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Lisa Rinna: These are the Lips of her Life

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Re: Harry Hamlin Saying Lisa Rinna Is A Cheap Date:



1SEaEvWo_bigger.png  lisa rinna Verified account ‏@lisarinna

Katsuya yummy and they are playing Kool and the Kang and Donna summer fab Sunday din din. https://instagram.com/p/0jeBqavra7/


7:55 PM - 22 Mar 2015






 1SEaEvWo_bigger.png lisa rinnaVerified account ‏@lisarinna

HH just said I'm a cheap date. Ha!


8:02 PM - 22 Mar 2015



Cheap Date Was In Reference To Enjoying Going For Sushi @ Affordable/Reasonable/InExpensive Sushi Restaurants

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Yikes.  Lisa's oldest daughter reminds me of Raquel Curtin in this photo.  Remember when she would wear the trucker hats and round glasses?



I agree with the poster upthread that said Lisa's body in those vacation pictures is not too thin. Her body is sick.  Especially for being 51.  She did look skeletal in that talking head from months ago, though.  If she dropped even 10 pounds due to stress while filming, it would make a huge difference in how she looks.  So it might have been that.  But as of this weekend, she looks fit as a fiddle.

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Re: Harry Hamlin Saying Lisa Rinna Is A Cheap Date:



1SEaEvWo_bigger.png  lisa rinna Verified account ‏@lisarinna

Katsuya yummy and they are playing Kool and the Kang and Donna summer fab Sunday din din. https://instagram.com/p/0jeBqavra7/


7:55 PM - 22 Mar 2015






 1SEaEvWo_bigger.png lisa rinnaVerified account ‏@lisarinna

HH just said I'm a cheap date. Ha!


8:02 PM - 22 Mar 2015



Cheap Date Was In Reference To Enjoying Going For Sushi @ Affordable/Reasonable/InExpensive Sushi Restaurants



She is reacting to the comments Kim has made about her eating and the tweets about it.  There is NO way in hell she ate that dinner.  Never.  Fried food?  Rice?  NO.   That was Harry's dinner and she had miso soup.  Anyone want to fight me on this!  LOL! 

Edited by wings707
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She is reacting to the comments Kim as made about her eating and the tweets about it. There is NO way in hell she ate that dinner. Never. Fried food? Rice? NO. That was Harry's dinner and she had miso soup. Anyone want to fight me on this! LOL!

Maybe miso soup and three small sprigs of kale with no dressing. Edited by nexxie
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LisaR may not have looked all skin and bones in those vacation photos but she has to be.  I don't believe there's anyone here who doesn't think that Yolanda has a great body.  There's no fat on Yo!  It must be the lemon cleanses.  LOL  


Anyway, I took a photo of the group with Andy at the reunion and cut out just Yolanda and LisaR and put them side by side.  I didn't do any Photoshopping to their bodies.  I just copied and pasted them next to one another.  LisaR almost makes Yolanda look a little plump.





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Two totally different bodies.  Lisa is an ectomorph, Yolanda a mesomorph.


Yo is also a little heavier at the reunion than she usually is.  I can tell by her arms.  She posted last week that she finally had the strength to get out of bed, shower and shave her legs.  If she's become that sedentary, she'll definitely put on weight. 

  • Love 2

LisaR may not have looked all skin and bones in those vacation photos but she has to be. I don't believe there's anyone here who doesn't think that Yolanda has a great body. There's no fat on Yo! It must be the lemon cleanses. LOL

Anyway, I took a photo of the group with Andy at the reunion and cut out just Yolanda and LisaR and put them side by side. I didn't do any Photoshopping to their bodies. I just copied and pasted them next to one another. LisaR almost makes Yolanda look a little plump.


In the scene you are referencing, I thought Kyle was actually over reacting. While it was about Kyle, IMO Lisa was just trying to give Kyle a focal point. I.e. after all the BS Brandi pulled last season, Lisa doesn't play into Brandi anymore. I actually give Lisa a lot of credit this season for the way she handled Brandi, Brandi thrashed that relationship but instead of going on a mission to destroy, Lisa only acknowledged Brandi, gave her nothing more. I could learn from that.

I really enjoy Lisa V - just think that she's got a habit of trying to give everybody a focal point: herself.2013/HWs%20and%20andy%20reunion_zpsjdw7uk4s.jpg


How tall is Yolanda? Google says Lisa is 5'7" Edited by nexxie

How tall is Yolanda? Google says Lisa is 5'7"


I couldn't find Yolanda's height online but I did find Gigi's.  Gigi is 5'10" and so is Brandi.


Would you believe there's a website devoted to the height and weight of celebrities?


Celebrity Height Weight


ETA:  That site lists: 

LisaR  5'7"

Eileen 5'7"

LisaV 5'5"

Kyle 5'2"

Kim 5'1"

Edited by AnnA

Thank goodness for the internets!

I'll bet Yolanda is about the same as Gigi - or the other way around.


When I was searching for Yolanda's height, I saw a picture of her with Gigi.  


Gigi was a little taller than Yolanda but I couldn't see their shoes so you're probably right.


The internet makes life so much easier.  I'm old enough to remember having to go to the library to find answers.  

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Bone and spray brown. Girl looks like gristle.


LOL.  Maybe her face.  But I have to disagree about her body.  (This month anyway.)   You guys really think this is too thin? I'd guess she's about 18% body fat.  A woman in my cardio class is probably 5% and I will never be able to look at her again without thinking, 'Bone and Brown Spray'.  Thanks, steelcitysister.  Sickly thin.  Stickly thin. She looks brittle. But I don't think she's ill (physically) because after a 45 min cardio class, she goes hard in the gym. Lisa looks so lean and strong and not (too) obsessive.  She's probably obsessive about her diet but you have to be to look like that at 51.  Jelly. 


That said, Lisa's vacation pics are all over the internet and girl looooves to pose.



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Lisa R looked so thin in that talking head and I keep thinking that tv adds pounds.  What was she looking like in real life.  At least she has muscle in those vacation shots.  She admitted on WWHL to having to watch every bite that goes into her mouth and to working out every day.  She is in her 50s.  She has great muscles in that bikini photo.  I don't know how a woman in her 50s could have that muscle tone and skin tone.  Where is the sag?  The lack of collagen skin sag!  I wanna know!  Oh never mind, she's only 51.  Maybe she's still on hormones, and it hasn't hit yet.

  • Love 2

Lisa R looked so thin in that talking head and I keep thinking that tv adds pounds.  What was she looking like in real life.  At least she has muscle in those vacation shots.  She admitted on WWHL to having to watch every bite that goes into her mouth and to working out every day.  She is in her 50s.  She has great muscles in that bikini photo.  I don't know how a woman in her 50s could have that muscle tone and skin tone.  Where is the sag?  The lack of collagen skin sag!  I wanna know!  Oh never mind, she's only 51.  Maybe she's still on hormones, and it hasn't hit yet.



She is only 51.  I had no sag at that age!

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She is only 51.  I had no sag at that age!

I noted that she was only 51 and maybe it hadn't hit yet.  Just to clarify, I am talking skin about on the arms and face at the jawline where the skin begins to lose its firmness and becomes a little drapey.  It's hard to explain.  I am around that age now, and I don't have any wrinkles really, but there is some weird stuff going on when I bend my elbow in the crease, like "Hell WTF is going on with my skin?" Not so taut anymore. I know a lot of women get botox in the neck area to prevent this stuff from happening. I don't see that with Rinna at all - and she does have a lot of sun damage, so I would think that normally she might have this.  That's what amazes me with her.  And her muscle tone is excellent. So whatever she is eating, it is enough for her to build muscles.

  • Love 4

She is reacting to the comments Kim has made about her eating and the tweets about it.  There is NO way in hell she ate that dinner.  Never.  Fried food?  Rice?  NO.   That was Harry's dinner and she had miso soup.  Anyone want to fight me on this!  LOL! 


I think she might have eaten it.  But, like many of my thin friends, she probably eats like a bite or 2 of each thing (even the fried stuff) and then she is done-zo.  And that is her "cheat meal" for the week... or month or whatever.   She clearly doesn't eat like that every day.


I think Lisa R. looks fabulous in pictures and on film. In person, it's possible she might appear to be "too thin," but I'm sure the same can be said for many actresses in Hollywood.  She looks like she lives a very healthy, active, and BUSY lifestyle. 


And I agree that comparing Yolanda and LisaR is like comparing apples with oranges.  They just have totally different (but amazingly fit and enviable) body types. 


I noted that she was only 51 and maybe it hadn't hit yet.  Just to clarify, I am talking skin about on the arms and face at the jawline where the skin begins to lose its firmness and becomes a little drapey.



I'd say that is where having a very skilled dermatologist comes into play.  Perhaps possible even a subtle little nick/tuck, but I don't think so.  I think it's moreso a matter of getting regular facials and laser treatments that tighten the jawline and "blah blah blah blah blah" (TM Kim Richards). 

Edited by Duke2801
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Lisa R looked so thin in that talking head and I keep thinking that tv adds pounds.  What was she looking like in real life.  At least she has muscle in those vacation shots.  She admitted on WWHL to having to watch every bite that goes into her mouth and to working out every day.  She is in her 50s.  She has great muscles in that bikini photo.  I don't know how a woman in her 50s could have that muscle tone and skin tone.  Where is the sag?  The lack of collagen skin sag!  I wanna know!  Oh never mind, she's only 51.  Maybe she's still on hormones, and it hasn't hit yet.

Yup, I wondered about the collagen thing, too. Over in the ATL thread (real quick so as not to derail) someone mentioned Claudia's fabulous skin was probably due to collagen tabs ( but didn't endorse a brand, dammit!) Maybe Rinna takes them, too. Might be the next HW product shill on the horizon -- we need a break from the various beverages.

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I also wonder how many are taking HGH?  It's the "thing" now, especially in Hollywood, where youthfulness is money.




In a sense, H.G.H. is the love child of Viagra and Botox; when administered appropriately, it is said to smooth wrinkles, reduce body fat, and increase lean-muscle mass and bone density, while also improving one’s libido, mood, and overall sense of vitality—to the point that the recipient both looks and feels years younger. “It is a rejuvenating force,” says Dr. Uzzi Reiss, a Beverly Hills physician on the forefront of the H.G.H. trend.


H.G.H., by turning back the body clock, turns back the aging process. That’s the basic premise. “I see it every day in my practice,” Reiss says. “I see it in myself. I’ve been taking H.G.H. for many years. I have the energy and vibrancy of a man half my age. Ask anyone. I don’t get sick, don’t get jet-lagged. I can’t see why anybody would inject H.G.H. if it doesn’t have benefits.”


“But now,” Korenman says, with a hint of irritation, “we have clinics all over Beverly Hills where they do their own testing and everyone is growth-hormone-deficient.”


In the end, though, the doctors understand why actors and athletes go for it anyway. “Their lives and income depend on being the best,” Korenman says. “They think, everyone is doing it, and the difference between being No. 1 and No. 2 is less than 1 percent.”



'A fountain of youth in a syringe': How human growth hormone injections became the latest anti-ageing weapon for Hollywood's A-list

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2094956/Human-growth-hormone-injections-latest-anti-ageing-weapon-Hollywoods-A-list.html#ixzz3VthWzW3j
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I also wonder how many are taking HGH? It's the "thing" now, especially in Hollywood, where youthfulness is money.

Great point. I can completely see Rinna jumping on the HGH bandwagon.

The Vanity Fair piece mentioned Suzanne Somers as an HGH fan. Yep, the woman whose face looks like it's melting is a fan of the all-natural approach to self- betterment (eye roll).

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 I have no idea what would make anyone say something like that.  My guess is that it speaks volumes about LisaR's trashy side.


I think this is her desperate attempt to deflect from the actual rumor Kim was alluding to during the infamous Amsterdam dinner... someone posted about it on these boards, can't remember exactly where.  

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I don't like LisaR.  I haven't liked her since she first came on the show.  Her language is almost as bad -- maybe worse -- than Brandi's, and I think she plays to the camera every minute she's on.  She's so skinny that she looks unhealthy to me, and her personality grates.  When confronted by others about things she's said, she denies it, even though it's right on the tape.  She started off saying (how many times?) that she never believes gossip unless it came from firsthand knowledge, yet she froths at the mouth to hear or tell more gossip!  She is someone that I could never trust for a moment.  Her pictures now look like she eats string for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  She has already started trouble, and I think that's what she was hired for.  If they ever fire Brandi, they have someone who can take her place.  We've even seen Eileen look shocked by things that Lisa has said.  Why can't they find someone else like Eileen, who can be tough if she has to be, but otherwise is kind, respectful of others, and funny? 

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So what is the deal with Lisa's lips? She blew them up years ago when she was a pretty young thing making her way in Hollyweird. Then, a few years ago, she went with smaller, more natural-looking lips. And now they're huge again. What exactly is she trying for - what is that look supposed to say?

Edited by nexxie

I gotta say, I dont see where Lisa's lips are some huge monstrosity. I think I've become so used to them, and missed the whole lip reduction thing, that they're just her face.


They don't have that sloppy droopy lipped thing injectible lips get... they're just a weird shape that I never remember her not having.

  • Love 3

I gotta say, I dont see where Lisa's lips are some huge monstrosity. I think I've become so used to them, and missed the whole lip reduction thing, that they're just her face.


They don't have that sloppy droopy lipped thing injectible lips get... they're just a weird shape that I never remember her not having.

When I see her on the show with her parents and her daughters, it's so obviously not "just her face" - makes me wonder what she's trying to say with that look.

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