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S01.E09: Kill Me, Kill Me, Kill Me

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I think the craziest thing in this episode was that Sam, after falling over the railing and knocking himself out cold, was alert enough to jump Rebecca and get his hands around her neck.


I think the craziest thing was Wes, suddenly given the chance to not be part of a murder, didn't bash Sam on the shoulder instead.

So, new paranoid conspiracy theory: We was planning to kill him all along. Why? Because Shonda.

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Re: Bonnie hookup

I found it weird that there was a throwaway-type line of her asking him if he sells dental equipment or something like that. Made me wonder if she needed his equipment or knowledge to help get rid of teeth/dental records.... Do we think she hooked up with him to steal something?

Edited by marcee
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marcee, I found that random as well. In fact, Bonnie's whole interaction with that guy seemed to come out of nowhere. It can't have been a complete throwaway, and your theory about needing his expertise to doctor dental records is pretty intriguing.

Edited by Gillian Rosh
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I thought it was just to establish her alibi.  "Of course you remember me, we met at the bar, I asked you questions about dental equipment."  Then she decided she couldn't go through with it, so she called up Asher for a backup alibi.

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I thought it was just to establish her alibi.  "Of course you remember me, we met at the bar, I asked you questions about dental equipment."  Then she decided she couldn't go through with it, so she called up Asher for a backup alibi.

But why would she need an alibi? She wasn't around when any of this happened. As far as we can tell, she doesn't even know it happened yet.

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I have become so desensitized to people on tv and in movies not calling the police when it would solve their issues that it does not even register with me anymore.

Well, half of the shows wouldn't work if people were actually calling the police.


I do not like the final reveal. It is waste of opportunity not to have K4+R  lie to Annalise while she mad crazy about what happened with Sam in the second half of the season. ....

Yeah, I thought so too. It was too much in the new context.

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Ok posters help me out. What exactly was Rebecca getting off of Sam's computer? Was it just emails proving Sam knew he might have been the father of Lila's baby? Because if that's all I can see how it's good for Rebecca and bad for Sam, but I fail to see how it's proof that Sam killed Lila.

Anyone think Rebecca snuck into the house at that moment because Annalise told her that the house would be clear after her car left? Just me that thinks Annalise set this whole night in motion? I'm not sure if this is exactly how she intended it to go down, but I think she purposely set up a confrontation between Rebecca and Sam for some nefarious reason.

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I think the craziest thing was Wes, suddenly given the chance to not be part of a murder, didn't bash Sam on the shoulder instead.

So, new paranoid conspiracy theory: We was planning to kill him all along. Why? Because Shonda.

I'm still waiting for the hyper shady vibe of Wes to go someplace. Normally I wouldn't hold out much hope, but we did get rewarded with the hyper social climbing vibe of Mickalya when we found out from her future MIL she does come from poor, so I'm hoping this show has an actual game plan. In addition to finding out that Wes is some sort of long game plant tied to Lila's murder I'd also like a sociopath next door story with Laurel. Girl was way too calm about the cover up. I'd love to find out she's actually a crazy bitch with no morals who just had her whole life handed to her so she never had to resort to murder and whatnot before, but she's totally down with it if need be.

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Ok posters help me out. What exactly was Rebecca getting off of Sam's computer? Was it just emails proving Sam knew he might have been the father of Lila's baby?

Not emails. The assumption is that at some point he backed up his phone to his computer. They wanted some sort of data or metadata from the phone, which I forget what fakey reason but was deleted or wiped or something such that stealing the actual phone wouldn't be helpful (nor apparently would having Lila's phone instead, since until very recently, they had that), but they assumed Sam wasn't smart enough to remove his backups. Possibly texts? Or location data about the phone to place him at/near the scene? Basically they wanted stuff they could've probably gotten from the phone records if they'd had a warrant for such a thing which they of course did not.

Edited by theatremouse
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Ok posters help me out. What exactly was Rebecca getting off of Sam's computer? Was it just emails proving Sam knew he might have been the father of Lila's baby?



Not emails. The assumption is that at some point he backed up his phone to his computer. They wanted some sort of data or metadata from the phone, which I forget what fakey reason but was deleted or wiped or something


Or, as the EW.com recapper called it, GIVD - Generic Incriminating Villain Data.

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I still suspect that Wes could be evil...even if the baby belongs to Sam, it sure doesn't prove he killed her.

I agree, something has always been off with Wes, and having seen the actor in other things, it's not just his acting or movements, something is definitely there. I still say that when all is said and done, Wes will be revealed to be the ultimate manipulator. I also agree about Sam not being Lila's killer. I haven't thought he was for a few episodes, but his reaction to Annalise accusing him sealed the deal for me. What I got from his response during the fight was, "So now I'm so evil that you actually blame me for murder to deflect from your ish."

No. I am wondering if he is Sam's son. Remember Wes going on and on about his mother? Well, I think there is a reason that we know that Wes's mother committed suicide...maybe because her first husband left her for another woman around the time Wes was born?

Its a reach, but I am going back to why were told that nugget of information.

I have vacillated between thinking he is Annalise's son versus Sam's son.

I too think that Wes is going to be revealed as Sam's son and that will have something to do with his presence on the scene. There is a reason we got the, "I was wait-listed, added to the school and the class at the last minute" intro. To his character along with the timeline of Analise and Sam relationship. Had Sam's first wife been pregnant as the relationship ended , the kid would be anout Wes's age. There is also a reason we got the mother committed suicide reveal -- adding to Wes's presence to destroy Annalise and Sam.

I also think it is possible that he is Annalise and Sam's son. We know about current fertility issues but that does not preclude her from giving birth earlier (plenty of women have fertility issues after a healthy birth, if there were complications or scarring). In fact her comments about the affair and her inability to have children gets a new depth if Annalise let Sam think she aborted a pregnancy that could have complicated things for him prior to his divorce and now can't have kids, or she knows she gave the only kid she could ever have away. It also plays into her telling her fertility issues to Wes, which still doesn't ring true knowing what we have seen of Annalise as a person.

I actually think they could easily create a reason for this that would be believable. The early episodes, in my opinion, clearly showed that there was a closer connection between Griffin and Rebecca that seemed to go away as the season went on. I still think there was more to the Rebecca and Griffin, as in they were likely hooking up and I think the flashbacks make it clear that Lila was unaware of this if it really was happening. As I said before, I still don't remember Rebecca ever being asked about Griffin's version of events that night, that she deliberately set it up so Lila would catch her and Griffin together. If she and Lila were supposedly so close, why would she have done that to her?

And I still say it's odd that Lila's body was found the same place that seemed to be their secret hanging out spot. In my opinion, outside of Annalise and Sam, and even more so than Annalise, Rebecca is the most believable murderer. And putting my natural hatred and wanting her gone aside, it would be the ultimate soapy goodness twist in my opinion. That basically all this started because that fool Wes got so blinded by this girl and turns out she was guilty the whole time.

I have felt for some time that Rebecca actually did kill Lila. The motive isn't even a stretch, they gave us all we need. Rebecca was screwing Lila's "boyfriend." It would not be the first time a woman, at least in Hollywood, tricks her dupe boyfriend into thinking he is the father of another man's child by conveniently screwing him. Lila hatching such a plan appears at Griifin's to discover him and Rebecca. Remember that Wes found out about Rebecca and her connection to the dealer world via Lila's phone which Rebecca hid in his apartment. Lila threatens to turn Rebecca into the cops with the promise that, "Trash like you will be easy to get locked up." As Rebecca said when she confessed to Lila's murder, a girl like her has no chance against people like that. It just so happened her confession was real. I also don't think it was a coincidence that the scene where Rebecca and Lila were on the roof looked like where Lila's body was found. We have also seen clear evidence of her seemingly manipulating Wes with her poor me thing. Also remember the scene in the courtroom where the hired expert said the hands that strangled Lila were small. I know he was paid by the other side, but Rebecca immediately hid her hands under the table after that was said, almost like a subconscious, "They got me" moment. The stage has been set.

My theory is that Annalise called Bonnie sometime during her make out with the hotel bar guy and told her she needed to secure Asher, the wild card of the evening who could possibly disrupt the Wes/Annalise conspiracy. Like Frank, Bonnie is more aware of what was going on that evening than has yet been shown.

I too think Bonnie got with Asher after getting the, "The ish has hit the fan" call from Annalise. Someone had to distract Asher from the immediate connection of Connor's car being at Annalise's house. Remember because of the sex thing and the bonfire, Asher forgets key things that he will eventually piece together if he is smart. First, he doesn't mention the theft of the statue. Second, he doesn't connect the car at the house. Third, the text message of I think Michaela at the library, which is going to come into play. Was the library even open on the night in question. Last, on some subconscious level, he might actually have seen the conspirators in the car. We are shown all of the things with Asher for a reason.

Edited by Happytobehere
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Rebecca and Lila were definitely meeting on the roof of the sorority house, which was where Lila's body was found (in the water tank). During one of the scenes, Rebecca mentioned having to walk by a bunch of twerking sorority girls or something. But this definitely adds to things that could make Rebecca guilty.


Also, idk how Lila would ever be able to dupe Griffin into thinking that the baby was his. As far as we've been told, they had a virginity pact. Unless Griffin is as dumb as Finn was when Quinn got pregnant on Glee, there's no way, based on what we're currently supposed to believe, that he would think he was the father.

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Also, idk how Lila would ever be able to dupe Griffin into thinking that the baby was his. As far as we've been told, they had a virginity pact. Unless Griffin is as dumb as Finn was when Quinn got pregnant on Glee, there's no way, based on what we're currently supposed to believe, that he would think he was the father.

He was also screwing Rebecca; virginity pact or not, seems plausible he also had sex with Lila at some point after she first had sex with Sam (and told Rebecca all about it) but before she was murdered. Plus who's to say she even intended to try to convince him of that?

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He was also screwing Rebecca; virginity pact or not, seems plausible he also had sex with Lila at some point after she first had sex with Sam (and told Rebecca all about it) but before she was murdered. Plus who's to say she even intended to try to convince him of that?


The poster above me had mentioned something about Lila possibly trying to pass her baby off as Griffin's. And, idk, I still don't think they ever slept together. I feel like that would be something she would have mentioned to Rebecca. I mean, she confessed to having an affair with a married man, no reason for her not to drop something like "oh yeah by the way me and Griffin have totally banged." Also, when she showed up at Annalise's the night she was murdered, she seemed pretty convinced that Sam was the father, which would definitely be true if he was the only man she'd slept with.


And I'm still inclined to believe the virginity pact. My theory is that they ended up sleeping with different people (Lila with Sam, Griffin with Rebecca) because they both actually wanted to have sex but were afraid that the other one wouldn't relent, so they found sex elsewhere. Plus, I'm not even convinced Rebecca and Griffin actually slept together (though why she would mention that as part of her defense if it wasn't true doesn't make much sense). This is the kind of show where unless we've actually seen it happen, there's a very real possibility it hasn't.

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Is it wrong that I'm not that into this? I gave it a shot. This is my first Shonda Rimes show. I like soaps and crime procedurals. I want to like the thing that everyone likes that has twitter abuzz. I loved Viola Davis' performance. The show was problematic but I was interested to see where some of those ideas about race and gender were going. There were some nice twists with the specific court cases. But the flashbacks all season were driving me crazy and I feel like the students haven't really developed that much past their initial stereotypes. More has happened to them and we've learned more about them but the aren't much more real than they were in episode 1. Also, there's too much sex. That isn't me being a prude. It's just that most of the time the sex doesn't serve a purpose. It's not even that salacious anymore. Enough. It's like the had a quota to fill. I appreciate them showing all different kinds of relationships but I don't care anymore. Finally, while I won't say that the show is outright misogynistic there are things that are said sometimes that just make me really uncomfortable to be watching. I like the show that's funny and presents court cases full of twists. The other show with it's big mystery kind of bores me. All in all, it's just not that entertaining to me. 

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Sam's argument that Annalise was an easy piece of ass made no sense, they why would he have married her? 


Maybe Annalise got pregnant and Sam felt obligated to marry her? Annalise did mention miscarriages (emphasis on the plural). 



Despite all the over the top absurd things that go on on this show if we find out that Wes has any connection to either Anna or Sam I will be done.  Long lost son of either of them?  Naw, not buying it.


I think the craziest thing in this episode was that Sam, after falling over the railing and knocking himself out cold, was alert enough to jump Rebecca and get his hands around her neck.




...then Annalise would have to be Wes' mother.  Someone in the show alluded to that and then Michaela told that person something like, "yeah, because all black people know each other."  Wouldn't it be funny if Wes really was Annalise's son...yikes.  

Unless Annalise is supposed to be of Caribbean descent, how can the show establish that she is the bio-mom of Wes, if Wes said he was born in Haiti? (Are we supposed to assume he is of Haitian descent or he just happened to be born there?)


Maybe Wes's biomom was one of Sam's jumpoffs whose heart was broken when Sam didn't claim her and their son. 


Also, I don't understand how Sam's swan dive over the railing didn't kill him off the bat. Didn't he go over head first? Had he landed on his head, he would have been a goner, no?


Here's what I don't get - How did Annalise go to firing Bonnie over Sam to bringing her back into the fold once she "discovered" that Sam was "missing"?

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Is there one character in this mess that has any redeeming qualities?



He felt left out and dissed when he saw the "pictures" of the Scooby Gang "partying" at the bonfire. He may not know it now, but he should be grateful. He also should be grateful that the trophy once "found" by Frank didn't automatically go back to him. Maybe he can cry on Bonnie's shoulder and commiserate about how mean Professor Keating and the others associated with her are.

Edited by discoprincess
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I am honestly so looking forward to Asher's relief twerking session when all this hits the fan. Cuz I think he definitely feels annoyed/hurt about being "left out" by the others when it's actually the best thing that ever happened to him.

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He felt left out and dissed when he saw the "pictures" of the Scooby Gang "partying" at the bonfire. He may not know it now, but he should be grateful. He also should be grateful that the trophy once "found" by Frank didn't automatically go back to him. Maybe he can cry on Bonnie's shoulder and commiserate about how mean Professor Keating and the others associated with her are.


I gave him lots of bonus points for making sure that Bonnie was totally in control of her facilities before making out with her.  Not even a glimmer of date-rape for Mr Asher.

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Wes killing Sam wasn't a twist at all, rather underwhelming. Annalise knowing Sam was murdered and pulling the strings was far better. Still disappointed by how the rest of the Scooby Gang was involved though. They could all have left right after Sam fell from the stairs, and pretend they were never there, nobody would have known. The only way I see that possible would be if they didn't trust each other to keep their mouth shut and that all of them panicked and forgot common sense.


Maybe they'll try to re-explain it better in future episodes, but still, it isn't convincing in the least.


Sam raising from the dead to strangle Rebecca was cheesy as hell, straight out of a Z horror movie.


I still don't like Rebecca and don't get why she decided to still climb the stairs while Sam was there. Michaela not calling the cops while Sam attacked Rebecca made little sense. And Wes, pressuring the others to be involved just to protect Rebecca, is just getting on my nerves. 

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Why did Michaela just sign the prenup? Did Aiden know about the prenup? Was it his idea? Did they even discuss it before she signed it? Why didn't Michaela try to negotiate some terms? It's not like Michaela didn't have a bargaining chip (Aiden's experimentation). Maybe I missed something. 

Edited by discoprincess
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Why did Michaela just sign the prenup? Did Aiden know about the prenup? Was it his idea? Did they even discuss it before she signed it? Why didn't Michaela try to negotiate some terms? It's not like Michaela didn't have a bargaining chip (Aiden's experimentation). Maybe I missed something. 


She had just taken part in disposing of a body and covering up a murder before she signed the prenup... I think she wanted to get it signed so she can get married to give herself the security and/or protection of the family she's marrying into. Maybe to make herself seem more of a credible witness should any questions about Sam be asked.

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Wes saying that it was ok Sam was dead because he was going to let Rebecca go to jail for killing Lila was so WTF for me. Um, Wes - weren't you a-ok with Annalise planting evidence in Griffin's car? I like Wes, but he can have all the seats on that one.

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Y'all are killing me, another lawyer here, but my fellow attorneys have said it all. I usually have no problem suspending belief for tv and movies, but these dummies were too much. It's all been said, but why would anyone put themselves in jeopardy for Rebecca or Wes' sake? It boggles the mind.


What is up with Bonnie and the anonymous sex? Next she'll be cutting herself, so edgy (no offense to cutters, and no pun intended). Hate Borel, Frank deserves so much better, and so does the legal aid guy. She tries to be earnest, but I find it grating and despearte, ugggghhh. Enough said about Wes and Rebecca, they suck. Asher and Oliver are the only likeable characters. More shots of Nate in various states of undress please, that is all.

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Now that was a great episode. So many twists and turns.

First it looked like Michaela did Sam in when he went over the banister and then we had Wes bash his brains in with the trophy. The last scene with Annalise being aware of Sam's death and covering herself with that phone call to Bonnie was smooth though.

They made Sam into a bit of a monster before killing him off though - that confrontation with Annalise and the fact that he nearly strangled Rebecca to death as well.

Liked the way all the flashforwards were pieced together during the episode as well.

Connor pretending to Oliver he's a drug addict, I didn't expect either along with Michaela signing the prenup.

Annalise hooking up again with Nate. I still think something's off with him.

Nice we got more insight into the hook up with Bonnie and Asher though in this episode. The Laurel/Frank stuff was decent enough too.

I really enjoyed that and it will be interesting to see if they actually can get away with murder and of course who actually killed Lila, 9/10

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Don't understand presenting Annalise as so "strong" then having her so weak and needy when it comes to Sam,  Shonda's weird female/male dynamics comes out once again.


Sam was a pig, but I knew once they offed him they had to make him such an irredeemable cad to justify his death.    Annalise getting murderers off the hook isn't as morally questionable I suppose.

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The thing I can't get behind is that this was written on the fly, it was never laid out as a seaon where this is what is going to happen, and here's how it happened. So I think we can speculate and such, but I think that all the posters are putting more meaning into the events than the writer's did.

I really enjoy reading everyone's comments though!

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The thing I can't get behind is that this was written on the fly, it was never laid out as a seaon where this is what is going to happen, and here's how it happened. So I think we can speculate and such, but I think that all the posters are putting more meaning into the events than the writer's did.


Agreed.  I stopped watching live after episode 4 because I thought binge-watching several episodes would make the writing seem more cohesive. After watching all 9 episodes within the past 3 days, I can decisively say it's still a mess.  There are several things in earlier episodes that didn't at all pay off in the finale, especially the behavior of characters like Sam, Annalise, and Rebecca.  Perhaps they will be explained by the end of the season, but I'm not invested enough to found out.    

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