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Small Talk: The Quiver


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Tonight's SHIELD was touch and go at the point we thought Coulson was going to sacrifice Simmons for Skye.  My daughter asked why on three shows that we watch (SHIELD, Flash and Arrow), the geeky scientific girl  is given second place after the pretty one.  Skye gets Ward, the alpha male and Coulson practically obsessed with her, Iris gets Eddie and Barry as love interests, and then there's Laurel.


I laughed when Bobbi ended her stick take-out of the bad guys in exactly the same pose as Sara did when the Canary,  I guess it must look really impressive on camera.  I miss Sara.



I also started shipping Felicity and Oliver during their first scene together, but never thought the show runners would do anything with that, and instead by the end of S2 they turned it into a huge knife and twisted it in my HEART.


And in case you're wondering how brand-new viewers react to Laurel in a binge-watch setting: Hate her. 

Nice to meet you, kieyra.

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I have a better sense now of why the beginning of S3 has caused some defection to SHIELD (or made it seem more appealing) but SHIELD never got me in the feels the way Arrow does. (I haven't seen the first two eps of 3, but got pretty spoiled due to bitterness fallout and have a good idea what's probably going on.) Anyway, I should probably dispense with the show-centric talk, but I was very excited coming off my Netflix run and wanted to say hi before diving into the threads. I'm a comic book non-starter (other than Sandman, and SHIELD/Avengers because Whedon), so I'm sure I'm missing whole worlds of nuance, but it's fun.

Hey guys. New show fan. Shotgunned the first two seasons via Netflix, got myself in a scuffle on the SHIELD forums, bought the t-shirt. 


I also started shipping Felicity and Oliver during their first scene together, but never thought the show runners would do anything with that, and instead by the end of S2 they turned it into a huge knife and twisted it in my HEART.


And in case you're wondering how brand-new viewers react to Laurel in a binge-watch setting: Hate her. 


Hi kieyra...I know that I've seen you in another forum but I don't remember which one it was!  Anyway, if you're not a big fan of Laurel, you might have a good laugh reading some of these threads.  I have rarely seen a fictional character bring out the rage inside people.  That's not a criticism, by the way.  I believe one of my comments in the last episode involved the phrase "Fuck off, Laurel."  Can't stand her but she never fails to liven up the forums whenever she is around or a KC interview is released.  Look forward to reading your thoughts in the threads :)

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I'm really loving The Flash right now and the balance the characters have. I really wish Oliver could have some

"We win."

moments without having to actually lose something or someone first. I'm sure team Arrow was like that in season 2a but now...well no. Loved episode 3 and the flash backs worked really well. It reminded us that the characters didn't forget and still strongly felt the consequences of the particle excelerator explosion. I loved the scene where Caitlyn said Ronnie told her the two of them are like

"fire and ice"

. Heeey comics.

I feel like the one word that describes all of us Arrow watchers on this page is jaded. 


We are all so completely, irrevocably jaded :p 


Thanks Arrow writers. 

I feel like that should be the name of Arrow fans' support group: Jaded Arrows.


Okay, maybe that's lamer than it sounded in my head…I'll just slink back into the shadows now…

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I feel like that should be the name of Arrow fans' support group: Jaded Arrows.


Now that's a pretty cool band name! "The Jaded Arrows". If Arrow ever reach the level where it has music bands creating songs about it (the way the HP fandon does) i want that to be the band name,

actually that can work as a fanfic title too... oh. oh. oh!!! shrink sessions fanfic!! where each character talks about their lives, and how they ended up in vigilante life style. it will be a total comedy fic, maybe a dremdy. lots of snark.. but can it be done while each character is in character?!! dammit i wish i had the time to write it- because now i'm at the point where i can see the scenery for the story and that means before long i'll have dialogue playing in my head.

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Bringing across something foreverevolving posted on the Relationships thread:


Yea it's 4 am and i am thinking up ship names - there are worse ways to spend ones night- mainly because my bed has been conquered by four cats and there is zero space on it for me so.. i need something to do.. they look so comfy i don't have the heart to move them.


So glad it's not just me that is completely ruled by their cats.


My sister rolled her eyes at how I behave towards them, and now she's staying with me she's pretty smitten by them too - they just have a way of getting to you!

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I don't do that usually, but...anybody here checked "Forever"?


I find this Castle/Highlander mesh quite charming. Alana de la Garza from L&O and Ioan Gruffudd have good chemistry. It's actually my favorite new show this fall.

Yes, I like it a lot.  Like you said, good chemistry between the leads and there is something terribly endearing about the relationship between the Gruffudd and Judd Hirsch his adopted son.  Hirsch pulls off playing the younger man between the two of them which I can't explain how that's done.  Good writing too.  The episode at the art museum was touching and unexpected.  It let the better story be told rather than go for the shock or cheap twist.  That's pretty rare these days. 

I like Forever, but I loved New Amsterdam and they snatched it from me after 8 episodes just as I was really getting into it. Much the same premise, a man from the 1600s with immortality he's trying to get rid of (played by Nikolaj Coster-Waldau), his son played by an older actor, lots of chemistry with his partner and little with his designated love interest.  He's a detective and his current cases flash him to happenings in the past that he lived through.


I grew up with dogs but my current circumstances prevent me from having one although I love petting them at the dog park.  Three cats currently alternate sleeping on my bed.  Vala (from Stargate SG1) will only tolerate one other cat on the bed at any time.

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I've never seen it but there's a Korean drama (iirc) with a similar premise to Forever about an immortal doctor that's doing very well, from what I've heard. I only know about it from an article about a woman who nearly died from eating fried chicken because it is the favorite food of the lead female on the show, so I can't supply the name.

I only mention it because I wonder if the success of the other show influenced the green light for Forever. I also hope I'm remembering reality and not a weird dream I had.

SmallScreenDiva, if you look at the Forever section of the forums and the comments about the first episode of the show, you'll notice that there are quite a lot of us.  But it was a Fox show.  ABC might have given it more of a chance.


I thought New Amsertdam was the better show but I do like Ioan Gruffud and Judd Hirsh, and the female lead is much better than the Alexis character on NA.  I'm just hesitant to get invested in Forever because of that cancellation thing. 



I've never seen it but there's a Korean drama (iirc) with a similar premise to Forever about an immortal doctor that's doing very well, from what I've heard. I only know about it from an article about a woman who nearly died from eating fried chicken because it is the favorite food of the lead female on the show, so I can't supply the name.

I think I remember seeing something like that.  Fans can be weird.

I watched New Amsterdam but I don't really remember anything about it except that Jaime Lannister was the lead.  I probably even have the entire season that I recorded onto VHS somewhere around here...


I only know about it from an article about a woman who nearly died from eating fried chicken because it is the favorite food of the lead female on the show, so I can't supply the name.


What the?!!  Excuse me while I wipe away the laughter tears.

I grew up with dogs but my current circumstances prevent me from having one although I love petting them at the dog park.  Three cats currently alternate sleeping on my bed.  Vala (from Stargate SG1) will only tolerate one other cat on the bed at any time.


Whether it's your real answer or not, the correct answer to the question of what is the name of the only cat that Vala will tolerate in bed at any time... that cat's name is Daniel.  :D   (Yes, I know I'm deliberately misunderstanding what you wrote)


I don't currently have any cats named after a TV character but for fourteen years I had my Duncan of the clan McCat.  Yeah, there is a reason I was drawn to Forever.     

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Did Duncan have a fondness for single malt?


My daughter named the cat Vala because she was a rescue and whatever she grabbed, she held on to tight.  She (daughter, not cat) saw Claudia Black at a convention and told her the story and Black was very gracious about having a cat named after her.  And also very funny when talking about her career at a session.

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I follow someone on Twitter who I swear also has a rescue cat named Vala.  I might have them mixed up but if your daughter is obsessed with Josh Hutcherson we should talk, lol.  


Did Duncan have a fondness for single malt?


Only If it came in a Fancy Feast can.


Or was disguised as shrimp.


That cat was a menace in the mornings until I got up and did my duty.  Used to nibble aka bite my fingers until I learned to hide my hands beneath the blanket...then he went after my nose. 

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Thanks for the response!


I'm enjoying Forever, but it's not doing well in the ratings, so I'm trying not to get attached. :(

I don't know why, but the shows I watch are rarely cancelled early. It would be the first time in...wow, I can't remember the last time it happened. So I'm crossing my fingers for the ratings to go up and pretend it will be OK.

My first thought was at least an Archie's series couldn't possibly suffer from the comic canon problem but then I remembered the ever on going Betty vs Veronica issue.  The shipping war is built right into the story and I'm pretty if I remember correctly they NEVER settled the question so the canon that is going to mess that show up is not that he is predestined to love a certain girl but that he is predestined to never choose between them.  In the comics I think they did a kind of "what if" storyline and did both the he choses Veronica and the he choses Betty. 


I guess the best we can hope for is he gets shot at some McDonalds. 


Maybe I should get ready to be on team Jughead. 

Archie Comics Drama Series ‘Riverdale’ Set At Fox With Greg Berlanti Producing

by Nellie Andreeva •  October 23, 2014 11:38am



What do you bet that they'll try to cast an EBR-type to play Betty Cooper?


They may try to find someone like EBR but everyone is unique, I don't think they will find another EBR.

I am more interested in the characters if Veronica and Jughead because it is so easy to write them as one-dimensional characters when they are so much more.

I would love to see Jughead come to life because he has been my favourite since I was a kid. I only wish I can eat like him and not gain weight.

I loved New Amsterdam and was crushed when it was canceled.  No way am I getting attached to Forever since I think it will have the same fate. Plus, Ioan Gruffud just can't seem to lead a show. I like him plenty so it's always disappointing.


We are a 1 cat household - her name is Giada, after the tv chef. She thinks she's a dog.  She also runs the house. I'm her human, apparently, since I'm the only one she talks to.

Has anyone seen Death Comes To Pemberly?  It amuses me that when P.D. James writes fanfic, it gets made into a Masterpiece Mystery show but I was disappointed.  It seemed like all the spark of P&P had gone.


Jenna Coleman (Dr. Who's Clara) played Lydia but I felt they really could have used her energy and spark for Elizabeth.

Edited by statsgirl

Has anyone seen Death Comes To Pemberly?  It amuses me that when P.D. James writes fanfic, it gets made into a Masterpiece Mystery show but I was disappointed.  It seemed like all the spark of P&P had gone.


Jenna Coleman (Dr. Who's Clara) played Lydia but I felt they really could have used her energy and spark for Elizabeth.




Yep, just got done watching.  I think the lack of spark that you are seeing is their version of putting distance between the two leads in order to later bring them back together and then we get our big happy moments. (Sound familiar anyone?)  I thought the little we got between Elizabeth and Darcy before all the unpleasant guests arrived (hello mother)  was lovely and sweet.  This is a more reserved Elizabeth but I liked the actress on another show (Bletchly Circle) so I'm enjoying her subtleties.   


Technically from a writing standpoint, Darcy and Elizabeth probably should not be the viewpoint from which the story is being told.  They are after all only side characters to the action, but this story is only being told so the author has the fun of playing in someone else's playground.  Fan fiction in every sense except the part where lotso money was exchanged. 

Edited by BkWurm1
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I thought Elizabeth was rather subdued as well. However, this is years after P&P and Elizabeth is now a mother and has been running a household. I think its just maturity. I'm enjoying Mr. Darcy - I love the strong, silent type so I'm glad they have keep that in character. I LOL'd at Mummy Bennett hoping WIckham died in a duel. Probably my favorite moment. Jenna Coleman has grown so much since this movie. I may have issues with Clara this season, but acting-wise she is knocking out of the park.


Its not perfect but I'm looking forward to the next episode. I love Jane Austen and period murder mysteries so this is a lot of fun for me.

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I watched Death Comes to Pemberly, too and enjoyed most of it. I like the cast VERY much but thought Elizabeth seemed the same age/even older than Darcy. Even before the tragedy occurred.  I liked how Lydia was portrayed - seemed very in character for someone 6 years later.   I definitely enjoyed this version of Darcy, too - and the affection then distance between him and Elizabeth seemed very natural to me.

I enjoyed the flashbacks.  I also like how Wickham was cast and written - a bit more nuanced than the original source material, I think.


I was impressed that what amounts to a fanfic was given more than adequate production value on BBC/PBS.  I know 50 Shades is a fanfic of epic proportions but obviously that won't be on PBS.  Makes we wonder what other fanfics we could end up seeing on TV.

It's a three part series, according to IMDB.


I was impressed that what amounts to a fanfic was given more than adequate production value on BBC/PBS.  I know 50 Shades is a fanfic of epic proportions but obviously that won't be on PBS.  Makes we wonder what other fanfics we could end up seeing on TV.

I think that's more because it was written by the grande dame of British detective fiction rather than because it's fanfic.  But I love that she gives writing fanfic legitimacy.


I know there was a series of books putting a new spin on classics which included Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. Have any of those been made into a TV production?

Pride & Prejudice & Zombies is going to be made into a movie. There are some recognizable names attached to it; the biggest for me is Matt Smith (Mr. Collins of all characters lol) and Lena Headley(not sure about who she is playing). It is set for a 2015 release date. If I didn't have a phobia about zombies, it would be on my must watch list.

I read Pride and Prejudice and Zombies and it was a surprisingly good read.  The juxtaposition of the very proper manners next to fighting off hordes of zombies was both funny and oddly reasonable.  I have to imagine it's going to be made into a kind of tongue and cheek movie, though I guess Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter was filmed with the utmost seriousness so who knows.

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