some point. Like, if you know you're on television and your conversations are being recorded, you would think that you'd at least act like you weren't an asshole to your spouse. 


I'm reserving my opinion of the two newbies until we see more of them, but I can already tell that they'll likely be the Natalies 2.0. That's to say: annoying and terrible. With this being the last season, they should have just focused on the original ladies / sprinkled in a few of the other characters we've had over the years. Why bother adding new faces this late in the game?

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However, I got a good laugh out of Storm, shutting down Karen when she wanted to have a sit down with him.


Aside from season one and the fight Drita had with Karen. Has she gotten into it with anyone else? And, where is Lee? I guess he doesn't want to be seen on television? It's just funny when Drita is having conversations with him over the phone when the guy is probably in the house!

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The new brunette gal seemed high as fuck to me. It would explain the curb stomp bs talk that seemed even too psycho for Renee, the "rolling marbles around in her mouth" syndrome,the claustrophobia attack in the bus and the never ending lush harassment. Diagnosis: coke head. Also her bf was involved in narcotics, so.

OK, I see it. Your probably right.

  • Love 1

The loud mouth Petty Bunch is back! I'm with jumper sage there is no plausible reason to sit through an entire season of this nonsense.


I think Drita did go to Love house and trash talk Carla. No one can figure out why they are no longer friends and for some unexplained reason the person with the loudest bark and no bite refuse to say. Since when is anything too personal to discuss for these idiots (sorry, I mean "yous idiots"). And her reaction to hearing the story from Rene was quite reserved -"don't tell me my name came up" almost like she knew she was busted. She is avoiding "Collar" like the plaque yet she can be friendly with Karen?

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I think Drita did go to Love house and trash talk Carla. No one can figure out why they are no longer friends and for some unexplained reason the person with the loudest bark and no bite refuse to say.

Punkypower posted in the All Episodes thread a link that might help you with that!


It seems Drita crossed Karen and Carla during the negotiations for their season 4 contract, caving even if she had agree to present a united front.

  • Love 3

Punkypower posted in the All Episodes thread a link that might help you with that!


It seems Drita crossed Karen and Carla during the negotiations for their season 4 contract, caving even if she had agree to present a united front.


I don't know if I believe all of this either--it all seems to be all from Karen's POV with zero proof but her flapping gums.  And why would Drita write Ramona's letter to the producers for her?  Doesn't really make a lot of sense.


This whole thing with Love and the fight with Carla and Drita allegedly setting up the fight feels very much like a contrived production move and I don't trust anyone's word unless they have physical proof to back up their claims.


That being said, I live in Bucks County--Dublin is about 15 minutes from my house--and it cracked me up listening to Brittany bad mouth the area because girls there don't where high heels--fabulous :):)  I do like how she easily stands up for her mom and defends her choices and who is Renee kidding, she would do anything to protect AJ--like any decent mother would.

Edited by kitmerlot1213

Not going to lie, I'm glad this train wreck is back but these two episodes were a little boring. I cannot stand Renee and call shenanigans on the fact that she would let AJ go into foster care rather than "rat" on her husband. I liked what Brittany said, her mother did everything to protect her kids and that is what she should do. Also, I'm getting tired of the word rat, can we stop saying please!

Glad the stupid Natalies are gone.

So far, not too sure about the newbies, I think I prefer Brittany over Marissa though. She seems like a whiny person who complains about everything.

Love Ang!

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I remember liking Carla and now I can't remember why. She's kind of...awful? Hot body tho.

Oh look at the new annoying girls trying to be relevant by fighting with each other. Not how it works ladies. And New. Brunette is definitely on something, coke is a good guess. She's also not as cute as she seems to think.

Renee is the most ridiculous human being. If anyone were giving AJ shit for what his father did she would lose her damn mind but she has zero issue doing it to New Blonde Girl.

I think everyone's annoyed Drita became a fan favorite so theyre trying to bring her down. Nice to see she and Ang are so loyal to each other. These women are all nuts, but I love it. So trashy.

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So, did Los Angeles run out of models, or airplanes? In what world in Brittany a model? Is this code for "I worked at car shows?" or "I cage danced but called it modelling?"

Oh, and had to LOL at her line "if you don't like me you can fuck yourself....there is the door" What does a door have to do with fucking?

Renee is a piece of work...wonder how she will feel if her son is not invited to things because she married a rat?

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Am I the only one who found everything Ang's Dr. said to her other than quit smoking rather questionable? I mean unless she has some extreme all cold cuts and donuts diet it was kind of weird to me. I'm worried about her, she's not just the only likeable cast member for me but seems like a nice fun person in general.

That doctor dinged my radar, because: a) I don't know that you can ever dismiss someone who says they feel like they can't breathe....I know I'm wrong, but that would send me straight to WebMd, and b) it seems ridiculous to bring up diet and exercise before bringing up smoking, and c) why would you suggest sudden and drastic changes....at Ang's weight, with her health issues, she is going to take up running? Start eating a bunch of kale? I would think a doctor would know their patient well enough to suggest realistic lifestyle changes. Does that really sound realistic for Big Ang? I cant even imagine the sports bra she would have to wear to run...

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Where to start.  Where did they get these two newbies?  Ridiculous.  It's all fake.  I read Carla lives in Westchester if they show her house it is just a set.  Love just popping out at the mermaid parade was the most obvious scripted thing I ever saw on this show.  Big Ang is the best part of the show.  Hope she stays healthy and cancer free.

  • Love 8

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