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Eileen Davidson: Queen Eileen, Bold and Beautiful

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Eileen will actually be the third of the ladies on this show that I have affectionately referred to as a queen in some capacity. With Yolanda I would typically say it if I was making some sort of King David reference. King David and the Lemon Queen (sounds like a fantasy novel.) With Lisa it's usually after she's made a point that I've appreciated or when I've been blown away by some luxurious aspect of her lifestyle. 


Brandi isn't even allowed to be the Queen of Mean as far as I'm concerned. 

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I like to think of it as her character has appeared on B&B.


A lot of Y&R characters have crossed over to B&B for plot related business related reasons. Back in the day when I used to watch soaps it'd be fun to have these sorts of crossovers. The ABC shows would do them sometimes too. OLTL and General Hospital I remember especially but I want to say that there was at least one AMC/General Hospital crossover only I'm blanking at the moment. Too many years have gone by and whenever it happened (if it happened--I can't trust my memory) I was a kid. 

Edited by Avaleigh
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I whole heartedly agree that I want to see this forum demote Brandi by removing any specific reference to one of her scenes from Eileen's thread title.   I've read so many funny suggestions for new titles that I can totally get behind.


Since Eileen is the Anti-Brandi another possibility might be:    Eileen Davidson:   Bringing it on with truth, style, and class.

I do recall Ashley going over to B&B quite briefly. It looked like they were trying out a pairing between her and Ridge 1.0. No chemistry at all - ironic as I believe chemist is Ashley's profession in developing products for Jabot. Totally in favor of a new brandi-reference-less tag line for Eileen and she deserves a totally classy one.

I will chime in and say I don't care what it is, as long as it doesn't have to do with Brandi or Kim. [sorry but I think I dare you was towards Kim?, so I wouldn't vote for it]


I think it's a good reminder that Eileen was the one person willing to put Kim in her place.  Eileen's over the top rejoinder was the perfect response to out of control Kim.

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Compromises are always a good idea when opinions vary. How about combining two? Make it Queen Eileen, Bold and Beautiful. I like that very much and think it's a perfect description of the lovely lady.

There ya go! I like that too. It works! Well, at least until we see an ugly side of her. Do you think she has one? I only know her from this show.

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Thanks, MyAimIsTrue, for getting the ball rolling on this.  And thank you, Rhetorica, for being so willing to compromise.  I think we have a pretty good description there of Eileen.


I thought the same thing:  What if Eileen turns into a sourpuss?  Well, Bravo gives everybody a bad year, and if Eileen sticks around long enough, she'll probably get hers. We'll just ride it out with her.  Like LisaV, I can't imagine Eileen not being able to take it.  She's probably had experience with it anyway on her soap, although I don't know because I've never seen her before, either.

Edited by Lura
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As for Brandi's place on this board, I feel that she no longer deserves to be here.  She's been fired by Bravo and won't be on the show anymore  If she should happen to appear standing in a corner at a party, who cares?  I imagine there will be people who want to hang on to Brandi, and I can understand that.  I'm just thinking that she's been so divisive on the show that I'm glad to see her off.  Removing her from the board would be our way of showing our disapproval of her and all that she stands for.  What do you think?  This isn't life or death to me; it's merely a suggestion.  :)

Just no. I am not a fan of censorship or group think.  As long as Brandi gets media she will be forever tied to this show.  Kim is gone, Yolanda is gone and yet people still want to read about them.  I notice the other day Brandi's thread went 3 days without a comment that will the measure which decides her relevance. 

  • Love 6

I like to think of it as her character has appeared on B&B.


A lot of Y&R characters have crossed over to B&B for plot related business related reasons. Back in the day when I used to watch soaps it'd be fun to have these sorts of crossovers. The ABC shows would do them sometimes too. OLTL and General Hospital I remember especially but I want to say that there was at least one AMC/General Hospital crossover only I'm blanking at the moment. Too many years have gone by and whenever it happened (if it happened--I can't trust my memory) I was a kid. 


OLTL and AMC did this all the time. There was some baby switch story with Kelly that was long term.  Y&R and B&B do it, also, but she is so Y&R and DOOL to me, I can't even think of her as a B&B actress. But that's me. I love her no matter what! 

It's amazing how - reading through other Forums - many people don't like Eileen and consider her conceited.


I love her - she seems like such a cool lady and I believe has the best of intentions.


She's way too good for this show - and doesn't need the ($750k pay check - more than anyone else in the cast) money or the fame, so goodness only knows why she signed on.

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It's amazing how - reading through other Forums - many people don't like Eileen and consider her conceited.


Where are these forums and my people?  LOL. 


I was one of a handful here that didn't like her very much last season.  I can't quite remember why.  My dislike of Lisa Rinna began to override any feelings - positive or negative - that I had for any of the others.  That's probably why I can't remember why I didn't like Eileen.  I do remember that I thought her house was a disaster and that her personal style was...um...interesting and not in a good way.  Looking forward to next season.

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I'm trying to envision a cast that includes both Eileen Davidson and Taylor Armstrong.  Talk about differences!  IMHO, Eileen is class, and Taylor is no class whatsoever.  Just when I thought that RHOBH would turn a page and become a show with half-decent women, Bravo brings back Taylor because they were "in a pinch," to quote a spokesman.


I've loved Eileen from the start, but now I'll appreciate her even more with Taylor there.  As in anything else, there has to be a balance between good and evil, and with Kim and Brandi, this show was dangerously close to being an exercise in evil.  Enter

Eileen, and there was hope, but the tables have turned once again.


It will be interesting to see how Bravo handles the situation.  Given their past with Kim and Brandi, I'm pessimistic at this point.  What Bravo needed was a new cast member of Eileen's ilk, IMHO, and they've created just the opposite by caving and rehiring Taylor.

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May your words be true, zoeysmom.   You know what really, really did it for me?  It had nothing to do with the show.  Not directly, anyway.


Taylor was in NYC promoting her book.  There was a picture of her somewhere leaving the front door of her hotel to go out to dinner.  This woman, who had grabbed all of the headlines with her weeping, her jaw clenching and her sad, sad tale was dressed in a "Brandi gown" that showed EVERYTHING down to "there," and she wore the most lascivious, grinning face as she waved to the cameras.  Her nose led the way, and her manufactured boobies weren't too far behind.


THAT DID IT!  Instantly, I saw that "poor Taylor" was fiction.  She didn't miss Russell!  She wasn't penniless!  She wanted enough money to continue to live in Beverly Hills.  That was all.  She was a cheap woman, IMHO, on the prowl for a rich man, and she was selling herself and Russell's memory by coming out with an even cheaper book.  I felt so sorry for Kennedy, at home without her mother, at the worst time in her young life, and where was Mommy dearest?  Out selling herself, trying to strike while the iron was hot.  I don't care for Miss Taylor and wish she would disappear.  Pronto!



Uh-oh.  This is the Eileen thread, and I got carried away.  Sorry, mods.  Maybe I could end it with "Eileen would never do that."

Edited by Lura
  • Love 13

I  was reading these posts today and can hardly believe that I wrote what I did about removing Brandi's name from  our board.  I must really have been angry!  It would solve nothing, especially since Brandi doesn't read this board (I assume), and she wouldn't be aware of the change.


So, I bow to the more reasonable viewpoint given by Zoeysmom.  I also don't believe in group think, so I believe now that Brandi's name should remain here to languish or to flourish on its own.

Edited by Lura
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I enjoyed Eileen last season and every little bit of her I've seen so far this season. There is just something about her, she has the 'IT' factor the BH has been missing for several seasons. I'm aware she's an actress, but dang if she doesn't appear REAL on this show. Maybe she is THAT good. Whatever it is, I feel refreshed just watching and listening to her interactions.

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May your words be true, zoeysmom.   You know what really, really did it for me?  It had nothing to do with the show.  Not directly, anyway.


Taylor was in NYC promoting her book.  There was a picture of her somewhere leaving the front door of her hotel to go out to dinner.  This woman, who had grabbed all of the headlines with her weeping, her jaw clenching and her sad, sad tale was dressed in a "Brandi gown" that showed EVERYTHING down to "there," and she wore the most lascivious, grinning face as she waved to the cameras.  Her nose led the way, and her manufactured boobies weren't too far behind.


THAT DID IT!  Instantly, I saw that "poor Taylor" was fiction.  She didn't miss Russell!  She wasn't penniless!  She wanted enough money to continue to live in Beverly Hills.  That was all.  She was a cheap woman, IMHO, on the prowl for a rich man, and she was selling herself and Russell's memory by coming out with an even cheaper book.  I felt so sorry for Kennedy, at home without her mother, at the worst time in her young life, and where was Mommy dearest?  Out selling herself, trying to strike while the iron was hot.  I don't care for Miss Taylor and wish she would disappear.  Pronto!



Uh-oh.  This is the Eileen thread, and I got carried away.  Sorry, mods.  Maybe I could end it with "Eileen would never do that."


Good save! ;-D

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Where are these forums and my people?  LOL. 


I was one of a handful here that didn't like her very much last season.  I can't quite remember why.  My dislike of Lisa Rinna began to override any feelings - positive or negative - that I had for any of the others.  That's probably why I can't remember why I didn't like Eileen.  I do remember that I thought her house was a disaster and that her personal style was...um...interesting and not in a good way.  Looking forward to next season.

I'm not much of an Eileen fan. She made a very arrogant and condescending comment about the actresses formerly playing her part on Santa Barbara (something like - Kelly's IQ jumped fifty points when I walked on set). I found her to be a LVP ass-kisser, I didn't care for the OTT "How dare you", said in full soap-acting mode, and it really drove me crazy that even though she full on acknowledges she was in a happy marriage when she cheated on him with her married now husband, folks here started wildly speculating that Vince's wife cheated first, he was miserable in his marriage, etc.

But even with that, I felt bad for her in the wine tossing moment. The fact that she seemed to think that she was obligated to sit there on camera and continue on with the scene. I just felt bad. And I think we're already starting to see the negative consequences that are always associated with this type of show. I thought Eileen's house was a dust-filled darkly lit nightmare of a hoarder's house, but she loved it. And as confident and self-accepting as she seemed to be, she's now totally redecorating her home. Because of what Brandi said??

And I wonder if she's prepared for the sophomore slump. You know when your edit goes off the rails and they stop protecting you. They already showed a brief clip of Vince criticizing her, and her responding a little offended. These shows are notoriously stressful to marriages. I think she must really need the money.

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Not even sure if this makes sense:  http://radaronline.com/celebrity-news/rhobh-feud-eileen-davidson-ignites-war-lisa-vanderpump/  I doubt their "feud" during the season was over Eileen snubbing LisaV.


I always thought perhaps Eileen didn't pay attention to the other ladies (sans Brandi and Kim) eye for detail and design in their homes.  Much like Adrienne Maloof she surrounded herself with things she liked.  And she liked too many things.

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Not even sure if this makes sense:  http://radaronline.com/celebrity-news/rhobh-feud-eileen-davidson-ignites-war-lisa-vanderpump/  I doubt their "feud" during the season was over Eileen snubbing LisaV.


I always thought perhaps Eileen didn't pay attention to the other ladies (sans Brandi and Kim) eye for detail and design in their homes.  Much like Adrienne Maloof she surrounded herself with things she liked.  And she liked too many things.

So Eileen chose not to greet LisaV. Looks like something must happen during the season to create a wall of ice between them. Hope it's big and juicy and messy and miserable so we can snark on it for hours and hours.

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I also read lots of viewer's comments that liked her but hated the interior of her home. On top of Brandi's comments it may have persuaded her to get a little professional help. Can't wait to see her remodelled home.



I am looking forward to that, too.  Her house was hideous.  I am not holding my breath for her to change it much.  The short clip we saw showed a someone encouraging her to declutter.  That house needs so much more than that!  

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I am looking forward to that, too.  Her house was hideous.  I am not holding my breath for her to change it much.  The short clip we saw showed a someone encouraging her to declutter.  That house needs so much more than that!  

Stagers/Organizers sometimes called re-organzers, that use what you have were popular several years ago and there were a couple of shows that did a range of just organizing to design work too. (Its sort of my thing and I do it for friends.) In addition to a deep cleaning and paint, a professional along with their handyperson and movers could really make a difference.  It could look similar to Lisar's house but a bit more "momsey" because Eileen core pieces aren't as global as Lisar's. Granted it still wouldn't stack up to the Beverly Hills set but we'd probably be saying it looked lived in and real.  What really boggles my mind, because Eileen seems so put together otherwise is how can she not see the current mess and disrepair and not have made some changes before filming. Hey, other HWs just let the cameras into only a room or two for a reason.

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What really boggles my mind, because Eileen seems so put together otherwise is how can she not see the current mess and disrepair and not have made some changes before filming. Hey, other HWs just let the cameras into only a room or two for a reason.

This. With the exception of a couple wacky wardrobe choices, she seems so polished which is why the disrepair of her house and the lack of attention to detail surprised me.

I also agree about the similarity to Rinna's house - that seems to be the direction Eileen was going but stopped at every flea market, garage sale and antique store on the way there.

I read a book once about a woman who had a similar house. Decided to declutter while going through a midlife crisis and ended up unloading her dead weight husband, too.

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This. With the exception of a couple wacky wardrobe choices, she seems so polished which is why the disrepair of her house and the lack of attention to detail surprised me.

I also agree about the similarity to Rinna's house - that seems to be the direction Eileen was going but stopped at every flea market, garage sale and antique store on the way there.

I read a book once about a woman who had a similar house. Decided to declutter while going through a midlife crisis and ended up unloading her dead weight husband, too.


What disrepair are you guys talking about? Aside from being cluttered and having a lot of antiques, I haven't noticed any real disrepair in her house. Are their cracks in her wall or water damage or something that I am just not seeing?

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What disrepair are you guys talking about? Aside from being cluttered and having a lot of antiques, I haven't noticed any real disrepair in her house. Are their cracks in her wall or water damage or something that I am just not seeing?

Sorry. The disrepair that I was talking about is on the exterior. Vegetation in gutters, mainly, but overall it looks like it's not well cared for, imo.

Sorry. The disrepair that I was talking about is on the exterior. Vegetation in gutters, mainly, but overall it looks like it's not well cared for, imo.


Oh, Ok. I thought the exterior vegetation was a look that she was going for on purpose. Like some of the villas you see in small towns in Italy or along the Mediterranean. It didn't occur to me that it was a lack of maintenance. 

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Oh, Ok. I thought the exterior vegetation was a look that she was going for on purpose. Like some of the villas you see in small towns in Italy or along the Mediterranean. It didn't occur to me that it was a lack of maintenance.

Maybe she is. But little trees growing in the gutters is a lack of maintenance issue.

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Her house was dark in color and dark in ambiance; it felt depressing .  Brown is a color to be used sparingly in decor, it can overwhelm a room.  And natural dark wood molding is ugly and dates back to the 40s.   Paint it white, you live in southern CA.   Even her bathrooms had bric a brac on the sink counters.  Ugh.  


I think she has a stylist because I don't believe anyone who decorates her home like this can pull clothing like she does.  

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