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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

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Today I took my car in for routine service. I was reminded that among the many reasons I like this car repair shop - they do body and mechanical work - is the customer wifi password. Which as someone who watches far too many true crime shows, always amuses me.


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28 minutes ago, Jeeves said:

Today I took my car in for routine service. I was reminded that among the many reasons I like this car repair shop - they do body and mechanical work - is the customer wifi password. Which as someone who watches far too many true crime shows, always amuses me.


That’s funny. 

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Anyone here do any of the NY Times puzzles? I do all the word puzzles every morning with my coffee. This morning I could've solved LetterBox in two words if it accepted GAWDLY - but it was denied! So annoyed - you guys know it's a word!!

Just wanted to vent....

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Despite getting up early I was late to my DMV appt because Cosmo wouldn’t cooperate. 

I was an early adopter to the REAL ID, the requirement for it to fly etc was extended with Covid so this is my second one. 

I know it’s only every four years but please tell me why I have to come in person, does this guarantee I will put my contacts in?!!! (Because I have to take a vision test I cannot renew by mail like most people my age without driving violations). At least there are appointments now so you don’t spend half your day waiting. 

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well friends, the good news took a dump.......right after my recent post to you. my husband brought covid into our home. we all 3 got it/have it. he is back at work now. i am finally over the top of it but dang!!! lucky for me, i guess, i got on paxlovid immediately after diagnosis and it has helped a lot. but Lord, what a week its been. i missed my post op visit so this will delay PT so now a slower shoulder recovery too.  i need a break....a good kind of break.

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2 hours ago, zoomama said:

well friends, the good news took a dump.......right after my recent post to you. my husband brought covid into our home. we all 3 got it/have it. he is back at work now. i am finally over the top of it but dang!!! lucky for me, i guess, i got on paxlovid immediately after diagnosis and it has helped a lot. but Lord, what a week its been. i missed my post op visit so this will delay PT so now a slower shoulder recovery too.  i need a break....a good kind of break.

I’m so sorry! You’ve been through it. Glad you are on the other side of it though. Feel better soon. 

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12 hours ago, zoomama said:

well friends, the good news took a dump.......right after my recent post to you. my husband brought covid into our home. we all 3 got it/have it. he is back at work now. i am finally over the top of it but dang!!! lucky for me, i guess, i got on paxlovid immediately after diagnosis and it has helped a lot. but Lord, what a week its been. i missed my post op visit so this will delay PT so now a slower shoulder recovery too.  i need a break....a good kind of break.

  I'm sorry you've all been sick. Feel better soon!

I have one daughter (and her family) that had never gotten covid.

(they've all been vaxxed and were very, very cautious.)

Welp, last week 3 of the 4 in her family got it (only her daughter away at college didn't.) She had recently flown to go to my granddaughter's graduation from her Navy boot camp. She wanted to support her niece since she had been in the Army herself (my Marine son went too) 💕

She was my only kid (out of 5) that never had it, but she sure has it now. Really coughing her guts out.

Luckily my SIL is a physician and got them on paxlovid right away. It's so bad for her, especially, that I think she would really have had a problem without the paxovid, because it's hitting her HARD. 😭

Edited by ChiCricket
to brag on my military members 😁
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34 minutes ago, sagittarius sue said:

Earlier today I read an article about how COVID cases might be more wide-spread than we might think.  https://www.aol.com/news/seems-everyone-covid-19-why-114106195.html

Stay safe everyone!

I don't think people are as quick as they used to be about testing...or maybe their tests have expired. But from measuring levels in our sewage contributions, the new variant is really taking hold on the population. I keep hearing about people who have avoided it for 3 years and been very careful, are getting Covid for the first time.

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1 hour ago, BetyBee said:

I don't think people are as quick as they used to be about testing...or maybe their tests have expired. But from measuring levels in our sewage contributions, the new variant is really taking hold on the population. I keep hearing about people who have avoided it for 3 years and been very careful, are getting Covid for the first time.

That's me! Visited with family and my SIL was coughing away. She said her daughter had the same thing, went to doc and it wasn't covid so she assumed hers wasn't either. Unclear whether she tested; heard something about expired tests. DH got it for the 1st time and then me. My BIL also got it for the first time. Weird she only passed it on to 1st timers and not anyone else who had had it before. We got on Paxlovid ASAP and were good. 

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On 8/31/2023 at 9:13 AM, skatelady said:

Anyone here do any of the NY Times puzzles? I do all the word puzzles every morning with my coffee. This morning I could've solved LetterBox in two words if it accepted GAWDLY - but it was denied! So annoyed - you guys know it's a word!!

Just wanted to vent....

Yes!  I recently got a subscription and play them every evening when I’m done my responsibilities for the day. Letter box frustrates me to where I have to take a break for a few days!

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I'm obsessed with Wordle. Like, I have timed my day around playing it as soon as each new one drops at midnight for a couple of years now. 😂 Or maybe a year and a half? I just remember I started playing during a snow storm. LOL 

Edited by Zella
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On 8/2/2023 at 9:17 PM, Scarlett45 said:

Something is wrong with my robot vacuum!!! I have a Samsung sr2aj9020u  

It’s making a beeping noise and I can’t figure out why. I took off the pet brush and found a throat lozenge wrapper, but it still beeps and won’t turn. I figured I would ask you guys because it’s 9:15pm and I should probably go to bed and think about it tomorrow. 

I turned off the emergency switch so it could reset, and took a screen shot of these codes. According to the below there is foreign matter caught in the right driving wheel. I double checked both, and found a bit of cosmos hair but it’s still making the noise! I’m leaving it off for the night and really dealing with it tomorrow. If anyone has any advice I would appreciate it. I love this thing!


Quoting myself- the beloved robot vacuum is at a local vacuum repair- they are going to take it a part and clean all the wheels to get the hair out and give it back to me. The gentleman said that it’s impossible to get parts for these things (because they want you to buy another one), but hairs stuck in the wheels is a common issue. I will be more aware and flip it over about once a week to make sure too much hair doesn’t accumulate. 

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I’m on cold medicine feeling weird. 🤪

Song inspired by Jillpm and Barbie by Aqua.

I’m a modest girl in a hussy world 

I’m not plastic, it’s fantastic 

We can’t hold hands or be alone 

Till We say I do

But you can blow me a kiss through a window sill 

I’m a modest girl in a hussy world 

I’m not plastic it’s fantastic 

I can’t even read or write, but I will be joyfully available all night 

Be my headship, be my only friend 

I am not plastic it’s fantastic

Only you my headship can brush my hair and undress me anywhere

I’m not plastic it’s fantastic 

I am your Barbie doll isn’t it Fantastic? 

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Yesterday I took my Mom to a 1st bday party- my friend J who did IVF as a single woman, her baby is now one and he’s the cutest most precious thing. It was along the lake front, and my Mom was able to use her scooter to cross the pedestrian bridge (if she didn’t have the scooter she wouldn’t have been able to go, she can’t walk that far). 

My Mom had an amazing time, and I was so thankful that she was able to go. J’s Mom died this morning- she had early onset Alzheimer’s and had been in a facility full time for about four years. They were prepared, but she wanted the baby to have his party and was holding it together. 

This middled age squeeze is real. I’ll be 38 in a month and I certainly feel it. I remember when my grandfather was alive and the “squeeze”- these days I just feel that every memory is a precious one. 

photos of the chicago skyline from the bridge as my Mom was leaving me in the dust!71537852106__6B698F5B-F8EF-47FA-9891-BF6034E0253C.thumb.jpeg.a93dab0117896b6d53086fe7461f2c2b.jpeg

Spot along the lake from the party spot. 

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19 minutes ago, oliviabenson said:

Makes me want to visit Chicago!

I had forgotten how much I miss the Southside lakefront, which is so peaceful and quiet compared to the Northside. 

I love Chicago in the Summer, we have a pretty Fall, a Winter that lasts 100yrs and a week of Spring.


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18 minutes ago, oliviabenson said:

Makes me want to visit Chicago!

It's a great city!  Living in the Twin Cities, when I think of visiting the nearest truly big city it's Chicago.  Great restaurants, museums, good public transit, and really interesting neighborhoods.   I haven't been there in several years now so I'd like to go sometime soon.

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On 8/31/2023 at 9:13 AM, skatelady said:

Anyone here do any of the NY Times puzzles? I do all the word puzzles every morning with my coffee. This morning I could've solved LetterBox in two words if it accepted GAWDLY - but it was denied! So annoyed - you guys know it's a word!!

Just wanted to vent....

One of my starter words for Wordle (alternate between 2) is audio. The other day guess what the solution was, yes, audio. Was it the word I tried first, NO. Oh well, it’s still a fun way to start day. I decided to try LetterBox and so far so good, so thanks for the vent, it piqued my interest.

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1 hour ago, ozziemom said:

One of my starter words for Wordle (alternate between 2) is audio. The other day guess what the solution was, yes, audio. Was it the word I tried first, NO. Oh well, it’s still a fun way to start day. I decided to try LetterBox and so far so good, so thanks for the vent, it piqued my interest.

Audio is also one of my starters, and, yes, I used a different starter that particular day.  It's like the app knows what I am thinking sometimes.

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I’ve just caught up reading about the covid stories here.  Oh my…i had my own issue last Thursday.  I had symptoms for a couple of days, but thought it was ragweed allergies.  Mine make me feel unwell, in addition to upper respiratory symptoms.  But, I felt seriously unwell AND got word that my best friend’s FIL died, and wasn’t sure if it was safe to go around others.  So, after dinner I called my primary’s office, who are open to walk-ins until 8:00 p.m. They said come right in. (I was on my way to buy a OTC test. ). My primary tested for flu and covid.  Flu immediate negative and covid sent negative result the next day to portal.  It must have been allergies after all.  I know a lot of people who have gotten covid though.

 I’m second guessing my decision to attend a special church service in a couple of weeks. If I do, I’ll wear a mask for sure.  

The upside was my weight at the doctor’s office.  I’m now down 38 pounds!  Still working on it, working out at gym, going to PT, etc.  I’m in serious need for new clothes. Lol 


Edited by SunnyBeBe
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1 hour ago, SunnyBeBe said:

The upside was my weight at the doctor’s office.  I’m now down 38 pounds!  Still working on it, working out at gym, going to PT, etc.  I’m in serious need for new clothes. Lol 

Congrats on your weight loss @SunnyBeBe. Yes, the best and worst part of losing weight is needing new clothes. I love shopping as a general rule, but the price of everything has gone up, and it's one thing to shop for FUN vs when you have a NEED. Three years ago, October 2020 I made the decision that the extra weight had to come off, and I am itching to hit that 100lbs down mark. It's been slow and very boring and unglamorous, but worth it. I have had to replace everything except for my shoes and socks! I switched jobs in May, but I am still only in office two days a week so that makes it easier. 

Last winter I took my Mom's heavy duty coat because mine was just so big it didnt touch me, and it was a struggle when we both had to leave the house. My Mom lost a lot of weight with her illness this winter, and while her weight is stable, she doesnt have anything to wear either! I told her at the end of the month we could scooter to Old Orchard Mall (it's an outdoor mall in a northern chicago suburb) and go to Talbots to get her some real winter pants. She doesnt need that many outfits any more, but she needs pants that dont fall down. 

I was able to order her a new coat from Columbia during the Labor Day sale, I am going to hold onto her old one, its a bit big  but not so big its unwearable. I also need a new Northface Denali- replacing outwear is my theme this fall. A friend of mine has never been to the outlets in Kenosha WI so thats on the "to do" in October.

In Chicago land we do need two completely different wardrobes, we have 90 degree days. and negative 10 degree days, and Cosmo and I have to brave the elements in both of them. 

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Target has 20% off clothes and I bought a denim dress, rain coat and a fake leather coat. I don’t need clothes but I wanted them.

Then I found slipper socks in a store that look so warm and cozy. If it gets cold can wear them with boots to go outside.

I hate winter and bundling up.



Here is the fake leather coat. Wonder what it looks like in person!

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20 minutes ago, oliviabenson said:

I’m still sick but it’s manageable. Wonder what I have??? I don’t know. I’m on cold medicine, drinking tea and freezing. Mind you the last 2 days it’s like 90 degrees. So yeah, I feel yucky.

Summer sickness is the worst. Sorry. Feel better. 

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1 hour ago, oliviabenson said:

Target has 20% off clothes and I bought a denim dress, rain coat and a fake leather coat. I don’t need clothes but I wanted them.

Then I found slipper socks in a store that look so warm and cozy. If it gets cold can wear them with boots to go outside.

I hate winter and bundling up.



Here is the fake leather coat. Wonder what it looks like in person!

Target has really cute clothes these days, pretty affordable, I love their sundresses and basic tees. 

That coat isn't my style but she is rocking it, I have seen the vegan letter look very cute for those with the edgy style, but it doesnt look like real leather in person.

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1 hour ago, oliviabenson said:

I’m still sick but it’s manageable. Wonder what I have??? I don’t know. I’m on cold medicine, drinking tea and freezing. Mind you the last 2 days it’s like 90 degrees. So yeah, I feel yucky.

I hope you feel better soon, @oliviabenson! It's super hot here in Chicagoland too, but I'm not sick like you! I hope you can take it easy and get some rest.

I picked up 3 pair of winter leggings at Costco earlier this week. Basically 1/2 of my winter wardrobe! 

We visited our kids and grandkids yesterday. They are all so stinkin' cute! Our oldest grandchild turns 15 this week and will get her learner's permit. They are all growing up so darn fast! 

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2 hours ago, oliviabenson said:

I’m still sick but it’s manageable. Wonder what I have??? I don’t know. I’m on cold medicine, drinking tea and freezing. Mind you the last 2 days it’s like 90 degrees. So yeah, I feel yucky.

Hope they figure it out!  If still going on, I’d contact my doctor.  Do you have a fever?  Did they check you for UTI?

3 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

Congrats on your weight loss @SunnyBeBe. Yes, the best and worst part of losing weight is needing new clothes. I love shopping as a general rule, but the price of everything has gone up, and it's one thing to shop for FUN vs when you have a NEED. Three years ago, October 2020 I made the decision that the extra weight had to come off, and I am itching to hit that 100lbs down mark. It's been slow and very boring and unglamorous, but worth it. I have had to replace everything except for my shoes and socks! I switched jobs in May, but I am still only in office two days a week so that makes it easier. 

Last winter I took my Mom's heavy duty coat because mine was just so big it didnt touch me, and it was a struggle when we both had to leave the house. My Mom lost a lot of weight with her illness this winter, and while her weight is stable, she doesnt have anything to wear either! I told her at the end of the month we could scooter to Old Orchard Mall (it's an outdoor mall in a northern chicago suburb) and go to Talbots to get her some real winter pants. She doesnt need that many outfits any more, but she needs pants that dont fall down. 

I was able to order her a new coat from Columbia during the Labor Day sale, I am going to hold onto her old one, its a bit big  but not so big its unwearable. I also need a new Northface Denali- replacing outwear is my theme this fall. A friend of mine has never been to the outlets in Kenosha WI so thats on the "to do" in October.

In Chicago land we do need two completely different wardrobes, we have 90 degree days. and negative 10 degree days, and Cosmo and I have to brave the elements in both of them. 

That’s an amazing weight loss.  Congratulations on such an accomplishment! I’ll probably end up replacing most of my clothes too.  I have a couple of blouses I kept from years ago that are size 0, 2 and 4.  Doubt I’ll make it to them though.  Lol. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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1 hour ago, Scarlett45 said:

Target has really cute clothes these days, pretty affordable, I love their sundresses and basic tees. 

That coat isn't my style but she is rocking it, I have seen the vegan letter look very cute for those with the edgy style, but it doesnt look like real leather in person.

I have seen the fake leather jackets in target. They are okay. I wouldn’t buy real leather since I’m clumsy and take public transportation. I’d ruin it. Fake leather it is.


I hope the coat flatters me.

And I agree target sells cute clothes lately.

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1 hour ago, BetyBee said:

I picked up 3 pair of winter leggings at Costco earlier this week. Basically 1/2 of my winter wardrobe! 

I think we got the SAME LEGGINGS, those nice soft ones with the thin like fleece? My last Costco trip I got distracted by them on my way to get my usual eggs, spinach, vinegar.I got a grey and a black. I dont normally like leggings because they have no POCKETS, but in the colder months I have a coat/sweatshirt with a pouch so its not so bad.


@oliviabenson I had a nasty cough that knocked me on my behind after I got back from Las Vegas in July, a few days post trip I just thought I was tired/overworked from all the travel and adjusting to my new job, but the cough came on and for two days I just slept, woke up, walked Cosmo, fed the cats and slept again, no appetite, no fever- it came on slow but was over pretty quickly.

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58 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Hope they figure it out!  If still going on, I’d contact my doctor.  Do you have a fever?  Did they check you for UTI?

That’s an amazing weight loss.  Congratulations on such an accomplishment! I’ll probably end up replacing most of my clothes too.  I have a couple of blouses I kept from years ago that are size 0, 2 and 4.  Doubt I’ll make it to them though.  Lol. 

No fever since day 1. I think it’s either a cold, allergies or COVID. I’m taking cold medicine.

And no cough since day 1. 

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I picked up these leggings (with pockets) back in July, and they are so comfy and flattering.  I would definitely recommend.

A second recommendation is this pair from Amazon.  The price varies on these depending on the size & color.  I got them for $16.99 just at the end of August.  At first, I didn't want to like them so much, but they are now my favorite pair.  They have deep pockets on both sides and another pocket in the back for your phone.  They are clearly a Lululemon dupe, but they are worth it.

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7 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

Target has really cute clothes these days, pretty affordable, I love their sundresses and basic tees. 


I was in Target this week to pick up a new Roku remote control and was distracted by how much I liked the clothes they had on display. There wasn’t a lot in my size though, so I escaped with just one pretty new tee. 

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4 hours ago, sixlets said:

I picked up these leggings (with pockets) back in July, and they are so comfy and flattering.  I would definitely recommend.

A second recommendation is this pair from Amazon.  The price varies on these depending on the size & color.  I got them for $16.99 just at the end of August.  At first, I didn't want to like them so much, but they are now my favorite pair.  They have deep pockets on both sides and another pocket in the back for your phone.  They are clearly a Lululemon dupe, but they are worth it.

Thanks for the suggestions! How are they on length? I am 5’7, so not tall by any means, but I can’t stand to have my ankles exposed if it’s not summer time- do they go to your ankle bone if you’re around my height? They look a bit cropped on the models. 

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23 hours ago, ozziemom said:

One of my starter words for Wordle (alternate between 2) is audio. The other day guess what the solution was, yes, audio. Was it the word I tried first, NO. Oh well, it’s still a fun way to start day. I decided to try LetterBox and so far so good, so thanks for the vent, it piqued my interest.

22 hours ago, Notabug said:

Audio is also one of my starters, and, yes, I used a different starter that particular day.  It's like the app knows what I am thinking sometimes.

I usually use a different one each day. I sometimes write down ones I think of randomly to use in the future. LOL 

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20 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

Thanks for the suggestions! How are they on length? I am 5’7, so not tall by any means, but I can’t stand to have my ankles exposed if it’s not summer time- do they go to your ankle bone if you’re around my height? They look a bit cropped on the models. 

The Target option is ever so slightly cropped.  I normally wear a medium, but I do get these types of pants in a large if they have a drawstring.  I want them to look a little baggy/loose as opposed to skintight.  The Amazon ones hit me at the base of my ankle, which is what I prefer.  For reference, I'm between 5'8"and 5'9".  I have worn them with an older pair of Nike's and a less than a-year-old pair of Nike Pegasus, which are one of their running shoes.

Edited by sixlets
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16 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

I think we got the SAME LEGGINGS, those nice soft ones with the thin like fleece? My last Costco trip I got distracted by them on my way to get my usual eggs, spinach, vinegar.I got a grey and a black. I dont normally like leggings because they have no POCKETS, but in the colder months I have a coat/sweatshirt with a pouch so its not so bad.

Mine are Max & Mia and they are pretty soft. They were on sale for $10, so I got 3 pair - black, navy and gray. No pockets though 🥲 I pretty much wear leggings all winter and some of my old ones need to go!

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The new color is going to take some getting used to.  I like the hair, but its darker than I expected.  I’m used to light blonde. Oh well…..I can always get highlights in a couple of months.  I guess it’s good to make a change every once in a while.  It feels healthy, so thats good.  




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1 hour ago, SunnyBeBe said:

The new color is going to take some getting used to.  I like the hair, but its darker than I expected.  I’m used to light blonde. Oh well…..I can always get highlights in a couple of months.  I guess it’s good to make a change every once in a while.  




I think it's pretty!

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On 9/4/2023 at 1:08 AM, Notabug said:

Audio is also one of my starters, and, yes, I used a different starter that particular day.  It's like the app knows what I am thinking sometimes.

I use the same starter word every day, and it hasn't yet been a winner - so I can't switch to a different one because one of these days it'll be a winner and I don't want to miss it!

I'm so ridiculously obsessed with maintaining my streak (over a year) that on my mountain hiking days I Wordle on the summit (yesssss, I just verbed a noun...)! Normally I do my puzzles in the morning with my coffee (ah, retirement), but on hiking days I leave the house super early and don't have time. So it's my summit treat. My friends think I'm insane. Post-Wordle view from atop Mt. Washington in New Hampshire:


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