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S11.E07: Could We Start Again, Please?


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The EMTs told them she was dead, so I guess they assumed the pulse had already been checked.  EMTs should be trained to do that and make the correct call.

That guy had a bear trap grip on his wife, it didn't look like the EMTs could even get to her neck and they may not have been able to feel a pulse on her wrist if it was as weak as Meredith said.

Jo was pouting in a separate room like she was a 5-year-old. Join the effing party, then you won't feel so left out! Alex isn't her babysitter and I don't think it's his responsibility to monitor if she's feeling left out. She has to exercise some agency herself.


I don't think it's a case of Alex being oblivious so much as it is Jo stewing in silence and then being passive-aggressive then screaming at him (like last episode where she yelled about how she had nowhere to go if they broke up). I can't stand Alex and even I think he did nothing wrong in this episode w/r/t Jo and their relationship.


Totally agree... Even if she didn't want to drink with her bosses she could have called Stephanie round or gone out with Stephanie and had her own fun. She didn't have to sit there looking and pouting.

  • Love 3

I totally thought if was a blow-up doll or something. Actually said aloud "that doesn't even look like a real person". To my cat. Because I am apparently a sad, single, live by myself with cats, person. I guess I need to go yell at Meredith or something.

I'm pretty sure it was a mannequin until the not dead part. The way she was strapped to the gurney made it look like it to me anyway.

Totally agree... Even if she didn't want to drink with her bosses she could have called Stephanie round or gone out with Stephanie and had her own fun. She didn't have to sit there looking and pouting.

I would love Jerrika Hinton's job. $100,000 (roughly) per episode to do a whole lot of nothing and wearing scrubs all day.

Edited by CED9

So did I understand correctly that the dinner never happened because Derek and Meredith were too busy screwing?  


The NA story line with Amelia was obnoxious.  I know they have no Human Resources department (after the "don't sleep with nurses" episode) but that whole situation was handled all kinds of wrong.  Some patient starts yelling and suddenly all the staff are standing around tittering?  Yeah, okay.


I liked the ending a lot but it makes me wish they hadn't bother to introduce children because I couldn't help but wonder where the hell Callie and Arizona's kid was when they were both at Alex's house.  I'm surprised Callie didn't say, "Where's our kid?  Isn't it your night?"

  • Love 1

I liked the ending a lot but it makes me wish they hadn't bother to introduce children because I couldn't help but wonder where the hell Callie and Arizona's kid was when they were both at Alex's house.  I'm surprised Callie didn't say, "Where's our kid?  Isn't it your night?"


Never seeing Sofia, Zola and Baby Bailey while both parents are at work or drinking until all hours bugs me. Either the daycare is open 24 hours or there's a mystery nanny for both families who has never been mentioned, although Derek has been going home to the kids instead of going out he's still out at work for very long hours. 


How old is Zola now? Should she be starting school soon? 


I don't mind never seeing Bailey's kid though as he's school age, has an off-screen dad that he could be with and we don't see Bailey out socialising too much. 

Edited by PrincessTT

I really liked this episode. I'm enjoying this season in it's entirety.


I liked Jo last night. It reminded me of the early years where Bailey is actually a teacher and not being a pain in the ass. I got the impression that she may have been trying to study in the other room and that's why she wasn't trying to hang out with them. Also, they're also all her bosses and owners of the hospital. I get why she may not want to drink with them and listen to how they've all slept with each other (that was a funny scene though). She also may have wanted to tell Alex about her surgery and how it went but obviously his time was again consumed by Meredith and now Arizona is moving in. In Alex's defense it is his house and he's just being a good friend and it is his house so I don't know, maybe she should start staying at her own place or else just tell him in advance when she wants him to herself...


I have a horrible feeling that they're going to drudge up Stephanie/Jackson again at some point this season. I noticed how she kept giving him the side eye while he talked to Derek about the baby. I'm waiting for something horrible to happen that coincides with Sarah Drew's maternity leave so that Jackson/April can split again and he can start sleeping with Stephanie until she returns.

Anyway, I think the show is over if either PD or EP leave.


I think the show is over if EP leaves - for sure.  But I think it can weather PD leaving, especially if Justin Chambers stays.  Who knows, if Sandra Oh's career hasn't picked up like she'd hoped, maybe they could lure her back.  My problem would be how they handle Meredith without Derek.  Will they simply have a long distance relationship - tolerable to me.  If we see bar hopping Meredith on the prowl while her kids are in limbo - probably not tolerable.


 In Alex's defense it is his house and he's just being a good friend and it is his house so I don't know, maybe she should start staying at her own place or else just tell him in advance when she wants him to herself...


I feel bad for Jo on principle.  The problem is, I liked everybody at that house more than Jo, so it's hard for me to be bothered.  She clearly has issues regarding Alex's house.  It's her conversation to have with Alex.  She needs to clarify things - does she have any authority in the house, does she have a say in what happens in the house, etc.  If he considers it "their" house, she should have a say in things.  If he doesn't feel that way, maybe she needs to reconsider things.  I felt for her a little because I am not the type to push my way in where I may feel unwelcomed.  But Jo's a tough girl and I'm finding it hard to believe that she can't stand up for herself.

I wonder if Meredith realized that Maggie had very little interest in having a sisterly bonding/family dinner and just wanted to come over to escape her future as a cat lady.

I'm pretty sure that was part of the reason Meredith invited her to Alex's that night.  She said it herself, she's horrifically bad at the sister thing but being friendly with the new cardio surgeon is something she can handle.  It takes the pressure off.


Chief of Hypocrisy Hunt doesn't have a leg to stand on in terms of wanting to fire Amelia for being a recovering-as in 'not active'-  addict with a demonstrated ability to do her job (I'd try to predict how long she's been clean, but the timelines on Shonda's shows make my brain hurt), since his PTSD period made him as much of a potential danger to patients as Amelia's drug past make her. 

I think the problem was the conversation (and I do use the term lightly) he heard at the desk made it seem like Amelia was either currently an addict or very, very recently sober.  Had Derek given him the Amelia is in recovery and doing well speech when Owen asked he likely would have dropped it then and there.

My favourite "Derek is a Dick" moment from the night has to be when he smugly tells the daughter that he fixed her mother's spinal fluid leak (?) without opening her skull and looks all pissed that Owen and Whatsherface don't immediately fawn all over him and tell him how awesome he is.  It's actually pretty great work by PD, it's all in the facial expression and he nailed it.

Edited by rachel1496
  • Love 2


I think the problem was the conversation (and I do use the term lightly) he heard at the desk made it seem like Amelia was either currently an addict or very, very recently sober.  Had Derek given him the Amelia is in recovery and doing well speech when Owen asked he likely would have dropped it then and there.

Owen went to Amelia first, and she blanked him. If she had stood up for herself like a GROWN-ASS WOMAN, he wouldn't have had to go to Derek.

  • Love 7

 I love how people screw up or don't know if they screw up and the attending doctors and people who know better just sit there and look like a deer in the headlights. I also get a kick that Geena Davis's doctors said she needed aggressive radiation therapy but don't:


A) Tell her to stop doing surgery.

B) Keep saying she has 6 months to live but are doing the therapy to begin with when they know she is going to die soon.

C) Doesn't seek both Shepherds who are well known brain surgeons about her condition.

D) That now that a patient is dead and other fellowship intern is an idiot that Arizona of course isn't going to tell Owen or anyone else that she could collapse or have a seizure or screw up a patient case like this one at a moments notice. Because you know, she chose her to be special. 


 Its just bad! Its going to take her falling to the floor in the middle of a surgery and have both mother and baby die and then the truth come out because when they rush her out of the operating room. They are going to see the tumor and Derek and Amelia are going to go: "Why didn't we know about this?"

And the mother and baby will be April and child, only it will be near death instead of actual death. 


I still cannot deal with whatever the heck Davis has done to her face. 


Arizona "protecting" Davis to further her career is as wretched as Meredith keeping Weber's drinking a secret to enjoy his private surgical lessons. Gross gross gross.



Derek continues to annoy me and the sad part is I can't even care enough to figure him out. It was very douchey of him not to speak up immediately for Amelia. If he legitimately thought her issues were a problem, that's one thing, but he subconsciously-but-not-really saw an opportunity to get his job back from her? Had a moment where a thought kind of races through your mind like "Everyone knows that Amelia's a drug addict this can't be good for her job the board will probably want to fire her now hey they might give the job back to me I really liked that job and I have nothing else to be excited about my hair is pretty" and then he just let his silence speak for itself. Not cool, McTurdy, not cool.


Remember when he was chief and Meredith came to him excited about a surgery and he pulled rank and stole it from her because he was jealous? He never changes. He does what he wants and then sometimes says sorry. Anyone he helps he has to resent a little. And his line about how all he does is hurt people and he can't get control of it? How far are you going back, Derek. Ready to own the last 11 years yet??



They are all related through sex, which means Maggie will be sleeping with which of them soon...


Jo is totally out of her league sleeping with her boss. She SHOULD feel left out, she IS left out. Meredith had it easier sleeping with Derek because he is the dick with no friends so she didn't have to share him with his colleagues. Just like Bailey had not a single friend from her class. But anyone in Meredith's orbit has to put their loved ones aside for her, and Alex is most definitely in her orbit. I much preferred the friendship between Christina and Alex than this one with Queen Mer.

Edited by Chewy101
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I don't really want to watch a show about parents going home to their kids, feeding them, bathing them, storytime and bed.  I like seeing adults interact with people not limited to their spouses.  I have to suspend a lot of disbelief to watch this show;  childcare issues are the least of it. 


Neither do I, I just wish they would throw in a line about hiring a nanny or having someone watch the kids so that it doesn't look like they've just disappeared.


Last season, Sofia was 3 1/2 and Arizona mentioned she was in preschool, so Zola is probably 4ish and in school.


Which makes it even more unrealistic that they don't have someone helping with the school-run / after-school care.


Owen went to Amelia first, and she blanked him. If she had stood up for herself like a GROWN-ASS WOMAN, he wouldn't have had to go to Derek.


She was under no obligation to stand up for herself though, after she spoke to Webber he pretty much told her that as long as she had done nothing wrong it was no-one else's business. 


However, I do agree that she could have made it all go away quickly if she had just told Owen the truth about the situation. 


I think she was caught off-guard though with the way she was 'outed', plus she had assumed that Derek had cleared her past with Owen and the board before he gave her the job. 

I feel bad for Jo on principle.  The problem is, I liked everybody at that house more than Jo, so it's hard for me to be bothered.  She clearly has issues regarding Alex's house.  It's her conversation to have with Alex.  She needs to clarify things - does she have any authority in the house, does she have a say in what happens in the house, etc.  If he considers it "their" house, she should have a say in things.  If he doesn't feel that way, maybe she needs to reconsider things.  I felt for her a little because I am not the type to push my way in where I may feel unwelcomed.  But Jo's a tough girl and I'm finding it hard to believe that she can't stand up for herself.


I would have maybe said the same thing last season or before (except for Maggie, I have less than no use for her).  But Callie has been more obnoxious than usual and Meredith has been more self absorbed, so as much as I would have loved such a scene in the past, they all kind of annoyed me.  I wouldn't be surprised if they just showed up without calling first, after all, Mer still considers it her house and is apparently allowed to come and go as she pleases.  So Jo is trying to study, and here come her bosses, one of whom can't remember her name and the other who kicks her out of bed and marches through the house like she owns it.  And all of that seems to be perfectly fine with her boyfriend, who just last season was supposedly proposing and/or terrified of coming on too strong lest he scare her off.  Maybe he decided to go another direction with it and ignore her completely LOL!  It seems to be working!


Seriously, though, Jo should definitely mention something to Alex, and maybe she has or has tried to, when he isn't with Meredith or worrying about his career, never mind hers.  He is so oblivious this season and any storyline concerning him or them as a couple has either been written inconsistently or has been dropped altogether.  Shocking, I know.  I just hope they wrap it all up soon or just drop it and they get something better in the next batch.


I have a horrible feeling that they're going to drudge up Stephanie/Jackson again at some point this season. I noticed how she kept giving him the side eye while he talked to Derek about the baby. I'm waiting for something horrible to happen that coincides with Sarah Drew's maternity leave so that Jackson/April can split again and he can start sleeping with Stephanie until she returns.


I would be really surprised if they did.  Cheating is one thing, but there really is no coming back from cheating on your pregnant/mother of your infant wife.  I prefer Jackson when he isn't St. Jackson, Heir to McDreamy, but that is going a little far, even for me.

Edited by Deanie87
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The only real issue I had with the house scene was everyone going quiet when they saw Arizona. Way to hit it home that everyone would be on Callie's side no matter what, and how sadly isolated she is.

Though, in Dr. Geena Davis, Arizona has found another lonely closed off isolated soul.

Which makes it even more unrealistic that they don't have someone helping with the school-run / after-school care

I could see that as an issue with MD as they live in bumfuck middle of nowhere, but C/A have mentioned their plethora of babysitters, and that house is presumably in a family friendly neighborhood.

Edited by CED9


I don't really want to watch a show about parents going home to their kids, feeding them, bathing them, storytime and bed.  I like seeing adults interact with people not limited to their spouses.

I don't either, but I do want to see a sensible explanation for how we've gone from last season - when Meredith was so overwhelmed with being a mommy and a surgeon that Derek offered to step back from his job - to now, where Meredith is spending the evenings drinking with Alex and begging Derek to go to DC? Have they retconned a nanny in there somewhere?


Managing a dual-career household is one of the few relatable issues I see in this show, and I don't understand why Shonda and the writers can't handle it more intelligently.

  • Love 1

That's a good point. Amelia's been in the house with them, and Shondra seems to think that a 3rd working adult in the household solves all problems.  I don't think it's evil that Meredith is with her friends once per episode, to me it's showing she's disconnected from Derek.  And it's enjoyable to watch her have friends other than Christina.


Initially, Arizona had a great group of friends.  If she dropped them when she got married, then she's learned a valuable lesson.  Callie was very much on her own initially, and she's really made a family of her work friends.  

  • Love 1

Last season, Sofia was 3 1/2 and Arizona mentioned she was in preschool, so Zola is probably 4ish and in school.


I've always been under the impression that the girls are very close to the same age.  Sofia was born a couple of episodes before the African orphans storyline began.  Zola was an infant less than 1 year old when she came to SGMW--her first birthday was celebrated in mid season 8.  So they're less than a year apart in age and likely at the same level for starting school.


Does anyone know who the actor who played Papa Shep in the flashbacks was?  He looked so familiar to me, but I can't figure out who he is.


My cat and I are offended that Maggie (and apparently Shonda!) thinks that females who own cats and live alone are losers!

As a mother of three, I find it hard to believe that Mer/Der had a marathon lovemaking session that lasted from whatever time the dinner was scheduled until morning (she said they were up all night) with nary a mention or hint of any children.  I can't imagine (though maybe we're supposed to believe this) that Amelia was looking after them.  So this is off-the-charts unrealistic, even for these folks who clearly inhabit another universe in regards to child care.


Jo:  Alex is a man, which means he's stupid about feelings.  Tell him how you feel, often and loudly, if you want different results.


I'm going a little against the grain here by saying that I can somewhat understand how Owen would be leery of Amelia's drug-using past, especially when she was so publically outed.  Doubly especially when she refused to discuss it with him.  Yes, she is in recovery but if something bad happens, Hunt and the hospital will be responsible as well.


I can't stand Arizona and really don't understand why Callie stayed with her as long as she did.  However, I'm kind of glad she found a place to stay.  It always amuses me that they act like none of these doctors couldn't go rent an apartment with the salaries you know they draw.  Very unrealistic.

  • Love 2

Owen went to Amelia first, and she blanked him. If she had stood up for herself like a GROWN-ASS WOMAN, he wouldn't have had to go to Derek.

True, let me rephrase.  If Amelia or Derek had said something the issue would likely have been dropped.  I didn't get the feeling that Owen wanted Amelia fired because she's a recovering drug addict as much as he had the mistaken impression that her drug addiction was something much more recent and no one said anything to correct him on that.

  • Love 1

I don't either, but I do want to see a sensible explanation for how we've gone from last season - when Meredith was so overwhelmed with being a mommy and a surgeon that Derek offered to step back from his job - to now, where Meredith is spending the evenings drinking with Alex and begging Derek to go to DC? Have they retconned a nanny in there somewhere?


Managing a dual-career household is one of the few relatable issues I see in this show, and I don't understand why Shonda and the writers can't handle it more intelligently.


Unless the intent is to show neglectful parents, they could easily throw a line in here and there.  Meredith could glance at her watch, then mention she was trying to get home to the kids, but they're in bed now - hey, want to get a drink?  Or even - Zola and I had a tea party at breakfast, so I can party tonight.  Whatever.  Sofia can be on a play date.  They're all so little it's not like they're on sleepovers. When Arizona walked in and saw Callie, wouldn't she at least wonder where Sofia is?  Why don't the writers realize that we remember they have children?  They could Skype or facetime, allowing the audience to see brief interactions with the kids.  And the kids don't necessarily have to be on set during these scenes.  Or even one of the parents taking a break between cases to pop up to the daycare.  Isn't in the hospital for heaven's sake.  I don't want to see lots of the kids, but I do enjoy seeing their little faces once in a while.

So did I understand correctly that the dinner never happened because Derek and Meredith were too busy screwing? 


It wasn't just that though, because Derek did come and open the door after Webber and Maggie had only been talking outside for a couple minutes.  It's just that in those few minutes Maggie told off Webber, and then walked away.


They were just a few minutes late because they were too busy screwing.  And then I guess went back to screwing instead of walking after Maggie to get her to stay

  • Love 1


Initially, Arizona had a great group of friends.  If she dropped them when she got married, then she's learned a valuable lesson.  Callie was very much on her own initially, and she's really made a family of her work friends.

I don't think its ever been mentioned that Arizona had a great group of friends pre-Callie. All we know about her life before Callie outside of being Hopkins was that her brother died serving our country, she's close with her parents, she comes from a military family and she slept around. In the documentary episode she pretty such said the reason why she applied for the Africa fellowship was because she had nothing keeping her in Seattle 'till she met Callie. The only people she really socialized with besides Callie was Bailey and Teddy and last season she became friends with April. As close as she is with Alex we have rarely see them interact outside the hospital.

Edited by choclatechip45

I don't think its ever been mentioned that Arizona had a great group of friends pre-Callie. All we know about her life before Callie outside of being Hopkins was that her brother died serving our country, she's close with her parents, she comes from a military family and she slept around. In the documentary episode she pretty such said the reason why she applied for the Africa fellowship was because she had nothing keeping her in Seattle 'till she met Callie. The only people she really socialized with besides Callie was Bailey and Teddy and last season she became friends with April. As close as she is with Alex we have rarely see them interact outside the hospital.

Early on in their relationship (S6 maybe?) Callie made a fleeting mention of Arizona's "circle of lesbian friends" but I was never under the impression they were "good" friends. But, it does bother me (not a lot, but still bothersome) that Arizona is basically just interacting with heteros onscreen. That's partially why i wouldn't mind if they made Maggie not so straight.

I think what really bothered me about Jo was her passive aggressive pouting.  Talk to Alex after and tell him you have a problem with it.  He's not going to guess based on your glaring from the other room.


Although, I did like Jo telling Bailey there was something wrong with her once Bailey told her she knew she'd done everything during the surgery.


I think everybody got quiet when Arizona arrived because they realized how awkward it was going to be with Callie already there and not because they were all on Callie's side.


Maybe I'm just reading into the look, but Maggie seemed quite interested in Callie's reaction to Arizona being there.

Owen went to Amelia first, and she blanked him. If she had stood up for herself like a GROWN-ASS WOMAN, he wouldn't have had to go to Derek.

This was a super awkward situation, and I kind of sympathize with all involved (Less so Derek, but at least he came around and did the right thing in the end). From Owen's perspective, he's just heard this news, with no context as to when, how bad, how she's doing now, etc. Obviously, he's going to want to know what the situation is, and whether or not having her in her role is going to risk patients. Given the responses he got from both Amelia and Derek, I can't really blame him for taking the most risk-mitigating route of replacing her.


As for her, while it may be true that she has no legal obligation to disclose anything if she's not currently doing anything to put patients in danger, sometimes, legal rights are not the only concern. At the point when Owen tried to talk to her, the damage was done as far as keeping the drug problems to herself goes. I don't think anyone, Owen included, would have expected her to open up in great detail about everything, but she could have told him, "I'm recovering; I've been sober for X amount of time; there is no cause for concern." Yes, that stuff is personal, and perhaps she shouldn't have to defend herself, according to the law, but it probably would have been in her best interests to say something to put his mind at ease about the situation. Much as we all vaunt the legal notion that not saying anything is not the same as an admission of guilt, the unfortunate reality is that sometimes it comes across that way. Her not saying anything made it sound like she might very well still be using. Is that a fair assumption? Perhaps not, but it's the one that humans would be inclined to make. Especially humans in charge of many patients.


And as for Maggie, while her sad sack tale of woe and lack of understanding of the concept of leftovers was eyeroll inducing, at least for once, her reason for being pissed off with someone was legit.

When Callie and Arizona were first flirting, we saw Arizona at Joe's with a large group of women, and the vibe and conversation was that they were a regular group of friends.  Callie's stated at least once that Arizona had a number of lesbian friends, as if that made her a better lesbian. No mention of these women in years.

When Callie and Arizona were first flirting, we saw Arizona at Joe's with a large group of women, and the vibe and conversation was that they were a regular group of friends.  Callie's stated at least once that Arizona had a number of lesbian friends, as if that made her a better lesbian. No mention of these women in years.


To be fair to Arizona, every single Dr at the hospital seems to have dropped their outside-hospital friends... They only have "other" friends when they show up at the hospital in need of treatment. 

To be fair to Arizona, every single Dr at the hospital seems to have dropped their outside-hospital friends... They only have "other" friends when they show up at the hospital in need of treatment.


I find this one of the easier things to believe. Most of them aren't from Seattle and they moved there for their residency. Once there they worked tons of hours and spent all their time at the hospital. It makes sense that their friends would primarily be from the hospital for the first few years. Once they finish residency (and for some, have families) I would see their social circle expanding as they meet other parents, settle into more permanent housing and have neighbors, make more professional connections, etc. 


Wouldn't Derek's "I don't know who I am" storyline been so much better after the plane crash while his hand was mangled and he didn't even know if he would be able to perform surgery at the same skill level, if at all? It feels so misplaced for where he is at in his life now.


I like Bailey when she's teaching and not having breakdowns.


Me too. I can definitely live without blubbering Bailey.

Edited by windsprints

I find this one of the easier things to believe. Most of them aren't from Seattle and they moved there for their residency. Once there they worked tons of hours and spent all their time at the hospital. It makes sense that their friends would primarily be from the hospital for the first few years. Once they finish residency (and for some, have families) I would see their social circle expanding as they meet other parents, settle into more permanent housing and have neighbors, make more professional connections, etc. 


Wouldn't Derek's "I don't know who I am" storyline been so much better after the plane crash while his hand was mangled and he didn't even know if he would be able to perform surgery at the same skill level, if at all? It feels so misplaced for where he is at in his life now.


Me too. I can definitely live without blubbering Bailey.


I agree with everything you've said... Regarding friendships, I was just pointing out why it was unfair for people to single out Arizona for criticism over her lack of non-hospital friends. 


I especially agree with the timing of the Derek storyline, at this point I'd much rather see him enjoying having less work responsibility and reaping the benefits of being able to spend more time with his kids. 

Edited by PrincessTT
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I think everybody got quiet when Arizona arrived because they realized how awkward it was going to be with Callie already there and not because they were all on Callie's side.


I agree, but also think that they are on Callie's side. Alex and Arizona aren't strangers but they're hardly real friends (although maybe with her staying at his house they might be someday). Callie definitely gets most people on her side in the divorce: Meredith for sure, Alex, Derek (due to Meredith), etc. I know Arizona is a cheatin' ho and all, but I still feel bad for her, especially due to Callie's out-of-the-blue dumping her.


And then I guess went back to screwing instead of walking after Maggie to get her to stay


Who can blame them. It's Maggie.

  • Love 2

I find this one of the easier things to believe. Most of them aren't from Seattle and they moved there for their residency. Once there they worked tons of hours and spent all their time at the hospital. It makes sense that their friends would primarily be from the hospital for the first few years. Once they finish residency (and for some, have families) I would see their social circle expanding as they meet other parents, settle into more permanent housing and have neighbors, make more professional connections, etc.

I think I'm the one who started this and now I'm realizing I may not have been clear. The hospital friendships are what I was referring to with regards to my flippant "taking Callie's side" comment. Outside of Teddy, and I guess April now, Arizona has never had anyone in the hospital (onscreen) that wasn't tied to Callie first, and so because they've known Callie longer they'd automatically side with her so to speak.

Sorry if I caused confusion.

Edited by CED9

I think I'm the one who started this and now I'm realizing I may not have been clear. The hospital friendships are what I was referring to with regards to my flippant "taking Callie's side" comment. Outside of Teddy, Arizona has never had anyone in the hospital (onscreen) that wasn't tied to Callie first, and so because they've known Callie longer they'd automatically side with her so to speak.

Sorry if I caused confusion.


The taking Callie's side bit I totally get, my comments regarding friendships were in response to this that someone else posted... 


Initially, Arizona had a great group of friends.  If she dropped them when she got married, then she's learned a valuable lesson.  Callie was very much on her own initially, and she's really made a family of her work friends.  


As I said, I think it's unfair to single Arizona out regarding friendships since everyone at the hospital has dropped their outside-hospital friends. Plus as you say everyone at the hospital knew Callie first so will most likely side with her. And Arizona had a close friend in Teddy but she left, but she does have a friendship with April now. 

Presumably everyone else had friends before they started at the hospital though, just because they were never seen/mentioned it doesn't mean that they all made it to starting at SGH / GSMH without having any friends. 


Every Dr at the hospital appears to isolate themselves to hospital friendships, and even then they all seem to only socialise between "our" group of surgeons never with any of the many other people who work in the hospital. 


I mean how realistic is it that Webber, Bailey, Burke and Callie, who had all been at the hospital for years before MAGIC and Derek arrived, didn't have any friends?

Edited by PrincessTT
  • Love 1


I agree, but also think that they are on Callie's side. Alex and Arizona aren't strangers but they're hardly real friends (although maybe with her staying at his house they might be someday). Callie definitely gets most people on her side in the divorce: Meredith for sure, Alex, Derek (due to Meredith), etc. I know Arizona is a cheatin' ho and all, but I still feel bad for her, especially due to Callie's out-of-the-blue dumping her.

To be fair though Meredith did stick up for Arizona in the Season 10 premiere when Callie didn't tell Arizona were she brought Sofia. From what I remember Meredith told Arizona that Callie was at her house.

What is Jo's position in the house?  Is she renting a room?  Is she living there as Alex's girlfriend for free?  Whichever way it is, it seems like it's Alex's house and he keeps his doors open to his friends.  Jo needs to accept that about him because that's who he is, just like Meredith kept her doors open when she owned that house and still does with her home with Derek.  If Jo can't deal, that means she can't deal with who her boyfriend is as a person. 

  • Love 2

Re Derek...sigh. I wish he'd just go get the job back and be bi-coastal. It was entirely his own decision, though I think he'd be coping a bit better if he had his old job back. Instead Amelia is taking all the best neuro surgeries just like he always did to the other neurosurgeon(s?). I don't know how much research is an option for him again, but surprised he hasn't gone back to lost cause surgeries, the project he was working on with Callie - unless he's totally no longer needed, just his sensors, at this stage? - etc with all the free time he doesn't want.

I don't need to see a ton of the parenting, but when Callie and Arizona both unexpectedly end up at the same place after work, some aside about "the sitter" would be appreciated. Just so the scene doesn't scream "who's home with your kid?"

I liked the old couple too, but was anyone else startled that the wife was presumed dead and her pulse checked almost as an afterthought?

I think the paramedics on the ambulance couldn't find a pulse, and they couldn't find one while she was still on top of him either. So I think the assumption was pretty reasonable, since they/Meredith still checked with actual instruments before calling time of death.

A) Bailey reading during surgeries is nothing new. She always does that when babysitting interns.

But she apparently learned from Callie/Jackson and was also paying attention, at least!

B) I would be surprised to see PD leave, at least not without having another sure thing lined up. Racing cars at his level costs millions of dollars. He made the podium at the 24 Hours of Daytona a couple of years ago after leading the race for several hours. Grey's works around his racing schedule, he is not leaving unless he can find another job that will give him that kind of freedom.

I agree, unless he's saved and invested so much that isn't a factor. He's signed through the 12th season (assuming ABC renews: http://tvline.com/2014/01/23/ellen-pompeo-patrick-dempsey-greys-anatomy-season-11-12-returning/ ), so I'd be surprised if ABC let him go early. I think he was tempted to leave during one of the earlier re-negotiations, but so long as they keep working around his racing (and paying him very well) his hobby sort of locks him in. The size of the ensemble lets them use him less, but he's still in the marquee position.

That said, Grey's is probably nearing the end of its lifespan, if only because at some point raises for all the cast members each round of contracts bloats the budget so much that they offset good ratings. I'm not saying imminently, but, say, getting to season 15 is a stretch unless they let most/all of the originals go (since the longest-tenured actors have the most raises to factor into the budget). I could live with PD leaving - or, better, only rarely appearing in-person while doing the bi-coastal thing - but without Sandra Oh, no Meredith would be hard for me. Loooove Alex, but that might not be enough.

His interview did make it sound like he might be leaving sooner than "a year and a half from now," though, but since he's under contract it's really weird unless he's trying to increase suspense re the current plotline. I could buy his convincing Shonda to let him out of his contract, but I doubt ABC would.

Jo was pouting in a separate room like she was a 5-year-old. Join the effing party, then you won't feel so left out! Alex isn't her babysitter and I don't think it's his responsibility to monitor if she's feeling left out. She has to exercise some agency herself.

I was thinking it was rude that NONE of them looked back at her looking into the room and asked her to join them (especially Alex), but it was also ridiculous to me that she just sat there, staring and stewing, instead of going upstairs to read or something. I can get her not wanting to hang out with her bosses, but sitting ten feet away glaring is annoying and immature.

I still cannot deal with whatever the heck Davis has done to her face.

This has really been ruining her storyline for me. Her mouth doesn't move normally - it looks like she has a neurological problem, which now I guess with the brain tumor SHE DOES, but clearly that isn't supposed to be seen as a symptom.

I agree, but also think that they are on Callie's side. Alex and Arizona aren't strangers but they're hardly real friends (although maybe with her staying at his house they might be someday). Callie definitely gets most people on her side in the divorce: Meredith for sure, Alex, Derek (due to Meredith), etc. I know Arizona is a cheatin' ho and all, but I still feel bad for her, especially due to Callie's out-of-the-blue dumping her.

I think Alex is probably going to avoid taking sides, due to his relationship with Arizona, but the rest of them were Callie's friends (or at least in her circle) originally, and she brought Arizona in. So I don't want to see them shunning her, but they were primarily Callie's all along. She and Derek have a bond not just via Meredith, but through Mark, fixing his hand, research together, etc. He was friendlier with her than Meredith was until recently. Whereas AZ is independently more friendly with April; not sure where Bailey falls. I don't see Meredith being a jerk to Arizona, but we've never really seen them as friendly one-on-one before anyway. Edited by WalrusGirl
I don't need to see a ton of the parenting, but when Callie and Arizona both unexpectedly end up at the same place after work, some aside about "the sitter" would be appreciated. Just so the scene doesn't scream "who's home with your kid?"



Lots of people I know do take their kids with them when we have a soiree together. In this case, I fanwanked that the kids (or at least Zola and Sofia who are close in age) were just playing together in another room, it's not like the house doesn't have rooms. But I agree that a quick line here and there woiuldn't hurt.

Oh, stop, the kids are doing just fine, offscreen somewhere.  Zola needs Daddy to have more black friends so he can get some fresh hairdo ideas--that's good enough for me.


I must be such a dedicated PD fan that I'm blind to his Derek flaws because I'm giving him a break on his "talk" with Owen.  To me, he paused briefly because he was formulating the speech that Amelia's a thoroughly competent neurosurgeon but she's not being the best department head by gleefully assigning him superficial head cuts while she takes the most complicated procedures.  (Everyone agrees Derek is the more skilled surgeon, right?)  Then his three second silence led Owen to the conclusion that Derek was reluctant to admit his sister's addiction problems.  I'm thinking Quick Draw McGraw Owen made an ass out of u and me.


Sidenote:  I caught an episode of some reality show called "Vanderbilt MD's"  this week and the difference between the interns and attendings at Vanderbilt and Seattle Grace Mercy Death shocked me (which then made me laugh at my own naivete'.)  For one thing, the real life doctors kept saying they didn't want to get too involved with their patients because "you know, I have to be able to come home and have a real life without worrying about the sick people back at work."   Uh oh.



  • Love 3

I liked Bailey this week because Her scenes reminded me of old school greys and old school Bailey. She taught Jo a lesson she needed without being a spiteful pain about it. She was firm but also didn't insult Jos actual skill. I like Bailey when she's teaching and not having breakdowns.

Word. This was the Bailey we used to know and love, at her finest.


I must be such a dedicated PD fan that I'm blind to his Derek flaws because I'm giving him a break on his "talk" with Owen.  To me, he paused briefly because he was formulating the speech that Amelia's a thoroughly competent neurosurgeon but she's not being the best department head by gleefully assigning him superficial head cuts while she takes the most complicated procedures.  (Everyone agrees Derek is the more skilled surgeon, right?)  Then his three second silence led Owen to the conclusion that Derek was reluctant to admit his sister's addiction problems.  I'm thinking Quick Draw McGraw Owen made an ass out of u and me..

I read it more along the lines of being in response to the actual question Owen asked, which was "Do you think she's the best person for the job?" The answer to that question, for Derek, is most certainly no. Not because she's not good, or because of any drug problems, but simply because, if you ask Derek, Derek is obviously the best person for the job. I actually found his hesitation almost refreshingly self-aware, even as it was obvious how Owen would actually interpret it, because even if he thinks that, it seems he's perhaps learned not to just declare himself obviously the best candidate for everything.


I'd like to think that if Owen had asked something that was more actually about her (something like "Can she handle it?" "Is she OK in this job?" "Is there a problem I need to be worried about with her?"), he would have answered more or less the way he ultimately did in front of the board.

  • Love 1

I don't understand what happened to Derek's super-special research, so special that Obama wanted him in DC to do it.  Why isn't he continuing the research that got him all that attention from Obama in the first place?  Just because he decided not to go to DC to do it, why can't he continue his original research as planned?

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