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S04.E07: The Snow Queen

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Emma captures the Snow Queen and interrogates her at the sheriff’s station. Regina and Robin Hood’s relationship grows increasingly complex as they struggle to find a way to save his dying wife. Emma begins to see what she missed out on by not growing up and being a family with Snow and Charming. Henry begins his after-school job in Gold’s shop while trying to help Regina find a clue to the identity of the author of the storybook. The history of the Snow Queen is revealed.


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This episode was the best one in ages! I loved Snow Queen's backstory and the writers tied in her story well with Frozen and the Weasel King. I enjoyed seeing Emma's "dark" magic. I would like that storyline developed through the rest of the year. She would be a great bad ass woman of Storybook and one is needed now with Snow postpartum and Regina love suck. I almost hope the Snow Queen wins...

Welcome back, Rumpelstiltskin. I've missed you.

They have chemistry, don't they? Maybe she can freeze Belle or put her in the jar.

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This episode was the best one in ages! I loved Snow Queen's backstory and the writers tied in her story well with Frozen and the Weasel King. I enjoyed seeing Emma's "dark" magic. I would like that storyline developed through the rest of the year. She would be a great bad ass woman of Storybook and one is needed now with Snow postpartum and Regina love suck. I almost hope the Snow Queen wins...


I really don't want the Snow Queen to win, but I would love for her to be redeemed. She never really meant to hurt her sister, and I felt a great deal of compassion for Ingrid. I could get behind a redemption story for  her.


I really loved this entire episode, as long as I ignore Regina and Robin Hood. It's peanut butter and jelly, ice cream sundae with hot fudge, and Robin with Marian. Period. Full Stop. Stop Horowitzing me, Kitsis.

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So, we know the Snow Queen's backstory. Things are about to get chillingly fun.


* Elizabeth Mitchell, you're too good for this little show!

* Regina dumped Robin. (Even if just for 5 seconds...)

* Rumple at the end though... that got me excited, and I rarely am in this show.

* Duke of Weaselton. I hate him, but I love how they incorporated him.

* The gloves are from Rumple... now that's just cool.

* Did anyone else feel the Snow Queen was totally right about Emma's parents? Seriously.

* Outstanding acting about all three of the Arendelle sisters.

* I actually bought Ingrid's sob story, to be honest.

* I hope the three ribbons come into play later.

* Rumple's coming to a city near you! I couldn't wait for this kind of plot.


* Robin - I hate you more than any other character on the show.

* When Robin and Regina kissed, I was yelling "Stop! Stop! Get off my screen!" in my head.

* This episode was a bit slow.

* Ugh, Gerda. I understand why you feared Elsa now, but urning Ingrid was just... sigh.

* A big downvote on Snowing's parenting.

* So Henry's just... cleaning? Bore snore.

* The flashbacks were a bit slow and predictable. 


The evil people on this show are the only ones making any sense. (Ingrid, Mirror Belle, and Regina)

Edited by KingOfHearts
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I really enjoyed this episode.


Interesting developments in both Storybrooke and in Arrendale.  Some actual character beats.  Villains acknowledging that they're villains.  And for some strange reason making Robin a full on ass makes me hate him and Regina less.  It probably hopes that I was not really attached to Robin Hood as a character outside of once.  But who is taking care of Roland?



I have a lot to say but this is at the top of my list. Snow can GTFO.

So much this.  


Can anyone tell me who the other couple getting married in the book was?  I got rid of my DVR, so I couldn't rewind and stand close enough to the TV to actually see.


ETA: After 3 years of "misunderstood" villains...they have finally done it with Ingrid.  She's the first one I've actually felt some sympathy for.  I oddly want her to be redeemed and stick around.

Edited by NotBothered
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Elizabeth Mitchell needs her own fairy tale show. Maybe an adaptation of the Science Fiction series based on the Snow Queen. Her killing her sister was probably the best backstory death on this show. And the scene between her and her sister was awesome, with both sides being understandable.


Oh Rumple. I am so happy the show is gonna go full evil with you now. If Villain Rumple is the endgame of the series, I approve so hard. 


So, I think the Snow Queen can be upped to the smartest villain on this show so far.


Was thoroughly disappointed in the lack of sassy!Mirror this week


ETA: OMG We saw Cinderella... WE SAW CINDERELLA... and she has a role in the town, as a new-parent couselor type. Now can this damn show show us some Abigail or something?

Edited by SzmuttyPratfall
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I thought the writing for all of the flashback scenes, particularity the first one, were really really poorly written. Not in terms of continuity or characterization, or anything deeper, but just the basic action and dialog. The whiplash from Baby!Ingrid killing the kidnapper dude and her sisters promising to be together forever was just weird. Kids that young and presumably sheltered should have been freaking out and crying a lot more and running for Mom and Dad. If they'd had a follow-up scene several hours later, that would have made sense. But having it in that moment made them all look like tiny sociopaths.


"Yeah you accidentally killed that dude and his rapidly cooling corpse is three feet away, presumably scarring our young impressionable minds, but meh, the important thing right now is that we love and support you, which we will state using language and moral ideas way too old for us."

Edited by SilverShadow
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Mary Margaret was absolutely right. Even without a mirror, they're becoming horrible people. Holy crap, forget the Snow Queen. Mary Margaret and Robin are breaking bad.

Loved Gold with everyone this episode. He and the Snow Queen are formidable frienemies and I'm so glad we get to see more of Hook and Gold together.

And I did get a little shipper joy from Hook as well. When everyone else was standing there afraid of Emma -- especially her mother (smh) -- Hook was actually reaching out for her. Loving him so far this season.

But yea, this episode was all over the place.

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Ahhhh!  Lizzie!


Now that I've got that out of my system, on to business.


Anyone feel it odd that Arendale seems to be in the early-to-mid 1800s (in terms of style), while The Enchanted Forest is stuck in a quasi/pseudo medieval world.  I mean Disney's versions Cinderella  and The Little Mermaid looked like they were patterned after the 1800s, yet this show has them stuck in Monty Python's Camelot. 


I'm beginning to think Weasleton's main exports are Sentinel Robots to fight the X-Men.  Also, whoever they got to play the young Duke was perfect.


Hello, Cinderella.  Hello, Aurora.  Nice to see you two still exist.  How are your princes?


Helga was cool (no pun intended), while Gerda was more reactionary (I guess that's the polite way of saying it).  Seemed weird that Helga turned to ice almost instantly while it took Anna the last quarter of the movie to turn.


Regina, Robin, I still don't give a shit.


Next episode is two hours.  Cuts right into my Walking Dead  time.  Sorry, Once, but I'm going to have to check you out OnDemand. 

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I oddly want her to be redeemed and stick around.

I'd like her to obliterate the town and keep Emma and Elsa. She'd be a more supportive family member for both of them, anyway. Can that be the Frozen spinoff ABC talked about? Please?


Put me on the "Go away, Snow!" ballot. 

Edited by KingOfHearts
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Ingrid seemed a lot more scared and  terrified of her powers than her sisters did.  They've shown nothing but support for her and she's the one who isolated herself from them.  She didn't understand her powers, she feared them more than they did.  And the whole Emma thing, except that Snow, her freakin' mother reacted the way Gerda did to Ingrid. 


Snow, when you say "we", you should really say "I".  Because it's really you.  Between trying to protect BDO from his sister even and the whole way you said Emma's name when the lamp post came down like Emma was trying to hurt her father whom she is actually closer to than she is to you...[/rant]

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You guys, I am not okay.


Holy shit, that was intense. I just wanted to hug Emma so damn hard. And poor Elsa was trying to get everyone to listen to the both of them and oh my babies. All the goodwill Snow had built up with me over the last couple of episodes was just utterly demolished. Yes, Snow. Yes, you failed in a big ol' way. Holy freakin' shit. It was the yelling at Emma as if she'd meant to knock the light down that got me. She was clearly terrified of herself in that moment, Snow, a little less judging would have been nice.


Snow Queen actually had some decent points while trying to get under Emma's skin, which is so damn sad.


Also, Helga = Sally Pressman = Roxy Leblanc from Army Wives and when she was telling off the Duke of Weaselton (hee!), I was all, "There's the Roxy sass."


I'm sure I'll have more as I process. I need a drink. ;P

Edited by Dani-Ellie
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My poor Emma. I'm so upset. I notice that other than the ill-timed "monster" comment from Hook, they chose not to have Hook, Elsa, or Henry comment on Emma's out of control powers. So really it's just the two flashes of panic from Snow and what Emma would perceive as similar thoughts from Charming that drove Emma over the edge DQ pushed her onto. Snow's instinct with the baby was wrong, but given the way Snow has been clinging to Snowflake, it's not just Emma's magic that caused her reaction.


I love love love that Hook knows Rumple better than Belle knows Rumple. Also, it was cute that Belle tried to pull Hook specifically away from the mirror.

I'm just going to pretend this version of Robin Hood just stole the name and that somewhere a handsome fox is shaking his fist in anger.

Well, with the recast they have a built in Tom Ellis is the real Robin Hood excuse. Of course, the rock trolls or Rumple would have had to alter everyone's memories, but that's nothing for this show.


Speaking of, I think they messed up the timeline when they made Will know Marian. Marian was "missing" for at least two years before the curse. Will had just joined the Merry Men when they broke into my girl Maleficent's castle, and Will and Ana traveled to Wonderland after Ella had married Thomas. I'll just assume Will was with the Merry Men longer than that scene in OUaT in Wonderland implied. 

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So, wait a minute--we learned in the outstanding Swan Queen episode that Emma does feel set apart from her family.  Now she doesn’t?  The episode where Regina screeched at Emma seems like it belongs in a completely different timestream.  Maybe Regina fantasized it?  Because it doesn't make sense at all, given Emma's renewed bond with Elsa and confidence in her family in the beginning of the episode.


I don't know if I should applaud that Henry noticed his mom's scary face, or that he was pretty much just okay with it.  What happened to the kid that realized that if your mom has a psycho face, and puts it to good and regular (and well-named) use, that's probably not a good thing.


“I’m not going to let this book stop me again.”  What the frilly heck?  So, you have no free will, Regina?  What?  And seriously, what was the scene with Robin?


Totally Team Marian, until she dies.  Then, once again stating that I hope tiny little Roland gets adopted by a sane, loving, responsible, not evil-sucking-up-to-family.



Can anyone tell me who the other couple getting married in the book was?  I got rid of my DVR, so I couldn't rewind and stand close enough to the TV to actually see.

I believe it was Robin and Marian.  They were going for emotional manipulation level 4.

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"WE?!?!?We???!!!!" NO Snow.YOU. Don't you dare try to making Daddy Charming share the blame.

Dairy Queen is magnificent. I like the snow effect when she poofs away.

Pretty good backstory. Didn't expect her to actually kill her sister, only injure or something, so that was a nice surprise.


Poor Emma. She needs lots of hugs.

Oh, Rumple, never change. Love his scenes with the DQ.

I like how the DQ's goal is to live in a real-life Storybrooke snow globe with Emma and Elsa.

Next week looks good.

Favorite scene was probably when Rumple whipped out the good ol' furniture polish.

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It felt a bit like this episode was moving all the chess pieces for next week, though maybe partially because I was spoiled for some of it. Still, I liked it, mostly, 


The good:

  • Elizabeth Mitchell continues to kill it. So much so, I’ll willing to handwave them having her play someone 20 years younger.
  • Robert Carlyle continues to kill it playing off Elizabeth Mitchell. Ditch Belle and hook up with DQ, Rumple!
  • The Duke was well cast and well played (though I still think this is the one Frozen role they could have cast the voice actor for. Alan Tudyk would have owned it)
  • Charming family finally dealing with all its shit.
  • Minimal Belle.


The less good:

  • Robin is and continues to be the worst. Both for his treatment of Regina (can’t even believe I’m writing that) and the fact that he seems to spend zero time with his wife and kid. Will just told him she was never a super big fan of the forest dwelling life, so… he leaves her in the tent while making a booty call. What a douche.
  • Can’t DQ just be evil without a tragic childhood? (Yes, I know that on Once the answer to that question is always “no” but I can dream).
  • Henry still can't sweep.
  • The third sister looked nothing like Emma. 
  • There’s something very 1984-ish about Arrendelle and how its leaders are always just wiping everyone’s memories. Grand Pabbie really needs to learn to say "no"
  • Shut up, Snow. 
Edited by retrograde
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Guest Accused Dingo

I am really enjoying this season.  I am going to say it now and hope I don;t jinx it.  I think this is the best season since the first.  Elizabeth Mitchell is a wonderful addition to the cast.  I hope she gets to stick around for awhile and her storyline isn't a one off.  She makes a compelling villain.


I thought the flashback scenes were particularly compelling and fit in well with the Frozen storyline itself which was always more about sisterly love then romantic love.  I also liked how the Enchanted Forest (more to  the point the Dark One) was brought into it.   I mean if True Love can bring about the Savioir and one hell of a curse then cutting the cord between sisters could cause discord and havoc.


Loved the scenes between Ingrid and Emma.  I like those two together.   I thought it was extremely well written and well acted.   Ingrid playing on the insecurities of Emma with her family and the new baby.  


And yes I am bad and maybe even evil but If I can't have Regina and Emma as an actual pairing then I ship Regina and Robin.  Told you I was evil.  


Don't like Hook since the episode with the hand.  Much prefer Emma with the Snow Queen or the other Snow Queen,.    

Edited by Accused Dingo
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The opening scene looked straight out of Little House and the Prairie's opening credits. Run, Half Pint, run!


The Snow Queen was totally the voice of the audience in the police station. Giving Emma up, re-do baby...praise the Flying Spaghetti Monster it all got said. And while on the subject of the Snow Queen, I feel more sympathy for her after just a handful of episodes than in the years of "Regina is the biggest victim ever" bullshit the writers keep shoveling.


Snow really can be her own worst enemy at times. Her parenting skills were, as the kids say, teh suck in this episode. Not even a "Well, you tried." And what is this "us" shit? You were the one freaking out, Charming was pretty level-headed (and he saved his bro, Hook, without being super judgmental about Emma's powers going haywire). Though I did get Snow/Charming and Emma conflict out of it, so at least there's that.


Robin is such a douche. He's Robin Hood In Name Only. Marian's a better hero than he is.


Regina...the book didn't stop you from having a happy ending! It never stopped you! You stopped yourself! Look at your life, look at your choices! Take some goddamn responsibility for your actions!


At least Rumpel is teaching Henry a useful skill: how to clean. He'll have a step up from all the guys I knew in high school and college that couldn't clean to save their lives.


Poor Emma. I want to give her a hug in the worst way. At least Hook wasn't looking at her like she was a monster.

Edited by El Seed
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And seriously, what was the scene with Robin?

Ugh. I didn't get it. Regina dumped Robin, I was happy, then they kissed at the end. What did that scene even mean? Robin is going to divorce his wife now? They cut the scene before they stopped kissing so we don't know how it ended but... Outlaw Queen is a complete mystery to me. Is Regina over him or not, I can't tell. She doesn't seem to be even though she had that whole talk with Henry about moving on. That last scene in the vault just hurt so bad. 


Please show - just kill off Robin! Do it between episodes offscreen if you have to!

Edited by KingOfHearts
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So when Emma said her family spans four centuries, I know she was probably referring to Neal and the out-dated notion that they are family because they had a kid together, but man, it would be great if she also meant Hook a little. Or is that just my shipper goggles talking?

Ahhhh!  Lizzie!

Just look at the flowers, Lizzie.

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  • There’s something very 1984-ish about Arrendelle and how its leaders are always just wiping everyone’s memories. Grand Pabbie really needs to learn to say "no"
  • Shut up, Snow. 


Yes.  Plus, they have these friendly, nondealmaking Rock Trolls there, that are magic experts and willing to help.  Why are all of these people traveling to Mysthaven (snicker) to make deals with Rumple?


And shut up, Snow. 

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OH MY GOD ROBIN HOOD IS SUCH A DOUCHE. I just. He's awful. Simply awful. What the hell have they done to freaking Robin Hood??? That storyline has officially become odious. I honestly don't understand how anyone can root for this asshole, or what the writers' room thinks they're doing with him. What. A. Dick. He's awful.


The first half of this episode was quite good, and then the end fell apart a bit. First of all, Dairy Quen got under Emma's skin way too quickly. Secondly, they so clearly are struggling to write a post-Bae Rumpelstiltskin. I like seeing evil Rumpel, don't get me wrong, but world domination? That's never ever been Rumpel's style. He could have had 10 worlds bowing to him by now if he wanted. Third, why didn't someone just ram a car through the sheriff's department doors? Pretty sure ice doesn't magically make ice unbreakable. That said, I was pleasantly surprised at how fast the brain trust figured out the mirror was a fake. Usually it would've taken them an hour.


I'm sure I'll be in the minority with this, but I actually don't have a problem with Snow being reluctant to hand her baby over when Emma just made the bottle glow, or David kind of side-eyeing Emma when she just made a lamp pole fall over onto him. I did think Snow's "Emma!" was too harsh, but...I probably wouldn't want to hand my baby over to someone who just made a bottle glow, either, sorry if that makes me a terrible person. Overall, this forced fear thing, for me, is really weak, because people can fear you and not urn you, and Emma should be rational enough to realize this. imo Dairy Queen's argument would have been better if she'd kept hammering at Emma's mommy and daddy issues (but then I guess we'd have to admit that Regina is the core of all those issues, which we can't have). (Also these are the same people who let Regina and Rumpel prance around all the time, just saying.)


Also, Hook, maybe next time don't grab the freaking-out woman who wants you to keep your distance. I did awww that it was Daddy Charming and Hook who went after Emma the most. Her boys.


The Snow Queen is perhaps the first legitimately sympathetic villain we've ever had, and yet the show isn't using this sympathy to try to make her less of a villain. She's awesome! The three sisters was just, ack, my feels. All were pretty good actresses. And Elizabeth Mitchell is just killing it in this role. Every week she gets better and better (and creepier and creepier). Also...she has serious chemistry with Robert Carlyle. I like Rumbelle more than most posters here, and even I was like "...we could get rid of Belle...."


Best episode since 4x03, imo. I don't know what's going to happen when Frozen leaves. It's easily the best part of this show right now.

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[*]Henry still can't sweep.

I can forgive him for the bad sweeping, because he's a master compared to me. I can't sweep, at all. It's one of the most awkward things ever for me to do. What really bugs me is that he doesn't even use a dust pan. Instead he just pushes the dirt and dust around.

Let Robin get with Regina. Marian should ditch him, and become High Queen of everything. Sorry Robin, I've tried to like you :(.

I wonder how long Will was with the Merry Men? In Wonderland it made it seem like he was with them for a very short time.

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I can't believe this show has managed to turn Snow White into a bitch. I cannot stand her at this point. She is horrible to Emma!

Question#1: Why did Emma seem so surprised at the amount of baby gear that went with BDO? Doesn't she still have her fake memories of raising Henry?

Question#2: I'm unclear if Emma's powers are truly out of control or if DQ has done something to make it appear that way.

Edited to add (because it can't be said enough): Robin Hood sucks. He's basically stalking Regina at this point, when he's not day-drinking at Granny's. Where is Roland and who is looking after him during what must be a very confusing time? Not his loser father, apparently.

Edited by angelwoody
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I'm not sure if it will play out this way, but I think Henry could be pulling a long con on Regina. The way he questioned her and mentioned the crazy loo, I'm wondering if he's sticking with her to keep an eye on her. Regina thinks they're working on Operation Discover the Book's Author, but Henry is really working on Operation Keep an Eye on the Crazy Lady. I don't know, maybe I'm just seeing things.

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I really don't want the Snow Queen to win, but I would love for her to be redeemed. She never really meant to hurt her sister, and I felt a great deal of compassion for Ingrid


She didn't mean to hurt her sister, but it would have killed the Duke if her sister hadn't stepped in the way. And yes, the Duke was being a terrible person, but he only threatened to tell people about Ingrid's magic. They have no way of knowing how the town's people will react, and honestly, they could have just said he was lying. The guy's a foreigner who tried to woo both sisters. He has no proof and in land where apparently no one but rock trolls have magic, he should be dismissed out of hand.


Long story short, the Duke wasn't a real threat to Ingrid. If she had killed him, instead of the sister, she still would be a murderer. And I'm betting that fear would have started seeping into her sisters' eyes soon after that. For good reason.

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Question#2: I'm unclear if Emma's powers are truly out of control or if DQ has done something to make it appear that way.

I think the issues Ingrid was talking about (Snow's parents only wanting her for being the Savior, which is true), were what reached deep into Emma's heart and caused her emotions to run high. The Charming family problems have been the elephant in the room for a very long time, and when Ingrid talked about them, it finally came to the surface. She put everything I've felt about the Charmings into words. The issues are real, folks. 

Edited by KingOfHearts
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Question#2: I'm unclear if Emma's powers are truly out of control or if DQ has done something to make it appear that way.


I think it was all Emma. They've said before that magic is tied to emotion and the DQ was totally pushing her buttons by bringing up all those things that Emma buries rather than deals with. For all her external semblance of control, Emma's an emotional powder keg, which would lead to being a magical one as well, if one knew how to provoke it.


Regina thinks they're working on Operation Discover the Book's Author, but Henry is really working on Operation Keep an Eye on the Crazy Lady. I don't know, maybe I'm just seeing things.


I would love for this to be true. I don't trust these writers to do that (because they clearly think Regina should have all the shinies) but I would love it to pieces.

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I probably wouldn't want to hand my baby over to someone who just made a bottle glow, either

Definitely; that was in character for the uber-helicopter mom/(overly-) attachment parenting thing Snow has had going on.

Admonishing Emma for accidentally dropping a lamp post on her father like she was a 3 year old who dropped and broke a cookie jar trying to get a cookie on her own? Hells no.

Hi, that's when you try to comfort your obviously terrified daughter.

Now I am off to imagine my own head canon in which Hook or David manages to find Emma, comforts her, calms her down, and gives her cuddles (romantic or fatherly, respectively).

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Emma didn't just make the bottle glow, she made the milk boil. I don't really blame Snow for not wanting to hand her baby to Emma, but a few words of encouragement instead of a look of dread would have been nice. I also think it was OOC for Hook to just stand there at the station instead running after Emma. She could have still drove off with out him, but I wanted to see him run after her.

Pretty dumb that DQ had to whisper to Rumple in the end, but I guess it had to be a secret for the audience. I wonder if what Rumple has to do involves Hook. It sounds like it's doing something to someone he doesn't like.

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I wonder if what Rumple has to do involves Hook. It sounds like it's doing something to someone he doesn't like.

Or it could be Regina, since she's the only other dark magic wielder in town. Rumple really doesn't care for her, and they've both tried to kill or overpower each other in the past.

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I don't really mind the look of dread on Snow's face, or her reaction. People have bad moments, and let's be honest, if anyone on this show has a reason to hate magic, it would be Snow.

I think you made the Snow Queen's point for her ;)


ETA: Basically, everything Ingrid told Emma about magic and people fearing her was just confirmed to Emma by Snow.


Also, I think it would've been one thing if Snow had said to Emma "maybe we should wait on you babysitting since your magic is "revved" up, as a precaution", but that wasn't her reaction. Snow's reaction was to cringe in fear. And then admonishing Emma like she was purposely out to hurt someone when she clearly wasn't is a huge problem. Everything the Snow Queen told Emma was kinda true -- the events exposed an actual fear Snow has of Emma and her magic and a fear that is conveniently ignored when she needs The Savior to save them. That's the point the Snow Queen was going for.

Edited by regularlyleaded
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I have mixed feelings about this episode. I thought most of the flashbacks were boring. If it were up to me, I would get rid of the fairybacks completely. They worked in season one, but not anymore. They seem like a crutch that the writers use so they don't have to come up with compelling storylines/character arcs for the main cast every ep.


I did like a few scattered moments. It was funny when Rumple pulled out the furniture polish. I enjoyed the idea of the Mommy and me class, but I didn't like that Snow, Aurora, and Cinderella are now all about rearing their children. Fine in real life, but lame on tv. I liked Hook and Charming being paired up in the ep. They didn't get much to do, but it's nice they are getting along.


Will Scarlett actually got me to watch a Robin Hood scene. I fast forwarded all the others, but had to stop when Will came into Granny's. More Will please.


I felt that Emma losing control of her powers happened too quickly. There should have been more bread crumbs in the previous episodes to build up to this moment.


I truly hate what they've done to Snow. Her scenes this whole season have been useless. I would rather not see her at all, which is a shame, because she was my favorite in season one.


I am looking forward to Rumple executing his plan. His scenes made this episode not a complete waste of time.

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Question#2: I'm unclear if Emma's powers are truly out of control or if DQ has done something to make it appear that way.


She seriously pressed those buttons.  Emma is insecure at her core when it comes to her family and it's stuff that we've been discussing up and down.  They didn't give a shit about Emma last year until they needed her to save BDO and today she was suddenly going to hurt him?  Whatever...it's not like that reaction didn't contribute and yeah, it was plot pointish as hell.  DQ totally preyed on Emma's insecurities, the same way Rumple preyed on Hook's insecurities.  And now I have to sit a whole week seething over this.

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Guest Accused Dingo
I probably wouldn't want to hand my baby over to someone who just made a bottle glow, either



But there was that brief moment of fear and the Snow Queen is playing on Emma's already their insecurities.   "Mom put me through a magic portal the day I was born and I didn't see her again for years........ and now she is raising a new baby doing all the things she never did with me" and add to that the fact that Emma is "different" you have a butt load of drama.  

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Question#1: Why did Emma seem so surprised at the amount of baby gear that went with BDO? Doesn't she still have her fake memories of raising Henry?

She kinda strikes me as the no-nonsense type who would have strapped Henry in one of those baby bjorn whatnots and just kept on going. Yeah, there still be some baby stuff to haul in a bag, but I can totally understand her being incredulous over all the stuff Snow had there, considering A) it's tiny, ice-walled Storybrooke, where they are probably never more than a 10 minute walk from home, and B) Emma was just going to watch the kid at the loft, yeah? Where all his paraphernalia already is?

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I know they usually try to give Regina all the shinies possible, but do you think it's possible they actually are  trying to make Robin/Regina unpalatable?


Because a relationship that rekindles in the Crypt of Evil Loot, surrounded by other people's stolen hearts?  That rekindles while Robin's still married, after we heard extensively how much his wife loved him and how much she changed Robin's life? While that aforementioned wife is cursed and unable to move?  While at the same time one person's child is manipulating his evil, dangerous grandfather with his mother's approval and the other person's child is who knows where with a dangerous sorceress on the loose?  That's not a good beginning.

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I had to roll my eyes every time Robin Hood was on screen - pure unadulterated sleaze.  I wouldn't mind if he became a villain because he lost his soul mate, but instead of being a villain with panache like Rumple, he is a selfish whiny villain.  

As usual, I loved Rumple's scenes, and agree with others that he and the Snow Queen are great together - double the villainy, double the fun.

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While the flashbacks were boring, Elizabeth MItchell was awesome in them, despite some weak writing. She's terrific and carrying this season on her shoulders. They better follow up with an interesting story because once she goes, we're left with bull like Robin and Regina. I like Regina but this Robin crap is just too much.


I hope she sticks around and Rumpelle goes full evil with her.


The good thing about her is she's understated. All the villains are so over the top but Elizabeth Mitchell plays The Snow Queen like an actual human. It's why I symapthize with her, it's why I like her more than the majority of the heroes on the show..

Edited by XtremeOne1
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