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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


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Can someone please help this COL out.  Why are young men wearing winter clothes in the summer. Yesterday I had a young man ( 17 or 18) come in the store. I started to greet him and he stopped me and said he just needed some air. He rides his bike back and forth in front of the store do not someone I have not seen before. He had on a black sweat suit jacket on zipped up and black jeans on. Yesterday the heat index was over one hundred so yes, you probably did need some air. Today I was coming out of Kroger and saw another young man with a tan sweat sweat suit on jacket zipped all the way up and the sweat suit pants on also. Heat index was around 107. I don't understand. 

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4 minutes ago, crazycatlady58 said:

Can someone please help this COL out.  Why are young men wearing winter clothes in the summer. Yesterday I had a young man ( 17 or 18) come in the store. I started to greet him and he stopped me and said he just needed some air. He rides his bike back and forth in front of the store do not someone I have not seen before. He had on a black sweat suit jacket on zipped up and black jeans on. Yesterday the heat index was over one hundred so yes, you probably did need some air. Today I was coming out of Kroger and saw another young man with a tan sweat sweat suit on jacket zipped all the way up and the sweat suit pants on also. Heat index was around 107. I don't understand. 

Same reason as in winter guys wearing shorts and flip flops. People are nuts.

I hope they didn’t pass out from heat stroke!

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Just now, oliviabenson said:

Same reason as in winter guys wearing shorts and flip flops. People are nuts.

I hope they didn’t pass out from heat stroke!

The guy at Kroger got in a car which hopefully has AC. The guy riding his bike in our parking lot I am going to keep an eye on. I can *almost * understand about the shorts and flip flops. If they just go from house to car and car to store they are not out in the cold that long especially since a lot of men run hot ( not looks , body temperature) so the may not feel the cold as much. I do agree with you though some people make interesting choices. 

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Update on my cousin: 

was admitted for 1 day nothing was found. They will go to a cardiologist for further tests. I think it was either a panic attack or was sick from overeating. I don’t think the doctors will be able to run tests because of cousin being stubborn.

my cousin is morbidly obese and refuses to even go outside. Can stay home for a week. Just lays in bed eating massive amounts of junk food. I told the father stop feeding them so much. I was ignored. Cousin ate 3 boxes of ice cream and drank 1 gallon of chocolate milk In barely a week. Yeahhhh. Obviously on top of everything else.

While in er at 10 am are a big sandwich, fries and a coke. I don’t think cousin was sick at all. 

At this point I’m hoping that the cousin will be put into a group home. I don’t think the mom will be capable of taking care. 

The end.


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50 minutes ago, oliviabenson said:

Update on my cousin: 

was admitted for 1 day nothing was found. They will go to a cardiologist for further tests. I think it was either a panic attack or was sick from overeating. I don’t think the doctors will be able to run tests because of cousin being stubborn.

my cousin is morbidly obese and refuses to even go outside. Can stay home for a week. Just lays in bed eating massive amounts of junk food. I told the father stop feeding them so much. I was ignored. Cousin ate 3 boxes of ice cream and drank 1 gallon of chocolate milk In barely a week. Yeahhhh. Obviously on top of everything else.

While in er at 10 am are a big sandwich, fries and a coke. I don’t think cousin was sick at all. 

At this point I’m hoping that the cousin will be put into a group home. I don’t think the mom will be capable of taking care. 

The end.


What an awful situation.  That reminds me of the situations with many 600 # Life shows.  Families enable people into overeating, people develop food addiction, start losing their mobility until some are bedridden, and develop serious health problems.  I'm sorry you have to deal with that in your family.

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7 hours ago, sixlets said:

@oliviabensonI'm so sorry to hear about your cousin's situation.  I hope the family can come to a decision that works out in the best interest of your cousin.


The cousins brother wants to put them in a group home if mom doesn’t come back. If mom comes back I don’t know what the plan is. In my opinion group home should be the final outcome. It’s extremely difficult to take care of spoiled/bossy cousin! 

Edited by oliviabenson
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18 minutes ago, crazycatlady58 said:

I would like to complain about the excessive ads on Primetimer.  I just counted 9 ads on one page.  On another page there was an ad after every post. Do I go to bugs and if so how to I get there? Thanks 

I have the same issues!

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18 minutes ago, oliviabenson said:

The cousins brother wants to put them in a group home if mom doesn’t come back. If mom comes back I don’t know what the plan is. In my opinion group home should be the final outcome. It’s extremely difficult to take care of spoiled/bossy cousin! 

Wow. You went from no living relatives (or not close to any) to reconnecting and now this happens. Is this the "tall toddler" you referenced?  Hoping it all works out. 

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14 minutes ago, lookeyloo said:

Wow. You went from no living relatives (or not close to any) to reconnecting and now this happens. Is this the "tall toddler" you referenced?  Hoping it all works out. 

Yes it’s the tall toddler. We have not reconnected at all, I’m just helping out because I’m too nice. I’m a lone wolf.

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56 minutes ago, oliviabenson said:

The cousins brother wants to put them in a group home if mom doesn’t come back. If mom comes back I don’t know what the plan is. In my opinion group home should be the final outcome. It’s extremely difficult to take care of spoiled/bossy cousin! 

Are you still off work taking care of him? And yikers, why isn't the dad stepping up?

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25 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

Are you still off work taking care of him? And yikers, why isn't the dad stepping up?

I quit. I show up once in a while for a few hours. The dad who is in the 70s is the main caregiver for the time being.

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1 hour ago, oliviabenson said:

I quit. I show up once in a while for a few hours. The dad who is in the 70s is the main caregiver for the time being.

I think that your standing up for yourself re the caregiving situation may have led them to the very good decision to put cousin in a group home. That sounds ideal to me and would take a lot of the pressure off of his aging parents. Bless you for showing up when you can as they go through this process, @oliviabenson! I know it's not easy when you are responsible for this difficult to care for cousin, but I truly believe you helped them to come to this decision. I hope cousin is ultimately happy in the group setting and that you and your family members can breathe a sigh of relief! ♥️

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In other news...I got an Apple Watch today. While I was playing with my new toy, I forgot that I was supposed to meet a friend at the movies! Now we're going to the later show instead. I switched from Android to iPhone last December. I'm kind of a rookie at this ios stuff! And one might think I'm a rookie at remembering stuff!

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Since I moved from California almost 3 years ago I have experienced, plague (Covid), severe forest fires, the threat of flood, record snowfall, pestilence (we are experiencing hoards of grasshoppers), bears roaming around in town, and now we are under an extreme heat warning.  My power went out for a few minutes, so I brought my battery-operated fans in from the garage and put new batteries in case the power goes out again.  I am planning to stay inside for the weekend, and I'm keeping my curtains closed to help keep the house cool.  Happily, I have lots of "real" books to read if the power and cable go down.  The weather should be "cooler" next week (less than 102).  I can hardly wait for the next adventure!

Everyone experiencing heat or flooding, please stay safe.
























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7 hours ago, BetyBee said:

In other news...I got an Apple Watch today. While I was playing with my new toy, I forgot that I was supposed to meet a friend at the movies! Now we're going to the later show instead. I switched from Android to iPhone last December. I'm kind of a rookie at this ios stuff! And one might think I'm a rookie at remembering stuff!

I hope you like your watch as much as I like mine.  It is so easy to pay at the grocery store without getting anything out of my purse.  In fact, I pay with my watch in about 90% of the places I shop--even the Dollar Store!

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We are in Naperville for the weekend. As we were driving back to hotel the phone blasted a tornado warning and to take cover. All seemed quiet outside but for a minute I thought we might end up in Oz. When we lived in Baton Rouge there were frequent watches, warnings, alerts etc which we mostly ignored and never saw one in the  40-ish years we were there. 

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23 hours ago, crazycatlady58 said:

I would like to complain about the excessive ads on Primetimer.  I just counted 9 ads on one page.  On another page there was an ad after every post. Do I go to bugs and if so how to I get there? Thanks 

They've said over on the bugs forum (in the overall forum list, go to "beyond TV shows" and "site business") that they're working on the issue and have locked the thread. Obviously I get how hard the people running this site are working, so this is not a complaint about them.

But it is serious overkill to have a video ad running at the top of the screen, a banner ad creeping up from the bottom of the screen, and in-line ads between every post. It's literally just banner ads covering in-line ads at this point; no hope of seeing actual content.



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9 hours ago, lookeyloo said:

We are in Naperville for the weekend. As we were driving back to hotel the phone blasted a tornado warning and to take cover. All seemed quiet outside but for a minute I thought we might end up in Oz. When we lived in Baton Rouge there were frequent watches, warnings, alerts etc which we mostly ignored and never saw one in the  40-ish years we were there. 

It seems fierce weather is inescapable this summer. I hope the weather has improved for you.

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46 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

It seems fierce weather is inescapable this summer. I hope the weather has improved for you.

So true! I've been wanting to do a road trip, that would include "camping" (not quite glamping but not backwoods boondocking) in my minivan. But the destinations I've thought about - all have worse weather than we're having here. Yikes. 

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2 hours ago, Panopticon said:

They've said over on the bugs forum (in the overall forum list, go to "beyond TV shows" and "site business") that they're working on the issue and have locked the thread. Obviously I get how hard the people running this site are working, so this is not a complaint about them.

But it is serious overkill to have a video ad running at the top of the screen, a banner ad creeping up from the bottom of the screen, and in-line ads between every post. It's literally just banner ads covering in-line ads at this point; no hope of seeing actual content.

I know ads pay for the site, but I have zero patience with the ads so I've used an ad blocker for years.  I highly recommend it for everyone if you can find a way to make one work with your setup.  Even if you turn it off when they fix problem, it will save your sanity now.

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4 hours ago, Panopticon said:

They've said over on the bugs forum (in the overall forum list, go to "beyond TV shows" and "site business") that they're working on the issue and have locked the thread. Obviously I get how hard the people running this site are working, so this is not a complaint about them.

But it is serious overkill to have a video ad running at the top of the screen, a banner ad creeping up from the bottom of the screen, and in-line ads between every post. It's literally just banner ads covering in-line ads at this point; no hope of seeing actual content.



Same here.

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You can make ad blocker specific to sites or have allowable sites.  Most of the sites that I need to not have adblocker are the tabloids and a couple of news sites.  I use a litle tab called reader mode for most of those.  You get the text, but no ads or photos.  I use a different browser for news sites I really want to see the photos or that fully block ad blocker.

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6 hours ago, Panopticon said:

They've said over on the bugs forum (in the overall forum list, go to "beyond TV shows" and "site business") that they're working on the issue and have locked the thread. Obviously I get how hard the people running this site are working, so this is not a complaint about them.

But it is serious overkill to have a video ad running at the top of the screen, a banner ad creeping up from the bottom of the screen, and in-line ads between every post. It's literally just banner ads covering in-line ads at this point; no hope of seeing actual content.



A mod in a different forum suggested starting a new thread in the Bugs forum. They promised relief by today, but I see no changes. You might want to do it, since you have receipts. 😃

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1 hour ago, Salacious Kitty said:

A mod in a different forum suggested starting a new thread in the Bugs forum. They promised relief by today, but I see no changes. You might want to do it, since you have receipts. 😃

I am.sure they are doing the as much as they can. Hopefully they get it fixed soon. I have a game I play ,( June's Journey) where you need to watch ads.

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11 minutes ago, crazycatlady58 said:

I am.sure they are doing the as much as they can. Hopefully they get it fixed soon. I have a game I play ,( June's Journey) where you need to watch ads.

I don't think they've done anything. It's all the same problems as we had when they switched ad providers.

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1 hour ago, crazycatlady58 said:

I am.sure they are doing the as much as they can. Hopefully they get it fixed soon. I have a game I play ,( June's Journey) where you need to watch ads.

You could do what I do and use one browser with no ads and a different browser for things that have to show ads.  I only have a very, very few of those sites.

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Bad news for Android users. It looks like there won't be any major changes to the pop-up situation. It ducks that there isn't an ad blocker that doesn't require a VPN. My printer won't work with one, and I print off emails rather frequently. 

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Not sure if this is the right place to post/ask, but anyone have half of their page (at the top, on the right hand side, etc) filled with ads/videos? This just started happening in the past few days. Literally the top third of the page for me is Family Feud episodes. How do I get this to go away?

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12 minutes ago, Salacious Kitty said:

Bad news for Android users. It looks like there won't be any major changes to the pop-up situation. It ducks that there isn't an ad blocker that doesn't require a VPN. My printer won't work with one, and I print off emails rather frequently. 

Can you not just disable the VPN as needed and then turn it back on when you're done? That's what I do because my printer also doesn't work with one. Granted I don't print a lot. 

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1 minute ago, woodscommaelle said:

Not sure if this is the right place to post/ask, but anyone have half of their page (at the top, on the right hand side, etc) filled with ads/videos? This just started happening in the past few days. Literally the top third of the page for me is Family Feud episodes. How do I get this to go away?

The board owners went with a new ad company. Many of their pop-ups can circumvent ad blockers. The ads can be Xed out, but it's still a PITA. 

2 minutes ago, Zella said:

Can you not just disable the VPN as needed and then turn it back on when you're done? That's what I do because my printer also doesn't work with one. Granted I don't print a lot. 

I've already turned off my phone for the evening. I'll see if this is possible on the app. 

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5 minutes ago, Salacious Kitty said:

I've already turned off my phone for the evening. I'll see if this is possible on the app. 

The ease of it may well depend on your VPN. With mine, disabling/enabling is pretty easy. 

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33 minutes ago, Zella said:

Can you not just disable the VPN as needed and then turn it back on when you're done? That's what I do because my printer also doesn't work with one. Granted I don't print a lot. 

I turn mine off and on frequently also. 

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46 minutes ago, Salacious Kitty said:

Bad news for Android users. It looks like there won't be any major changes to the pop-up situation. It ducks that there isn't an ad blocker that doesn't require a VPN. My printer won't work with one, and I print off emails rather frequently. 

I don't have to have the VPN on in Opera to have ad blocking.   I use Google as my browser currently.  I never thought about the printer not working with a VPN.  Mine doesn't seem to mind, but I will keep an eye on it turn off the VPN if necessary.  Thanks for the tip.

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28 minutes ago, CalicoKitty said:

I don't have to have the VPN on in Opera to have ad blocking.   I use Google as my browser currently.  I never thought about the printer not working with a VPN.  Mine doesn't seem to mind, but I will keep an eye on it turn off the VPN if necessary.  Thanks for the tip.

My printer is an HP. Maybe other brands can work with a VPN? 

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Have you tried the Brave browser? It works fine on my Android phone. I don't print from my phone so don't know how that all works, but the Brave browser comes with its own ad-blocking (and other protective) features, just all built-in, so you don't have to add an ad-blocker into it.

Brave also works on my iPad (IOS) and my Mac laptops. Sometimes I have to disable its "shields" on certain sites, but overall it works quite well. I was tipped off to it by a cousin who's an IT professional (he's so deep into the tech that I can't understand most of what he says, LOL) and haven't regretted using it at all.

I also have other browsers on my devices and was using Firefox on the iPad until these recent ad changes here made that a ridiculous experience.

I like that I can take down some or all of Brave's "shields" for specific sites, without having to make it a global change. IOW, the "shields" remain up by default when I visit a site where I haven't disabled them.

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11 hours ago, Salacious Kitty said:

My printer is an HP. Maybe other brands can work with a VPN? 

I have an HP tank printer.  I have had no connection issues or printing problems.  I love this printer.  It is the best I have ever had, and I have always had HPs.

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4 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

Add me to the list of people who have most of their page covered in ads. I have a ad blocker that was working until about a week ago. This is making using Primetimer an unpleasant place. 

The lack of concern by site administrators in the Bugs/Questions threads is disheartening. 🥲

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I finally had to get an ad blocker. I try to be live and let live with ads. I'm aware that they generate site revenue, and sometimes I even appreciate them. (Targeted ads think I care when Theory is on sale in case I want to fill in a gap in my work wardrobe. Targeted ads are correct, lol.)

Adding a third layer of ads is a very big deal when it eliminates the small percentage of content-dedicated space you had left on your phone screen.  And when all you can see are ads, there's no longer a point to visiting the site, so the choices became "ad blocker" and "stop coming."




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